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# encoding=utf-8
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
# or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
# distributed with this work for additional information
# regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
# with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
# KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
# specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
import os
import pytest
import re
import signal
from subprocess import call
from tests.common.impala_service import ImpaladService
from tests.common.impala_test_suite import ImpalaTestSuite
from tests.common.skip import SkipIf
from time import sleep
from util import IMPALAD, SHELL_CMD
from util import assert_var_substitution, run_impala_shell_cmd, ImpalaShell
DEFAULT_QUERY = 'select 1'
QUERY_FILE_PATH = os.path.join(os.environ['IMPALA_HOME'], 'tests', 'shell')
def empty_table(unique_database, request):
"""Create an empty table within the test database before executing test.
The table will have the same name as the test_function itself. Setup and teardown
of the database is handled by the unique_database fixture.
unique_database: pytest fixture defined in
request: standard pytest request fixture
fq_table_name (str): the fully qualified name of the table: : dbname.table_name
table_name =
fq_table_name = '.'.join([unique_database, table_name])
stmt = "CREATE TABLE %s (i integer, s string)" % fq_table_name
request.instance.execute_query_expect_success(request.instance.client, stmt,
query_options={'sync_ddl': 1})
return fq_table_name
def populated_table(empty_table, request):
Populate a table within the test database before executing test.
The table will have the same name as the test_function itself. Setup and teardown
of the database is handled by the unique_database fixture.
empty_table: pytest fixture that creates an empty table
request: standard pytest request fixture
fq_table_name (str): the fully qualified name of the table: : dbname.table_name
fq_table_name = empty_table
stmt = "insert into %s values (1, 'a'),(1, 'b'),(3, 'b')" % fq_table_name
request.instance.execute_query_expect_success(request.instance.client, stmt)
return fq_table_name
class TestImpalaShell(ImpalaTestSuite):
"""A set of sanity tests for the Impala shell commandline parameters.
The tests need to maintain Python 2.4 compatibility as a sub-goal of having
shell tests is to ensure that it's not broken in systems running Python 2.4.
The tests need a running impalad instance in order to execute queries.
* Test individual modules.
* Add a test for a kerberized impala.
def test_no_args(self):
args = '-q "%s"' % DEFAULT_QUERY
def test_multiple_queries(self):
queries = ';'.join([DEFAULT_QUERY] * 3)
args = '-q "%s" -B' % queries
def test_multiple_queries_with_escaped_backslash(self):
"""Regression test for string containing an escaped backslash.
This relies on the patch at thirdparty/patches/sqlparse/0001-....patch.
run_impala_shell_cmd(r'''-q "select '\\\\'; select '\\'';" -B''')
def test_default_db(self, empty_table):
db_name, table_name = empty_table.split('.')
args = '-d %s -q "describe %s" --quiet' % (db_name, table_name)
args = '-q "describe %s"' % table_name
run_impala_shell_cmd(args, expect_success=False)
# test keyword parquet is interpreted as an identifier
# when passed as an argument to -d
args = '-d parquet'
result = run_impala_shell_cmd(args)
assert "Query: use `parquet`" in result.stderr, result.stderr
# test if backticking is idempotent
args = "-d '```parquet```'"
result = run_impala_shell_cmd(args)
assert "Query: use `parquet`" in result.stderr, result.stderr
@pytest.mark.execute_serially # This tests invalidates metadata, and must run serially
def test_refresh_on_connect(self):
"""Confirm that the -r option refreshes the catalog."""
