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# Targeted Impala insert tests
import os
from collections import namedtuple
from subprocess import check_call
from parquet.ttypes import BoundaryOrder, ColumnIndex, OffsetIndex, PageHeader, PageType
from tests.common.custom_cluster_test_suite import CustomClusterTestSuite
from tests.common.skip import SkipIfLocal
from tests.util.filesystem_utils import get_fs_path
from tests.util.get_parquet_metadata import (
class TestHdfsParquetTableIndexWriter(CustomClusterTestSuite):
"""Since PARQUET-922 page statistics can be written before the footer.
The tests in this class checks if Impala writes the page indices correctly.
It is temporarily a custom cluster test suite because we need to set the
enable_parquet_page_index_writing command-line flag for the Impala daemon
in order to make it write the page index.
TODO: IMPALA-5843 Once Impala is able to read the page index and also write it by
default, this test suite should be moved back to query tests.
def get_workload(cls):
return 'functional-query'
def add_test_dimensions(cls):
super(CustomClusterTestSuite, cls).add_test_dimensions()
lambda v: v.get_value('table_format').file_format == 'parquet')
def _get_row_group_from_file(self, parquet_file):
"""Returns namedtuples that contain the schema, stats, offset_index, column_index,
and page_headers for each column in the first row group in file 'parquet_file'. Fails
if the file contains multiple row groups.
ColumnInfo = namedtuple('ColumnInfo', ['schema', 'stats', 'offset_index',
'column_index', 'page_headers'])
file_meta_data = get_parquet_metadata(parquet_file)
assert len(file_meta_data.row_groups) == 1
# We only support flat schemas, the additional element is the root element.
schemas = file_meta_data.schema[1:]
row_group = file_meta_data.row_groups[0]
assert len(schemas) == len(row_group.columns)
row_group_index = []
with open(parquet_file) as file_handle:
for column, schema in zip(row_group.columns, schemas):
column_index_offset = column.column_index_offset
column_index_length = column.column_index_length
column_index = None
if column_index_offset and column_index_length:
column_index = read_serialized_object(ColumnIndex, file_handle,
column_index_offset, column_index_length)
column_meta_data = column.meta_data
stats = None
if column_meta_data:
stats = column_meta_data.statistics
offset_index_offset = column.offset_index_offset
offset_index_length = column.offset_index_length
offset_index = None
page_headers = []
if offset_index_offset and offset_index_length:
offset_index = read_serialized_object(OffsetIndex, file_handle,
offset_index_offset, offset_index_length)
for page_loc in offset_index.page_locations:
page_header = read_serialized_object(PageHeader, file_handle, page_loc.offset,
column_info = ColumnInfo(schema, stats, offset_index, column_index, page_headers)
return row_group_index
def _get_row_groups_from_hdfs_folder(self, hdfs_path, tmpdir):
"""Returns a list of column infos (containing the schema, stats, offset_index,
column_index, and page_headers) for the first row group in all parquet files in
row_group_indexes = []
check_call(['hdfs', 'dfs', '-get', hdfs_path, tmpdir.strpath])
for root, subdirs, files in os.walk(tmpdir.strpath):
for f in files:
parquet_file = os.path.join(root, str(f))
return row_group_indexes
def _validate_page_locations(self, page_locations):
"""Validate that the page locations are in order."""
for previous_loc, current_loc in zip(page_locations[:-1], page_locations[1:]):
assert previous_loc.offset < current_loc.offset
assert previous_loc.first_row_index < current_loc.first_row_index
def _validate_null_stats(self, index_size, column_info):
"""Validates the statistics stored in null_pages and null_counts."""
column_index = column_info.column_index
column_stats = column_info.stats
assert column_index.null_pages is not None
assert len(column_index.null_pages) == index_size
assert column_index.null_counts is not None
assert len(column_index.null_counts) == index_size
for page_is_null, null_count, page_header in zip(column_index.null_pages,
column_index.null_counts, column_info.page_headers):
assert page_header.type == PageType.DATA_PAGE
num_values = page_header.data_page_header.num_values
assert not page_is_null or null_count == num_values
if column_stats:
assert column_stats.null_count == sum(column_index.null_counts)
def _validate_min_max_values(self, index_size, column_info):
"""Validate min/max values of the pages in a column chunk."""
