blob: f8df641aa1da9014c52e6b713cb90ab0f0b3336f [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
// KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
// specific language governing permissions and limitations
// under the License.
#include "exec/hash-table.inline.h"
#include <functional>
#include <numeric>
#include <gutil/strings/substitute.h>
#include "codegen/codegen-anyval.h"
#include "codegen/llvm-codegen.h"
#include "exprs/expr.h"
#include "exprs/expr-context.h"
#include "exprs/slot-ref.h"
#include "runtime/buffered-block-mgr.h"
#include "runtime/mem-tracker.h"
#include "runtime/raw-value.inline.h"
#include "runtime/runtime-state.h"
#include "runtime/string-value.inline.h"
#include "util/debug-util.h"
#include "util/impalad-metrics.h"
#include "common/names.h"
using namespace impala;
using namespace llvm;
using namespace strings;
DEFINE_bool(enable_quadratic_probing, true, "Enable quadratic probing hash table");
const char* HashTableCtx::LLVM_CLASS_NAME = "class.impala::HashTableCtx";
// Random primes to multiply the seed with.
static uint32_t SEED_PRIMES[] = {
1, // First seed must be 1, level 0 is used by other operators in the fragment.
// Put a non-zero constant in the result location for NULL.
// We don't want(NULL, 1) to hash to the same as (0, 1).
// This needs to be as big as the biggest primitive type since the bytes
// get copied directly.
// TODO find a better approach, since primitives like CHAR(N) can be up to 128 bytes
static int64_t NULL_VALUE[] = { HashUtil::FNV_SEED, HashUtil::FNV_SEED,
HashUtil::FNV_SEED, HashUtil::FNV_SEED,
HashUtil::FNV_SEED, HashUtil::FNV_SEED,
HashUtil::FNV_SEED, HashUtil::FNV_SEED,
HashUtil::FNV_SEED, HashUtil::FNV_SEED,
HashUtil::FNV_SEED, HashUtil::FNV_SEED,
HashUtil::FNV_SEED, HashUtil::FNV_SEED,
HashUtil::FNV_SEED, HashUtil::FNV_SEED };
// The first NUM_SMALL_BLOCKS of nodes_ are made of blocks less than the IO size (of 8MB)
// to reduce the memory footprint of small queries. In particular, we always first use a
// 64KB and a 512KB block before starting using IO-sized blocks.
static const int64_t INITIAL_DATA_PAGE_SIZES[] = { 64 * 1024, 512 * 1024 };
static const int NUM_SMALL_DATA_PAGES = sizeof(INITIAL_DATA_PAGE_SIZES) / sizeof(int64_t);
HashTableCtx::HashTableCtx(const std::vector<ExprContext*>& build_expr_ctxs,
const std::vector<ExprContext*>& probe_expr_ctxs, bool stores_nulls,
const std::vector<bool>& finds_nulls, int32_t initial_seed,
int max_levels, MemTracker* tracker)
: build_expr_ctxs_(build_expr_ctxs),
finds_nulls_.begin(), finds_nulls_.end(), false, std::logical_or<bool>())),
tracker_(tracker) {
DCHECK(!finds_some_nulls_ || stores_nulls_);
// Compute the layout and buffer size to store the evaluated expr results
DCHECK_EQ(build_expr_ctxs_.size(), probe_expr_ctxs_.size());
DCHECK_EQ(build_expr_ctxs_.size(), finds_nulls_.size());
// Populate the seeds to use for all the levels. TODO: revisit how we generate these.
DCHECK_GE(max_levels, 0);
DCHECK_LT(max_levels, sizeof(SEED_PRIMES) / sizeof(SEED_PRIMES[0]));
DCHECK_NE(initial_seed, 0);
seeds_.resize(max_levels + 1);
seeds_[0] = initial_seed;
for (int i = 1; i <= max_levels; ++i) {
seeds_[i] = seeds_[i - 1] * SEED_PRIMES[i];
Status HashTableCtx::Create(RuntimeState* state,
const std::vector<ExprContext*>& build_expr_ctxs,
const std::vector<ExprContext*>& probe_expr_ctxs, bool stores_nulls,
const std::vector<bool>& finds_nulls, int32_t initial_seed, int max_levels,
int num_build_tuples, MemTracker* tracker, scoped_ptr<HashTableCtx>* ht_ctx) {
ht_ctx->reset(new HashTableCtx(build_expr_ctxs, probe_expr_ctxs, stores_nulls,
finds_nulls, initial_seed, max_levels, tracker));
return ht_ctx->get()->Init(state, num_build_tuples);
Status HashTableCtx::Init(RuntimeState* state, int num_build_tuples) {
int scratch_row_size = sizeof(Tuple*) * num_build_tuples;
scratch_row_ = reinterpret_cast<TupleRow*>(malloc(scratch_row_size));
if (UNLIKELY(scratch_row_ == NULL)) {
return Status(Substitute("Failed to allocate $0 bytes for scratch row of "
"HashTableCtx.", scratch_row_size));
return expr_values_cache_.Init(state, tracker_, build_expr_ctxs_);
void HashTableCtx::Close() {
scratch_row_ = NULL;
uint32_t HashTableCtx::Hash(const void* input, int len, uint32_t hash) const {
/// Use CRC hash at first level for better performance. Switch to murmur hash at
/// subsequent levels since CRC doesn't randomize well with different seed inputs.
if (level_ == 0) return HashUtil::Hash(input, len, hash);
return HashUtil::MurmurHash2_64(input, len, hash);
uint32_t HashTableCtx::HashCurrentRow() const {
DCHECK_LT(level_, seeds_.size());
if (expr_values_cache_.var_result_offset() == -1) {
/// This handles NULLs implicitly since a constant seed value was put
/// into results buffer for nulls.
