blob: 31e0cac4056ee5427fbe2df61307ec23135ab34e [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
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// under the License.
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include "common/compiler-util.h"
#include "exec/old-hash-table.inline.h"
#include "exprs/expr.h"
#include "exprs/expr-context.h"
#include "exprs/slot-ref.h"
#include "runtime/mem-pool.h"
#include "runtime/mem-tracker.h"
#include "runtime/string-value.h"
#include "runtime/tuple-row.h"
#include "testutil/gtest-util.h"
#include "util/cpu-info.h"
#include "util/runtime-profile-counters.h"
#include "common/names.h"
namespace impala {
class OldHashTableTest : public testing::Test {
OldHashTableTest() : mem_pool_(&tracker_) {}
ObjectPool pool_;
MemTracker tracker_;
MemPool mem_pool_;
vector<ExprContext*> build_expr_ctxs_;
vector<ExprContext*> probe_expr_ctxs_;
virtual void SetUp() {
RowDescriptor desc;
Status status;
// Not very easy to test complex tuple layouts so this test will use the
// simplest. The purpose of these tests is to exercise the hash map
// internals so a simple build/probe expr is fine.
Expr* expr = pool_.Add(new SlotRef(TYPE_INT, 0));
build_expr_ctxs_.push_back(pool_.Add(new ExprContext(expr)));
ASSERT_OK(Expr::Prepare(build_expr_ctxs_, NULL, desc, &tracker_));
ASSERT_OK(Expr::Open(build_expr_ctxs_, NULL));
expr = pool_.Add(new SlotRef(TYPE_INT, 0));
probe_expr_ctxs_.push_back(pool_.Add(new ExprContext(expr)));
ASSERT_OK(Expr::Prepare(probe_expr_ctxs_, NULL, desc, &tracker_));
ASSERT_OK(Expr::Open(probe_expr_ctxs_, NULL));
virtual void TearDown() {
Expr::Close(build_expr_ctxs_, NULL);
Expr::Close(probe_expr_ctxs_, NULL);
TupleRow* CreateTupleRow(int32_t val) {
uint8_t* tuple_row_mem = mem_pool_.Allocate(sizeof(int32_t*));
Tuple* tuple_mem = Tuple::Create(sizeof(int32_t), &mem_pool_);
*reinterpret_cast<int32_t*>(tuple_mem) = val;
TupleRow* row = reinterpret_cast<TupleRow*>(tuple_row_mem);
row->SetTuple(0, tuple_mem);
return row;
// Wrapper to call private methods on OldHashTable
// TODO: understand google testing, there must be a more natural way to do this
void ResizeTable(OldHashTable* table, int64_t new_size) {
// Do a full table scan on table. All values should be between [min,max). If
// all_unique, then each key(int value) should only appear once. Results are
// stored in results, indexed by the key. Results must have been preallocated to
// be at least max size.
void FullScan(OldHashTable* table, int min, int max, bool all_unique,
TupleRow** results, TupleRow** expected) {
OldHashTable::Iterator iter = table->Begin();
while (iter != table->End()) {
TupleRow* row = iter.GetRow();
int32_t val = *reinterpret_cast<int32_t*>(build_expr_ctxs_[0]->GetValue(row));
EXPECT_GE(val, min);
EXPECT_LT(val, max);
if (all_unique) EXPECT_TRUE(results[val] == NULL);
EXPECT_EQ(row->GetTuple(0), expected[val]->GetTuple(0));
results[val] = row;
// Validate that probe_row evaluates overs probe_exprs is equal to build_row
// evaluated over build_exprs
void ValidateMatch(TupleRow* probe_row, TupleRow* build_row) {
EXPECT_TRUE(probe_row != build_row);
int32_t build_val =
int32_t probe_val =
EXPECT_EQ(build_val, probe_val);
struct ProbeTestData {
TupleRow* probe_row;
vector<TupleRow*> expected_build_rows;
void ProbeTest(OldHashTable* table, ProbeTestData* data, int num_data, bool scan) {
for (int i = 0; i < num_data; ++i) {
TupleRow* row = data[i].probe_row;
OldHashTable::Iterator iter;
iter = table->Find(row);
if (data[i].expected_build_rows.size() == 0) {
EXPECT_TRUE(iter == table->End());
} else {
if (scan) {
map<TupleRow*, bool> matched;
while (iter != table->End()) {
EXPECT_TRUE(matched.find(iter.GetRow()) == matched.end());
matched[iter.GetRow()] = true;
EXPECT_EQ(matched.size(), data[i].expected_build_rows.size());
for (int j = 0; i < data[j].expected_build_rows.size(); ++j) {
} else {
EXPECT_EQ(data[i].expected_build_rows.size(), 1);
data[i].expected_build_rows[0]->GetTuple(0) == iter.GetRow()->GetTuple(0));
ValidateMatch(row, iter.GetRow());
TEST_F(OldHashTableTest, SetupTest) {
TupleRow* build_row1 = CreateTupleRow(1);
TupleRow* build_row2 = CreateTupleRow(2);
TupleRow* probe_row3 = CreateTupleRow(3);
TupleRow* probe_row4 = CreateTupleRow(4);
int32_t* val_row1 =
EXPECT_EQ(*val_row1, 1);
int32_t* val_row2 =
EXPECT_EQ(*val_row2, 2);
int32_t* val_row3 =
EXPECT_EQ(*val_row3, 3);
int32_t* val_row4 =
EXPECT_EQ(*val_row4, 4);
// This tests inserts the build rows [0->5) to hash table. It validates that they
// are all there using a full table scan. It also validates that Find() is correct
// testing for probe rows that are both there and not.
