blob: 3eab962b2d99c35310d04cf7f28509f66394143e [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
// KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
// specific language governing permissions and limitations
// under the License.
package org.apache.impala.analysis;
import static org.apache.impala.analysis.ToSqlOptions.DEFAULT;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.BitSet;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.ListIterator;
import java.util.Set;
import org.apache.impala.analysis.BinaryPredicate.Operator;
import org.apache.impala.catalog.BuiltinsDb;
import org.apache.impala.catalog.Function;
import org.apache.impala.catalog.Function.CompareMode;
import org.apache.impala.catalog.PrimitiveType;
import org.apache.impala.catalog.ScalarType;
import org.apache.impala.catalog.Type;
import org.apache.impala.common.AnalysisException;
import org.apache.impala.common.InternalException;
import org.apache.impala.common.SqlCastException;
import org.apache.impala.common.TreeNode;
import org.apache.impala.rewrite.ExprRewriter;
import org.apache.impala.service.FeSupport;
import org.apache.impala.thrift.TColumnValue;
import org.apache.impala.thrift.TExplainLevel;
import org.apache.impala.thrift.TExpr;
import org.apache.impala.thrift.TExprNode;
import org.apache.impala.thrift.TFunction;
import org.apache.impala.util.MathUtil;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
* Root of the expr node hierarchy.
abstract public class Expr extends TreeNode<Expr> implements ParseNode, Cloneable {
private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(Expr.class);
// Limits on the number of expr children and the depth of an expr tree. These maximum
// values guard against crashes due to stack overflows (IMPALA-432) and were
// experimentally determined to be safe.
public static final int EXPR_CHILDREN_LIMIT = 10000;
// The expr depth limit is mostly due to our recursive implementation of clone().
public static final int EXPR_DEPTH_LIMIT = 1000;
// Name of the function that needs to be implemented by every Expr that
// supports negation.
private static final String NEGATE_FN = "negate";
// To be used where we cannot come up with a better estimate (selectivity_ is -1).
public static final double DEFAULT_SELECTIVITY = 0.1;
// The relative costs of different Exprs. These numbers are not intended as a precise
// reflection of running times, but as simple heuristics for ordering Exprs from cheap
// to expensive.
// TODO(tmwarshall): Get these costs in a more principled way, eg. with a benchmark.
public static final float ARITHMETIC_OP_COST = 1;
public static final float BINARY_PREDICATE_COST = 1;
public static final float VAR_LEN_BINARY_PREDICATE_COST = 5;
public static final float COMPOUND_PREDICATE_COST = 1;
public static final float FUNCTION_CALL_COST = 10;
public static final float IS_NOT_EMPTY_COST = 1;
public static final float IS_NULL_COST = 1;
public static final float LIKE_COST = 10;
public static final float LITERAL_COST = 1;
public static final float SLOT_REF_COST = 1;
public static final float TIMESTAMP_ARITHMETIC_COST = 5;
public static final float UNKNOWN_COST = -1;
// Arbitrary max exprs considered for constant propagation due to O(n^2) complexity.
private static final int CONST_PROPAGATION_EXPR_LIMIT = 200;
// To be used when estimating the cost of Exprs of type string where we don't otherwise
// have an estimate of how long the strings produced by that Expr are.
public static final int DEFAULT_AVG_STRING_LENGTH = 5;
// returns true if an Expr is a non-analytic aggregate.
public static final<Expr> IS_AGGREGATE =
new<Expr>() {
public boolean apply(Expr arg) {
return arg instanceof FunctionCallExpr &&
// Returns true if an Expr is a NOT CompoundPredicate.
public static final<Expr> IS_NOT_PREDICATE =
new<Expr>() {
public boolean apply(Expr arg) {
return arg instanceof CompoundPredicate &&
((CompoundPredicate)arg).getOp() == CompoundPredicate.Operator.NOT;
// Returns true if an Expr is an OR CompoundPredicate.
public static final<Expr> IS_OR_PREDICATE =
new<Expr>() {
public boolean apply(Expr arg) {
return arg instanceof CompoundPredicate &&
((CompoundPredicate)arg).getOp() == CompoundPredicate.Operator.OR;
// Returns true if an Expr is a scalar subquery
public static final<Expr> IS_SCALAR_SUBQUERY =
new<Expr>() {
public boolean apply(Expr arg) {
return arg.isScalarSubquery();
// Returns true if an Expr has a subquery as a direct child.
public static final<Expr> HAS_SUBQUERY_CHILD =
new<Expr>() {
public boolean apply(Expr arg) {
for (Expr child : arg.getChildren()) {
if (child instanceof Subquery) return true;
return false;
// Returns true if an Expr is an aggregate function that returns non-null on
// an empty set (e.g. count).
public static final<Expr>
NON_NULL_EMPTY_AGG = new<Expr>() {
public boolean apply(Expr arg) {
return arg instanceof FunctionCallExpr &&
// Returns true if an Expr is a builtin aggregate function.
public static final<Expr> IS_BUILTIN_AGG_FN =
new<Expr>() {
public boolean apply(Expr arg) {
return arg instanceof FunctionCallExpr &&
// Returns true if an Expr is a user-defined aggregate function.
public static final<Expr> IS_UDA_FN =
new<Expr>() {
public boolean apply(Expr arg) {
return IS_AGGREGATE.apply(arg) &&
public static final<Expr> IS_TRUE_LITERAL =
new<Expr>() {
public boolean apply(Expr arg) {
return arg instanceof BoolLiteral && ((BoolLiteral)arg).getValue();
public static final<Expr> IS_FALSE_LITERAL =
new<Expr>() {
public boolean apply(Expr arg) {
return arg instanceof BoolLiteral && !((BoolLiteral)arg).getValue();
public static final<Expr> IS_EQ_BINARY_PREDICATE =
new<Expr>() {
public boolean apply(Expr arg) { return BinaryPredicate.getEqSlots(arg) != null; }
public static final<Expr> IS_NOT_EQ_BINARY_PREDICATE =
new<Expr>() {
public boolean apply(Expr arg) {
return arg instanceof BinaryPredicate
&& ((BinaryPredicate) arg).getOp() != Operator.EQ
&& ((BinaryPredicate) arg).getOp() != Operator.NOT_DISTINCT;
public static final<Expr> IS_BINARY_PREDICATE =
new<Expr>() {
public boolean apply(Expr arg) { return arg instanceof BinaryPredicate; }
public static final<Expr>
public boolean apply(Expr arg) {
return arg instanceof BinaryPredicate
&& ((BinaryPredicate) arg).getOp() == Operator.EQ
&& IS_LITERAL.apply(((BinaryPredicate) arg).getChild(1));
public static final<Expr>
new<Expr>() {
public boolean apply(Expr arg) {
return arg instanceof FunctionCallExpr
&& ((FunctionCallExpr) arg).isNondeterministicBuiltinFn();
public static final<Expr> IS_UDF_PREDICATE =
new<Expr>() {
public boolean apply(Expr arg) {
return arg instanceof FunctionCallExpr
&& !((FunctionCallExpr) arg).getFnName().isBuiltin();
* @return true if the expression is a literal.
