blob: 0388e643521037cdd176a0bfdce8715a84983267 [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
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// under the License.
namespace cpp impala
namespace java org.apache.impala.thrift
include "Exprs.thrift"
include "Status.thrift"
include "Types.thrift"
include "hive_metastore.thrift"
// Types used to represent catalog objects.
// Type of Catalog object.
enum TCatalogObjectType {
// UNKNOWN is used to indicate an error condition when converting
// strings to their matching TCatalogObjectType.
VIEW = 4
enum TTableType {
VIEW = 2
// TODO: Separate the storage engines (e.g. Kudu) from the file formats.
// TODO: Make the names consistent with the file format keywords specified in
// the parser.
enum THdfsFileFormat {
TEXT = 0
AVRO = 3
KUDU = 5
ORC = 6
// TODO: Since compression is also enabled for Kudu columns, we should
// rename this enum to not be Hdfs specific.
enum THdfsCompression {
NONE = 0
GZIP = 2
BZIP2 = 4
LZO = 7
LZ4 = 8
ZLIB = 9
ZSTD = 10
enum TColumnEncoding {
AUTO = 0
RLE = 4
enum THdfsSeqCompressionMode {
// The table property type.
enum TTablePropertyType {
// The access level that is available to Impala on the Catalog object.
enum TAccessLevel {
NONE = 0
// Mapping from names defined by Avro to values in the THdfsCompression enum.
const map<string, THdfsCompression> COMPRESSION_MAP = {
"": THdfsCompression.NONE,
"none": THdfsCompression.NONE,
"deflate": THdfsCompression.DEFAULT,
"gzip": THdfsCompression.GZIP,
"bzip2": THdfsCompression.BZIP2,
"snappy": THdfsCompression.SNAPPY
// Represents a single item in a partition spec (column name + value)
struct TPartitionKeyValue {
// Partition column name
1: required string name,
// Partition value
2: required string value
// Represents a fully qualified table name.
struct TTableName {
// Name of the table's parent database.
1: required string db_name
// Name of the table
2: required string table_name
struct TTableStats {
// Estimated number of rows in the table or -1 if unknown
1: required i64 num_rows
// Sum of file sizes in the table. Only set for tables of type HDFS_TABLE.
2: optional i64 total_file_bytes
// Column stats data that Impala uses.
struct TColumnStats {
// Average size and max size, in bytes. Excludes serialization overhead.
// For fixed-length types (those which don't need additional storage besides the slot
// they occupy), sets avg_size and max_size to their slot size.
1: required double avg_size
2: required i64 max_size
// Estimated number of distinct values.
3: required i64 num_distinct_values
// Estimated number of null values.
4: required i64 num_nulls
// Intermediate state for the computation of per-column stats. Impala can aggregate these
// structures together to produce final stats for a column.
struct TIntermediateColumnStats {
// One byte for each bucket of the NDV HLL computation
1: optional binary intermediate_ndv
// If true, intermediate_ndv is RLE-compressed
2: optional bool is_ndv_encoded
// Number of nulls seen so far (or -1 if nulls are not counted)
3: optional i64 num_nulls
// The maximum width, in bytes, of the column
4: optional i32 max_width
// The average width (in bytes) of the column
5: optional double avg_width
// The number of rows counted, needed to compute NDVs from intermediate_ndv
6: optional i64 num_rows
// Per-partition statistics
struct TPartitionStats {
// Number of rows gathered per-partition by non-incremental stats.
// TODO: This can probably be removed in favour of the intermediate_col_stats, but doing
// so would interfere with the non-incremental stats path
1: required TTableStats stats
// Intermediate state for incremental statistics, one entry per column name.
2: optional map<string, TIntermediateColumnStats> intermediate_col_stats
struct TColumn {
// The column name, in lower case.
1: required string columnName
2: required Types.TColumnType columnType
3: optional string comment
// Stats for this table, if any are available.
