blob: ff135b8a4c478de01075f21e0572999ff4cd4a10 [file] [log] [blame]
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
# or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
# distributed with this work for additional information
# regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
# with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
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# specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
import getpass
import pytest
from tests.common.impala_test_suite import ImpalaTestSuite
from tests.common.skip import SkipIfS3, SkipIfADLS, SkipIfIsilon, SkipIfLocal
from tests.common.test_dimensions import (
from tests.common.test_vector import ImpalaTestDimension
from tests.util.shell_util import exec_process
TEST_DB = 'test_encryption_db'
# PyWebHdfs takes absolute paths without a leading slash
PYWEBHDFS_TMP_DIR = 'tmp/test_encryption_load_data'
class TestHdfsEncryption(ImpalaTestSuite):
''' Tests LOAD DATA commands work between HDFS encryption zones.
A test directory is created with data to be loaded into a test table.
The test directory and/or the table directory are created as encryption
zones with different keys, and the LOAD DATA command is executed. The
tests operate on both partitioned and non-partitioned tables.
def get_workload(self):
return 'functional-query'
def add_test_dimensions(cls):
super(TestHdfsEncryption, cls).add_test_dimensions()
PARTITIONED = [True, False]
# For 'core', just test loading from a directory that is encrypted.
KEY_LOAD_DIR = ["testkey1"]
KEY_TBL_DIR = [None]
if cls.exploration_strategy() == 'exhaustive':
KEY_LOAD_DIR = [None, "testkey1", "testkey2"]
KEY_TBL_DIR = [None, "testkey1", "testkey2"]
ImpalaTestDimension('partitioned', *PARTITIONED))
ImpalaTestDimension('key_load_dir', *KEY_LOAD_DIR))
ImpalaTestDimension('key_tbl_dir', *KEY_TBL_DIR))
cls.ImpalaTestMatrix.add_constraint(lambda v:\
v.get_value('key_load_dir') is not None or\
v.get_value('key_tbl_dir') is not None)
def setup_method(self, method):
self.client.execute('create database if not exists %s' % TEST_DB)
self.client.execute('use %s' % TEST_DB)
# Few tests depend on the .Trash directory being present. In case it doesn't
# exist, we create a random text file and delete it so that hdfs recreates
# the hierarchy of trash
if not self.hdfs_client.exists("/user/{0}/.Trash/".format(getpass.getuser())):
rc, stdout, stderr = exec_process("hadoop fs -rm /test-warehouse/random")
assert rc == 0, 'Error re-creating trash: %s %s' % (stdout, stderr)
def teardown_method(self, method):
# Clean up trash directory so that further tests aren't affected
rc, stdout, stderr = exec_process(
"hadoop fs -rmr /user/{0}/.Trash/".format(getpass.getuser()))
assert rc == 0, 'Error deleting Trash: %s %s' % (stdout, stderr)
def create_encryption_zone(self, key, path):
"""Creates an encryption zone using key 'key' on path 'path'"""
rc, stdout, stderr = exec_process(
"hdfs crypto -createZone -keyName %s -path %s" % (key, path))
assert rc == 0, 'Error creating encryption zone: %s %s' % (stdout, stderr)
def __cleanup(self):
self.client.execute('use default')
self.client.execute('drop table if exists %s.tbl purge' % TEST_DB)
self.client.execute('drop table if exists %s.t1 purge' % TEST_DB)
self.hdfs_client.delete_file_dir(PYWEBHDFS_TMP_DIR, recursive=True)
def test_load_data(self, vector):
key_tbl_dir = vector.get_value('key_tbl_dir')
key_load_dir = vector.get_value('key_load_dir')
if vector.get_value('partitioned'):
src_file = "/test-warehouse/alltypes/year=2010/month=1/100101.txt"
src_tbl_schema = "functional.alltypes"
src_file = "/test-warehouse/tinytable/data.csv"
src_tbl_schema = "functional.tinytable"
if key_load_dir is not None:
rc, stdout, stderr = exec_process(
'hdfs crypto -createZone -keyName %s -path %s' % (key_load_dir, TMP_DIR))
assert rc == 0, 'Error executing hdfs crypto: %s %s' % (stdout, stderr)
# hdfs_client doesn't support copy
rc, stdout, stderr = exec_process('hdfs dfs -cp %s %s' % (src_file, TMP_DIR))
assert rc == 0, 'Error executing hdfs cp: %s %s' % (stdout, stderr)
