blob: 0c52bc66ce3aa53d388790e9aced43b646c164b2 [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
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// under the License.
#include "exprs/scalar-fn-call.h"
#include <vector>
#include <gutil/strings/substitute.h>
#include <llvm/ExecutionEngine/ExecutionEngine.h>
#include <llvm/IR/Attributes.h>
#include <boost/preprocessor/punctuation/comma_if.hpp>
#include <boost/preprocessor/repetition/enum_params.hpp>
#include <boost/preprocessor/repetition/repeat.hpp>
#include <boost/preprocessor/repetition/repeat_from_to.hpp>
#include "codegen/codegen-anyval.h"
#include "codegen/llvm-codegen.h"
#include "exprs/anyval-util.h"
#include "exprs/scalar-expr-evaluator.h"
#include "runtime/fragment-state.h"
#include "runtime/hdfs-fs-cache.h"
#include "runtime/lib-cache.h"
#include "runtime/runtime-state.h"
#include "runtime/types.h"
#include "udf/udf-internal.h"
#include "util/debug-util.h"
#include "common/names.h"
using namespace impala;
using namespace impala_udf;
using namespace strings;
using std::move;
using std::pair;
// Maximum number of arguments the interpretation path supports.
#define MAX_INTERP_ARGS 20
ScalarFnCall::ScalarFnCall(const TExprNode& node)
: ScalarExpr(node),
vararg_start_idx_(node.__isset.vararg_start_idx ? node.vararg_start_idx : -1),
scalar_fn_(NULL) {
DCHECK_NE(fn_.binary_type, TFunctionBinaryType::JAVA);
Status ScalarFnCall::LoadPrepareAndCloseFn(LlvmCodeGen* codegen) {
if (fn_.scalar_fn.__isset.prepare_fn_symbol) {
RETURN_IF_ERROR(GetFunction(codegen, fn_.scalar_fn.prepare_fn_symbol,
if (fn_.scalar_fn.__isset.close_fn_symbol) {
RETURN_IF_ERROR(GetFunction(codegen, fn_.scalar_fn.close_fn_symbol,
return Status::OK();
Status ScalarFnCall::Init(
const RowDescriptor& desc, bool is_entry_point, FragmentState* state) {
// Initialize children first.
RETURN_IF_ERROR(ScalarExpr::Init(desc, is_entry_point, state));
if (fn_.scalar_fn.symbol.empty()) {
// This path is intended to only be used during development to test FE
// code before the BE has implemented the function.
// Having the failure in the BE (rather than during analysis) allows for
// better FE testing.
DCHECK_EQ(fn_.binary_type, TFunctionBinaryType::BUILTIN);
stringstream ss;
ss << "Function " << << " is not implemented.";
return Status(ss.str());
bool is_ir_udf = fn_.binary_type == TFunctionBinaryType::IR;
if (!ShouldCodegen(state)) {
// The interpreted code path must be handled in different ways depending on why
// codegen was disabled. It may not be possible to evaluate the expr without
// codegen or we may need to prepare the function for execution.
if (is_ir_udf) {
return Status(Substitute("Cannot interpret LLVM IR UDF '$0': Codegen is needed. "
"Please set DISABLE_CODEGEN to false.",;
// The templates for builtin or native UDFs used in the interpretation path
// support up to MAX_INTERP_ARGS number of arguments only.
if (NumFixedArgs() > MAX_INTERP_ARGS) {
DCHECK_EQ(fn_.binary_type, TFunctionBinaryType::NATIVE);
// CHAR or VARCHAR are not supported as input arguments or return values for UDFs.
return Status(Substitute(
"Cannot interpret native UDF '$0': number of arguments is "
"more than $1. Codegen is needed. Please set DISABLE_CODEGEN to false.",, MAX_INTERP_ARGS));
if (!is_ir_udf) {
Status status = LibCache::instance()->GetSoFunctionPtr(fn_.hdfs_location,
fn_.scalar_fn.symbol, fn_.last_modified_time, &scalar_fn_, &cache_entry_);
if (!status.ok()) {
if (fn_.binary_type == TFunctionBinaryType::BUILTIN) {
// Builtins symbols should exist unless there is a version mismatch.