args = '-r -q "%s"' % DEFAULT_QUERY
result = run_impala_shell_cmd(args)
assert 'Invalidating Metadata' in result.stderr, result.stderr
def test_unsecure_message(self):
results = run_impala_shell_cmd("")
assert "Starting Impala Shell without Kerberos authentication" in results.stderr
def test_print_header(self, populated_table):
args = '--print_header -B --output_delim="," -q "select * from %s"' % populated_table
result = run_impala_shell_cmd(args)
result_rows = result.stdout.strip().split('\n')
assert len(result_rows) == 4
assert result_rows[0].split(',') == ['i', 's']
args = '-B --output_delim="," -q "select * from %s"' % populated_table
result = run_impala_shell_cmd(args)
result_rows = result.stdout.strip().split('\n')
assert len(result_rows) == 3
def test_kerberos_option(self):
args = "-k"
# If you have a valid kerberos ticket in your cache, this test fails - so
# here we set a bogus KRB5CCNAME in the environment so that klist (and other
# kerberos commands) won't find the normal ticket cache.
# KERBEROS TODO: add kerberized cluster test case
os.environ["KRB5CCNAME"] = "/tmp/this/file/hopefully/does/not/exist"
# The command will fail because we're trying to connect to a kerberized impalad.
results = run_impala_shell_cmd(args, expect_success=False)
# Check that impala is using the right service name.
assert "Using service name 'impala'" in results.stderr
assert "Starting Impala Shell using Kerberos authentication" in results.stderr
# Check that Impala warns the user if klist does not exist on the system, or if
# no kerberos tickets are initialized.
expected_error_msg = ("-k requires a valid kerberos ticket but no valid kerberos "
"ticket found.")
assert expected_error_msg in results.stderr
except OSError:
assert 'klist not found on the system' in results.stderr
# Make sure we don't try to re-connect
assert "retrying the connection with a secure transport" not in results.stderr
# Change the service name
args += " -s foobar"
results = run_impala_shell_cmd(args, expect_success=False)
assert "Using service name 'foobar'" in results.stderr
def test_continue_on_error(self):
args = '-c -q "select foo; select bar;"'
# Should fail
args = '-q "select foo; select bar;"'
run_impala_shell_cmd(args, expect_success=False)
def test_execute_queries_from_file(self):
args = '-f %s/test_file_comments.sql --quiet -B' % QUERY_FILE_PATH
result = run_impala_shell_cmd(args)
output = result.stdout
args = '-f %s/test_file_no_comments.sql --quiet -B' % QUERY_FILE_PATH
result = run_impala_shell_cmd(args)
assert output == result.stdout, "Queries with comments not parsed correctly"
def test_completed_query_errors(self):
args = ('-q "set abort_on_error=false;'
' select count(*) from functional_seq_snap.bad_seq_snap"')
result = run_impala_shell_cmd(args)
assert 'WARNINGS:' in result.stderr
assert 'Bad synchronization marker' in result.stderr
assert 'Expected: ' in result.stderr
assert 'Actual: ' in result.stderr
assert 'Problem parsing file' in result.stderr
def test_no_warnings_in_log_with_quiet_mode(self):
"""Regression test for IMPALA-4222."""
args = ('-q "set abort_on_error=false;'
' select count(*) from functional_seq_snap.bad_seq_snap" --quiet')
result = run_impala_shell_cmd(args)
assert 'WARNINGS:' not in result.stderr
def test_output_format(self):
expected_output = ['1'] * 3
args = '-q "select 1,1,1" -B --quiet'
result = run_impala_shell_cmd(args)
actual_output = [r.strip() for r in result.stdout.split('\t')]
assert actual_output == expected_output
result = run_impala_shell_cmd(args + ' --output_delim="|"')
actual_output = [r.strip() for r in result.stdout.split('|')]
assert actual_output == expected_output
result = run_impala_shell_cmd(args + ' --output_delim="||"',
assert "Illegal delimiter" in result.stderr
def test_do_methods(self, empty_table):
"""Ensure that the do_ methods in the shell work.
Some of the do_ methods are implicitly tested in other tests, and as part of the
test setup.