return Hash(expr_values_cache_.cur_expr_values_,
expr_values_cache_.expr_values_bytes_per_row(), seeds_[level_]);
} else {
return HashTableCtx::HashVariableLenRow();
bool HashTableCtx::EvalRow(TupleRow* row, const vector<ExprContext*>& ctxs) {
bool has_null = false;
uint8_t* exprs_nullness = expr_values_cache_.ExprValueNullPtr(0);
for (int i = 0; i < ctxs.size(); ++i) {
void* loc = expr_values_cache_.ExprValuePtr(i);
void* val = ctxs[i]->GetValue(row);
if (val == NULL) {
// If the table doesn't store nulls, no reason to keep evaluating
if (!stores_nulls_) return true;
exprs_nullness[i] = true;
val = reinterpret_cast<void*>(&NULL_VALUE);
has_null = true;
} else {
exprs_nullness[i] = false;
RawValue::Write(val, loc, build_expr_ctxs_[i]->root()->type(), NULL);
return has_null;
uint32_t HashTableCtx::HashVariableLenRow() const {
uint32_t hash = seeds_[level_];
int var_result_offset = expr_values_cache_.var_result_offset();
// Hash the non-var length portions (if there are any)
if (var_result_offset != 0) {
hash = Hash(expr_values_cache_.cur_expr_values_, var_result_offset, hash);
uint8_t* exprs_nullness = expr_values_cache_.ExprValueNullPtr(0);
for (int i = 0; i < build_expr_ctxs_.size(); ++i) {
// non-string and null slots are already part of cur_expr_values_
if (build_expr_ctxs_[i]->root()->type().type != TYPE_STRING &&
build_expr_ctxs_[i]->root()->type().type != TYPE_VARCHAR) continue;
void* loc = expr_values_cache_.ExprValuePtr(i);
if (exprs_nullness[i]) {
// Hash the null random seed values at 'loc'
hash = Hash(loc, sizeof(StringValue), hash);
} else {
// Hash the string
// TODO: when using CRC hash on empty string, this only swaps bytes.
StringValue* str = reinterpret_cast<StringValue*>(loc);
hash = Hash(str->ptr, str->len, hash);
return hash;
template<bool FORCE_NULL_EQUALITY>
bool HashTableCtx::Equals(TupleRow* build_row) const {
uint8_t* exprs_nullness = expr_values_cache_.ExprValueNullPtr(0);
for (int i = 0; i < build_expr_ctxs_.size(); ++i) {
void* val = build_expr_ctxs_[i]->GetValue(build_row);
if (val == NULL) {
if (!(FORCE_NULL_EQUALITY || finds_nulls_[i])) return false;
if (!exprs_nullness[i]) return false;
} else {
if (exprs_nullness[i]) return false;
void* loc = expr_values_cache_.ExprValuePtr(i);
if (!RawValue::Eq(loc, val, build_expr_ctxs_[i]->root()->type())) {
return false;
return true;
template bool HashTableCtx::Equals<true>(TupleRow* build_row) const;
template bool HashTableCtx::Equals<false>(TupleRow* build_row) const;
: capacity_(0),
null_bitmap_(0) { }
Status HashTableCtx::ExprValuesCache::Init(RuntimeState* state,
MemTracker* tracker, const std::vector<ExprContext*>& build_expr_ctxs) {
// Initialize the number of expressions.
num_exprs_ = build_expr_ctxs.size();
// Compute the layout of evaluated values of a row.
expr_values_bytes_per_row_ = Expr::ComputeResultsLayout(build_expr_ctxs,
&expr_values_offsets_, &var_result_offset_);
if (expr_values_bytes_per_row_ == 0) {
DCHECK_EQ(num_exprs_, 0);
return Status::OK();
DCHECK_GT(expr_values_bytes_per_row_, 0);
// Compute the maximum number of cached rows which can fit in the memory budget.
// TODO: Find the optimal prefetch batch size. This may be something
// processor dependent so we may need calibration at Impala startup time.
capacity_ = std::max(1, std::min(state->batch_size(),
MAX_EXPR_VALUES_ARRAY_SIZE / expr_values_bytes_per_row_));
int mem_usage = MemUsage(capacity_, expr_values_bytes_per_row_, num_exprs_);
if (UNLIKELY(!tracker->TryConsume(mem_usage))) {
capacity_ = 0;
string details = Substitute("HashTableCtx::ExprValuesCache failed to allocate $0 bytes.",
return tracker->MemLimitExceeded(state, details, mem_usage);
int expr_values_size = expr_values_bytes_per_row_ * capacity_;
expr_values_array_.reset(new uint8_t[expr_values_size]);
cur_expr_values_ = expr_values_array_.get();
memset(cur_expr_values_, 0, expr_values_size);
int expr_values_null_size = num_exprs_ * capacity_;
expr_values_null_array_.reset(new uint8_t[expr_values_null_size]);
cur_expr_values_null_ = expr_values_null_array_.get();
memset(cur_expr_values_null_, 0, expr_values_null_size);
expr_values_hash_array_.reset(new uint32_t[capacity_]);
cur_expr_values_hash_ = expr_values_hash_array_.get();
cur_expr_values_hash_end_ = cur_expr_values_hash_;
memset(cur_expr_values_hash_, 0, sizeof(uint32) * capacity_);
return Status::OK();
void HashTableCtx::ExprValuesCache::Close(MemTracker* tracker) {
if (capacity_ == 0) return;
cur_expr_values_ = NULL;
cur_expr_values_null_ = NULL;
cur_expr_values_hash_ = NULL;
cur_expr_values_hash_end_ = NULL;
int mem_usage = MemUsage(capacity_, expr_values_bytes_per_row_, num_exprs_);
int HashTableCtx::ExprValuesCache::MemUsage(int capacity,
int expr_values_bytes_per_row, int num_exprs) {
return expr_values_bytes_per_row * capacity + // expr_values_array_
num_exprs * capacity + // expr_values_null_array_
sizeof(uint32) * capacity + // expr_values_hash_array_
Bitmap::MemUsage(capacity); // null_bitmap_
uint8_t* HashTableCtx::ExprValuesCache::ExprValuePtr(int expr_idx) const {
return cur_expr_values_ + expr_values_offsets_[expr_idx];
uint8_t* HashTableCtx::ExprValuesCache::ExprValueNullPtr(int expr_idx) const {
return cur_expr_values_null_ + expr_idx;
void HashTableCtx::ExprValuesCache::ResetIterators() {
cur_expr_values_ = expr_values_array_.get();
cur_expr_values_null_ = expr_values_null_array_.get();
cur_expr_values_hash_ = expr_values_hash_array_.get();
void HashTableCtx::ExprValuesCache::Reset() {
// Set the end pointer after resetting the other pointers so they point to
// the same location.
cur_expr_values_hash_end_ = cur_expr_values_hash_;
void HashTableCtx::ExprValuesCache::ResetForRead() {
// Record the end of hash values iterator to be used in AtEnd().
