blob: 541d398d20e4f5d24b10aa520d74c3292f7b7d50 [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
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// specific language governing permissions and limitations
// under the License.
#include "exec/kudu-table-sink.h"
#include <sstream>
#include <thrift/protocol/TDebugProtocol.h>
#include "exec/kudu-util.h"
#include "exprs/scalar-expr.h"
#include "exprs/scalar-expr-evaluator.h"
#include "gen-cpp/ImpalaInternalService_constants.h"
#include "gutil/gscoped_ptr.h"
#include "runtime/exec-env.h"
#include "runtime/mem-tracker.h"
#include "runtime/row-batch.h"
#include "util/runtime-profile-counters.h"
#include "common/names.h"
#define DEFAULT_KUDU_MUTATION_BUFFER_SIZE 10 * 1024 * 1024
DEFINE_int32(kudu_mutation_buffer_size, DEFAULT_KUDU_MUTATION_BUFFER_SIZE,
"The size (bytes) of the Kudu client buffer for mutations.");
// The memory (bytes) that this node needs to consume in order to operate. This is
// necessary because the KuduClient allocates non-trivial amounts of untracked memory,
// and is potentially unbounded due to how Kudu's async error reporting works.
// Until Kudu's client memory usage can be bounded (KUDU-1752), we estimate that 2x the
// mutation buffer size is enough memory, and that seems to provide acceptable results in
// testing. This is still exposed as a flag for now though, because it may be possible
// that in some cases this is always too high (in which case tracked mem >> RSS and the
// memory is underutilized), or this may not be high enough (e.g. we underestimate the
// size of error strings, and RSS grows until the process is killed).
// TODO: Handle DML w/ small or known resource requirements (e.g. VALUES specified or
// query has LIMIT) specially to avoid over-consumption.
DEFINE_int32(kudu_sink_mem_required, 2 * DEFAULT_KUDU_MUTATION_BUFFER_SIZE,
"(Advanced) The memory required (bytes) for a KuduTableSink. The default value is "
" 2x the kudu_mutation_buffer_size. This flag is subject to change or removal.");
using kudu::client::KuduColumnSchema;
using kudu::client::KuduSchema;
using kudu::client::KuduClient;
using kudu::client::KuduRowResult;
using kudu::client::KuduTable;
using kudu::client::KuduInsert;
using kudu::client::KuduUpdate;
using kudu::client::KuduError;
namespace impala {
const static string& ROOT_PARTITION_KEY =
// Send 7MB buffers to Kudu, matching a hard-coded size in Kudu (KUDU-1693).
const static int INDIVIDUAL_BUFFER_SIZE = 7 * 1024 * 1024;
KuduTableSink::KuduTableSink(const RowDescriptor* row_desc, const TDataSink& tsink)
: DataSink(row_desc),
kudu_table_sink_(tsink.table_sink.kudu_table_sink) {
Status KuduTableSink::Prepare(RuntimeState* state, MemTracker* parent_mem_tracker) {
RETURN_IF_ERROR(DataSink::Prepare(state, parent_mem_tracker));
// Get the kudu table descriptor.
TableDescriptor* table_desc = state->desc_tbl().GetTableDescriptor(table_id_);
DCHECK(table_desc != nullptr);
// In debug mode try a dynamic cast. If it fails it means that the
// TableDescriptor is not an instance of KuduTableDescriptor.