public static final<Expr> IS_LITERAL =
new<Expr>() {
public boolean apply(Expr arg) {
return arg instanceof LiteralExpr;
* @return true if the expression is a null literal.
public static final<Expr> IS_NULL_LITERAL =
new<Expr>() {
public boolean apply(Expr arg) {
return arg instanceof NullLiteral;
* @return true if the expression is a literal value other than NULL.
public static final<Expr> IS_NON_NULL_LITERAL =
new<Expr>() {
public boolean apply(Expr arg) {
return IS_LITERAL.apply(arg) && !IS_NULL_LITERAL.apply(arg);
* @return true if the expression is a null literal, or a
* cast of a null (as created by the ConstantFoldingRule.)
public static final<Expr> IS_NULL_VALUE =
new<Expr>() {
public boolean apply(Expr arg) {
if (arg instanceof NullLiteral) return true;
if (! (arg instanceof CastExpr)) return false;
return IS_NULL_VALUE.apply(((CastExpr) arg).getChild(0));
* @return true if the expression is a literal, or a
* cast of a null (as created by the ConstantFoldingRule.)
public static final<Expr> IS_LITERAL_VALUE =
new<Expr>() {
public boolean apply(Expr arg) {
return IS_LITERAL.apply(arg) || IS_NULL_VALUE.apply(arg);
public static final<Expr> IS_INT_LITERAL =
new<Expr>() {
public boolean apply(Expr arg) {
return IS_LITERAL.apply(arg) && arg.getType().isIntegerType();
public static final<Expr>
new<Expr>() {
public boolean apply(Expr arg) {
return arg instanceof FunctionCallExpr
&& ((FunctionCallExpr) arg).isConditionalBuiltinFn();
public static final<Expr> IS_IS_NULL_PREDICATE =
new<Expr>() {
public boolean apply(Expr arg) {
return arg instanceof IsNullPredicate
&& !((IsNullPredicate) arg).isNotNull();
public static final<Expr>
new<Expr>() {
public boolean apply(Expr arg) {
return arg instanceof BinaryPredicate
&& (((BinaryPredicate) arg).getOp() == Operator.DISTINCT_FROM
|| ((BinaryPredicate) arg).getOp() == Operator.NOT_DISTINCT);
public static final<Expr> IS_CASE_EXPR_PREDICATE =
new<Expr>() {
public boolean apply(Expr arg) {
return arg instanceof CaseExpr;
public static final<Expr> IS_ALWAYS_TRUE_PREDICATE =
new<Expr>() {
public boolean apply(Expr arg) {
return arg instanceof Predicate
&& ((Predicate) arg).hasAlwaysTrueHint();
// id that's unique across the entire query statement and is assigned by
// Analyzer.registerConjuncts(); only assigned for the top-level terms of a
// conjunction, and therefore null for most Exprs
protected ExprId id_;
// true if Expr is an auxiliary predicate that was generated by the plan generation
// process to facilitate predicate propagation;
// false if Expr originated with a query stmt directly
private boolean isAuxExpr_ = false;
protected Type type_; // result of analysis
protected boolean isOnClauseConjunct_; // set by analyzer
// Flag to indicate whether to wrap this expr's toSql() in parenthesis. Set by parser.
// Needed for properly capturing expr precedences in the SQL string.
protected boolean printSqlInParens_ = false;
// Estimated probability of a predicate evaluating to true. Set during analysis.
// Between 0 and 1, or set to -1 if the selectivity could not be estimated.
protected double selectivity_;
// Estimated relative cost of evaluating this expression, including the costs of
// its children. Set during analysis and used to sort conjuncts within a PlanNode.
// Has a default value of -1 indicating unknown cost if the cost of this expression
// or any of its children was not set, but it is required to be set for any
// expression which may be part of a conjunct.
protected float evalCost_;
// estimated number of distinct values produced by Expr; invalid: -1
// set during analysis
protected long numDistinctValues_;
// Cached value of IsConstant(), set during analyze() and valid if isAnalyzed_ is true.
private boolean isConstant_;
// The function to call. This can either be a scalar or aggregate function.
// Set in analyze().
protected Function fn_;
// True after analysis successfully completed. Protected by accessors isAnalyzed() and
// analysisDone().
private boolean isAnalyzed_ = false;
// True if this has already been counted towards the number of statement expressions
private boolean isCountedForNumStmtExprs_ = false;
// For exprs of type Predicate, this keeps track of predicate hints
protected List<PlanHint> predicateHints_;
protected Expr() {
type_ = Type.INVALID;
selectivity_ = -1.0;
evalCost_ = -1.0f;
numDistinctValues_ = -1;
* Copy c'tor used in clone().
protected Expr(Expr other) {
id_ = other.id_;
isAuxExpr_ = other.isAuxExpr_;
type_ = other.type_;
isAnalyzed_ = other.isAnalyzed_;
isOnClauseConjunct_ = other.isOnClauseConjunct_;
printSqlInParens_ = other.printSqlInParens_;
selectivity_ = other.selectivity_;
evalCost_ = other.evalCost_;
numDistinctValues_ = other.numDistinctValues_;
isConstant_ = other.isConstant_;
fn_ = other.fn_;
isCountedForNumStmtExprs_ = other.isCountedForNumStmtExprs_;
children_ = Expr.cloneList(other.children_);
if (other.predicateHints_ != null) {
predicateHints_ = new ArrayList<>();
public boolean isAnalyzed() { return isAnalyzed_; }
public ExprId getId() { return id_; }
protected void setId(ExprId id) { id_ = id; }
public Type getType() { return type_; }
public double getSelectivity() { return selectivity_; }
public boolean hasSelectivity() { return selectivity_ >= 0; }
public float getCost() {
return evalCost_;
public boolean hasCost() { return evalCost_ >= 0; }
public long getNumDistinctValues() { return numDistinctValues_; }
public boolean getPrintSqlInParens() { return printSqlInParens_; }
public void setPrintSqlInParens(boolean b) { printSqlInParens_ = b; }
public boolean isOnClauseConjunct() { return isOnClauseConjunct_; }
public void setIsOnClauseConjunct(boolean b) { isOnClauseConjunct_ = b; }
public boolean isAuxExpr() { return isAuxExpr_; }
public void setIsAuxExpr() { isAuxExpr_ = true; }
public Function getFn() { return fn_; }
* Perform semantic analysis of node and all of its children.
* Throws exception if any errors found.