return Status(TErrorCode::MISSING_BUILTIN,,
} else {
DCHECK_EQ(fn_.binary_type, TFunctionBinaryType::NATIVE);
return Status(Substitute("Problem loading UDF '$0':\n$1",, status.GetDetail()));
// For IR UDF, the loading of the Init() and CloseContext() functions is deferred
// until the first time GetCodegendComputeFn() is invoked.
return Status::OK();
Status ScalarFnCall::OpenEvaluator(FunctionContext::FunctionStateScope scope,
RuntimeState* state, ScalarExprEvaluator* eval) const {
// Opens and inits children
RETURN_IF_ERROR(ScalarExpr::OpenEvaluator(scope, state, eval));
DCHECK_GE(fn_ctx_idx_, 0);
FunctionContext* fn_ctx = eval->fn_context(fn_ctx_idx_);
// Prepare staging_input_vals in case the interpreted evaluation path of
// this function is invoked. staging_input_vals is preallocated here
// so they can be reused across calls. If we have a codegen'd entry point
// for this expression, allocating these input values may be unnecessary,
// but they only add a small constant overhead on top of the ScalarExpr tree, so
// we always allocate them for simplicity.
vector<AnyVal*>* input_vals = fn_ctx->impl()->staging_input_vals();
for (int i = 0; i < NumFixedArgs(); ++i) {
AnyVal* input_val;
RETURN_IF_ERROR(AllocateAnyVal(state, eval->expr_perm_pool(), children_[i]->type(),
"Could not allocate expression value", &input_val));
// Only evaluate constant arguments at the top level of function contexts.
// If 'eval' was cloned, the constant values were copied from the parent.
if (scope == FunctionContext::FRAGMENT_LOCAL) {
vector<AnyVal*> constant_args;
for (const ScalarExpr* child : children()) {
AnyVal* const_val;
RETURN_IF_ERROR(eval->GetConstValue(state, *child, &const_val));
// If we're calling MathFunctions::RoundUpTo(), we need to set output_scale_
// which determines how many decimal places are printed.
// TODO: Move this to Expr initialization when IMPALA-4743 is fixed.
if (this == &eval->root() && == "round" &&
type_.type == TYPE_DOUBLE &&
children_.size() == 2) {
BigIntVal* scale_arg = reinterpret_cast<BigIntVal*>(constant_args[1]);
if (scale_arg != nullptr) eval->output_scale_ = scale_arg->val;
// Now we have the constant values, cache them so that the interpreted path can
// call the UDF without reevaluating the arguments. 'staging_input_vals' and
// 'varargs_buffer' in the FunctionContext are used to pass fixed and variable-length
// arguments respectively. 'non_constant_args()' in the FunctionContext will contain
// pointers to the remaining (non-constant) children that are evaluated for every row.
vector<pair<ScalarExpr*, AnyVal*>> non_constant_args;
uint8_t* varargs_buffer = fn_ctx->impl()->varargs_buffer();
for (int i = 0; i < children_.size(); ++i) {
AnyVal* input_arg;
int arg_bytes = AnyValUtil::AnyValSize(children_[i]->type());
if (i < NumFixedArgs()) {
input_arg = (*fn_ctx->impl()->staging_input_vals())[i];
} else {
input_arg = reinterpret_cast<AnyVal*>(varargs_buffer);
varargs_buffer += arg_bytes;
// IMPALA-4586: Cache constant arguments only if the frontend has rewritten them
// into literal expressions. This gives the frontend control over how expressions
// are evaluated. This means that setting enable_expr_rewrites=false will also
// disable caching of non-literal constant expressions, which gives the old
// behaviour (before this caching optimisation was added) of repeatedly evaluating
// exprs that are constant according to is_constant(). For exprs that are not truly
// constant (yet is_constant() returns true for) e.g. non-deterministic UDFs, this
// means that setting enable_expr_rewrites=false works as a safety valve to get
// back the old behaviour, before constant expr folding or caching was added.
