blob: d1950508e198e1dfdc493cc541176f2605617f77 [file] [log] [blame]
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
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# distributed with this work for additional information
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# Targeted Impala insert tests
import pytest
from testdata.common import widetable
from tests.common.impala_test_suite import ImpalaTestSuite
from tests.common.skip import SkipIfLocal
from tests.common.test_dimensions import (
from tests.common.test_result_verifier import (
from tests.common.test_vector import TestDimension
# TODO: Add Gzip back. IMPALA-424
PARQUET_CODECS = ['none', 'snappy']
class TestInsertQueries(ImpalaTestSuite):
def get_workload(self):
return 'functional-query'
def add_test_dimensions(cls):
super(TestInsertQueries, cls).add_test_dimensions()
# Fix the exec_option vector to have a single value. This is needed should we decide
# to run the insert tests in parallel (otherwise there will be two tests inserting
# into the same table at the same time for the same file format).
# TODO: When we do decide to run these tests in parallel we could create unique temp
# tables for each test case to resolve the concurrency problems.
if cls.exploration_strategy() == 'core':
cluster_sizes=[0], disable_codegen_options=[False], batch_sizes=[0],
cluster_sizes=[0], disable_codegen_options=[False], batch_sizes=[0, 1, 16],
sync_ddl=[0, 1]))
cls.TestMatrix.add_dimension(TestDimension("compression_codec", *PARQUET_CODECS));
# Insert is currently only supported for text and parquet
# For parquet, we want to iterate through all the compression codecs
# TODO: each column in parquet can have a different codec. We could
# test all the codecs in one table/file with some additional flags.
cls.TestMatrix.add_constraint(lambda v:\
v.get_value('table_format').file_format == 'parquet' or \
(v.get_value('table_format').file_format == 'text' and \
v.get_value('compression_codec') == 'none'))
cls.TestMatrix.add_constraint(lambda v:\
v.get_value('table_format').compression_codec == 'none')
# Only test other batch sizes for uncompressed parquet to keep the execution time
# within reasonable bounds.
cls.TestMatrix.add_constraint(lambda v:\
v.get_value('exec_option')['batch_size'] == 0 or \
(v.get_value('table_format').file_format == 'parquet' and \
v.get_value('compression_codec') == 'none'))
def test_insert_large_string(self, vector, unique_database):
"""Test handling of large strings in inserter and scanner."""
table_format = vector.get_value('table_format')
table_name = unique_database + ".insert_largestring"
file_format = vector.get_value('table_format').file_format
if file_format == "parquet":
stored_as = file_format
assert file_format == "text"
stored_as = "textfile"
create table {0}
stored as {1} as
select repeat('AZ', 128 * 1024 * 1024) as s""".format(table_name, stored_as))
# Make sure it produces correct result when materializing no tuples.
result = self.client.execute("select count(*) from {0}".format(table_name))
assert == ["1"]
# Make sure it got the length right.
result = self.client.execute("select length(s) from {0}".format(table_name))
assert == [str(2 * 128 * 1024 * 1024)]
# Spot-check the data.
result = self.client.execute(
"select substr(s, 200 * 1024 * 1024, 5) from {0}".format(table_name))
assert == ["ZAZAZ"]
def setup_class(cls):
super(TestInsertQueries, cls).setup_class()
def test_insert_test(self, vector):
if (vector.get_value('table_format').file_format == 'parquet'):
vector.get_value('exec_option')['COMPRESSION_CODEC'] = \
self.run_test_case('QueryTest/insert', vector,
multiple_impalad=vector.get_value('exec_option')['sync_ddl'] == 1)
def test_insert_overwrite(self, vector):
self.run_test_case('QueryTest/insert_overwrite', vector,
multiple_impalad=vector.get_value('exec_option')['sync_ddl'] == 1)
class TestInsertWideTable(ImpalaTestSuite):
def get_workload(self):
return 'functional-query'
def add_test_dimensions(cls):
super(TestInsertWideTable, cls).add_test_dimensions()
# Only vary codegen
cluster_sizes=[0], disable_codegen_options=[True, False], batch_sizes=[0]))
