blob: 9574a02ff354bf154370dd2f0e12b2b67cb98849 [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
// KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
// specific language governing permissions and limitations
// under the License.
package org.apache.impala.analysis;
import java.util.List;
import org.apache.impala.authorization.Privilege;
import org.apache.impala.catalog.AggregateFunction;
import org.apache.impala.catalog.Catalog;
import org.apache.impala.catalog.Db;
import org.apache.impala.catalog.Function;
import org.apache.impala.catalog.ScalarFunction;
import org.apache.impala.catalog.ScalarType;
import org.apache.impala.catalog.Type;
import org.apache.impala.common.AnalysisException;
import org.apache.impala.common.TreeNode;
import org.apache.impala.thrift.TAggregateExpr;
import org.apache.impala.thrift.TColumnType;
import org.apache.impala.thrift.TExprNode;
import org.apache.impala.thrift.TExprNodeType;
import org.apache.impala.thrift.TFunctionBinaryType;
public class FunctionCallExpr extends Expr {
private final FunctionName fnName_;
private final FunctionParams params_;
private boolean isAnalyticFnCall_ = false;
private boolean isInternalFnCall_ = false;
// Non-null iff this is an aggregation function that executes the Merge() step. This
// is an analyzed clone of the FunctionCallExpr that executes the Update() function
// feeding into this Merge(). This is stored so that we can access the types of the
// original input argument exprs. Note that the nullness affects the behaviour of
// resetAnalysisState(), which is used during expr substitution.
private FunctionCallExpr mergeAggInputFn_;
// Printed in toSqlImpl(), if set. Used for merge agg fns.
private String label_;
public FunctionCallExpr(String functionName, List<Expr> params) {
this(new FunctionName(functionName), new FunctionParams(false, params));
public FunctionCallExpr(FunctionName fnName, List<Expr> params) {
this(fnName, new FunctionParams(false, params));
public FunctionCallExpr(FunctionName fnName, FunctionParams params) {
this(fnName, params, null);
private FunctionCallExpr(FunctionName fnName, FunctionParams params,
FunctionCallExpr mergeAggInputFn) {
fnName_ = fnName;
params_ = params;
mergeAggInputFn_ =
mergeAggInputFn == null ? null : (FunctionCallExpr)mergeAggInputFn.clone();
if (params.exprs() != null) children_ = Lists.newArrayList(params_.exprs());
* Returns an Expr that evaluates the function call <fnName>(<params>). The returned
* Expr is not necessarily a FunctionCallExpr (example: DECODE())
public static Expr createExpr(FunctionName fnName, FunctionParams params) {
FunctionCallExpr functionCallExpr = new FunctionCallExpr(fnName, params);
if (functionNameEqualsBuiltin(fnName, "decode")) {
return new CaseExpr(functionCallExpr);
if (functionNameEqualsBuiltin(fnName, "nvl2")) {
List<Expr> plist = Lists.newArrayList(params.exprs());
if (!plist.isEmpty()) {
plist.set(0, new IsNullPredicate(plist.get(0), true));
return new FunctionCallExpr("if", plist);
// nullif(x, y) -> if(x DISTINCT FROM y, x, NULL)
if (functionNameEqualsBuiltin(fnName, "nullif") && params.size() == 2) {
return new FunctionCallExpr("if", Lists.newArrayList(
new BinaryPredicate(BinaryPredicate.Operator.DISTINCT_FROM, params.exprs().get(0),
params.exprs().get(1)), // x IS DISTINCT FROM y
params.exprs().get(0), // x
new NullLiteral() // NULL
return functionCallExpr;
/** Returns true if fnName is a built-in with given name. */
private static boolean functionNameEqualsBuiltin(FunctionName fnName, String name) {
return fnName.getFnNamePath().size() == 1
&& fnName.getFnNamePath().get(0).equalsIgnoreCase(name)
|| fnName.getFnNamePath().size() == 2
&& fnName.getFnNamePath().get(0).equals(Catalog.BUILTINS_DB)
&& fnName.getFnNamePath().get(1).equalsIgnoreCase(name);
* Returns a new function call expr on the given params for performing the merge()
* step of the given aggregate function.
public static FunctionCallExpr createMergeAggCall(
FunctionCallExpr agg, List<Expr> params) {
// If the input aggregate function is already a merge aggregate function (due to
// 2-phase aggregation), its input types will be the intermediate value types. The
// original input argument exprs are in 'agg.mergeAggInputFn_' so use it instead.