4: optional TColumnStats col_stats
// Ordinal position in the source table
5: optional i32 position
// Indicates whether this is an HBase column. If true, implies
// all following HBase-specific fields are set.
6: optional bool is_hbase_column
7: optional string column_family
8: optional string column_qualifier
9: optional bool is_binary
// All the following are Kudu-specific column properties
10: optional bool is_kudu_column
11: optional bool is_key
12: optional bool is_nullable
13: optional TColumnEncoding encoding
14: optional THdfsCompression compression
15: optional Exprs.TExpr default_value
16: optional i32 block_size
// The column name, in the case that it appears in Kudu.
17: optional string kudu_column_name
// Represents an HDFS file in a partition.
struct THdfsFileDesc {
// File descriptor metadata serialized into a FlatBuffer
// (defined in common/fbs/CatalogObjects.fbs).
// TODO: Put this in a KRPC sidecar to avoid serialization cost.
1: required binary file_desc_data
// Represents an HDFS partition's location in a compressed format. 'prefix_index'
// represents the portion of the partition's location that comes before the last N
// directories, where N is the number of partitioning columns. 'prefix_index' is an index
// into THdfsTable.partition_prefixes, or -1 if this location has not been compressed.
// 'suffix' is the rest of the partition location.
struct THdfsPartitionLocation {
1: required i32 prefix_index = -1
2: required string suffix
// Represents an HDFS partition
// TODO(vercegovac): rename to TFsPartition
struct THdfsPartition {
// ============================================================
// Fields included in the "Descriptor" format sent to the backend
// as part of query plans and fragments.
// ============================================================
1: required byte lineDelim
2: required byte fieldDelim
3: required byte collectionDelim
4: required byte mapKeyDelim
5: required byte escapeChar
6: required THdfsFileFormat fileFormat
// These are Literal expressions
7: list<Exprs.TExpr> partitionKeyExprs
8: required i32 blockSize
10: optional THdfsPartitionLocation location
// Unique (in this table) id of this partition. May be set to
// PROTOTYPE_PARTITION_ID when this object is used to describe
// a partition which will be created as part of a query.
14: optional i64 id
// ============================================================
// Fields only included when the catalogd serializes a table to be
// sent to the impalad as part of a catalog update.
// ============================================================
9: optional list<THdfsFileDesc> file_desc
// The access level Impala has on this partition (READ_WRITE, READ_ONLY, etc).
11: optional TAccessLevel access_level
// Statistics on this partition, e.g., number of rows in this partition.
12: optional TTableStats stats
// True if this partition has been marked as cached (does not necessarily mean the
// underlying data is cached).
13: optional bool is_marked_cached
// (key,value) pairs stored in the Hive Metastore.
15: optional map<string, string> hms_parameters
// The following fields store stats about this partition
// which are collected when toThrift() is called.
// Total number of blocks in this partition.
16: optional i64 num_blocks
// Total file size in bytes of this partition.
17: optional i64 total_file_size_bytes
// byte[] representation of TPartitionStats for this partition that is compressed using
// 'deflate-compression'.
18: optional binary partition_stats
// Set to true if partition_stats contain intermediate column stats computed via
// incremental statistics, false otherwise.
19: optional bool has_incremental_stats
// Constant partition ID used for THdfsPartition.prototype_partition below.
// Must be < 0 to avoid collisions
struct THdfsTable {
// ============================================================
// Fields included in the "Descriptor" format sent to the backend
// as part of query plans and fragments.
// ============================================================
1: required string hdfsBaseDir
// Deprecated. Use TTableDescriptor.colNames.
2: required list<string> colNames;
// The string used to represent NULL partition keys.
3: required string nullPartitionKeyValue
// String to indicate a NULL column value in text files
5: required string nullColumnValue
// Set to the table's Avro schema if this is an Avro table
6: optional string avroSchema
// Map from partition id to partition metadata.
// Does not include the special prototype partition with id=PROTOTYPE_PARTITION_ID --
// that partition is separately included below.