// TODO: once we can annotate UDFs as non-deterministic (IMPALA-4606), we should
// be able to trust is_constant() and switch back to that.
if (children_[i]->IsLiteral()) {
const AnyVal* constant_arg = fn_ctx->impl()->constant_args()[i];
DCHECK(constant_arg != nullptr);
memcpy(input_arg, constant_arg, arg_bytes);
} else {
non_constant_args.emplace_back(children_[i], input_arg);
const impala_udf::UdfPrepare prepare_fn = prepare_fn_.load();
if (prepare_fn != nullptr) {
if (scope == FunctionContext::FRAGMENT_LOCAL) {
prepare_fn(fn_ctx, FunctionContext::FRAGMENT_LOCAL);
if (fn_ctx->has_error()) return Status(fn_ctx->error_msg());
prepare_fn(fn_ctx, FunctionContext::THREAD_LOCAL);
if (fn_ctx->has_error()) return Status(fn_ctx->error_msg());
return Status::OK();
void ScalarFnCall::CloseEvaluator(FunctionContext::FunctionStateScope scope,
RuntimeState* state, ScalarExprEvaluator* eval) const {
DCHECK_GE(fn_ctx_idx_, 0);
const impala_udf::UdfClose close_fn = close_fn_.load();
if (close_fn != NULL) {
FunctionContext* fn_ctx = eval->fn_context(fn_ctx_idx_);
close_fn(fn_ctx, FunctionContext::THREAD_LOCAL);
if (scope == FunctionContext::FRAGMENT_LOCAL) {
close_fn(fn_ctx, FunctionContext::FRAGMENT_LOCAL);
ScalarExpr::CloseEvaluator(scope, state, eval);
// Dynamically loads the pre-compiled UDF and codegens a function that calls each child's
// codegen'd function, then passes those values to the UDF and returns the result.
// Example generated IR for a UDF with signature
// create function Udf(double, int...) returns double
// select Udf(1.0, 2, 3, 4, 5)
// define { i8, double } @UdfWrapper(i8* %context, %"class.impala::TupleRow"* %row) {
// entry:
// %arg_val = call { i8, double }
// @ExprWrapper(i8* %context, %"class.impala::TupleRow"* %row)
// %arg_ptr = alloca { i8, double }
// store { i8, double } %arg_val, { i8, double }* %arg_ptr
// %arg_val1 = call i64 @ExprWrapper1(i8* %context, %"class.impala::TupleRow"* %row)
// store i64 %arg_val1, i64* inttoptr (i64 89111072 to i64*)
// %arg_val2 = call i64 @ExprWrapper2(i8* %context, %"class.impala::TupleRow"* %row)
// store i64 %arg_val2, i64* inttoptr (i64 89111080 to i64*)
// %arg_val3 = call i64 @ExprWrapper3(i8* %context, %"class.impala::TupleRow"* %row)
// store i64 %arg_val3, i64* inttoptr (i64 89111088 to i64*)
// %arg_val4 = call i64 @ExprWrapper4(i8* %context, %"class.impala::TupleRow"* %row)
// store i64 %arg_val4, i64* inttoptr (i64 89111096 to i64*)
// %result = call { i8, double }
// @_Z14VarSumMultiplyPN10impala_udf15FunctionContextERKNS_9DoubleValEiPKNS_6IntValE(
// %"class.impala_udf::FunctionContext"* inttoptr
// (i64 37522464 to %"class.impala_udf::FunctionContext"*),
// {i8, double }* %arg_ptr,
// i32 4,
// i64* inttoptr (i64 89111072 to i64*))
// ret { i8, double } %result
Status ScalarFnCall::GetCodegendComputeFnImpl(LlvmCodeGen* codegen, llvm::Function** fn) {
vector<ColumnType> arg_types;
for (ScalarExpr* child : children_) arg_types.push_back(child->type());
llvm::Function* udf;
RETURN_IF_ERROR(codegen->LoadFunction(fn_, fn_.scalar_fn.symbol, &type_, arg_types,
NumFixedArgs(), vararg_start_idx_ != -1, &udf, &cache_entry_));
// Inline constants into the function if it has an IR body.