FunctionCallExpr mergeAggInputFn = agg.isMergeAggFn() ? agg.mergeAggInputFn_ : agg;
FunctionCallExpr result = new FunctionCallExpr(
agg.fnName_, new FunctionParams(false, params), mergeAggInputFn);
// Inherit the function object from 'agg'.
result.fn_ = agg.fn_;
result.type_ = agg.type_;
// Set an explicit label based on the input agg.
if (agg.isMergeAggFn()) {
result.label_ = agg.label_;
} else {
// fn(input) becomes fn:merge(input).
result.label_ = agg.toSql().replaceFirst(agg.fnName_.toString(),
agg.fnName_.toString() + ":merge");
return result;
* Copy c'tor used in clone().
protected FunctionCallExpr(FunctionCallExpr other) {
fnName_ = other.fnName_;
isAnalyticFnCall_ = other.isAnalyticFnCall_;
isInternalFnCall_ = other.isInternalFnCall_;
mergeAggInputFn_ = other.mergeAggInputFn_ == null ?
null : (FunctionCallExpr)other.mergeAggInputFn_.clone();
// Clone the params in a way that keeps the children_ and the params.exprs()
// in sync. The children have already been cloned in the super c'tor.
if (other.params_.isStar()) {
params_ = FunctionParams.createStarParam();
} else {
params_ = new FunctionParams(other.params_.isDistinct(),
other.params_.isIgnoreNulls(), children_);
label_ = other.label_;
public boolean isMergeAggFn() { return mergeAggInputFn_ != null; }
public void resetAnalysisState() {
// Resolving merge agg functions after substitution may fail e.g., if the
// intermediate agg type is not the same as the output type. Preserve the original
// fn_ such that analyze() hits the special-case code for merge agg fns that
// handles this case.
if (!isMergeAggFn()) fn_ = null;
public boolean localEquals(Expr that) {
if (!super.localEquals(that)) return false;
FunctionCallExpr o = (FunctionCallExpr)that;
return fnName_.equals(o.fnName_) &&
params_.isDistinct() == o.params_.isDistinct() &&
params_.isIgnoreNulls() == o.params_.isIgnoreNulls() &&
params_.isStar() == o.params_.isStar();
public String toSqlImpl() {
if (label_ != null) return label_;
// Merge agg fns should have an explicit label.
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
if (params_.isStar()) sb.append("*");
if (params_.isDistinct()) sb.append("DISTINCT ");
sb.append(Joiner.on(", ").join(childrenToSql()));
if (params_.isIgnoreNulls()) sb.append(" IGNORE NULLS");
return sb.toString();
public String debugString() {
return Objects.toStringHelper(this)
.add("name", fnName_)
.add("isStar", params_.isStar())
.add("isDistinct", params_.isDistinct())
.add("isIgnoreNulls", params_.isIgnoreNulls())
public FunctionParams getParams() { return params_; }
public boolean isScalarFunction() {
return fn_ instanceof ScalarFunction ;
public Type getReturnType() {
return fn_.getReturnType();
* Returns true if this is a call to a non-analytic aggregate function.
public boolean isAggregateFunction() {
return fn_ instanceof AggregateFunction && !isAnalyticFnCall_;
* Returns true if this is a call to an aggregate function that returns
* non-null on an empty input (e.g. count).
