blob: 137a7473937a6c7ce317088b10533e5104f0cfb9 [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/env python
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
# or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
# distributed with this work for additional information
# regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
# with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
# KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
# specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
import sasl
import time
from beeswaxd import BeeswaxService
from beeswaxd.BeeswaxService import QueryState
from ExecStats.ttypes import TExecStats
from ImpalaService import ImpalaService
from ErrorCodes.ttypes import TErrorCode
from Status.ttypes import TStatus
from thrift.protocol import TBinaryProtocol
from thrift_sasl import TSaslClientTransport
from thrift.transport.TSocket import TSocket
from thrift.transport.TTransport import TBufferedTransport, TTransportException
from thrift.Thrift import TApplicationException
class RpcStatus:
"""Convenience enum to describe Rpc return statuses"""
OK = 0
class RPCException(Exception):
def __init__(self, value=""):
self.value = value
def __str__(self):
return self.value
class QueryStateException(Exception):
def __init__(self, value=""):
self.value = value
def __str__(self):
return self.value
class DisconnectedException(Exception):
def __init__(self, value=""):
self.value = value
def __str__(self):
return self.value
class ImpalaClient(object):
def __init__(self, impalad, use_kerberos=False, kerberos_service_name="impala",
use_ssl=False, ca_cert=None, user=None, ldap_password=None,
self.connected = False
self.impalad = impalad
self.imp_service = None
self.transport = None
self.use_kerberos = use_kerberos
self.kerberos_service_name = kerberos_service_name
self.use_ssl = use_ssl
self.ca_cert = ca_cert
self.user, self.ldap_password = user, ldap_password
self.use_ldap = use_ldap
self.default_query_options = {}
self.query_state = QueryState._NAMES_TO_VALUES
self.fetch_batch_size = 1024
def _options_to_string_list(self, set_query_options):
return ["%s=%s" % (k, v) for (k, v) in set_query_options.iteritems()]
def build_default_query_options_dict(self):
"""The default query options are retrieved from a rpc call, and are dependent
on the impalad to which a connection has been established. They need to be
refreshed each time a connection is made. This is particularly helpful when
there is a version mismatch between the shell and the impalad.
get_default_query_options = self.imp_service.get_default_configuration(False)
rpc_result = self._do_rpc(lambda: get_default_query_options)
options, status = rpc_result
if status != RpcStatus.OK:
raise RPCException("Unable to retrieve default query options")
for option in options:
self.default_query_options[option.key.upper()] = option.value
def build_summary_table(self, summary, idx, is_fragment_root, indent_level,
new_indent_level, output):
"""Direct translation of Coordinator::PrintExecSummary() to recursively build a list
of rows of summary statistics, one per exec node
summary: the TExecSummary object that contains all the summary data
idx: the index of the node to print
is_fragment_root: true if the node to print is the root of a fragment (and therefore
feeds into an exchange)
indent_level: the number of spaces to print before writing the node's label, to give
the appearance of a tree. The 0th child of a node has the same indent_level as its
parent. All other children have an indent_level of one greater than their parent.
output: the list of rows into which to append the rows produced for this node and its
Returns the index of the next exec node in summary.exec_nodes that should be
processed, used internally to this method only.
NOTE: This is duplicated in, and changes made here should also be
made there.
attrs = ["latency_ns", "cpu_time_ns", "cardinality", "memory_used"]
# Initialise aggregate and maximum stats
agg_stats, max_stats = TExecStats(), TExecStats()
for attr in attrs:
setattr(agg_stats, attr, 0)
setattr(max_stats, attr, 0)
node = summary.nodes[idx]
if node.exec_stats is not None:
for stats in node.exec_stats:
for attr in attrs:
val = getattr(stats, attr)
if val is not None:
setattr(agg_stats, attr, getattr(agg_stats, attr) + val)
setattr(max_stats, attr, max(getattr(max_stats, attr), val))
if node.exec_stats is not None and node.exec_stats:
avg_time = agg_stats.latency_ns / len(node.exec_stats)
