blob: 3c489b2690a1ee4e482a86528e0316c783b53066 [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
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// under the License.
#include "common/status.h"
#include "gen-cpp/Types_types.h" // for TUniqueId
#include "util/collection-metrics.h"
#include "util/runtime-profile.h"
#include "util/spinlock.h"
namespace impala {
/// TmpFileMgr creates and manages temporary files and directories on the local
/// filesystem. It can manage multiple temporary directories across multiple devices.
/// TmpFileMgr ensures that at most one directory per device is used unless overridden
/// for testing.
/// Every temporary File belongs to a FileGroup: to allocate temporary files, first a
/// FileGroup is created, then FileGroup::NewFile() is called to create a new File with
/// a unique filename on the specified temporary device. The client can use the File
/// handle to allocate space in the file. FileGroups can be created with a limit on
/// the total number of bytes allocated across all files in the group.
/// TODO: we could notify block managers about the failure so they can more take
/// proactive action to avoid using the device.
class TmpFileMgr {
class FileGroup;
/// DeviceId is a unique identifier for a temporary device managed by TmpFileMgr.
/// It is used as a handle for external classes to identify devices.
typedef int DeviceId;
/// File is a handle to a physical file in a temporary directory. Clients
/// can allocate file space and remove files using AllocateSpace() and Remove().
/// Creation of the file is deferred until the first call to AllocateSpace().
class File {
/// Called to notify TmpFileMgr that an IO error was encountered for this file
void ReportIOError(const ErrorMsg& msg);
const std::string& path() const { return path_; }
int disk_id() const { return disk_id_; }
bool is_blacklisted() const { return blacklisted_; }
friend class FileGroup;
friend class TmpFileMgr;
friend class TmpFileMgrTest;
/// Allocates 'num_bytes' bytes in this file for a new block of data.
/// The file size is increased by a call to truncate() if necessary.
/// The physical file is created on the first call to AllocateSpace().
/// Returns Status::OK() and sets offset on success.
/// Returns an error status if an unexpected error occurs, e.g. the file could not
/// be created.
Status AllocateSpace(int64_t num_bytes, int64_t* offset);
/// Delete the physical file on disk, if one was created.
/// It is not valid to read or write to a file after calling Remove().
Status Remove();
/// The name of the sub-directory that Impala created within each configured scratch
/// directory.
const static std::string TMP_SUB_DIR_NAME;
/// Space (in MB) that must ideally be available for writing on a scratch
/// directory. A warning is issued if available space is less than this threshold.
const static uint64_t AVAILABLE_SPACE_THRESHOLD_MB;
File(TmpFileMgr* mgr, FileGroup* file_group, DeviceId device_id,
const std::string& path);
/// TmpFileMgr this belongs to.
TmpFileMgr* mgr_;
/// The FileGroup this belongs to. Cannot be null.
FileGroup* file_group_;
/// Path of the physical file in the filesystem.
std::string path_;
/// The temporary device this file is stored on.
DeviceId device_id_;
/// The id of the disk on which the physical file lies.
int disk_id_;
/// Current file size. Modified by AllocateSpace(). Size is 0 before file creation.
int64_t current_size_;
/// Set to true to indicate that file can't be expanded. This is useful to keep here
/// even though it is redundant with the global per-device blacklisting in TmpFileMgr
/// because it can be checked without acquiring a global lock. If a file is
/// blacklisted, the corresponding device will always be blacklisted.
bool blacklisted_;
/// Represents a group of temporary files - one per disk with a scratch directory. The
/// total allocated bytes of the group can be bound by setting the space allocation
/// limit. The owner of the FileGroup object is responsible for calling the Close()
/// method to delete all the files in the group.
class FileGroup {
/// Initialize a new file group, which will create files using 'tmp_file_mgr'.
/// Adds counters to 'profile' to track scratch space used. 'bytes_limit' is
/// the limit on the total file space to allocate.
TmpFileMgr* tmp_file_mgr, RuntimeProfile* profile, int64_t bytes_limit = -1);
~FileGroup() { DCHECK_EQ(NumFiles(), 0); }
/// Initializes the file group with one temporary file per disk with a scratch
/// directory. 'unique_id' is a unique ID that should be used to prefix any
/// scratch file names. It is an error to create multiple FileGroups with the
/// same 'unique_id'. Returns OK if at least one temporary file could be created.
