blob: 745de6d6760f34bf7c2f2dfeaac9ffc18bab7dd1 [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
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// distributed with this work for additional information
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package org.apache.impala.analysis;
import org.apache.impala.common.TreeNode;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.ListIterator;
import java.util.Set;
* Encapsulates all the information needed to compute ORDER BY
* This doesn't contain aliases or positional exprs.
* TODO: reorganize this completely, this doesn't really encapsulate anything; this
* should move into planner/ and encapsulate the implementation of the sort of a
* particular input row (materialize all row slots)
public class SortInfo {
// All ordering exprs with cost greater than this will be materialized. Since we don't
// currently have any information about actual function costs, this value is intended to
// ensure that all expensive functions will be materialized while still leaving simple
// operations unmaterialized, for example 'SlotRef + SlotRef' should have a cost below
// this threshold.
// TODO: rethink this when we have a better cost model.
private static final float SORT_MATERIALIZATION_COST_THRESHOLD =
private List<Expr> orderingExprs_;
private final List<Boolean> isAscOrder_;
// True if "NULLS FIRST", false if "NULLS LAST", null if not specified.
private final List<Boolean> nullsFirstParams_;
// Subset of ordering exprs that are materialized. Populated in
// createMaterializedOrderExprs(), used for EXPLAIN output.
private List<Expr> materializedOrderingExprs_;
// The single tuple that is materialized, sorted, and output by a sort operator
// (i.e. SortNode or TopNNode)
private TupleDescriptor sortTupleDesc_;
// Input expressions materialized into sortTupleDesc_. One expr per slot in
// sortTupleDesc_.
private List<Expr> sortTupleSlotExprs_;
public SortInfo(List<Expr> orderingExprs, List<Boolean> isAscOrder,
List<Boolean> nullsFirstParams) {
Preconditions.checkArgument(orderingExprs.size() == isAscOrder.size());
Preconditions.checkArgument(orderingExprs.size() == nullsFirstParams.size());
orderingExprs_ = orderingExprs;
isAscOrder_ = isAscOrder;
nullsFirstParams_ = nullsFirstParams;
materializedOrderingExprs_ = Lists.newArrayList();
* C'tor for cloning.
private SortInfo(SortInfo other) {
orderingExprs_ = Expr.cloneList(other.orderingExprs_);
isAscOrder_ = Lists.newArrayList(other.isAscOrder_);
nullsFirstParams_ = Lists.newArrayList(other.nullsFirstParams_);
materializedOrderingExprs_ = Expr.cloneList(other.materializedOrderingExprs_);
sortTupleDesc_ = other.sortTupleDesc_;
if (other.sortTupleSlotExprs_ != null) {
sortTupleSlotExprs_ = Expr.cloneList(other.sortTupleSlotExprs_);
* Sets sortTupleDesc_, which is the internal row representation to be materialized and
* sorted. The source exprs of the slots in sortTupleDesc_ are changed to those in
* tupleSlotExprs.
public void setMaterializedTupleInfo(
TupleDescriptor tupleDesc, List<Expr> tupleSlotExprs) {
Preconditions.checkState(tupleDesc.getSlots().size() == tupleSlotExprs.size());
sortTupleDesc_ = tupleDesc;
sortTupleSlotExprs_ = tupleSlotExprs;
for (int i = 0; i < sortTupleDesc_.getSlots().size(); ++i) {
SlotDescriptor slotDesc = sortTupleDesc_.getSlots().get(i);
public List<Expr> getOrderingExprs() { return orderingExprs_; }
public List<Boolean> getIsAscOrder() { return isAscOrder_; }
public List<Boolean> getNullsFirstParams() { return nullsFirstParams_; }
public List<Expr> getMaterializedOrderingExprs() { return materializedOrderingExprs_; }
public List<Expr> getSortTupleSlotExprs() { return sortTupleSlotExprs_; }
public TupleDescriptor getSortTupleDescriptor() { return sortTupleDesc_; }
* Gets the list of booleans indicating whether nulls come first or last, independent
* of asc/desc.
public List<Boolean> getNullsFirst() {
Preconditions.checkState(orderingExprs_.size() == nullsFirstParams_.size());
List<Boolean> nullsFirst = Lists.newArrayList();
for (int i = 0; i < orderingExprs_.size(); ++i) {
return nullsFirst;
* Materializes the slots in sortTupleDesc_ referenced in the ordering exprs.
* Materializes the slots referenced by the corresponding sortTupleSlotExpr after
* applying the 'smap'.
public void materializeRequiredSlots(Analyzer analyzer, ExprSubstitutionMap smap) {
List<SlotDescriptor> sortTupleSlotDescs = sortTupleDesc_.getSlots();
List<Expr> materializedExprs = Lists.newArrayList();
for (int i = 0; i < sortTupleSlotDescs.size(); ++i) {
if (sortTupleSlotDescs.get(i).isMaterialized()) {
List<Expr> substMaterializedExprs =
Expr.substituteList(materializedExprs, smap, analyzer, false);
* Replaces orderingExprs_ according to smap. This needs to be called to make sure that
* the ordering exprs refer to the new tuple materialized by this sort instead of the
* original input.