public boolean returnsNonNullOnEmpty() {
return fn_ instanceof AggregateFunction &&
public boolean isDistinct() {
return params_.isDistinct();
public boolean ignoresDistinct() {
return ((AggregateFunction)fn_).ignoresDistinct();
public FunctionName getFnName() { return fnName_; }
public void setIsAnalyticFnCall(boolean v) { isAnalyticFnCall_ = v; }
public void setIsInternalFnCall(boolean v) { isInternalFnCall_ = v; }
static boolean isNondeterministicBuiltinFnName(String fnName) {
if (fnName.equalsIgnoreCase("rand") || fnName.equalsIgnoreCase("random")
|| fnName.equalsIgnoreCase("uuid")) {
return true;
return false;
* Returns true if function is a non-deterministic builtin function, i.e. for a fixed
* input, it may not always produce the same output for every invocation.
* Functions that use randomness or variable runtime state are non-deterministic.
* This only applies to builtin functions, and does not provide any information
* about user defined functions.
public boolean isNondeterministicBuiltinFn() {
String fnName = fnName_.getFunction();
return isNondeterministicBuiltinFnName(fnName);
protected void toThrift(TExprNode msg) {
if (isAggregateFunction() || isAnalyticFnCall_) {
msg.node_type = TExprNodeType.AGGREGATE_EXPR;
List<TColumnType> aggFnArgTypes = Lists.newArrayList();
FunctionCallExpr inputAggFn = isMergeAggFn() ? mergeAggInputFn_ : this;
for (Expr child: inputAggFn.children_) {
msg.setAgg_expr(new TAggregateExpr(isMergeAggFn(), aggFnArgTypes));
} else {
msg.node_type = TExprNodeType.FUNCTION_CALL;
protected boolean isConstantImpl() {
// TODO: we can't correctly determine const-ness before analyzing 'fn_'. We should
// rework logic so that we do not call this function on unanalyzed exprs.
// Aggregate functions are never constant.
if (fn_ instanceof AggregateFunction) return false;
String fnName = fnName_.getFunction();
if (fnName == null) {
// This expr has not been analyzed yet, get the function name from the path.
List<String> path = fnName_.getFnNamePath();
fnName = path.get(path.size() - 1);
// Non-deterministic functions are never constant.
if (isNondeterministicBuiltinFnName(fnName)) {
return false;
// Sleep is a special function for testing.
if (fnName.equalsIgnoreCase("sleep")) return false;
return super.isConstantImpl();
// Provide better error message for some aggregate builtins. These can be
// a bit more user friendly than a generic function not found.
// TODO: should we bother to do this? We could also improve the general
// error messages. For example, listing the alternatives.
protected String getFunctionNotFoundError(Type[] argTypes) {
if (fnName_.isBuiltin()) {
// Some custom error message for builtins
if (params_.isStar()) {
return "'*' can only be used in conjunction with COUNT";
if (fnName_.getFunction().equalsIgnoreCase("count")) {
if (!params_.isDistinct() && argTypes.length > 1) {
return "COUNT must have DISTINCT for multiple arguments: " + toSql();
if (fnName_.getFunction().equalsIgnoreCase("sum")) {
return "SUM requires a numeric parameter: " + toSql();
if (fnName_.getFunction().equalsIgnoreCase("avg")) {
return "AVG requires a numeric or timestamp parameter: " + toSql();
String[] argTypesSql = new String[argTypes.length];
for (int i = 0; i < argTypes.length; ++i) {
argTypesSql[i] = argTypes[i].toSql();
return String.format(
"No matching function with signature: %s(%s).",
fnName_, params_.isStar() ? "*" : Joiner.on(", ").join(argTypesSql));
* Builtins that return decimals are specified as the wildcard decimal(decimal(*,*))
* and the specific decimal can only be determined based on the inputs. We currently
* don't have a mechanism to specify this with the UDF interface. Until we add
* that (i.e. allowing UDFs to participate in the planning phase), we will
* manually resolve the wildcard types for the few functions that need it.
* This can only be called for functions that return wildcard decimals and the first
* argument is a wildcard decimal.
