blob: 563f91d80cd3c77e754be286736eb5205c173d3d [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
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#include <string>
#include "exprs/scalar-expr.h"
#include "udf/udf.h"
namespace impala {
using impala_udf::FunctionContext;
using impala_udf::AnyVal;
using impala_udf::BooleanVal;
using impala_udf::TinyIntVal;
using impala_udf::SmallIntVal;
using impala_udf::IntVal;
using impala_udf::BigIntVal;
using impala_udf::FloatVal;
using impala_udf::DoubleVal;
using impala_udf::TimestampVal;
using impala_udf::StringVal;
using impala_udf::DecimalVal;
class ScalarExprEvaluator;
class TExprNode;
/// Expr for evaluating a pre-compiled native or LLVM IR function that uses the UDF
/// interface (i.e. a scalar function). This class overrides GetCodegendComputeFn() to
/// return a function that calls any child exprs and passes the results as arguments to the
/// specified scalar function. If codegen is enabled, ScalarFnCall's Get*Val() compute
/// functions are wrappers around this codegen'd function.
/// If codegen is disabled, some native functions can be called without codegen, depending
/// on the native function's signature. However, since we can't write static code to call
/// every possible function signature, codegen may be required to generate the call to the
/// function even if codegen is disabled. Codegen will also be used for IR UDFs (note that
/// there is no way to specify both a native and IR library for a single UDF).
/// Scalar function call: An expr that returns a single scalar value and can be
/// implemented using the UDF interface. Note that this includes builtins, which although
/// not being user-defined still use the same interface as UDFs (i.e., they are
/// implemented as functions with signature "*Val (FunctionContext*, *Val, *Val...)").
/// TODO:
/// - Fix error reporting, e.g. reporting leaks
/// - Testing
/// - Test cancellation
/// - Type descs in UDA test harness
/// - Allow more functions to be NULL in UDA test harness
class ScalarFnCall : public ScalarExpr {
virtual Status GetCodegendComputeFn(LlvmCodeGen* codegen, llvm::Function** fn)
virtual std::string DebugString() const override;
friend class ScalarExpr;
friend class ScalarExprEvaluator;
virtual bool HasFnCtx() const override { return true; }
ScalarFnCall(const TExprNode& node);
virtual Status Init(const RowDescriptor& row_desc, RuntimeState* state)
virtual Status OpenEvaluator(FunctionContext::FunctionStateScope scope,
RuntimeState* state, ScalarExprEvaluator* eval) const override
virtual void CloseEvaluator(FunctionContext::FunctionStateScope scope,
RuntimeState* state, ScalarExprEvaluator* eval) const override;
virtual int ComputeVarArgsBufferSize() const override;
virtual BooleanVal GetBooleanVal(ScalarExprEvaluator*, const TupleRow*) const override;
virtual TinyIntVal GetTinyIntVal(ScalarExprEvaluator*, const TupleRow*) const override;
virtual SmallIntVal GetSmallIntVal(
ScalarExprEvaluator*, const TupleRow*) const override;
virtual IntVal GetIntVal(ScalarExprEvaluator*, const TupleRow*) const override;
virtual BigIntVal GetBigIntVal(ScalarExprEvaluator*, const TupleRow*) const override;
virtual FloatVal GetFloatVal(ScalarExprEvaluator*, const TupleRow*) const override;
virtual DoubleVal GetDoubleVal(ScalarExprEvaluator*, const TupleRow*) const override;
virtual StringVal GetStringVal(ScalarExprEvaluator*, const TupleRow*) const override;
virtual TimestampVal GetTimestampVal(
ScalarExprEvaluator*, const TupleRow*) const override;
virtual DecimalVal GetDecimalVal(ScalarExprEvaluator*, const TupleRow*) const override;
/// If this function has var args, children()[vararg_start_idx_] is the first vararg
/// argument.
/// If this function does not have varargs, it is set to -1.
const int vararg_start_idx_;
/// Vector of all non-constant children expressions that need to be evaluated for
/// each input row. The first element of each pair is the child expression and the
/// second element in the value it must be evaluated into.
std::vector<std::pair<Expr*, impala_udf::AnyVal*>> non_constant_children_;
/// Function pointer to the JIT'd function produced by GetCodegendComputeFn().
/// Has signature *Val (ScalarExprEvaluator*, const TupleRow*), and calls the scalar
/// function with signature like *Val (FunctionContext*, const *Val& arg1, ...)
void* scalar_fn_wrapper_;
/// The UDF's prepare function, if specified. This is initialized in Prepare() and
/// called in Open() (since we may have needed to codegen the function if it's from an
/// IR module).
impala_udf::UdfPrepare prepare_fn_;
/// THe UDF's close function, if specified. This is initialized in Prepare() and called
/// in Close().
impala_udf::UdfClose close_fn_;
/// If running with codegen disabled, scalar_fn_ will be a pointer to the non-JIT'd
/// scalar function.
void* scalar_fn_;
/// Returns the number of non-vararg arguments
int NumFixedArgs() const {
return vararg_start_idx_ >= 0 ? vararg_start_idx_ : children_.size();
virtual int NumVarArgs() const { return children_.size() - NumFixedArgs(); }
const ColumnType& VarArgsType() const {
DCHECK_GE(NumVarArgs(), 1);
return children_.back()->type();
/// Loads the native or IR function 'symbol' from HDFS and puts the result in *fn.
/// If the function is loaded from an IR module, it cannot be called until the module
/// has been JIT'd (i.e. after GetCodegendComputeFn() has been called).
Status GetFunction(LlvmCodeGen* codegen, const std::string& symbol, void** fn)
/// Loads the Prepare() and Close() functions for this ScalarFnCall. They could be
/// native or IR functions. To load IR functions, the codegen object must have
/// been created and any external LLVM module must have been linked already.
Status LoadPrepareAndCloseFn(LlvmCodeGen* codegen) WARN_UNUSED_RESULT;
/// Evaluates the non-constant children exprs. Used in the interpreted path.
void EvaluateNonConstantChildren(
ScalarExprEvaluator* eval, const TupleRow* row) const;
/// Function to call scalar_fn_. Used in the interpreted path.
template <typename RETURN_TYPE>
RETURN_TYPE InterpretEval(ScalarExprEvaluator* eval, const TupleRow* row) const;