blob: 4fd542370abe0b03fcf3dc3c672a6e0b97611d3a [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
// KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
// specific language governing permissions and limitations
// under the License.
package org.apache.impala.analysis;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
import org.apache.hadoop.hive.metastore.api.FieldSchema;
import org.apache.impala.authorization.Privilege;
import org.apache.impala.catalog.Column;
import org.apache.impala.catalog.FeCatalogUtils;
import org.apache.impala.catalog.FeFsPartition;
import org.apache.impala.catalog.FeFsTable;
import org.apache.impala.catalog.FeHBaseTable;
import org.apache.impala.catalog.FeIcebergTable;
import org.apache.impala.catalog.FeTable;
import org.apache.impala.catalog.HdfsFileFormat;
import org.apache.impala.catalog.HdfsPartition.FileDescriptor;
import org.apache.impala.catalog.HdfsTable;
import org.apache.impala.catalog.PartitionStatsUtil;
import org.apache.impala.catalog.Type;
import org.apache.impala.common.AnalysisException;
import org.apache.impala.common.PrintUtils;
import org.apache.impala.common.RuntimeEnv;
import org.apache.impala.planner.HdfsScanNode;
import org.apache.impala.service.BackendConfig;
import org.apache.impala.service.CatalogOpExecutor;
import org.apache.impala.service.FrontendProfile;
import org.apache.impala.thrift.TComputeStatsParams;
import org.apache.impala.thrift.TErrorCode;
import org.apache.impala.thrift.TGetPartitionStatsResponse;
import org.apache.impala.thrift.TPartitionStats;
import org.apache.impala.thrift.TTableName;
import org.apache.impala.thrift.TUnit;
import org.apache.impala.util.MetaStoreUtil;
import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
* Represents the following statements for statistics collection. Which statistics
* are computed and stored depends on the statement type (incremental or not), the
* clauses used (sampling, partition spec), as well as whether stats extrapolation
* is enabled or not.
* Stats extrapolation can be configured:
* - at the impalad level with --enable_stats_extrapolation
* - at the table level HdfsTable.TBL_PROP_ENABLE_STATS_EXTRAPOLATION
* 1. COMPUTE STATS <table> [(col_list)] [TABLESAMPLE SYSTEM(<perc>) [REPEATABLE(<seed>)]]
* - Stats extrapolation enabled:
* Computes and replaces the table-level row count and total file size, as well as all
* table-level column statistics. Existing partition-objects and their row count are
* not modified at all. The TABLESAMPLE clause can be used to limit the scanned data
* volume to a desired percentage. When sampling, the COMPUTE STATS queries directly
* produce extrapolated stats which are then stored in the HMS via the CatalogServer.
* We store extrapolated stats in the HMS so as not to confuse other engines like
* Hive/SparkSQL which may rely on the shared HMS fields representing to the whole
* table and not a sample. See {@link CatalogOpExecutor#getExtrapolatedStatsVal}.
* - Stats extrapolation disabled:
* Computes and replaces the table-level row count and total file size, the row counts
* for all partitions (if applicable), as well as all table-level column statistics.
* The TABLESAMPLE clause is not supported to simplify implementation and testing. In
* particular, we want to avoid implementing and testing code for updating all HMS
* partitions to set the extrapolated numRows statistic. Altering many partitions is
* expensive and so should be avoided in favor of enabling extrapolation.
* By default, statistics are computed for all columns. To control which columns are
* analyzed, a whitelist of columns names can be optionally specified.
* - Stats extrapolation enabled:
* Not supported for now to keep the logic/code simple.
* - Stats extrapolation disabled:
* Computes and replaces the table and partition-level row counts. Computes mergeable
* per-partition column statistics (HLL intermediate state) and stores them in the HMS.
* Computes and replaces the table-level column statistics by merging the
* partition-level column statistics.
* Instead of recomputing those statistics for all partitions, this command reuses
* existing statistics from partitions which already have incremental statistics.
* If a set of partitions is specified, then the incremental statistics for those
* partitions are recomputed (then merged into the table-level statistics).
* TODO: Allow more coarse (db)
* TODO: Compute stats on complex types.
public class ComputeStatsStmt extends StatementBase {
private static final Logger LOG = Logger.getLogger(ComputeStatsStmt.class);
private static String AVRO_SCHEMA_MSG_PREFIX = "Cannot COMPUTE STATS on Avro table " +
"'%s' because its column definitions do not match those in the Avro schema.";
private static String AVRO_SCHEMA_MSG_SUFFIX = "Please re-create the table with " +
"column definitions, e.g., using the result of 'SHOW CREATE TABLE'";
// Metrics collected when fetching incremental statistics from Catalogd. All metrics
// are per query.
private static final String STATS_FETCH_PREFIX = "StatsFetch";
// Time (ms) needed to fetch all partitions stats from catalogd.
private static final String STATS_FETCH_TIME = STATS_FETCH_PREFIX + ".Time";
// Number of compressed bytes received for all partitions.
private static final String STATS_FETCH_COMPRESSED_BYTES =
STATS_FETCH_PREFIX + ".CompressedBytes";
// Number of partitions sent from Catalogd.
private static final String STATS_FETCH_TOTAL_PARTITIONS =
STATS_FETCH_PREFIX + ".TotalPartitions";
// Number of partitions sent from Catalogd that include statistics.
private static final String STATS_FETCH_NUM_PARTITIONS_WITH_STATS =
STATS_FETCH_PREFIX + ".NumPartitionsWithStats";
// The maximum number of partitions that may be explicitly selected by filter
// predicates. Any query that selects more than this automatically drops back to a full
// incremental stats recomputation.