column_index = column_info.column_index
min_values = column_info.column_index.min_values
assert len(min_values) == index_size
max_values = column_info.column_index.max_values
assert len(max_values) == index_size
if not column_info.stats:
column_min_value_str = column_info.stats.min_value
column_max_value_str = column_info.stats.max_value
if column_min_value_str is None or column_max_value_str is None:
# If either is None, then both need to be None.
assert column_min_value_str is None and column_max_value_str is None
# No min and max value, all pages need to be null
for idx, null_page in enumerate(column_index.null_pages):
assert null_page, "Page {} of column {} is not null, \
but doesn't have min and max values!".format(idx,
# Everything is None, no further checks needed.
column_min_value = decode_stats_value(column_info.schema, column_min_value_str)
for null_page, page_min_str in zip(column_index.null_pages, min_values):
if not null_page:
page_min_value = decode_stats_value(column_info.schema, page_min_str)
# If type is str, page_min_value might have been truncated.
if isinstance(page_min_value, basestring):
assert page_min_value >= column_min_value[:len(page_min_value)]
assert page_min_value >= column_min_value
column_max_value = decode_stats_value(column_info.schema, column_max_value_str)
for null_page, page_max_str in zip(column_index.null_pages, max_values):
if not null_page:
page_max_value = decode_stats_value(column_info.schema, page_max_str)
# If type is str, page_max_value might have been truncated and incremented.
if (isinstance(page_max_value, basestring) and
len(page_max_value) == PAGE_INDEX_MAX_STRING_LENGTH):
max_val_prefix = page_max_value.rstrip('\0')
assert max_val_prefix[:-1] <= column_max_value
assert page_max_value <= column_max_value
def _validate_ordering(self, ordering, schema, null_pages, min_values, max_values):
"""Check if the ordering of the values reflects the value of 'ordering'."""
def is_sorted(l, reverse=False):
if not reverse:
return all(a <= b for a, b in zip(l, l[1:]))
return all(a >= b for a, b in zip(l, l[1:]))
# Filter out null pages and decode the actual min/max values.
actual_min_values = [decode_stats_value(schema, min_val)
for min_val, is_null in zip(min_values, null_pages)
if not is_null]
actual_max_values = [decode_stats_value(schema, max_val)
for max_val, is_null in zip(max_values, null_pages)
if not is_null]
# For ASCENDING and DESCENDING, both min and max values need to be sorted.
if ordering == BoundaryOrder.ASCENDING:
assert is_sorted(actual_min_values)
assert is_sorted(actual_max_values)
elif ordering == BoundaryOrder.DESCENDING:
assert is_sorted(actual_min_values, reverse=True)
assert is_sorted(actual_max_values, reverse=True)
assert ordering == BoundaryOrder.UNORDERED
# For UNORDERED, min and max values cannot be both sorted.
assert not is_sorted(actual_min_values) or not is_sorted(actual_max_values)
assert (not is_sorted(actual_min_values, reverse=True) or
not is_sorted(actual_max_values, reverse=True))
def _validate_boundary_order(self, column_info):
"""Validate that min/max values are really in the order specified by
boundary order.
column_index = column_info.column_index
self._validate_ordering(column_index.boundary_order, column_info.schema,
column_index.null_pages, column_index.min_values, column_index.max_values)
def _validate_parquet_page_index(self, hdfs_path, tmpdir):
"""Validates that 'hdfs_path' contains exactly one parquet file and that the rowgroup
index in that file is in the valid format.
row_group_indexes = self._get_row_groups_from_hdfs_folder(hdfs_path, tmpdir)
for columns in row_group_indexes:
for column_info in columns:
index_size = len(column_info.offset_index.page_locations)
assert index_size > 0
# IMPALA-7304: Impala doesn't write column index for floating-point columns
# until PARQUET-1222 is resolved.
if column_info.schema.type in [4, 5]:
assert column_info.column_index is None
self._validate_null_stats(index_size, column_info)
self._validate_min_max_values(index_size, column_info)
except AssertionError as e:
e.args += ("Validation failed on column {}.".format(,)
def _ctas_table_and_verify_index(self, vector, unique_database, source_table,
tmpdir, sorting_column=None):
"""Copies 'source_table' into a parquet table and makes sure that the index
in the resulting parquet file is valid.
table_name = "test_hdfs_parquet_table_writer"
qualified_table_name = "{0}.{1}".format(unique_database, table_name)
hdfs_path = get_fs_path('/test-warehouse/{0}.db/{1}/'.format(unique_database,
# Setting num_nodes = 1 ensures that the query is executed on the coordinator,
# resulting in a single parquet file being written.
vector.get_value('exec_option')['num_nodes'] = 1
self.execute_query("drop table if exists {0}".format(qualified_table_name))
if sorting_column is None:
query = ("create table {0} stored as parquet as select * from {1}").format(
qualified_table_name, source_table)
query = ("create table {0} sort by({1}) stored as parquet as select * from {2}"
).format(qualified_table_name, sorting_column, source_table)
self.execute_query(query, vector.get_value('exec_option'))
self._validate_parquet_page_index(hdfs_path, tmpdir.join(source_table))
def _create_string_table_with_values(self, vector, unique_database, table_name,
"""Creates a parquet table that has a single string column, then invokes an insert
statement on it with the 'values_sql' parameter. E.g. 'values_sql' is "('asdf')".