self.client.execute('create table tbl like %s' % (src_tbl_schema))
if key_tbl_dir is not None:
rc, stdout, stderr = exec_process(
'hdfs crypto -createZone -keyName %s -path /test-warehouse/%s.db/tbl' %
(key_tbl_dir, TEST_DB))
assert rc == 0, 'Error executing hdfs crypto: %s %s' % (stdout, stderr)
if vector.get_value('partitioned'):
# insert a single value to create the partition spec
self.client.execute('insert into tbl partition (year=2010, month=1) '\
'values (0,true,0,0,0,0,0,0,NULL,NULL,NULL)')
self.client.execute('load data inpath \'%s\' into table tbl '\
'partition(year=2010, month=1)' % (TMP_DIR))
self.client.execute('load data inpath \'%s\' into table tbl ' % (TMP_DIR))
def test_drop_partition_encrypt(self):
"""Verifies if alter <tbl> drop partition purge works in case
where the Trash dir and partition dir are in different encryption
zones. Check IMPALA-2310 for details"""
self.client.execute("create table {0}.t1(i int) partitioned\
by (j int)".format(TEST_DB))
# Add three partitions (j=1), (j=2), (j=3) to table t1
self.client.execute("alter table {0}.t1 add partition(j=1)".format(TEST_DB));
self.client.execute("alter table {0}.t1 add partition(j=2)".format(TEST_DB));
self.client.execute("alter table {0}.t1 add partition(j=3)".format(TEST_DB));
# Clean up the trash directory to create an encrypted zone
rc, stdout, stderr = exec_process(
"hadoop fs -rmr /user/{0}/.Trash/*".format(getpass.getuser()))
assert rc == 0, 'Error deleting Trash: %s %s' % (stdout, stderr)
# Create the necessary encryption zones
self.create_encryption_zone("testkey1", "/test-warehouse/{0}.db/t1/j=1"\
self.create_encryption_zone("testkey2", "/test-warehouse/{0}.db/t1/j=2"\
self.create_encryption_zone("testkey1", "/test-warehouse/{0}.db/t1/j=3"\
self.create_encryption_zone("testkey2", "/user/{0}/.Trash/".format(\
# Load sample data into the partition directories
.format(TEST_DB), file_data='j1')
.format(TEST_DB), file_data='j2')
.format(TEST_DB), file_data='j3')
# Drop the partition (j=1) without purge and make sure partition directory still
# exists. This behavior is expected due to the difference in encryption zones
self.execute_query_expect_failure(self.client, "alter table {0}.t1 drop \
assert self.hdfs_client.exists("test-warehouse/{0}.db/t1/j=1/j1.txt".format(TEST_DB))
assert self.hdfs_client.exists("test-warehouse/{0}.db/t1/j=1".format(TEST_DB))
# Drop the partition j=2 (with purge) and make sure the partition directory is deleted
self.client.execute("alter table {0}.t1 drop partition(j=2) purge".format(TEST_DB))
assert not self.hdfs_client.exists("test-warehouse/{0}.db/t1/j=2/j2.txt".format(TEST_DB))
assert not self.hdfs_client.exists("test-warehouse/{0}.db/t1/j=2".format(TEST_DB))
# Drop the partition j=3 (with purge) and make sure the partition is deleted
# This is the case where the trash directory and partition data directory
# are in different encryption zones. Using purge should delete the partition
# data pemanently by skipping trash
self.client.execute("alter table {0}.t1 drop partition(j=3) purge".format(TEST_DB))
assert not self.hdfs_client.exists("test-warehouse/{0}.db/t1/j=3/j3.txt".format(TEST_DB))
assert not self.hdfs_client.exists("test-warehouse/{0}.db/t1/j=3".format(TEST_DB))
def test_drop_table_encrypt(self):
"""Verifies if drop <table> purge works in a case where Trash directory and table
directory in different encryption zones"""
self.client.execute("create table {0}.t3(i int)".format(TEST_DB))
# Clean up the trash directory to create an encrypted zone
rc, stdout, stderr = exec_process(
"hadoop fs -rmr /user/{0}/.Trash/*".format(getpass.getuser()))
assert rc == 0, 'Error deleting Trash: %s %s' % (stdout, stderr)
# Create table directory and trash directory in different encryption zones
self.create_encryption_zone("testkey1", "/test-warehouse/{0}.db/t3".format(TEST_DB))
self.create_encryption_zone("testkey2", "/user/{0}/.Trash/".format(getpass.getuser()))
self.client.execute("drop table {0}.t3 purge".format(TEST_DB))
assert not self.hdfs_client.exists("test-warehouse/{0}.db/t3".format(TEST_DB))