// The hash table is rehashed a few times and the scans/finds are tested again.
TEST_F(OldHashTableTest, BasicTest) {
TupleRow* build_rows[5];
TupleRow* scan_rows[5] = {0};
for (int i = 0; i < 5; ++i) {
build_rows[i] = CreateTupleRow(i);
ProbeTestData probe_rows[10];
for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i) {
probe_rows[i].probe_row = CreateTupleRow(i);
if (i < 5) {
// Create the hash table and insert the build rows
MemTracker tracker;
OldHashTable hash_table(NULL, build_expr_ctxs_, probe_expr_ctxs_,
vector<ExprContext*>(), 1, false, std::vector<bool>(build_expr_ctxs_.size(), false),
0, &tracker, vector<RuntimeFilter*>());
for (int i = 0; i < 5; ++i) {
EXPECT_EQ(hash_table.size(), 5);
// Do a full table scan and validate returned pointers
FullScan(&hash_table, 0, 5, true, scan_rows, build_rows);
ProbeTest(&hash_table, probe_rows, 10, false);
// Resize and scan again
ResizeTable(&hash_table, 64);
EXPECT_EQ(hash_table.num_buckets(), 64);
EXPECT_EQ(hash_table.size(), 5);
memset(scan_rows, 0, sizeof(scan_rows));
FullScan(&hash_table, 0, 5, true, scan_rows, build_rows);
ProbeTest(&hash_table, probe_rows, 10, false);
// Resize to two and cause some collisions
ResizeTable(&hash_table, 2);
EXPECT_EQ(hash_table.num_buckets(), 2);
EXPECT_EQ(hash_table.size(), 5);
memset(scan_rows, 0, sizeof(scan_rows));
FullScan(&hash_table, 0, 5, true, scan_rows, build_rows);
ProbeTest(&hash_table, probe_rows, 10, false);
// Resize to one and turn it into a linked list
ResizeTable(&hash_table, 1);
EXPECT_EQ(hash_table.num_buckets(), 1);
EXPECT_EQ(hash_table.size(), 5);
memset(scan_rows, 0, sizeof(scan_rows));
FullScan(&hash_table, 0, 5, true, scan_rows, build_rows);
ProbeTest(&hash_table, probe_rows, 10, false);
// This tests makes sure we can scan ranges of buckets
TEST_F(OldHashTableTest, ScanTest) {
MemTracker tracker;
OldHashTable hash_table(NULL, build_expr_ctxs_, probe_expr_ctxs_,
vector<ExprContext*>(), 1, false,
std::vector<bool>(build_expr_ctxs_.size(), false), 0, &tracker,
// Add 1 row with val 1, 2 with val 2, etc
vector<TupleRow*> build_rows;
ProbeTestData probe_rows[15];
probe_rows[0].probe_row = CreateTupleRow(0);
for (int val = 1; val <= 10; ++val) {
probe_rows[val].probe_row = CreateTupleRow(val);
for (int i = 0; i < val; ++i) {
TupleRow* row = CreateTupleRow(val);
// Add some more probe rows that aren't there
for (int val = 11; val < 15; ++val) {
probe_rows[val].probe_row = CreateTupleRow(val);
// Test that all the builds were found
ProbeTest(&hash_table, probe_rows, 15, true);
// Resize and try again
ResizeTable(&hash_table, 128);
EXPECT_EQ(hash_table.num_buckets(), 128);
ProbeTest(&hash_table, probe_rows, 15, true);
ResizeTable(&hash_table, 16);
EXPECT_EQ(hash_table.num_buckets(), 16);
ProbeTest(&hash_table, probe_rows, 15, true);
ResizeTable(&hash_table, 2);
EXPECT_EQ(hash_table.num_buckets(), 2);
ProbeTest(&hash_table, probe_rows, 15, true);
// This test continues adding to the hash table to trigger the resize code paths
TEST_F(OldHashTableTest, GrowTableTest) {
int num_to_add = 4;
int expected_size = 0;
MemTracker tracker(100 * 1024 * 1024);
OldHashTable hash_table(NULL, build_expr_ctxs_, probe_expr_ctxs_,
vector<ExprContext*>(), 1, false,
std::vector<bool>(build_expr_ctxs_.size(), false), 0, &tracker,
vector<RuntimeFilter*>(), false, num_to_add);
// This inserts about 5M entries
int build_row_val = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < 20; ++i) {
for (int j = 0; j < num_to_add; ++build_row_val, ++j) {
expected_size += num_to_add;
num_to_add *= 2;
// Validate that we can find the entries before we went over the limit
for (int i = 0; i < expected_size * 5; i += 100000) {
TupleRow* probe_row = CreateTupleRow(i);
OldHashTable::Iterator iter = hash_table.Find(probe_row);
if (i < hash_table.size()) {
EXPECT_TRUE(iter != hash_table.End());
ValidateMatch(probe_row, iter.GetRow());
} else {
EXPECT_TRUE(iter == hash_table.End());