public void substituteOrderingExprs(ExprSubstitutionMap smap, Analyzer analyzer) {
orderingExprs_ = Expr.substituteList(orderingExprs_, smap, analyzer, false);
* Asserts that all ordering exprs are bound by the sort tuple.
public void checkConsistency() {
for (Expr orderingExpr: orderingExprs_) {
public SortInfo clone() { return new SortInfo(this); }
* Create a tuple descriptor for the single tuple that is materialized, sorted, and
* output by the sort node. Materializes slots required by 'resultExprs' as well as
* non-deterministic and expensive order by exprs. The materialized exprs are
* substituted with slot refs into the new tuple. This simplifies the sorting logic for
* total and top-n sorts. The substitution map is returned.
public ExprSubstitutionMap createSortTupleInfo(
List<Expr> resultExprs, Analyzer analyzer) {
// The descriptor for the tuples on which the sort operates.
TupleDescriptor sortTupleDesc = analyzer.getDescTbl().createTupleDescriptor("sort");
List<Expr> sortTupleExprs = Lists.newArrayList();
// substOrderBy is a mapping from exprs evaluated on the sort input that get
// materialized into the sort tuple to their corresponding SlotRefs in the sort tuple.
// The following exprs are materialized:
// 1. Ordering exprs that we chose to materialize
// 2. SlotRefs against the sort input contained in the result and ordering exprs after
// substituting the materialized ordering exprs.
// Case 1:
ExprSubstitutionMap substOrderBy =
createMaterializedOrderExprs(sortTupleDesc, analyzer);
// Case 2: SlotRefs in the result and ordering exprs after substituting the
// materialized ordering exprs. Using a LinkedHashSet prevents the slots getting
// reordered unnecessarily.
Set<SlotRef> sourceSlots = Sets.newLinkedHashSet();
List<Expr> substResultExprs =
Expr.substituteList(resultExprs, substOrderBy, analyzer, false);
TreeNode.collect(substResultExprs, Predicates.instanceOf(SlotRef.class), sourceSlots);
TreeNode.collect(Expr.substituteList(orderingExprs_, substOrderBy, analyzer, false),
Predicates.instanceOf(SlotRef.class), sourceSlots);
for (SlotRef origSlotRef: sourceSlots) {
// Don't rematerialize slots that are already in the sort tuple.
if (origSlotRef.getDesc().getParent().getId() != sortTupleDesc.getId()) {
SlotDescriptor origSlotDesc = origSlotRef.getDesc();
SlotDescriptor materializedDesc =
analyzer.copySlotDescriptor(origSlotDesc, sortTupleDesc);
SlotRef cloneRef = new SlotRef(materializedDesc);
substOrderBy.put(origSlotRef, cloneRef);
sortTupleDesc, substResultExprs, sortTupleExprs, substOrderBy, analyzer);
// The ordering exprs are evaluated against the sort tuple, so they must reflect the
// materialization decision above.
substituteOrderingExprs(substOrderBy, analyzer);
// Update the tuple descriptor used to materialize the input of the sort.
setMaterializedTupleInfo(sortTupleDesc, sortTupleExprs);
return substOrderBy;
* Materialize ordering exprs by creating slots for them in 'sortTupleDesc' if they:
* - contain a non-deterministic expr
* - contain a UDF (since we don't know if they're deterministic)
* - are more expensive than a cost threshold
* - don't have a cost set
* Populates 'materializedOrderingExprs_' and returns a mapping from the original
* ordering exprs to the new SlotRefs. It is expected that this smap will be passed into
* substituteOrderingExprs() by the caller.
public ExprSubstitutionMap createMaterializedOrderExprs(
TupleDescriptor sortTupleDesc, Analyzer analyzer) {
ExprSubstitutionMap substOrderBy = new ExprSubstitutionMap();
for (Expr origOrderingExpr : orderingExprs_) {
if (!origOrderingExpr.hasCost()
|| origOrderingExpr.contains(Expr.IS_UDF_PREDICATE)) {
SlotDescriptor materializedDesc = analyzer.addSlotDescriptor(sortTupleDesc);
SlotRef materializedRef = new SlotRef(materializedDesc);
substOrderBy.put(origOrderingExpr, materializedRef);
return substOrderBy;
* Collects the unique TupleIsNullPredicates from 'exprs' and for each one:
* - Materializes it into a new slot in 'sortTupleDesc'
* - Adds it to 'sortSlotExprs'
* - Adds an entry in 'substOrderBy' mapping it to a SlotRef into the new slot
public static void materializeTupleIsNullPredicates(TupleDescriptor sortTupleDesc,
List<Expr> exprs, List<Expr> sortSlotExprs, ExprSubstitutionMap substOrderBy,
Analyzer analyzer) {
List<Expr> tupleIsNullPreds = Lists.newArrayList();
exprs, Predicates.instanceOf(TupleIsNullPredicate.class), tupleIsNullPreds);
// Materialize relevant unique TupleIsNullPredicates.
for (Expr tupleIsNullPred: tupleIsNullPreds) {
SlotDescriptor sortSlotDesc = analyzer.addSlotDescriptor(sortTupleDesc);
SlotRef cloneRef = new SlotRef(sortSlotDesc);
substOrderBy.put(tupleIsNullPred, cloneRef);