blob: 4e3aefe4b9505763f76a19c5f6118ab1f535ba46 [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
// KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
// specific language governing permissions and limitations
// under the License.
#include <string>
#include <boost/scoped_ptr.hpp>
#include <boost/shared_ptr.hpp>
#include <boost/thread/mutex.hpp>
#include <boost/thread/shared_mutex.hpp>
#include "gen-cpp/StatestoreService.h"
#include "gen-cpp/StatestoreSubscriber.h"
#include "rpc/thrift-client.h"
#include "rpc/thrift-util.h"
#include "statestore/statestore.h"
#include "statestore/statestore-service-client-wrapper.h"
#include "util/stopwatch.h"
#include "gen-cpp/StatestoreService.h"
#include "gen-cpp/StatestoreSubscriber.h"
namespace impala {
class Status;
class TimeoutFailureDetector;
class Thread;
class ThriftServer;
class TNetworkAddress;
typedef ClientCache<StatestoreServiceClientWrapper> StatestoreClientCache;
/// A StatestoreSubscriber communicates with a statestore periodically through the exchange
/// of topic update messages. These messages contain updates from the statestore to a list
/// of 'topics' that the subscriber is interested in; in response the subscriber sends a
/// list of changes that it wishes to make to a topic. The statestore also sends more
/// frequent 'heartbeat' messages that confirm the connection between statestore and
/// subscriber is still active.
/// Clients of the subscriber register topics of interest, and a function to call once an
/// update has been received. Each callback may optionally add one or more updates to a
/// list of topic updates to be sent back to the statestore. See AddTopic for the
/// requirements placed on these callbacks.
/// Topics must be subscribed to before the subscriber is connected to the statestore:
/// there is no way to add a new subscription after the subscriber has successfully
/// registered.
/// If the subscriber does not receive heartbeats from the statestore within a configurable
/// period of time, the subscriber enters 'recovery mode', where it continually attempts to
/// re-register with the statestore. Recovery mode is not triggered if a heartbeat takes a
/// long time to process locally.
class StatestoreSubscriber {
/// Only constructor.
/// subscriber_id - should be unique across the cluster, identifies this subscriber
/// heartbeat_address - the local address on which the heartbeat service which
/// communicates with the statestore should be started.
/// statestore_address - the address of the statestore to register with
StatestoreSubscriber(const std::string& subscriber_id,
const TNetworkAddress& heartbeat_address,
const TNetworkAddress& statestore_address,
MetricGroup* metrics);
/// A TopicDeltaMap is passed to each callback. See UpdateCallback for more details.
typedef std::map<Statestore::TopicId, TTopicDelta> TopicDeltaMap;
/// Function called to update a service with new state. Called in a
/// separate thread to the one in which it is registered.
/// Every UpdateCallback is invoked every time that an update for the
/// topic is received from the statestore. Therefore the callback should
/// not assume that the TopicDeltaMap contains an entry for their
/// particular topic of interest.
/// If a delta for a particular topic does not have the 'is_delta'
/// flag set, clients should assume that the delta contains the
/// entire known state for that topic. This occurs particularly after
/// statestore failure, and usually clients will need to republish
/// any local state that is missing.
/// Callbacks may publish new updates to any topic via the
/// topic_updates parameter, although updates for unknown topics
/// (i.e. those with no subscribers) will be ignored.
typedef boost::function<void (const TopicDeltaMap& state,
std::vector<TTopicDelta>* topic_updates)> UpdateCallback;
/// Adds a topic to the set of topics that updates will be received
/// for. When a topic update is received, the supplied UpdateCallback
/// will be invoked. Therefore clients should ensure that it is safe
/// to invoke callback for the entire lifetime of the subscriber; in
/// particular this means that the subscriber should be torn-down
/// before any objects that own callbacks.
/// Must be called before Start(), in which case it will return
/// Status::OK. Otherwise an error will be returned.
Status AddTopic(const Statestore::TopicId& topic_id, bool is_transient,
bool populate_min_subscriber_topic_version, std::string filter_prefix,
const UpdateCallback& callback);
/// Registers this subscriber with the statestore, and starts the
/// heartbeat service, as well as a thread to check for failure and
/// initiate recovery mode.
