blob: 3fb73bc91ec99a9502f878901872231acb50fe8d [file] [log] [blame]
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
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# Basic object model of a Impala Services (impalad + statestored). Provides a way to
# programatically interact with the services and perform operations such as querying
# the debug webpage, getting metric values, or creating client connections.
import json
import logging
import re
import urllib
from time import sleep, time
from tests.common.impala_connection import create_connection, create_ldap_connection
from TCLIService import TCLIService
from thrift.transport.TSocket import TSocket
from thrift.transport.TTransport import TBufferedTransport
from thrift.protocol import TBinaryProtocol
logging.basicConfig(level=logging.ERROR, format='%(threadName)s: %(message)s')
LOG = logging.getLogger('impala_service')
# Base class for all Impala services
# TODO: Refactor the retry/timeout logic into a common place.
class BaseImpalaService(object):
def __init__(self, hostname, webserver_port):
self.hostname = hostname
self.webserver_port = webserver_port
def open_debug_webpage(self, page_name, timeout=10, interval=1):
start_time = time()
while (time() - start_time < timeout):
return urllib.urlopen("http://%s:%d/%s" %
(self.hostname, int(self.webserver_port), page_name))
except Exception:"Debug webpage not yet available.")
assert 0, 'Debug webpage did not become available in expected time.'
def read_debug_webpage(self, page_name, timeout=10, interval=1):
return self.open_debug_webpage(page_name, timeout=timeout, interval=interval).read()
def get_debug_webpage_json(self, page_name):
"""Returns the json for the given Impala debug webpage, eg. '/queries'"""
return json.loads(self.read_debug_webpage(page_name + "?json"))
def get_metric_value(self, metric_name, default_value=None):
"""Returns the value of the the given metric name from the Impala debug webpage"""
metrics = json.loads(self.read_debug_webpage('jsonmetrics?json'))
return metrics.get(metric_name, default_value)
def wait_for_metric_value(self, metric_name, expected_value, timeout=10, interval=1):
start_time = time()
while (time() - start_time < timeout):"Getting metric: %s from %s:%s" %
(metric_name, self.hostname, self.webserver_port))
value = None
value = self.get_metric_value(metric_name)
except Exception, e:
if value == expected_value:"Metric '%s' has reach desired value: %s" % (metric_name, value))
return value
else:"Waiting for metric value '%s'=%s. Current value: %s" %
(metric_name, expected_value, value))"Sleeping %ds before next retry." % interval)
assert 0, 'Metric value %s did not reach value %s in %ss' %\
(metric_name, expected_value, timeout)
# Allows for interacting with an Impalad instance to perform operations such as creating
# new connections or accessing the debug webpage.
class ImpaladService(BaseImpalaService):
def __init__(self, hostname, webserver_port=25000, beeswax_port=21000, be_port=22000,
super(ImpaladService, self).__init__(hostname, webserver_port)
self.beeswax_port = beeswax_port
self.be_port = be_port
self.hs2_port = hs2_port
def get_num_known_live_backends(self, timeout=30, interval=1):"Getting num_known_live_backends from %s:%s" %
(self.hostname, self.webserver_port))
result = json.loads(self.read_debug_webpage('backends?json', timeout, interval))
num = len(result['backends'])
return None if num is None else int(num)
def get_in_flight_queries(self, timeout=30, interval=1):
result = json.loads(self.read_debug_webpage('queries?json', timeout, interval))
return result['in_flight_queries']
def get_num_in_flight_queries(self, timeout=30, interval=1):"Getting num_in_flight_queries from %s:%s" %
(self.hostname, self.webserver_port))
result = self.read_debug_webpage('inflight_query_ids?raw', timeout, interval)
return None if result is None else len([l for l in result.split('\n') if l])
def wait_for_num_in_flight_queries(self, expected_val, timeout=10):
"""Waits for the number of in-flight queries to reach a certain value"""
start_time = time()
while (time() - start_time < timeout):
num_in_flight_queries = self.get_num_in_flight_queries()
if num_in_flight_queries == expected_val: return True
sleep(1)"The number of in flight queries: %s, expected: %s" %
(num_in_flight_queries, expected_val))
return False
def wait_for_num_known_live_backends(self, expected_value, timeout=30, interval=1):
start_time = time()
while (time() - start_time < timeout):
value = None
value = self.get_num_known_live_backends(timeout=timeout, interval=interval)
except Exception, e:
if value == expected_value:"num_known_live_backends has reached value: %s" % value)
return value
else:"Waiting for num_known_live_backends=%s. Current value: %s" %\
(expected_value, value))
assert 0, 'num_known_live_backends did not reach expected value in time'
def read_query_profile_page(self, query_id, timeout=10, interval=1):
"""Fetches the raw contents of the query's runtime profile webpage.
