blob: f3d4d79c9a562b15a75ad455eb8b0dcea2622e1f [file] [log] [blame]
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
# or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
# distributed with this work for additional information
# regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
# with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
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# under the License.
import pytest
import re
from tests.common.impala_test_suite import ImpalaTestSuite
from tests.common.test_vector import ImpalaTestDimension
class TestHashJoinTimer(ImpalaTestSuite):
"""Tests that the local time in hash join is correct in the ExecSummary, average
reporting and invidiaul fragment reporting."""
# There are two cases that we are interested in verifying that the profile is returning
# a correct timing:
# case 1: the LHS open() is much slower than the RHS
# case 2: the RHS is much slower than the LHS open()
# In both cases, the time spent in the child shouldn't be counted. Because it's not
# processing that many rows, the actual time should be less than 100ms even though
# the scan is taking longer than that (due to sleeping).
# Also, the local time spent in the join node in case 1 should be lower because the
# RHS time is already absorbed by the LHS open().
# Test case 3 & 4 are the same as case 1 & 2 but using nested loop join.
# Fully hint the queries so that the plan will not change.
# Each test case contain a query, the join type.
TEST_CASES = [["select /*+straight_join*/ count(*) from"
" (select distinct * from functional.alltypes where int_col >= sleep(5)) a"
" join /* +SHUFFLE */ functional.alltypes b on (",
["select /*+straight_join*/ count(*) from functional.alltypes a"
" join /* +SHUFFLE */ "
" (select distinct * from functional.alltypes where int_col >= sleep(5)) b"
" on (",
["select /*+straight_join*/ count(*) from"
" (select distinct * from functional.alltypes where int_col >= sleep(5)) a"
" cross join "
" functional.alltypes b where > and",
["select /*+straight_join*/ count(*) from functional.alltypes a"
" CROSS join "
" (select distinct * from functional.alltypes where int_col >= sleep(5)) b"
" where> and",
# IMPALA-2973: For non-code-coverage builds, 1000 milliseconds are sufficent, but more
# time is needed in code-coverage builds.
# IMPALA-2973: Temporary workaround: when timers are using Linux COARSE clockid_t, very
# short times may be measured as zero.
def get_workload(self):
return 'functional-query'
def add_test_dimensions(cls):
super(TestHashJoinTimer, cls).add_test_dimensions()
ImpalaTestDimension('test cases', *cls.TEST_CASES))
cls.ImpalaTestMatrix.add_constraint(lambda v: cls.__is_valid_test_vector(v))
def __is_valid_test_vector(cls, vector):
return vector.get_value('table_format').file_format == 'text' and\
vector.get_value('table_format').compression_codec == 'none' and\
vector.get_value('exec_option')['batch_size'] == 0 and\
vector.get_value('exec_option')['disable_codegen'] == False and\
vector.get_value('exec_option')['num_nodes'] == 0
def test_hash_join_timer(self, vector):
# This test runs serially because it requires the query to come back within
# some amount of time. Running this with other tests makes it hard to bound
# that time.
test_case = vector.get_value('test cases')
query = test_case[0]
join_type = test_case[1]
# Execute async to get a handle. Wait until the query has completed.
handle = self.execute_query_async(query, vector.get_value('exec_option'))
self.impalad_test_service.wait_for_query_state(self.client, handle,
self.client.QUERY_STATES['FINISHED'], timeout=40)
# Parse the query profile
# The hash join node is "id=3".
# In the ExecSummary, search for "03:HASH JOIN" line, column 3 (avg) and 4 (max).
# In the fragment (including average), search for "HASH_JOIN_NODE (id=2)" and the
# non-child time.
# Also verify that the build side is in a different thread by searching for:
# "Join Build-Side Prepared Asynchronously"
profile = self.client.get_runtime_profile(handle)
check_execsummary_count = 0
check_fragment_count = 0
for line in profile.split("\n"):
# Matching for ExecSummary
if ("03:%s " % (join_type) in line):
# Sample line:
# 03:HASH JOIN 3 11.89ms 12.543ms 6.57K ...
# Split using "JOIN +", then split the right side with space. This becomes:
# "3","11.89ms","12.543ms",...
# The second column is the average, and the 3rd column is the max
rhs = re.split("JOIN +", line)[1]
columns = re.split(" +", rhs)
self.__verify_join_time(columns[1], "ExecSummary Avg")
self.__verify_join_time(columns[2], "ExecSummary Max")
check_execsummary_count = 1
# Matching for Fragment (including Average
if ("(id=3)" in line):
# Sample line:
# HASH_JOIN_NODE (id=3):(Total: 3s580ms, non-child: 11.89ms, % non-child: 0.31%)
strip1 = re.split("non-child: ", line)[1]
non_child_time = re.split(", ", strip1)[0]
self.__verify_join_time(non_child_time, "Fragment non-child")
check_fragment_count = check_fragment_count + 1
# Search for "Join Build-Side Prepared Asynchronously"
if ("Join Build-Side Prepared Asynchronously" in line):
asyn_build = True;
assert (asyn_build), "Join is not prepared asynchronously"
assert (check_fragment_count > 1), "Unable to verify Fragment or Average Fragment"
assert (check_execsummary_count == 1), "Unable to verify ExecSummary" % profile
def __verify_join_time(self, duration, comment):
duration_ms = self.__parse_duration_ms(duration)
if (duration_ms > self.HASH_JOIN_UPPER_BOUND_MS):
assert False, "Hash join timing too high for %s: %s %s" %(comment, duration, duration_ms)
if (duration_ms < self.HASH_JOIN_LOWER_BOUND_MS):
assert False, "Hash join timing too low for %s: %s %s" %(comment, duration, duration_ms)
def __parse_duration_ms(self, duration):
"""Parses a duration string of the form 1h2h3m4s5.6ms into milliseconds."""
matches = re.findall(r'(?P<value>[0-9]+(\.[0-9]+)?)(?P<units>\D+)', duration)
assert matches, 'Failed to parse duration string %s' % duration
hours = 0
minutes = 0
seconds = 0
milliseconds = 0
for match in matches:
if (match[2] == 'h'):
hours = float(match[0])
elif (match[2] == 'm'):
minutes = float(match[0])
elif (match[2] == 's'):
seconds = float(match[0])
elif (match[2] == 'ms'):
milliseconds = float(match[0])
return hours * 60 * 60 * 1000 + minutes * 60 * 1000 + seconds * 1000 + milliseconds