blob: e8c94eafde974edef761f96e4a5f9f7b590fdf6c [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
// KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
// specific language governing permissions and limitations
// under the License.
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <cstdint>
#include <cstring>
#include <functional>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <glog/logging.h>
#include "kudu/gutil/macros.h"
#include "kudu/gutil/strings/fastmem.h"
#include "kudu/util/status.h"
namespace kudu {
template <typename T> class ArrayView;
class MonoTime;
class StackTrace;
class StackTraceCollector;
namespace stack_trace_internal {
struct SignalData;
// Return true if coverage is enabled.
bool IsCoverageBuild();
// Try to flush coverage info. If another thread is already flushing
// coverage, this returns without doing anything, since flushing coverage
// is not thread-safe or re-entrant.
void TryFlushCoverage();
// Return a list of all of the thread IDs currently running in this process.
// Not async-safe.
Status ListThreads(std::vector<pid_t>* tids);
// Set which POSIX signal number should be used internally for triggering
// stack traces. If the specified signal handler is already in use, this
// returns an error, and stack traces will be disabled.
Status SetStackTraceSignal(int signum);
// Return the stack trace of the given thread, stringified and symbolized.
// Note that the symbolization happens on the calling thread, not the target
// thread, so this is relatively low-impact on the target.
// This is safe to use against the current thread, the main thread, or any other
// thread. It requires that the target thread has not blocked POSIX signals. If
// it has, an error message will be returned.
// This function is thread-safe.
// NOTE: if Kudu is running inside a debugger, this can be annoying to a developer since
// it internally uses signals that will cause the debugger to stop. Consider checking
// 'IsBeingDebugged()' from os-util.h before using this function for non-critical use
// cases.
std::string DumpThreadStack(int64_t tid);
// Capture the thread stack of another thread
// NOTE: if Kudu is running inside a debugger, this can be annoying to a developer since
// it internally uses signals that will cause the debugger to stop. Consider checking
// 'IsBeingDebugged()' from os-util.h before using this function for non-critical use
// cases.
Status GetThreadStack(int64_t tid, StackTrace* stack);
// Return the current stack trace, stringified.
std::string GetStackTrace();
// Return the current stack trace, in hex form. This is significantly
// faster than GetStackTrace() above, so should be used in performance-critical
// places like TRACE() calls. If you really need blazing-fast speed, though,
// use HexStackTraceToString() into a stack-allocated buffer instead --
// this call causes a heap allocation for the std::string.
// Note that this is much more useful in the context of a static binary,
// since addr2line wouldn't know where shared libraries were mapped at
// runtime.
std::string GetStackTraceHex();
// This is the same as GetStackTraceHex(), except multi-line in a format that
// looks very similar to GetStackTrace() but without symbols. Because it's in
// that format, the tool in the kudu build-support
// directory can symbolize it automatically (to the extent that addr2line(1)
// is able to find the symbols).
std::string GetLogFormatStackTraceHex();
// Collect the current stack trace in hex form into the given buffer.
// The resulting trace just includes the hex addresses, space-separated. This is suitable
// for later stringification by pasting into 'addr2line' for example.
// This function is async-safe.
void HexStackTraceToString(char* buf, size_t size);
// Efficient class for collecting and later stringifying a stack trace.
// Requires external synchronization.
class StackTrace {
// Constructs a new (uncollected) stack trace.
: num_frames_(0) {
// Resets the stack trace to an uncollected state.
void Reset() {
num_frames_ = 0;
// Returns true if Collect() (but not Reset()) has been called on this stack trace.
bool HasCollected() const {
return num_frames_ > 0;
// Copies the contents of 's' into this stack trace.
void CopyFrom(const StackTrace& s) {
memcpy(this, &s, sizeof(s));
// Returns true if the stack trace 's' matches this trace.
bool Equals(const StackTrace& s) const {
return s.num_frames_ == num_frames_ &&
strings::memeq(frames_, s.frames_,
num_frames_ * sizeof(frames_[0]));
// Comparison operator for use in sorting.
bool LessThan(const StackTrace& s) const;
// Collect and store the current stack trace. Skips the top 'skip_frames' frames
// from the stack. For example, a value of '1' will skip whichever function
// called the 'Collect()' function. The 'Collect' function itself is always skipped.
