blob: 07281df4dd5c4b70a68c81cead29ff6204effb41 [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
// KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
// specific language governing permissions and limitations
// under the License.
#include "exec/hdfs-text-scanner.h"
#include "codegen/llvm-codegen.h"
#include "exec/delimited-text-parser.h"
#include "exec/delimited-text-parser.inline.h"
#include "exec/hdfs-lzo-text-scanner.h"
#include "exec/hdfs-scan-node.h"
#include "exec/scanner-context.inline.h"
#include "exec/text-converter.h"
#include "exec/text-converter.inline.h"
#include "runtime/row-batch.h"
#include "runtime/runtime-state.h"
#include "runtime/tuple-row.h"
#include "util/codec.h"
#include "util/decompress.h"
#include "util/cpu-info.h"
#include "util/debug-util.h"
#include "common/names.h"
using boost::algorithm::ends_with;
using boost::algorithm::to_lower;
using namespace impala;
using namespace llvm;
using namespace strings;
const char* HdfsTextScanner::LLVM_CLASS_NAME = "class.impala::HdfsTextScanner";
// Suffix for lzo index file: hdfs-filename.index
const string HdfsTextScanner::LZO_INDEX_SUFFIX = ".index";
// Number of bytes to read when the previous attempt to streaming decompress did not make
// progress.
const int64_t COMPRESSED_DATA_FIXED_READ_SIZE = 1 * 1024 * 1024;
HdfsTextScanner::HdfsTextScanner(HdfsScanNodeBase* scan_node, RuntimeState* state)
: HdfsScanner(scan_node, state),
boundary_pool_(new MemPool(scan_node->mem_tracker())),
error_in_row_(false) {
HdfsTextScanner::~HdfsTextScanner() {
Status HdfsTextScanner::IssueInitialRanges(HdfsScanNodeBase* scan_node,
const vector<HdfsFileDesc*>& files) {
vector<DiskIoMgr::ScanRange*> compressed_text_scan_ranges;
int compressed_text_files = 0;
vector<HdfsFileDesc*> lzo_text_files;
for (int i = 0; i < files.size(); ++i) {
THdfsCompression::type compression = files[i]->file_compression;
switch (compression) {
case THdfsCompression::NONE:
// For uncompressed text we just issue all ranges at once.
// TODO: Lz4 is splittable, should be treated similarly.
case THdfsCompression::GZIP:
case THdfsCompression::SNAPPY:
case THdfsCompression::SNAPPY_BLOCKED:
case THdfsCompression::BZIP2:
for (int j = 0; j < files[i]->splits.size(); ++j) {
// In order to decompress gzip-, snappy- and bzip2-compressed text files, we
// need to read entire files. Only read a file if we're assigned the first split
// to avoid reading multi-block files with multiple scanners.
DiskIoMgr::ScanRange* split = files[i]->splits[j];
// We only process the split that starts at offset 0.
if (split->offset() != 0) {
// We are expecting each file to be one hdfs block (so all the scan range
// offsets should be 0). This is not incorrect but we will issue a warning.
files[i]->filename, split->offset()));
// We assign the entire file to one scan range, so mark all but one split
// (i.e. the first split) as complete.
scan_node->RangeComplete(THdfsFileFormat::TEXT, compression);
// Populate the list of compressed text scan ranges.
DCHECK_GT(files[i]->file_length, 0);
ScanRangeMetadata* metadata =
DiskIoMgr::ScanRange* file_range = scan_node->AllocateScanRange(files[i]->fs,
files[i]->filename.c_str(), files[i]->file_length, 0,
metadata->partition_id, split->disk_id(), split->expected_local(),
DiskIoMgr::BufferOpts(split->try_cache(), files[i]->mtime));
case THdfsCompression::LZO:
// lzo-compressed text need to be processed by the specialized HdfsLzoTextScanner.
// Note that any LZO_INDEX files (no matter what the case of their suffix) will be
// filtered by the planner.