# explain
args = '-q "explain select 1"'
# show
args = '-q "show tables"'
# with
args = '-q "with t1 as (select 1) select * from t1"'
# set
# spaces around the = sign
args = '-q "set default_order_by_limit = 10"'
# no spaces around the = sign
args = '-q "set default_order_by_limit=10"'
# test query options displayed
args = '-q "set"'
result_set = run_impala_shell_cmd(args)
assert 'MEM_LIMIT: [0]' in result_set.stdout
# test to check that explain_level is 1
assert 'EXPLAIN_LEVEL: [1]' in result_set.stdout
# test values displayed after setting value
args = '-q "set mem_limit=1g;set"'
result_set = run_impala_shell_cmd(args)
# single list means one instance of mem_limit in displayed output
assert 'MEM_LIMIT: 1g' in result_set.stdout
assert 'MEM_LIMIT: [0]' not in result_set.stdout
# Negative tests for set
# use : instead of =
args = '-q "set default_order_by_limit:10"'
run_impala_shell_cmd(args, expect_success=False)
# use 2 = signs
args = '-q "set default_order_by_limit=10=50"'
run_impala_shell_cmd(args, expect_success=False)
# describe and desc should return the same result.
args = '-q "describe %s" -B' % empty_table
result_describe = run_impala_shell_cmd(args)
args = '-q "desc %s" -B' % empty_table
result_desc = run_impala_shell_cmd(args)
assert result_describe.stdout == result_desc.stdout
def test_runtime_profile(self):
# test summary is in both the profile printed by the
# -p option and the one printed by the profile command
args = "-p -q 'select 1; profile;'"
result_set = run_impala_shell_cmd(args)
# This regex helps us uniquely identify a profile.
regex = re.compile("Operator\s+#Hosts\s+Avg\s+Time")
# We expect two query profiles.
assert len(re.findall(regex, result_set.stdout)) == 2, \
"Could not detect two profiles, stdout: %s" % result_set.stdout
def test_summary(self):
args = "-q 'select count(*) from functional.alltypes; summary;'"
result_set = run_impala_shell_cmd(args)
assert "03:AGGREGATE" in result_set.stdout
args = "-q 'summary;'"
result_set = run_impala_shell_cmd(args, expect_success=False)
assert "Could not retrieve summary for query" in result_set.stderr
args = "-q 'show tables; summary;'"
result_set = run_impala_shell_cmd(args)
assert "Summary not available" in result_set.stderr
# Test queries without an exchange
args = "-q 'select 1; summary;'"
result_set = run_impala_shell_cmd(args)
assert "00:UNION" in result_set.stdout
def test_queries_closed(self):
"""Regression test for IMPALA-897."""
args = '-f %s/test_close_queries.sql --quiet -B' % QUERY_FILE_PATH
cmd = "%s %s" % (SHELL_CMD, args)
# Execute the shell command async
p = ImpalaShell(args)
impalad_service = ImpaladService(IMPALAD.split(':')[0])
# The last query in the test SQL script will sleep for 10 seconds, so sleep
# here for 5 seconds and verify the number of in-flight queries is 1.
assert 1 == impalad_service.get_num_in_flight_queries()
assert p.get_result().rc == 0
assert 0 == impalad_service.get_num_in_flight_queries()
def test_cancellation(self):
"""Test cancellation (Ctrl+C event)."""
args = '-q "select sleep(10000)"'
p = ImpalaShell(args)
os.kill(, signal.SIGINT)
result = p.get_result()
assert "Cancelling Query" in result.stderr, result.stderr
def test_get_log_once(self, empty_table):
"""Test that get_log() is always called exactly once."""