// TODO: We can probably do better than this, e.g. running several queries, each of
// which selects up to MAX_INCREMENTAL_PARTITIONS partitions.
private static final int MAX_INCREMENTAL_PARTITIONS = 1000;
protected final TableName tableName_;
protected final TableSampleClause sampleParams_;
// Set during analysis.
protected FeTable table_;
// Effective sampling percent based on the total number of bytes in the files sample.
// Set to -1 for non-HDFS tables or if TABLESAMPLE was not specified.
// We run the regular COMPUTE STATS for 0.0 and 1.0 where sampling has no benefit.
protected double effectiveSamplePerc_ = -1;
// Query for getting the per-partition row count and the total row count.
// Set during analysis.
protected String tableStatsQueryStr_;
// Query for getting the per-column NDVs and number of NULLs.
// Set during analysis.
protected String columnStatsQueryStr_;
// If true, stats will be gathered incrementally per-partition.
private boolean isIncremental_;
// If true, expect the compute stats process to produce output for all partitions in the
// target table. In that case, 'expectedPartitions_' will be empty. The point of this
// flag is to optimize the case where all partitions are targeted.
// False for unpartitioned HDFS tables, non-HDFS tables or when stats extrapolation
// is enabled.
private boolean expectAllPartitions_;
// The list of valid partition statistics that can be used in an incremental computation
// without themselves being recomputed. Populated in analyze().
private final List<TPartitionStats> validPartStats_ = new ArrayList<>();
// For incremental computations, the list of partitions (identified by list of partition
// column values) that we expect to receive results for. Used to ensure that even empty
// partitions emit results.
// TODO: Consider using partition IDs (and adding them to the child queries with a
// PARTITION_ID() builtin)
private final List<List<String>> expectedPartitions_ = new ArrayList<>();
// If non-null, partitions that an incremental computation might apply to. Must be
// null if this is a non-incremental computation.
private PartitionSet partitionSet_;
// If non-null, represents the user-specified list of columns for computing statistics.
// Not supported for incremental statistics.
private List<String> columnWhitelist_;
// The set of columns to be analyzed. Each column is valid: it must exist in the table
// schema, it must be of a type that can be analyzed, and cannot refer to a partitioning
// column for HDFS tables. If the set is null, no columns are restricted.
private Set<Column> validatedColumnWhitelist_;
* Should only be constructed via static creation functions.
private ComputeStatsStmt(TableName tableName, TableSampleClause sampleParams,
boolean isIncremental, PartitionSet partitionSet, List<String> columns) {
Preconditions.checkState(tableName != null && !tableName.isEmpty());
Preconditions.checkState(isIncremental || partitionSet == null);
Preconditions.checkState(!isIncremental || sampleParams == null);
tableName_ = tableName;
sampleParams_ = sampleParams;
table_ = null;
isIncremental_ = isIncremental;
partitionSet_ = partitionSet;
columnWhitelist_ = columns;
if (partitionSet_ != null) {
public void collectTableRefs(List<TableRef> tblRefs) {
tblRefs.add(new TableRef(tableName_.toPath(), null));
* Returns a stmt for COMPUTE STATS. The optional 'sampleParams' indicates whether the
* stats should be computed with table sampling.
public static ComputeStatsStmt createStatsStmt(TableName tableName,
TableSampleClause sampleParams, List<String> columns) {
return new ComputeStatsStmt(tableName, sampleParams, false, null, columns);
* Returns a stmt for COMPUTE INCREMENTAL STATS. The optional 'partitionSet' specifies a
* set of partitions whose stats should be computed.
public static ComputeStatsStmt createIncrementalStatsStmt(TableName tableName,
PartitionSet partitionSet, List<String> columns) {
return new ComputeStatsStmt(tableName, null, true, partitionSet, columns);
private List<String> getBaseColumnStatsQuerySelectList(Analyzer analyzer) {
List<String> columnStatsSelectList = new ArrayList<>();
// For Hdfs tables, exclude partition columns from stats gathering because Hive
// cannot store them as part of the non-partition column stats. For HBase tables,
// include the single clustering column (the row key).
int startColIdx = (table_ instanceof FeHBaseTable) ? 0 :
// Verify that the table is Parquet.
boolean computeMinMax = analyzer.getQueryCtx()
&& hasAtLeastOneParquetPartition();
for (int i = startColIdx; i < table_.getColumns().size(); ++i) {
Column c = table_.getColumns().get(i);
if (validatedColumnWhitelist_ != null && !validatedColumnWhitelist_.contains(c)) {
if (ignoreColumn(c)) continue;
// NDV approximation function. Add explicit alias for later identification when
// updating the Metastore.