#ifndef NDEBUG
// No straightforward way to do this in one line inside a DCHECK, so for once
// we'll explicitly use NDEBUG to avoid executing debug-only code.
string lower_filename = files[i]->filename;
DCHECK(!ends_with(lower_filename, LZO_INDEX_SUFFIX));
if (lzo_text_files.size() > 0) {
// This will dlopen the lzo binary and can fail if the lzo binary is not present.
RETURN_IF_ERROR(HdfsLzoTextScanner::IssueInitialRanges(scan_node, lzo_text_files));
return Status::OK();
Status HdfsTextScanner::ProcessSplit() {
// Reset state for new scan range
// Find the first tuple. If tuple_found is false, it means we went through the entire
// scan range without finding a single tuple. The bytes will be picked up by the scan
// range before.
bool tuple_found;
if (tuple_found) {
// Update the decompressor depending on the compression type of the file in the
// context.
DCHECK(stream_->file_desc()->file_compression != THdfsCompression::SNAPPY)
<< "FE should have generated SNAPPY_BLOCKED instead.";
// Process the scan range.
int dummy_num_tuples;
RETURN_IF_ERROR(ProcessRange(&dummy_num_tuples, false));
// Finish up reading past the scan range.
// All done with this scan range.
return Status::OK();
void HdfsTextScanner::Close(RowBatch* row_batch) {
// Need to close the decompressor before releasing the resources at AddFinalRowBatch(),
// because in some cases there is memory allocated in decompressor_'s temp_memory_pool_.
if (decompressor_.get() != NULL) {
if (row_batch != NULL) {
row_batch->tuple_data_pool()->AcquireData(template_tuple_pool_.get(), false);
row_batch->tuple_data_pool()->AcquireData(data_buffer_pool_.get(), false);
row_batch->tuple_data_pool()->AcquireData(boundary_pool_.get(), false);
context_->ReleaseCompletedResources(row_batch, true);
if (scan_node_->HasRowBatchQueue()) {
} else {
if (template_tuple_pool_.get() != NULL) template_tuple_pool_->FreeAll();
// Verify all resources (if any) have been transferred.
DCHECK_EQ(template_tuple_pool_.get()->total_allocated_bytes(), 0);
DCHECK_EQ(data_buffer_pool_.get()->total_allocated_bytes(), 0);
DCHECK_EQ(boundary_pool_.get()->total_allocated_bytes(), 0);
DCHECK_EQ(context_->num_completed_io_buffers(), 0);
if (!only_parsing_header_) {
Status HdfsTextScanner::InitNewRange() {
// Compressed text does not reference data in the io buffers directly. In such case, we
// can recycle the buffers in the stream_ more promptly.
if (stream_->file_desc()->file_compression != THdfsCompression::NONE) {
HdfsPartitionDescriptor* hdfs_partition = context_->partition_descriptor();
char field_delim = hdfs_partition->field_delim();
char collection_delim = hdfs_partition->collection_delim();
if (scan_node_->materialized_slots().size() == 0) {
field_delim = '\0';
collection_delim = '\0';
delimited_text_parser_.reset(new DelimitedTextParser(
scan_node_->hdfs_table()->num_cols(), scan_node_->num_partition_keys(),
scan_node_->is_materialized_col(), hdfs_partition->line_delim(),
field_delim, collection_delim, hdfs_partition->escape_char()));
text_converter_.reset(new TextConverter(hdfs_partition->escape_char(),
scan_node_->hdfs_table()->null_column_value(), true,
return Status::OK();
Status HdfsTextScanner::ResetScanner() {
error_in_row_ = false;
// Note - this initialisation relies on the assumption that N partition keys will occupy
// entries 0 through N-1 in column_idx_to_slot_idx. If this changes, we will need
// another layer of indirection to map text-file column indexes onto the
// column_idx_to_slot_idx table used below.
