blob: 489e9a855074d3b4f9af39e56635afa0811db80e [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
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// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
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// under the License.
package org.apache.impala.analysis;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import org.apache.impala.catalog.ArrayType;
import org.apache.impala.catalog.Column;
import org.apache.impala.catalog.FeTable;
import org.apache.impala.catalog.MapType;
import org.apache.impala.catalog.StructField;
import org.apache.impala.catalog.StructType;
import org.apache.impala.catalog.Type;
import org.apache.impala.util.AcidUtils;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
* Represents a resolved or unresolved dot-separated path that is rooted at a registered
* tuple descriptor, catalog table/view, or an existing resolved path.
* This class implements the resolution logic for mapping an implicit or explicit
* raw path to the corresponding physical types/positions in the schema tree.
* Implicit vs. Explicit Paths
* The item of an array and the key/value of maps are accessed via their implicit field
* names. However, if the type of an array item or a map value is a struct, then we allow
* omitting the explicit reference to the struct type in paths for accessing fields
* within that struct as a shorthand for user convenience. An explicit reference to the
* struct type is always legal. Paths that explicitly reference such a struct are
* "physical" because they typically map exactly to the schema representation in the
* underlying storage format (e.g. Parquet/Avro). Paths that omit the struct reference
* are called "implicit". During resolution, explicit paths are always preferred over
* implicit paths for resolving ambiguities.
* Example
* create table d.t (
* c array<struct<f:int,item:int,pos:int>>
* );
* select ... from d.t.c
* d.t.c <-- resolves to type array<struct<f:int,item:int,pos:int>>
* c alias <-- type struct<item:struct<f:int,item:int,pos:int>,pos:bigint>>
* select c.item.f, c.f from d.t.c
* c.item.f <-- explicit path to "f"
* c.f <-- implicit path to "f", skips "item" reference
* (same for the unqualified versions item.f and f)
* select c.item, c.item.item from d.t.c
* c.item <-- explicit path to "item" struct of type struct<f:int,item:string>
* c.item.item <-- explicit path to string "item"; there is no logical path to the
* string "item" due to the "item" name conflict
* c.pos <-- explicit path to "pos" of type bigint
* c.item.pos <-- explicit path to "pos" of type int; there is no logical path to the
* int "pos" due to the "pos" name conflict
* (same for unqualified versions item, item.item, pos, item.pos)
* Please refer to TestImplicitAndExplicitPaths() for analogous examples for maps.
* Illegal Implicit Paths
* The intention of implicit paths is to allow users to skip a *single* trivial level of
* indirection in common cases. In particular, it is illegal to implicitly skip multiple
* levels in a path, illustrated as follows.
* Example
* create table d.t (
* c array<array<struct<e:int,f:string>>>
* );
* select c.f from d.t.c
* select 1 from d.t.c, c.f
* c.f <-- illegal path because it would have to implicitly skip two 'item' fields
* Uses of Paths and Terminology
* Uncorrelated References: Star exprs, SlotRefs and TableRefs that are rooted at a
* catalog Table or a registered TupleDescriptor in the same query block.
* Relative References: TableRefs that are rooted at a TupleDescriptor.
* Correlated References: SlotRefs and TableRefs that are rooted at a TupleDescriptor
* registered in an ancestor query block are called 'correlated'. All correlated
* references are relative, but not all relative references are correlated.
* A Path itself is never said to be un/correlated because it is intentionally unaware
* of the query block that it is used in.
public class Path {
private final static Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(Path.class);
// Implicit field names of collections.
public static final String ARRAY_ITEM_FIELD_NAME = "item";
public static final String ARRAY_POS_FIELD_NAME = "pos";
public static final String MAP_KEY_FIELD_NAME = "key";
public static final String MAP_VALUE_FIELD_NAME = "value";
public static enum PathType {
ANY, // Reference to any field or table in schema.
// Implicit or explicit raw path to be resolved relative to rootDesc_ or rootTable_.
// Every raw-path element is mapped to zero, one or two types/positions in resolution.
private final List<String> rawPath_;
// Registered table alias that this path is rooted at, if any.
