blob: 535d9bec38f102e2ebad690e699b23e1640223cb [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
// KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
// specific language governing permissions and limitations
// under the License.
#include "parquet-column-readers.h"
#include <boost/scoped_ptr.hpp>
#include <string>
#include <sstream>
#include <gflags/gflags.h>
#include <gutil/strings/substitute.h>
#include "exec/hdfs-parquet-scanner.h"
#include "exec/parquet-metadata-utils.h"
#include "exec/parquet-scratch-tuple-batch.h"
#include "exec/read-write-util.h"
#include "gutil/bits.h"
#include "rpc/thrift-util.h"
#include "runtime/collection-value-builder.h"
#include "runtime/tuple-row.h"
#include "runtime/tuple.h"
#include "runtime/runtime-state.h"
#include "runtime/mem-pool.h"
#include "util/codec.h"
#include "util/debug-util.h"
#include "util/dict-encoding.h"
#include "util/rle-encoding.h"
#include "common/names.h"
// Provide a workaround for IMPALA-1658.
DEFINE_bool(convert_legacy_hive_parquet_utc_timestamps, false,
"When true, TIMESTAMPs read from files written by Parquet-MR (used by Hive) will "
"be converted from UTC to local time. Writes are unaffected.");
// Max data page header size in bytes. This is an estimate and only needs to be an upper
// bound. It is theoretically possible to have a page header of any size due to string
// value statistics, but in practice we'll have trouble reading string values this large.
// Also, this limit is in place to prevent impala from reading corrupt parquet files.
DEFINE_int32(max_page_header_size, 8*1024*1024, "max parquet page header size in bytes");
// Trigger debug action on every 128 tuples produced. This is useful in exercising the
// failure or cancellation path.
#ifndef NDEBUG
namespace impala {
const string PARQUET_MEM_LIMIT_EXCEEDED = "HdfsParquetScanner::$0() failed to allocate "
"$1 bytes for $2.";
Status ParquetLevelDecoder::Init(const string& filename,
parquet::Encoding::type encoding, MemPool* cache_pool, int cache_size,
int max_level, int num_buffered_values, uint8_t** data, int* data_size) {
DCHECK_GE(num_buffered_values, 0);
encoding_ = encoding;
max_level_ = max_level;
num_buffered_values_ = num_buffered_values;
filename_ = filename;
RETURN_IF_ERROR(InitCache(cache_pool, cache_size));
// Return because there is no level data to read, e.g., required field.
if (max_level == 0) return Status::OK();
int32_t num_bytes = 0;
switch (encoding) {
case parquet::Encoding::RLE: {
Status status;
if (!ReadWriteUtil::Read(data, data_size, &num_bytes, &status)) {
return status;
if (num_bytes < 0) {
return Status(TErrorCode::PARQUET_CORRUPT_RLE_BYTES, filename, num_bytes);
int bit_width = Bits::Log2Ceiling64(max_level + 1);
Reset(*data, num_bytes, bit_width);
case parquet::Encoding::BIT_PACKED:
num_bytes = BitUtil::Ceil(num_buffered_values, 8);
bit_reader_.Reset(*data, num_bytes);
default: {
stringstream ss;
ss << "Unsupported encoding: " << encoding;
return Status(ss.str());
if (UNLIKELY(num_bytes < 0 || num_bytes > *data_size)) {
return Status(Substitute("Corrupt Parquet file '$0': $1 bytes of encoded levels but "
"only $2 bytes left in page", filename, num_bytes, data_size));
*data += num_bytes;
*data_size -= num_bytes;
return Status::OK();
Status ParquetLevelDecoder::InitCache(MemPool* pool, int cache_size) {
num_cached_levels_ = 0;
cached_level_idx_ = 0;
// Memory has already been allocated.
if (cached_levels_ != NULL) {
DCHECK_EQ(cache_size_, cache_size);
return Status::OK();
cached_levels_ = reinterpret_cast<uint8_t*>(pool->TryAllocate(cache_size));
if (cached_levels_ == NULL) {
return pool->mem_tracker()->MemLimitExceeded(
NULL, "Definition level cache", cache_size);
memset(cached_levels_, 0, cache_size);
cache_size_ = cache_size;
return Status::OK();
inline int16_t ParquetLevelDecoder::ReadLevel() {
bool valid;
uint8_t level;
if (encoding_ == parquet::Encoding::RLE) {
valid = Get(&level);
} else {
DCHECK_EQ(encoding_, parquet::Encoding::BIT_PACKED);
valid = bit_reader_.GetValue(1, &level);
return LIKELY(valid) ? level : HdfsParquetScanner::INVALID_LEVEL;
Status ParquetLevelDecoder::CacheNextBatch(int batch_size) {
DCHECK_LE(batch_size, cache_size_);
cached_level_idx_ = 0;
if (max_level_ > 0) {
if (UNLIKELY(!FillCache(batch_size, &num_cached_levels_))) {
return Status(decoding_error_code_, num_buffered_values_, filename_);
} else {
// No levels to read, e.g., because the field is required. The cache was
// already initialized with all zeros, so we can hand out those values.