* TODO: this prevents UDFs from using wildcard decimals and is in general not scalable.
* We should add a prepare_fn() to UDFs for doing this.
private Type resolveDecimalReturnType(Analyzer analyzer) throws AnalysisException {
Preconditions.checkState(fn_.getBinaryType() == TFunctionBinaryType.BUILTIN);
Preconditions.checkState(children_.size() > 0);
// Find first decimal input (some functions, such as if(), begin with non-decimal
// arguments).
ScalarType childType = null;
for (Expr child : children_) {
if (child.type_.isDecimal()) {
childType = (ScalarType) child.type_;
Preconditions.checkState(childType != null && !childType.isWildcardDecimal());
Type returnType = childType;
if (fnName_.getFunction().equalsIgnoreCase("sum")) {
return childType.getMaxResolutionType();
int digitsBefore = childType.decimalPrecision() - childType.decimalScale();
int digitsAfter = childType.decimalScale();
if (fnName_.getFunction().equalsIgnoreCase("avg") &&
analyzer.getQueryOptions().isDecimal_v2()) {
// AVG() always gets at least MIN_ADJUSTED_SCALE decimal places since it performs
// an implicit divide. The output type isn't always the same as SUM()/COUNT().
// Scale is set the same as MS SQL Server, which takes the max of the input scale
// and MIN_ADJUST_SCALE. For precision, MS SQL always sets it to 38. We choose to
// trim it down to the size that's needed because the absolute value of the result
// is less than the absolute value of the largest input. Using a smaller precision
// allows for better DECIMAL types to be chosen for the overall expression when
// AVG() is a subexpression. For DECIMAL_V1, we set the output type to be the same
// as the input type.
int resultScale = Math.max(ScalarType.MIN_ADJUSTED_SCALE, digitsAfter);
int resultPrecision = digitsBefore + resultScale;
return ScalarType.createAdjustedDecimalType(resultPrecision, resultScale);
} else if (fnName_.getFunction().equalsIgnoreCase("ceil") ||
fnName_.getFunction().equalsIgnoreCase("ceiling") ||
fnName_.getFunction().equals("floor") ||
fnName_.getFunction().equals("dfloor")) {
// These functions just return with scale 0 but can trigger rounding. We need
// to increase the precision by 1 to handle that.
digitsAfter = 0;
} else if (fnName_.getFunction().equalsIgnoreCase("truncate") ||
fnName_.getFunction().equalsIgnoreCase("dtrunc") ||
fnName_.getFunction().equalsIgnoreCase("trunc") ||
fnName_.getFunction().equalsIgnoreCase("round") ||
fnName_.getFunction().equalsIgnoreCase("dround")) {
if (children_.size() > 1) {
// The second argument to these functions is the desired scale, otherwise
// the default is 0.
Preconditions.checkState(children_.size() == 2);
if (children_.get(1).isNullLiteral()) {
throw new AnalysisException(fnName_.getFunction() +
"() cannot be called with a NULL second argument.");
if (!children_.get(1).isConstant()) {
// We don't allow calling truncate or round with a non-constant second
// (desired scale) argument. e.g. select round(col1, col2). This would
// mean we don't know the scale of the resulting type and would need some
// kind of dynamic type handling which is not yet possible. This seems like
// a reasonable restriction.
throw new AnalysisException(fnName_.getFunction() +
"() must be called with a constant second argument.");
NumericLiteral scaleLiteral = (NumericLiteral) LiteralExpr.create(
children_.get(1), analyzer.getQueryCtx());
digitsAfter = (int)scaleLiteral.getLongValue();
if (Math.abs(digitsAfter) > ScalarType.MAX_SCALE) {
throw new AnalysisException("Cannot round/truncate to scales greater than " +
ScalarType.MAX_SCALE + ".");
// Round/Truncate to a negative scale means to round to the digit before
// the decimal e.g. round(1234.56, -2) would be 1200.