String colRefSql = ToSqlUtils.getIdentSql(c.getName());
if (isIncremental_) {
columnStatsSelectList.add("NDV_NO_FINALIZE(" + colRefSql + ") AS " + colRefSql);
} else if (isSampling()) {
columnStatsSelectList.add(String.format("SAMPLED_NDV(%s, %.10f) AS %s",
colRefSql, effectiveSamplePerc_, colRefSql));
} else {
// Regular (non-incremental) compute stats without sampling.
columnStatsSelectList.add("NDV(" + colRefSql + ") AS " + colRefSql);
// Count the number of NULL values.
columnStatsSelectList.add("COUNT(CASE WHEN " + colRefSql +
// For STRING columns also compute the max and avg string length.
Type type = c.getType();
if (type.isStringType()) {
columnStatsSelectList.add("MAX(length(" + colRefSql + "))");
columnStatsSelectList.add("AVG(length(" + colRefSql + "))");
} else {
// For non-STRING columns we use the fixed size of the type.
// We store the same information for all types to avoid having to
// treat STRING columns specially in the BE CatalogOpExecutor.
Integer typeSize = type.getPrimitiveType().getSlotSize();
columnStatsSelectList.add("CAST(" + typeSize.toString() + " as DOUBLE)");
if (isIncremental_) {
// Need the count in order to properly combine per-partition column stats
columnStatsSelectList.add("COUNT(" + colRefSql + ")");
// For boolean column, compute the numTrue and numFalse
if (type.isBoolean()) {
} else {
// Finally, compute the min and max. NULLs in the column are ignored unless
// all values are NULL in which case a NULL value will be produced.
// Do it only for INTEGERS, DOUBLES, DECIMAL and DATE types as they can be
// stored in LongColumnStatsData, DoubleColumnStatsData,
// DecimalColumnStatsData or DateColumnStatsData in HMS.
String min_expr = null;
String max_expr = null;
if (computeMinMax && MetaStoreUtil.canStoreMinmaxInHMS(type)) {
min_expr = "MIN(" + colRefSql + ")";
max_expr = "MAX(" + colRefSql + ")";
} else {
min_expr = "NULL";
max_expr = "NULL";
return columnStatsSelectList;
* Constructs two SQL queries for computing the row-count and column statistics and
* sets them in 'tableStatsQueryStr_' and 'columnStatsQueryStr_', respectively.
* The queries are generated as follows.
* 1. Regular COMPUTE STATS (not incremental and no sampling)
* 1.1 Row counts:
* SELECT COUNT(*) FROM tbl [GROUP BY part_col1, part_col2 ...]
* The GROUP BY clause is added if the target is a partitioned HDFS table and
* stats extrapolation is disabled. Otherwise, no GROUP BY is used.
* 1.2 Column stats:
* SELECT NDV(c1), CAST(-1 as typeof(c1)), MAX(length(c1)), AVG(length(c1)),
* NDV(c2), CAST(-1 as typeof(c2)), MAX(length(c2)), AVG(length(c2)),
* ...
* FROM tbl
* 2.1 Row counts:
* SELECT CAST(ROUND(COUNT(*) / <effective_sample_perc>) AS BIGINT)
* FROM tbl TABLESAMPLE SYSTEM(<sample_perc>) REPEATABLE (<random_seed>)
* 2.1 Column stats:
* SELECT SAMPLED_NDV(c1, p), CAST(-1 as typeof(c1)), MAX(length(c1)), AVG(length(c1)),
* SAMPLED_NDV(c2, p), CAST(-1 as typeof(c2)), MAX(length(c2)), AVG(length(c2)),
* ...
* FROM tbl TABLESAMPLE SYSTEM(<sample_perc>) REPEATABLE (<random_seed>)
* SAMPLED_NDV() is a specialized aggregation function that estimates the NDV based on
* a sample. The "p" passed to the SAMPLED_NDV() is the effective sampling rate.
* 3.1 Row counts:
* SELECT COUNT(*) FROM tbl GROUP BY part_col1, part_col2 ...
* [WHERE ((part_col1 = p1_val1) AND (part_col2 = p1_val2)) OR
* ((part_col1 = p2_val1) AND (part_col2 = p2_val2)) OR ...]
* The WHERE clause is constructed to select the relevant partitions.
* 3.2 Column stats:
* SELECT NDV_NO_FINALIZE(c1), <nulls, max, avg>, COUNT(c1),
* NDV_NO_FINALIZE(c2), <nulls, max, avg>, COUNT(c2),
* ...
* FROM tbl
* GROUP BY part_col1, part_col2, ...
* [WHERE ((part_col1 = p1_val1) AND (part_col2 = p1_val2)) OR
* ((part_col1 = p2_val1) AND (part_col2 = p2_val2)) OR ...]
* The WHERE clause is constructed to select the relevant partitions.
* NDV_NO_FINALIZE() produces a non-finalized HyperLogLog intermediate byte array.