DCHECK_EQ(max_level_, 0);
num_cached_levels_ = batch_size;
return Status::OK();
bool ParquetLevelDecoder::FillCache(int batch_size,
int* num_cached_levels) {
DCHECK(num_cached_levels != NULL);
int num_values = 0;
if (encoding_ == parquet::Encoding::RLE) {
while (true) {
// Add RLE encoded values by repeating the current value this number of times.
uint32_t num_repeats_to_set =
min<uint32_t>(repeat_count_, batch_size - num_values);
memset(cached_levels_ + num_values, current_value_, num_repeats_to_set);
num_values += num_repeats_to_set;
repeat_count_ -= num_repeats_to_set;
// Add remaining literal values, if any.
uint32_t num_literals_to_set =
min<uint32_t>(literal_count_, batch_size - num_values);
int num_values_end = min<uint32_t>(num_values + literal_count_, batch_size);
for (; num_values < num_values_end; ++num_values) {
bool valid = bit_reader_.GetValue(bit_width_, &cached_levels_[num_values]);
if (UNLIKELY(!valid || cached_levels_[num_values] > max_level_)) return false;
literal_count_ -= num_literals_to_set;
if (num_values == batch_size) break;
if (UNLIKELY(!NextCounts<int16_t>())) return false;
if (repeat_count_ > 0 && current_value_ > max_level_) return false;
} else {
DCHECK_EQ(encoding_, parquet::Encoding::BIT_PACKED);
for (; num_values < batch_size; ++num_values) {
bool valid = bit_reader_.GetValue(1, &cached_levels_[num_values]);
if (UNLIKELY(!valid || cached_levels_[num_values] > max_level_)) return false;
*num_cached_levels = num_values;
return true;
/// Per column type reader. If MATERIALIZED is true, the column values are materialized
/// into the slot described by slot_desc. If MATERIALIZED is false, the column values
/// are not materialized, but the position can be accessed.
template<typename T, bool MATERIALIZED>
class ScalarColumnReader : public BaseScalarColumnReader {
ScalarColumnReader(HdfsParquetScanner* parent, const SchemaNode& node,
const SlotDescriptor* slot_desc)
: BaseScalarColumnReader(parent, node, slot_desc),
dict_decoder_init_(false) {
// We're not materializing any values, just counting them. No need (or ability) to
// initialize state used to materialize values.
DCHECK(slot_desc_ == NULL);
DCHECK(slot_desc_ != NULL);
DCHECK_NE(slot_desc_->type().type, TYPE_BOOLEAN);
if (slot_desc_->type().type == TYPE_DECIMAL) {
fixed_len_size_ = ParquetPlainEncoder::DecimalSize(slot_desc_->type());
} else if (slot_desc_->type().type == TYPE_VARCHAR) {
fixed_len_size_ = slot_desc_->type().len;
} else {
fixed_len_size_ = -1;
needs_conversion_ = slot_desc_->type().type == TYPE_CHAR ||
// TODO: Add logic to detect file versions that have unconverted TIMESTAMP
// values. Currently all versions have converted values.
(FLAGS_convert_legacy_hive_parquet_utc_timestamps &&
slot_desc_->type().type == TYPE_TIMESTAMP &&
parent->file_version_.application == "parquet-mr");
virtual ~ScalarColumnReader() { }
virtual bool ReadValue(MemPool* pool, Tuple* tuple) {
return ReadValue<true>(pool, tuple);
virtual bool ReadNonRepeatedValue(MemPool* pool, Tuple* tuple) {
return ReadValue<false>(pool, tuple);
virtual bool NeedsSeedingForBatchedReading() const { return false; }
virtual bool ReadValueBatch(MemPool* pool, int max_values, int tuple_size,
uint8_t* tuple_mem, int* num_values) {
return ReadValueBatch<true>(pool, max_values, tuple_size, tuple_mem, num_values);
virtual bool ReadNonRepeatedValueBatch(MemPool* pool, int max_values, int tuple_size,
uint8_t* tuple_mem, int* num_values) {
return ReadValueBatch<false>(pool, max_values, tuple_size, tuple_mem, num_values);
template<bool IN_COLLECTION>
inline bool ReadValue(MemPool* pool, Tuple* tuple) {
// NextLevels() should have already been called and def and rep levels should be in
// valid range.
DCHECK_GE(rep_level_, 0);
DCHECK_LE(rep_level_, max_rep_level());
DCHECK_GE(def_level_, 0);
DCHECK_LE(def_level_, max_def_level());
DCHECK_GE(def_level_, def_level_of_immediate_repeated_ancestor()) <<
"Caller should have called NextLevels() until we are ready to read a value";
if (def_level_ >= max_def_level()) {
if (page_encoding_ == parquet::Encoding::PLAIN_DICTIONARY) {
if (!ReadSlot<true>(tuple, pool)) return false;
} else {
if (!ReadSlot<false>(tuple, pool)) return false;
} else {
return NextLevels<IN_COLLECTION>();
/// Implementation of the ReadValueBatch() functions specialized for this
/// column reader type. This function drives the reading of data pages and
/// caching of rep/def levels. Once a data page and cached levels are available,
/// it calls into a more specialized MaterializeValueBatch() for doing the actual
/// value materialization using the level caches.
template<bool IN_COLLECTION>
bool ReadValueBatch(MemPool* pool, int max_values, int tuple_size,
uint8_t* tuple_mem, int* num_values) {
// Repetition level is only present if this column is nested in a collection type.