DCHECK(dynamic_cast<const KuduTableDescriptor*>(table_desc))
<< "TableDescriptor must be an instance KuduTableDescriptor.";
table_desc_ = static_cast<const KuduTableDescriptor*>(table_desc);
// Add a 'root partition' status in which to collect write statistics
TInsertPartitionStatus root_status;
TKuduDmlStats kudu_dml_stats;
state->per_partition_status()->insert(make_pair(ROOT_PARTITION_KEY, root_status));
// Add counters
total_rows_ = ADD_COUNTER(profile(), "TotalNumRows", TUnit::UNIT);
num_row_errors_ = ADD_COUNTER(profile(), "NumRowErrors", TUnit::UNIT);
kudu_apply_timer_ = ADD_TIMER(profile(), "KuduApplyTimer");
rows_processed_rate_ = profile()->AddDerivedCounter(
"RowsProcessedRate", TUnit::UNIT_PER_SECOND,
bind<int64_t>(&RuntimeProfile::UnitsPerSecond, total_rows_,
return Status::OK();
Status KuduTableSink::Open(RuntimeState* state) {
int64_t required_mem = FLAGS_kudu_sink_mem_required;
if (!mem_tracker_->TryConsume(required_mem)) {
return mem_tracker_->MemLimitExceeded(state,
"Could not allocate memory for KuduTableSink", required_mem);
Status s =
state->exec_env()->GetKuduClient(table_desc_->kudu_master_addresses(), &client_);
if (!s.ok()) {
// Close() releases memory if client_ is not NULL, but since the memory was consumed
// and the client failed to be created, it must be released.
DCHECK(client_ == nullptr);
return s;
KUDU_RETURN_IF_ERROR(client_->OpenTable(table_desc_->table_name(), &table_),
"Unable to open Kudu table");
session_ = client_->NewSession();
// KuduSession Set* methods here and below return a status for API compatibility.
// As long as the Kudu client is statically linked, these shouldn't fail and thus these
// calls could also DCHECK status is OK for debug builds (while still returning errors
// for release).
kudu::client::KuduSession::AUTO_FLUSH_BACKGROUND), "Unable to set flush mode");
const int32_t buf_size = FLAGS_kudu_mutation_buffer_size;
if (buf_size < 1024 * 1024) {
return Status(strings::Substitute(
"Invalid kudu_mutation_buffer_size: '$0'. Must be greater than 1MB.", buf_size));
"Couldn't set mutation buffer size");
// Configure client memory used for buffering.
// Internally, the Kudu client keeps one or more buffers for writing operations. When a
// single buffer is flushed, it is locked (that space cannot be reused) until all
// operations within it complete, so it is important to have a number of buffers. In
// our testing, we found that allowing a total of 10MB of buffer space to provide good
// results; this is the default. Then, because of some existing 8MB limits in Kudu, we
// want to have that total space broken up into 7MB buffers (INDIVIDUAL_BUFFER_SIZE).
// The mutation flush watermark is set to flush every INDIVIDUAL_BUFFER_SIZE.
// TODO: simplify/remove this logic when Kudu simplifies the API (KUDU-1808).
int num_buffers = FLAGS_kudu_mutation_buffer_size / INDIVIDUAL_BUFFER_SIZE;
if (num_buffers == 0) num_buffers = 1;
KUDU_RETURN_IF_ERROR(session_->SetMutationBufferFlushWatermark(1.0 / num_buffers),
"Couldn't set mutation buffer watermark");
// No limit on the buffer count since the settings above imply a max number of buffers.
// Note that the Kudu client API has a few too many knobs for configuring the size and
// number of these buffers; there are a few ways to accomplish similar behaviors.
"Couldn't set mutation buffer count");
return Status::OK();
kudu::client::KuduWriteOperation* KuduTableSink::NewWriteOp() {
if (sink_action_ == TSinkAction::INSERT) {
return table_->NewInsert();
} else if (sink_action_ == TSinkAction::UPDATE) {
return table_->NewUpdate();
} else if (sink_action_ == TSinkAction::UPSERT) {
return table_->NewUpsert();
} else {
DCHECK(sink_action_ == TSinkAction::DELETE) << "Sink type not supported: "
<< sink_action_;
return table_->NewDelete();
Status KuduTableSink::Send(RuntimeState* state, RowBatch* batch) {
const KuduSchema& table_schema = table_->schema();
// Collect all write operations and apply them together so the time in Apply() can be
// easily timed.
vector<unique_ptr<kudu::client::KuduWriteOperation>> write_ops;
// Count the number of rows with nulls in non-nullable columns, i.e. null constraint
// violations.
int num_null_violations = 0;
// Since everything is set up just forward everything to the writer.