* 4. For all COMPUTE STATS variants:
* - The MAX() and AVG() for the column stats queries are only relevant for var-len
* columns like STRING. For fixed-len columns MAX() and AVG() are replaced with the
* appropriate literals.
* - Queries will be set to null if we can detect that no work needs to be performed.
public void analyze(Analyzer analyzer) throws AnalysisException {
// Resolve and analyze this table ref so we can evaluate partition predicates.
TableRef tableRef = new TableRef(tableName_.toPath(), null, Privilege.ALTER);
tableRef = analyzer.resolveTableRef(tableRef);
if (tableRef instanceof InlineViewRef) {
throw new AnalysisException(String.format(
"COMPUTE STATS not supported for view: %s", tableName_));
if (tableRef instanceof CollectionTableRef) {
throw new AnalysisException(String.format(
"COMPUTE STATS not supported for nested collection: %s", tableName_));
table_ = analyzer.getTable(tableName_, Privilege.ALTER, Privilege.SELECT);
if (!(table_ instanceof FeFsTable)) {
if (partitionSet_ != null) {
throw new AnalysisException("COMPUTE INCREMENTAL ... PARTITION not supported " +
"for non-HDFS table " + tableName_);
isIncremental_ = false;
if (columnWhitelist_ != null) {
validatedColumnWhitelist_ = new HashSet<>();
for (String colName : columnWhitelist_) {
Column col = table_.getColumn(colName);
if (col == null) {
throw new AnalysisException(colName + " not found in table: " +
if (table_ instanceof FeFsTable && table_.isClusteringColumn(col)) {
throw new AnalysisException("COMPUTE STATS not supported for partitioning " +
"column " + col.getName() + " of HDFS table.");
if (ignoreColumn(col)) {
throw new AnalysisException("COMPUTE STATS not supported for column " +
col.getName() + " of complex type:" + col.getType().toSql());
FeFsTable hdfsTable = null;
if (table_ instanceof FeFsTable) {
hdfsTable = (FeFsTable)table_;
if (hdfsTable.usesAvroSchemaOverride()) checkIncompleteAvroSchema(hdfsTable);
if (isIncremental_ && hdfsTable.getNumClusteringCols() == 0 &&
partitionSet_ != null) {
throw new AnalysisException(String.format(
"Can't compute PARTITION stats on an unpartitioned table: %s",
} else if (partitionSet_ != null) {
Preconditions.checkState(tableRef instanceof BaseTableRef);
// For incremental stats, estimate the size of intermediate stats and report an
// error if the estimate is greater than --inc_stats_size_limit_bytes in bytes
if (isIncremental_) {
long numOfAllIncStatsPartitions = 0;
Collection<? extends FeFsPartition> allPartitions =
if (partitionSet_ == null) {
numOfAllIncStatsPartitions = allPartitions.size();
} else {
Set<Long> partIds =
for (FeFsPartition part: partitionSet_.getPartitions()) {
// incremental statistics size = Existing partition statistics
// - Repeated calculation partition stats
// + This time calculation partition stats
for (FeFsPartition part: allPartitions) {
// The partition has incremental stats, and the partition is not calculated
// this time. It is "Existing partition statistics
// - Repeated calculation partition stats"
if (part.hasIncrementalStats() && !partIds.contains(part.getId())) {
// This time calculation partition stats
numOfAllIncStatsPartitions += partitionSet_.getPartitions().size();
long incStatMaxSize = BackendConfig.INSTANCE.getIncStatsMaxSize();
// The size of the existing stats and the stats to be calculated
long statsSizeEstimate = hdfsTable.getColumns().size() *
numOfAllIncStatsPartitions * HdfsTable.STATS_SIZE_PER_COLUMN_BYTES;
if (statsSizeEstimate > incStatMaxSize) {
LOG.error("Incremental stats size estimate for table " + hdfsTable.getName() +
" exceeded " + incStatMaxSize + ", estimate = "
+ statsSizeEstimate);
throw new AnalysisException("Incremental stats size estimate exceeds "
+ PrintUtils.printBytes(incStatMaxSize)
+ ". Please try COMPUTE STATS instead.");
// Build partition filters that only select partitions without valid statistics for
// incremental computation.
List<String> filterPreds = new ArrayList<>();
if (isIncremental_) {
if (partitionSet_ == null) {
// If any column does not have stats, we recompute statistics for all partitions
// TODO: need a better way to invalidate stats for all partitions, so that we can
// use this logic to only recompute new / changed columns.
boolean tableIsMissingColStats = false;
// We'll warn the user if a column is missing stats (and therefore we rescan the
// whole table), but if all columns are missing stats, the table just doesn't
// have any stats and there's no need to warn.
boolean allColumnsMissingStats = true;
String exampleColumnMissingStats = null;
// Partition columns always have stats, so exclude them from this search
for (Column col: table_.getNonClusteringColumns()) {
if (ignoreColumn(col)) continue;
if (!col.getStats().hasStats()) {
if (!tableIsMissingColStats) {
tableIsMissingColStats = true;
exampleColumnMissingStats = col.getName();
} else {
allColumnsMissingStats = false;
if (tableIsMissingColStats && !allColumnsMissingStats) {
analyzer.addWarning("Column " + exampleColumnMissingStats +
" does not have statistics, recomputing stats for the whole table");
// Get incremental statistics from all relevant partitions.
Collection<? extends FeFsPartition> allPartitions =
Map<Long, TPartitionStats> partitionStats =
getOrFetchPartitionStats(analyzer, hdfsTable, allPartitions,
/* excludedPartitions= */ Collections.<Long>emptySet());
for (FeFsPartition p: allPartitions) {
TPartitionStats partStats = partitionStats.get(p.getId());
if (partStats == null || tableIsMissingColStats) {
if (!tableIsMissingColStats) filterPreds.add(p.getConjunctSql());
// TODO(vercegovac): check what happens when "NULL" is used as a partitioning
// value.
List<String> partValues = PartitionKeyValue.getPartitionKeyValueStringList(
p.getPartitionValues(), "NULL");
} else {
if (expectedPartitions_.size() == hdfsTable.getPartitions().size()) {
expectAllPartitions_ = true;
} else {
// Always compute stats on a set of partitions when told to.
for (FeFsPartition targetPartition: partitionSet_.getPartitions()) {
List<String> partValues = PartitionKeyValue.getPartitionKeyValueStringList(
targetPartition.getPartitionValues(), "NULL");
// Create a hash set out of partitionSet_ for O(1) lookups.
// TODO(todd) avoid loading all partitions.
Set<Long> targetPartitions =
for (FeFsPartition p: partitionSet_.getPartitions()) {
// Get incremental statistics for partitions that are not recomputed.
Collection<? extends FeFsPartition> allPartitions =
Map<Long, TPartitionStats> partitionStats = getOrFetchPartitionStats(
analyzer, hdfsTable, allPartitions, targetPartitions);
if (filterPreds.size() == 0 && validPartStats_.size() != 0) {
if (LOG.isTraceEnabled()) {
LOG.trace("No partitions selected for incremental stats update");
analyzer.addWarning("No partitions selected for incremental stats update");
} else {
// Not computing incremental stats.
expectAllPartitions_ = true;
if (table_ instanceof FeFsTable) {
expectAllPartitions_ = !FeFsTable.Utils.isStatsExtrapolationEnabled(
(FeFsTable) table_);
if (filterPreds.size() > MAX_INCREMENTAL_PARTITIONS) {
// TODO: Consider simply running for MAX_INCREMENTAL_PARTITIONS partitions, and then
// advising the user to iterate.
"Too many partitions selected, doing full recomputation of incremental stats");
// Tablesample clause to be used for all child queries.
String tableSampleSql = analyzeTableSampleClause(analyzer);
// Query for getting the per-partition row count and the total row count.
StringBuilder tableStatsQueryBuilder = new StringBuilder("SELECT ");
String countSql = "COUNT(*)";
if (isSampling()) {
// Extrapolate the count based on the effective sampling rate. Add an explicit CAST
// to BIGINT, which is the expected data type for row count.
countSql = String.format("CAST(ROUND(COUNT(*) / %.10f) AS BIGINT)",
List<String> tableStatsSelectList = Lists.newArrayList(countSql);
// Add group by columns for incremental stats or with extrapolation disabled.
List<String> groupByCols = new ArrayList<>();
if (!updateTableStatsOnly()) {
for (Column partCol: hdfsTable.getClusteringColumns()) {
tableStatsQueryBuilder.append(Joiner.on(", ").join(tableStatsSelectList));
tableStatsQueryBuilder.append(" FROM " + tableName_.toSql() + tableSampleSql);
// Query for getting the per-column NDVs and number of NULLs.
List<String> columnStatsSelectList = getBaseColumnStatsQuerySelectList(analyzer);
if (isIncremental_) columnStatsSelectList.addAll(groupByCols);
StringBuilder columnStatsQueryBuilder = new StringBuilder("SELECT ");
columnStatsQueryBuilder.append(Joiner.on(", ").join(columnStatsSelectList));
columnStatsQueryBuilder.append(" FROM " + tableName_.toSql() + tableSampleSql);
// Add the WHERE clause to filter out partitions that we don't want to compute
// incremental stats for. While this is a win in most situations, we would like to
// avoid this where it does no useful work (i.e. it selects all rows). This happens
// when there are no existing valid partitions (so all partitions will have been
// selected in) and there is no partition spec (so no single partition was explicitly
// selected in).
if (filterPreds.size() > 0 &&
(validPartStats_.size() > 0 || partitionSet_ != null)) {
String filterClause = " WHERE " + Joiner.on(" OR ").join(filterPreds);
if (groupByCols.size() > 0) {
String groupBy = " GROUP BY " + Joiner.on(", ").join(groupByCols);
if (isIncremental_) columnStatsQueryBuilder.append(groupBy);
tableStatsQueryStr_ = tableStatsQueryBuilder.toString();
if (LOG.isTraceEnabled()) LOG.trace("Table stats query: " + tableStatsQueryStr_);
if (columnStatsSelectList.isEmpty()) {
// Table doesn't have any columns that we can compute stats for.
if (LOG.isTraceEnabled()) {
LOG.trace("No supported column types in table " + table_.getTableName() +
", no column statistics will be gathered.");
columnStatsQueryStr_ = null;
columnStatsQueryStr_ = columnStatsQueryBuilder.toString();
if (LOG.isTraceEnabled()) LOG.trace("Column stats query: " + columnStatsQueryStr_);
* Get partition statistics from the list of partitions, omitting those in
* excludedPartitions and those for which incremental statistics are not present.