4: required map<i64, THdfsPartition> partitions
// Prototype partition, used when creating new partitions during insert.
10: required THdfsPartition prototype_partition
// REMOVED: 8: optional bool multiple_filesystems
// The prefixes of locations of partitions in this table. See THdfsPartitionLocation for
// the description of how a prefix is computed.
9: optional list<string> partition_prefixes
// ============================================================
// Fields only included when the catalogd serializes a table to be
// sent to the impalad as part of a catalog update.
// ============================================================
// Each TNetworkAddress is a datanode which contains blocks of a file in the table.
// Used so that each THdfsFileBlock can just reference an index in this list rather
// than duplicate the list of network address, which helps reduce memory usage.
7: optional list<Types.TNetworkAddress> network_addresses
struct THBaseTable {
1: required string tableName
2: required list<string> families
3: required list<string> qualifiers
// Column i is binary encoded if binary_encoded[i] is true. Otherwise, column i is
// text encoded.
4: optional list<bool> binary_encoded
// Represents an external data source
struct TDataSource {
// Name of the data source
1: required string name
// HDFS URI of the library
2: required string hdfs_location
// Class name of the data source implementing the ExternalDataSource interface.
3: required string class_name
// Version of the ExternalDataSource interface. Currently only 'V1' exists.
4: required string api_version
// Represents a table scanned by an external data source.
struct TDataSourceTable {
// The data source that will scan this table.
1: required TDataSource data_source
// Init string for the table passed to the data source. May be an empty string.
2: required string init_string
// Parameters needed for hash partitioning
struct TKuduPartitionByHashParam {
1: required list<string> columns
2: required i32 num_partitions
struct TRangePartition {
1: optional list<Exprs.TExpr> lower_bound_values
2: optional bool is_lower_bound_inclusive
3: optional list<Exprs.TExpr> upper_bound_values
4: optional bool is_upper_bound_inclusive
// A range partitioning is identified by a list of columns and a list of range partitions.
struct TKuduPartitionByRangeParam {
1: required list<string> columns
2: optional list<TRangePartition> range_partitions
// Parameters for the PARTITION BY clause.
struct TKuduPartitionParam {
1: optional TKuduPartitionByHashParam by_hash_param;
2: optional TKuduPartitionByRangeParam by_range_param;
// Represents a Kudu table
struct TKuduTable {
1: required string table_name
// Network address of a master host in the form of
2: required list<string> master_addresses
// Name of the key columns
3: required list<string> key_columns
// Partitioning
4: required list<TKuduPartitionParam> partition_by
// Represents a table or view.
struct TTable {
// Name of the parent database. Case insensitive, expected to be stored as lowercase.
1: required string db_name
// Unqualified table name. Case insensitive, expected to be stored as lowercase.
2: required string tbl_name
// Set if there were any errors loading the Table metadata. The remaining fields in
// the struct may not be set if there were problems loading the table metadata.
// By convention, the final error message in the Status should contain the call stack
// string pointing to where the metadata loading error occurred.
3: optional Status.TStatus load_status
// The access level Impala has on this table (READ_WRITE, READ_ONLY, etc).
4: optional TAccessLevel access_level
// List of columns (excludes clustering columns)
5: optional list<TColumn> columns
// List of clustering columns (empty list if table has no clustering columns)
6: optional list<TColumn> clustering_columns
// Table stats data for the table.
7: optional TTableStats table_stats
// Determines the table type - either HDFS, HBASE, or VIEW.
8: optional TTableType table_type
// Set iff this is an HDFS table
9: optional THdfsTable hdfs_table
// Set iff this is an Hbase table
10: optional THBaseTable hbase_table
// The Hive Metastore representation of this table. May not be set if there were
// errors loading the table metadata
11: optional hive_metastore.Table metastore_table
// Set iff this is a table from an external data source
12: optional TDataSourceTable data_source_table
// Set iff this a kudu table
13: optional TKuduTable kudu_table
// Represents a database.
struct TDatabase {
// Name of the database. Case insensitive, expected to be stored as lowercase.