* @see ParseNode#analyze(Analyzer)
// TODO: Analyze for expressions should return a possibly-rewritten
// expression, leaving the StmtNode version to analyze statements
// in-place.
public final void analyze(Analyzer analyzer) throws AnalysisException {
if (isAnalyzed()) return;
// Check the expr child limit.
if (children_.size() > EXPR_CHILDREN_LIMIT) {
String sql = toSql();
String sqlSubstr = sql.substring(0, Math.min(80, sql.length()));
throw new AnalysisException(String.format("Exceeded the maximum number of child " +
"expressions (%s).\nExpression has %s children:\n%s...",
EXPR_CHILDREN_LIMIT, children_.size(), sqlSubstr));
// analyzer may be null for certain literal constructions (e.g. IntLiteral).
if (analyzer != null) {
// Check the expr depth limit. Do not print the toSql() to not overflow the stack.
if (analyzer.getCallDepth() > EXPR_DEPTH_LIMIT) {
throw new AnalysisException(String.format("Exceeded the maximum depth of an " +
"expression tree (%s).", EXPR_DEPTH_LIMIT));
for (Expr child: children_) {
if (analyzer != null) analyzer.decrementCallDepth();
// Do all the analysis for the expr subclass before marking the Expr analyzed.
evalCost_ = computeEvalCost();
protected void analyzeHints(Analyzer analyzer) throws AnalysisException {
if (predicateHints_ != null && !predicateHints_.isEmpty()) {
if (!(this instanceof Predicate)) {
throw new AnalysisException("Expr hints are only supported for predicates");
for (PlanHint hint : predicateHints_) {
if ("ALWAYS_TRUE")) {
((Predicate) this).setHasAlwaysTrueHint(true);
// If the top level expr has always_true hint, its conjuncts must
// also have the same hint (note that there's a TODO in the parser
// grammar to allow hints on a per expr basis).
List<Expr> conjuncts = getConjuncts();
if (conjuncts.size() > 1) {
for (Expr e : conjuncts) ((Predicate) e).setHasAlwaysTrueHint(true);
} else {
analyzer.addWarning("Predicate hint not recognized: " + hint);
* Does subclass-specific analysis. Subclasses should override analyzeImpl().
abstract protected void analyzeImpl(Analyzer analyzer) throws AnalysisException;
* Helper function to analyze this expr and assert that the analysis was successful.
* TODO: This function could be used in many more places to clean up. Consider
* adding an IAnalyzable interface or similar to and move this helper into Analyzer
* such that non-Expr things can use the helper also.
public void analyzeNoThrow(Analyzer analyzer) {
try {
} catch (AnalysisException e) {
throw new IllegalStateException(e);
* Helper function to properly count the number of statement expressions.
* If this expression has not been counted already and this is not a WITH clause,
* increment the number of statement expressions. This function guarantees that an
* expression will be counted at most once.
private void incrementNumStmtExprs(Analyzer analyzer) {
// WITH clauses use a separate Analyzer with its own GlobalState. Skip counting
// this expression towards that GlobalState. If the view defined by the WITH
// clause is referenced, it will be counted during that analysis.
if (analyzer.hasWithClause()) return;
// If the expression is already counted, do not count it again. This is important
// for expressions that can be cloned (e.g. when doing Expr::trySubstitute()).
if (isCountedForNumStmtExprs_) return;
isCountedForNumStmtExprs_ = true;
* Compute and return evalcost of this expr given the evalcost of all children has been
* computed. Should be called bottom-up whenever the structure of subtree is modified.
abstract protected float computeEvalCost();
protected void computeNumDistinctValues() {
if (isConstant()) {
numDistinctValues_ = 1;
} else {
numDistinctValues_ = -1;
// get the max number of distinct values over all children of this node
for (Expr child: children_) {
// A constant should not override a -1 from a SlotRef, so we only consider
// non-constant expressions. This is functionally similar to considering
// only the SlotRefs, except that it allows an Expr to override the values
// that come out of its children.
if (!child.isConstant()) {
numDistinctValues_ = Math.max(numDistinctValues_, child.getNumDistinctValues());
* Collects the returns types of the child nodes in an array.
protected Type[] collectChildReturnTypes() {
Type[] childTypes = new Type[children_.size()];
for (int i = 0; i < children_.size(); ++i) {
childTypes[i] = children_.get(i).type_;
return childTypes;
* Looks up in the catalog the builtin for 'name' and 'argTypes'.
* Returns null if the function is not found.
protected Function getBuiltinFunction(Analyzer analyzer, String name,
Type[] argTypes, CompareMode mode) throws AnalysisException {
FunctionName fnName = new FunctionName(BuiltinsDb.NAME, name);
Function searchDesc = new Function(fnName, argTypes, Type.INVALID, false);
return analyzer.getCatalog().getFunction(searchDesc, mode);
* Generates the necessary casts for the children of this expr to call fn_.
* child(0) is cast to the function's first argument, child(1) to the second etc.
* If ignoreWildcardDecimals is true, the function will not cast arguments that
* are wildcard decimals. This is used for builtins where the cast is done within
* the BE function.
* Otherwise, if the function signature contains wildcard decimals, each wildcard child
* argument will be cast to the highest resolution that can contain all of the child
* wildcard arguments.
* e.g. fn(decimal(*), decimal(*))
* called with fn(decimal(10,2), decimal(5,3))
* both children will be cast to (11, 3).
* If strictDecimal is true, we will only consider casts between decimal types that
* result in no loss of information. If it is not possible to come with such casts,
* we will throw an exception.
protected void castForFunctionCall(
boolean ignoreWildcardDecimals, boolean strictDecimal) throws AnalysisException {
Preconditions.checkState(fn_ != null);
Type[] fnArgs = fn_.getArgs();
Type resolvedWildcardType = getResolvedWildCardType(strictDecimal);
if (resolvedWildcardType != null) {
if (resolvedWildcardType.isNull()) {
throw new SqlCastException(String.format(
"Cannot resolve DECIMAL precision and scale from NULL type in %s function.",
if (resolvedWildcardType.isInvalid() && !ignoreWildcardDecimals) {
StringBuilder argTypes = new StringBuilder();
for (int j = 0; j < children_.size(); ++j) {
if (argTypes.length() > 0) argTypes.append(", ");
Type childType = children_.get(j).type_;
throw new SqlCastException(String.format(
"Cannot resolve DECIMAL types of the %s(%s) function arguments. You need " +
"to wrap the arguments in a CAST.", fn_.getFunctionName().getFunction(),
for (int i = 0; i < children_.size(); ++i) {
// For varargs, we must compare with the last type in fnArgs.argTypes.
int ix = Math.min(fnArgs.length - 1, i);
if (fnArgs[ix].isWildcardDecimal()) {
if (children_.get(i).type_.isDecimal() && ignoreWildcardDecimals) continue;
if (children_.get(i).type_.isDecimal() || !ignoreWildcardDecimals) {
Preconditions.checkState(resolvedWildcardType != null);
if (!children_.get(i).type_.equals(resolvedWildcardType)) {
castChild(resolvedWildcardType, i);
} else if (children_.get(i).type_.isNull()) {
castChild(ScalarType.createDecimalType(), i);
} else {
// It is safe to assign an arbitrary decimal here only if the backend function
// can handle it (in which case ignoreWildcardDecimals is true).
castChild(((ScalarType) children_.get(i).type_).getMinResolutionDecimal(), i);
} else if (!children_.get(i).type_.matchesType(fnArgs[ix])) {
castChild(fnArgs[ix], i);
* Returns the max resolution type of all the wild card decimal types.
* Returns null if there are no wild card types. If strictDecimal is enabled, will
* return an invalid type if it is not possible to come up with a decimal type that
* is guaranteed to not lose information.