if (!udf->isDeclaration()) {
AnyValUtil::ColumnTypesToTypeDescs(arg_types), udf);
udf = codegen->FinalizeFunction(udf);
if (udf == NULL) {
return Status(
TErrorCode::UDF_VERIFY_FAILED, fn_.scalar_fn.symbol, fn_.hdfs_location);
if (fn_.binary_type == TFunctionBinaryType::IR) {
// LoadFunction() should have linked the IR module into 'codegen'. Now load the
// Prepare() and Close() functions from 'codegen'.
// Create wrapper that computes args and calls UDF
stringstream fn_name;
fn_name << udf->getName().str() << "Wrapper";
llvm::Value* args[2];
*fn = CreateIrFunctionPrototype(fn_name.str(), codegen, &args);
llvm::Value* eval = args[0];
llvm::Value* row = args[1];
llvm::BasicBlock* block = llvm::BasicBlock::Create(codegen->context(), "entry", *fn);
LlvmBuilder builder(block);
// Populate UDF arguments
vector<llvm::Value*> udf_args;
// First argument is always FunctionContext*.
// Index into our registered offset in the ScalarFnEvaluator.
llvm::Value* eval_gep = builder.CreateStructGEP(NULL, eval, 1, "eval_gep");
llvm::Value* fn_ctxs_base = builder.CreateLoad(eval_gep, "fn_ctxs_base");
// Use GEP to add our index to the base pointer
llvm::Value* fn_ctx_ptr =
builder.CreateConstGEP1_32(fn_ctxs_base, fn_ctx_idx_, "fn_ctx_ptr");
llvm::Value* fn_ctx = builder.CreateLoad(fn_ctx_ptr, "fn_ctx");
// Allocate a varargs array. The array's entry type is the appropriate AnyVal subclass.
// E.g. if the vararg type is STRING, and the function is called with 10 arguments, we
// allocate a StringVal[10] array. We allocate the buffer with Alloca so that LLVM can
// optimise out the buffer once the function call is inlined.
llvm::Value* varargs_buffer = NULL;
if (vararg_start_idx_ != -1) {
llvm::Type* unlowered_varargs_type =
CodegenAnyVal::GetUnloweredType(codegen, VarArgsType());
varargs_buffer = codegen->CreateEntryBlockAlloca(builder, unlowered_varargs_type,
NumVarArgs(), FunctionContextImpl::VARARGS_BUFFER_ALIGNMENT, "varargs_buffer");
// Call children to populate remaining arguments
for (int i = 0; i < GetNumChildren(); ++i) {
llvm::Function* child_fn = NULL;
vector<llvm::Value*> child_fn_args;
// Set 'child_fn' to the codegen'd function, sets child_fn == NULL if codegen fails
Status status = children_[i]->GetCodegendComputeFn(codegen, false, &child_fn);
if (UNLIKELY(!status.ok())) {
DCHECK(child_fn == NULL);
// Set 'child_fn' to the interpreted function
child_fn = GetStaticGetValWrapper(children_[i]->type(), codegen);
// First argument to interpreted function is children_[i]
llvm::Type* expr_ptr_type = codegen->GetStructPtrType<ScalarExpr>();
child_fn_args.push_back(codegen->CastPtrToLlvmPtr(expr_ptr_type, children_[i]));
// Call 'child_fn', adding the result to either 'udf_args' or 'varargs_buffer'
DCHECK(child_fn != NULL);
llvm::Type* arg_type = CodegenAnyVal::GetUnloweredType(codegen, children_[i]->type());
llvm::Value* arg_val_ptr;
if (i < NumFixedArgs()) {
#ifndef __aarch64__
// Allocate space to store 'child_fn's result so we can pass the pointer to the UDF.