# Inserts only supported on text and parquet
# TODO: Enable 'text'/codec once the compressed text writers are in.
cls.TestMatrix.add_constraint(lambda v:\
v.get_value('table_format').file_format == 'parquet' or \
v.get_value('table_format').file_format == 'text')
cls.TestMatrix.add_constraint(lambda v:\
v.get_value('table_format').compression_codec == 'none')
# Don't run on core. This test is very slow (IMPALA-864) and we are unlikely to
# regress here.
if cls.exploration_strategy() == 'core':
cls.TestMatrix.add_constraint(lambda v: False);
def test_insert_wide_table(self, vector, unique_database):
table_format = vector.get_value('table_format')
# Text can't handle as many columns as Parquet (codegen takes forever)
num_cols = 1000 if table_format.file_format == 'text' else 2000
table_name = unique_database + ".insert_widetable"
if vector.get_value('exec_option')['disable_codegen']:
table_name += "_codegen_disabled"
col_descs = widetable.get_columns(num_cols)
create_stmt = "CREATE TABLE " + table_name + "(" + ','.join(col_descs) + ")"
if vector.get_value('table_format').file_format == 'parquet':
create_stmt += " stored as parquet"
# Get a single row of data
col_vals = widetable.get_data(num_cols, 1, quote_strings=True)[0]
insert_stmt = "INSERT INTO " + table_name + " VALUES(" + col_vals + ")"
result = self.client.execute("select count(*) from " + table_name)
assert == ["1"]
result = self.client.execute("select * from " + table_name)
types = parse_column_types(result.schema)
labels = parse_column_labels(result.schema)
expected = QueryTestResult([col_vals], types, labels, order_matters=False)
actual = QueryTestResult(parse_result_rows(result), types, labels, order_matters=False)
assert expected == actual
class TestInsertPartKey(ImpalaTestSuite):
"""Regression test for IMPALA-875"""
def get_workload(self):
return 'functional-query'
def add_test_dimensions(cls):
super(TestInsertPartKey, cls).add_test_dimensions()
# Only run for a single table type
cluster_sizes=[0], disable_codegen_options=[False], batch_sizes=[0],
cls.TestMatrix.add_constraint(lambda v:
(v.get_value('table_format').file_format == 'text'))
cls.TestMatrix.add_constraint(lambda v:\
v.get_value('table_format').compression_codec == 'none')
def test_insert_part_key(self, vector):
"""Test that partition column exprs are cast to the correct type. See IMPALA-875."""
self.run_test_case('QueryTest/insert_part_key', vector,
multiple_impalad=vector.get_value('exec_option')['sync_ddl'] == 1)
class TestInsertNullQueries(ImpalaTestSuite):
def get_workload(self):
return 'functional-query'
def add_test_dimensions(cls):
super(TestInsertNullQueries, cls).add_test_dimensions()
# Fix the exec_option vector to have a single value. This is needed should we decide
# to run the insert tests in parallel (otherwise there will be two tests inserting
# into the same table at the same time for the same file format).
# TODO: When we do decide to run these tests in parallel we could create unique temp
# tables for each test case to resolve the concurrency problems.
cluster_sizes=[0], disable_codegen_options=[False], batch_sizes=[0]))
# These tests only make sense for inserting into a text table with special
# logic to handle all the possible ways NULL needs to be written as ascii
cls.TestMatrix.add_constraint(lambda v:\
(v.get_value('table_format').file_format == 'text' and \
v.get_value('table_format').compression_codec == 'none'))
def setup_class(cls):
super(TestInsertNullQueries, cls).setup_class()
def test_insert_null(self, vector):
self.run_test_case('QueryTest/insert_null', vector)