Type getResolvedWildCardType(boolean strictDecimal) {
Type result = null;
Type[] fnArgs = fn_.getArgs();
for (int i = 0; i < children_.size(); ++i) {
// For varargs, we must compare with the last type in fnArgs.argTypes.
int ix = Math.min(fnArgs.length - 1, i);
if (!fnArgs[ix].isWildcardDecimal()) continue;
Type childType = children_.get(i).type_;
"Child expr should have been resolved.");
"Function should not have resolved with a non-scalar child type.");
if (result == null) {
ScalarType decimalType = (ScalarType) childType;
result = decimalType.getMinResolutionDecimal();
} else {
result = Type.getAssignmentCompatibleType(
result, childType, false, strictDecimal);
if (result != null && !result.isNull()) {
result = ((ScalarType)result).getMinResolutionDecimal();
Preconditions.checkState(result.isDecimal() || result.isInvalid());
return result;
* Returns true if e is a CastExpr and the target type is a decimal.
private boolean isExplicitCastToDecimal(Expr e) {
if (!(e instanceof CastExpr)) return false;
CastExpr c = (CastExpr)e;
return !c.isImplicit() && c.getType().isDecimal();
* Returns a clone of child with all decimal-typed NumericLiterals in it explicitly
* cast to targetType.
private Expr convertDecimalLiteralsToFloat(Analyzer analyzer, Expr child,
Type targetType) throws AnalysisException {
if (!targetType.isFloatingPointType() && !targetType.isIntegerType()) return child;
if (targetType.isIntegerType()) targetType = Type.DOUBLE;
List<NumericLiteral> literals = new ArrayList<>();
child.collectAll(Predicates.instanceOf(NumericLiteral.class), literals);
ExprSubstitutionMap smap = new ExprSubstitutionMap();
for (NumericLiteral l: literals) {
if (!l.getType().isDecimal()) continue;
NumericLiteral castLiteral = (NumericLiteral) l.clone();
smap.put(l, castLiteral);
return child.substitute(smap, analyzer, false);
* ----------
* This function applies a heuristic that casts literal child exprs of this expr from
* decimal to floating point in certain circumstances to reduce processing cost. In
* earlier versions of Impala's decimal support, it was much slower than floating point
* arithmetic. The original rationale for the automatic casting follows.
* Decimal has a higher processing cost than floating point and we should not pay
* the cost if the user does not require the accuracy. For example:
* "select float_col + 1.1" would start out with 1.1 as a decimal(2,1) and the
* float_col would be promoted to a high accuracy decimal. This function will identify
* this case and treat 1.1 as a float.
* In the case of "decimal_col + 1.1", 1.1 would remain a decimal.
* In the case of "float_col + cast(1.1 as decimal(2,1))", the result would be a
* decimal.
* Another way to think about it is that DecimalLiterals are analyzed as returning
* decimals (of the narrowest precision/scale) and we later convert them to a floating
* point type according to a heuristic that attempts to guess what the user intended.
* ----------
* This function does nothing. All decimal numeric literals are interpreted as decimals
* and the normal expression typing rules apply.
protected void convertNumericLiteralsFromDecimal(Analyzer analyzer)
throws AnalysisException {
Preconditions.checkState(this instanceof ArithmeticExpr ||
this instanceof BinaryPredicate);
// This heuristic conversion is not part of DECIMAL_V2.
if (analyzer.getQueryOptions().isDecimal_v2()) return;
if (getChildCount() == 1) return; // Do not attempt to convert for unary ops
Preconditions.checkState(getChildCount() == 2);
Type t0 = getChild(0).getType();
Type t1 = getChild(1).getType();
boolean c0IsConstantDecimal = getChild(0).isConstant() && t0.isDecimal();
boolean c1IsConstantDecimal = getChild(1).isConstant() && t1.isDecimal();
if (c0IsConstantDecimal && c1IsConstantDecimal) return;
if (!c0IsConstantDecimal && !c1IsConstantDecimal) return;
// Only child(0) or child(1) is a const decimal. See if we can cast it to
// the type of the other child.
if (c0IsConstantDecimal && !isExplicitCastToDecimal(getChild(0))) {
Expr c0 = convertDecimalLiteralsToFloat(analyzer, getChild(0), t1);
setChild(0, c0);
if (c1IsConstantDecimal && !isExplicitCastToDecimal(getChild(1))) {
Expr c1 = convertDecimalLiteralsToFloat(analyzer, getChild(1), t0);
setChild(1, c1);
* Helper function: analyze list of exprs
public static void analyze(List<? extends Expr> exprs, Analyzer analyzer)
throws AnalysisException {
if (exprs == null) return;
for (Expr expr: exprs) {
public final String toSql() {
return toSql(DEFAULT);
* Some expression nodes are also statement-like and know about
* before/after rewrite expressions.
public String toSql(ToSqlOptions options) {
return (printSqlInParens_) ? "(" + toSqlImpl(options) + ")" : toSqlImpl(options);
* Returns a SQL string representing this expr. Subclasses should override this method
* instead of toSql() to ensure that parenthesis are properly added around the toSql().
protected abstract String toSqlImpl(ToSqlOptions options);
protected String toSqlImpl() { return toSqlImpl(DEFAULT); };
// Convert this expr, including all children, to its Thrift representation.
public TExpr treeToThrift() {
if (type_.isNull()) {
// Hack to ensure BE never sees TYPE_NULL. If an expr makes it this far without
// being cast to a non-NULL type, the type doesn't matter and we can cast it
// arbitrarily.
Preconditions.checkState(IS_NULL_LITERAL.apply(this) ||
this instanceof SlotRef);
return NullLiteral.create(ScalarType.BOOLEAN).treeToThrift();
TExpr result = new TExpr();
return result;
// Append a flattened version of this expr, including all children, to 'container'.
protected void treeToThriftHelper(TExpr container) {
"Must be analyzed before serializing to thrift. %s", this);
// The BE should never see TYPE_NULL
Preconditions.checkState(!type_.isNull(), "Expr has type null!");
TExprNode msg = new TExprNode();
msg.type = type_.toThrift();
msg.is_constant = isConstant_;
msg.num_children = children_.size();
if (fn_ != null) {
TFunction thriftFn = fn_.toThrift();
if (fn_.hasVarArgs()) msg.setVararg_start_idx(fn_.getNumArgs() - 1);
for (Expr child: children_) {
// Convert this expr into msg (excluding children), which requires setting
// msg.op as well as the expr-specific field.
protected abstract void toThrift(TExprNode msg);
* Returns the product of the given exprs' number of distinct values or -1 if any of
* the exprs have an invalid number of distinct values. Uses saturating arithmetic,
* so that if the product would overflow, return Long.MAX_VALUE.
public static long getNumDistinctValues(List<Expr> exprs) {
if (exprs == null || exprs.isEmpty()) return 0;
long numDistinctValues = 1;
for (Expr expr: exprs) {
if (expr.getNumDistinctValues() == -1) {
numDistinctValues = -1;
numDistinctValues = MathUtil.saturatingMultiply(
numDistinctValues, expr.getNumDistinctValues());
return numDistinctValues;
public static List<TExpr> treesToThrift(List<? extends Expr> exprs) {
List<TExpr> result = new ArrayList<>();
for (Expr expr: exprs) {
return result;
public boolean isAggregate() {
return IS_AGGREGATE.apply(this);
public List<String> childrenToSql(ToSqlOptions options) {
List<String> result = new ArrayList<>();
for (Expr child: children_) {
return result;
public String debugString() {
return (id_ != null ? "exprid=" + id_.toString() + " " : "") + debugString(children_);
public static String debugString(List<? extends Expr> exprs) {
if (exprs == null || exprs.isEmpty()) return "";
List<String> strings = new ArrayList<>();
for (Expr expr: exprs) {
return Joiner.on(" ").join(strings);
public static String toSql(List<? extends Expr> exprs, ToSqlOptions options) {
if (exprs == null || exprs.isEmpty()) return "";
List<String> strings = new ArrayList<>();
for (Expr expr: exprs) {
return Joiner.on(", ").join(strings);
* Returns true if this expr matches 'that'. Two exprs match if:
* 1. The tree structures ignoring implicit casts are the same.