1: required string db_name
// The Hive Metastore representation of this database. May not be set if there were
// errors loading the database metadata
2: optional hive_metastore.Database metastore_db
// Represents a principal type that maps to Sentry principal type.
enum TPrincipalType {
ROLE = 0
USER = 1
// Represents a principal in an authorization policy.
struct TPrincipal {
// Case-insensitive principal name
1: required string principal_name
// Unique ID of this principal, generated by the Catalog Server.
2: required i32 principal_id
// Type of this principal.
3: required TPrincipalType principal_type
// List of groups this principal has been granted to (group names are case sensitive).
// TODO: Keep a list of grant groups globally (in TCatalog?) and reference by ID since
// the same groups will likely be shared across multiple principals.
4: required list<string> grant_groups
// The scope a TPrivilege applies to.
enum TPrivilegeScope {
URI = 1
// The privilege level allowed.
enum TPrivilegeLevel {
ALL = 0
DROP = 6
// Represents a privilege in an authorization policy. Privileges contain the level
// of access, the scope and principal the privilege applies to, and details on what
// catalog object the privilege is securing. Objects are hierarchical, so a privilege
// corresponding to a table must also specify all the parent objects (database name
// and server name).
struct TPrivilege {
// NOTE: This field is no longer needed. Keeping it here to keep the field numbers.
// A human readable name for this privilege. The combination of principal_id +
// privilege_name is guaranteed to be unique. Stored in a form that can be passed
// to Sentry: [ServerName]->[DbName]->[TableName]->[ColumnName]->[Action Granted].
// 1: required string privilege_name
// The level of access this privilege provides.
2: required TPrivilegeLevel privilege_level
// The scope of the privilege: SERVER, DATABASE, URI, TABLE or COLUMN
3: required TPrivilegeScope scope
// If true, GRANT OPTION was specified. For a GRANT privilege statement, everyone
// granted this principal should be able to issue GRANT/REVOKE privilege statements even
// if they are not an admin. For REVOKE privilege statements, the privilege should be
// retainined and the existing GRANT OPTION (if it was set) on the privilege should be
// removed.
4: required bool has_grant_opt
// The ID of the principal this privilege belongs to.
5: optional i32 principal_id
// The type of the principal this privilege belongs to.
6: optional TPrincipalType principal_type
// Set if scope is SERVER, URI, DATABASE, or TABLE
7: optional string server_name
// Set if scope is DATABASE or TABLE
8: optional string db_name
// Unqualified table name. Set if scope is TABLE.
9: optional string table_name
// Set if scope is URI
10: optional string uri
// Time this privilege was created (in milliseconds since epoch).
11: optional i64 create_time_ms
// Set if scope is COLUMN
12: optional string column_name
// Thrift representation of an HdfsCachePool.
struct THdfsCachePool {
// Name of the cache pool
1: required string pool_name
// In the future we may want to include additional info on the pool such as
// the pool limits, pool owner, etc.
// Represents state associated with the overall catalog.
struct TCatalog {
// The CatalogService service ID.
1: required Types.TUniqueId catalog_service_id
// Union of all Thrift Catalog objects
struct TCatalogObject {
// The object type (Database, Table, View, or Function)
1: required TCatalogObjectType type
// The Catalog version this object is from
2: required i64 catalog_version
// Set iff object type is CATALOG
3: optional TCatalog catalog
// Set iff object type is DATABASE
4: optional TDatabase db
// Set iff object type is TABLE or VIEW
5: optional TTable table
// Set iff object type is FUNCTION
6: optional Types.TFunction fn
// Set iff object type is DATA SOURCE
7: optional TDataSource data_source
// Set iff object type is PRINCIPAL
8: optional TPrincipal principal
// Set iff object type is PRIVILEGE
9: optional TPrivilege privilege
// Set iff object type is HDFS_CACHE_POOL
10: optional THdfsCachePool cache_pool