blob: d07c0edc5609a7ae6e25d5f659084eb224ef8d32 [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
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// under the License.
package org.apache.impala.catalog;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.concurrent.Callable;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;
import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService;
import java.util.concurrent.Executors;
import java.util.concurrent.Future;
import java.util.concurrent.FutureTask;
import java.util.concurrent.LinkedBlockingDeque;
import java.util.concurrent.LinkedBlockingQueue;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean;
import org.apache.impala.thrift.TTableName;
import org.apache.impala.util.HdfsCachingUtil;
import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
* Class that manages scheduling the loading of table metadata from the Hive Metastore and
* the Hadoop NameNode. Loads tables using a pool of table loading threads. New load
* requests can be submitted using loadAsync(), which will schedule the load when the
* next thread becomes available. Also manages prioritized background table loading by
* reading from a deque of table names to determine which table to load next. Tables added
* to the head of the deque will be loaded before tables added to the tail, so the loading
* order can be prioritized (see prioritizeLoad()/backgroundLoad()).
public class TableLoadingMgr {
* Represents the result of an asynchronous Table loading request. Calling
* get() will block until the Table has completed loading. When finished
* processing the request, call close() to clean up.
public class LoadRequest {
private final Future<Table> tblTask_;
private final TTableName tblName_;
private LoadRequest(TTableName tblName, Future<Table> tblTask) {
tblTask_ = tblTask;
tblName_ = tblName;
* Blocks until the table has finished loading and returns the result. If any errors
* were encountered while loading the table an IncompleteTable will be returned.
public Table get() {
Table tbl;
try {"Loading metadata for table: " +
tblName_.db_name + "." + tblName_.table_name);"Remaining items in queue: %s. Loads in progress: %s",
tableLoadingDeque_.size(), loadingTables_.size()));
tbl = tblTask_.get();
} catch (Exception e) {
tbl = IncompleteTable.createFailedMetadataLoadTable(
catalog_.getDb(tblName_.getDb_name()), tblName_.getTable_name(),
new TableLoadingException(e.getMessage(), e));
return tbl;
* Cleans up the in-flight load request matching the given table name. Will not
* cancel the load if it is still in progress, frees a slot should another
* load for the same table come in. Can be called multiple times.
public void close() {
synchronized (loadingTables_) {
if (loadingTables_.get(tblName_) == tblTask_) loadingTables_.remove(tblName_);
private static final Logger LOG = Logger.getLogger(TableLoadingMgr.class);
// A thread safe blocking deque that is used to prioritize the loading of table
// metadata. The CatalogServer has a background thread that will always add unloaded
// tables to the tail of the deque. However, a call to prioritizeLoad() will add
// tables to the head of the deque. The next table to load is always taken from the
// head of the deque. May contain the same table multiple times, but a second
// attempt to load the table metadata will be a no-op.
private final LinkedBlockingDeque<TTableName> tableLoadingDeque_ =
new LinkedBlockingDeque<TTableName>();
// Maps from table name to a boolean indicating whether that table is currently
// being loaded by a table loading thread. Used to prevent adding superfluous
// entries to the deque, and to ensure that only a single table loading thread
// is consumed per table.
// Entries are added to this map immediately before being added to the deque and
// removed after a load has completed.
// Once the load of a table begins, its associated boolean is set to true, and
// attempts to load the same table by a different thread become no-ops.
// This map is different from loadingTables_ because the latter tracks all in-flight
// loads - even those being processed by threads other than table loading threads.
private final ConcurrentHashMap<TTableName, AtomicBoolean> tableLoadingBarrier_ =
new ConcurrentHashMap<TTableName, AtomicBoolean>();
// Map of table name to a FutureTask associated with the table load. Used to
// prevent duplicate loads of the same table.
private final ConcurrentHashMap<TTableName, FutureTask<Table>> loadingTables_ =
new ConcurrentHashMap<TTableName, FutureTask<Table>>();
// Map of table name to the cache directives that are being waited on for that table.
// Once all directives have completed, the table's metadata will be refreshed and
// the table will be removed from this map.
// A caching operation may take a long time to complete, so to maximize query
// throughput it is preferable to allow the user to continue to run queries against
// the table while a cache request completes in the background.
private final Map<TTableName, List<Long>> pendingTableCacheDirs_ = Maps.newHashMap();
// The number of parallel threads to use to load table metadata. Should be set to a
// value that provides good throughput while not putting too much stress on the
// metastore.
private final int numLoadingThreads_;
// Pool of numLoadingThreads_ threads that loads table metadata. If additional tasks
// are submitted to the pool after it is full, they will be queued and executed when
// the next thread becomes available. There is no hard upper limit on the number of
// pending tasks (no work will be rejected, but memory consumption is unbounded).
private final ExecutorService tblLoadingPool_;
// Thread that incrementally refreshes tables in the background. Used to update a
// table's metadata after a long running operation completes, such as marking a
// table as cached. There is no hard upper limit on the number of pending tasks
// (no work will be rejected, but memory consumption is unbounded). If this thread
// dies it will be automatically restarted.
// The tables to process are read from the resfreshThreadWork_ queue.
ExecutorService asyncRefreshThread_ = Executors.newSingleThreadExecutor();
// Tables for the async refresh thread to process. Synchronization must be handled
// externally.
private final LinkedBlockingQueue<TTableName> refreshThreadWork_ =
new LinkedBlockingQueue<TTableName>();
private final CatalogServiceCatalog catalog_;
private final TableLoader tblLoader_;
public TableLoadingMgr(CatalogServiceCatalog catalog, int numLoadingThreads) {
catalog_ = catalog;
tblLoader_ = new TableLoader(catalog_);
numLoadingThreads_ = numLoadingThreads;
tblLoadingPool_ = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(numLoadingThreads_);
// Start the background table loading threads.