* 2. For every pair of corresponding SlotRefs, slotRefCmp.matches() returns true.
* 3. For every pair of corresponding non-SlotRef exprs, localEquals() returns true.
public boolean matches(Expr that, SlotRef.Comparator slotRefCmp) {
if (that == null) return false;
if (this instanceof CastExpr && ((CastExpr)this).isImplicit()) {
return children_.get(0).matches(that, slotRefCmp);
if (that instanceof CastExpr && ((CastExpr)that).isImplicit()) {
return matches(((CastExpr) that).children_.get(0), slotRefCmp);
if (this instanceof SlotRef && that instanceof SlotRef) {
return slotRefCmp.matches((SlotRef)this, (SlotRef)that);
if (!localEquals(that)) return false;
if (children_.size() != that.children_.size()) return false;
for (int i = 0; i < children_.size(); ++i) {
if (!children_.get(i).matches(that.children_.get(i), slotRefCmp)) return false;
return true;
* Local eq comparator. Returns true if this expr is equal to 'that' ignoring children.
protected boolean localEquals(Expr that) {
return getClass() == that.getClass() &&
(fn_ == null ? that.fn_ == null : fn_.equals(that.fn_));
* Returns true if two expressions are equal. The equality comparison works on analyzed
* as well as unanalyzed exprs by ignoring implicit casts.
public final boolean equals(Object obj) {
return obj instanceof Expr && matches((Expr) obj, SlotRef.SLOTREF_EQ_CMP);
* Return true if l1[i].equals(l2[i]) for all i.
public static <C extends Expr> boolean equalLists(List<C> l1, List<C> l2) {
if (l1.size() != l2.size()) return false;
Iterator<C> l1Iter = l1.iterator();
Iterator<C> l2Iter = l2.iterator();
while (l1Iter.hasNext()) {
if (! return false;
return true;
* Return true if l1 equals l2 when both lists are interpreted as sets.
* TODO: come up with something better than O(n^2)?
public static <C extends Expr> boolean equalSets(List<C> l1, List<C> l2) {
if (l1.size() != l2.size()) return false;
return l1.containsAll(l2) && l2.containsAll(l1);
* Return true if l1 is a subset of l2.
public static <C extends Expr> boolean isSubset(List<C> l1, List<C> l2) {
if (l1.size() > l2.size()) return false;
return l2.containsAll(l1);
* Return the intersection of l1 and l2.
public static <C extends Expr> List<C> intersect(List<C> l1, List<C> l2) {
List<C> result = new ArrayList<>();
for (C element: l1) {
if (l2.contains(element)) result.add(element);
return result;
public int hashCode() {
if (id_ == null) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Expr.hashCode() is not implemented");
} else {
return id_.asInt();
* Gather conjuncts from this expr and return them in a list.
* A conjunct is an expr that returns a boolean, e.g., Predicates, function calls,
* SlotRefs, etc. Hence, this method is placed here and not in Predicate.
public List<Expr> getConjuncts() {
List<Expr> list = new ArrayList<>();
if (this instanceof CompoundPredicate
&& ((CompoundPredicate) this).getOp() == CompoundPredicate.Operator.AND) {
// TODO: we have to convert CompoundPredicate.AND to two expr trees for
// conjuncts because NULLs are handled differently for CompoundPredicate.AND
// and conjunct evaluation. This is not optimal for jitted exprs because it
// will result in two functions instead of one. Create a new CompoundPredicate
// Operator (i.e. CONJUNCT_AND) with the right NULL semantics and use that
// instead
} else {
return list;
* Returns true if this expression is trivially true. Currently we only check if
* it is comprised of conjuncts that are all TRUE literals.
public boolean isTriviallyTrue() {
for (Expr conjunct : getConjuncts()) {
if (!Expr.IS_TRUE_LITERAL.apply(conjunct)) return false;
return true;
* Returns an analyzed clone of 'this' with exprs substituted according to smap.
* Removes implicit casts and analysis state while cloning/substituting exprs within
* this tree, such that the returned result has minimal implicit casts and types.
* Throws if analyzing the post-substitution expr tree failed.
* If smap is null, this function is equivalent to clone().
* If preserveRootType is true, the resulting expr tree will be cast if necessary to
* the type of 'this'.
public Expr trySubstitute(ExprSubstitutionMap smap, Analyzer analyzer,
boolean preserveRootType)
throws AnalysisException {
Expr result = clone();
// Return clone to avoid removing casts.
if (smap == null) return result;
result = result.substituteImpl(smap, analyzer);
if (preserveRootType && !type_.equals(result.getType())) result = result.castTo(type_);
return result;
* Returns an analyzed clone of 'this' with exprs substituted according to smap.
* Removes implicit casts and analysis state while cloning/substituting exprs within
* this tree, such that the returned result has minimal implicit casts and types.
* Expects the analysis of the post-substitution expr to succeed.
* If smap is null, this function is equivalent to clone().
* If preserveRootType is true, the resulting expr tree will be cast if necessary to
* the type of 'this'.
public Expr substitute(ExprSubstitutionMap smap, Analyzer analyzer,
boolean preserveRootType) {
try {
return trySubstitute(smap, analyzer, preserveRootType);
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Failed analysis after expr substitution.", e);
public static List<Expr> trySubstituteList(Iterable<? extends Expr> exprs,
ExprSubstitutionMap smap, Analyzer analyzer, boolean preserveRootTypes)
throws AnalysisException {
if (exprs == null) return null;
List<Expr> result = new ArrayList<>();
for (Expr e: exprs) {
result.add(e.trySubstitute(smap, analyzer, preserveRootTypes));
return result;
public static List<Expr> substituteList(Iterable<? extends Expr> exprs,
ExprSubstitutionMap smap, Analyzer analyzer, boolean preserveRootTypes) {
try {
return trySubstituteList(exprs, smap, analyzer, preserveRootTypes);
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Failed analysis after expr substitution.", e);
* Recursive method that performs the actual substitution for try/substitute() while
* removing implicit casts. Resets the analysis state in all non-SlotRef expressions.