/// Returns OK unless some error occurred, like a failure to connect.
Status Start();
/// Return the port that the subscriber is listening on.
int heartbeat_port() const { return heartbeat_address_.port; }
const std::string& id() const { return subscriber_id_; }
/// Returns true if the statestore has recovered and the configurable post-recovery
/// grace period has not yet elapsed.
bool IsInPostRecoveryGracePeriod() const;
/// Unique, but opaque, identifier for this subscriber.
const std::string subscriber_id_;
/// Address of the statestore
TNetworkAddress statestore_address_;
/// Implementation of the heartbeat thrift interface, which proxies
/// calls onto this object.
boost::shared_ptr<StatestoreSubscriberIf> thrift_iface_;
/// Container for the heartbeat server.
std::shared_ptr<ThriftServer> heartbeat_server_;
/// Failure detector that tracks heartbeat messages from the statestore.
boost::scoped_ptr<impala::TimeoutFailureDetector> failure_detector_;
/// Thread in which RecoveryModeChecker runs.
std::unique_ptr<Thread> recovery_mode_thread_;
/// statestore client cache - only one client is ever used. Initialized in constructor.
boost::scoped_ptr<StatestoreClientCache> client_cache_;
/// MetricGroup instance that all metrics are registered in. Not owned by this class.
MetricGroup* metrics_;
/// Metric to indicate if we are successfully registered with the statestore
BooleanProperty* connected_to_statestore_metric_;
/// Metric to count the total number of connection failures to the statestore
IntCounter* connection_failure_metric_;
/// Amount of time last spent in recovery mode
DoubleGauge* last_recovery_duration_metric_;
/// When the last recovery happened.
StringProperty* last_recovery_time_metric_;
/// Accumulated statistics on the frequency of topic-update messages, including samples
/// from all topics.
StatsMetric<double>* topic_update_interval_metric_;
/// Accumulated statistics on the time taken to process each topic-update message from
/// the statestore (that is, to call all callbacks)
StatsMetric<double>* topic_update_duration_metric_;
/// Accumulated statistics on the frequency of heartbeat messages
StatsMetric<double>* heartbeat_interval_metric_;
/// Tracks the time between heartbeat messages. Only updated by Heartbeat(), which
/// should not run concurrently with itself.
MonotonicStopWatch heartbeat_interval_timer_;
/// Current registration ID, in string form.
StringProperty* registration_id_metric_;
/// Object-wide lock that protects the below members. Must be held exclusively when
/// modifying the members, except when modifying TopicRegistrations - see
/// TopicRegistration::update_lock for details of locking there. Held in shared mode
/// when processing topic updates to prevent concurrent updates to other state. Most
/// private methods must be called holding this lock; this is noted in the method
/// comments.
boost::shared_mutex lock_;
/// Address that the heartbeat service should be started on. Initialised in constructor,
/// updated in Start() with the actual port if the wildcard port 0 was specified.
/// If FLAGS_statestore_subscriber_use_resolved_address is true, this is set to the
/// resolved IP address in Start().
TNetworkAddress heartbeat_address_;
/// Set to true after Register(...) is successful, after which no
/// more topics may be subscribed to.
bool is_registered_;
/// Protects registration_id_. Must be taken after lock_ if both are to be taken
/// together.
boost::mutex registration_id_lock_;
/// Set during Register(), this is the unique ID of the current registration with the
/// statestore. If this subscriber must recover, or disconnects and then reconnects, the
/// registration_id_ will change after Register() is called again. This allows the
/// subscriber to reject communication from the statestore that pertains to a previous
/// registration.
RegistrationId registration_id_;
/// Monotonic timestamp of the last successful registration.