slot_idx_ = 0;
partial_tuple_empty_ = true;
byte_buffer_ptr_ = byte_buffer_end_ = NULL;
partial_tuple_ =
Tuple::Create(scan_node_->tuple_desc()->byte_size(), boundary_pool_.get());
// Initialize codegen fn
context_->partition_descriptor(), THdfsFileFormat::TEXT, "HdfsTextScanner"));
return Status::OK();
Status HdfsTextScanner::FinishScanRange() {
if (scan_node_->ReachedLimit()) return Status::OK();
DCHECK_EQ(byte_buffer_ptr_, byte_buffer_end_);
bool split_delimiter;
if (split_delimiter) {
// If the scan range ends on the '\r' of a "\r\n", the next tuple is considered part
// of the next scan range. Nothing to do since we already fully parsed the previous
// tuple.
return Status::OK();
// For text we always need to scan past the scan range to find the next delimiter
while (true) {
bool eosr = true;
Status status = Status::OK();
byte_buffer_read_size_ = 0;
// If compressed text, then there is nothing more to be read.
// TODO: calling FillByteBuffer() at eof() can cause
// ScannerContext::Stream::GetNextBuffer to DCHECK. Fix this.
if (decompressor_.get() == NULL && !stream_->eof()) {
status = FillByteBuffer(&eosr, NEXT_BLOCK_READ_SIZE);
if (!status.ok() || byte_buffer_read_size_ == 0) {
if (status.IsCancelled()) return status;
if (!status.ok()) {
stringstream ss;
ss << "Read failed while trying to finish scan range: " << stream_->filename()
<< ":" << stream_->file_offset() << endl << status.GetDetail();
ErrorMsg(TErrorCode::GENERAL, ss.str())));
} else if (!partial_tuple_empty_ || !boundary_column_.IsEmpty() ||
!boundary_row_.IsEmpty() ||
(delimited_text_parser_->HasUnfinishedTuple() &&
(!scan_node_->materialized_slots().empty() ||
scan_node_->num_materialized_partition_keys() > 0))) {
// Missing columns or row delimiter at end of the file is ok, fill the row in.
char* col = boundary_column_.buffer();
int num_fields = 0;
&col, &num_fields, &field_locations_[0]));
MemPool* pool;
TupleRow* tuple_row_mem;
int max_tuples = GetMemory(&pool, &tuple_, &tuple_row_mem);
DCHECK_GE(max_tuples, 1);
// Set variables for proper error outputting on boundary tuple
batch_start_ptr_ = boundary_row_.buffer();
row_end_locations_[0] = batch_start_ptr_ + boundary_row_.len();
int num_tuples = WriteFields(pool, tuple_row_mem, num_fields, 1);
DCHECK_LE(num_tuples, 1);
DCHECK_GE(num_tuples, 0);
COUNTER_ADD(scan_node_->rows_read_counter(), num_tuples);
} else if (delimited_text_parser_->HasUnfinishedTuple()) {
DCHECK_EQ(scan_node_->num_materialized_partition_keys(), 0);
// If no fields are materialized we do not update partial_tuple_empty_,
// boundary_column_, or boundary_row_. However, we still need to handle the case
// of partial tuple due to missing tuple delimiter at the end of file.