# Query with fetch
args = '-q "select * from functional.alltypeserror"'
result = run_impala_shell_cmd(args)
assert result.stderr.count('WARNINGS') == 1
# Insert query (doesn't fetch)
drop_args = '-q "drop table if exists %s"' % empty_table
args = '-q "create table %s like functional.alltypeserror"' % empty_table
args = '-q "insert overwrite %s partition(year, month)' \
'select * from functional.alltypeserror"' % empty_table
result = run_impala_shell_cmd(args)
assert result.stderr.count('WARNINGS') == 1
def test_international_characters(self):
"""Sanity test to ensure that the shell can read international characters."""
russian_chars = (u"А, Б, В, Г, Д, Е, Ё, Ж, З, И, Й, К, Л, М, Н, О, П, Р,"
u"С, Т, У, Ф, Х, Ц,Ч, Ш, Щ, Ъ, Ы, Ь, Э, Ю, Я")
args = """-B -q "select '%s'" """ % russian_chars
result = run_impala_shell_cmd(args.encode('utf-8'))
assert 'UnicodeDecodeError' not in result.stderr
assert russian_chars.encode('utf-8') in result.stdout
@pytest.mark.execute_serially # This tests invalidates metadata, and must run serially
def test_config_file(self):
"""Test the optional configuration file."""
# Positive tests
args = '--config_file=%s/good_impalarc' % QUERY_FILE_PATH
result = run_impala_shell_cmd(args)
assert 'Query: select 1' in result.stderr
assert 'Invalidating Metadata' in result.stderr
# override option in config file through command line
args = '--config_file=%s/good_impalarc --query="select 2"' % QUERY_FILE_PATH
result = run_impala_shell_cmd(args)
assert 'Query: select 2' in result.stderr
# Negative Tests
# specified config file does not exist
args = '--config_file=%s/does_not_exist' % QUERY_FILE_PATH
run_impala_shell_cmd(args, expect_success=False)
# bad formatting of config file
args = '--config_file=%s/bad_impalarc' % QUERY_FILE_PATH
run_impala_shell_cmd(args, expect_success=False)
def test_execute_queries_from_stdin(self):
"""Test that queries get executed correctly when STDIN is given as the sql file."""
args = '-f - --quiet -B'
query_file = "%s/test_file_comments.sql" % QUERY_FILE_PATH
query_file_handle = None
query_file_handle = open(query_file, 'r')
query =
except Exception, e:
assert query_file_handle is not None, "Exception %s: Could not find query file" % e
result = run_impala_shell_cmd(args, expect_success=True, stdin_input=query)
output = result.stdout
args = '-f %s/test_file_no_comments.sql --quiet -B' % QUERY_FILE_PATH
result = run_impala_shell_cmd(args)
assert output == result.stdout, "Queries from STDIN not parsed correctly."
def test_allow_creds_in_clear(self):
args = '-l'
result = run_impala_shell_cmd(args, expect_success=False)
err_msg = ("LDAP credentials may not be sent over insecure connections. "
"Enable SSL or set --auth_creds_ok_in_clear")
assert err_msg in result.stderr
# TODO: Without an Impala daemon running LDAP authentication, we can't test if
# --auth_creds_ok_in_clear works when correctly set.
def test_ldap_password_from_shell(self):
args = "-l --auth_creds_ok_in_clear --ldap_password_cmd='%s'"
result = run_impala_shell_cmd(args % 'cmddoesntexist', expect_success=False)
assert ("Error retrieving LDAP password (command was: 'cmddoesntexist', exception "
"was: '[Errno 2] No such file or directory')") in result.stderr
result = run_impala_shell_cmd(args % 'cat filedoesntexist', expect_success=False)
assert ("Error retrieving LDAP password (command was 'cat filedoesntexist', error "
"was: 'cat: filedoesntexist: No such file or directory')") in result.stderr
# TODO: Without an Impala daemon with LDAP authentication enabled, we can't test the
# positive case where the password is correct.
def test_var_substitution(self):
args = '--var=foo=123 --var=BAR=456 --delimited --output_delimiter=" " -c -f %s' \
% (os.path.join(QUERY_FILE_PATH, 'test_var_substitution.sql'))
result = run_impala_shell_cmd(args, expect_success=True)
# Checks if 'messages' exists/does not exist in 'result_stderr' based on the value of
# 'should_exist'
def _validate_shell_messages(self, result_stderr, messages, should_exist=True):
for msg in messages:
if should_exist:
assert msg in result_stderr
assert msg not in result_stderr
def test_query_time_and_link_message(self, unique_database):
shell_messages = ["Query submitted at: ", "(Coordinator: ",
"Query progress can be monitored at: "]