// Null if the path is rooted at a catalog table/view.
private final TupleDescriptor rootDesc_;
// Catalog table that this resolved path is rooted at, if any.
// Null if the path is rooted at a registered tuple that does not
// belong to a catalog table/view.
private final FeTable rootTable_;
// Root path that a relative path was created from.
private final Path rootPath_;
// List of matched types and field positions set during resolution. The matched
// types/positions describe the physical path through the schema tree.
private final List<Type> matchedTypes_ = new ArrayList<>();
private final List<Integer> matchedPositions_ = new ArrayList<>();
// Remembers the indices into rawPath_ and matchedTypes_ of the first collection
// matched during resolution.
private int firstCollectionPathIdx_ = -1;
private int firstCollectionTypeIdx_ = -1;
// Indicates whether this path has been resolved. Set in resolve().
private boolean isResolved_ = false;
// Caches the result of getAbsolutePath() to avoid re-computing it.
private List<Integer> absolutePath_ = null;
// Resolved path before we resolved it again inside the table masking view.
private Path pathBeforeMasking_ = null;
* Constructs a Path rooted at the given rootDesc.
public Path(TupleDescriptor rootDesc, List<String> rawPath) {
rootTable_ = rootDesc.getTable();
rootDesc_ = rootDesc;
rootPath_ = null;
rawPath_ = rawPath;
* Constructs a Path rooted at the given rootTable.
public Path(FeTable rootTable, List<String> rawPath) {
rootTable_ = rootTable;
rootDesc_ = null;
rootPath_ = null;
rawPath_ = rawPath;
* Constructs a new unresolved path relative to an existing resolved path.
public Path(Path rootPath, List<String> relRawPath) {
rootTable_ = rootPath.rootTable_;
rootDesc_ = rootPath.rootDesc_;
rootPath_ = rootPath;
rawPath_ = Lists.newArrayListWithCapacity(
rootPath.getRawPath().size() + relRawPath.size());
firstCollectionPathIdx_ = rootPath.firstCollectionPathIdx_;
firstCollectionTypeIdx_ = rootPath.firstCollectionTypeIdx_;
* Resolves this path in the context of the root tuple descriptor / root table
* or continues resolving this relative path from an existing root path.
* Returns true if the path could be fully resolved, false otherwise.
* A failed resolution leaves this Path in a partially resolved state.
public boolean resolve() {
if (isResolved_) return true;
Preconditions.checkState(rootDesc_ != null || rootTable_ != null);
Type currentType = null;
int rawPathIdx = 0;
if (rootPath_ != null) {
// Continue resolving this path relative to the rootPath_.
currentType = rootPath_.destType();
rawPathIdx = rootPath_.getRawPath().size();
} else if (rootDesc_ != null) {
currentType = rootDesc_.getType();
} else {
// Directly start from the item type because only implicit paths are allowed.
currentType = rootTable_.getType().getItemType();
// Map all remaining raw-path elements to field types and positions.
while (rawPathIdx < rawPath_.size()) {
if (!currentType.isComplexType()) return false;
StructType structType = getTypeAsStruct(currentType);
if (LOG.isTraceEnabled()) LOG.trace("structType: {}", structType.toSql());
// Resolve explicit path.
StructField field = structType.getField(rawPath_.get(rawPathIdx));
if (LOG.isTraceEnabled()) {
LOG.trace("field: {}", field == null ? null : field.toSql(0));
if (field == null) {
// Resolve implicit path.
if (structType instanceof CollectionStructType) {
field = ((CollectionStructType) structType).getOptionalField();
// Collections must be matched explicitly.
if (field.getType().isCollectionType()) return false;
} else {
// Failed to resolve implicit or explicit path.
return false;
// Update the physical types/positions.
currentType = field.getType();
// Do not consume a raw-path element.