if (!IN_COLLECTION) DCHECK_EQ(max_rep_level(), 0) << slot_desc()->DebugString();
if (IN_COLLECTION) DCHECK_GT(max_rep_level(), 0) << slot_desc()->DebugString();
int val_count = 0;
bool continue_execution = true;
while (val_count < max_values && !RowGroupAtEnd() && continue_execution) {
// Read next page if necessary.
if (num_buffered_values_ == 0) {
if (!NextPage()) {
continue_execution = parent_->parse_status_.ok();
// Fill def/rep level caches if they are empty.
int level_batch_size = min(parent_->state_->batch_size(), num_buffered_values_);
if (!def_levels_.CacheHasNext()) {
// We only need the repetition levels for populating the position slot since we
// are only populating top-level tuples.
if (IN_COLLECTION && pos_slot_desc_ != NULL && !rep_levels_.CacheHasNext()) {
if (UNLIKELY(!parent_->parse_status_.ok())) return false;
// This special case is most efficiently handled here directly.
int vals_to_add = min(def_levels_.CacheRemaining(), max_values - val_count);
val_count += vals_to_add;
num_buffered_values_ -= vals_to_add;
// Read data page and cached levels to materialize values.
int cache_start_idx = def_levels_.CacheCurrIdx();
uint8_t* next_tuple = tuple_mem + val_count * tuple_size;
int remaining_val_capacity = max_values - val_count;
int ret_val_count = 0;
if (page_encoding_ == parquet::Encoding::PLAIN_DICTIONARY) {
continue_execution = MaterializeValueBatch<IN_COLLECTION, true>(
pool, remaining_val_capacity, tuple_size, next_tuple, &ret_val_count);
} else {
continue_execution = MaterializeValueBatch<IN_COLLECTION, false>(
pool, remaining_val_capacity, tuple_size, next_tuple, &ret_val_count);
val_count += ret_val_count;
num_buffered_values_ -= (def_levels_.CacheCurrIdx() - cache_start_idx);
continue_execution &= TriggerDebugAction();
*num_values = val_count;
return continue_execution;
/// Helper function for ReadValueBatch() above that performs value materialization.
/// It assumes a data page with remaining values is available, and that the def/rep
/// level caches have been populated.
/// For efficiency, the simple special case of !MATERIALIZED && !IN_COLLECTION is not
/// handled in this function.
template<bool IN_COLLECTION, bool IS_DICT_ENCODED>
bool MaterializeValueBatch(MemPool* pool, int max_values, int tuple_size,
uint8_t* tuple_mem, int* num_values) {
DCHECK_GT(num_buffered_values_, 0);
if (IN_COLLECTION && pos_slot_desc_ != NULL) DCHECK(rep_levels_.CacheHasNext());
uint8_t* curr_tuple = tuple_mem;
int val_count = 0;
while (def_levels_.CacheHasNext()) {
Tuple* tuple = reinterpret_cast<Tuple*>(curr_tuple);
int def_level = def_levels_.CacheGetNext();
if (def_level < def_level_of_immediate_repeated_ancestor()) {
// A containing repeated field is empty or NULL. Skip the value but
// move to the next repetition level if necessary.
if (pos_slot_desc_ != NULL) rep_levels_.CacheGetNext();
if (pos_slot_desc_ != NULL) {
int rep_level = rep_levels_.CacheGetNext();
// Reset position counter if we are at the start of a new parent collection.
if (rep_level <= max_rep_level() - 1) pos_current_value_ = 0;
void* pos_slot = tuple->GetSlot(pos_slot_desc()->tuple_offset());
*reinterpret_cast<int64_t*>(pos_slot) = pos_current_value_++;
if (def_level >= max_def_level()) {
bool continue_execution = ReadSlot<IS_DICT_ENCODED>(tuple, pool);
if (UNLIKELY(!continue_execution)) return false;
} else {
curr_tuple += tuple_size;
if (UNLIKELY(val_count == max_values)) break;
*num_values = val_count;
return true;
virtual Status CreateDictionaryDecoder(uint8_t* values, int size,
DictDecoderBase** decoder) {
if (!dict_decoder_.Reset(values, size, fixed_len_size_)) {
return Status(TErrorCode::PARQUET_CORRUPT_DICTIONARY, filename(),
slot_desc_->type().DebugString(), "could not decode dictionary");
dict_decoder_init_ = true;
*decoder = &dict_decoder_;
return Status::OK();
virtual bool HasDictionaryDecoder() {
return dict_decoder_init_;
virtual void ClearDictionaryDecoder() {
dict_decoder_init_ = false;
virtual Status InitDataPage(uint8_t* data, int size) {
// Data can be empty if the column contains all NULLs
DCHECK_GE(size, 0);
page_encoding_ = current_page_header_.data_page_header.encoding;
if (page_encoding_ != parquet::Encoding::PLAIN_DICTIONARY &&
page_encoding_ != parquet::Encoding::PLAIN) {
stringstream ss;
ss << "File '" << filename() << "' is corrupt: unexpected encoding: "
<< PrintEncoding(page_encoding_) << " for data page of column '"
<< schema_element().name << "'.";
return Status(ss.str());
// If slot_desc_ is NULL, dict_decoder_ is uninitialized
if (page_encoding_ == parquet::Encoding::PLAIN_DICTIONARY && slot_desc_ != NULL) {
if (!dict_decoder_init_) {
return Status("File corrupt. Missing dictionary page.");
RETURN_IF_ERROR(dict_decoder_.SetData(data, size));
// TODO: Perform filter selectivity checks here.
return Status::OK();
/// Writes the next value into the appropriate destination slot in 'tuple' using pool
/// if necessary.
