blob: 9ae7355b94c65e679770b3be79ad0f7b277b66f0 [file] [log] [blame]
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
# or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
# distributed with this work for additional information
# regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
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# A TextMatrix is used to generate a set of ImpalaTestVectors. The vectors that are
# generated are based on one or more ImpalaTestDimensions inputs. These lists define
# the set of values that are interesting to a test. For example, for file_format
# these might be 'seq', 'text', etc
# The ImpalaTestMatrix is then used to generate a set of ImpalaTestVectors. Each
# ImpalaTestVector contains a single value from each of the input ImpalaTestDimensions.
# An example:
# ImpalaTestMatrix.add_dimension('file_format', 'seq', 'text')
# ImpalaTestMatrix.add_dimension('agg_func', 'min', 'max', 'sum')
# ImpalaTestMatrix.add_dimension('col_type', 'int', 'bool')
# test_vectors = ImpalaTestMatrix.generate_test_vectors(...)
# Would return a collection of ImpalaTestVectors, with each one containing a
# combination of file_format, agg_func, and col_type:
# seq, min, int
# text, max, bool
# ...
# A ImpalaTestVector is an object itself, and the 'get_value' function is used to
# extract the actual value from the ImpalaTestVector for this particular combination:
# test_vector = test_vectors[0]
# print test_vector.get_value('file_format')
# The combinations of ImpalaTestVectors generated can be done in two ways: pairwise
# and exhaustive. Pairwise provides a way to get good coverage and reduce the total
# number of combinations generated where exhaustive will generate all valid
# combinations.
# Finally, the ImpalaTestMatrix also provides a way to add constraints to the vectors
# that are generated. This is useful to filter out invalid combinations. These can
# be added before calling 'generate_test_vectors'. The constraint is a function that
# accepts a ImpalaTestVector object and returns true if the vector is valid, false
# otherwise. For example, if we want to make sure 'bool' columns are not used with 'sum':
# ImpalaTestMatrix.add_constraint(lambda v:\
# not (v.get_value('col_type') == 'bool and v.get_value('agg_func') == 'sum'))
# Additional examples of usage can be found within the test suites.
from itertools import product
# A list of test dimension values.
class ImpalaTestDimension(list):
def __init__(self, name, *args): = name
self.extend([ImpalaTestVector.Value(name, arg) for arg in args])
# A test vector that passed to test method. The ImpalaTestVector can be used to
# extract values for the specified dimension(s)
class ImpalaTestVector(object):
def __init__(self, vector_values):
self.vector_values = vector_values
def get_value(self, name):
return next(vector_value for vector_value in self.vector_values\
if == name).value
def __str__(self):
return ' | '.join(['%s' % vector_value for vector_value in self.vector_values])
# Each value in a test vector is wrapped in the Value object. This wrapping is
# done internally so this object should never need to be created by the user.
class Value(object):
def __init__(self, name, value): = name
self.value = value
def __str__(self):
return '%s: %s' % (, self.value)
# Matrix -> Collection of vectors
# Vector -> Call to get specific values
class ImpalaTestMatrix(object):
def __init__(self, *args):
self.dimensions = dict((, arg) for arg in args)
self.constraint_list = list()
def add_dimension(self, dimension):
self.dimensions[] = dimension
def clear(self):
def clear_dimension(self, dimension_name):
del self.dimensions[dimension_name]
def has_dimension(self, dimension_name):
return self.dimensions.has_key(dimension_name)
def generate_test_vectors(self, exploration_strategy):
if not self.dimensions:
return list()
# TODO: Check valid exploration strategies, provide more options for exploration
if exploration_strategy == 'exhaustive':
return self.__generate_exhaustive_combinations()
elif exploration_strategy in ['core', 'pairwise']:
return self.__generate_pairwise_combinations()
raise ValueError, 'Unknown exploration strategy: %s' % exploration_strategy
def __generate_exhaustive_combinations(self):
return [ImpalaTestVector(vec) for vec in product(*self.__extract_vector_values())
if self.is_valid(vec)]
def __generate_pairwise_combinations(self):
import metacomm.combinatorics.all_pairs2
all_pairs = metacomm.combinatorics.all_pairs2.all_pairs2
# Pairwise fails if the number of inputs == 1. Use exhaustive in this case the
# results will be the same.
if len(self.dimensions) == 1:
return self.__generate_exhaustive_combinations()
return [ImpalaTestVector(vec) for vec in all_pairs(self.__extract_vector_values(),
filter_func = self.is_valid)]
def add_constraint(self, constraint_func):
def clear_constraints(self):
self.constraint_list = list()
def __extract_vector_values(self):
# The data is stored as a tuple of (name, [val1, val2, val3]). So extract the
# actual values from this
return [v[1] for v in self.dimensions.items()]
def is_valid(self, vector):
for constraint in self.constraint_list:
if (isinstance(vector, list) or isinstance(vector, tuple)) and\
len(vector) == len(self.dimensions):
valid = constraint(ImpalaTestVector(vector))
if valid:
return False
return True