blob: 7d271843be57993a55235dd13a8b8b478ed98358 [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
// KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
// specific language governing permissions and limitations
// under the License.
#include "incr-stats-util.h"
#include <boost/unordered_set.hpp>
#include <gutil/strings/substitute.h>
#include <cmath>
#include <sstream>
#include "gen-cpp/CatalogService_types.h"
#include "gen-cpp/CatalogObjects_types.h"
#include "common/compiler-util.h"
#include "common/logging.h"
#include "exprs/aggregate-functions.h"
#include "service/hs2-util.h"
#include "udf/udf.h"
#include "common/names.h"
using namespace apache::hive::service::cli::thrift;
using namespace impala;
using namespace impala_udf;
using namespace strings;
// Finalize method for the NDV_NO_FINALIZE() UDA, which only copies the intermediate state
// of the NDV computation into its output StringVal.
StringVal IncrementNdvFinalize(FunctionContext* ctx, const StringVal& src) {
if (UNLIKELY(src.is_null)) return src;
DCHECK_EQ(src.len, AggregateFunctions::HLL_LEN);
StringVal result_str(ctx, src.len);
if (UNLIKELY(result_str.is_null)) return result_str;
memcpy(result_str.ptr, src.ptr, src.len);
return result_str;
// To save space when sending NDV estimates around the cluster, we compress them using
// RLE, since they are often sparse. The resulting string has the form CVCVCVCV where C is
// the count, i.e. the number of times the subsequent V (value) should be repeated in the
// output string. C is between 0 and 255 inclusive, the count it represents is one more
// than the absolute value of C (since we never have a 0 count, and want to use the full
// range available to us).
// The output parameter is_encoded is set to true only if the RLE-compressed string is
// shorter than the input. Otherwise it is set to false, and the input is returned
// unencoded.
string EncodeNdv(const string& ndv, bool* is_encoded) {
DCHECK_EQ(ndv.size(), AggregateFunctions::HLL_LEN);
string encoded_ndv(AggregateFunctions::HLL_LEN, 0);
int idx = 0;
char last = ndv[0];
// Keep a count of how many times a value appears in succession. We encode this count as
// a byte 0-255, but the actual count is always one more than the encoded value
// (i.e. in the range 1-256 inclusive).
uint8_t count = 0;
for (int i = 1; i < AggregateFunctions::HLL_LEN; ++i) {
if (ndv[i] != last || count == numeric_limits<uint8_t>::max()) {
if (idx + 2 > AggregateFunctions::HLL_LEN) break;
// Write a (count, value) pair to two successive bytes
encoded_ndv[idx++] = count;
count = 0;
encoded_ndv[idx++] = last;
last = ndv[i];
} else {
// +2 for the remaining two bytes written below
if (idx + 2 > AggregateFunctions::HLL_LEN) {
*is_encoded = false;
return ndv;
encoded_ndv[idx++] = count;
encoded_ndv[idx++] = last;
*is_encoded = true;
DCHECK_GT(encoded_ndv.size(), 0);
DCHECK_LE(encoded_ndv.size(), AggregateFunctions::HLL_LEN);
return encoded_ndv;
string DecodeNdv(const string& ndv, bool is_encoded) {
if (!is_encoded) return ndv;
DCHECK_EQ(ndv.size() % 2, 0);
string decoded_ndv(AggregateFunctions::HLL_LEN, 0);
int idx = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < ndv.size(); i += 2) {
for (int j = 0; j < (static_cast<uint8_t>(ndv[i])) + 1; ++j) {
decoded_ndv[idx++] = ndv[i+1];
DCHECK_EQ(idx, AggregateFunctions::HLL_LEN);
return decoded_ndv;
// A container for statistics for a single column that are aggregated partition by
// partition during the incremental computation of column stats. The aggregations are
// updated during Update(), and the final statistics are computed by Finalize().
struct PerColumnStats {
// Should have length AggregateFunctions::HLL_PRECISION. Intermediate buckets for the
// HLL calculation.
string intermediate_ndv;
// The total number of nulls counted, or -1 for no sample.
int64_t num_nulls;
// The maximum width of the column, in bytes.
int32_t max_width;
// The total number of rows
int64_t num_rows;
// The sum of avg_width * num_rows for each partition, so that avg_width can be
// correctly computed during Finalize()
double total_width;
// Populated after Finalize(), the result of the HLL computation
int64_t ndv_estimate;
// The average column width, in bytes (but may have non-integer value)
double avg_width;
: intermediate_ndv(AggregateFunctions::HLL_LEN, 0), num_nulls(-1),
max_width(0), num_rows(0), avg_width(0) { }
// Updates all aggregate statistics with a new set of measurements.
void Update(const string& ndv, int64_t num_new_rows, double new_avg_width,
int32_t max_new_width, int64_t num_new_nulls) {
DCHECK_EQ(intermediate_ndv.size(), ndv.size()) << "Incompatible intermediate NDVs";
DCHECK_GE(num_new_rows, 0);
DCHECK_GE(max_new_width, 0);
DCHECK_GE(new_avg_width, 0);
DCHECK_GE(num_new_nulls, -1);
for (int j = 0; j < ndv.size(); ++j) {
intermediate_ndv[j] = ::max(intermediate_ndv[j], ndv[j]);
if (num_new_nulls >= 0) num_nulls += num_new_nulls;
max_width = ::max(max_width, max_new_width);
avg_width += (new_avg_width * num_new_rows);
num_rows += num_new_rows;
// Performs any stats computations that are not distributive, that is they may not be
// computed in part during Update(). After this method returns, ndv_estimate and
// avg_width contain valid values.