Fails an assertion if Impala's webserver is unavailable or the query's
profile page doesn't exist."""
return self.read_debug_webpage("query_profile?query_id=%s&raw" % (query_id))
def get_query_status(self, query_id):
"""Gets the 'Query Status' section of the query's runtime profile."""
page = self.read_query_profile_page(query_id)
status_line =\
next((x for x in page.split('\n') if'Query Status:', x)), None)
return status_line.split('Query Status:')[1].strip()
def wait_for_query_state(self, client, query_handle, target_state,
timeout=10, interval=1):
"""Keeps polling for the query's state using client in the given interval until
the query's state reaches the target state or the given timeout has been reached."""
start_time = time()
while (time() - start_time < timeout):
query_state = client.get_state(query_handle)
except Exception as e:
if query_state == target_state:
assert target_state == query_state, 'Did not reach query state in time'
def wait_for_query_status(self, client, query_id, expected_content,
timeout=30, interval=1):
"""Polls for the query's status in the query profile web page to contain the
specified content. Returns False if the timeout was reached before a successful
match, True otherwise."""
start_time = time()
query_status = ""
while (time() - start_time < timeout):
query_status = self.get_query_status(query_id)
if query_status is None:
assert False, "Could not find 'Query Status' section in profile of "\
"query with id %s:\n%s" % (query_id)
except Exception as e:
if expected_content in query_status:
return True
return False
def create_beeswax_client(self, use_kerberos=False):
"""Creates a new beeswax client connection to the impalad"""
client = create_connection('%s:%d' % (self.hostname, self.beeswax_port), use_kerberos)
return client
def create_ldap_beeswax_client(self, user, password, use_ssl=False):
client = create_ldap_connection('%s:%d' % (self.hostname, self.beeswax_port),
user=user, password=password, use_ssl=use_ssl)
return client
def create_hs2_client(self):
"""Creates a new HS2 client connection to the impalad"""
host, port = (self.hostname, self.hs2_port)
socket = TSocket(host, port)
transport = TBufferedTransport(socket)
protocol = TBinaryProtocol.TBinaryProtocol(transport)
hs2_client = TCLIService.Client(protocol)
return hs2_client
def get_catalog_object_dump(self, object_type, object_name):
return self.read_debug_webpage('catalog_objects?object_type=%s&object_name=%s' %\
(object_type, object_name))
# Allows for interacting with the StateStore service to perform operations such as
# accessing the debug webpage.
class StateStoredService(BaseImpalaService):
def __init__(self, hostname, webserver_port):
super(StateStoredService, self).__init__(hostname, webserver_port)
def wait_for_live_subscribers(self, num_subscribers, timeout=15, interval=1):
self.wait_for_metric_value('', num_subscribers,
timeout=timeout, interval=interval)
# Allows for interacting with the Catalog service to perform operations such as
# accessing the debug webpage.
class CatalogdService(BaseImpalaService):
def __init__(self, hostname, webserver_port, service_port):
super(CatalogdService, self).__init__(hostname, webserver_port)
self.service_port = service_port
def get_catalog_object_dump(self, object_type, object_name):
return self.read_debug_webpage('catalog_objects?object_type=%s&object_name=%s' %\
(object_type, object_name))