arg_val_ptr = codegen->CreateEntryBlockAlloca(builder, arg_type, "arg_val_ptr");
PrimitiveType col_type = children_[i]->type().type;
if (col_type != TYPE_BOOLEAN and col_type != TYPE_TINYINT
and col_type != TYPE_SMALLINT) {
arg_val_ptr = codegen->CreateEntryBlockAlloca(builder, arg_type, "arg_val_ptr");
} else {
// Store the result of 'child_fn' in varargs_buffer[i].
arg_val_ptr =
builder.CreateConstGEP1_32(varargs_buffer, i - NumFixedArgs(), "arg_val_ptr");
#ifndef __aarch64__
DCHECK_EQ(arg_val_ptr->getType(), arg_type->getPointerTo());
// The result of the call must be stored in a lowered AnyVal
llvm::Value* lowered_arg_val_ptr = builder.CreateBitCast(arg_val_ptr,
CodegenAnyVal::GetLoweredPtrType(codegen, children_[i]->type()),
llvm::Value* lowered_arg_val_ptr;
if (col_type == TYPE_BOOLEAN or col_type == TYPE_TINYINT
or col_type == TYPE_SMALLINT) {
lowered_arg_val_ptr = codegen->CreateEntryBlockAlloca(builder,
CodegenAnyVal::GetLoweredType(codegen, children_[i]->type()), 1,
FunctionContextImpl::VARARGS_BUFFER_ALIGNMENT, "lowered_arg_val_ptr");
} else {
lowered_arg_val_ptr = builder.CreateBitCast(arg_val_ptr,
CodegenAnyVal::GetLoweredPtrType(codegen, children_[i]->type()),
codegen, &builder, child_fn, child_fn_args, "arg_val", lowered_arg_val_ptr);
#ifdef __aarch64__
if (col_type == TYPE_BOOLEAN or col_type == TYPE_TINYINT
or col_type == TYPE_SMALLINT) {
if (i < NumFixedArgs()) {
arg_val_ptr = builder.CreateTruncOrBitCast(lowered_arg_val_ptr,
CodegenAnyVal::GetUnloweredPtrType(codegen, children_[i]->type()),
} else {
llvm::Value* tmp_ptr = builder.CreateTruncOrBitCast(lowered_arg_val_ptr,
CodegenAnyVal::GetUnloweredPtrType(codegen, children_[i]->type()),
builder.CreateStore(builder.CreateLoad(tmp_ptr), arg_val_ptr);
if (vararg_start_idx_ != -1) {
// We've added the FunctionContext argument plus any non-variadic arguments
DCHECK_EQ(udf_args.size(), vararg_start_idx_ + 1);
DCHECK_GE(GetNumChildren(), 1);
// Add the number of varargs
// Add all the accumulated vararg inputs as one input argument.