int num_tuples;
RETURN_IF_ERROR(ProcessRange(&num_tuples, true));
if (num_tuples == 1) break;
DCHECK_EQ(num_tuples, 0);
return Status::OK();
Status HdfsTextScanner::ProcessRange(int* num_tuples, bool past_scan_range) {
bool eosr = past_scan_range || stream_->eosr();
while (true) {
if (!eosr && byte_buffer_ptr_ == byte_buffer_end_) {
MemPool* pool;
TupleRow* tuple_row_mem;
int max_tuples = GetMemory(&pool, &tuple_, &tuple_row_mem);
if (past_scan_range) {
// byte_buffer_ptr_ is already set from FinishScanRange()
max_tuples = 1;
eosr = true;
*num_tuples = 0;
int num_fields = 0;
DCHECK_GT(max_tuples, 0);
batch_start_ptr_ = byte_buffer_ptr_;
char* col_start = byte_buffer_ptr_;
// Parse the bytes for delimiters and store their offsets in field_locations_
byte_buffer_end_ - byte_buffer_ptr_, &byte_buffer_ptr_,
&field_locations_[0], num_tuples, &num_fields, &col_start));
// Materialize the tuples into the in memory format for this query
int num_tuples_materialized = 0;
if (scan_node_->materialized_slots().size() != 0 &&
(num_fields > 0 || *num_tuples > 0)) {
// There can be one partial tuple which returned no more fields from this buffer.
DCHECK_LE(*num_tuples, num_fields + 1);
if (!boundary_column_.IsEmpty()) {
RETURN_IF_ERROR(CopyBoundaryField(&field_locations_[0], pool));
num_tuples_materialized = WriteFields(pool, tuple_row_mem, num_fields, *num_tuples);
DCHECK_GE(num_tuples_materialized, 0);
if (*num_tuples > 0) {
// If we saw any tuple delimiters, clear the boundary_row_.
} else if (*num_tuples != 0) {
// If we are doing count(*) then we return tuples only containing partition keys
num_tuples_materialized = WriteTemplateTuples(tuple_row_mem, *num_tuples);
// Save contents that are split across buffers if we are going to return this column
if (col_start != byte_buffer_ptr_ && delimited_text_parser_->ReturnCurrentColumn()) {
DCHECK_EQ(byte_buffer_ptr_, byte_buffer_end_);
RETURN_IF_ERROR(boundary_column_.Append(col_start, byte_buffer_ptr_ - col_start));
char* last_row = NULL;
if (*num_tuples == 0) {
last_row = batch_start_ptr_;
} else {
last_row = row_end_locations_[*num_tuples - 1] + 1;
RETURN_IF_ERROR(boundary_row_.Append(last_row, byte_buffer_ptr_ - last_row));
COUNTER_ADD(scan_node_->rows_read_counter(), *num_tuples);
// Commit the rows to the row batch and scan node
// Done with this buffer and the scan range
if ((byte_buffer_ptr_ == byte_buffer_end_ && eosr) || past_scan_range) {
if (scan_node_->ReachedLimit()) return Status::OK();
return Status::OK();
Status HdfsTextScanner::FillByteBuffer(bool* eosr, int num_bytes) {
*eosr = false;
if (decompressor_.get() == NULL) {
Status status;
if (num_bytes > 0) {
stream_->GetBytes(num_bytes, reinterpret_cast<uint8_t**>(&byte_buffer_ptr_),
&byte_buffer_read_size_, &status);
} else {
DCHECK_EQ(num_bytes, 0);
status = stream_->GetBuffer(false, reinterpret_cast<uint8_t**>(&byte_buffer_ptr_),
*eosr = stream_->eosr();
} else if (decompressor_->supports_streaming()) {
DCHECK_EQ(num_bytes, 0);
} else {
DCHECK_EQ(num_bytes, 0);
byte_buffer_end_ = byte_buffer_ptr_ + byte_buffer_read_size_;
return Status::OK();
Status HdfsTextScanner::DecompressBufferStream(int64_t bytes_to_read,
uint8_t** decompressed_buffer, int64_t* decompressed_len, bool *eosr) {
// Some decompressors, such as Bzip2 API (version 0.9 and later) and Gzip can
// decompress buffers that are read from stream_, so we don't need to read the
// whole file in once. A compressed buffer is passed to ProcessBlockStreaming
// but it may not consume all of the input.
uint8_t* compressed_buffer_ptr = NULL;
int64_t compressed_buffer_size = 0;
// We don't know how many bytes ProcessBlockStreaming() will consume so we set
// peek=true and then later advance the stream using SkipBytes().
