blob: d0b93ef8e490c406734b016a542c914f8e099250 [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
// KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
// specific language governing permissions and limitations
// under the License.
package org.apache.impala.analysis;
import java.math.BigDecimal;
import org.apache.impala.catalog.ScalarType;
import org.apache.impala.catalog.Type;
import org.apache.impala.common.AnalysisException;
import org.apache.impala.compat.MetastoreShim;
import org.apache.impala.thrift.TExprNode;
import org.apache.impala.thrift.TExprNodeType;
import org.apache.impala.thrift.TStringLiteral;
import java_cup.runtime.Symbol;
public class StringLiteral extends LiteralExpr {
private final String value_;
public static int MAX_STRING_LEN = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
// Indicates whether this value needs to be unescaped in toThrift() or comparison.
// TODO: Add enum to distinguish the sources, e.g. double/single quoted SQL, HMS view,
// or the result of an evaluated const expression. So we know whether we need
// unescaping more clearly.
private final boolean needsUnescaping_;
public StringLiteral(String value) {
this(value, ScalarType.STRING, true);
public StringLiteral(String value, Type type, boolean needsUnescaping) {
value_ = value;
type_ = type;
needsUnescaping_ = needsUnescaping;
* Copy c'tor used in clone().
protected StringLiteral(StringLiteral other) {
value_ = other.value_;
needsUnescaping_ = other.needsUnescaping_;
public boolean localEquals(Expr that) {
if (!super.localEquals(that)) return false;
StringLiteral other = (StringLiteral) that;
return needsUnescaping_ == other.needsUnescaping_ && type_.equals(other.type_)
&& value_.equals(other.value_);
public int hashCode() { return value_.hashCode(); }
public String toSqlImpl(ToSqlOptions options) {
return "'" + getNormalizedValue() + "'";
protected void toThrift(TExprNode msg) {
msg.node_type = TExprNodeType.STRING_LITERAL;
String val = (needsUnescaping_) ? getUnescapedValue() : value_;
msg.string_literal = new TStringLiteral(val);
* Returns the original value that the string literal was constructed with,
* without escaping or unescaping it.
public String getValueWithOriginalEscapes() { return value_; }
public String getUnescapedValue() {
// Unescape string exactly like Hive does. Hive's method assumes
// quotes so we add them here to reuse Hive's code.
return MetastoreShim.unescapeSQLString("'" + getNormalizedValue()
+ "'");
* String literals can come directly from the SQL of a query or from rewrites like
* constant folding. So this value normalization to a single-quoted string is necessary
* because we do not know whether single or double quotes are appropriate.
* @return a normalized representation of the string value suitable for embedding in
* SQL as a single-quoted string literal.
private String getNormalizedValue() {
final int len = value_.length();
final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(len);
for (int i = 0; i < len; ++i) {
final char currentChar = value_.charAt(i);
if (currentChar == '\\' && (i + 1) < len) {
final char nextChar = value_.charAt(i + 1);
// unescape an escaped double quote: remove back-slash in front of the quote.
if (nextChar == '"' || nextChar == '\'' || nextChar == '\\') {
if (nextChar != '"') {
} else if (currentChar == '\'') {
// escape a single quote: add back-slash in front of the quote.
} else {
return sb.toString();
public String getStringValue() {
return getValueWithOriginalEscapes();
public String debugString() {
return MoreObjects.toStringHelper(this)
.add("value", value_)
protected Expr uncheckedCastTo(Type targetType) throws AnalysisException {
Preconditions.checkState(targetType.isNumericType() || targetType.isDateOrTimeType()
|| targetType.equals(this.type_) || targetType.isStringType());
if (targetType.equals(this.type_)) {
return this;
} else if (targetType.isStringType()) {
type_ = targetType;
} else if (targetType.isNumericType()) {
return convertToNumber();
} else if (targetType.isDateOrTimeType()) {
// Let the BE do the cast
// - it is in Boost format in case target type is TIMESTAMP
// - CCTZ is used for conversion in case target type is DATE.
return new CastExpr(targetType, this);
return this;
* Convert this string literal to numeric literal.
* @return new converted literal (not null)
* the type of the literal is determined by the lexical scanner
* @throws AnalysisException
* if NumberFormatException occurs,
* or if floating point value is NaN or infinite
public LiteralExpr convertToNumber()
throws AnalysisException {
StringReader reader = new StringReader(value_);
SqlScanner scanner = new SqlScanner(reader);
// For distinguishing positive and negative numbers.
boolean negative = false;
Symbol sym;
try {
// We allow simple chaining of MINUS to recognize negative numbers.
// Currently we can't handle string literals containing full fledged expressions
// which are implicitly cast to a numeric literal.
// This would require invoking the parser.
sym = scanner.next_token();
while (sym.sym == SqlParserSymbols.SUBTRACT) {
negative = !negative;
sym = scanner.next_token();
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new AnalysisException("Failed to convert string literal to number.", e);
if (sym.sym == SqlParserSymbols.NUMERIC_OVERFLOW) {
throw new AnalysisException("Number too large: " + value_);
if (sym.sym == SqlParserSymbols.INTEGER_LITERAL) {
BigDecimal val = (BigDecimal) sym.value;
if (negative) val = val.negate();
return new NumericLiteral(val);
if (sym.sym == SqlParserSymbols.DECIMAL_LITERAL) {
BigDecimal val = (BigDecimal) sym.value;
if (negative) val = val.negate();
return new NumericLiteral(val);
// Symbol is not an integer or floating point literal.
throw new AnalysisException("Failed to convert string literal '"
+ value_ + "' to number.");
public int compareTo(LiteralExpr o) {
int ret = super.compareTo(o);
if (ret != 0) return ret;
StringLiteral other = (StringLiteral) o;
String thisValue = needsUnescaping_? getUnescapedValue() : value_;
String otherValue = other.needsUnescaping_?
other.getUnescapedValue() : other.getStringValue();
return thisValue.compareTo(otherValue);
public Expr clone() { return new StringLiteral(this); }