* If incremental stats data is not present already in the local catlaog,
* partition statistics are fetched from the catalog daemon.
private static Map<Long, TPartitionStats> getOrFetchPartitionStats(Analyzer analyzer,
FeFsTable table, Collection<? extends FeFsPartition> partitions,
Set<Long> excludedPartitions) throws AnalysisException {
int expectedNumStats = partitions.size() - excludedPartitions.size();
Preconditions.checkArgument(expectedNumStats >= 0);
// Incremental stats are already present locally when using LocalCatalog
// or when testing. TODO(IMPALA-7535) fetch incremental stats separately
// for LocalCatlaog as well.
if (!BackendConfig.INSTANCE.getBackendCfg().use_local_catalog
&& !RuntimeEnv.INSTANCE.isTestEnv()) {
// We're configured to fetch the statistics from catalogd, so collect the relevant
// partition ids.
List<FeFsPartition> partitionsToFetch = new ArrayList<>();
for (FeFsPartition p: partitions) {
if (excludedPartitions.contains(p.getId())) continue;
// Gets the partition stats from catalogd.
return fetchPartitionStats(analyzer, table, partitionsToFetch);
// Get the statistics directly from the partition, if present.
Map<Long, TPartitionStats> ret = Maps.newHashMapWithExpectedSize(expectedNumStats);
for (FeFsPartition p: partitions) {
if (excludedPartitions.contains(p.getId())) continue;
if (!p.hasIncrementalStats()) continue;
TPartitionStats stats = p.getPartitionStats();
ret.put(p.getId(), stats);
return ret;
* Fetches statistics for the partitions specified from the target table directly
* from catalogd. The partition statistics that are returned are the ones where:
* - incremental statistics are present
* - the partition is whitelisted in 'partitions'
* - the partition is present in the local impalad catalog
* TODO(vercegovac): Look into parallelizing the fetch while child-queries are
* running. Easiest would be to move this fetch to the backend.
private static Map<Long, TPartitionStats> fetchPartitionStats(Analyzer analyzer,
FeFsTable table, List<FeFsPartition> partitions) throws AnalysisException {
if (partitions.isEmpty()) return Collections.emptyMap();
Stopwatch sw = Stopwatch.createStarted();
int numCompressedBytes = 0;
int totalPartitions = 0;
int numPartitionsWithStats = 0;
try {
TGetPartitionStatsResponse response =
if (response.status.status_code != TErrorCode.OK) {
throw new AnalysisException(
"Error fetching partition statistics: " + response.status.toString());
if (!response.isSetPartition_stats()) return Collections.emptyMap();
// The response from catalogd is from a version of the table that may be newer
// than the local, impalad catalog. As a result, the response might include
// partitions not present locally and might not include partitions that are
// present locally. After stats are computed, they are sent to catalogd to update
// the HMS and catalog state. The catalogd already handles the case where the list
// of partitions are out of sync (see CatalogOpExecutor#alterTableUpdateStats).
// As a result, at most those partitions in the intersection between remote and
// local catalogs are returned.
Map<Long, TPartitionStats> partitionStats =
totalPartitions = partitions.size();
for (FeFsPartition part: partitions) {
ByteBuffer compressedStats = response.partition_stats.get(
if (compressedStats != null) {
byte[] compressedStatsBytes = new byte[compressedStats.remaining()];
numCompressedBytes += compressedStatsBytes.length;
TPartitionStats remoteStats =
compressedStatsBytes, part);
if (remoteStats != null && remoteStats.isSetIntermediate_col_stats()) {
partitionStats.put(part.getId(), remoteStats);
return partitionStats;
} catch (Exception e) {
Throwables.propagateIfInstanceOf(e, AnalysisException.class);
throw new AnalysisException("Error fetching partition statistics", e);
} finally {
recordFetchMetrics(numCompressedBytes, totalPartitions, numPartitionsWithStats, sw);
* Adds metrics to the frontend profile when fetching incremental stats from catalogd.
private static void recordFetchMetrics(int numCompressedBytes,
int totalPartitions, int numPartitionsWithStats, Stopwatch stopwatch) {
FrontendProfile profile = FrontendProfile.getCurrentOrNull();
if (profile == null) return;
profile.addToCounter(STATS_FETCH_COMPRESSED_BYTES, TUnit.BYTES, numCompressedBytes);
profile.addToCounter(STATS_FETCH_TOTAL_PARTITIONS, TUnit.NONE, totalPartitions);
profile.addToCounter(STATS_FETCH_TIME, TUnit.TIME_MS,
* Analyzes the TABLESAMPLE clause and computes the files sample to set
* 'effectiveSamplePerc_'.