if (bytes_to_read == -1) {
RETURN_IF_ERROR(stream_->GetBuffer(true, &compressed_buffer_ptr,
} else {
DCHECK_GT(bytes_to_read, 0);
Status status;
stream_->GetBytes(bytes_to_read, &compressed_buffer_ptr, &compressed_buffer_size,
&status, true);
int64_t compressed_buffer_bytes_read = 0;
bool stream_end = false;
Status status = decompressor_->ProcessBlockStreaming(compressed_buffer_size,
compressed_buffer_ptr, &compressed_buffer_bytes_read, decompressed_len,
decompressed_buffer, &stream_end);
if (!status.ok()) {
stringstream ss;
ss << status.GetDetail() << "file=" << stream_->filename()
<< ", offset=" << stream_->file_offset();
return status;
DCHECK_GE(compressed_buffer_size, compressed_buffer_bytes_read);
// Skip the bytes in stream_ that were decompressed.
Status status;
stream_->SkipBytes(compressed_buffer_bytes_read, &status);
if (stream_->eosr()) {
if (stream_end) {
*eosr = true;
} else {
return Status(TErrorCode::COMPRESSED_FILE_TRUNCATED, stream_->filename());
} else if (*decompressed_len == 0) {
return Status::OK();
Status HdfsTextScanner::FillByteBufferCompressedStream(bool* eosr) {
// We're about to create a new decompression buffer (if we can't reuse). It's now
// safe to attach the current decompression buffer to batch_ because we know that
// it's the last row-batch that can possibly reference this buffer.
if (!decompressor_->reuse_output_buffer()) {
RETURN_IF_ERROR(AttachPool(data_buffer_pool_.get(), false));
uint8_t* decompressed_buffer = NULL;
int64_t decompressed_len = 0;
// Set bytes_to_read = -1 because we don't know how much data decompressor need.
// Just read the first available buffer within the scan range.
Status status = DecompressBufferStream(-1, &decompressed_buffer, &decompressed_len,
// It's possible (but very unlikely) that ProcessBlockStreaming() wasn't able to
// make progress if the compressed buffer returned by GetBytes() is too small.
// (Note that this did not even occur in simple experiments where the input buffer
// is always 1 byte, but we need to handle this case to be defensive.) In this
// case, try again with a reasonably large fixed size buffer. If we still did not
// make progress, then return an error.
LOG(INFO) << status.GetDetail();
status = DecompressBufferStream(COMPRESSED_DATA_FIXED_READ_SIZE,
&decompressed_buffer, &decompressed_len, eosr);
byte_buffer_ptr_ = reinterpret_cast<char*>(decompressed_buffer);
byte_buffer_read_size_ = decompressed_len;
if (*eosr) {
context_->ReleaseCompletedResources(NULL, true);
return Status::OK();
Status HdfsTextScanner::FillByteBufferCompressedFile(bool* eosr) {
// For other compressed text: attempt to read and decompress the entire file, point
// to the decompressed buffer, and then continue normal processing.
DCHECK(decompression_type_ != THdfsCompression::SNAPPY);
HdfsFileDesc* desc = scan_node_->GetFileDesc(stream_->filename());
int64_t file_size = desc->file_length;
DCHECK_GT(file_size, 0);
Status status;
stream_->GetBytes(file_size, reinterpret_cast<uint8_t**>(&byte_buffer_ptr_),
&byte_buffer_read_size_, &status);
// If didn't read anything, return.
if (byte_buffer_read_size_ == 0) {
*eosr = true;
return Status::OK();
// Need to read the entire file.
if (file_size > byte_buffer_read_size_) {
stringstream ss;
ss << "Expected to read a compressed text file of size " << file_size << " bytes. "
<< "But only read " << byte_buffer_read_size_ << " bytes. This may indicate "
<< "data file corruption. (file: " << stream_->filename() << ").";
return Status(ss.str());
// Decompress and adjust the byte_buffer_ptr_ and byte_buffer_read_size_ accordingly.
int64_t decompressed_len = 0;
uint8_t* decompressed_buffer = NULL;
// TODO: Once the writers are in, add tests with very large compressed files (4GB)
// that could overflow.