if (field.getType().isCollectionType() && firstCollectionPathIdx_ == -1) {
Preconditions.checkState(firstCollectionTypeIdx_ == -1);
firstCollectionPathIdx_ = rawPathIdx;
firstCollectionTypeIdx_ = matchedTypes_.size() - 1;
currentType = field.getType();
Preconditions.checkState(matchedTypes_.size() == matchedPositions_.size());
Preconditions.checkState(matchedTypes_.size() >= rawPath_.size());
isResolved_ = true;
return true;
* If the given type is a collection, returns a collection struct type representing
* named fields of its explicit path. Returns the given type itself if it is already
* a struct. Requires that the given type is a complex type.
public static StructType getTypeAsStruct(Type t) {
if (t.isStructType()) return (StructType) t;
if (t.isArrayType()) {
return CollectionStructType.createArrayStructType((ArrayType) t);
} else {
return CollectionStructType.createMapStructType((MapType) t);
* Returns a list of table names that might be referenced by the given path.
* The path must be non-empty.
* Examples: path -> result
* a -> [<sessionDb>.a]
* a.b -> [<sessionDb>.a, a.b]
* a.b.c -> [<sessionDb>.a, a.b]
* a.b.c... -> [<sessionDb>.a, a.b]
public static List<TableName> getCandidateTables(List<String> path, String sessionDb) {
Preconditions.checkArgument(path != null && !path.isEmpty());
List<TableName> result = new ArrayList<>();
int end = Math.min(2, path.size());
for (int tblNameIdx = 0; tblNameIdx < end; ++tblNameIdx) {
String dbName = (tblNameIdx == 0) ? sessionDb : path.get(0);
String tblName = path.get(tblNameIdx);
result.add(new TableName(dbName, tblName));
return result;
public FeTable getRootTable() { return rootTable_; }
public TupleDescriptor getRootDesc() { return rootDesc_; }
public boolean isRootedAtTable() { return rootTable_ != null; }
public boolean isRootedAtTuple() { return rootDesc_ != null; }
public List<String> getRawPath() { return rawPath_; }
public boolean isResolved() { return isResolved_; }
public boolean isMaskedPath() { return pathBeforeMasking_ != null; }
public Path getPathBeforeMasking() { return pathBeforeMasking_; }
public void setPathBeforeMasking(Path p) {
pathBeforeMasking_ = p;
public List<Type> getMatchedTypes() {
return matchedTypes_;
public boolean hasNonDestCollection() {
return firstCollectionPathIdx_ != -1 &&
firstCollectionPathIdx_ != rawPath_.size() - 1;
public String getFirstCollectionName() {
if (firstCollectionPathIdx_ == -1) return null;
return rawPath_.get(firstCollectionPathIdx_);
public Type getFirstCollectionType() {
if (firstCollectionTypeIdx_ == -1) return null;
return matchedTypes_.get(firstCollectionTypeIdx_);
public int getFirstCollectionIndex() {
return firstCollectionTypeIdx_;
public Type destType() {
if (!matchedTypes_.isEmpty()) return matchedTypes_.get(matchedTypes_.size() - 1);
if (rootDesc_ != null) return rootDesc_.getType();
if (rootTable_ != null) return rootTable_.getType();
return null;
public FeTable destTable() {
if (rootTable_ != null && rootDesc_ == null && matchedTypes_.isEmpty()) {
return rootTable_;
return null;
* Returns the destination Column of this path, or null if the destination of this
* path is not a Column. This path must be rooted at a table or a tuple descriptor
* corresponding to a table for the destination to be a Column.
public Column destColumn() {
if (rootTable_ == null || rawPath_.size() != 1) return null;
return rootTable_.getColumn(rawPath_.get(rawPath_.size() - 1));
* Returns the destination tuple descriptor of this path, or null
* if the destination of this path is not a registered alias.
public TupleDescriptor destTupleDesc() {
if (rootDesc_ != null && matchedTypes_.isEmpty()) return rootDesc_;
return null;
public List<String> getFullyQualifiedRawPath() {
Preconditions.checkState(rootTable_ != null || rootDesc_ != null);
List<String> result = Lists.newArrayListWithCapacity(rawPath_.size() + 2);
if (rootDesc_ != null) {
} else {
return result;
* Returns the absolute explicit path starting from the fully-qualified table name.
