blob: 2619b440f7f771d4a12a087c8f5a293ae1ba03d0 [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
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// specific language governing permissions and limitations
// under the License.
// This file contains structures produced by the planner.
namespace cpp impala
namespace java org.apache.impala.thrift
include "Types.thrift"
include "Exprs.thrift"
include "DataSinks.thrift"
include "PlanNodes.thrift"
include "Partitions.thrift"
// TPlanFragment encapsulates info needed to execute a particular
// plan fragment, including how to produce and how to partition its output.
// It leaves out node-specific parameters needed for the actual execution.
struct TPlanFragment {
// Ordinal number of fragment within a query; range: 0..<total # fragments>
1: required Types.TFragmentIdx idx
// display name to be shown in the runtime profile; unique within a query
2: required string display_name
// no plan or descriptor table: query without From clause
3: optional PlanNodes.TPlan plan
// exprs that produce values for slots of output tuple (one expr per slot);
// if not set, plan fragment materializes full rows of plan_tree
4: optional list<Exprs.TExpr> output_exprs
// Specifies the destination of this plan fragment's output rows.
// For example, the destination could be a stream sink which forwards
// the data to a remote plan fragment, or a sink which writes to a table (for
// insert stmts).
5: optional DataSinks.TDataSink output_sink
// Partitioning of the data created by all instances of this plan fragment;
// partitioning.type has the following meaning:
// - UNPARTITIONED: there is only one instance of the plan fragment
// - RANDOM: a particular output row is randomly assigned to any of the instances
// - HASH_PARTITIONED: output row r is produced by
// hash_value(partitioning.partitioning_exprs(r)) % #partitions
// - RANGE_PARTITIONING: currently not supported
// This is distinct from the partitioning of each plan fragment's
// output, which is specified by output_sink.output_partitioning.
6: required Partitions.TDataPartition partition
// The minimum memory reservation (in bytes) required for an instance of this plan
// fragment to execute on a single host.
7: optional i64 min_mem_reservation_bytes
// Total of the initial memory reservations that we expect to be claimed by this
// fragment. I.e. the sum of the min reservations over all operators (including the
// sink) in a single instance of this fragment. This is used for an optimization in
// InitialReservation. Measured in bytes. required in V1
8: optional i64 initial_mem_reservation_total_claims
// The total memory (in bytes) required for the runtime filters used by the plan nodes
// managed by this fragment. Is included in min_reservation_bytes.
9: optional i64 runtime_filters_reservation_bytes
// Maximum number of required threads that will be executing concurrently for this plan
// fragment, i.e. the number of threads that this query needs to execute successfully.
10: optional i64 thread_reservation
// location information for a single scan range
struct TScanRangeLocation {
// Index into TQueryExecRequest.host_list.
1: required i32 host_idx;
// disk volume identifier of a particular scan range at 'server';
// -1 indicates an unknown volume id;
// only set for TScanRange.hdfs_file_split
2: optional i32 volume_id = -1
// If true, this block is cached on this server.
3: optional bool is_cached = false
// A single scan range plus the hosts that serve it
struct TScanRangeLocationList {
1: required PlanNodes.TScanRange scan_range
// non-empty list
2: list<TScanRangeLocation> locations
// A specification for scan ranges. Scan ranges can be
// concrete or specs, which are used to generate concrete ranges.
// Each type is stored in a separate list.
struct TScanRangeSpec {
1: optional list<TScanRangeLocationList> concrete_ranges
2: optional list<PlanNodes.TFileSplitGeneratorSpec> split_specs
// A plan: tree of plan fragments that materializes either a query result or the build
// side of a join used by another plan; it consists of a sequence of plan fragments.
// TODO: rename both this and PlanNodes.TPlan (TPlan should be something like TExecPlan
// or TExecTree)
struct TPlanFragmentTree {
1: required i32 cohort_id
2: required list<TPlanFragment> fragments