/// Returns false if execution should be aborted for some reason, e.g. parse_error_ is
/// set, the query is cancelled, or the scan node limit was reached. Otherwise returns
/// true.
template<bool IS_DICT_ENCODED>
inline bool ReadSlot(Tuple* tuple, MemPool* pool) {
void* slot = tuple->GetSlot(tuple_offset_);
T val;
T* val_ptr = NeedsConversion() ? &val : reinterpret_cast<T*>(slot);
DCHECK_EQ(page_encoding_, parquet::Encoding::PLAIN_DICTIONARY);
if (UNLIKELY(!dict_decoder_.GetValue(val_ptr))) {
return false;
} else {
DCHECK_EQ(page_encoding_, parquet::Encoding::PLAIN);
int encoded_len =
ParquetPlainEncoder::Decode<T>(data_, data_end_, fixed_len_size_, val_ptr);
if (UNLIKELY(encoded_len < 0)) {
return false;
data_ += encoded_len;
if (UNLIKELY(NeedsValidation() && !ValidateSlot(val_ptr, tuple))) {
return false;
if (UNLIKELY(NeedsConversion() &&
!tuple->IsNull(null_indicator_offset_) &&
!ConvertSlot(&val, reinterpret_cast<T*>(slot), pool))) {
return false;
return true;
/// Most column readers never require conversion, so we can avoid branches by
/// returning constant false. Column readers for types that require conversion
/// must specialize this function.
inline bool NeedsConversion() const {
return false;
/// Similar to NeedsCoversion(), most column readers do not require validation,
/// so to avoid branches, we return constant false. In general, types where not
/// all possible bit representations of the data type are valid should be
/// validated.
inline bool NeedsValidation() const {
return false;
/// Converts and writes src into dst based on desc_->type()
bool ConvertSlot(const T* src, T* dst, MemPool* pool) {
return false;
/// Sets error message and returns false if the slot value is invalid, e.g., due to
/// being out of the valid value range.
bool ValidateSlot(T* src, Tuple* tuple) const {
return false;
/// Pull out slow-path Status construction code
void __attribute__((noinline)) SetDictDecodeError() {
parent_->parse_status_ = Status(TErrorCode::PARQUET_DICT_DECODE_FAILURE, filename(),
slot_desc_->type().DebugString(), stream_->file_offset());
void __attribute__((noinline)) SetPlainDecodeError() {
parent_->parse_status_ = Status(TErrorCode::PARQUET_CORRUPT_PLAIN_VALUE, filename(),
slot_desc_->type().DebugString(), stream_->file_offset());
/// Dictionary decoder for decoding column values.
DictDecoder<T> dict_decoder_;
/// True if dict_decoder_ has been initialized with a dictionary page.
bool dict_decoder_init_;
/// true if decoded values must be converted before being written to an output tuple.
bool needs_conversion_;
/// The size of this column with plain encoding for FIXED_LEN_BYTE_ARRAY, or
/// the max length for VARCHAR columns. Unused otherwise.
int fixed_len_size_;
inline bool ScalarColumnReader<StringValue, true>::NeedsConversion() const {
return needs_conversion_;
bool ScalarColumnReader<StringValue, true>::ConvertSlot(
const StringValue* src, StringValue* dst, MemPool* pool) {
DCHECK(slot_desc() != NULL);
DCHECK(slot_desc()->type().type == TYPE_CHAR);
int len = slot_desc()->type().len;
StringValue sv;
sv.len = len;
if (slot_desc()->type().IsVarLenStringType()) {
sv.ptr = reinterpret_cast<char*>(pool->TryAllocate(len));
if (UNLIKELY(sv.ptr == NULL)) {
string details = Substitute(PARQUET_MEM_LIMIT_EXCEEDED, "ConvertSlot",
len, "StringValue");
parent_->parse_status_ =
pool->mem_tracker()->MemLimitExceeded(parent_->state_, details, len);
return false;
} else {
sv.ptr = reinterpret_cast<char*>(dst);
int unpadded_len = min(len, src->len);
memcpy(sv.ptr, src->ptr, unpadded_len);
StringValue::PadWithSpaces(sv.ptr, len, unpadded_len);
if (slot_desc()->type().IsVarLenStringType()) *dst = sv;
return true;
inline bool ScalarColumnReader<TimestampValue, true>::NeedsConversion() const {
return needs_conversion_;
bool ScalarColumnReader<TimestampValue, true>::ConvertSlot(
const TimestampValue* src, TimestampValue* dst, MemPool* pool) {
// Conversion should only happen when this flag is enabled.