// Do it before resetting the pointers.
cur_expr_values_hash_end_ = cur_expr_values_hash_;
const double HashTable::MAX_FILL_FACTOR = 0.75f;
HashTable* HashTable::Create(RuntimeState* state,
BufferedBlockMgr::Client* client, bool stores_duplicates, int num_build_tuples,
BufferedTupleStream* tuple_stream, int64_t max_num_buckets,
int64_t initial_num_buckets) {
return new HashTable(FLAGS_enable_quadratic_probing, state, client, stores_duplicates,
num_build_tuples, tuple_stream, max_num_buckets, initial_num_buckets);
HashTable::HashTable(bool quadratic_probing, RuntimeState* state,
BufferedBlockMgr::Client* client, bool stores_duplicates, int num_build_tuples,
BufferedTupleStream* stream, int64_t max_num_buckets, int64_t num_buckets)
: state_(state),
stores_tuples_(num_build_tuples == 1),
num_probes_(0), num_failed_probes_(0), travel_length_(0), num_hash_collisions_(0),
num_resizes_(0) {
DCHECK_EQ((num_buckets & (num_buckets-1)), 0) << "num_buckets must be a power of 2";
DCHECK_GT(num_buckets, 0) << "num_buckets must be larger than 0";
DCHECK(stores_tuples_ || stream != NULL);
DCHECK(client != NULL);
bool HashTable::Init() {
int64_t buckets_byte_size = num_buckets_ * sizeof(Bucket);
if (!state_->block_mgr()->ConsumeMemory(block_mgr_client_, buckets_byte_size)) {
num_buckets_ = 0;
return false;
buckets_ = reinterpret_cast<Bucket*>(malloc(buckets_byte_size));
if (buckets_ == NULL) {
state_->block_mgr()->ReleaseMemory(block_mgr_client_, buckets_byte_size);
num_buckets_ = 0;
return false;
memset(buckets_, 0, buckets_byte_size);
return true;
void HashTable::Close() {
// Print statistics only for the large or heavily used hash tables.
// TODO: Tweak these numbers/conditions, or print them always?
const int64_t LARGE_HT = 128 * 1024;
const int64_t HEAVILY_USED = 1024 * 1024;
// TODO: These statistics should go to the runtime profile as well.
if ((num_buckets_ > LARGE_HT) || (num_probes_ > HEAVILY_USED)) VLOG(2) << PrintStats();
for (int i = 0; i < data_pages_.size(); ++i) {
if (ImpaladMetrics::HASH_TABLE_TOTAL_BYTES != NULL) {
if (buckets_ != NULL) free(buckets_);
state_->block_mgr()->ReleaseMemory(block_mgr_client_, num_buckets_ * sizeof(Bucket));
bool HashTable::CheckAndResize(uint64_t buckets_to_fill, const HashTableCtx* ht_ctx) {
uint64_t shift = 0;
while (num_filled_buckets_ + buckets_to_fill >
(num_buckets_ << shift) * MAX_FILL_FACTOR) {
// TODO: next prime instead of double?
if (shift > 0) return ResizeBuckets(num_buckets_ << shift, ht_ctx);
return true;
bool HashTable::ResizeBuckets(int64_t num_buckets, const HashTableCtx* ht_ctx) {
DCHECK_EQ((num_buckets & (num_buckets-1)), 0)
<< "num_buckets=" << num_buckets << " must be a power of 2";
DCHECK_GT(num_buckets, num_filled_buckets_) << "Cannot shrink the hash table to "
"smaller number of buckets than the number of filled buckets.";
VLOG(2) << "Resizing hash table from "
<< num_buckets_ << " to " << num_buckets << " buckets.";
if (max_num_buckets_ != -1 && num_buckets > max_num_buckets_) return false;
// All memory that can grow proportional to the input should come from the block mgrs
// mem tracker.
// Note that while we copying over the contents of the old hash table, we need to have
// allocated both the old and the new hash table. Once we finish, we return the memory
// of the old hash table.
int64_t old_size = num_buckets_ * sizeof(Bucket);
int64_t new_size = num_buckets * sizeof(Bucket);
if (!state_->block_mgr()->ConsumeMemory(block_mgr_client_, new_size)) return false;
Bucket* new_buckets = reinterpret_cast<Bucket*>(malloc(new_size));
if (new_buckets == NULL) {
state_->block_mgr()->ReleaseMemory(block_mgr_client_, new_size);
return false;
memset(new_buckets, 0, new_size);
// Walk the old table and copy all the filled buckets to the new (resized) table.
// We do not have to do anything with the duplicate nodes. This operation is expected
// to succeed.
