blob: 1ed175fdc1ced69e2ca965a42545420b1609e452 [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
// KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
// specific language governing permissions and limitations
// under the License.
package org.apache.impala.analysis;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;
import org.apache.impala.catalog.Column;
import org.apache.impala.catalog.ColumnStats;
import org.apache.impala.catalog.FeKuduTable;
import org.apache.impala.catalog.KuduColumn;
import org.apache.impala.catalog.Type;
import org.apache.impala.thrift.TSlotDescriptor;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
public class SlotDescriptor {
private final static Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(SlotDescriptor.class);
private final SlotId id_;
private final TupleDescriptor parent_;
// Resolved path to the column/field corresponding to this slot descriptor, if any,
// Only set for slots that represent a column/field materialized in a scan.
private Path path_;
private Type type_;
// Tuple descriptor for collection items. Only set if type_ is an array or map.
private TupleDescriptor itemTupleDesc_;
// for SlotRef.toSql() in the absence of a path
private String label_;
// Expr(s) materialized into this slot; multiple exprs for unions. Should be empty if
// path_ is set.
private List<Expr> sourceExprs_ = new ArrayList<>();
// if false, this slot doesn't need to be materialized in parent tuple
// (and physical layout parameters are invalid)
private boolean isMaterialized_ = false;
// if false, this slot cannot be NULL
// Note: it is still possible that a SlotRef pointing to this descriptor could have a
// NULL value if the entire tuple is NULL, for example as the result of an outer join.
private boolean isNullable_ = true;
// physical layout parameters
private int byteSize_;
private int byteOffset_; // within tuple
private int nullIndicatorByte_; // index into byte array
private int nullIndicatorBit_; // index within byte
private int slotIdx_; // index within tuple struct
private ColumnStats stats_; // only set if 'column' isn't set
SlotDescriptor(SlotId id, TupleDescriptor parent) {
id_ = id;
parent_ = parent;
byteOffset_ = -1; // invalid
SlotDescriptor(SlotId id, TupleDescriptor parent, SlotDescriptor src) {
id_ = id;
parent_ = parent;
type_ = src.type_;
itemTupleDesc_ = src.itemTupleDesc_;
path_ = src.path_;
label_ = src.label_;
sourceExprs_ = src.sourceExprs_;
isMaterialized_ = src.isMaterialized_;
isNullable_ = src.isNullable_;
byteSize_ = src.byteSize_;
byteOffset_ = src.byteOffset_;
nullIndicatorByte_ = src.nullIndicatorByte_;
nullIndicatorBit_ = src.nullIndicatorBit_;
slotIdx_ = src.slotIdx_;
stats_ = src.stats_;
public int getNullIndicatorByte() { return nullIndicatorByte_; }
public void setNullIndicatorByte(int nullIndicatorByte) {
this.nullIndicatorByte_ = nullIndicatorByte;
public int getNullIndicatorBit() { return nullIndicatorBit_; }
public void setNullIndicatorBit(int nullIndicatorBit) {
this.nullIndicatorBit_ = nullIndicatorBit;
public SlotId getId() { return id_; }
public TupleDescriptor getParent() { return parent_; }
public Type getType() { return type_; }
public void setType(Type type) { type_ = type; }
public TupleDescriptor getItemTupleDesc() { return itemTupleDesc_; }
public void setItemTupleDesc(TupleDescriptor t) {
itemTupleDesc_ == null, "Item tuple descriptor already set.");
itemTupleDesc_ = t;
public boolean isMaterialized() { return isMaterialized_; }
public void setIsMaterialized(boolean value) {
if (isMaterialized_ == value) return;
isMaterialized_ = value;
LOG.trace("Mark slot(sid={}) of tuple(tid={}) as {}materialized",
id_, parent_.getId(), isMaterialized_ ? "" : "non-");
public boolean getIsNullable() { return isNullable_; }
public void setIsNullable(boolean value) { isNullable_ = value; }
public int getByteSize() { return byteSize_; }
public void setByteSize(int byteSize) { this.byteSize_ = byteSize; }
public int getByteOffset() { return byteOffset_; }
public void setByteOffset(int byteOffset) { this.byteOffset_ = byteOffset; }
public void setSlotIdx(int slotIdx) { this.slotIdx_ = slotIdx; }
public String getLabel() { return label_; }
public void setLabel(String label) { label_ = label; }
public void setSourceExprs(List<Expr> exprs) { sourceExprs_ = exprs; }
public void setSourceExpr(Expr expr) { sourceExprs_ = Collections.singletonList(expr); }
public void addSourceExpr(Expr expr) { sourceExprs_.add(expr); }
public List<Expr> getSourceExprs() { return sourceExprs_; }
public void setStats(ColumnStats stats) { this.stats_ = stats; }
public void setPath(Path path) {
Preconditions.checkState(path.getRootDesc() == parent_);
path_ = path;
type_ = path_.destType();
label_ = Joiner.on(".").join(path.getRawPath());
// Set nullability, if this refers to a KuduColumn.
if (path_.destColumn() instanceof KuduColumn) {
KuduColumn kuduColumn = (KuduColumn)path_.destColumn();
isNullable_ = kuduColumn.isNullable();
public Path getPath() { return path_; }
public boolean isScanSlot() { return path_ != null && path_.isRootedAtTable(); }
public Column getColumn() { return !isScanSlot() ? null : path_.destColumn(); }
public ColumnStats getStats() {
if (stats_ == null) {
Column c = getColumn();
if (c != null) {
stats_ = c.getStats();
} else {
stats_ = new ColumnStats(type_);
return stats_;
* Checks if this descriptor describes an array "pos" pseudo-column.