*dst = *src;
if (dst->HasDateAndTime()) dst->UtcToLocal();
return true;
inline bool ScalarColumnReader<TimestampValue, true>::NeedsValidation() const {
return true;
bool ScalarColumnReader<TimestampValue, true>::ValidateSlot(
TimestampValue* src, Tuple* tuple) const {
if (UNLIKELY(!src->IsValidDate())) {
filename(), node_.element->name);
Status status = parent_->state_->LogOrReturnError(msg);
if (!status.ok()) {
parent_->parse_status_ = status;
return false;
return true;
class BoolColumnReader : public BaseScalarColumnReader {
BoolColumnReader(HdfsParquetScanner* parent, const SchemaNode& node,
const SlotDescriptor* slot_desc)
: BaseScalarColumnReader(parent, node, slot_desc) {
if (slot_desc_ != NULL) DCHECK_EQ(slot_desc_->type().type, TYPE_BOOLEAN);
virtual ~BoolColumnReader() { }
virtual bool ReadValue(MemPool* pool, Tuple* tuple) {
return ReadValue<true>(pool, tuple);
virtual bool ReadNonRepeatedValue(MemPool* pool, Tuple* tuple) {
return ReadValue<false>(pool, tuple);
virtual Status CreateDictionaryDecoder(uint8_t* values, int size,
DictDecoderBase** decoder) {
DCHECK(false) << "Dictionary encoding is not supported for bools. Should never "
<< "have gotten this far.";
return Status::OK();
virtual bool HasDictionaryDecoder() {
// Decoder should never be created for bools.
return false;
virtual void ClearDictionaryDecoder() { }
virtual Status InitDataPage(uint8_t* data, int size) {
// Initialize bool decoder
bool_values_ = BitReader(data, size);
return Status::OK();
template<bool IN_COLLECTION>
inline bool ReadValue(MemPool* pool, Tuple* tuple) {
DCHECK(slot_desc_ != NULL);
// Def and rep levels should be in valid range.
DCHECK_GE(rep_level_, 0);
DCHECK_LE(rep_level_, max_rep_level());
DCHECK_GE(def_level_, 0);
DCHECK_LE(def_level_, max_def_level());
DCHECK_GE(def_level_, def_level_of_immediate_repeated_ancestor()) <<
"Caller should have called NextLevels() until we are ready to read a value";
if (def_level_ >= max_def_level()) {
return ReadSlot<IN_COLLECTION>(tuple, pool);
} else {
// Null value
return NextLevels<IN_COLLECTION>();
/// Writes the next value into the next slot in the *tuple using pool if necessary.
/// Also advances def_level_ and rep_level_ via NextLevels().
/// Returns false if execution should be aborted for some reason, e.g. parse_error_ is
/// set, the query is cancelled, or the scan node limit was reached. Otherwise returns
/// true.
template<bool IN_COLLECTION>
inline bool ReadSlot(Tuple* tuple, MemPool* pool) {
void* slot = tuple->GetSlot(tuple_offset_);
if (!bool_values_.GetValue(1, reinterpret_cast<bool*>(slot))) {
parent_->parse_status_ = Status("Invalid bool column.");
return false;
return NextLevels<IN_COLLECTION>();
BitReader bool_values_;
bool ParquetColumnReader::TriggerDebugAction() {
Status status = parent_->TriggerDebugAction();
if (!status.ok()) {
if (!status.IsCancelled()) parent_->parse_status_.MergeStatus(status);
return false;
return true;
bool ParquetColumnReader::ReadValueBatch(MemPool* pool, int max_values,
int tuple_size, uint8_t* tuple_mem, int* num_values) {
int val_count = 0;
bool continue_execution = true;
while (val_count < max_values && !RowGroupAtEnd() && continue_execution) {
Tuple* tuple = reinterpret_cast<Tuple*>(tuple_mem + val_count * tuple_size);
if (def_level_ < def_level_of_immediate_repeated_ancestor()) {
// A containing repeated field is empty or NULL
continue_execution = NextLevels();
// Fill in position slot if applicable
if (pos_slot_desc_ != NULL) ReadPosition(tuple);
continue_execution = ReadValue(pool, tuple);
continue_execution &= TriggerDebugAction();
*num_values = val_count;
return continue_execution;
bool ParquetColumnReader::ReadNonRepeatedValueBatch(MemPool* pool,
int max_values, int tuple_size, uint8_t* tuple_mem, int* num_values) {
int val_count = 0;
bool continue_execution = true;
while (val_count < max_values && !RowGroupAtEnd() && continue_execution) {
Tuple* tuple = reinterpret_cast<Tuple*>(tuple_mem + val_count * tuple_size);
continue_execution = ReadNonRepeatedValue(pool, tuple);
continue_execution &= TriggerDebugAction();
*num_values = val_count;
return continue_execution;
void ParquetColumnReader::ReadPosition(Tuple* tuple) {
DCHECK(pos_slot_desc() != NULL);
// NextLevels() should have already been called
DCHECK_GE(rep_level_, 0);
DCHECK_GE(def_level_, 0);
DCHECK_GE(pos_current_value_, 0);
DCHECK_GE(def_level_, def_level_of_immediate_repeated_ancestor()) <<
"Caller should have called NextLevels() until we are ready to read a value";
void* slot = tuple->GetSlot(pos_slot_desc()->tuple_offset());
*reinterpret_cast<int64_t*>(slot) = pos_current_value_++;
// In 1.1, we had a bug where the dictionary page metadata was not set. Returns true
// if this matches those versions and compatibility workarounds need to be used.
static bool RequiresSkippedDictionaryHeaderCheck(
const ParquetFileVersion& v) {
if (v.application != "impala") return false;
return v.VersionEq(1,1,0) || (v.VersionEq(1,2,0) && v.is_impala_internal);
Status BaseScalarColumnReader::ReadDataPage() {
Status status;
uint8_t* buffer;
// We're about to move to the next data page. The previous data page is
// now complete, pass along the memory allocated for it.
parent_->scratch_batch_->mem_pool()->AcquireData(decompressed_data_pool_.get(), false);
// Read the next data page, skipping page types we don't care about.