/// Returns an error if no temporary files were successfully created. Must only be
/// called once.
Status CreateFiles(const TUniqueId& unique_id);
/// Allocate num_bytes bytes in a temporary file. Try multiple disks if error occurs.
/// Returns an error only if no temporary files are usable or the scratch limit is
/// exceeded.
Status AllocateSpace(int64_t num_bytes, File** tmp_file, int64_t* file_offset);
/// Calls Remove() on all the files in the group and deletes them.
void Close();
/// Returns the number of files that are a part of the group.
int NumFiles() { return tmp_files_.size(); }
friend class TmpFileMgrTest;
/// Creates a new File with a unique path for a query instance, adds it to the
/// group and returns a handle for that file. The file path is within the (single)
/// tmp directory on the specified device id.
/// If an error is encountered, e.g. the device is blacklisted, the file is not
/// added to this group and a non-ok status is returned.
Status NewFile(
const DeviceId& device_id, const TUniqueId& unique_id, File** new_file = NULL);
/// The TmpFileMgr it is associated with.
TmpFileMgr* tmp_file_mgr_;
/// List of files representing the FileGroup.
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<File>> tmp_files_;
/// Total space allocated in this group's files.
int64_t current_bytes_allocated_;
/// Max write space allowed (-1 means no limit).
const int64_t bytes_limit_;
/// Index into 'tmp_files' denoting the file to which the next temporary file range
/// should be allocated from. Used to implement round-robin allocation from temporary
/// files.
int next_allocation_index_;
/// Amount of scratch space allocated in bytes.
RuntimeProfile::Counter* scratch_space_bytes_used_counter_;
/// Creates the configured tmp directories. If multiple directories are specified per
/// disk, only one is created and used. Must be called after DiskInfo::Init().
Status Init(MetricGroup* metrics);
/// Custom initialization - initializes with the provided list of directories.
/// If one_dir_per_device is true, only use one temporary directory per device.
/// This interface is intended for testing purposes.
Status InitCustom(const std::vector<std::string>& tmp_dirs, bool one_dir_per_device,
MetricGroup* metrics);
/// Return the scratch directory path for the device.
std::string GetTmpDirPath(DeviceId device_id) const;
/// Total number of devices with tmp directories that are active. There is one tmp
/// directory per device.
int num_active_tmp_devices();
/// Return vector with device ids of all tmp devices being actively used.
/// I.e. those that haven't been blacklisted.
std::vector<DeviceId> active_tmp_devices();
/// Return a new File handle with a unique path for a query instance. The file is
/// associated with the file_group and the file path is within the (single) tmp
/// directory on the specified device id. The caller owns the returned handle and is
/// responsible for deleting it. The file is not created - creation is deferred until
/// the first call to File::AllocateSpace().
Status NewFile(FileGroup* file_group, const DeviceId& device_id,
const TUniqueId& unique_id, std::unique_ptr<File>* new_file);
/// Dir stores information about a temporary directory.
class Dir {
const std::string& path() const { return path_; }
// Return true if it was newly added to blacklist.
bool blacklist() {
bool was_blacklisted = blacklisted_;
blacklisted_ = true;
return !was_blacklisted;
bool is_blacklisted() const { return blacklisted_; }
friend class TmpFileMgr;
/// path should be a absolute path to a writable scratch directory.
Dir(const std::string& path, bool blacklisted)
: path_(path), blacklisted_(blacklisted) {}
std::string path_;
bool blacklisted_;
/// Remove a device from the rotation. Subsequent attempts to allocate a file on that
/// device will fail and the device will not be included in active tmp devices.
void BlacklistDevice(DeviceId device_id);
bool IsBlacklisted(DeviceId device_id);
bool initialized_;
/// Protects the status of tmp dirs (i.e. whether they're blacklisted).
SpinLock dir_status_lock_;
/// The created tmp directories.
std::vector<Dir> tmp_dirs_;
/// Metrics to track active scratch directories.
IntGauge* num_active_scratch_dirs_metric_;
SetMetric<std::string>* active_scratch_dirs_metric_;