* Exprs that have non-child exprs which should be affected by substitutions must
* override this method and apply the substitution to such exprs as well.
protected Expr substituteImpl(ExprSubstitutionMap smap, Analyzer analyzer) {
if (isImplicitCast()) return getChild(0).substituteImpl(smap, analyzer);
if (smap != null) {
Expr substExpr = smap.get(this);
if (substExpr != null) return substExpr.clone();
for (int i = 0; i < children_.size(); ++i) {
children_.set(i, children_.get(i).substituteImpl(smap, analyzer));
// SlotRefs must remain analyzed to support substitution across query blocks. All
// other exprs must be analyzed again after the substitution to add implicit casts
// and for resolving their correct function signature.
if (!(this instanceof SlotRef)) resetAnalysisState();
return this;
* Set the expr to be analyzed and computes isConstant_.
protected void analysisDone() {
// We need to compute the const-ness as the last step, since analysis may change
// the result, e.g. by resolving function.
isConstant_ = isConstantImpl();
isAnalyzed_ = true;
* Resets the internal state of this expr produced by analyze().
* Only modifies this expr, and not its child exprs.
protected void resetAnalysisState() { isAnalyzed_ = false; }
* Resets the internal analysis state of this expr tree. Removes implicit casts.
public Expr reset() {
if (isImplicitCast()) return getChild(0).reset();
for (int i = 0; i < children_.size(); ++i) {
children_.set(i, children_.get(i).reset());
return this;
public static List<Expr> resetList(List<Expr> l) {
for (int i = 0; i < l.size(); ++i) {
l.set(i, l.get(i).reset());
return l;
* Creates a deep copy of this expr including its analysis state. The method is
* abstract in this class to force new Exprs to implement it.
public abstract Expr clone();
* Create a deep copy of 'l'. The elements of the returned list are of the same
* type as the input list.
public static <C extends Expr> List<C> cloneList(List<C> l) {
List<C> result = new ArrayList<>(l.size());
for (Expr element: l) {
result.add((C) element.clone());
return result;
* Create a deep copy of 'ls'. The elements of the returned list are of the same
* type as the input list.
public static <C extends Expr> List<List<C>> deepCopy(List<List<C>> ls) {
List<List<C>> result = new ArrayList<>(ls.size());
for (List<C> l : ls) {
if (l == null) {
List<C> l2 = new ArrayList<>(l.size());
for (Expr element : l) {
l2.add((C) element.clone());
return result;
* Create a clone of the expression including analysis state with a different
* selectivity.
public Expr cloneAndOverrideSelectivity(double selectivity) {
Preconditions.checkArgument(selectivity >= 0.0 && selectivity <= 1.0, selectivity);
Expr e = clone();
e.selectivity_ = selectivity;
return e;
* Removes duplicate exprs (according to equals()).
public static <C extends Expr> void removeDuplicates(List<C> l) {
if (l == null) return;
List<C> origList = Lists.newArrayList(l);
for (C expr: origList) if (!l.contains(expr)) l.add(expr);
* Return a new list without duplicate exprs (according to matches() using cmp).
public static <C extends Expr> List<C> removeDuplicates(List<C> l,
SlotRef.Comparator cmp) {
List<C> newList = new ArrayList<>();
for (C expr: l) {
boolean exists = false;
for (C newExpr : newList) {
if (newExpr.matches(expr, cmp)) {
exists = true;
if (!exists) newList.add(expr);
return newList;
* Removes constant exprs
public static <C extends Expr> void removeConstants(List<C> l) {
if (l == null) return;
ListIterator<C> it = l.listIterator();
while (it.hasNext()) {
C e =;
if (e.isConstant()) it.remove();
* Propagates constant expressions of the form <slot ref> = <constant> or,
* for certain data types, <slot ref> range_operator <constant> to
* other uses of slot ref in the given conjuncts; returns a BitSet with
* bits set to true in all changed indices. Only one round of substitution
* is performed. The candidates BitSet is used to determine which members of
* conjuncts are considered for propagation. The keepConjuncts list is
* populated in specific cases (e.g for date/time range predicate propagation)
* with the original conjuncts that need to be preserved even after rewrite.
private static BitSet propagateConstants(List<Expr> conjuncts, BitSet candidates,
List<Expr> keepConjuncts, Analyzer analyzer) {
Preconditions.checkState(conjuncts.size() <= candidates.size());
// first pass: gather the constant predicates into separate buckets
// for range and equality predicates
ConstantPredicateHandler handler = new ConstantPredicateHandler();
handler.classifyPredicates(conjuncts, candidates);
// second pass: propagate constants to the other predicates and keep track
// of which other predicates have been changed
BitSet changed = new BitSet(conjuncts.size());
handler.propagateConstantPreds(conjuncts, changed, keepConjuncts, analyzer);
return changed;
* Propagates constants, performs expr rewriting and removes duplicates.
* Returns false if a contradiction has been implied, true otherwise.
* Catches and logs, but ignores any exceptions thrown during rewrite, which
* will leave conjuncts intact and rewritten as far as possible until the
* exception.
public static boolean optimizeConjuncts(List<Expr> conjuncts, Analyzer analyzer) {
List<Expr> tmpConjuncts = new ArrayList<>();
List<Expr> keepConjuncts = new ArrayList<>();
try {
BitSet candidates = new BitSet(conjuncts.size());
candidates.set(0, Math.min(conjuncts.size(), CONST_PROPAGATION_EXPR_LIMIT));
int transfers = 0;
// Constant propagation may make other slots constant, so repeat the process
// until there are no more changes.
while (!candidates.isEmpty()) {
// Use tmpConjuncts instead of conjuncts because propagateConstants can
// change the content of the first input param. We do not want to
// change the expr in conjucts before make sure the constant propagation
// does not cause analysis failures.
BitSet changed = propagateConstants(tmpConjuncts, candidates, keepConjuncts,
int pruned = 0;
for (int i = changed.nextSetBit(0); i >= 0; i = changed.nextSetBit(i+1)) {
// When propagating constants, we may de-normalize expressions, so we
// must normalize binary predicates. Any additional rules will be
// applied by the rewriter.
int index = i - pruned;
Preconditions.checkState(index >= 0);
ExprRewriter rewriter = analyzer.getExprRewriter();
Expr rewritten = rewriter.rewrite(tmpConjuncts.get(index), analyzer);
// Re-analyze to add implicit casts and update cost
if (!rewritten.isConstant()) {
conjuncts.set(index, rewritten);
tmpConjuncts.set(index, rewritten);
if (++transfers < CONST_PROPAGATION_EXPR_LIMIT) candidates.set(index, true);
// Remove constant boolean literal expressions. N.B. - we may have
// expressions determined to be constant which can not yet be discarded
// because they can't be evaluated if expr rewriting is turned off.
if (IS_NULL_LITERAL.apply(rewritten) ||
IS_FALSE_LITERAL.apply(rewritten)) {
return false;
if (IS_TRUE_LITERAL.apply(rewritten)) {
} catch (AnalysisException e) {
LOG.warn("Not able to analyze after rewrite: " + e.toString() + " conjuncts: " +
// add the conjuncts that need to be preserved
return true;
* Returns true if expr is fully bound by tid, otherwise false.
public boolean isBound(TupleId tid) {
return isBoundByTupleIds(Lists.newArrayList(tid));
* Returns true if expr is fully bound by tids, otherwise false.
public boolean isBoundByTupleIds(List<TupleId> tids) {
for (Expr child: children_) {
if (!child.isBoundByTupleIds(tids)) return false;
return true;
* Returns true if expr is fully bound by slotIds, otherwise false.
public boolean isBoundBySlotIds(List<SlotId> slotIds) {
for (Expr child: children_) {
if (!child.isBoundBySlotIds(slotIds)) return false;
return true;
public static Expr getFirstBoundChild(Expr expr, List<TupleId> tids) {
for (Expr child: expr.getChildren()) {
if (child.isBoundByTupleIds(tids)) return child;
return null;
* Find all unique slot and/or tuple ids referenced by this expr tree.