// We break out of this loop on the non-error case (a data page was found or we read all
// the pages).
while (true) {
DCHECK_EQ(num_buffered_values_, 0);
if (num_values_read_ == metadata_->num_values) {
// No more pages to read
// TODO: should we check for stream_->eosr()?
} else if (num_values_read_ > metadata_->num_values) {
metadata_->num_values, num_values_read_, node_.element->name, filename());
return Status::OK();
int64_t buffer_size;
RETURN_IF_ERROR(stream_->GetBuffer(true, &buffer, &buffer_size));
if (buffer_size == 0) {
// The data pages contain fewer values than stated in the column metadata.
DCHECK_LT(num_values_read_, metadata_->num_values);
// TODO for 2.3: node_.element->name isn't necessarily useful
metadata_->num_values, num_values_read_, node_.element->name, filename());
return Status::OK();
// We don't know the actual header size until the thrift object is deserialized. Loop
// until we successfully deserialize the header or exceed the maximum header size.
uint32_t header_size;
while (true) {
header_size = buffer_size;
status = DeserializeThriftMsg(
buffer, &header_size, true, &current_page_header_);
if (status.ok()) break;
if (buffer_size >= FLAGS_max_page_header_size) {
stringstream ss;
ss << "ParquetScanner: could not read data page because page header exceeded "
<< "maximum size of "
<< PrettyPrinter::Print(FLAGS_max_page_header_size, TUnit::BYTES);
return status;
// Didn't read entire header, increase buffer size and try again
Status status;
int64_t new_buffer_size = max<int64_t>(buffer_size * 2, 1024);
bool success = stream_->GetBytes(
new_buffer_size, &buffer, &new_buffer_size, &status, /* peek */ true);
if (!success) {
return status;
if (buffer_size == new_buffer_size) {
DCHECK_NE(new_buffer_size, 0);
return Status(TErrorCode::PARQUET_HEADER_EOF, filename());
DCHECK_GT(new_buffer_size, buffer_size);
buffer_size = new_buffer_size;
// Successfully deserialized current_page_header_
if (!stream_->SkipBytes(header_size, &status)) return status;
int data_size = current_page_header_.compressed_page_size;
int uncompressed_size = current_page_header_.uncompressed_page_size;
if (UNLIKELY(data_size < 0)) {
return Status(Substitute("Corrupt Parquet file '$0': negative page size $1 for "
"column '$2'", filename(), data_size, schema_element().name));
if (UNLIKELY(uncompressed_size < 0)) {
return Status(Substitute("Corrupt Parquet file '$0': negative uncompressed page "
"size $1 for column '$2'", filename(), uncompressed_size,
if (current_page_header_.type == parquet::PageType::DICTIONARY_PAGE) {
if (slot_desc_ == NULL) {
// Skip processing the dictionary page if we don't need to decode any values. In
// addition to being unnecessary, we are likely unable to successfully decode the
// dictionary values because we don't necessarily create the right type of scalar
// reader if there's no slot to read into (see CreateReader()).
if (!stream_->ReadBytes(data_size, &data_, &status)) return status;
if (HasDictionaryDecoder()) {
return Status("Column chunk should not contain two dictionary pages.");
if (node_.element->type == parquet::Type::BOOLEAN) {
return Status("Unexpected dictionary page. Dictionary page is not"
" supported for booleans.");
const parquet::DictionaryPageHeader* dict_header = NULL;
if (current_page_header_.__isset.dictionary_page_header) {
dict_header = &current_page_header_.dictionary_page_header;
} else {
if (!RequiresSkippedDictionaryHeaderCheck(parent_->file_version_)) {
return Status("Dictionary page does not have dictionary header set.");
if (dict_header != NULL &&
dict_header->encoding != parquet::Encoding::PLAIN &&
dict_header->encoding != parquet::Encoding::PLAIN_DICTIONARY) {
return Status("Only PLAIN and PLAIN_DICTIONARY encodings are supported "
"for dictionary pages.");
if (!stream_->ReadBytes(data_size, &data_, &status)) return status;
data_end_ = data_ + data_size;
uint8_t* dict_values = NULL;
if (decompressor_.get() != NULL) {
dict_values = parent_->dictionary_pool_->TryAllocate(uncompressed_size);
if (UNLIKELY(dict_values == NULL)) {
string details = Substitute(PARQUET_MEM_LIMIT_EXCEEDED, "ReadDataPage",
uncompressed_size, "dictionary");
return parent_->dictionary_pool_->mem_tracker()->MemLimitExceeded(
parent_->state_, details, uncompressed_size);
RETURN_IF_ERROR(decompressor_->ProcessBlock32(true, data_size, data_,
&uncompressed_size, &dict_values));
VLOG_FILE << "Decompressed " << data_size << " to " << uncompressed_size;
if (current_page_header_.uncompressed_page_size != uncompressed_size) {
return Status(Substitute("Error decompressing dictionary page in file '$0'. "
"Expected $1 uncompressed bytes but got $2", filename(),
