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# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
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# distributed with this work for additional information
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# Superclass of all HS2 tests containing commonly used functions.
from getpass import getuser
from TCLIService import TCLIService
from ImpalaService import ImpalaHiveServer2Service
from thrift.transport.TSocket import TSocket
from thrift.transport.TTransport import TBufferedTransport
from thrift.protocol import TBinaryProtocol
from tests.common.impala_test_suite import ImpalaTestSuite, IMPALAD_HS2_HOST_PORT
from time import sleep, time
def needs_session(protocol_version=
def session_decorator(fn):
"""Decorator that establishes a session and sets self.session_handle. When the test is
finished, the session is closed.
def add_session(self):
open_session_req = TCLIService.TOpenSessionReq()
open_session_req.username = getuser()
open_session_req.configuration = dict()
if conf_overlay is not None:
open_session_req.configuration = conf_overlay
open_session_req.client_protocol = protocol_version
resp = self.hs2_client.OpenSession(open_session_req)
self.session_handle = resp.sessionHandle
assert protocol_version <= resp.serverProtocolVersion
close_session_req = TCLIService.TCloseSessionReq()
close_session_req.sessionHandle = resp.sessionHandle
self.session_handle = None
return add_session
return session_decorator
def operation_id_to_query_id(operation_id):
lo, hi = operation_id.guid[:8], operation_id.guid[8:]
lo = ''.join(['%0.2X' % ord(c) for c in lo[::-1]])
hi = ''.join(['%0.2X' % ord(c) for c in hi[::-1]])
return "%s:%s" % (lo, hi)
class HS2TestSuite(ImpalaTestSuite):
TEST_DB = 'hs2_db'
HS2_V6_COLUMN_TYPES = ['boolVal', 'stringVal', 'byteVal', 'i16Val', 'i32Val', 'i64Val',
'doubleVal', 'binaryVal']
def setup(self):
host, port = IMPALAD_HS2_HOST_PORT.split(":")
self.socket = TSocket(host, port)
self.transport = TBufferedTransport(self.socket)
self.protocol = TBinaryProtocol.TBinaryProtocol(self.transport)
self.hs2_client = ImpalaHiveServer2Service.Client(self.protocol)
def teardown(self):
if self.socket:
def check_response(response,
expected_status_code = TCLIService.TStatusCode.SUCCESS_STATUS,
expected_error_prefix = None):
assert response.status.statusCode == expected_status_code
if expected_status_code != TCLIService.TStatusCode.SUCCESS_STATUS\
and expected_error_prefix is not None:
assert response.status.errorMessage.startswith(expected_error_prefix)
def close(self, op_handle):
close_op_req = TCLIService.TCloseOperationReq()
close_op_req.operationHandle = op_handle
close_op_resp = self.hs2_client.CloseOperation(close_op_req)
assert close_op_resp.status.statusCode == TCLIService.TStatusCode.SUCCESS_STATUS
def get_num_rows(self, result_set):
# rows will always be set, so the only way to tell if we should use it is to see if
# any columns are set
if result_set.columns is None or len(result_set.columns) == 0:
return len(result_set.rows)
assert result_set.columns is not None
for col_type in HS2TestSuite.HS2_V6_COLUMN_TYPES:
typed_col = getattr(result_set.columns[0], col_type)
if typed_col != None:
return len(typed_col.values)
assert False
def fetch_at_most(self, handle, orientation, size, expected_num_rows = None):
"""Fetches at most size number of rows from the query identified by the given
operation handle. Uses the given fetch orientation. Asserts that the fetch returns a
success status, and that the number of rows returned is equal to given
expected_num_rows (if given). It is only safe for expected_num_rows to be 0 or 1:
Impala does not guarantee that a larger result set will be returned in one go. Use
fetch_until() for repeated fetches."""