for (HashTable::Iterator iter = Begin(ht_ctx); !iter.AtEnd();
NextFilledBucket(&iter.bucket_idx_, &iter.node_)) {
Bucket* bucket_to_copy = &buckets_[iter.bucket_idx_];
bool found = false;
int64_t bucket_idx =
Probe<true>(new_buckets, num_buckets, NULL, bucket_to_copy->hash, &found);
DCHECK_NE(bucket_idx, Iterator::BUCKET_NOT_FOUND) << " Probe failed even though "
" there are free buckets. " << num_buckets << " " << num_filled_buckets_;
Bucket* dst_bucket = &new_buckets[bucket_idx];
*dst_bucket = *bucket_to_copy;
num_buckets_ = num_buckets;
buckets_ = new_buckets;
state_->block_mgr()->ReleaseMemory(block_mgr_client_, old_size);
return true;
bool HashTable::GrowNodeArray() {
int64_t page_size = 0;
page_size = state_->block_mgr()->max_block_size();
if (data_pages_.size() < NUM_SMALL_DATA_PAGES) {
page_size = min(page_size, INITIAL_DATA_PAGE_SIZES[data_pages_.size()]);
BufferedBlockMgr::Block* block = NULL;
Status status = state_->block_mgr()->GetNewBlock(
block_mgr_client_, NULL, &block, page_size);
DCHECK(status.ok() || block == NULL);
if (block == NULL) return false;
next_node_ = block->Allocate<DuplicateNode>(page_size);
node_remaining_current_page_ = page_size / sizeof(DuplicateNode);
total_data_page_size_ += page_size;
return true;
void HashTable::DebugStringTuple(stringstream& ss, HtData& htdata,
const RowDescriptor* desc) {
if (stores_tuples_) {
ss << "(" << htdata.tuple << ")";
} else {
ss << "(" << htdata.idx.block() << ", " << htdata.idx.idx()
<< ", " << htdata.idx.offset() << ")";
if (desc != NULL) {
Tuple* row[num_build_tuples_];
ss << " " << PrintRow(GetRow(htdata, reinterpret_cast<TupleRow*>(row)), *desc);
string HashTable::DebugString(bool skip_empty, bool show_match,
const RowDescriptor* desc) {
stringstream ss;
ss << endl;
for (int i = 0; i < num_buckets_; ++i) {
if (skip_empty && !buckets_[i].filled) continue;
ss << i << ": ";
if (show_match) {
if (buckets_[i].matched) {
ss << " [M]";
} else {
ss << " [U]";
if (buckets_[i].hasDuplicates) {
DuplicateNode* node = buckets_[i].bucketData.duplicates;
bool first = true;
ss << " [D] ";
while (node != NULL) {
if (!first) ss << ",";
DebugStringTuple(ss, node->htdata, desc);
node = node->next;
first = false;
} else {
ss << " [B] ";
if (buckets_[i].filled) {
DebugStringTuple(ss, buckets_[i].bucketData.htdata, desc);
} else {
ss << " - ";
ss << endl;
return ss.str();
string HashTable::PrintStats() const {
double curr_fill_factor = (double)num_filled_buckets_/(double)num_buckets_;
double avg_travel = (double)travel_length_/(double)num_probes_;
double avg_collisions = (double)num_hash_collisions_/(double)num_filled_buckets_;
stringstream ss;
ss << "Buckets: " << num_buckets_ << " " << num_filled_buckets_ << " "
<< curr_fill_factor << endl;
ss << "Duplicates: " << num_buckets_with_duplicates_ << " buckets "
<< num_duplicate_nodes_ << " nodes" << endl;
ss << "Probes: " << num_probes_ << endl;
ss << "FailedProbes: " << num_failed_probes_ << endl;
ss << "Travel: " << travel_length_ << " " << avg_travel << endl;
ss << "HashCollisions: " << num_hash_collisions_ << " " << avg_collisions << endl;
ss << "Resizes: " << num_resizes_ << endl;
return ss.str();
// Helper function to store a value into the results buffer if the expr
// evaluated to NULL. We don't want (NULL, 1) to hash to the same as (0,1) so
// we'll pick a more random value.
static void CodegenAssignNullValue(LlvmCodeGen* codegen,
LlvmCodeGen::LlvmBuilder* builder, Value* dst, const ColumnType& type) {
int64_t fvn_seed = HashUtil::FNV_SEED;
if (type.type == TYPE_STRING || type.type == TYPE_VARCHAR) {
Value* dst_ptr = builder->CreateStructGEP(NULL, dst, 0, "string_ptr");
Value* dst_len = builder->CreateStructGEP(NULL, dst, 1, "string_len");
Value* null_len = codegen->GetIntConstant(TYPE_INT, fvn_seed);
Value* null_ptr = builder->CreateIntToPtr(null_len, codegen->ptr_type());
builder->CreateStore(null_ptr, dst_ptr);
builder->CreateStore(null_len, dst_len);
} else {
Value* null_value = NULL;
// Get a type specific representation of fvn_seed
switch (type.type) {
// In results, booleans are stored as 1 byte
dst = builder->CreateBitCast(dst, codegen->ptr_type());
null_value = codegen->GetIntConstant(TYPE_TINYINT, fvn_seed);
case TYPE_INT:
null_value = codegen->GetIntConstant(type.GetByteSize(), fvn_seed);
case TYPE_FLOAT: {
// Don't care about the value, just the bit pattern
float fvn_seed_float = *reinterpret_cast<float*>(&fvn_seed);
null_value = ConstantFP::get(codegen->context(), APFloat(fvn_seed_float));
// Don't care about the value, just the bit pattern
double fvn_seed_double = *reinterpret_cast<double*>(&fvn_seed);
null_value = ConstantFP::get(codegen->context(), APFloat(fvn_seed_double));
builder->CreateStore(null_value, dst);
// Codegen for evaluating a tuple row over either build_expr_ctxs_ or probe_expr_ctxs_.
