blob: 2cb06020fdc3ad412a61001b05e1eacc76003d27 [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
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// specific language governing permissions and limitations
// under the License.
#include <memory>
#include <vector>
#include <boost/unordered_set.hpp>
#include "runtime/coordinator.h"
#include "gen-cpp/ImpalaInternalService_types.h"
#include "gen-cpp/PlanNodes_types.h"
#include "gen-cpp/Types_types.h"
namespace impala {
class MemTracker;
/// Represents a runtime filter target.
struct Coordinator::FilterTarget {
TPlanNodeId node_id;
bool is_local;
bool is_bound_by_partition_columns;
int fragment_idx;
FilterTarget(const TRuntimeFilterTargetDesc& desc, int f_idx)
: node_id(desc.node_id),
fragment_idx(f_idx) {}
/// State of runtime filters that are received for aggregation. A runtime filter will
/// contain a bloom or min-max filter.
/// A broadcast join filter is published as soon as the first update is received for it
/// and subsequent updates are ignored (as they will be the same).
/// Updates for a partitioned join filter are aggregated and then published once
/// 'pending_count' reaches 0 and if the filter was not disabled before that.
/// A filter is disabled if an always_true filter update is received, an OOM is hit,
/// filter aggregation is complete or if the query is complete.
/// Once a filter is disabled, subsequent updates for that filter are ignored.
class Coordinator::FilterState {
FilterState(const TRuntimeFilterDesc& desc, const TPlanNodeId& src)
: desc_(desc), src_(src), pending_count_(0), first_arrival_time_(0L),
completion_time_(0L) {
// bloom_filter_ is a disjunction so the unit value is always_false.
bloom_filter_.always_false = true;
min_max_filter_.always_false = true;
TBloomFilter& bloom_filter() { return bloom_filter_; }
TMinMaxFilter& min_max_filter() { return min_max_filter_; }
boost::unordered_set<int>* src_fragment_instance_idxs() {
return &src_fragment_instance_idxs_;
const boost::unordered_set<int>& src_fragment_instance_idxs() const {
return src_fragment_instance_idxs_;
std::vector<FilterTarget>* targets() { return &targets_; }
const std::vector<FilterTarget>& targets() const { return targets_; }
int64_t first_arrival_time() const { return first_arrival_time_; }
int64_t completion_time() const { return completion_time_; }
const TPlanNodeId& src() const { return src_; }
const TRuntimeFilterDesc& desc() const { return desc_; }
bool is_bloom_filter() const { return desc_.type == TRuntimeFilterType::BLOOM; }
bool is_min_max_filter() const { return desc_.type == TRuntimeFilterType::MIN_MAX; }
int pending_count() const { return pending_count_; }
void set_pending_count(int pending_count) { pending_count_ = pending_count; }
bool disabled() const {
if (is_bloom_filter()) {
return bloom_filter_.always_true;
} else {
return min_max_filter_.always_true;
/// Aggregates partitioned join filters and updates memory consumption.
/// Disables filter if always_true filter is received or OOM is hit.
void ApplyUpdate(const TUpdateFilterParams& params, Coordinator* coord);
/// Disables a filter. A disabled filter consumes no memory.
void Disable(MemTracker* tracker);
/// Contains the specification of the runtime filter.
TRuntimeFilterDesc desc_;
TPlanNodeId src_;
std::vector<FilterTarget> targets_;
// Indices of source fragment instances (as returned by GetInstanceIdx()).
boost::unordered_set<int> src_fragment_instance_idxs_;
/// Number of remaining backends to hear from before filter is complete.
int pending_count_;
/// Filters aggregated from all source plan nodes, to be broadcast to all
/// destination plan fragment instances. Only set for partitioned joins (broadcast joins
/// need no aggregation).
/// In order to avoid memory spikes, an incoming filter is moved (vs. copied) to the
/// output structure in the case of a broadcast join. Similarly, for partitioned joins,
/// the filter is moved from the following member to the output structure.
TBloomFilter bloom_filter_;
TMinMaxFilter min_max_filter_;
/// Time at which first local filter arrived.
int64_t first_arrival_time_;
/// Time at which all local filters arrived.
int64_t completion_time_;
/// TODO: Add a per-object lock so that we can avoid holding the global filter_lock_
/// for every filter update.