avg_time = 0
# If the node is a broadcast-receiving exchange node, the cardinality of rows produced
# is the max over all instances (which should all have received the same number of
# rows). Otherwise, the cardinality is the sum over all instances which process
# disjoint partitions.
if node.is_broadcast:
cardinality = max_stats.cardinality
cardinality = agg_stats.cardinality
est_stats = node.estimated_stats
label_prefix = ""
if indent_level > 0:
label_prefix = "|"
label_prefix += " |" * (indent_level - 1)
if new_indent_level:
label_prefix += "--"
label_prefix += " "
def prettyprint(val, units, divisor):
for unit in units:
if val < divisor:
if unit == units[0]:
return "%d%s" % (val, unit)
return "%3.2f%s" % (val, unit)
val /= divisor
def prettyprint_bytes(byte_val):
return prettyprint(byte_val, [' B', ' KB', ' MB', ' GB', ' TB'], 1024.0)
def prettyprint_units(unit_val):
return prettyprint(unit_val, ["", "K", "M", "B"], 1000.0)
def prettyprint_time(time_val):
return prettyprint(time_val, ["ns", "us", "ms", "s"], 1000.0)
hosts = 0
if node.exec_stats is not None:
hosts = len(node.exec_stats)
row = [ label_prefix + node.label,
node.label_detail ]
sender_idx = summary.exch_to_sender_map[idx]
# This is an exchange node, so the sender is a fragment root, and should be printed
# next.
self.build_summary_table(summary, sender_idx, True, indent_level, False, output)
except (KeyError, TypeError):
# Fall through if idx not in map, or if exch_to_sender_map itself is not set
idx += 1
if node.num_children > 0:
first_child_output = []
idx = \
summary, idx, False, indent_level, False, first_child_output)
for child_idx in xrange(1, node.num_children):
# All other children are indented (we only have 0, 1 or 2 children for every exec
# node at the moment)
idx = self.build_summary_table(
summary, idx, False, indent_level + 1, True, output)
output += first_child_output
return idx
def test_connection(self):
"""Checks to see if the current Impala connection is still alive. If not, an exception
will be raised."""
if self.connected:
def connect(self):
"""Creates a connection to an Impalad instance
The instance of the impala service is then pinged to
test the connection and get back the server version
if self.transport is not None:
self.transport = None
self.connected = False
self.transport = self._get_transport()
protocol = TBinaryProtocol.TBinaryProtocol(self.transport)
self.imp_service = ImpalaService.Client(protocol)
result = self.ping_impala_service()
self.connected = True
return result
def ping_impala_service(self):
return self.imp_service.PingImpalaService()
def close_connection(self):
"""Close the transport if it's still open"""
if self.transport:
def _get_transport(self):
"""Create a Transport.
A non-kerberized impalad just needs a simple buffered transport. For
the kerberized version, a sasl transport is created.
If SSL is enabled, a TSSLSocket underlies the transport stack; otherwise a TSocket
is used.
if self.use_ssl:
# TSSLSocket needs the ssl module, which may not be standard on all Operating
# Systems. Only attempt to import TSSLSocket if the user wants an SSL connection.
from TSSLSocketWithWildcardSAN import TSSLSocketWithWildcardSAN
# sasl does not accept unicode strings, explicitly encode the string into ascii.
host, port = self.impalad[0].encode('ascii', 'ignore'), int(self.impalad[1])
if self.use_ssl:
if self.ca_cert is None:
# No CA cert means don't try to verify the certificate
sock = TSSLSocketWithWildcardSAN(host, port, validate=False)
sock = TSSLSocketWithWildcardSAN(host, port, validate=True, ca_certs=self.ca_cert)
sock = TSocket(host, port)
if not (self.use_ldap or self.use_kerberos):
return TBufferedTransport(sock)
# Initializes a sasl client
def sasl_factory():
sasl_client = sasl.Client()
sasl_client.setAttr("host", host)
if self.use_ldap:
sasl_client.setAttr("username", self.user)
sasl_client.setAttr("password", self.ldap_password)
sasl_client.setAttr("service", self.kerberos_service_name)
return sasl_client
# GSSASPI is the underlying mechanism used by kerberos to authenticate.
if self.use_kerberos:
return TSaslClientTransport(sasl_factory, "GSSAPI", sock)
return TSaslClientTransport(sasl_factory, "PLAIN", sock)
def create_beeswax_query(self, query_str, set_query_options):
"""Create a beeswax query object from a query string"""
query = BeeswaxService.Query()
query.hadoop_user = self.user
query.query = query_str
query.configuration = self._options_to_string_list(set_query_options)
return query
def execute_query(self, query):
rpc_result = self._do_rpc(lambda: self.imp_service.query(query))
last_query_handle, status = rpc_result
if status != RpcStatus.OK:
raise RPCException("Error executing the query")
return last_query_handle
def wait_to_finish(self, last_query_handle, periodic_callback=None):
loop_start = time.time()
while True:
query_state = self.get_query_state(last_query_handle)
if query_state == self.query_state["FINISHED"]:
elif query_state == self.query_state["EXCEPTION"]:
if self.connected:
raise QueryStateException(self.get_warning_log(last_query_handle))
raise DisconnectedException("Not connected to impalad.")
if periodic_callback is not None: periodic_callback()
def fetch(self, query_handle):
"""Fetch all the results.