# CREATE statements should not print query time and webserver address.
results = run_impala_shell_cmd('--query="create table %s.shell_msg_test (id int)"' %
self._validate_shell_messages(results.stderr, shell_messages, should_exist=False)
# SELECT, INSERT and CTAS queries should print the query time message and webserver
# address.
results = run_impala_shell_cmd('--query="insert into %s.shell_msg_test values (1)"' %
self._validate_shell_messages(results.stderr, shell_messages, should_exist=True)
results = run_impala_shell_cmd('--query="select * from %s.shell_msg_test"' %
self._validate_shell_messages(results.stderr, shell_messages, should_exist=True)
results = run_impala_shell_cmd('--query="create table %s.shell_msg_ctas_test as \
select * from %s.shell_msg_test"' % (unique_database, unique_database))
self._validate_shell_messages(results.stderr, shell_messages, should_exist=True)
# DROP statements should not print query time and webserver address.
results = run_impala_shell_cmd('--query="drop table %s.shell_msg_test"' %
self._validate_shell_messages(results.stderr, shell_messages, should_exist=False)
run_impala_shell_cmd('--query="drop table %s.shell_msg_ctas_test"' %
# Simple queries should not print query time and webserver address.
results = run_impala_shell_cmd('--query="use default"')
self._validate_shell_messages(results.stderr, shell_messages, should_exist=False)
results = run_impala_shell_cmd('--query="show tables"')
self._validate_shell_messages(results.stderr, shell_messages, should_exist=False)
def test_insert_status(self, unique_database):
run_impala_shell_cmd('--query="create table %s.insert_test (id int)"' %
results = run_impala_shell_cmd('--query="insert into %s.insert_test values (1)"' %
assert "Modified 1 row(s)" in results.stderr
def _validate_dml_stmt(self, stmt, expected_rows_modified, expected_row_errors):
results = run_impala_shell_cmd('--query="%s"' % (stmt))
expected_output = "Modified %d row(s), %d row error(s)" %\
(expected_rows_modified, expected_row_errors)
assert expected_output in results.stderr
def test_kudu_dml_reporting(self, unique_database):
db = unique_database
run_impala_shell_cmd('--query="create table %s.dml_test (id int primary key, '\
'age int null) partition by hash(id) partitions 2 stored as kudu"' % db)
self._validate_dml_stmt("insert into %s.dml_test (id) values (7), (7)" % db, 1, 1)
self._validate_dml_stmt("insert into %s.dml_test (id) values (7)" % db, 0, 1)
self._validate_dml_stmt("upsert into %s.dml_test (id) values (7), (7)" % db, 2, 0)
self._validate_dml_stmt("update %s.dml_test set age = 1 where id = 7" % db, 1, 0)
self._validate_dml_stmt("delete from %s.dml_test where id = 7" % db, 1, 0)
# UPDATE/DELETE where there are no matching rows; there are no errors because the
# scan produced no rows.
self._validate_dml_stmt("update %s.dml_test set age = 1 where id = 8" % db, 0, 0)
self._validate_dml_stmt("delete from %s.dml_test where id = 7" % db, 0, 0)
# WITH clauses, only apply to INSERT and UPSERT
"with y as (values(7)) insert into %s.dml_test (id) select * from y" % db, 1, 0)
"with y as (values(7)) insert into %s.dml_test (id) select * from y" % db, 0, 1)
"with y as (values(7)) upsert into %s.dml_test (id) select * from y" % db, 1, 0)
def test_missing_query_file(self):
result = run_impala_shell_cmd('-f nonexistent.sql', expect_success=False)
assert "Could not open file 'nonexistent.sql'" in result.stderr