void Finalize() {
ndv_estimate = AggregateFunctions::HllFinalEstimate(
reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(,
avg_width = num_rows == 0 ? 0 : avg_width / num_rows;
TColumnStats ToTColumnStats() const {
TColumnStats col_stats;
return col_stats;
// Returns a string with debug information for this
string DebugString() const {
return Substitute(
"ndv: $0, num_nulls: $1, max_width: $2, avg_width: $3, num_rows: $4",
ndv_estimate, num_nulls, max_width, avg_width, num_rows);
namespace impala {
void FinalizePartitionedColumnStats(const TTableSchema& col_stats_schema,
const vector<TPartitionStats>& existing_part_stats,
const vector<vector<string>>& expected_partitions, const TRowSet& rowset,
int32_t num_partition_cols, TAlterTableUpdateStatsParams* params) {
// The rowset should have the following schema: for every column in the source table,
// five columns are produced, one row per partition.
// <ndv buckets>, <num nulls>, <max width>, <avg width>, <count rows>
static const int COLUMNS_PER_STAT = 5;
const int num_cols =
(col_stats_schema.columns.size() - num_partition_cols) / COLUMNS_PER_STAT;
unordered_set<vector<string>> seen_partitions;
vector<PerColumnStats> stats(num_cols);
if (rowset.rows.size() > 0) {
DCHECK_GE(rowset.rows[0].colVals.size(), COLUMNS_PER_STAT);
params->__isset.partition_stats = true;
for (const TRow& col_stats_row: rowset.rows) {
// The last few columns are partition columns that the results are grouped by, and
// so uniquely identify the partition that these stats belong to.
vector<string> partition_key_vals;
for (int j = num_cols * COLUMNS_PER_STAT; j < col_stats_row.colVals.size(); ++j) {
stringstream ss;
PrintTColumnValue(col_stats_row.colVals[j], &ss);
TPartitionStats* part_stat = &params->partition_stats[partition_key_vals];
part_stat->__isset.intermediate_col_stats = true;
for (int i = 0; i < num_cols * COLUMNS_PER_STAT; i += COLUMNS_PER_STAT) {
PerColumnStats* stat = &stats[i / COLUMNS_PER_STAT];
const string& ndv = col_stats_row.colVals[i].stringVal.value;
int64_t num_rows = col_stats_row.colVals[i + 4].i64Val.value;
double avg_width = col_stats_row.colVals[i + 3].doubleVal.value;
int32_t max_width = col_stats_row.colVals[i + 2].i32Val.value;
int64_t num_nulls = col_stats_row.colVals[i + 1].i64Val.value;
stat->Update(ndv, num_rows, avg_width, max_width, num_nulls);
// Save the intermediate state per-column, per-partition
TIntermediateColumnStats int_stats;
bool is_encoded;
int_stats.__set_intermediate_ndv(EncodeNdv(ndv, &is_encoded));
part_stat->intermediate_col_stats[col_stats_schema.columns[i].columnName] =
// Make sure there's a zeroed entry for all partitions that were included in the query -
// empty partitions will not have a row in the GROUP BY, but should still emit a
// TPartitionStats.
TIntermediateColumnStats empty_column_stats;
bool is_encoded;
EncodeNdv(string(AggregateFunctions::HLL_LEN, 0), &is_encoded));
TPartitionStats empty_part_stats;
for (int i = 0; i < num_cols * COLUMNS_PER_STAT; i += COLUMNS_PER_STAT) {
empty_part_stats.intermediate_col_stats[col_stats_schema.columns[i].columnName] =
empty_part_stats.__isset.intermediate_col_stats = true;
TTableStats empty_table_stats;
empty_part_stats.stats = empty_table_stats;
for (const vector<string>& part_key_vals: expected_partitions) {
DCHECK_EQ(part_key_vals.size(), num_partition_cols);
if (seen_partitions.find(part_key_vals) != seen_partitions.end()) continue;
params->partition_stats[part_key_vals] = empty_part_stats;
// Now aggregate the existing statistics. The FE will ensure that the set of
// partitions accessed by the query and this list are disjoint and cover the entire
// set of partitions.
for (const TPartitionStats& existing_stats: existing_part_stats) {
for (int i = 0; i < num_cols; ++i) {
const string& col_name = col_stats_schema.columns[i * COLUMNS_PER_STAT].columnName;
map<string, TIntermediateColumnStats>::const_iterator it =
if (it == existing_stats.intermediate_col_stats.end()) {
VLOG(2) << "Could not find column in existing column stat state: " << col_name;
const TIntermediateColumnStats& int_stats = it->second;
stats[i].Update(DecodeNdv(int_stats.intermediate_ndv, int_stats.is_ndv_encoded),
int_stats.num_rows, int_stats.avg_width, int_stats.max_width,
// Compute the final results now that all aggregations are done, and save those as
// column stats for each column in turn.
for (int i = 0; i < stats.size(); ++i) {
const string& col_name = col_stats_schema.columns[i * COLUMNS_PER_STAT].columnName;
params->column_stats[col_name] = stats[i].ToTColumnStats();
VLOG(3) << "Incremental stats result for column: " << col_name << ": "
<< stats[i].DebugString();
params->__isset.column_stats = true;