RETURN_IF_ERROR(decompressor_->ProcessBlock(false, byte_buffer_read_size_,
reinterpret_cast<uint8_t*>(byte_buffer_ptr_), &decompressed_len,
// Inform 'stream_' that the buffer with the compressed text can be released.
context_->ReleaseCompletedResources(NULL, true);
VLOG_FILE << "Decompressed " << byte_buffer_read_size_ << " to " << decompressed_len;
byte_buffer_ptr_ = reinterpret_cast<char*>(decompressed_buffer);
byte_buffer_read_size_ = decompressed_len;
*eosr = stream_->eosr();
return Status::OK();
Status HdfsTextScanner::FindFirstTuple(bool* tuple_found) {
*tuple_found = true;
// Either we're at the start of the file and thus skip all header lines, or we're in the
// middle of the file and look for the next tuple.
int num_rows_to_skip = stream_->scan_range()->offset() == 0
? scan_node_->skip_header_line_count() : 1;
if (num_rows_to_skip > 0) {
int num_skipped_rows = 0;
*tuple_found = false;
bool eosr = false;
// Offset maybe not point to a tuple boundary, skip ahead to the first tuple start in
// this scan range (if one exists).
do {
int64_t next_tuple_offset = 0;
int64_t bytes_left = byte_buffer_read_size_;
while (num_skipped_rows < num_rows_to_skip) {
next_tuple_offset = delimited_text_parser_->FindFirstInstance(byte_buffer_ptr_,
if (next_tuple_offset == -1) break;
byte_buffer_ptr_ += next_tuple_offset;
bytes_left -= next_tuple_offset;
if (next_tuple_offset != -1) *tuple_found = true;
} while (!*tuple_found && !eosr);
// Special case: if the first delimiter is at the end of the current buffer, it's
// possible it's a split "\r\n" delimiter.
if (*tuple_found && byte_buffer_ptr_ == byte_buffer_end_) {
bool split_delimiter;
if (split_delimiter) {
if (eosr) {
// Split delimiter at the end of the scan range. The next tuple is considered
// part of the next scan range, so we report no tuple found.
*tuple_found = false;
} else {
// Split delimiter at the end of the current buffer, but not eosr. Advance to
// the correct position in the next buffer.
DCHECK_GT(byte_buffer_read_size_, 0);
DCHECK_EQ(*byte_buffer_ptr_, '\n');
byte_buffer_ptr_ += 1;
if (num_rows_to_skip > 1 && num_skipped_rows != num_rows_to_skip) {
stringstream ss;
ss << "Could only skip " << num_skipped_rows << " header lines in first scan range "
<< "but expected " << num_rows_to_skip << ". Try increasing "
<< "max_scan_range_length to a value larger than the size of the file's header.";
return Status(ss.str());
return Status::OK();
Status HdfsTextScanner::CheckForSplitDelimiter(bool* split_delimiter) {
DCHECK_EQ(byte_buffer_ptr_, byte_buffer_end_);
*split_delimiter = false;
// Nothing in buffer
if (byte_buffer_read_size_ == 0) return Status::OK();
// If the line delimiter is "\n" (meaning we also accept "\r" and "\r\n" as delimiters)
// and the current buffer ends with '\r', this could be a "\r\n" delimiter.
bool split_delimiter_possible = context_->partition_descriptor()->line_delim() == '\n'
&& *(byte_buffer_end_ - 1) == '\r';
if (!split_delimiter_possible) return Status::OK();
// The '\r' may be escaped. If it's not the text parser will report a complete tuple.
if (delimited_text_parser_->HasUnfinishedTuple()) return Status::OK();
// Peek ahead one byte to see if the '\r' is followed by '\n'.
