blob: 7acc7a990c7ccc3b86d8c475ff03e612a552f823 [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/env impala-python
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
# or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
# distributed with this work for additional information
# regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
# with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
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# under the License.
# Runs the Impala query tests, first executing the tests that cannot be run in parallel
# and then executing the remaining tests in parallel. All additional command line options
# are passed to py.test.
import itertools
import multiprocessing
import os
import pytest
import sys
# We whitelist valid test directories. If a new test directory is added, update this.
VALID_TEST_DIRS = ['failure', 'query_test', 'stress', 'unittests', 'aux_query_tests',
'shell', 'hs2', 'catalog_service', 'metadata', 'data_errors',
TEST_DIR = os.path.join(os.environ['IMPALA_HOME'], 'tests')
TEST_RESULT_DIR = os.path.join(os.environ['IMPALA_EE_TEST_LOGS_DIR'], 'results')
# Arguments that control output logging. If additional default arguments are needed they
# should go in the pytest.ini file.
LOGGING_ARGS = '--junitxml=%(result_dir)s/TEST-impala-%(log_name)s.xml '\
# Default the number of concurrent tests defaults to the cpu cores in the system.
# This can be overridden by setting the NUM_CONCURRENT_TESTS environment variable.
NUM_CONCURRENT_TESTS = multiprocessing.cpu_count()
if 'NUM_CONCURRENT_TESTS' in os.environ:
# Default the number of stress clinets to 4x the number of CPUs (but not exceeding the
# default max # of concurrent connections)
# This can be overridden by setting the NUM_STRESS_CLIENTS environment variable.
# TODO: fix the stress test so it can start more clients than available connections
# without deadlocking (e.g. close client after each test instead of on test class
# teardown).
NUM_STRESS_CLIENTS = min(multiprocessing.cpu_count() * 4, 64)
if 'NUM_STRESS_CLIENTS' in os.environ:
class TestExecutor:
def __init__(self, exit_on_error=True):
self._exit_on_error = exit_on_error
self.tests_failed = False
def run_tests(self, args):
exit_code = pytest.main(args)
sys.stderr.write("Unexpected exception with pytest {}".format(args))
if exit_code != 0 and self._exit_on_error:
self.tests_failed = exit_code != 0 or self.tests_failed
def build_test_args(log_base_name, valid_dirs):
Modify and return the command line arguments that will be passed to py.test.
log_base_name: the base name for the log file to write
valid_dirs: a white list of sub-directories with desired tests (i.e, those
that will not get flagged with --ignore before py.test is called.)
a modified command line for py.test
For most test stages (e.g., serial, parallel), we augment the given command
line arguments with a list of directories to ignore. However, when running the
metric verification tests at the end of the test run:
- verifiers.test_verify_metrics.TestValidateMetrics.test_metrics_are_zero
- verifiers.test_verify_metrics.TestValidateMetrics.test_num_unused_buffers
then we instead need to filter out args that specifiy other tests (otherwise,
they will be run again), but still retain the basic config args.
logging_args = LOGGING_ARGS % {'result_dir': TEST_RESULT_DIR,
'log_name': log_base_name}
# The raw command line arguments need to be modified because of the way our
# repo is organized. We have several non-test directories and files in our
# tests/ path, which causes auto-discovery problems for pytest -- i.e., pytest
# will futiley try to execute them as tests, resulting in misleading failures.
# (There is a JIRA filed to restructure this: IMPALA-4417.)
# e.g. --ignore="comparison" --ignore="util" --ignore=etc...
ignored_dirs = build_ignore_dir_arg_list(valid_dirs=valid_dirs)
if valid_dirs != ['verifiers']:
# This isn't the metrics verification stage yet, so after determining the
# logging params and which sub-directories within tests/ to ignore, just tack
# on any other args from sys.argv -- excluding sys.argv[0], which of course
# is the script name
test_args = '%s %s %s' % (ignored_dirs, logging_args, ' '.join(sys.argv[1:]))
# When filtering, we need to account for the fact that '--foo bar' and
# '--foo=bar' might be supplied by the user, as well as random options. E.g.,
# if the user specified the following on the command line:
# ' --arg1 value1 --random_opt --arg2=value2'
# we want an iterable that, if unpacked as a list, would look like:
# [arg1, value1, random_opt, arg2, value2]
raw_args = itertools.chain(*[arg.split('=') for arg in sys.argv[1:]])
kept_args = []
for arg in raw_args:
pytest.config.getvalue(arg.strip('-')) # Raises ValueError if invalid arg
kept_args += [arg, str(]
except ValueError:
# For any arg that's not a required pytest config arg, we can filter it out
test_args = '%s %s %s' % (ignored_dirs, logging_args, ' '.join(kept_args))
return test_args
def build_ignore_dir_arg_list(valid_dirs):
""" Builds a list of directories to ignore """
subdirs = [subdir for subdir in os.listdir(TEST_DIR) if os.path.isdir(subdir)]
# In bash, in single-quoted strings, single quotes cannot appear - not even escaped!
# Instead, one must close the string with a single-quote, insert a literal single-quote
# (escaped, so bash doesn't think you're starting a new string), then start your
# single-quoted string again. That works out to the four-character sequence '\''.
return ' '.join(["--ignore='%s'" % d.replace("'", "'\''")
for d in set(subdirs) - set(valid_dirs)])
if __name__ == "__main__":
exit_on_error = '-x' in sys.argv or '--exitfirst' in sys.argv
test_executor = TestExecutor(exit_on_error=exit_on_error)
# If the user is just asking for --help, just print the help test and then exit.
if '-h' in sys.argv[1:] or '--help' in sys.argv[1:]:
# Create the test result directory if it doesn't already exist.
if not os.path.exists(TEST_RESULT_DIR):
# First run query tests that need to be executed serially
args = '-m "execute_serially" %s' % build_test_args('serial', VALID_TEST_DIRS)
# Run the stress tests tests
args = '-m "stress" -n %d %s' %\
(NUM_STRESS_CLIENTS, build_test_args('stress', VALID_TEST_DIRS))
# Run the remaining query tests in parallel
args = '-m "not execute_serially and not stress" -n %d %s' %\
(NUM_CONCURRENT_TESTS, build_test_args('parallel', VALID_TEST_DIRS))
# Finally, validate impalad/statestored metrics.
args = build_test_args(log_base_name='verify-metrics', valid_dirs=['verifiers'])
args += ' verifiers/'
if test_executor.tests_failed: