blob: 565b5fa15dcadfadeeb5a0a56c4021afed3ad534 [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
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#include <set>
#include <vector>
#include <boost/scoped_ptr.hpp>
#include <boost/function.hpp>
#include "common/global-types.h"
#include "common/status.h"
#include "gutil/macros.h"
#include "runtime/bufferpool/buffer-pool.h"
#include "runtime/row-batch.h"
namespace impala {
class MemTracker;
class RuntimeState;
class RowDescriptor;
class SlotDescriptor;
class Tuple;
class TupleRow;
/// Class that provides an abstraction for a stream of tuple rows backed by BufferPool
/// Pages. Rows can be added to the stream and read back. Rows are returned in the order
/// they are added.
/// The BufferedTupleStream is *not* thread safe from the caller's point of view.
/// Different threads should not concurrently call methods of the same BufferedTupleStream
/// object.
/// Reading and writing the stream:
/// The stream supports two modes of reading/writing, depending on whether
/// PrepareForWrite() is called to initialize a write iterator only or
/// PrepareForReadWrite() is called to initialize both read and write iterators to enable
/// interleaved reads and writes.
/// To use write-only mode, PrepareForWrite() is called once and AddRow()/AddRowCustom*()
/// are called repeatedly to initialize then advance a write iterator through the stream.
/// Once the stream is fully written, it can be read back by calling PrepareForRead()
/// then GetNext() repeatedly to advance a read iterator through the stream.
/// To use read/write mode, PrepareForReadWrite() is called once to initialize the read
/// and write iterators. AddRow()/AddRowCustom*() then advance a write iterator through
/// the stream, and GetNext() advances a trailing read iterator through the stream.
/// Buffer management:
/// The tuple stream is backed by a sequence of BufferPool Pages. The tuple stream uses
/// the client's reservation to pin pages in memory. It will automatically try to
/// increase the client's reservation whenever it needs to do so to make progress.
/// Normally pages are all of the same default page length, but larger pages up to the
/// max page length are used if needed to store rows that are too large for a
/// default-length page.
/// The stream has both pinned and unpinned modes. In the pinned mode all pages are
/// pinned for reading. The pinned mode avoids I/O by keeping all pages pinned in memory
/// and allows clients to save pointers to rows in the stream and randomly access them.
/// E.g. hash tables can be backed by a BufferedTupleStream. In the unpinned mode, only
/// pages currently being read and written are pinned and other pages are unpinned and
/// therefore do not use the client's reservation and can be spilled to disk. The stream
/// always holds onto a default page's worth of reservation for the read and write
/// iterators (i.e. two page's worth if the stream is in read/write mode), even if that
/// many pages are not currently pinned. This means that UnpinStream() always succeeds,
/// and moving to the next default-length write page or read page on an unpinned stream
/// does not require additional reservation. This is implemented by saving reservations
/// in SubReservations.
/// To read or write a row larger than the default page size to/from an unpinned stream,
/// the client must have max_page_len - default_page_len unused reservation. Writing a
/// large row to an unpinned stream only uses the reservation for the duration of the
/// AddRow()/AddRowCustom*() call. Reading a large row from an unpinned stream uses the
/// reservation until the next call to GetNext(). E.g. to partition a single unpinned
/// stream into n unpinned streams, the reservation needed is (n - 1) *
/// default_page_len + 2 * max_page_len: one large read buffer and one large write
/// buffer is needed to keep the row being processed in-memory, but only default-sized
/// buffers are needed for the other streams being written.
/// The tuple stream also supports a 'delete_on_read' mode, enabled by passing a flag
/// to PrepareForRead() which deletes the stream's pages as it does a final read
/// pass over the stream.
/// TODO: IMPALA-4179: the buffer management can be simplified once we can attach
/// buffers to RowBatches.
/// Page layout:
/// Rows are stored back to back starting at the first byte of each page's buffer, with
/// no interleaving of data from different rows. There is no padding or alignment
/// between rows. Rows larger than the default page length are stored on their own
/// page.
/// Tuple row layout:
/// If the stream's tuples are nullable (i.e. has_nullable_tuple_ is true), there is a
/// bitstring at the start of each row with null indicators for all tuples in each row
/// (including non-nullable tuples). The bitstring occupies ceil(num_tuples_per_row / 8)
/// bytes. A 1 indicates the tuple is null.
/// The fixed length parts of the row's tuples are stored first, followed by var len data
/// for inlined_string_slots_ and inlined_coll_slots_. Other "external" var len slots can
/// point to var len data outside the stream. When reading the stream, the length of each
/// row's var len data in the stream must be computed to find the next row's start.
/// The tuple stream supports reading from the stream into RowBatches without copying
/// out any data: the RowBatches' Tuple pointers will point directly into the stream's
/// pages' buffers. The fixed length parts follow Impala's internal tuple format, so for
/// the tuple to be valid, we only need to update pointers to point to the var len data
/// in the stream. These pointers need to be updated by the stream because a spilled
/// page's data may be relocated to a different buffer. The pointers are updated lazily
/// upon reading the stream via GetNext().
/// Example layout for a row with two non-nullable tuples ((1, "hello"), (2, "world"))
/// with all var len data stored in the stream:
/// <---- tuple 1 -----> <------ tuple 2 ------> <- var len -> <- next row ...
/// +--------+-----------+-----------+-----------+-------------+
/// | IntVal | StringVal | BigIntVal | StringVal | | ...
/// +--------+-----------+-----------+-----------++------------+
/// | val: 1 | len: 5 | val: 2 | len: 5 | helloworld | ...
/// | | ptr: 0x.. | | ptr: 0x.. | | ...
/// +--------+-----------+-----------+-----------+-------------+
/// <--4b--> <---12b---> <----8b---> <---12b---> <----10b---->
/// Example layout for a row with the second tuple nullable ((1, "hello"), NULL)
/// with all var len data stored in the stream:
/// <- null tuple bitstring -> <---- tuple 1 -----> <- var len -> <- next row ...
/// +-------------------------+--------+-----------+------------+
/// | | IntVal | StringVal | | ...
/// +-------------------------+--------+-----------+------------+
/// | 0000 0010 | val: 1 | len: 5 | hello | ...
/// | | | ptr: 0x.. | | ...
/// +-------------------------+--------+-----------+------------+
/// <---------1b------------> <--4b--> <---12b---> <----5b---->
/// Example layout for a row with a single non-nullable tuple (("hello", "world")) with
/// the second string slot stored externally to the stream:
/// <------ tuple 1 ------> <- var len -> <- next row ...
/// +-----------+-----------+-------------+
/// | StringVal | StringVal | | ...
/// +-----------+-----------+-------------+
/// | len: 5 | len: 5 | hello | ...
/// | ptr: 0x.. | ptr: 0x.. | | ...
/// +-----------+-----------+-------------+
/// <---12b---> <---12b---> <-----5b---->
/// The behavior of reads and writes is as follows:
/// Read:
/// 1. Unpinned: Only a single read page is pinned at a time. This means that only
/// enough reservation to pin a single page is needed to read the stream, regardless
/// of the stream's size. Each page is deleted or unpinned (if delete on read is true
/// or false respectively) before advancing to the next page.
/// 2. Pinned: All pages in the stream are pinned so do not need to be pinned or
/// unpinned when reading from the stream. If delete on read is true, pages are
/// deleted after being read. If the stream was previously unpinned, the page's data
/// may not yet be in memory - reading from the stream can block on I/O or fail with
/// an I/O error.
/// Write:
/// 1. Unpinned: Unpin pages as they fill up. This means that only a enough reservation
/// to pin a single write page is required to write to the stream, regardless of the
/// stream's size.
/// 2. Pinned: Pages are left pinned. If the next page in the stream cannot be pinned
/// because the client's reservation is insufficient (and could not be increased by
/// the stream), the read call will fail and the client can either unpin the stream
/// or free up other memory before retrying.
/// Memory lifetime of rows read from stream:
/// If the stream is pinned and delete on read is false, it is valid to access any tuples
/// returned via GetNext() until the stream is unpinned. If the stream is unpinned or
/// delete on read is true, then the batch returned from GetNext() may have the
/// needs_deep_copy flag set, which means that any tuple memory returned so far from the
/// stream may be freed on the next call to GetNext().
/// TODO: IMPALA-4179, instead of needs_deep_copy, attach the pages' buffers to the batch.
/// Manual construction of rows with AddRowCustomBegin()/AddRowCustomEnd():
/// The BufferedTupleStream supports allocation of uninitialized rows with
/// AddRowCustom*(). AddRowCustomBegin() is called instead of AddRow() if the client wants
/// to manually construct a row. The caller of AddRowCustomBegin() is responsible for
/// writing the row with exactly the layout described above then calling
/// AddRowCustomEnd() when done.
/// If a caller constructs a tuple in this way, the caller can set the pointers and they
/// will not be modified until the stream is read via GetNext().
/// TODO: IMPALA-5007: try to remove AddRowCustom*() by unifying with AddRow().
/// TODO: we need to be able to do read ahead for pages. We need some way to indicate a
/// page will need to be pinned soon.
class BufferedTupleStream {
/// A pointer to the start of a flattened TupleRow in the stream.
typedef uint8_t* FlatRowPtr;
/// row_desc: description of rows stored in the stream. This is the desc for rows
/// that are added and the rows being returned.
/// page_len: the size of pages to use in the stream
/// ext_varlen_slots: set of varlen slots with data stored externally to the stream
BufferedTupleStream(RuntimeState* state, const RowDescriptor* row_desc,
BufferPool::ClientHandle* buffer_pool_client, int64_t default_page_len,
int64_t max_page_len,
const std::set<SlotId>& ext_varlen_slots = std::set<SlotId>());
virtual ~BufferedTupleStream();
/// Initializes the tuple stream object on behalf of node 'node_id'. Must be called
/// once before any of the other APIs.
/// If 'pinned' is true, the tuple stream starts off pinned, otherwise it is unpinned.
/// 'node_id' is only used for error reporting.
Status Init(int node_id, bool pinned) WARN_UNUSED_RESULT;
/// Prepares the stream for writing by saving enough reservation for a default-size
/// write page. Tries to increase reservation if there is not enough unused reservation
/// for a page. Called after Init() and before the first AddRow() or
/// AddRowCustomBegin() call.
/// 'got_reservation': set to true if there was enough reservation to initialize the
/// first write page and false if there was not enough reservation and no other
/// error was encountered. Undefined if an error status is returned.
Status PrepareForWrite(bool* got_reservation) WARN_UNUSED_RESULT;
/// Prepares the stream for interleaved reads and writes by saving enough reservation
/// for default-sized read and write pages. Called after Init() and before the first
/// AddRow() or AddRowCustomBegin() call.
/// 'delete_on_read': Pages are deleted after they are read.
/// 'got_reservation': set to true if there was enough reservation to initialize the
/// read and write pages and false if there was not enough reservation and no other
/// error was encountered. Undefined if an error status is returned.
Status PrepareForReadWrite(
bool delete_on_read, bool* got_reservation) WARN_UNUSED_RESULT;
/// Prepares the stream for reading, invalidating the write iterator (if there is one).
/// Therefore must be called after the last AddRow() or AddRowCustomEnd() and before
/// GetNext(). PrepareForRead() can be called multiple times to do multiple read passes
/// over the stream, unless rows were read from the stream after PrepareForRead() or
/// PrepareForReadWrite() was called with delete_on_read = true.
/// 'delete_on_read': Pages are deleted after they are read.
/// 'got_reservation': set to true if there was enough reservation to initialize the
/// first read page and false if there was not enough reservation and no other
/// error was encountered. Undefined if an error status is returned.
Status PrepareForRead(bool delete_on_read, bool* got_reservation) WARN_UNUSED_RESULT;
/// Adds a single row to the stream. There are three possible outcomes:
/// a) The append succeeds. True is returned.
/// b) The append fails because the unused reservation was not sufficient to add
/// a new page to the stream large enough to fit 'row' and the stream could not
/// increase the reservation to get enough unused reservation. Returns false and
/// sets 'status' to OK. The append can be retried after freeing up memory or
/// unpinning the stream.
/// c) The append fails with a runtime error. Returns false and sets 'status' to an
/// error.
/// d) The append fails becase the row is too large to fit in a page of a stream.
/// Returns false and sets 'status' to an error.
/// Unpinned streams can only encounter case b) when appending a row larger than
/// the default page size and the reservation could not be increased sufficiently.
/// Otherwise enough memory is automatically freed up by unpinning the current write
/// page.
/// BufferedTupleStream will do a deep copy of the memory in the row. After AddRow()
/// returns an error, it should not be called again.
bool AddRow(TupleRow* row, Status* status) noexcept WARN_UNUSED_RESULT;
/// Allocates space to store a row of 'size' bytes (including fixed and variable length
/// data). If successful, returns a pointer to the allocated row. The caller then must
/// writes valid data to the row and call AddRowCustomEnd().
/// If unsuccessful, returns nullptr. The failure modes are the same as described in the
/// AddRow() comment.
ALWAYS_INLINE uint8_t* AddRowCustomBegin(int64_t size, Status* status);
/// Called after AddRowCustomBegin() when done writing the row. Only should be called
/// if AddRowCustomBegin() succeeded. See the AddRowCustomBegin() comment for
/// explanation.
/// 'size': the size passed into AddRowCustomBegin().
void AddRowCustomEnd(int64_t size);
/// Unflattens 'flat_row' into a regular TupleRow 'row'. Only valid to call if the
/// stream is pinned. The row must have been allocated with the stream's row desc.
/// The returned 'row' is backed by memory from the stream so is only valid as long
/// as the stream is pinned.
void GetTupleRow(FlatRowPtr flat_row, TupleRow* row) const;
/// Pins all pages in this stream and switches to pinned mode. Has no effect if the
/// stream is already pinned.
/// If the current unused reservation is not sufficient to pin the stream in memory,
/// this will try to increase the reservation. If that fails, 'pinned' is set to false
/// and the stream is left unpinned. Otherwise 'pinned' is set to true.
Status PinStream(bool* pinned) WARN_UNUSED_RESULT;
/// Modes for UnpinStream().
enum UnpinMode {
/// All pages in the stream are unpinned and the read/write positions in the stream
/// are reset. No more rows can be written to the stream after this. The stream can
/// be re-read from the beginning by calling PrepareForRead().
/// All pages are unpinned aside from the current read and write pages (if any),
/// which is left in the same state. The unpinned stream can continue being read
/// or written from the current read or write positions.
/// Unpins stream with the given 'mode' as described above.
void UnpinStream(UnpinMode mode);
/// Get the next batch of output rows, which are backed by the stream's memory.
/// If the stream is unpinned or 'delete_on_read' is true, the 'needs_deep_copy'
/// flag may be set on 'batch' to signal that memory will be freed on the next
/// call to GetNext() and that the caller should copy out any data it needs from
/// rows in 'batch' or in previous batches returned from GetNext().
/// If the stream is pinned and 'delete_on_read' is false, the memory backing the
/// rows will remain valid until the stream is unpinned, destroyed, etc.
/// TODO: IMPALA-4179: update when we simplify the memory transfer model.
Status GetNext(RowBatch* batch, bool* eos) WARN_UNUSED_RESULT;
/// Same as above, but populate 'flat_rows' with a pointer to the flat version of
/// each returned row in the pinned stream. The pointers in 'flat_rows' are only
/// valid as long as the stream remains pinned.
Status GetNext(
RowBatch* batch, bool* eos, std::vector<FlatRowPtr>* flat_rows) WARN_UNUSED_RESULT;
/// Must be called once at the end to cleanup all resources. If 'batch' is non-NULL,
/// attaches buffers from pinned pages that rows returned from GetNext() may reference.
/// Otherwise deletes all pages. Does nothing if the stream was already closed. The
/// 'flush' mode is forwarded to RowBatch::AddBuffer() when attaching buffers.
void Close(RowBatch* batch, RowBatch::FlushMode flush);
/// Number of rows in the stream.
int64_t num_rows() const { return num_rows_; }
/// Number of rows returned via GetNext().
int64_t rows_returned() const { return rows_returned_; }
/// Returns the byte size necessary to store the entire stream in memory.
int64_t byte_size() const { return total_byte_size_; }
/// Returns the number of bytes currently pinned in memory by the stream.
/// If ignore_current is true, the write_page_ memory is not included.
int64_t BytesPinned(bool ignore_current) const {
if (ignore_current && write_page_ != nullptr && write_page_->is_pinned()) {
return bytes_pinned_ - write_page_->len();
return bytes_pinned_;
bool is_closed() const { return closed_; }
bool is_pinned() const { return pinned_; }
bool has_read_iterator() const { return has_read_iterator_; }
bool has_write_iterator() const { return has_write_iterator_; }
std::string DebugString() const;
friend class ArrayTupleStreamTest_TestArrayDeepCopy_Test;
friend class ArrayTupleStreamTest_TestComputeRowSize_Test;
friend class MultiNullableTupleStreamTest_TestComputeRowSize_Test;
/// Wrapper around BufferPool::PageHandle that tracks additional info about the page.
struct Page {
Page() : num_rows(0), retrieved_buffer(true) {}
inline int len() const { return handle.len(); }
inline bool is_pinned() const { return handle.is_pinned(); }
inline int pin_count() const { return handle.pin_count(); }
Status GetBuffer(const BufferPool::BufferHandle** buffer) {
retrieved_buffer = true;
return Status::OK();
std::string DebugString() const;
BufferPool::PageHandle handle;
/// Number of rows written to the page.
int num_rows;
/// Whether we called GetBuffer() on the page since it was last pinned. This means
/// that GetBuffer() and ExtractBuffer() cannot fail and that GetNext() may have
/// returned rows referencing the page's buffer.
bool retrieved_buffer;
/// Runtime state instance used to check for cancellation. Not owned.
RuntimeState* const state_;
/// Description of rows stored in the stream.
const RowDescriptor* desc_;
/// Plan node ID, used for error reporting.
int node_id_;
/// The size of the fixed length portion for each tuple in the row.
std::vector<int> fixed_tuple_sizes_;
/// Vectors of all the strings slots that have their varlen data stored in stream
/// grouped by tuple_idx.
std::vector<std::pair<int, std::vector<SlotDescriptor*>>> inlined_string_slots_;
/// Vectors of all the collection slots that have their varlen data stored in the
/// stream, grouped by tuple_idx.
std::vector<std::pair<int, std::vector<SlotDescriptor*>>> inlined_coll_slots_;
/// Buffer pool and client used to allocate, pin and release pages. Not owned.
BufferPool* buffer_pool_;
BufferPool::ClientHandle* buffer_pool_client_;
/// List of pages in the stream.
/// Empty iff one of two cases applies:
/// * before the first row has been added with AddRow() or AddRowCustom().
/// * after the stream has been destructively read in 'delete_on_read' mode
std::list<Page> pages_;
// IMPALA-5629: avoid O(n) list.size() call by explicitly tracking the number of pages.
// TODO: remove when we switch to GCC5+, where list.size() is O(1). See GCC bug #49561.
int64_t num_pages_;
/// Total size of pages_, including any pages already deleted in 'delete_on_read'
/// mode.
int64_t total_byte_size_;
/// True if there is currently an active read iterator for the stream.
bool has_read_iterator_;
/// The current page being read. When no read iterator is active, equal to list.end().
/// When a read iterator is active, either points to the current read page, or equals
/// list.end() if no rows have yet been read. GetNext() does not advance this past
/// the end of the stream, so upon eos 'read_page_' points to the last page and
/// rows_returned_ == num_rows_. Always pinned, unless a Pin() call failed and an error
/// status was returned.
std::list<Page>::iterator read_page_;
/// Saved reservation for read iterator. 'default_page_len_' reservation is saved if
/// there is a read iterator, no pinned read page, and the possibility that the read
/// iterator will advance to a valid page.
BufferPool::SubReservation read_page_reservation_;
/// Number of rows returned from the current read_page_.
uint32_t read_page_rows_returned_;
/// Pointer into read_page_ to the byte after the last row read.
uint8_t* read_ptr_;
/// Pointer to one byte past the end of read_page_. Used to detect overruns.
const uint8_t* read_end_ptr_;
/// Pointer into write_page_ to the byte after the last row written.
uint8_t* write_ptr_;
/// Pointer to one byte past the end of write_page_. Cached to speed up computation
const uint8_t* write_end_ptr_;
/// Number of rows returned to the caller from GetNext() since the last
/// PrepareForRead() call.
int64_t rows_returned_;
/// True if there is currently an active write iterator into the stream.
bool has_write_iterator_;
/// The current page for writing. NULL if there is no write iterator or no current
/// write page. Always pinned. Size is 'default_page_len_', except temporarily while
/// appending a larger row between AddRowCustomBegin() and AddRowCustomEnd().
Page* write_page_;
/// Saved reservation for write iterator. 'default_page_len_' reservation is saved if
/// there is a write iterator, no page currently pinned for writing and the possibility
/// that a pin count will be needed for the write iterator in future. Specifically if:
/// * no rows have been appended to the stream and 'pages_' is empty, or
/// * the stream is unpinned, 'write_page_' is null and and the last page in 'pages_'
/// is a large page that we advanced past, or
/// * there is only one pinned page in the stream and it is already pinned for reading.
BufferPool::SubReservation write_page_reservation_;
/// Total bytes of pinned pages in pages_, stored to avoid iterating over the list
/// to compute it.
int64_t bytes_pinned_;
/// Number of rows stored in the stream. Includes rows that were already deleted during
/// a destructive 'delete_on_read' pass over the stream.
int64_t num_rows_;
/// The default length in bytes of pages used to store the stream's rows. All rows that
/// fit in a default-sized page are stored in default-sized page.
const int64_t default_page_len_;
/// The maximum length in bytes of pages used to store the stream's rows. This is a
/// hard limit on the maximum size of row that can be stored in the stream and the
/// amount of reservation required to read or write to an unpinned stream.
const int64_t max_page_len_;
/// Whether any tuple in the rows is nullable.
const bool has_nullable_tuple_;
/// If true, pages are deleted after they are read during this read pass. Once rows
/// have been read from a stream with 'delete_on_read_' true, this is always true.
bool delete_on_read_;
bool closed_; // Used for debugging.
/// If true, this stream has been explicitly pinned by the caller and all pages are
/// kept pinned until the caller calls UnpinStream().
bool pinned_;
bool is_read_page(const Page* page) const {
return read_page_ != pages_.end() && &*read_page_ == page;
bool is_write_page(const Page* page) const { return write_page_ == page; }
/// Return true if the read and write page are the same.
bool has_read_write_page() const {
return write_page_ != nullptr && is_read_page(write_page_);
/// The slow path for AddRow() that is called if there is not sufficient space in
/// the current page.
bool AddRowSlow(TupleRow* row, Status* status) noexcept;
/// The slow path for AddRowCustomBegin() that is called if there is not sufficient space in
/// the current page.
uint8_t* AddRowCustomBeginSlow(int64_t size, Status* status) noexcept;
/// The slow path for AddRowCustomEnd() that is called for large pages.
void AddLargeRowCustomEnd(int64_t size) noexcept;
/// Copies 'row' into the buffer starting at *data and ending at the byte before
/// 'data_end'. On success, returns true and updates *data to point after the last
/// byte written. Returns false if there is not enough space in the buffer provided.
bool DeepCopy(TupleRow* row, uint8_t** data, const uint8_t* data_end) noexcept;
/// Templated implementation of DeepCopy().
template <bool HAS_NULLABLE_TUPLE>
bool DeepCopyInternal(TupleRow* row, uint8_t** data, const uint8_t* data_end) noexcept;
/// Helper function to copy strings in string_slots from tuple into *data.
/// Updates *data to the end of the string data added. Returns false if the data
/// does not fit in the buffer [*data, data_end).
static bool CopyStrings(const Tuple* tuple,
const std::vector<SlotDescriptor*>& string_slots, uint8_t** data,
const uint8_t* data_end);
/// Helper function to deep copy collections in collection_slots from tuple into
/// the buffer [*data, data_end). Updates *data to the end of the collection data
/// added. Returns false if the data does not fit in the buffer.
static bool CopyCollections(const Tuple* tuple,
const std::vector<SlotDescriptor*>& collection_slots, uint8_t** data,
const uint8_t* data_end);
/// Gets a new page of 'page_len' bytes from buffer_pool_, updating write_page_,
/// write_ptr_ and write_end_ptr_. The caller must ensure there is 'page_len' unused
/// reservation. The caller must reset the write page (if there is one) before calling.
Status NewWritePage(int64_t page_len) noexcept WARN_UNUSED_RESULT;
/// Determines what page size is needed to fit a row of 'row_size' bytes.
/// Returns an error if the row cannot fit in a page.
Status CalcPageLenForRow(int64_t row_size, int64_t* page_len);
/// Wrapper around NewWritePage() that allocates a new write page that fits a row of
/// 'row_size' bytes. Increases reservation if needed to allocate the next page.
/// Returns OK and sets 'got_reservation' to true if the write page was successfully
/// allocated. Returns an error if the row cannot fit in a page. Returns OK and sets
/// 'got_reservation' to false if the reservation could not be increased and no other
/// error was encountered.
Status AdvanceWritePage(
int64_t row_size, bool* got_reservation) noexcept WARN_UNUSED_RESULT;
/// Reset the write page, if there is one, and unpin pages accordingly. If there
/// is an active write iterator, the next row will be appended to a new page.
void ResetWritePage();
/// Invalidate the write iterator and release any resources associated with it. After
/// calling this, no more rows can be appended to the stream.
void InvalidateWriteIterator();
/// Same as PrepareForRead(), except the iterators are not invalidated and
/// the caller is assumed to have checked there is sufficient unused reservation.
Status PrepareForReadInternal(bool delete_on_read) WARN_UNUSED_RESULT;
/// Pins the next read page. This blocks reading from disk if necessary to bring the
/// page's data into memory. Updates read_page_, read_ptr_, and
/// read_page_rows_returned_.
Status NextReadPage() WARN_UNUSED_RESULT;
/// Invalidate the read iterator, and release any resources associated with the active
/// iterator.
void InvalidateReadIterator();
/// Returns the total additional bytes that this row will consume in write_page_ if
/// appended to the page. This includes the row's null indicators, the fixed length
/// part of the row and the data for inlined_string_slots_ and inlined_coll_slots_.
int64_t ComputeRowSize(TupleRow* row) const noexcept;
/// Pins page and updates tracking stats.