Status status;
uint8_t* next_byte;
int64_t out_len;
stream_->GetBytes(1, &next_byte, &out_len, &status, /*peek*/ true);
// No more bytes after current buffer
if (out_len == 0) return Status::OK();
*split_delimiter = *next_byte == '\n';
return Status::OK();
// Codegen for materializing parsed data into tuples. The function WriteCompleteTuple is
// codegen'd using the IRBuilder for the specific tuple description. This function
// is then injected into the cross-compiled driving function, WriteAlignedTuples().
Status HdfsTextScanner::Codegen(HdfsScanNodeBase* node,
const vector<ExprContext*>& conjunct_ctxs, Function** write_aligned_tuples_fn) {
*write_aligned_tuples_fn = NULL;
LlvmCodeGen* codegen = node->runtime_state()->codegen();
DCHECK(codegen != NULL);
Function* write_complete_tuple_fn;
RETURN_IF_ERROR(CodegenWriteCompleteTuple(node, codegen, conjunct_ctxs,
DCHECK(write_complete_tuple_fn != NULL);
RETURN_IF_ERROR(CodegenWriteAlignedTuples(node, codegen, write_complete_tuple_fn,
DCHECK(*write_aligned_tuples_fn != NULL);
return Status::OK();
Status HdfsTextScanner::Open(ScannerContext* context) {
parse_delimiter_timer_ = ADD_CHILD_TIMER(scan_node_->runtime_profile(),
// Allocate the scratch space for two pass parsing. The most fields we can go
// through in one parse pass is the batch size (tuples) * the number of fields per tuple
// TODO: This should probably be based on L2/L3 cache sizes (as should the batch size)
field_locations_.resize(state_->batch_size() * scan_node_->materialized_slots().size());
// Allocate a new row batch. May fail if mem limit is exceeded.
return Status::OK();
// This function writes fields in 'field_locations_' to the row_batch. This function
// deals with tuples that straddle batches. There are two cases:
// 1. There is already a partial tuple in flight from the previous time around.
// This tuple can either be fully materialized (all the materialized columns have
// been processed but we haven't seen the tuple delimiter yet) or only partially
// materialized. In this case num_tuples can be greater than num_fields
// 2. There is a non-fully materialized tuple at the end. The cols that have been
// parsed so far are written to 'tuple_' and the remained will be picked up (case 1)
// the next time around.
int HdfsTextScanner::WriteFields(MemPool* pool, TupleRow* tuple_row,
int num_fields, int num_tuples) {
FieldLocation* fields = &field_locations_[0];
int num_tuples_processed = 0;
int num_tuples_materialized = 0;
// Write remaining fields, if any, from the previous partial tuple.
if (slot_idx_ != 0) {
DCHECK(tuple_ != NULL);
int num_partial_fields = scan_node_->materialized_slots().size() - slot_idx_;
// Corner case where there will be no materialized tuples but at least one col
// worth of string data. In this case, make a deep copy and reuse the byte buffer.
bool copy_strings = num_partial_fields > num_fields;
num_partial_fields = min(num_partial_fields, num_fields);
WritePartialTuple(fields, num_partial_fields, copy_strings);
// This handles case 1. If the tuple is complete and we've found a tuple delimiter
// this time around (i.e. num_tuples > 0), add it to the row batch. Otherwise,
// it will get picked up the next time around
if (slot_idx_ == scan_node_->materialized_slots().size() && num_tuples > 0) {
if (UNLIKELY(error_in_row_)) {
if (state_->abort_on_error()) {
parse_status_ = Status(state_->ErrorLog());
} else {
if (!parse_status_.ok()) return 0;
error_in_row_ = false;
memcpy(tuple_, partial_tuple_, scan_node_->tuple_desc()->byte_size());
partial_tuple_empty_ = true;
tuple_row->SetTuple(scan_node_->tuple_idx(), tuple_);
slot_idx_ = 0;
if (EvalConjuncts(tuple_row)) {
tuple_ = next_tuple(tuple_byte_size_, tuple_);
tuple_row = next_row(tuple_row);
num_fields -= num_partial_fields;
fields += num_partial_fields;
// Write complete tuples. The current field, if any, is at the start of a tuple.