* @param tupleIds unique tuple IDs from this expr tree are appended here.
* @param slotIds unique slot IDs from this expr tree are appended here.
public void getIds(List<TupleId> tupleIds, List<SlotId> slotIds) {
Set<TupleId> tupleIdSet = new HashSet<>();
Set<SlotId> slotIdSet = new HashSet<>();
getIdsHelper(tupleIdSet, slotIdSet);
if (tupleIds != null) tupleIds.addAll(tupleIdSet);
if (slotIds != null) slotIds.addAll(slotIdSet);
protected void getIdsHelper(Set<TupleId> tupleIds, Set<SlotId> slotIds) {
for (Expr child: children_) {
child.getIdsHelper(tupleIds, slotIds);
public static <C extends Expr> void getIds(List<? extends Expr> exprs,
List<TupleId> tupleIds, List<SlotId> slotIds) {
if (exprs == null) return;
for (Expr e: exprs) {
e.getIds(tupleIds, slotIds);
* Returns true if this expression tree references a slot in the tuple identified
* by tid.
public boolean referencesTuple(TupleId tid) {
// This is the default implementation. Expr subclasses that reference slots in
// tuples, i.e. SlotRef, must override this.
for (Expr child: children_) {
if (child.referencesTuple(tid)) return true;
return false;
* Returns true if this expression should be treated as constant. I.e. if the frontend
* and backend should assume that two evaluations of the expression within a query will
* return the same value. Examples of constant expressions include:
* - Literal values like 1, "foo", or NULL
* - Deterministic operators applied to constant arguments, e.g. 1 + 2, or
* concat("foo", "bar")
* - Functions that should be always return the same value within a query but may
* return different values for different queries. E.g. now(), which we want to
* evaluate only once during planning.
* May incorrectly return true if the expression is not analyzed.
* TODO: isAnalyzed_ should be a precondition for isConstant(), since it is not always
* possible to correctly determine const-ness before analysis (e.g. see
* FunctionCallExpr.isConstant()).
public final boolean isConstant() {
if (isAnalyzed_) return isConstant_;
return isConstantImpl();
* Implements isConstant() - computes the value without using 'isConstant_'.
protected boolean isConstantImpl() {
for (Expr expr : children_) {
if (!expr.isConstant()) return false;
return true;
* Return true if and only if all exprs in 'exprs' are constant.
public static boolean allConstant(List<Expr> exprs) {
for (Expr p: exprs) {
if (!p.isConstant()) return false;
return true;
* Return true if this expr is a scalar subquery.
public boolean isScalarSubquery() {
if (!(this instanceof Subquery)) return false;
Subquery subq = (Subquery) this;
SelectStmt stmt = (SelectStmt) subq.getStatement();
return stmt.returnsAtMostOneRow() && getType().isScalarType();
* Checks whether this expr returns a boolean type or NULL type.
* If not, throws an AnalysisException with an appropriate error message using
* 'name' as a prefix. For example, 'name' could be "WHERE clause".
* The error message only contains this.toSql() if printExpr is true.
public void checkReturnsBool(String name, boolean printExpr) throws AnalysisException {
if (!type_.isBoolean() && !type_.isNull()) {
throw new AnalysisException(
String.format("%s%s requires return type 'BOOLEAN'. " +
"Actual type is '%s'.", name, (printExpr) ? " '" + toSql() + "'" : "",
* Casts this expr to a specific target type. It checks the validity of the cast and
* calls uncheckedCastTo().
* @param targetType
* type to be cast to
* @return cast expression, or converted literal,
* should never return null
* @throws AnalysisException
* when an invalid cast is asked for, for example,
* failure to convert a string literal to a date literal
public final Expr castTo(Type targetType) throws AnalysisException {
Type type = Type.getAssignmentCompatibleType(this.type_, targetType, false, false);
Preconditions.checkState(type.isValid(), "cast %s to %s", this.type_, targetType);
// If the targetType is NULL_TYPE then ignore the cast because NULL_TYPE
// is compatible with all types and no cast is necessary.
if (targetType.isNull()) return this;
if (!targetType.isDecimal()) {
// requested cast must be to assignment-compatible type
// (which implies no loss of precision)
if (!targetType.equals(type)) {
throw new SqlCastException(
"targetType=" + targetType + " type=" + type);
return uncheckedCastTo(targetType);
* Create an expression equivalent to 'this' but returning targetType;
* possibly by inserting an implicit cast,
* or by returning an altogether new expression
* or by returning 'this' with a modified return type'.
* @param targetType
* type to be cast to
* @return cast expression, or converted literal,
* should never return null
* @throws AnalysisException
* when an invalid cast is asked for, for example,
* failure to convert a string literal to a date literal
protected Expr uncheckedCastTo(Type targetType) throws AnalysisException {
return new CastExpr(targetType, this);
* Add a cast expression above child.
* If child is a literal expression, we attempt to
* convert the value of the child directly, and not insert a cast node.
* @param targetType
* type to be cast to
* @param childIndex
* index of child to be cast
public void castChild(Type targetType, int childIndex) throws AnalysisException {
Expr child = getChild(childIndex);
Expr newChild = child.castTo(targetType);
setChild(childIndex, newChild);
* Convert child to to targetType, possibly by inserting an implicit cast, or by
* returning an altogether new expression, or by returning 'this' with a modified
* return type'.
* @param targetType
* type to be cast to
* @param childIndex
* index of child to be cast
protected void uncheckedCastChild(Type targetType, int childIndex)
throws AnalysisException {
Expr child = getChild(childIndex);
Expr newChild = child.uncheckedCastTo(targetType);
setChild(childIndex, newChild);
* Returns child expr if this expr is an implicit cast, otherwise returns 'this'.
public Expr ignoreImplicitCast() { return this; }
* Returns true if 'this' is an implicit cast expr.
public boolean isImplicitCast() { return false; }
public String toString() {
return MoreObjects.toStringHelper(this.getClass())
.add("id", id_)
.add("type", type_)
.add("toSql", toSql(ToSqlOptions.SHOW_IMPLICIT_CASTS))
.add("sel", selectivity_)
.add("evalCost", evalCost_)
.add("#distinct", numDistinctValues_)
* If 'this' is a SlotRef or a Cast that wraps a SlotRef, returns that SlotRef.