* The goal is produce a canonical non-ambiguous path that can be used as an
* identifier for table and slot references.
* Example:
* create table mydb.test (a array<struct<f1:int,f2:string>>);
* use mydb;
* select f1 from test t, t.a;
* This function should return the following for the path of the 'f1' SlotRef:
* mydb.test.a.item.f1
public List<String> getCanonicalPath() {
List<String> result = new ArrayList<>();
return result;
* Recursive helper for getCanonicalPath().
private void getCanonicalPath(List<String> result) {
Type currentType = null;
if (isRootedAtTuple()) {
currentType = rootDesc_.getType();
} else {
currentType = rootTable_.getType().getItemType();
// Compute the explicit path from the matched positions. Note that rawPath_ is
// not sufficient because it could contain implicit matches.
for (int i = 0; i < matchedPositions_.size(); ++i) {
StructType structType = getTypeAsStruct(currentType);
int matchPos = matchedPositions_.get(i);
Preconditions.checkState(matchPos < structType.getFields().size());
StructField match = structType.getFields().get(matchPos);
currentType = match.getType();
* Returns the absolute physical path in positions starting from the schema root to the
* destination of this path.
public List<Integer> getAbsolutePath() {
if (absolutePath_ != null) return absolutePath_;
absolutePath_ = new ArrayList<>();
if (rootDesc_ != null) absolutePath_.addAll(rootDesc_.getPath().getAbsolutePath());
// ACID table schema path differs from file schema path. Let's convert it here.
if (!absolutePath_.isEmpty() &&
// Only convert if path was already absolute. Otherwise 'matchedPositions_' is
// relative to a path that we have already converted.
matchedPositions_.size() == absolutePath_.size() &&
rootTable_ != null &&
AcidUtils.isFullAcidTable(rootTable_.getMetaStoreTable().getParameters())) {
return absolutePath_;
* Converts table schema path to file schema path. Well, it's actually somewhere between
* the two because the first column is offsetted with the number of partitions.
private void convertToFullAcidFilePath() {
// For Full ACID tables we need to create a schema path that corresponds to the
// ACID file schema.
int numPartitions = rootTable_.getNumClusteringCols();
if (absolutePath_.get(0) == numPartitions) {
// The path refers to the synthetic "row__id" column.
Preconditions.checkState(absolutePath_.size() == 2);
// "row__id" is not present in the file so remove it.
// The member of the synthetic "row__id" field is actually a top-level table col,
// so we need to add 'numPartitions' to its index.
absolutePath_.set(0, absolutePath_.get(0) + numPartitions);
} else if (absolutePath_.get(0) > numPartitions) {
// In the file user columns are embedded inside the "row" column which is
// the fifth column in a full ACID file.
absolutePath_.add(0, numPartitions + 5);
// Since the user column is not top-level anymore we need to subtract
// 'numPartitions' and 1 (the synthetic "row__id").
absolutePath_.set(1, absolutePath_.get(1) - numPartitions - 1);
public String toString() {
Preconditions.checkState(rootTable_ != null || rootDesc_ != null);
String pathRoot = null;
if (rootDesc_ != null) {
pathRoot = rootDesc_.getAlias();
} else {
pathRoot = rootTable_.getFullName();
if (rawPath_.isEmpty()) return pathRoot;
return pathRoot + "." + Joiner.on(".").join(rawPath_);
public String debugString() {
return MoreObjects.toStringHelper(this)
.add("rootTable", rootTable_)
.add("rootDesc", rootDesc_)
.add("rawPath", rawPath_)
* Returns a raw path from a known root alias and field name.
public static List<String> createRawPath(String rootAlias, String fieldName) {
List<String> result = Lists.newArrayList(rootAlias.split("\\."));
return result;
public static Path createRelPath(Path rootPath, String... fieldNames) {
Path result = new Path(rootPath, Lists.newArrayList(fieldNames));
return result;