llvm::PointerType* vararg_type =
CodegenAnyVal::GetUnloweredPtrType(codegen, VarArgsType());
udf_args.push_back(builder.CreateBitCast(varargs_buffer, vararg_type, "varargs"));
// Call UDF
llvm::Value* result_val =
CodegenAnyVal::CreateCall(codegen, &builder, udf, udf_args, "result");
*fn = codegen->FinalizeFunction(*fn);
if (*fn == NULL) {
return Status(
TErrorCode::UDF_VERIFY_FAILED, fn_.scalar_fn.symbol, fn_.hdfs_location);
return Status::OK();
Status ScalarFnCall::GetFunction(LlvmCodeGen* codegen, const string& symbol,
CodegenFnPtrBase* fn) {
if (fn_.binary_type == TFunctionBinaryType::NATIVE
|| fn_.binary_type == TFunctionBinaryType::BUILTIN) {
void* raw_fn;
const Status status = LibCache::instance()->GetSoFunctionPtr(
fn_.hdfs_location, symbol, fn_.last_modified_time, &raw_fn, &cache_entry_);
return status;
} else {
DCHECK_EQ(fn_.binary_type, TFunctionBinaryType::IR);
DCHECK(codegen != NULL);
llvm::Function* ir_fn = codegen->GetFunction(symbol, false);
if (ir_fn == NULL) {
stringstream ss;
ss << "Unable to locate function " << symbol << " from LLVM module "
<< fn_.hdfs_location;
return Status(ss.str());
ir_fn = codegen->FinalizeFunction(ir_fn);
codegen->AddFunctionToJit(ir_fn, fn);
return Status::OK();
void ScalarFnCall::EvaluateNonConstantChildren(
ScalarExprEvaluator* eval, const TupleRow* row) const {
FunctionContext* fn_ctx = eval->fn_context(fn_ctx_idx_);
for (pair<ScalarExpr*, AnyVal*> child : fn_ctx->impl()->non_constant_args()) {
void* val = eval->GetValue(*(child.first), row);
AnyValUtil::SetAnyVal(val, child.first->type(), child.second);
template<typename RETURN_TYPE>
RETURN_TYPE ScalarFnCall::InterpretEval(ScalarExprEvaluator* eval,
const TupleRow* row) const {
DCHECK(scalar_fn_ != NULL) << DebugString();
FunctionContext* fn_ctx = eval->fn_context(fn_ctx_idx_);
vector<AnyVal*>* input_vals = fn_ctx->impl()->staging_input_vals();
EvaluateNonConstantChildren(eval, row);
if (vararg_start_idx_ == -1) {
switch (children_.size()) {
#define ARG_DECL_ONE(z, n, data) BOOST_PP_COMMA_IF(n) const AnyVal&
#define ARG_DECL_LIST(n) \
FunctionContext* BOOST_PP_COMMA_IF(n) BOOST_PP_REPEAT(n, ARG_DECL_ONE, unused)
#define ARG_ONE(z, n, data) BOOST_PP_COMMA_IF(n) *(*input_vals)[n]
#define ARG_LIST(n) fn_ctx BOOST_PP_COMMA_IF(n) BOOST_PP_REPEAT(n, ARG_ONE, unused)
// Expands to code snippet like the following for X from 0 to 20:
// case X:
// typedef RETURN_TYPE (*ScalarFnX)(FunctionContext*, const AnyVal& a1, ...,
// const AnyVal& aX);
// return reinterpret_cast<ScalarFnX>(scalar_fn_)(fn_ctx, *(*input_vals)[0], ...,
// *(*input_vals)[X-1]);
#define SCALAR_FN_TYPE(n) BOOST_PP_CAT(ScalarFn, n)
#define INTERP_SCALAR_FN(z, n, unused) \
case n: \
return reinterpret_cast<SCALAR_FN_TYPE(n)>(scalar_fn_)(ARG_LIST(n));
// Support up to MAX_INTERP_ARGS arguments in the interpretation path
DCHECK(false) << "Interpreted path not implemented.";
} else {
int num_varargs = children_.size() - NumFixedArgs();
const AnyVal* varargs = reinterpret_cast<AnyVal*>(fn_ctx->impl()->varargs_buffer());
switch (NumFixedArgs()) {
// Expands to code snippet like the following for X from 0 to 20:
// case X:
// typedef RETURN_TYPE (*VarargFnX)(FunctionContext*, const AnyVal& a1, ...,
// const AnyVal& aX, int num_varargs, const AnyVal* varargs);
// return reinterpret_cast<VarargFnX>(scalar_fn_)(fn_ctx, *(*input_vals)[0], ...,
// *(*input_vals)[X-1], num_varargs, varargs);
#define INTERP_SCALAR_VARARG_FN(z, n, text) \
case n: \
const AnyVal*); \
return reinterpret_cast<SCALAR_VARARG_FN_TYPE(n)>(scalar_fn_)(ARG_LIST(n), \
num_varargs, varargs);
DCHECK(false) << "Interpreted path not implemented.";
return RETURN_TYPE::null();
// Macro to generate implementations for the below functions. 'val_type' is
// a UDF type name, e.g. IntVal and 'type_validation' is a DCHECK expression
// referencing 'type_' to assert that the function is only called on expressions
// of the appropriate type.