// For a group by with (big int, string) the IR looks like
// define i1 @EvalProbeRow(%"class.impala::HashTableCtx"* %this_ptr,
// %"class.impala::TupleRow"* %row) #33 {
// entry:
// %0 = load i8*, i8** inttoptr (i64 230325056 to i8**)
// %1 = load i8*, i8** inttoptr (i64 230325064 to i8**)
// %loc_addr = getelementptr i8, i8* %0, i32 0
// %loc = bitcast i8* %loc_addr to i32*
// %result = call i64 @GetSlotRef.3(%"class.impala::ExprContext"*
// inttoptr (i64 158123712 to %"class.impala::ExprContext"*),
// %"class.impala::TupleRow"* %row)
// %is_null = trunc i64 %result to i1
// %2 = zext i1 %is_null to i8
// %null_byte_loc = getelementptr i8, i8* %1, i32 0
// store i8 %2, i8* %null_byte_loc
// br i1 %is_null, label %null, label %not_null
// null: ; preds = %entry
// store i32 -2128831035, i32* %loc
// br label %continue
// not_null: ; preds = %entry
// %3 = ashr i64 %result, 32
// %4 = trunc i64 %3 to i32
// store i32 %4, i32* %loc
// br label %continue
// continue: ; preds = %not_null, %null
// %is_null_phi = phi i1 [ true, %null ], [ false, %not_null ]
// %has_null = or i1 false, %is_null_phi
// %loc_addr1 = getelementptr i8, i8* %0, i32 8
// %loc2 = bitcast i8* %loc_addr1 to %"struct.impala::StringValue"*
// %result6 = call { i64, i8* } @GetSlotRef.4(%"class.impala::ExprContext"*
// inttoptr (i64 158123904 to %"class.impala::ExprContext"*),
// %"class.impala::TupleRow"* %row)
// %5 = extractvalue { i64, i8* } %result6, 0
// %is_null7 = trunc i64 %5 to i1
// %6 = zext i1 %is_null7 to i8
// %null_byte_loc8 = getelementptr i8, i8* %1, i32 1
// store i8 %6, i8* %null_byte_loc8
// br i1 %is_null7, label %null3, label %not_null4
// null3: ; preds = %continue
// %string_ptr = getelementptr inbounds %"struct.impala::StringValue",
// %"struct.impala::StringValue"* %loc2, i32 0, i32 0
// %string_len = getelementptr inbounds %"struct.impala::StringValue",
// %"struct.impala::StringValue"* %loc2, i32 0, i32 1
// store i8* inttoptr (i32 -2128831035 to i8*), i8** %string_ptr
// store i32 -2128831035, i32* %string_len
// br label %continue5
// not_null4: ; preds = %continue
// %result9 = extractvalue { i64, i8* } %result6, 1
// %7 = insertvalue %"struct.impala::StringValue" zeroinitializer, i8* %result9, 0
// %8 = extractvalue { i64, i8* } %result6, 0
// %9 = ashr i64 %8, 32
// %10 = trunc i64 %9 to i32
// %11 = insertvalue %"struct.impala::StringValue" %7, i32 %10, 1
// store %"struct.impala::StringValue" %11, %"struct.impala::StringValue"* %loc2
// br label %continue5
// continue5: ; preds = %not_null4, %null3
// %is_null_phi10 = phi i1 [ true, %null3 ], [ false, %not_null4 ]
// %has_null11 = or i1 %has_null, %is_null_phi10
// ret i1 %has_null11
// }
// For each expr, we create 3 code blocks. The null, not null and continue blocks.
// Both the null and not null branch into the continue block. The continue block
// becomes the start of the next block for codegen (either the next expr or just the
// end of the function).
Status HashTableCtx::CodegenEvalRow(RuntimeState* state, bool build, Function** fn) {
// TODO: CodegenAssignNullValue() can't handle TYPE_TIMESTAMP or TYPE_DECIMAL yet
const vector<ExprContext*>& ctxs = build ? build_expr_ctxs_ : probe_expr_ctxs_;
for (int i = 0; i < ctxs.size(); ++i) {
PrimitiveType type = ctxs[i]->root()->type().type;
if (type == TYPE_TIMESTAMP || type == TYPE_CHAR) {
return Status(Substitute("HashTableCtx::CodegenEvalRow(): type $0 NYI",
LlvmCodeGen* codegen;
// Get types to generate function prototype
Type* tuple_row_type = codegen->GetType(TupleRow::LLVM_CLASS_NAME);
DCHECK(tuple_row_type != NULL);
PointerType* tuple_row_ptr_type = PointerType::get(tuple_row_type, 0);
Type* this_type = codegen->GetType(HashTableCtx::LLVM_CLASS_NAME);
DCHECK(this_type != NULL);
PointerType* this_ptr_type = PointerType::get(this_type, 0);
PointerType* buffer_ptr_type = PointerType::get(codegen->ptr_type(), 0);
LlvmCodeGen::FnPrototype prototype(codegen, build ? "EvalBuildRow" : "EvalProbeRow",
prototype.AddArgument(LlvmCodeGen::NamedVariable("this_ptr", this_ptr_type));
prototype.AddArgument(LlvmCodeGen::NamedVariable("row", tuple_row_ptr_type));
LLVMContext& context = codegen->context();
LlvmCodeGen::LlvmBuilder builder(context);
Value* args[2];
*fn = prototype.GeneratePrototype(&builder, args);
Value* row = args[1];
Value* has_null = codegen->false_value();
// Load cur_expr_values_ into a LLVM pointer.
Value* cur_expr_values_ptr = codegen->CastPtrToLlvmPtr(buffer_ptr_type,
Value* cur_expr_values = builder.CreateLoad(cur_expr_values_ptr);
// Load cur_expr_values_null_ into a LLVM pointer.
Value* cur_expr_values_null_ptr = codegen->CastPtrToLlvmPtr(buffer_ptr_type,
Value* cur_expr_values_null = builder.CreateLoad(cur_expr_values_null_ptr);
for (int i = 0; i < ctxs.size(); ++i) {
// TODO: refactor this to somewhere else? This is not hash table specific except for
// the null handling bit and would be used for anyone that needs to materialize a
// vector of exprs
// Convert result buffer to llvm ptr type
int offset = expr_values_cache_.expr_values_offsets(i);
Value* loc = builder.CreateGEP(NULL, cur_expr_values,
codegen->GetIntConstant(TYPE_INT, offset), "loc_addr");
Value* llvm_loc = builder.CreatePointerCast(loc,
codegen->GetPtrType(ctxs[i]->root()->type()), "loc");
BasicBlock* null_block = BasicBlock::Create(context, "null", *fn);
BasicBlock* not_null_block = BasicBlock::Create(context, "not_null", *fn);
BasicBlock* continue_block = BasicBlock::Create(context, "continue", *fn);