// Start the asyncRefreshThread_. Currently used to wait for cache directives to
// complete in the background.
asyncRefreshThread_.submit(new Callable<Void>() {
public Void call() throws Exception {
while(true) {
* Prioritizes the loading of the given table.
public void prioritizeLoad(TTableName tblName) {
AtomicBoolean isLoading =
tableLoadingBarrier_.putIfAbsent(tblName, new AtomicBoolean(false));
// Only queue the table if a load is not already in progress.
if (isLoading != null && isLoading.get()) return;
* Submits a single table for background (low priority) loading.
public void backgroundLoad(TTableName tblName) {
// Only queue for background loading if the table isn't already queued or
// currently being loaded.
if (tableLoadingBarrier_.putIfAbsent(tblName, new AtomicBoolean(false)) == null) {
* Adds a list of cache directive IDs to watch for the given table name.
* The asyncRefreshThread_ will process the cache directives and once all directives
* complete (data has been cached or no progress is being made), the
* asyncRefreshThread_ will refresh the table metadata. After processing the
* request the watch will be deleted.
public void watchCacheDirs(List<Long> cacheDirIds, final TTableName tblName) {
synchronized (pendingTableCacheDirs_) {
// A single table may have multiple pending cache requests since one request
// gets submitted per-partition.
List<Long> existingCacheReqIds = pendingTableCacheDirs_.get(tblName);
if (existingCacheReqIds == null) {
existingCacheReqIds = cacheDirIds;
pendingTableCacheDirs_.put(tblName, cacheDirIds);
} else {
* Loads a table asynchronously, returning a LoadRequest that can be used to get
* the result (a Table). If there is already a load in flight for this table name,
* the same underlying loading task (Future) will be used, helping to prevent duplicate
* loads of the same table.
public LoadRequest loadAsync(final TTableName tblName)
throws DatabaseNotFoundException {
final Db parentDb = catalog_.getDb(tblName.getDb_name());
if (parentDb == null) {
throw new DatabaseNotFoundException(
"Database '" + tblName.getDb_name() + "' was not found.");
FutureTask<Table> tableLoadTask = new FutureTask<Table>(new Callable<Table>() {
public Table call() throws Exception {
return tblLoader_.load(parentDb, tblName.table_name);
FutureTask<Table> existingValue = loadingTables_.putIfAbsent(tblName, tableLoadTask);
if (existingValue == null) {
// There was no existing value, submit a new load request.
} else {
tableLoadTask = existingValue;
return new LoadRequest(tblName, tableLoadTask);
* Starts table loading threads in a fixed sized thread pool with a size
* defined by NUM_TBL_LOADING_THREADS. Each thread polls the tableLoadingDeque_
* for new tables to load.
private void startTableLoadingThreads() {
ExecutorService loadingPool = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(numLoadingThreads_);
try {
for (int i = 0; i < numLoadingThreads_; ++i) {
loadingPool.execute(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
while (true) {
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
LOG.error("Error loading table: ", e);
// Ignore exception.
} finally {
* Gets the next table name to load off the head of the table loading queue. If
* the queue is empty, this will block until a new table is added.
private void loadNextTable() throws InterruptedException {
// Always get the next table from the head of the deque.
final TTableName tblName = tableLoadingDeque_.takeFirst();
AtomicBoolean isLoading = tableLoadingBarrier_.get(tblName);
if (isLoading == null || !isLoading.compareAndSet(false, true)) {
// Another thread has already completed the load or the load is still in progress.
// Return so this thread can work on another table in the queue."Metadata load request already in progress for table: " +
tblName.db_name + "." + tblName.table_name);
try {
// TODO: Instead of calling "getOrLoad" here we could call "loadAsync". We would
// just need to add a mechanism for moving loaded tables into the Catalog.
catalog_.getOrLoadTable(tblName.getDb_name(), tblName.getTable_name());
} catch (CatalogException e) {
// Ignore.
} finally {
* Reloads the metadata of the given table to pick up the new cached block location
* information. Only reloads the metadata if the table is already loaded. The rationale
* is that if the metadata has not been loaded yet, then it needs to be reloaded
* anyway, and if the table failed to load, then we do not want to hide errors by
* reloading it 'silently' in response to the completion of an HDFS caching request.
private void execAsyncRefreshWork(TTableName tblName) {
if (!waitForCacheDirs(tblName)) return;
try {
Table tbl = catalog_.getTable(tblName.getDb_name(), tblName.getTable_name());
if (tbl == null || tbl instanceof IncompleteTable || !tbl.isLoaded()) return;
} catch (CatalogException e) {
LOG.error("Error reloading cached table: ", e);
* Waits for all pending cache directives on a table to complete.
* Returns true if a refresh is needed and false if a refresh is not needed.
private boolean waitForCacheDirs(TTableName tblName) {
boolean isRefreshNeeded = false;
// Keep processing cache directives for this table until there are none left.
while (true) {
// Get all pending requests for this table.
List<Long> cacheDirIds = null;
synchronized (pendingTableCacheDirs_) {
cacheDirIds = pendingTableCacheDirs_.remove(tblName);
if (cacheDirIds == null || cacheDirIds.size() == 0) return isRefreshNeeded;
isRefreshNeeded = true;
// Wait for each cache request to complete.
for (Long dirId: cacheDirIds) {
if (dirId == null) continue;
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
"Error waiting for cache request %d to complete: ", dirId), e);