if (num_tuples > 0) {
int max_added_tuples = (scan_node_->limit() == -1) ?
num_tuples : scan_node_->limit() - scan_node_->rows_returned();
int tuples_returned = 0;
// Call jitted function if possible
if (write_tuples_fn_ != NULL) {
// HdfsScanner::InitializeWriteTuplesFn() will skip codegen if there are string
// slots and escape characters. TextConverter::WriteSlot() will be used instead.
DCHECK(scan_node_->tuple_desc()->string_slots().empty() ||
delimited_text_parser_->escape_char() == '\0');
tuples_returned = write_tuples_fn_(this, pool, tuple_row,
batch_->row_byte_size(), fields, num_tuples, max_added_tuples,
scan_node_->materialized_slots().size(), num_tuples_processed);
} else {
tuples_returned = WriteAlignedTuples(pool, tuple_row,
batch_->row_byte_size(), fields, num_tuples, max_added_tuples,
scan_node_->materialized_slots().size(), num_tuples_processed);
if (tuples_returned == -1) return 0;
DCHECK_EQ(slot_idx_, 0);
num_tuples_materialized += tuples_returned;
num_fields -= num_tuples * scan_node_->materialized_slots().size();
fields += num_tuples * scan_node_->materialized_slots().size();
DCHECK_GE(num_fields, 0);
DCHECK_LE(num_fields, scan_node_->materialized_slots().size());
// Write out the remaining slots (resulting in a partially materialized tuple)
if (num_fields != 0) {
DCHECK(tuple_ != NULL);
InitTuple(template_tuple_, partial_tuple_);
// If there have been no materialized tuples at this point, copy string data
// out of byte_buffer and reuse the byte_buffer. The copied data can be at
// most one tuple's worth.
WritePartialTuple(fields, num_fields, num_tuples_materialized == 0);
partial_tuple_empty_ = false;
DCHECK_LE(slot_idx_, scan_node_->materialized_slots().size());
return num_tuples_materialized;
Status HdfsTextScanner::CopyBoundaryField(FieldLocation* data, MemPool* pool) {
bool needs_escape = data->len < 0;
int copy_len = needs_escape ? -data->len : data->len;
int64_t total_len = copy_len + boundary_column_.len();
char* str_data = reinterpret_cast<char*>(pool->TryAllocate(total_len));
if (UNLIKELY(str_data == NULL)) {
string details = Substitute("HdfsTextScanner::CopyBoundaryField() failed to allocate "
"$0 bytes.", total_len);
return pool->mem_tracker()->MemLimitExceeded(state_, details, total_len);
memcpy(str_data, boundary_column_.buffer(), boundary_column_.len());
memcpy(str_data + boundary_column_.len(), data->start, copy_len);
data->start = str_data;
data->len = needs_escape ? -total_len : total_len;
return Status::OK();
void HdfsTextScanner::WritePartialTuple(FieldLocation* fields,
int num_fields, bool copy_strings) {
for (int i = 0; i < num_fields; ++i) {
bool need_escape = false;
int len = fields[i].len;
if (len < 0) {
len = -len;
need_escape = true;
const SlotDescriptor* desc = scan_node_->materialized_slots()[slot_idx_];
if (!text_converter_->WriteSlot(desc, partial_tuple_,
fields[i].start, len, true, need_escape, data_buffer_pool_.get())) {
ReportColumnParseError(desc, fields[i].start, len);
error_in_row_ = true;