// Call expr
Function* expr_fn;
Status status = ctxs[i]->root()->GetCodegendComputeFn(state, &expr_fn);
if (!status.ok()) {
(*fn)->eraseFromParent(); // deletes function
*fn = NULL;
return Status(Substitute("Problem with HashTableCtx::CodegenEvalRow(): $0",
Value* ctx_arg = codegen->CastPtrToLlvmPtr(
codegen->GetPtrType(ExprContext::LLVM_CLASS_NAME), ctxs[i]);
Value* expr_fn_args[] = { ctx_arg, row };
CodegenAnyVal result = CodegenAnyVal::CreateCallWrapped(
codegen, &builder, ctxs[i]->root()->type(), expr_fn, expr_fn_args, "result");
Value* is_null = result.GetIsNull();
// Set null-byte result
Value* null_byte = builder.CreateZExt(is_null, codegen->GetType(TYPE_TINYINT));
Value* llvm_null_byte_loc = builder.CreateGEP(NULL, cur_expr_values_null,
codegen->GetIntConstant(TYPE_INT, i), "null_byte_loc");
builder.CreateStore(null_byte, llvm_null_byte_loc);
builder.CreateCondBr(is_null, null_block, not_null_block);
// Null block
if (!stores_nulls_) {
// hash table doesn't store nulls, no reason to keep evaluating exprs
} else {
CodegenAssignNullValue(codegen, &builder, llvm_loc, ctxs[i]->root()->type());
// Not null block
// Continue block
if (stores_nulls_) {
// Update has_null
PHINode* is_null_phi = builder.CreatePHI(codegen->boolean_type(), 2, "is_null_phi");
is_null_phi->addIncoming(codegen->true_value(), null_block);
is_null_phi->addIncoming(codegen->false_value(), not_null_block);
has_null = builder.CreateOr(has_null, is_null_phi, "has_null");
*fn = codegen->FinalizeFunction(*fn);
if (*fn == NULL) {
return Status("Codegen'd HashTableCtx::EvalRow() function failed verification, "
"see log");
return Status::OK();
// Codegen for hashing the current row. In the case with both string and non-string data
// (group by int_col, string_col), the IR looks like:
// define i32 @HashCurrentRow(%"class.impala::HashTableCtx"* %this_ptr) #33 {
// entry:
// %0 = load i8*, i8** inttoptr (i64 230325056 to i8**)
// %1 = load i8*, i8** inttoptr (i64 230325064 to i8**)
// %seed = call i32 @_ZNK6impala12HashTableCtx11GetHashSeedEv(
// %"class.impala::HashTableCtx"* %this_ptr)
// %hash = call i32 @CrcHash8(i8* %0, i32 8, i32 %seed)
// %loc_addr = getelementptr i8, i8* %0, i32 8
// %null_byte_loc = getelementptr i8, i8* %1, i32 1
// %null_byte = load i8, i8* %null_byte_loc
// %is_null = icmp ne i8 %null_byte, 0
// br i1 %is_null, label %null, label %not_null
// null: ; preds = %entry
// %str_null = call i32 @CrcHash16(i8* %loc_addr, i32 16, i32 %hash)
// br label %continue
// not_null: ; preds = %entry
// %str_val = bitcast i8* %loc_addr to %"struct.impala::StringValue"*
// %2 = getelementptr inbounds %"struct.impala::StringValue",
// %"struct.impala::StringValue"* %str_val, i32 0, i32 0
// %3 = getelementptr inbounds %"struct.impala::StringValue",
// %"struct.impala::StringValue"* %str_val, i32 0, i32 1
// %ptr = load i8*, i8** %2
// %len = load i32, i32* %3
// %string_hash = call i32 @IrCrcHash(i8* %ptr, i32 %len, i32 %hash)
// br label %continue
// continue: ; preds = %not_null, %null
// %hash_phi = phi i32 [ %string_hash, %not_null ], [ %str_null, %null ]
// ret i32 %hash_phi
// }
Status HashTableCtx::CodegenHashCurrentRow(RuntimeState* state, bool use_murmur,
Function** fn) {
for (int i = 0; i < build_expr_ctxs_.size(); ++i) {
// Disable codegen for CHAR
if (build_expr_ctxs_[i]->root()->type().type == TYPE_CHAR) {
return Status("HashTableCtx::CodegenHashCurrentRow(): CHAR NYI");
LlvmCodeGen* codegen;
// Get types to generate function prototype
Type* this_type = codegen->GetType(HashTableCtx::LLVM_CLASS_NAME);
DCHECK(this_type != NULL);
PointerType* this_ptr_type = PointerType::get(this_type, 0);
PointerType* buffer_ptr_type = PointerType::get(codegen->ptr_type(), 0);
LlvmCodeGen::FnPrototype prototype(codegen,
(use_murmur ? "MurmurHashCurrentRow" : "HashCurrentRow"),
prototype.AddArgument(LlvmCodeGen::NamedVariable("this_ptr", this_ptr_type));
LLVMContext& context = codegen->context();
LlvmCodeGen::LlvmBuilder builder(context);
Value* this_arg;
*fn = prototype.GeneratePrototype(&builder, &this_arg);
// Load cur_expr_values_ into a LLVM pointer.
Value* cur_expr_values_ptr =
codegen->CastPtrToLlvmPtr(buffer_ptr_type, &expr_values_cache_.cur_expr_values_);
Value* cur_expr_values = builder.CreateLoad(cur_expr_values_ptr);
// Load cur_expr_values_null_ into a LLVM pointer.
Value* cur_expr_values_null = NULL;
if (stores_nulls_) {
Value* cur_expr_values_null_ptr = codegen->CastPtrToLlvmPtr(
buffer_ptr_type, &expr_values_cache_.cur_expr_values_null_);
cur_expr_values_null = builder.CreateLoad(cur_expr_values_null_ptr);
// Call GetHashSeed() to get seeds_[level_]
Function* get_hash_seed_fn =
codegen->GetFunction(IRFunction::HASH_TABLE_GET_HASH_SEED, false);
Value* seed = builder.CreateCall(get_hash_seed_fn, ArrayRef<Value*>({this_arg}),
Value* hash_result = seed;
const int var_result_offset = expr_values_cache_.var_result_offset();
const int expr_values_bytes_per_row = expr_values_cache_.expr_values_bytes_per_row();
if (var_result_offset == -1) {
// No variable length slots, just hash what is in 'expr_expr_values_cache_'
if (expr_values_bytes_per_row > 0) {
Function* hash_fn = use_murmur ?
codegen->GetMurmurHashFunction(expr_values_bytes_per_row) :
Value* len = codegen->GetIntConstant(TYPE_INT, expr_values_bytes_per_row);
hash_result = builder.CreateCall(hash_fn,
ArrayRef<Value*>({cur_expr_values, len, hash_result}), "hash");
} else {
if (var_result_offset > 0) {
Function* hash_fn = use_murmur ?