// This function is async-safe.
void Collect(int skip_frames = 0);
int num_frames() const {
return num_frames_;
void* frame(int i) const {
DCHECK_LE(i, num_frames_);
return frames_[i];
enum Flags {
// Do not fix up the addresses on the stack to try to point to the 'call'
// instructions instead of the return address. This is necessary when dumping
// addresses to be interpreted by 'pprof', which does this fix-up itself.
// Prefix each hex address with '0x'. This is required by the go version
// of pprof when parsing stack traces.
HEX_0X_PREFIX = 1 << 1,
// Stringify the trace into the given buffer.
// The resulting output is hex addresses suitable for passing into 'addr2line'
// later.
// Async-safe.
void StringifyToHex(char* buf, size_t size, int flags = 0) const;
// Same as above, but returning a std::string.
// This is not async-safe.
std::string ToHexString(int flags = 0) const;
// Return a string with a symbolized backtrace in a format suitable for
// printing to a log file.
// This is not async-safe.
std::string Symbolize() const;
// Return a string with a hex-only backtrace in the format typically used in
// log files. Similar to the format given by Symbolize(), but symbols are not
// resolved (only the hex addresses are given).
std::string ToLogFormatHexString() const;
uint64_t HashCode() const;
enum {
// The maximum number of stack frames to collect.
kMaxFrames = 16,
// The max number of characters any frame requires in string form.
kHexEntryLength = 16
int num_frames_;
void* frames_[kMaxFrames];
// Utility class for gathering a process-wide snapshot of the stack traces
// of all threads.
class StackTraceSnapshot {
// The information about each thread will be gathered in a struct.
struct ThreadInfo {
// The TID of the thread.
int64_t tid;
// The status of collection. If a thread exits during collection or
// was blocking signals, it's possible to have an error here.
Status status;
// The name of the thread.
// May be missing if 'status' is not OK or if thread name collection was
// disabled.
std::string thread_name;
// The current stack trace of the thread.
// Always missing if 'status' is not OK.
StackTrace stack;
using VisitorFunc = std::function<void(ArrayView<ThreadInfo> group)>;
void set_capture_thread_names(bool c) {
capture_thread_names_ = c;
// Snapshot the stack traces of all threads in the process. This may return a bad
// Status in the case that stack traces aren't supported on the platform, or if
// the process is running inside a debugger.
// NOTE: this may take some time and should not be called in a latency-sensitive
// context.
Status SnapshotAllStacks();
// After having collected stacks, visit them, grouped by shared
// stack trace. The visitor function will be called once per group.
// Each group is guaranteed to be non-empty.
// Any threads which failed to collect traces are returned as a single group
// having empty stack traces.
// REQUIRES: a previous successful call to SnapshotAllStacks().
void VisitGroups(const VisitorFunc& visitor);
// Return the number of threads which were interrogated for a stack trace.
// NOTE: this includes threads which failed to collect.
int num_threads() const { return infos_.size(); }
// Return the number of threads which failed to collect a stack trace.
int num_failed() const { return num_failed_; }
std::vector<StackTraceSnapshot::ThreadInfo> infos_;
std::vector<StackTraceCollector> collectors_;
int num_failed_ = 0;
bool capture_thread_names_ = true;
// Class to collect the stack trace of another thread within this process.
// This allows for more advanced use cases than 'DumpThreadStack(tid)' above.
// Namely, this provides an asynchronous trigger/collect API so that many
// stack traces can be collected from many different threads in parallel using
// different instances of this object.
class StackTraceCollector {
StackTraceCollector() = default;
StackTraceCollector(StackTraceCollector&& other) noexcept;
// Send the asynchronous request to the the thread with TID 'tid'
// to collect its stack trace into '*stack'.
// NOTE: 'stack' must remain a valid pointer until AwaitCollection() has
// completed.
// Returns OK if the signal was sent successfully.
Status TriggerAsync(int64_t tid, StackTrace* stack);
// Wait for the stack trace to be collected from the target thread.
// REQUIRES: TriggerAsync() has returned successfully.
Status AwaitCollection(MonoTime deadline);
// Safely sets 'sig_data_' back to nullptr after having sent an asynchronous
// stack trace request. See implementation for details.
// Returns true if the stack trace was collected before revocation
// and false if it was not.
// POSTCONDITION: sig_data_ == nullptr
bool RevokeSigData();
int64_t tid_ = 0;
stack_trace_internal::SignalData* sig_data_ = nullptr;
} // namespace kudu