assert expected_num_rows is None or expected_num_rows in (0, 1)
fetch_results_req = TCLIService.TFetchResultsReq()
fetch_results_req.operationHandle = handle
fetch_results_req.orientation = orientation
fetch_results_req.maxRows = size
fetch_results_resp = self.hs2_client.FetchResults(fetch_results_req)
num_rows = size
if expected_num_rows is not None:
assert self.get_num_rows(fetch_results_resp.results) == expected_num_rows
return fetch_results_resp
def fetch_until(self, handle, orientation, size, expected_num_rows = None):
"""Tries to fetch exactly 'size' rows from the given query handle, with the given
fetch orientation, by repeatedly issuing fetch(size - num rows already fetched)
calls. Returns fewer than 'size' rows if either a fetch() returns 0 rows (indicating
EOS) or 'expected_num_rows' rows are returned. If 'expected_num_rows' is set to None,
it defaults to 'size', so that the effect is to both ask for and expect the same
number of rows."""
assert expected_num_rows is None or (size >= expected_num_rows)
fetch_results_req = TCLIService.TFetchResultsReq()
fetch_results_req.operationHandle = handle
fetch_results_req.orientation = orientation
fetch_results_req.maxRows = size
fetch_results_resp = self.hs2_client.FetchResults(fetch_results_req)
num_rows_fetched = self.get_num_rows(fetch_results_resp.results)
if expected_num_rows is None: expected_num_rows = size
while num_rows_fetched < expected_num_rows:
# Always try to fetch at most 'size'
fetch_results_req.maxRows = size - num_rows_fetched
fetch_results_req.orientation = TCLIService.TFetchOrientation.FETCH_NEXT
fetch_results_resp = self.hs2_client.FetchResults(fetch_results_req)
last_fetch_size = self.get_num_rows(fetch_results_resp.results)
assert last_fetch_size > 0
num_rows_fetched += last_fetch_size
assert num_rows_fetched == expected_num_rows
def fetch_fail(self, handle, orientation, expected_error_prefix):
"""Attempts to fetch rows from the query identified by the given operation handle.
Asserts that the fetch returns an error with an error message matching the given
fetch_results_req = TCLIService.TFetchResultsReq()
fetch_results_req.operationHandle = handle
fetch_results_req.orientation = orientation
fetch_results_req.maxRows = 100
fetch_results_resp = self.hs2_client.FetchResults(fetch_results_req)
HS2TestSuite.check_response(fetch_results_resp, TCLIService.TStatusCode.ERROR_STATUS,
return fetch_results_resp
def result_metadata(self, handle):
""" Gets the schema for the query identified by the handle """
req = TCLIService.TGetResultSetMetadataReq()
req.operationHandle = handle
resp = self.hs2_client.GetResultSetMetadata(req)
return resp
def column_results_to_string(self, columns):
"""Quick-and-dirty way to get a readable string to compare the output of a
columnar-oriented query to its expected output"""
formatted = ""
num_rows = 0
# Determine the number of rows by finding the type of the first column
for col_type in HS2TestSuite.HS2_V6_COLUMN_TYPES:
typed_col = getattr(columns[0], col_type)
if typed_col != None:
num_rows = len(typed_col.values)
for i in xrange(num_rows):
row = []
for c in columns:
for col_type in HS2TestSuite.HS2_V6_COLUMN_TYPES:
typed_col = getattr(c, col_type)
if typed_col != None:
indicator = ord(typed_col.nulls[i / 8])
if indicator & (1 << (i % 8)):
formatted += (", ".join(row) + "\n")
return (num_rows, formatted)
def get_operation_status(self, operation_handle):
"""Executes GetOperationStatus with the given operation handle and returns the
get_operation_status_req = TCLIService.TGetOperationStatusReq()
get_operation_status_req.operationHandle = operation_handle
get_operation_status_resp = \
return get_operation_status_resp
def wait_for_operation_state(self, operation_handle, expected_state, \
timeout = 10, interval = 1):
"""Waits for the operation to reach expected_state by polling GetOperationStatus every
interval seconds, returning the TGetOperationStatusResp, or raising an assertion after
timeout seconds."""
start_time = time()
while (time() - start_time < timeout):
get_operation_status_resp = self.get_operation_status(operation_handle)
if get_operation_status_resp.operationState is expected_state:
return get_operation_status_resp
assert False, 'Did not reach expected operation state %s in time, actual state was ' \
'%s' % (expected_state, get_operation_status_resp.operationState)