blob: d0b83e9324a0482476363a8daae44739479d6098 [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
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// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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package org.apache.impala.planner;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import org.apache.impala.common.IdGenerator;
* The parallel planner is responsible for breaking up a single distributed plan
* (= tree of PlanFragments) into a (logical) tree of distributed plans. The root
* of that tree produces the query result, all the other ones produce intermediate
* join build sides. All plans that produce intermediate join build sides (one per join
* node in the recipient) for a single recipient plan are grouped together into a
* cohort. Since each plan may only produce a build side for at most one recipient
* plan, each plan belongs to exactly one cohort.
* TODO: if the input to the JoinBuildSink is the result of a grouping aggregation
* on the join keys, the AggregationNode should materialize the final hash table
* directly (instead of reading the hash table content and feeding it into a
* JoinBuildSink to build another hash table)
* TODO: instead of cohort ids, create a Plan class that is a subclass of TreeNode?
public class ParallelPlanner {
private final static Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ParallelPlanner.class);
private final IdGenerator<JoinTableId> joinTableIdGenerator_ =
private final IdGenerator<PlanId> planIdGenerator_ = PlanId.createGenerator();
private final IdGenerator<CohortId> cohortIdGenerator_ = CohortId.createGenerator();
private final PlannerContext ctx_;
private List<PlanFragment> planRoots_ = new ArrayList<>();
public ParallelPlanner(PlannerContext ctx) { ctx_ = ctx; }
* Given a distributed plan, return list of plans ready for parallel execution. Each
* returned fragment has a PlanRootSink or JoinBuildSink as their sink. The first
* plan in the list materializes the query result and subsequent plans materialize
* the build sides of joins. Each plan appears before its dependencies in the list.
* Assigns cohortId and planId for all fragments.
* TODO: create class DistributedPlan with a PlanFragment member, so we don't
* need to distinguish PlanFragment and Plan through comments?
public List<PlanFragment> createPlans(PlanFragment root) {
createBuildPlans(root, null);
return planRoots_;
* Recursively traverse tree of fragments of 'plan' from top to bottom and
* move all build inputs of joins into separate plans. 'buildCohortId' is the
* cohort id of the build plans of 'fragment' and may be null if the plan
* to which 'fragment' belongs has so far not required any build plans.
* Assign fragment's plan id and cohort id to children.
private void createBuildPlans(PlanFragment fragment, CohortId buildCohortId) {
List<JoinNode> joins = new ArrayList<>();
collectJoins(fragment.getPlanRoot(), joins);
if (!joins.isEmpty()) {
if (buildCohortId == null) buildCohortId = cohortIdGenerator_.getNextId();
for (JoinNode join: joins) createBuildPlan(join, buildCohortId);
for (PlanFragment child: fragment.getChildren()) {
// We already recursed on the join build fragment in createBuildPlan().
if (child.getSink() instanceof JoinBuildSink) continue;
// Propagate the plan and cohort IDs to children that are part of the same plan.
createBuildPlans(child, buildCohortId);
* Collect all JoinNodes that aren't themselves the build side of a join node
* in this fragment or the rhs of a SubplanNode.
private void collectJoins(PlanNode node, List<JoinNode> result) {
if (node instanceof JoinNode) {
// for joins, only descend through the probe side;
// we're recursively traversing the build side when constructing the build plan
// in createBuildPlan()
collectJoins(node.getChild(0), result);
if (node instanceof ExchangeNode) return;
if (node instanceof SubplanNode) {
collectJoins(node.getChild(0), result);
for (PlanNode child: node.getChildren()) collectJoins(child, result);
* Collect all ExchangeNodes in this fragment.
private void collectExchangeNodes(PlanNode node, List<ExchangeNode> result) {
if (node instanceof ExchangeNode) {
for (PlanNode child: node.getChildren()) collectExchangeNodes(child, result);
* Create new plan that materializes build input of 'join' and assign it 'cohortId'.
* In the process, moves all fragments required for this materialization from tree
* rooted at 'join's fragment into the new plan.
* Also assigns the new plan a plan id.
private void createBuildPlan(JoinNode join, CohortId cohortId) {
// collect all ExchangeNodes on the build side and their corresponding input
// fragments
final List<ExchangeNode> exchNodes = new ArrayList<>();
collectExchangeNodes(join.getChild(1), exchNodes);<PlanFragment> isInputFragment =
new<PlanFragment>() {
public boolean apply(PlanFragment f) {
// we're starting with the fragment containing the join, which might
// be terminal
if (f.getDestNode() == null) return false;
for (ExchangeNode exch: exchNodes) {
if (exch.getId() == f.getDestNode().getId()) return true;
return false;
List<PlanFragment> inputFragments = new ArrayList<>();
join.getFragment().collect(isInputFragment, inputFragments);
Preconditions.checkState(exchNodes.size() == inputFragments.size());
// Create new fragment with JoinBuildSink that consumes the output of the
// join's rhs input (the one that materializes the build side).
// The new fragment has the same data partition as the join node's fragment.
JoinBuildSink buildSink =
new JoinBuildSink(joinTableIdGenerator_.getNextId(), join);
// Filters will be produced by the build sink. Remove them from the join node since
// it now not responsible for producing them.
// c'tor fixes up PlanNode.fragment_
PlanFragment buildFragment = new PlanFragment(ctx_.getNextFragmentId(),
join.getChild(1), join.getFragment().getDataPartition());
// Fix up the child/parent relationships in the PlanFragment tree.
for (int i = 0; i < exchNodes.size(); ++i) {
Preconditions.checkState(exchNodes.get(i).getFragment() == buildFragment);
// assign plan and cohort id
if (LOG.isTraceEnabled()) {
LOG.trace("new build fragment " + buildFragment.getId().toString());
LOG.trace("in cohort " + buildFragment.getCohortId().toString());
LOG.trace("for join node " + join.getId().toString());
createBuildPlans(buildFragment, null);