* Otherwise returns null.
public SlotRef unwrapSlotRef(boolean implicitOnly) {
Expr unwrappedExpr = unwrapExpr(implicitOnly);
if (unwrappedExpr instanceof SlotRef) return (SlotRef) unwrappedExpr;
return null;
* Returns the first child if this Expr is a CastExpr or builtin cast
* function. Otherwise, returns 'this'.
public Expr unwrapExpr(boolean implicitOnly) {
if ((this instanceof CastExpr
&& (!implicitOnly || ((CastExpr) this).isImplicit()))
|| (this instanceof FunctionCallExpr
&& ((FunctionCallExpr) this).isBuiltinCastFunction())) {
return children_.get(0);
return this;
* Returns the descriptor of the scan slot that directly or indirectly produces
* the values of 'this' SlotRef. Traverses the source exprs of intermediate slot
* descriptors to resolve materialization points (e.g., aggregations).
* Returns null if 'e' or any source expr of 'e' is not a SlotRef or cast SlotRef.
public SlotDescriptor findSrcScanSlot() {
SlotRef slotRef = unwrapSlotRef(false);
if (slotRef == null) return null;
SlotDescriptor slotDesc = slotRef.getDesc();
if (slotDesc.isScanSlot()) return slotDesc;
if (slotDesc.getSourceExprs().size() == 1) {
return slotDesc.getSourceExprs().get(0).findSrcScanSlot();
// No known source expr, or there are several source exprs meaning the slot is
// has no single source table.
return null;
* Pushes negation to the individual operands of a predicate
* tree rooted at 'root'.
public static Expr pushNegationToOperands(Expr root) {
if (IS_NOT_PREDICATE.apply(root)) {
try {
// Make sure we call function 'negate' only on classes that support it,
// otherwise we may recurse infinitely.
return pushNegationToOperands(root.getChild(0).negate());
} catch (NoSuchMethodException e) {
// The 'negate' function is not implemented. Break the recursion.
return root;
if (root instanceof CompoundPredicate) {
Expr left = pushNegationToOperands(root.getChild(0));
Expr right = pushNegationToOperands(root.getChild(1));
CompoundPredicate compoundPredicate =
new CompoundPredicate(((CompoundPredicate)root).getOp(), left, right);
return compoundPredicate;
return root;
* Negates a boolean Expr.
public Expr negate() {
Preconditions.checkState(type_.getPrimitiveType() == PrimitiveType.BOOLEAN);
return new CompoundPredicate(CompoundPredicate.Operator.NOT, this, null);
* Returns the subquery of an expr. Returns null if this expr does not contain
* a subquery.
* TODO: Support predicates with more that one subqueries when we implement
* the independent subquery evaluation.
public Subquery getSubquery() {
if (!contains(Subquery.class)) return null;
List<Subquery> subqueries = new ArrayList<>();
collect(Subquery.class, subqueries);
Preconditions.checkState(subqueries.size() == 1);
return subqueries.get(0);
* Returns true iff all of this Expr's children have their costs set.
protected boolean hasChildCosts() {
for (Expr child : children_) {
if (!child.hasCost()) return false;
return true;
* Computes and returns the sum of the costs of all of this Expr's children.
protected float getChildCosts() {
float cost = 0;
for (Expr child : children_) cost += child.getCost();
return cost;
* Returns the average length of the values produced by an Expr
* of type string. Returns a default for unknown lengths.
protected static double getAvgStringLength(Expr e) {
SlotRef ref = e.unwrapSlotRef(false);
if (ref != null) {
if (ref.getDesc() != null && ref.getDesc().getStats().getAvgSize() > 0) {
return ref.getDesc().getStats().getAvgSize();
} else {
} else if (e instanceof StringLiteral) {
return ((StringLiteral) e).getUnescapedValue().length();
} else {
// TODO(tmarshall): Extend this to support other string Exprs, such as
// function calls that return string.
* Generates a comma-separated string from the toSql() string representations of
* 'exprs'.
public static String listToSql(List<Expr> exprs, ToSqlOptions options) {<Expr, String> toSql =
new<Expr, String>() {
public String apply(Expr arg) {
return arg.toSql(options);
return Joiner.on(",").join(Iterables.transform(exprs, toSql));
public static String getExplainString(
List<? extends Expr> exprs, TExplainLevel detailLevel) {
if (exprs == null) return "";
ToSqlOptions toSqlOptions =
detailLevel.ordinal() >= TExplainLevel.EXTENDED.ordinal() ?
StringBuilder output = new StringBuilder();
for (int i = 0; i < exprs.size(); ++i) {
if (i > 0) output.append(", ");
return output.toString();
* Analyzes and evaluates expression to an integral value, returned as a long.
* Throws if the expression cannot be evaluated or if the value evaluates to null.
* The 'name' parameter is used in exception messages, e.g. "LIMIT expression
* evaluates to NULL".
public long evalToInteger(Analyzer analyzer, String name) throws AnalysisException {
// Check for slotrefs and subqueries before analysis so we can provide a more
// helpful error message.
if (contains(SlotRef.class) || contains(Subquery.class)) {
throw new AnalysisException(name + " expression must be a constant expression: " +
if (!isConstant()) {
throw new AnalysisException(name + " expression must be a constant expression: " +
if (!getType().isIntegerType()) {
throw new AnalysisException(name + " expression must be an integer type but is '" +
getType() + "': " + toSql());
TColumnValue val = null;
try {
val = FeSupport.EvalExprWithoutRow(this, analyzer.getQueryCtx());
} catch (InternalException e) {
throw new AnalysisException("Failed to evaluate expr: " + toSql(), e);
long value;
if (val.isSetLong_val()) {
value = val.getLong_val();
} else if (val.isSetInt_val()) {
value = val.getInt_val();
} else if (val.isSetShort_val()) {
value = val.getShort_val();
} else if (val.isSetByte_val()) {
value = val.getByte_val();
} else {
throw new AnalysisException(name + " expression evaluates to NULL: " + toSql());
return value;
* Analyzes and evaluates expression to a non-negative integral value, returned as a
* long. Throws if the expression cannot be evaluated, if the value evaluates to null,
* or if the result is negative. The 'name' parameter is used in exception messages,
* e.g. "LIMIT expression evaluates to NULL".
public long evalToNonNegativeInteger(Analyzer analyzer, String name)
throws AnalysisException {
long value = evalToInteger(analyzer, name);
if (value < 0) {
throw new AnalysisException(name + " must be a non-negative integer: " +
toSql() + " = " + value);
return value;
public void setPredicateHints(List<PlanHint> hints) {
predicateHints_ = hints;
public List<PlanHint> getPredicateHints() { return predicateHints_; }
// A wrapper method to create null literal. This can be overriden
// in a derived class
protected Expr createNullLiteral() {
return new NullLiteral();
* Subclass that contains query statements, e.g SubQuery, should override this.
public boolean resolveTableMask(Analyzer analyzer) throws AnalysisException {
boolean hasChanges = false;
for (Expr child : children_) {
hasChanges |= child.resolveTableMask(analyzer);
return hasChanges;