codegen->GetMurmurHashFunction(var_result_offset) :
Value* len = codegen->GetIntConstant(TYPE_INT, var_result_offset);
hash_result = builder.CreateCall(hash_fn,
ArrayRef<Value*>({cur_expr_values, len, hash_result}), "hash");
// Hash string slots
for (int i = 0; i < build_expr_ctxs_.size(); ++i) {
if (build_expr_ctxs_[i]->root()->type().type != TYPE_STRING
&& build_expr_ctxs_[i]->root()->type().type != TYPE_VARCHAR) continue;
BasicBlock* null_block = NULL;
BasicBlock* not_null_block = NULL;
BasicBlock* continue_block = NULL;
Value* str_null_result = NULL;
int offset = expr_values_cache_.expr_values_offsets(i);
Value* llvm_loc = builder.CreateGEP(NULL, cur_expr_values,
codegen->GetIntConstant(TYPE_INT, offset), "loc_addr");
// If the hash table stores nulls, we need to check if the stringval
// evaluated to NULL
if (stores_nulls_) {
null_block = BasicBlock::Create(context, "null", *fn);
not_null_block = BasicBlock::Create(context, "not_null", *fn);
continue_block = BasicBlock::Create(context, "continue", *fn);
Value* llvm_null_byte_loc = builder.CreateGEP(NULL, cur_expr_values_null,
codegen->GetIntConstant(TYPE_INT, i), "null_byte_loc");
Value* null_byte = builder.CreateLoad(llvm_null_byte_loc, "null_byte");
Value* is_null = builder.CreateICmpNE(null_byte,
codegen->GetIntConstant(TYPE_TINYINT, 0), "is_null");
builder.CreateCondBr(is_null, null_block, not_null_block);
// For null, we just want to call the hash function on the portion of
// the data
Function* null_hash_fn = use_murmur ?
codegen->GetMurmurHashFunction(sizeof(StringValue)) :
Value* len = codegen->GetIntConstant(TYPE_INT, sizeof(StringValue));
str_null_result = builder.CreateCall(null_hash_fn,
ArrayRef<Value*>({llvm_loc, len, hash_result}), "str_null");
// Convert expr_values_buffer_ loc to llvm value
Value* str_val = builder.CreatePointerCast(llvm_loc,
codegen->GetPtrType(TYPE_STRING), "str_val");
Value* ptr = builder.CreateStructGEP(NULL, str_val, 0);
Value* len = builder.CreateStructGEP(NULL, str_val, 1);
ptr = builder.CreateLoad(ptr, "ptr");
len = builder.CreateLoad(len, "len");
// Call hash(ptr, len, hash_result);
Function* general_hash_fn = use_murmur ? codegen->GetMurmurHashFunction() :
Value* string_hash_result = builder.CreateCall(general_hash_fn,
ArrayRef<Value*>({ptr, len, hash_result}), "string_hash");
if (stores_nulls_) {
// Use phi node to reconcile that we could have come from the string-null
// path and string not null paths.
PHINode* phi_node = builder.CreatePHI(codegen->GetType(TYPE_INT), 2, "hash_phi");
phi_node->addIncoming(string_hash_result, not_null_block);
phi_node->addIncoming(str_null_result, null_block);
hash_result = phi_node;
} else {
hash_result = string_hash_result;
*fn = codegen->FinalizeFunction(*fn);
if (*fn == NULL) {
return Status("Codegen'd HashTableCtx::HashCurrentRow() function failed "
"verification, see log");
return Status::OK();
// Codegen for HashTableCtx::Equals. For a group by with (bigint, string),
// the IR looks like:
// define i1 @Equals(%"class.impala::HashTableCtx"* %this_ptr,
// %"class.impala::TupleRow"* %row) #33 {
// entry:
// %0 = alloca { i64, i8* }
// %1 = load i8*, i8** inttoptr (i64 230325056 to i8**)
// %2 = load i8*, i8** inttoptr (i64 230325064 to i8**)
// %result = call i64 @GetSlotRef(%"class.impala::ExprContext"* inttoptr
// (i64 165557504 to %"class.impala::ExprContext"*),
// %"class.impala::TupleRow"* %row)
// %is_null = trunc i64 %result to i1
// %null_byte_loc = getelementptr i8, i8* %2, i32 0
// %3 = load i8, i8* %null_byte_loc
// %4 = icmp ne i8 %3, 0
// %loc = getelementptr i8, i8* %1, i32 0
// %row_val = bitcast i8* %loc to i32*
// br i1 %is_null, label %null, label %not_null
// false_block: ; preds = %cmp9, %not_null2, %null1, %cmp, %not_null, %null
// ret i1 false
// null: ; preds = %entry
// br i1 %4, label %continue, label %false_block
// not_null: ; preds = %entry
// br i1 %4, label %false_block, label %cmp
// continue: ; preds = %cmp, %null
// %result4 = call { i64, i8* } @GetSlotRef.2(%"class.impala::ExprContext"*
// inttoptr (i64 165557696 to %"class.impala::ExprContext"*),
// %"class.impala::TupleRow"* %row)
// %5 = extractvalue { i64, i8* } %result4, 0
// %is_null5 = trunc i64 %5 to i1
// %null_byte_loc6 = getelementptr i8, i8* %2, i32 1
// %6 = load i8, i8* %null_byte_loc6
// %7 = icmp ne i8 %6, 0
// %loc7 = getelementptr i8, i8* %1, i32 8
// %row_val8 = bitcast i8* %loc7 to %"struct.impala::StringValue"*
// br i1 %is_null5, label %null1, label %not_null2
// cmp: ; preds = %not_null
// %8 = load i32, i32* %row_val
// %9 = ashr i64 %result, 32
// %10 = trunc i64 %9 to i32
// %cmp_raw = icmp eq i32 %10, %8
// br i1 %cmp_raw, label %continue, label %false_block
// null1: ; preds = %continue
// br i1 %7, label %continue3, label %false_block
// not_null2: ; preds = %continue
// br i1 %7, label %false_block, label %cmp9
// continue3: ; preds = %cmp9, %null1
// ret i1 true
// cmp9: ; preds = %not_null2
// store { i64, i8* } %result4, { i64, i8* }* %0
// %11 = bitcast { i64, i8* }* %0 to %"struct.impala_udf::StringVal"*
// %cmp_raw10 = call i1 @_Z13StringValueEqRKN10impala_udf9StringValERKN6
// impala11StringValueE(%"struct.impala_udf::StringVal"* %11,
// %"struct.impala::StringValue"* %row_val8)
// br i1 %cmp_raw10, label %continue3, label %false_block
// }
Status HashTableCtx::CodegenEquals(RuntimeState* state, bool force_null_equality,
Function** fn) {
for (int i = 0; i < build_expr_ctxs_.size(); ++i) {
// Disable codegen for CHAR
if (build_expr_ctxs_[i]->root()->type().type == TYPE_CHAR) {
return Status("HashTableCtx::CodegenEquals(): CHAR NYI");
LlvmCodeGen* codegen;
// Get types to generate function prototype
Type* tuple_row_type = codegen->GetType(TupleRow::LLVM_CLASS_NAME);
DCHECK(tuple_row_type != NULL);
PointerType* tuple_row_ptr_type = PointerType::get(tuple_row_type, 0);
Type* this_type = codegen->GetType(HashTableCtx::LLVM_CLASS_NAME);
DCHECK(this_type != NULL);
PointerType* this_ptr_type = PointerType::get(this_type, 0);
PointerType* buffer_ptr_type = PointerType::get(codegen->ptr_type(), 0);
LlvmCodeGen::FnPrototype prototype(codegen, "Equals", codegen->GetType(TYPE_BOOLEAN));
prototype.AddArgument(LlvmCodeGen::NamedVariable("this_ptr", this_ptr_type));
prototype.AddArgument(LlvmCodeGen::NamedVariable("row", tuple_row_ptr_type));
LLVMContext& context = codegen->context();
LlvmCodeGen::LlvmBuilder builder(context);
Value* args[2];
*fn = prototype.GeneratePrototype(&builder, args);
Value* row = args[1];
// Load cur_expr_values_ into a LLVM pointer.