It returns the HDFS path for the table.
qualified_table_name = "{0}.{1}".format(unique_database, table_name)
self.execute_query("drop table if exists {0}".format(qualified_table_name))
vector.get_value('exec_option')['num_nodes'] = 1
query = ("create table {0} (str string) stored as parquet").format(
self.execute_query(query, vector.get_value('exec_option'))
self.execute_query("insert into {0} values {1}".format(qualified_table_name,
values_sql), vector.get_value('exec_option'))
return get_fs_path('/test-warehouse/{0}.db/{1}/'.format(unique_database,
def test_ctas_tables(self, vector, unique_database, tmpdir):
"""Test different Parquet files created via CTAS statements."""
# Test that writing a parquet file populates the rowgroup indexes with the correct
# values.
self._ctas_table_and_verify_index(vector, unique_database, "functional.alltypes",
# Test that writing a parquet file populates the rowgroup indexes with the correct
# values, using decimal types.
self._ctas_table_and_verify_index(vector, unique_database, "functional.decimal_tbl",
# Test that writing a parquet file populates the rowgroup indexes with the correct
# values, using char types.
self._ctas_table_and_verify_index(vector, unique_database, "functional.chars_formats",
# Test that we don't write min/max values in the index for null columns.
# Ensure null_count is set for columns with null values.
self._ctas_table_and_verify_index(vector, unique_database, "functional.nulltable",
# Test that when a ColumnChunk is written across multiple pages, the index is
# valid.
self._ctas_table_and_verify_index(vector, unique_database, "tpch.customer",
self._ctas_table_and_verify_index(vector, unique_database, "tpch.orders",
# Test that when the schema has a sorting column, the index is valid.
self._ctas_table_and_verify_index(vector, unique_database,
"functional_parquet.zipcode_incomes", tmpdir, "id")
# Test table with wide row.
self._ctas_table_and_verify_index(vector, unique_database,
"functional_parquet.widerow", tmpdir)
# Test tables with wide rows and many columns.
self._ctas_table_and_verify_index(vector, unique_database,
"functional_parquet.widetable_250_cols", tmpdir)
self._ctas_table_and_verify_index(vector, unique_database,
"functional_parquet.widetable_500_cols", tmpdir)
self._ctas_table_and_verify_index(vector, unique_database,
"functional_parquet.widetable_1000_cols", tmpdir)
def test_max_string_values(self, vector, unique_database, tmpdir):
"""Test string values that are all 0xFFs or end with 0xFFs."""
# String value is all of 0xFFs but its length is less than PAGE_INDEX_TRUNCATE_LENGTH.
short_tbl = "short_tbl"
short_hdfs_path = self._create_string_table_with_values(vector, unique_database,
short_tbl, "(rpad('', {0}, chr(255)))".format(PAGE_INDEX_MAX_STRING_LENGTH - 1))
self._validate_parquet_page_index(short_hdfs_path, tmpdir.join(short_tbl))
# String value is all of 0xFFs and its length is PAGE_INDEX_TRUNCATE_LENGTH.
fit_tbl = "fit_tbl"
fit_hdfs_path = self._create_string_table_with_values(vector, unique_database,
fit_tbl, "(rpad('', {0}, chr(255)))".format(PAGE_INDEX_MAX_STRING_LENGTH))
self._validate_parquet_page_index(fit_hdfs_path, tmpdir.join(fit_tbl))
# All bytes are 0xFFs and the string is longer then PAGE_INDEX_TRUNCATE_LENGTH, so we
# should not write page statistics.
too_long_tbl = "too_long_tbl"
too_long_hdfs_path = self._create_string_table_with_values(vector, unique_database,
too_long_tbl, "(rpad('', {0}, chr(255)))".format(
row_group_indexes = self._get_row_groups_from_hdfs_folder(too_long_hdfs_path,
column = row_group_indexes[0][0]
assert column.column_index is None
# We always write the offset index
assert column.offset_index is not None
# Test string with value that starts with 'aaa' following with 0xFFs and its length is
# greater than PAGE_INDEX_TRUNCATE_LENGTH. Max value should be 'aab'.
aaa_tbl = "aaa_tbl"
aaa_hdfs_path = self._create_string_table_with_values(vector, unique_database,
aaa_tbl, "(rpad('aaa', {0}, chr(255)))".format(PAGE_INDEX_MAX_STRING_LENGTH + 1))
row_group_indexes = self._get_row_groups_from_hdfs_folder(aaa_hdfs_path,
column = row_group_indexes[0][0]
assert len(column.column_index.max_values) == 1
max_value = column.column_index.max_values[0]
assert max_value == 'aab'