current_page_header_.uncompressed_page_size, uncompressed_size));
data_size = uncompressed_size;
} else {
if (current_page_header_.uncompressed_page_size != data_size) {
return Status(Substitute("Error reading dictionary page in file '$0'. "
"Expected $1 bytes but got $2", filename(),
current_page_header_.uncompressed_page_size, data_size));
// Copy dictionary from io buffer (which will be recycled as we read
// more data) to a new buffer
dict_values = parent_->dictionary_pool_->TryAllocate(data_size);
if (UNLIKELY(dict_values == NULL)) {
string details = Substitute(PARQUET_MEM_LIMIT_EXCEEDED, "ReadDataPage",
data_size, "dictionary");
return parent_->dictionary_pool_->mem_tracker()->MemLimitExceeded(
parent_->state_, details, data_size);
memcpy(dict_values, data_, data_size);
DictDecoderBase* dict_decoder;
RETURN_IF_ERROR(CreateDictionaryDecoder(dict_values, data_size, &dict_decoder));
if (dict_header != NULL &&
dict_header->num_values != dict_decoder->num_entries()) {
return Status(TErrorCode::PARQUET_CORRUPT_DICTIONARY, filename(),
Substitute("Expected $0 entries but data contained $1 entries",
dict_header->num_values, dict_decoder->num_entries()));
// Done with dictionary page, read next page
if (current_page_header_.type != parquet::PageType::DATA_PAGE) {
// We can safely skip non-data pages
if (!stream_->SkipBytes(data_size, &status)) return status;
// Read Data Page
// TODO: when we start using page statistics, we will need to ignore certain corrupt
// statistics. See IMPALA-2208 and PARQUET-251.
if (!stream_->ReadBytes(data_size, &data_, &status)) return status;
data_end_ = data_ + data_size;
int num_values = current_page_header_.data_page_header.num_values;
if (num_values < 0) {
return Status(Substitute("Error reading data page in Parquet file '$0'. "
"Invalid number of values in metadata: $1", filename(), num_values));
num_buffered_values_ = num_values;
num_values_read_ += num_buffered_values_;
if (decompressor_.get() != NULL) {
uint8_t* decompressed_buffer =
if (UNLIKELY(decompressed_buffer == NULL)) {
string details = Substitute(PARQUET_MEM_LIMIT_EXCEEDED, "ReadDataPage",
uncompressed_size, "decompressed data");
return decompressed_data_pool_->mem_tracker()->MemLimitExceeded(
parent_->state_, details, uncompressed_size);
current_page_header_.compressed_page_size, data_, &uncompressed_size,
VLOG_FILE << "Decompressed " << current_page_header_.compressed_page_size
<< " to " << uncompressed_size;
if (current_page_header_.uncompressed_page_size != uncompressed_size) {
return Status(Substitute("Error decompressing data page in file '$0'. "
"Expected $1 uncompressed bytes but got $2", filename(),
current_page_header_.uncompressed_page_size, uncompressed_size));
data_ = decompressed_buffer;
data_size = current_page_header_.uncompressed_page_size;
data_end_ = data_ + data_size;
} else {
DCHECK_EQ(metadata_->codec, parquet::CompressionCodec::UNCOMPRESSED);
if (current_page_header_.compressed_page_size != uncompressed_size) {
return Status(Substitute("Error reading data page in file '$0'. "
"Expected $1 bytes but got $2", filename(),
current_page_header_.compressed_page_size, uncompressed_size));
// Initialize the repetition level data
parent_->level_cache_pool_.get(), parent_->state_->batch_size(),
max_rep_level(), num_buffered_values_,
&data_, &data_size));
// Initialize the definition level data
parent_->level_cache_pool_.get(), parent_->state_->batch_size(),
max_def_level(), num_buffered_values_, &data_, &data_size));
// Data can be empty if the column contains all NULLs
RETURN_IF_ERROR(InitDataPage(data_, data_size));
return Status::OK();
template<bool ADVANCE_REP_LEVEL>
bool BaseScalarColumnReader::NextLevels() {
if (!ADVANCE_REP_LEVEL) DCHECK_EQ(max_rep_level(), 0) << slot_desc()->DebugString();
if (UNLIKELY(num_buffered_values_ == 0)) {
if (!NextPage()) return parent_->parse_status_.ok();
// Definition level is not present if column and any containing structs are required.
def_level_ = max_def_level() == 0 ? 0 : def_levels_.ReadLevel();
// The compiler can optimize these two conditions into a single branch by treating
// def_level_ as unsigned.
if (UNLIKELY(def_level_ < 0 || def_level_ > max_def_level())) {
parent_->parse_status_.MergeStatus(Status(Substitute("Corrupt Parquet file '$0': "
"invalid def level $1 > max def level $2 for column '$3'", filename(),
def_level_, max_def_level(), schema_element().name)));
return false;
if (ADVANCE_REP_LEVEL && max_rep_level() > 0) {
// Repetition level is only present if this column is nested in any collection type.
rep_level_ = rep_levels_.ReadLevel();
// Reset position counter if we are at the start of a new parent collection.