AtomicInt64 last_registration_ms_{0};
struct TopicRegistration {
/// Held when processing a topic update. 'StatestoreSubscriber::lock_' must be held in
/// shared mode before acquiring this lock. If taking multiple update locks, they must
/// be acquired in ascending order of topic name.
boost::mutex update_lock;
/// Whether the subscriber considers this topic to be "transient", that is any updates
/// it makes will be deleted upon failure or disconnection.
bool is_transient = false;
/// Whether this subscriber needs the min_subscriber_topic_version field to be filled
/// in on updates.
bool populate_min_subscriber_topic_version = false;
/// Only subscribe to keys with the provided prefix.
string filter_prefix;
/// The last version of the topic this subscriber processed.
/// -1 if no updates have been processed yet.
int64_t current_topic_version = -1;
/// Owned by the MetricGroup instance. Tracks how long callbacks took to process this
/// topic.
StatsMetric<double>* processing_time_metric = nullptr;
/// Tracks the time between topic-update messages to update 'update_interval_metric'.
MonotonicStopWatch update_interval_timer;
/// Owned by the MetricGroup instances. Tracks the time between the end of the last
/// update RPC for this topic and the start of the next.
StatsMetric<double>* update_interval_metric = nullptr;
/// Callback for all services that have registered for updates.
std::vector<UpdateCallback> callbacks;
/// One entry for every topic subscribed to. 'lock_' must be held exclusively to add or
/// remove entries from the map or held as a shared lock to lookup entries in the map.
/// Modifications to the contents of each TopicRegistration is protected by
/// TopicRegistration::update_lock.
boost::unordered_map<Statestore::TopicId, TopicRegistration> topic_registrations_;
/// Subscriber thrift implementation, needs to access UpdateState
friend class StatestoreSubscriberThriftIf;
/// Called when the statestore sends a topic update. Each registered callback is called
/// in turn with the given map of incoming_topic_deltas from the statestore. Each
/// TTopicDelta sent from the statestore to the subscriber will contain the topic name, a
/// list of additions to the topic, a list of deletions from the topic, and the version
/// range the update covers. A from_version of 0 indicates a non-delta update. In
/// response, any updates to the topic by the subscriber are aggregated in
/// subscriber_topic_updates and returned to the statestore. Each update is a TTopicDelta
/// that contains a list of additions to the topic and a list of deletions from the
/// topic. Additionally, if a subscriber has received an unexpected delta update version
/// range, they can request a new delta update by setting the "from_version" field of the
/// TTopicDelta response. The next statestore update will be based off the version the
/// subscriber responds with. If the subscriber is in recovery mode, this method returns
/// immediately.
/// Returns an error if some error was encountered (e.g. the supplied registration ID was
/// unexpected), and OK otherwise. The output parameter 'skipped' is set to true if the
/// subscriber chose not to process this topic-update (if, for example, a concurrent
/// update was being processed, or if the subscriber currently believes it is
/// recovering). Doing so indicates that no topics were updated during this call.
Status UpdateState(const TopicDeltaMap& incoming_topic_deltas,
const RegistrationId& registration_id,
std::vector<TTopicDelta>* subscriber_topic_updates, bool* skipped);
/// Called when the statestore sends a heartbeat message. Updates the failure detector.
void Heartbeat(const RegistrationId& registration_id);
/// Run in a separate thread. In a loop, check failure_detector_ to see if the statestore
/// is still sending heartbeat messages. If not, enter 'recovery mode' where a
/// reconnection is repeatedly attempted. Once reconnected, all existing subscriptions
/// and services are reregistered and normal operation resumes.
/// During recovery mode, any public methods that are started will block on lock_, which
/// is only released when recovery finishes. In practice, all registrations are made
/// early in the life of an impalad before the statestore could be detected as failed.
[[noreturn]] void RecoveryModeChecker();
/// Creates a client of the remote statestore and sends a list of
/// topics to register for. Returns OK unless there is some problem
/// connecting, or the statestore reports an error.
Status Register();
/// Returns OK if registration_id == registration_id_, or if registration_id_ is not yet
/// set, an error otherwise. Used to confirm that RPCs from the statestore are intended
/// for the current registration epoch.
Status CheckRegistrationId(const RegistrationId& registration_id);
int64_t MilliSecondsSinceLastRegistration() const {
return MonotonicMillis() - last_registration_ms_.Load();