This function returns a generator to create an iterable of the result rows.
result_rows = []
while True:
rpc_result = self._do_rpc(
lambda: self.imp_service.fetch(query_handle, False,
result, status = rpc_result
if status != RpcStatus.OK:
raise RPCException()
if len(result_rows) >= self.fetch_batch_size or not result.has_more:
rows = [row.split('\t') for row in result_rows]
result_rows = []
yield rows
if not result.has_more:
def close_dml(self, last_query_handle):
"""Fetches the results of a DML query. Returns a tuple containing the
number of rows modified and the number of row errors, in that order. If the DML
operation doesn't return 'num_row_errors', then the second element in the tuple
is None."""
rpc_result = self._do_rpc(
lambda: self.imp_service.CloseInsert(last_query_handle))
insert_result, status = rpc_result
if status != RpcStatus.OK:
raise RPCException()
num_rows = sum([int(k) for k in insert_result.rows_modified.values()])
return (num_rows, insert_result.num_row_errors)
def close_query(self, last_query_handle, query_handle_closed=False):
"""Close the query handle"""
# Make closing a query handle idempotent
if query_handle_closed:
return True
rpc_result = self._do_rpc(lambda: self.imp_service.close(last_query_handle))
_, status = rpc_result
return status == RpcStatus.OK
def cancel_query(self, last_query_handle, query_handle_closed=False):
"""Cancel a query on a keyboard interrupt from the shell."""
# Cancel sets query_state to EXCEPTION before calling cancel() in the
# co-ordinator, so we don't need to wait.
if query_handle_closed:
return True
rpc_result = self._do_rpc(lambda: self.imp_service.Cancel(last_query_handle))
_, status = rpc_result
return status == RpcStatus.OK
def get_query_state(self, last_query_handle):
rpc_result = self._do_rpc(
lambda: self.imp_service.get_state(last_query_handle))
state, status = rpc_result
if status != RpcStatus.OK:
return self.query_state["EXCEPTION"]
return state
def get_runtime_profile(self, last_query_handle):
rpc_result = self._do_rpc(
lambda: self.imp_service.GetRuntimeProfile(last_query_handle))
profile, status = rpc_result
if status == RpcStatus.OK and profile:
return profile
def get_summary(self, last_query_handle):
"""Calls GetExecSummary() for the last query handle"""
rpc_result = self._do_rpc(
lambda: self.imp_service.GetExecSummary(last_query_handle))
summary, status = rpc_result
if status == RpcStatus.OK and summary:
return summary
return None
def _do_rpc(self, rpc):
"""Executes the provided callable."""
if not self.connected:
raise DisconnectedException("Not connected (use CONNECT to establish a connection)")
return None, RpcStatus.ERROR
ret = rpc()
status = RpcStatus.OK
# TODO: In the future more advanced error detection/handling can be done based on
# the TStatus return value. For now, just print any error(s) that were encountered
# and validate the result of the operation was a success.
if ret is not None and isinstance(ret, TStatus):
if ret.status_code != TErrorCode.OK:
if ret.error_msgs:
raise RPCException ('RPC Error: %s' % '\n'.join(ret.error_msgs))
status = RpcStatus.ERROR
return ret, status
except BeeswaxService.QueryNotFoundException:
raise QueryStateException('Error: Stale query handle')
# beeswaxException prints out the entire object, printing
# just the message is far more readable/helpful.
except BeeswaxService.BeeswaxException, b:
raise RPCException("ERROR: %s" % b.message)
except TTransportException, e:
# issue with the connection with the impalad
raise DisconnectedException("Error communicating with impalad: %s" % e)
except TApplicationException, t:
raise RPCException("Application Exception : %s" % t)
return None, RpcStatus.ERROR
def _get_sleep_interval(self, start_time):
"""Returns a step function of time to sleep in seconds before polling
again. Maximum sleep is 1s, minimum is 0.1s"""
elapsed = time.time() - start_time
if elapsed < 10.0:
return 0.1
elif elapsed < 60.0:
return 0.5
return 1.0
def get_column_names(self, last_query_handle):
rpc_result = self._do_rpc(
lambda: self.imp_service.get_results_metadata(last_query_handle))
metadata, _ = rpc_result
if not metadata is None:
return [ for fs in metadata.schema.fieldSchemas]
def expect_result_metadata(self, query_str):
""" Given a query string, return True if impalad expects result metadata"""
excluded_query_types = ['use', 'drop']
if True in set(map(query_str.startswith, excluded_query_types)):
return False
return True
def get_warning_log(self, last_query_handle):
if last_query_handle is None:
return "Query could not be executed"
rpc_result = self._do_rpc(
lambda: self.imp_service.get_log(last_query_handle.log_context))
log, status = rpc_result
if status != RpcStatus.OK:
return "Failed to get error log: %s" % status
if log and log.strip():
return "WARNINGS: %s" % log
return ""