* Returns the TABLESAMPLE SQL to be used for all child queries or an empty string if
* not sampling. If sampling, the returned SQL includes a fixed random seed so all
* child queries generate a consistent sample, even if the user did not originally
* specify REPEATABLE.
* Returns the empty string if this statement has no TABLESAMPLE clause or if
* the effective sampling rate is 0.0 or 1.0 (see isSampling()).
private String analyzeTableSampleClause(Analyzer analyzer) throws AnalysisException {
if (sampleParams_ == null) return "";
if (!(table_ instanceof FeFsTable)) {
throw new AnalysisException("TABLESAMPLE is only supported on HDFS tables.");
FeFsTable hdfsTable = (FeFsTable) table_;
if (!FeFsTable.Utils.isStatsExtrapolationEnabled(hdfsTable)) {
throw new AnalysisException(String.format(
"COMPUTE STATS TABLESAMPLE requires stats extrapolation which is disabled.\n" +
"Stats extrapolation can be enabled service-wide with %s=true or by altering " +
"the table to have tblproperty %s=true",
long sampleSeed;
if (sampleParams_.hasRandomSeed()) {
sampleSeed = sampleParams_.getRandomSeed();
} else {
sampleSeed = System.currentTimeMillis();
// Compute the sample of files and set 'sampleFileBytes_'.
long minSampleBytes = analyzer.getQueryOptions().compute_stats_min_sample_size;
long samplePerc = sampleParams_.getPercentBytes();
// TODO(todd): can we avoid loading all the partitions for this?
Collection<? extends FeFsPartition> partitions =
Map<HdfsScanNode.SampledPartitionMetadata, List<FileDescriptor>> sample =
partitions, samplePerc, minSampleBytes, sampleSeed);
long sampleFileBytes = 0;
for (List<FileDescriptor> fds: sample.values()) {
for (FileDescriptor fd: fds) sampleFileBytes += fd.getFileLength();
// Compute effective sampling percent.
long totalFileBytes = ((FeFsTable)table_).getTotalHdfsBytes();
if (totalFileBytes > 0) {
effectiveSamplePerc_ = (double) sampleFileBytes / (double) totalFileBytes;
} else {
effectiveSamplePerc_ = 0;
Preconditions.checkState(effectiveSamplePerc_ >= 0.0 && effectiveSamplePerc_ <= 1.0);
// Warn if we will ignore TABLESAMPLE and run the regular COMPUTE STATS.
if (effectiveSamplePerc_ == 1.0) {
"Ignoring TABLESAMPLE because the effective sampling rate is 100%%.\n" +
"The minimum sample size is COMPUTE_STATS_MIN_SAMPLE_SIZE=%s " +
"and the table size %s",
PrintUtils.printBytes(minSampleBytes), PrintUtils.printBytes(totalFileBytes)));
if (!isSampling()) return "";
return " " + sampleParams_.toSql(sampleSeed);
* Checks whether the column definitions from the CREATE TABLE stmt match the columns
* in the Avro schema. If there is a mismatch, then COMPUTE STATS cannot update the
* statistics in the Metastore's backend DB due to HIVE-6308. Throws an
* AnalysisException for such ill-created Avro tables. Does nothing if
* the column definitions match the Avro schema exactly.
private void checkIncompleteAvroSchema(FeFsTable table) throws AnalysisException {
org.apache.hadoop.hive.metastore.api.Table msTable = table.getMetaStoreTable();
// The column definitions from 'CREATE TABLE (column definitions) ...'
Iterator<FieldSchema> colDefs = msTable.getSd().getCols().iterator();
// The columns derived from the Avro schema file or literal schema.
// Inconsistencies between the Avro-schema columns and the column definitions
// are sometimes resolved in the CREATE TABLE, and sometimes not (see below).
Iterator<Column> avroSchemaCols = table.getColumns().iterator();
// Skip partition columns from 'table' since those are not present in
// the msTable field schemas.
for (int i = 0; i < table.getNumClusteringCols(); ++i) {
if (avroSchemaCols.hasNext());
int pos = 0;
while (colDefs.hasNext() || avroSchemaCols.hasNext()) {
if (colDefs.hasNext() && avroSchemaCols.hasNext()) {
FieldSchema colDef =;
Column avroSchemaCol =;
// Check that the column names are identical. Ignore mismatched types
// as those will either fail in the scan or succeed.
if (!colDef.getName().equalsIgnoreCase(avroSchemaCol.getName())) {
throw new AnalysisException(
"\nDefinition of column '%s' of type '%s' does not match " +
"the Avro-schema column '%s' of type '%s' at position '%s'.\n" +
table.getName(), colDef.getName(), colDef.getType(),
avroSchemaCol.getName(), avroSchemaCol.getType(), pos));
// The following two cases are typically not possible because Hive resolves
// inconsistencies between the column-definition list and the Avro schema if a
// column-definition list was given in the CREATE TABLE (having no column
// definitions at all results in HIVE-6308). Even so, we check these cases for
// extra safety. COMPUTE STATS could be made to succeed in special instances of
// the cases below but we chose to throw an AnalysisException to avoid confusion
// because this scenario "should" never arise as mentioned above.