for (int i = 0; i < batch->num_rows(); ++i) {
TupleRow* current_row = batch->GetRow(i);
unique_ptr<kudu::client::KuduWriteOperation> write(NewWriteOp());
bool add_row = true;
for (int j = 0; j < output_expr_evals_.size(); ++j) {
// output_expr_evals_ only contains the columns that the op
// applies to, i.e. columns explicitly mentioned in the query, and
// referenced_columns is then used to map to actual column positions.
int col = kudu_table_sink_.referenced_columns.empty() ?
j : kudu_table_sink_.referenced_columns[j];
void* value = output_expr_evals_[j]->GetValue(current_row);
if (value == nullptr) {
if (table_schema.Column(col).is_nullable()) {
"Could not add Kudu WriteOp.");
} else {
// This row violates the nullability constraints of the column, do not attempt
// to write this row because it is already known to be an error and the Kudu
// error will be difficult to interpret later (error code isn't specific).
add_row = false;
break; // skip remaining columns for this row
PrimitiveType type = output_expr_evals_[j]->root().type().type;
Status s = WriteKuduValue(col, type, value, true, write->mutable_row());
// This can only fail if we set a col to an incorrect type, which would be a bug in
// planning, so we can DCHECK.
DCHECK(s.ok()) << "WriteKuduValue failed for col = "
<< table_schema.Column(col).name() << " and type = "
<< output_expr_evals_[j]->root().type() << ": " << s.GetDetail();
if (add_row) write_ops.push_back(move(write));
for (auto&& write: write_ops) {
KUDU_RETURN_IF_ERROR(session_->Apply(write.release()), "Error applying Kudu Op.");
// Increment for all rows received by the sink, including errors.
COUNTER_ADD(total_rows_, batch->num_rows());
// Add the number of null constraint violations to the number of row errors, which
// isn't reported by Kudu in CheckForErrors() because those rows were never
// successfully added to the KuduSession.
COUNTER_ADD(num_row_errors_, num_null_violations);
return Status::OK();
Status KuduTableSink::CheckForErrors(RuntimeState* state) {
if (session_->CountPendingErrors() == 0) return Status::OK();
vector<KuduError*> errors;
Status status = Status::OK();
// Get the pending errors from the Kudu session. If errors overflowed the error buffer
// we can't be sure all errors can be ignored, so an error status will be reported.
bool error_overflow = false;
session_->GetPendingErrors(&errors, &error_overflow);
if (UNLIKELY(error_overflow)) {
status = Status("Error overflow in Kudu session.");
// The memory for the errors is manually managed. Iterate over all errors and delete
// them accordingly.
for (int i = 0; i < errors.size(); ++i) {
kudu::Status e = errors[i]->status();
if (e.IsNotFound()) {
// Kudu does not yet have a way to programmatically differentiate between 'row not
// found' and 'tablet not found' (e.g. PK in a non-covered range) and both have the
// IsNotFound error code.
table_desc_->table_name(), e.ToString()), 2);
} else if (e.IsAlreadyPresent()) {
table_desc_->table_name()), 2);
} else {
if (status.ok()) {
status = Status(strings::Substitute(
"Kudu error(s) reported, first error: $0", e.ToString()));
table_desc_->table_name(), e.ToString()), 2);
delete errors[i];
COUNTER_ADD(num_row_errors_, errors.size());
return status;
Status KuduTableSink::FlushFinal(RuntimeState* state) {
kudu::Status flush_status = session_->Flush();
// Flush() may return an error status but any errors will also be reported by
// CheckForErrors(), so it's safe to ignore and always call CheckForErrors.
if (!flush_status.ok()) {
VLOG_RPC << "Ignoring Flush() error status: " << flush_status.ToString();
Status status = CheckForErrors(state);
TInsertPartitionStatus& insert_status =
total_rows_->value() - num_row_errors_->value());
return status;
void KuduTableSink::Close(RuntimeState* state) {
if (closed_) return;
if (client_ != nullptr) {
client_ = nullptr;
closed_ = true;
} // namespace impala