// The resulting scale is always 0.
digitsAfter = Math.max(digitsAfter, 0);
} else {
// Round()/Truncate() with no second argument.
digitsAfter = 0;
if ((fnName_.getFunction().equalsIgnoreCase("round") ||
fnName_.getFunction().equalsIgnoreCase("dround")) &&
digitsAfter < childType.decimalScale()) {
// If we are rounding to fewer decimal places, it's possible we need another
// digit before the decimal.
Preconditions.checkState(returnType.isDecimal() && !returnType.isWildcardDecimal());
return ScalarType.createClippedDecimalType(digitsBefore + digitsAfter, digitsAfter);
protected void analyzeImpl(Analyzer analyzer) throws AnalysisException {
if (isMergeAggFn()) {
// This is the function call expr after splitting up to a merge aggregation.
// The function has already been analyzed so just do the minimal sanity
// check here.
AggregateFunction aggFn = (AggregateFunction)fn_;
Type intermediateType = aggFn.getIntermediateType();
if (intermediateType == null) intermediateType = type_;
Type[] argTypes = collectChildReturnTypes();
// User needs DB access.
Db db = analyzer.getDb(fnName_.getDb(), Privilege.VIEW_METADATA, true);
if (!db.containsFunction(fnName_.getFunction())) {
throw new AnalysisException(fnName_ + "() unknown");
if (fnName_.getFunction().equals("count") && params_.isDistinct()) {
// Treat COUNT(DISTINCT ...) special because of how we do the rewrite.
// There is no version of COUNT() that takes more than 1 argument but after
// the rewrite, we only need count(*).
// TODO: fix how we rewrite count distinct.
argTypes = new Type[0];
Function searchDesc = new Function(fnName_, argTypes, Type.INVALID, false);
fn_ = db.getFunction(searchDesc, Function.CompareMode.IS_NONSTRICT_SUPERTYPE_OF);
type_ = fn_.getReturnType();
// Make sure BE doesn't see any TYPE_NULL exprs
for (int i = 0; i < children_.size(); ++i) {
if (getChild(i).getType().isNull()) {
uncheckedCastChild(ScalarType.BOOLEAN, i);
// TODO: We allow implicit cast from string->timestamp but only
// support avg(timestamp). This means avg(string_col) would work
// from our casting rules. This is not right.
// We need to revisit where implicit casts are allowed for string
// to timestamp
if (fnName_.getFunction().equalsIgnoreCase("avg") &&
children_.size() == 1 && children_.get(0).getType().isStringType()) {
throw new AnalysisException(
"AVG requires a numeric or timestamp parameter: " + toSql());
Function searchDesc = new Function(fnName_, argTypes, Type.INVALID, false);
fn_ = db.getFunction(searchDesc, Function.CompareMode.IS_NONSTRICT_SUPERTYPE_OF);
if (fn_ == null || (!isInternalFnCall_ && !fn_.userVisible())) {
throw new AnalysisException(getFunctionNotFoundError(argTypes));
if (isAggregateFunction()) {
// subexprs must not contain aggregates
if (TreeNode.contains(children_, Expr.isAggregatePredicate())) {
throw new AnalysisException(
"aggregate function must not contain aggregate parameters: " + this.toSql());
// .. or analytic exprs
if (Expr.contains(children_, AnalyticExpr.class)) {
throw new AnalysisException(
"aggregate function must not contain analytic parameters: " + this.toSql());
// The catalog contains count() with no arguments to handle count(*) but don't
// accept count().