if (rep_level_ <= max_rep_level() - 1) pos_current_value_ = 0;
return parent_->parse_status_.ok();
bool BaseScalarColumnReader::NextPage() {
parent_->parse_status_ = ReadDataPage();
if (UNLIKELY(!parent_->parse_status_.ok())) return false;
if (num_buffered_values_ == 0) {
rep_level_ = HdfsParquetScanner::ROW_GROUP_END;
def_level_ = HdfsParquetScanner::INVALID_LEVEL;
pos_current_value_ = HdfsParquetScanner::INVALID_POS;
return false;
return true;
bool CollectionColumnReader::NextLevels() {
DCHECK_LE(rep_level_, new_collection_rep_level());
for (int c = 0; c < children_.size(); ++c) {
do {
// TODO(skye): verify somewhere that all column readers are at end
if (!children_[c]->NextLevels()) return false;
} while (children_[c]->rep_level() > new_collection_rep_level());
return true;
bool CollectionColumnReader::ReadValue(MemPool* pool, Tuple* tuple) {
DCHECK_GE(rep_level_, 0);
DCHECK_GE(def_level_, 0);
DCHECK_GE(def_level_, def_level_of_immediate_repeated_ancestor()) <<
"Caller should have called NextLevels() until we are ready to read a value";
if (tuple_offset_ == -1) {
return CollectionColumnReader::NextLevels();
} else if (def_level_ >= max_def_level()) {
return ReadSlot(tuple, pool);
} else {
// Null value
return CollectionColumnReader::NextLevels();
bool CollectionColumnReader::ReadNonRepeatedValue(
MemPool* pool, Tuple* tuple) {
return CollectionColumnReader::ReadValue(pool, tuple);
bool CollectionColumnReader::ReadSlot(Tuple* tuple, MemPool* pool) {
DCHECK_LE(rep_level_, new_collection_rep_level());
// Recursively read the collection into a new CollectionValue.
CollectionValue* coll_slot = reinterpret_cast<CollectionValue*>(
*coll_slot = CollectionValue();
CollectionValueBuilder builder(
coll_slot, *slot_desc_->collection_item_descriptor(), pool, parent_->state_);
bool continue_execution = parent_->AssembleCollection(
children_, new_collection_rep_level(), &builder);
if (!continue_execution) return false;
// AssembleCollection() advances child readers, so we don't need to call NextLevels()
return true;
void CollectionColumnReader::UpdateDerivedState() {
// We don't need to cap our def_level_ at max_def_level(). We always check def_level_
// >= max_def_level() to check if the collection is defined.
// TODO(skye): consider capping def_level_ at max_def_level()
def_level_ = children_[0]->def_level();
rep_level_ = children_[0]->rep_level();
// All children should have been advanced to the beginning of the next collection
for (int i = 0; i < children_.size(); ++i) {
DCHECK_EQ(children_[i]->rep_level(), rep_level_);
if (def_level_ < max_def_level()) {
// Collection not defined
FILE_CHECK_EQ(children_[i]->def_level(), def_level_);
} else {
// Collection is defined
FILE_CHECK_GE(children_[i]->def_level(), max_def_level());
if (RowGroupAtEnd()) {
// No more values
pos_current_value_ = HdfsParquetScanner::INVALID_POS;
} else if (rep_level_ <= max_rep_level() - 2) {
// Reset position counter if we are at the start of a new parent collection (i.e.,
// the current collection is the first item in a new parent collection).
pos_current_value_ = 0;
ParquetColumnReader* ParquetColumnReader::Create(const SchemaNode& node,
bool is_collection_field, const SlotDescriptor* slot_desc, HdfsParquetScanner* parent) {
ParquetColumnReader* reader = NULL;
if (is_collection_field) {
// Create collection reader (note this handles both NULL and non-NULL 'slot_desc')
reader = new CollectionColumnReader(parent, node, slot_desc);
} else if (slot_desc != NULL) {
// Create the appropriate ScalarColumnReader type to read values into 'slot_desc'
switch (slot_desc->type().type) {
reader = new BoolColumnReader(parent, node, slot_desc);
reader = new ScalarColumnReader<int8_t, true>(parent, node, slot_desc);
reader = new ScalarColumnReader<int16_t, true>(parent, node, slot_desc);
case TYPE_INT:
reader = new ScalarColumnReader<int32_t, true>(parent, node, slot_desc);
reader = new ScalarColumnReader<int64_t, true>(parent, node, slot_desc);
reader = new ScalarColumnReader<float, true>(parent, node, slot_desc);
reader = new ScalarColumnReader<double, true>(parent, node, slot_desc);
reader = new ScalarColumnReader<TimestampValue, true>(parent, node, slot_desc);
reader = new ScalarColumnReader<StringValue, true>(parent, node, slot_desc);
switch (slot_desc->type().GetByteSize()) {
case 4:
reader = new ScalarColumnReader<Decimal4Value, true>(
parent, node, slot_desc);
case 8:
reader = new ScalarColumnReader<Decimal8Value, true>(
parent, node, slot_desc);
case 16:
reader = new ScalarColumnReader<Decimal16Value, true>(
parent, node, slot_desc);
DCHECK(false) << slot_desc->type().DebugString();
} else {
// Special case for counting scalar values (e.g. count(*), no materialized columns in
// the file, only materializing a position slot). We won't actually read any values,
// only the rep and def levels, so it doesn't matter what kind of reader we make.
reader = new ScalarColumnReader<int8_t, false>(parent, node, slot_desc);
return parent->obj_pool_.Add(reader);