Value* cur_expr_values_ptr = codegen->CastPtrToLlvmPtr(buffer_ptr_type,
Value* cur_expr_values = builder.CreateLoad(cur_expr_values_ptr);
// Load cur_expr_values_null_ into a LLVM pointer.
Value* cur_expr_values_null_ptr = codegen->CastPtrToLlvmPtr(buffer_ptr_type,
Value* cur_expr_values_null = builder.CreateLoad(cur_expr_values_null_ptr);
BasicBlock* false_block = BasicBlock::Create(context, "false_block", *fn);
for (int i = 0; i < build_expr_ctxs_.size(); ++i) {
BasicBlock* null_block = BasicBlock::Create(context, "null", *fn);
BasicBlock* not_null_block = BasicBlock::Create(context, "not_null", *fn);
BasicBlock* continue_block = BasicBlock::Create(context, "continue", *fn);
// call GetValue on build_exprs[i]
Function* expr_fn;
Status status = build_expr_ctxs_[i]->root()->GetCodegendComputeFn(state, &expr_fn);
if (!status.ok()) {
(*fn)->eraseFromParent(); // deletes function
*fn = NULL;
return Status(Substitute("Problem with HashTableCtx::CodegenEquals: $0",
Value* ctx_arg = codegen->CastPtrToLlvmPtr(
codegen->GetPtrType(ExprContext::LLVM_CLASS_NAME), build_expr_ctxs_[i]);
Value* expr_fn_args[] = { ctx_arg, row };
CodegenAnyVal result = CodegenAnyVal::CreateCallWrapped(codegen, &builder,
build_expr_ctxs_[i]->root()->type(), expr_fn, expr_fn_args, "result");
Value* is_null = result.GetIsNull();
// Determine if row is null (i.e. cur_expr_values_null_[i] == true). In
// the case where the hash table does not store nulls, this is always false.
Value* row_is_null = codegen->false_value();
// We consider null values equal if we are comparing build rows or if the join
// predicate is <=>
if (force_null_equality || finds_nulls_[i]) {
Value* llvm_null_byte_loc = builder.CreateGEP(NULL, cur_expr_values_null,
codegen->GetIntConstant(TYPE_INT, i), "null_byte_loc");
Value* null_byte = builder.CreateLoad(llvm_null_byte_loc);
row_is_null = builder.CreateICmpNE(null_byte,
codegen->GetIntConstant(TYPE_TINYINT, 0));
// Get llvm value for row_val from 'cur_expr_values_'
int offset = expr_values_cache_.expr_values_offsets(i);
Value* loc = builder.CreateGEP(NULL, cur_expr_values,
codegen->GetIntConstant(TYPE_INT, offset), "loc");
Value* row_val = builder.CreatePointerCast(loc,
codegen->GetPtrType(build_expr_ctxs_[i]->root()->type()), "row_val");
// Branch for GetValue() returning NULL
builder.CreateCondBr(is_null, null_block, not_null_block);
// Null block
builder.CreateCondBr(row_is_null, continue_block, false_block);
// Not-null block
if (stores_nulls_) {
BasicBlock* cmp_block = BasicBlock::Create(context, "cmp", *fn);
// First need to compare that row expr[i] is not null
builder.CreateCondBr(row_is_null, false_block, cmp_block);
// Check result == row_val
Value* is_equal = result.EqToNativePtr(row_val);
builder.CreateCondBr(is_equal, continue_block, false_block);
*fn = codegen->FinalizeFunction(*fn);
if (*fn == NULL) {
return Status("Codegen'd HashTableCtx::Equals() function failed verification, "
"see log");
return Status::OK();
Status HashTableCtx::ReplaceHashTableConstants(RuntimeState* state,
bool stores_duplicates, int num_build_tuples, Function* fn,
HashTableReplacedConstants* replacement_counts) {
LlvmCodeGen* codegen;
replacement_counts->stores_nulls = codegen->ReplaceCallSitesWithBoolConst(
fn, stores_nulls(), "stores_nulls");
replacement_counts->finds_some_nulls = codegen->ReplaceCallSitesWithBoolConst(
fn, finds_some_nulls(), "finds_some_nulls");
replacement_counts->stores_tuples = codegen->ReplaceCallSitesWithBoolConst(
fn, num_build_tuples == 1, "stores_tuples");
replacement_counts->stores_duplicates = codegen->ReplaceCallSitesWithBoolConst(
fn, stores_duplicates, "stores_duplicates");
replacement_counts->quadratic_probing = codegen->ReplaceCallSitesWithBoolConst(
fn, FLAGS_enable_quadratic_probing, "quadratic_probing");
return Status::OK();