if (colDefs.hasNext() && !avroSchemaCols.hasNext()) {
FieldSchema colDef =;
throw new AnalysisException(
"\nMissing Avro-schema column corresponding to column " +
"definition '%s' of type '%s' at position '%s'.\n" +
table.getName(), colDef.getName(), colDef.getType(), pos));
if (!colDefs.hasNext() && avroSchemaCols.hasNext()) {
Column avroSchemaCol =;
throw new AnalysisException(
"\nMissing column definition corresponding to Avro-schema " +
"column '%s' of type '%s' at position '%s'.\n" +
table.getName(), avroSchemaCol.getName(), avroSchemaCol.getType(), pos));
* Returns true if we are only updating statistics at the table level and not at
* the partition level.
private boolean updateTableStatsOnly() {
if (!(table_ instanceof FeFsTable)) return true;
return !isIncremental_ && FeFsTable.Utils.isStatsExtrapolationEnabled(
(FeFsTable) table_);
* Returns true if this COMPUTE STATS statement should perform sampling.
* Returns false if TABLESAMPLE was not specified (effectiveSamplePerc_ == -1)
* or if the effective sampling percent is 0% or 100% where sampling has no benefit.
private boolean isSampling() {
Preconditions.checkState(effectiveSamplePerc_ == -1
|| effectiveSamplePerc_ >= 0.0 || effectiveSamplePerc_ <= 1.0);
return effectiveSamplePerc_ > 0.0 && effectiveSamplePerc_ < 1.0;
* Returns true if the given column should be ignored for the purpose of computing
* column stats. Columns with an invalid/unsupported/complex type are ignored.
* For example, complex types in an HBase-backed table will appear as invalid types.
private boolean ignoreColumn(Column c) {
Type t = c.getType();
return !t.isValid() || !t.isSupported() || t.isComplexType();
public double getEffectiveSamplingPerc() { return effectiveSamplePerc_; }
* For testing.
public String getTblStatsQuery() { return tableStatsQueryStr_; }
public String getColStatsQuery() { return columnStatsQueryStr_; }
public Set<Column> getValidatedColumnWhitelist() { return validatedColumnWhitelist_; }
* Returns true if this statement computes stats on Parquet/HUDI_PARQUET/ORC partitions
* only, false otherwise.
public boolean isColumnar() {
if (!(table_ instanceof FeFsTable)) return false;
Collection<? extends FeFsPartition> affectedPartitions = null;
if (partitionSet_ != null) {
affectedPartitions = partitionSet_.getPartitions();
} else {
FeFsTable hdfsTable = (FeFsTable)table_;
affectedPartitions = FeCatalogUtils.loadAllPartitions(hdfsTable);
for (FeFsPartition partition: affectedPartitions) {
if (partition.getFileFormat() != HdfsFileFormat.PARQUET
&& partition.getFileFormat() != HdfsFileFormat.HUDI_PARQUET
&& partition.getFileFormat() != HdfsFileFormat.ORC)
return false;
if (table_ instanceof FeIcebergTable) {
return FeIcebergTable.Utils.isColumnar((FeIcebergTable) table_);
return true;
* Returns true if this statement computes stats on a table with at least one Parquet
* partition, false otherwise.
public boolean hasAtLeastOneParquetPartition() {
if (!(table_ instanceof FeFsTable)) return false;
FeFsTable hdfsTable = (FeFsTable) table_;
Set<Long> partitionIds = hdfsTable.getPartitionIds();
if (partitionIds.size() > 0) {
for (Long partitionId : partitionIds) {
FeFsPartition partition = FeCatalogUtils.loadPartition(hdfsTable, partitionId);
if (partition.getFileFormat().isParquetBased()) {
return true;
} else {
Collection<? extends FeFsPartition> allPartitions =
for (FeFsPartition partition : allPartitions) {
if (partition.getFileFormat().isParquetBased()) {
return true;
return false;
public String toSql(ToSqlOptions options) {
if (!isIncremental_) {
StringBuilder columnList = new StringBuilder();
if (columnWhitelist_ != null) {
columnList.append(Joiner.on(", ").join(columnWhitelist_));
String tblsmpl = "";
if (sampleParams_ != null) tblsmpl = " " + sampleParams_.toSql(options);
return "COMPUTE STATS " + tableName_.toSql() + columnList.toString() + tblsmpl;
} else {
return "COMPUTE INCREMENTAL STATS " + tableName_.toSql()
+ (partitionSet_ == null ? "" : partitionSet_.toSql(options));
public TComputeStatsParams toThrift() {
TComputeStatsParams params = new TComputeStatsParams();
params.setTable_name(new TTableName(table_.getDb().getName(), table_.getName()));
if (columnStatsQueryStr_ != null) {
} else {
if (!expectAllPartitions_) params.setExpected_partitions(expectedPartitions_);
if (isIncremental_) {
if (table_ instanceof FeFsTable) {
return params;