blob: 00abc2869c44195bc08638196f5a8e7b2b7a9804 [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
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// under the License.
#include <stdint.h>
/// For StringParser::ParseResult
#include "util/string-parser.h"
#include "udf/udf.h"
namespace impala {
using impala_udf::FunctionContext;
using impala_udf::TinyIntVal;
using impala_udf::SmallIntVal;
using impala_udf::IntVal;
using impala_udf::BigIntVal;
using impala_udf::FloatVal;
using impala_udf::DoubleVal;
using impala_udf::TimestampVal;
using impala_udf::StringVal;
using impala_udf::DecimalVal;
using impala_udf::DateVal;
class Expr;
struct ExprValue;
class TupleRow;
class MathFunctions {
static DoubleVal Pi(FunctionContext*);
static DoubleVal E(FunctionContext*);
static DoubleVal Abs(FunctionContext*, const DoubleVal&);
static FloatVal Abs(FunctionContext*, const FloatVal&);
// For integer math, we have to promote ABS() to the next highest integer type because
// in two's complement arithmetic, the largest negative value for any bit width is not
// representable as a positive value within the same width. For the largest width, we
// simply overflow. In the unlikely event a workaround is needed, one can simply cast
// to a higher precision decimal type.
static BigIntVal Abs(FunctionContext*, const BigIntVal&);
static BigIntVal Abs(FunctionContext*, const IntVal&);
static IntVal Abs(FunctionContext*, const SmallIntVal&);
static SmallIntVal Abs(FunctionContext*, const TinyIntVal&);
static DoubleVal Sin(FunctionContext*, const DoubleVal&);
static DoubleVal Asin(FunctionContext*, const DoubleVal&);
static DoubleVal Cos(FunctionContext*, const DoubleVal&);
static DoubleVal Acos(FunctionContext*, const DoubleVal&);
static DoubleVal Tan(FunctionContext*, const DoubleVal&);
static DoubleVal Cot(FunctionContext*, const DoubleVal&);
static DoubleVal Atan(FunctionContext*, const DoubleVal&);
static DoubleVal Atan2(FunctionContext*, const DoubleVal&, const DoubleVal&);
static DoubleVal Cosh(FunctionContext*, const DoubleVal&);
static DoubleVal Tanh(FunctionContext*, const DoubleVal&);
static DoubleVal Sinh(FunctionContext*, const DoubleVal&);
static DoubleVal Sqrt(FunctionContext*, const DoubleVal&);
static DoubleVal Exp(FunctionContext*, const DoubleVal&);
static DoubleVal Ceil(FunctionContext*, const DoubleVal&);
static DoubleVal Floor(FunctionContext*, const DoubleVal&);
static DoubleVal Truncate(FunctionContext*, const DoubleVal&);
static DoubleVal Ln(FunctionContext*, const DoubleVal&);
static DoubleVal Log10(FunctionContext*, const DoubleVal&);
static DoubleVal Sign(FunctionContext*, const DoubleVal&);
static DoubleVal Radians(FunctionContext*, const DoubleVal&);
static DoubleVal Degrees(FunctionContext*, const DoubleVal&);
static DoubleVal Round(FunctionContext*, const DoubleVal&);
static DoubleVal RoundUpTo(FunctionContext*, const DoubleVal&, const BigIntVal&);
static DoubleVal Log2(FunctionContext*, const DoubleVal&);
static DoubleVal Log(FunctionContext*, const DoubleVal& base, const DoubleVal& val);
static DoubleVal Pow(FunctionContext*, const DoubleVal& base, const DoubleVal& val);
/// Used for both Rand() and RandSeed()
static void RandPrepare(FunctionContext*, FunctionContext::FunctionStateScope);
static DoubleVal Rand(FunctionContext*);
static DoubleVal RandSeed(FunctionContext*, const BigIntVal& seed);
static void RandClose(FunctionContext*, FunctionContext::FunctionStateScope);
static StringVal Bin(FunctionContext*, const BigIntVal&);
static StringVal HexInt(FunctionContext*, const BigIntVal&);
static StringVal HexString(FunctionContext*, const StringVal&);
static StringVal Unhex(FunctionContext*, const StringVal&);
static StringVal ConvInt(FunctionContext*, const BigIntVal& n,
const TinyIntVal& src_base, const TinyIntVal& dst_base);
static StringVal ConvString(FunctionContext*, const StringVal& s,
const TinyIntVal& src_base, const TinyIntVal& dst_base);
static BigIntVal PmodBigInt(FunctionContext*, const BigIntVal&, const BigIntVal&);
static DoubleVal PmodDouble(FunctionContext*, const DoubleVal&, const DoubleVal&);
static FloatVal FmodFloat(FunctionContext*, const FloatVal&, const FloatVal&);
static DoubleVal FmodDouble(FunctionContext*, const DoubleVal&, const DoubleVal&);
template <typename T> static T Positive(FunctionContext*, const T&);
template <typename T> static T Negative(FunctionContext*, const T&);
static BigIntVal QuotientDouble(FunctionContext*, const DoubleVal&, const DoubleVal&);
static BigIntVal QuotientBigInt(FunctionContext*, const BigIntVal&, const BigIntVal&);
template <typename VAL_TYPE, bool ISLEAST>
static VAL_TYPE LeastGreatest(FunctionContext*, int num_args, const VAL_TYPE* args);
template <bool ISLEAST> static StringVal LeastGreatest(
FunctionContext*, int num_args, const StringVal* args);
template <bool ISLEAST> static TimestampVal LeastGreatest(
FunctionContext*, int num_args, const TimestampVal* args);
template <bool ISLEAST> static DecimalVal LeastGreatest(
FunctionContext*, int num_args, const DecimalVal* args);
template <bool ISLEAST> static DateVal LeastGreatest(
FunctionContext*, int num_args, const DateVal* args);
static BigIntVal WidthBucket(FunctionContext* ctx, const DecimalVal& expr,
const DecimalVal& min_range, const DecimalVal& max_range,
const IntVal& num_buckets);
static const int32_t MIN_BASE = 2;
static const int32_t MAX_BASE = 36;
static const char* ALPHANUMERIC_CHARS;
/// Converts src_num in decimal to dest_base.
static StringVal DecimalToBase(FunctionContext*, int64_t src_num, int8_t dest_base);
/// Converts src_num representing a number in src_base but encoded in decimal
/// into its actual decimal number.
/// For example, if src_num is 21 and src_base is 5,
/// then this function sets *result to 2*5^1 + 1*5^0 = 11.
/// Returns false if overflow occurred, true upon success.
static bool DecimalInBaseToDecimal(int64_t src_num, int8_t src_base, int64_t* result);
/// Helper function used in Conv to implement behavior consistent
/// with MySQL and Hive in case of numeric overflow during Conv.
/// Inspects parse_res, and in case of overflow sets num to MAXINT64 if dest_base
/// is positive, otherwise to -1.
/// Returns true if no parse_res == PARSE_SUCCESS || parse_res == PARSE_OVERFLOW.
/// Returns false otherwise, indicating some other error condition.
static bool HandleParseResult(int8_t dest_base, int64_t* num,
StringParser::ParseResult parse_res);
/// This function creates equiwidth histograms , where the histogram range
/// is divided into num_buckets buckets having identical sizes. This function
/// returns the bucket in which the expr value would fall. min_val and
/// max_val are the minimum and maximum value of the histogram range
/// respectively.
template <typename T1>
static BigIntVal WidthBucketImpl(FunctionContext* ctx,const T1& expr,
const T1& min_range,const T1& max_range, const IntVal& num_buckets);