* Note: checking whether the column is null distinguishes between top-level columns
* and nested types. This check more specifically looks just for a reference to the
* "pos" field of an array type.
public boolean isArrayPosRef() {
if (parent_ == null) return false;
Type parentType = parent_.getType();
if (parentType instanceof CollectionStructType) {
if (((CollectionStructType)parentType).isArrayStruct() &&
label_.equals(Path.ARRAY_POS_FIELD_NAME)) {
return true;
return false;
* Returns true if this slot is of STRING type in a kudu table.
public boolean isKuduStringSlot() {
if (getParent() == null) return false;
if (!(getParent().getTable() instanceof FeKuduTable)) return false;
return getType().isStringType();
* Assembles the absolute materialized path to this slot starting from the schema
* root. The materialized path points to the first non-struct schema element along the
* path starting from the parent's tuple path to this slot's path.
* The materialized path is used to determine when a new tuple (containing a new
* instance of this slot) should be created. A tuple is emitted for every data item
* pointed to by the materialized path. For scalar slots this trivially means that every
* data item goes into a different tuple. For collection slots, the materialized path
* specifies how many data items go into a single collection value.
* For scalar slots, the materialized path is the same as its path. However, for
* collection slots, the materialized path may be different than path_. This happens
* when the query materializes a "flattened" collection composed of concatenated nested
* collections.
* For example, given the table:
* CREATE TABLE tbl (id bigint, outer_array array<array<int>>);
* And the query:
* select id, inner_array.item from tbl t, t.outer_array.item inner_array
* The path 't.outer_array.item' corresponds to the absolute path [1,0]. However, the
* 'inner_array' slot appears in the table-level tuple, with tuplePath [] (i.e. one
* tuple materialized per table row). There is a single array materialized per
* 'outer_array', not per 'inner_array'. Thus the materializedPath for this slot will be
* [1], not [1,0].
public List<Integer> getMaterializedPath() {
// A slot descriptor typically only has a path if the parent also has one.
// However, we sometimes materialize inline-view tuples when generating plan trees
// with EmptySetNode portions. In that case, a slot descriptor could have a non-empty
// path pointing into the inline-view tuple (which has no path).
if (!isScanSlot() || parent_.getPath() == null) return Collections.emptyList();
List<Integer> materializedPath = Lists.newArrayList(path_.getAbsolutePath());
// For scalar types, the materialized path is the same as path_
if (type_.isScalarType()) return materializedPath;
Preconditions.checkState(path_.getFirstCollectionIndex() != -1);
// Truncate materializedPath after first collection element
// 'offset' adjusts for the index returned by path_.getFirstCollectionIndex() being
// relative to path_.getRootDesc()
int offset = !path_.isRootedAtTuple() ? 0 :
offset + path_.getFirstCollectionIndex() + 1, materializedPath.size()).clear();
return materializedPath;
* Initializes a slot by setting its source expression information
public void initFromExpr(Expr expr) {
* Return true if the physical layout of this descriptor matches the physical layout
* of the other descriptor, but not necessarily ids.
public boolean LayoutEquals(SlotDescriptor other) {
if (!getType().equals(other.getType())) return false;
if (isNullable_ != other.isNullable_) return false;
if (getByteSize() != other.getByteSize()) return false;
if (getByteOffset() != other.getByteOffset()) return false;
if (getNullIndicatorByte() != other.getNullIndicatorByte()) return false;
if (getNullIndicatorBit() != other.getNullIndicatorBit()) return false;
return true;
public TSlotDescriptor toThrift() {
List<Integer> materializedPath = getMaterializedPath();
TSlotDescriptor result = new TSlotDescriptor(
id_.asInt(), parent_.getId().asInt(), type_.toThrift(),
materializedPath, byteOffset_, nullIndicatorByte_, nullIndicatorBit_,
if (itemTupleDesc_ != null) {
// Check for recursive or otherwise invalid item tuple descriptors. Since we assign
// tuple ids globally in increasing order, the id of an item tuple descriptor must
// always have been generated after the parent tuple id if the tuple/slot belong
// to a base table. For example, tuples/slots introduced during planning do not
// have such a guarantee.
Preconditions.checkState(!isScanSlot() ||
itemTupleDesc_.getId().asInt() > parent_.getId().asInt());
return result;
public static String debugString(Collection<SlotDescriptor> slots) {
if (slots == null || slots.isEmpty()) return "";
List<String> strings = new ArrayList<>();
for (SlotDescriptor slot: slots) {
return Joiner.on("\n").join(strings);
public String debugString() {
String pathStr = (path_ == null) ? "null" : path_.toString();
String typeStr = (type_ == null ? "null" : type_.toString());
return MoreObjects.toStringHelper(this)
.add("id", id_.asInt())
.add("path", pathStr)
.add("label", label_)
.add("type", typeStr)
.add("materialized", isMaterialized_)
.add("byteSize", byteSize_)
.add("byteOffset", byteOffset_)
.add("nullable", isNullable_)
.add("nullIndicatorByte", nullIndicatorByte_)
.add("nullIndicatorBit", nullIndicatorBit_)
.add("slotIdx", slotIdx_)
.add("stats", stats_)
public String toString() { return debugString(); }