// TODO: can this be handled more cleanly. It does seem like a special case since
// no other aggregate functions (currently) can accept '*'.
if (fnName_.getFunction().equalsIgnoreCase("count") &&
!params_.isStar() && children_.size() == 0) {
throw new AnalysisException("count() is not allowed.");
// TODO: the distinct rewrite does not handle this but why?
if (params_.isDistinct()) {
// The second argument in group_concat(distinct) must be a constant expr that
// returns a string.
if (fnName_.getFunction().equalsIgnoreCase("group_concat")
&& getChildren().size() == 2
&& !getChild(1).isConstant()) {
throw new AnalysisException("Second parameter in GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT)" +
" must be a constant expression that returns a string.");
if (fn_.getBinaryType() != TFunctionBinaryType.BUILTIN) {
throw new AnalysisException("User defined aggregates do not support DISTINCT.");
AggregateFunction aggFn = (AggregateFunction)fn_;
if (aggFn.ignoresDistinct()) params_.setIsDistinct(false);
if (params_.isIgnoreNulls() && !isAnalyticFnCall_) {
throw new AnalysisException("Function " + fnName_.getFunction().toUpperCase()
+ " does not accept the keyword IGNORE NULLS.");
if (isScalarFunction()) validateScalarFnParams(params_);
if (fn_ instanceof AggregateFunction
&& ((AggregateFunction) fn_).isAnalyticFn()
&& !((AggregateFunction) fn_).isAggregateFn()
&& !isAnalyticFnCall_) {
throw new AnalysisException(
"Analytic function requires an OVER clause: " + toSql());
type_ = fn_.getReturnType();
if (type_.isDecimal() && type_.isWildcardDecimal()) {
type_ = resolveDecimalReturnType(analyzer);
// We do not allow any function to return a type CHAR or VARCHAR
// TODO add support for CHAR(N) and VARCHAR(N) return values in post 2.0,
// support for this was not added to the backend in 2.0
if (type_.isWildcardChar() || type_.isWildcardVarchar()) {
type_ = ScalarType.STRING;
protected float computeEvalCost() {
// TODO(tmarshall): Differentiate based on the specific function.
return hasChildCosts() ? getChildCosts() + FUNCTION_CALL_COST : UNKNOWN_COST;
public FunctionCallExpr getMergeAggInputFn() { return mergeAggInputFn_; }
public void setMergeAggInputFn(FunctionCallExpr fn) { mergeAggInputFn_ = fn; }
* Checks that no special aggregate params are included in 'params' that would be
* invalid for a scalar function. Analysis of the param exprs is not done.
static void validateScalarFnParams(FunctionParams params)
throws AnalysisException {
if (params.isStar()) {
throw new AnalysisException("Cannot pass '*' to scalar function.");
if (params.isDistinct()) {
throw new AnalysisException("Cannot pass 'DISTINCT' to scalar function.");
* Validate that the internal state, specifically types, is consistent between the
* the Update() and Merge() aggregate functions.
void validateMergeAggFn(FunctionCallExpr inputAggFn) {
List<Expr> copiedInputExprs = mergeAggInputFn_.getChildren();
List<Expr> inputExprs = inputAggFn.isMergeAggFn() ?
inputAggFn.mergeAggInputFn_.getChildren() : inputAggFn.getChildren();
Preconditions.checkState(copiedInputExprs.size() == inputExprs.size());
for (int i = 0; i < inputExprs.size(); ++i) {
Type copiedInputType = copiedInputExprs.get(i).getType();
Type inputType = inputExprs.get(i).getType();
String.format("Copied expr %s arg type %s differs from input expr type %s " +
"in original expr %s", toSql(), copiedInputType.toSql(),
inputType.toSql(), inputAggFn.toSql()));
public Expr clone() { return new FunctionCallExpr(this); }
protected Expr substituteImpl(ExprSubstitutionMap smap, Analyzer analyzer) {
Expr e = super.substituteImpl(smap, analyzer);
if (!(e instanceof FunctionCallExpr)) return e;
FunctionCallExpr fn = (FunctionCallExpr) e;
FunctionCallExpr mergeFn = fn.getMergeAggInputFn();
if (mergeFn != null) {
// The merge function needs to be substituted as well.
Expr substitutedFn = mergeFn.substitute(smap, analyzer, true);
Preconditions.checkState(substitutedFn instanceof FunctionCallExpr);
fn.setMergeAggInputFn((FunctionCallExpr) substitutedFn);
return e;