// * ScalarFnCall::GetBooleanValInterpreted()
// * ScalarFnCall::GetTinyIntValInterpreted()
// * ScalarFnCall::GetSmallIntValInterpreted()
// * ScalarFnCall::GetIntValInterpreted()
// * ScalarFnCall::GetBigIntValInterpreted()
// * ScalarFnCall::GetFloatValInterpreted()
// * ScalarFnCall::GetDoubleValInterpreted()
// * ScalarFnCall::GetStringValInterpreted()
// * ScalarFnCall::GetTimestampValInterpreted()
// * ScalarFnCall::GetDecimalValInterpreted()
// * ScalarFnCall::GetDateValInterpreted()
#pragma push_macro("GET_VAL_INTERPRETED")
#define GET_VAL_INTERPRETED(val_type, type_validation) \
val_type ScalarFnCall::Get##val_type##Interpreted( \
ScalarExprEvaluator* eval, const TupleRow* row) const { \
DCHECK(type_validation) << type_.DebugString(); \
DCHECK(eval != nullptr); \
return InterpretEval<val_type>(eval, row); \
GET_VAL_INTERPRETED(BooleanVal, type_.type == PrimitiveType::TYPE_BOOLEAN);
GET_VAL_INTERPRETED(TinyIntVal, type_.type == PrimitiveType::TYPE_TINYINT);
GET_VAL_INTERPRETED(SmallIntVal, type_.type == PrimitiveType::TYPE_SMALLINT);
GET_VAL_INTERPRETED(IntVal, type_.type == PrimitiveType::TYPE_INT);
GET_VAL_INTERPRETED(BigIntVal, type_.type == PrimitiveType::TYPE_BIGINT);
GET_VAL_INTERPRETED(FloatVal, type_.type == PrimitiveType::TYPE_FLOAT);
GET_VAL_INTERPRETED(DoubleVal, type_.type == PrimitiveType::TYPE_DOUBLE);
type_.IsStringType() || type_.type == PrimitiveType::TYPE_FIXED_UDA_INTERMEDIATE);
GET_VAL_INTERPRETED(TimestampVal, type_.type == PrimitiveType::TYPE_TIMESTAMP);
GET_VAL_INTERPRETED(DecimalVal, type_.type == PrimitiveType::TYPE_DECIMAL);
GET_VAL_INTERPRETED(DateVal, type_.type == PrimitiveType::TYPE_DATE);
#pragma pop_macro("GET_VAL_INTERPRETED")
string ScalarFnCall::DebugString() const {
stringstream out;
out << "ScalarFnCall(udf_type=" << fn_.binary_type << " location=" << fn_.hdfs_location
<< " symbol_name=" << fn_.scalar_fn.symbol << ScalarExpr::DebugString() << ")";
return out.str();
bool ScalarFnCall::IsInterpretable() const {
return fn_.binary_type != TFunctionBinaryType::IR && NumFixedArgs() <= MAX_INTERP_ARGS;
int ScalarFnCall::ComputeVarArgsBufferSize() const {
for (int i = NumFixedArgs(); i < children_.size(); ++i) {
// All varargs should have same type.
DCHECK_EQ(children_[i]->type(), VarArgsType());
return NumVarArgs() == 0 ? 0 : NumVarArgs() * AnyValUtil::AnyValSize(VarArgsType());