blob: c3f13970288070ea7c238513cea6395c00935419 [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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namespace cpp impala
namespace java org.apache.impala.thrift
include "CatalogObjects.thrift"
include "Types.thrift"
include "Exprs.thrift"
struct TSlotDescriptor {
1: required Types.TSlotId id
2: required Types.TTupleId parent
// Only set for collection slots. The tuple ID of the item tuple for the collection.
3: optional Types.TTupleId itemTupleId
4: required Types.TColumnType slotType
// Absolute path into the table schema pointing to the column/field materialized into
// this slot. Empty for slots that do not materialize a table column/field, e.g., slots
// materializing an aggregation result.
// materializedPath[i] is the ordinal position of the column/field of the table schema
// at level i. For example, materializedPath[0] is an ordinal into the list of table
// columns, materializedPath[1] is an ordinal into the list of fields of the
// complex-typed column at position materializedPath[0], etc.
// The materialized path is used to determine when a new tuple (containing a new
// instance of this slot) should be created. A tuple is emitted for every data item
// pointed to by the materialized path. For scalar slots this trivially means that every
// data item goes into a different tuple. For collection slots, the materialized path
// determines how many data items go into a single collection value.
5: required list<i32> materializedPath
6: required i32 byteOffset // into tuple
7: required i32 nullIndicatorByte
8: required i32 nullIndicatorBit
9: required i32 slotIdx
struct TColumnDescriptor {
1: required string name
2: required Types.TColumnType type
// "Union" of all table types.
struct TTableDescriptor {
// Query local id assigned in DescriptorTable:toThrift()
1: required Types.TTableId id
2: required CatalogObjects.TTableType tableType
// Clustering/partition columns come first.
3: required list<TColumnDescriptor> columnDescriptors
4: required i32 numClusteringCols
5: optional CatalogObjects.THdfsTable hdfsTable
6: optional CatalogObjects.THBaseTable hbaseTable
9: optional CatalogObjects.TDataSourceTable dataSourceTable
10: optional CatalogObjects.TKuduTable kuduTable
// Unqualified name of table
7: required string tableName
// Name of the database that the table belongs to
8: required string dbName
struct TTupleDescriptor {
1: required Types.TTupleId id
2: required i32 byteSize
3: required i32 numNullBytes
4: optional Types.TTableId tableId
// Absolute path into the table schema pointing to the collection whose fields
// are materialized into this tuple. Non-empty if this tuple belongs to a
// nested collection, empty otherwise.
5: optional list<i32> tuplePath
struct TDescriptorTable {
1: optional list<TSlotDescriptor> slotDescriptors
2: required list<TTupleDescriptor> tupleDescriptors
// TTableDescriptor(s) referenced by tupleDescriptors and scan nodes in
// the fragment.
3: optional list<TTableDescriptor> tableDescriptors