blob: 48332e1e72269c8ae8c19bd491791394c4edc59f [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
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// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
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#include <atomic>
#include <cstdint>
#include "kudu/gutil/macros.h"
#include "kudu/gutil/port.h"
namespace kudu {
namespace striped64 {
namespace internal {
// Padded POD container for atomic<int64_t>. This prevents false sharing of cache lines.
class Cell {
static constexpr int kAtomicInt64Size = sizeof(std::atomic<int64_t>);
inline bool CompareAndSet(int64_t cmp, int64_t value) {
return value_.compare_exchange_weak(cmp, value);
// Padding advice from Herb Sutter:
std::atomic<int64_t> value_;
char pad[CACHELINE_SIZE > kAtomicInt64Size ?
CACHELINE_SIZE - kAtomicInt64Size : 1];
} // namespace internal
} // namespace striped64
// This set of classes is heavily derived from JSR166e, released into the public domain
// by Doug Lea and the other authors.
// See:
// See:
// The Striped64 and LongAdder implementations here are simplified versions of what's present in
// JSR166e. However, the core ideas remain the same.
// Updating a single AtomicInteger in a multi-threaded environment can be quite slow:
// 1. False sharing of cache lines with other counters.
// 2. Cache line bouncing from high update rates, especially with many cores.
// These two problems are addressed by Striped64. When there is no contention, it uses CAS on a
// single base counter to store updates. However, when Striped64 detects contention
// (via a failed CAS operation), it will allocate a small, fixed size hashtable of Cells.
// A Cell is a simple POD that pads out an atomic<int64_t> to 64 bytes to prevent
// sharing a cache line.
// Reading the value of a Striped64 requires traversing the hashtable to calculate the true sum.
// Each updating thread uses a thread-local hashcode to determine its Cell in the hashtable.
// If a thread fails to CAS its hashed Cell, it will do a lightweight rehash operation to try
// and find an uncontended bucket. Because the hashcode is thread-local, this rehash affects all
// Striped64's accessed by the thread. This is good, since contention on one Striped64 is
// indicative of contention elsewhere too.
// The hashtable is statically sized to the nearest power of 2 greater than or equal to the
// number of CPUs. This is sufficient, since this guarantees the existence of a perfect hash
// function. Due to the random rehashing, the threads should eventually converge to this function.
// In practice, this scheme has shown to be sufficient.
// The biggest simplification of this implementation compared to JSR166e is that we do not
// dynamically grow the table, instead immediately allocating it to the full size.
// We also do not lazily allocate each Cell, instead allocating the entire array at once.
// This means we waste some additional memory in low contention scenarios, and initial allocation
// will also be slower. Some of the micro-optimizations were also elided for readability.
class Striped64 {
Striped64() = default;
// NOTE: the destructor is not virtual so that we can ensure that Striped64
// has no vtable, thus reducing its size. We make it protected to ensure that
// no one attempts to delete a Striped64* and invokes the wrong destructor.
enum Rehash {
// CAS the base field.
bool CasBase(int64_t cmp, int64_t val) { return base_.compare_exchange_weak(cmp, val); }
// Handles cases of updates involving initialization, resizing, creating new Cells, and/or
// contention. See above for further explanation.
// 'Updater' should be a function which takes the current value and returns
// the new value.
template<class Updater>
void RetryUpdate(Rehash to_rehash, Updater updater);
// Sets base and all cells to the given value.
void InternalReset(int64_t initial_value);
// Base value, used mainly when there is no contention, but also as a fallback during
// table initialization races. Updated via CAS.
std::atomic<int64_t> base_ { 0 };
// Table of cells. When non-null, size is the nearest power of 2 >= NCPU.
// If this is set to -1, the pointer is 'locked' and some thread is in the
// process of allocating the array.
std::atomic<striped64::internal::Cell*> cells_ { nullptr };
static uint64_t get_tls_hashcode();
// Static hash code per-thread. Shared across all instances to limit thread-local pollution.
// Also, if a thread hits a collision on one Striped64, it's also likely to collide on
// other Striped64s too.
static __thread uint64_t tls_hashcode_;
// A 64-bit number optimized for high-volume concurrent updates.
// See Striped64 for a longer explanation of the inner workings.
class LongAdder : Striped64 {
LongAdder() {}
void IncrementBy(int64_t x);
void Increment() { IncrementBy(1); }
void Decrement() { IncrementBy(-1); }
// Returns the current value.
// Note this is not an atomic snapshot in the presence of concurrent updates.
int64_t Value() const;
// Resets the counter state to zero.
void Reset() { InternalReset(0); }
int64_t CombineValue(int64_t current_value, int64_t new_value) {
return current_value + new_value;
} // namespace kudu