Status PinPage(Page* page) WARN_UNUSED_RESULT;
/// Increment the page's pin count if this page needs a higher pin count given the
/// current read and write iterator positions and whether the stream will be pinned
/// ('stream_pinned'). Assumes that no scenarios occur when the pin count needs to
/// be incremented multiple times. The caller is responsible for ensuring sufficient
/// reservation is available.
Status PinPageIfNeeded(Page* page, bool stream_pinned) WARN_UNUSED_RESULT;
/// Decrement the page's pin count if this page needs a lower pin count given the
/// current read and write iterator positions and whether the stream will be pinned
/// ('stream_pinned'). Assumes that no scenarios occur when the pin count needs to
/// be decremented multiple times.
void UnpinPageIfNeeded(Page* page, bool stream_pinned);
/// Return the expected pin count for 'page' in the current stream based on the current
/// read and write pages and whether the stream is pinned.
int ExpectedPinCount(bool stream_pinned, const Page* page) const;
/// Return true if the stream in its current state needs to have a reservation for
/// a write page stored in 'write_page_reservation_'.
bool NeedWriteReservation() const;
/// Same as above, except assume the stream's 'pinned_' state is 'stream_pinned'.
bool NeedWriteReservation(bool stream_pinned) const;
/// Same as above, except assume the stream has 'num_pages' pages and different
/// iterator state.
static bool NeedWriteReservation(bool stream_pinned, int64_t num_pages,
bool has_write_iterator, bool has_write_page, bool has_read_write_page);
/// Return true if the stream in its current state needs to have a reservation for
/// a read page stored in 'read_page_reservation_'.
bool NeedReadReservation() const;
/// Same as above, except assume the stream's 'pinned_' state is 'stream_pinned'.
bool NeedReadReservation(bool stream_pinned) const;
/// Same as above, except assume the stream has 'num_pages' pages and a different
/// read iterator state.
bool NeedReadReservation(bool stream_pinned, int64_t num_pages, bool has_read_iterator,
bool has_read_page) const;
/// Same as above, except assume the stream has 'num_pages' pages and a different
/// write iterator state.
static bool NeedReadReservation(bool stream_pinned, int64_t num_pages,
bool has_read_iterator, bool has_read_page, bool has_write_iterator,
bool has_write_page);
/// Templated GetNext implementations.
template <bool FILL_FLAT_ROWS>
Status GetNextInternal(RowBatch* batch, bool* eos, std::vector<FlatRowPtr>* flat_rows);
Status GetNextInternal(RowBatch* batch, bool* eos, std::vector<FlatRowPtr>* flat_rows);
/// Helper function to convert a flattened TupleRow stored starting at '*data' into
/// 'row'. *data is updated to point to the first byte past the end of the row.
template <bool HAS_NULLABLE_TUPLE>
void UnflattenTupleRow(uint8_t** data, TupleRow* row) const;
/// Helper function for GetNextInternal(). For each string slot in string_slots,
/// update StringValue's ptr field to point to the corresponding string data stored
/// inline in the stream (at the current value of read_ptr_) advance read_ptr_ by the
/// StringValue's length field.
void FixUpStringsForRead(const vector<SlotDescriptor*>& string_slots, Tuple* tuple);
/// Helper function for GetNextInternal(). For each collection slot in collection_slots,
/// recursively update any pointers in the CollectionValue to point to the corresponding
/// var len data stored inline in the stream, advancing read_ptr_ as data is read.
/// Assumes that the collection was serialized to the stream in DeepCopy()'s format.
void FixUpCollectionsForRead(
const vector<SlotDescriptor*>& collection_slots, Tuple* tuple);
/// Returns the number of null indicator bytes per row. Only valid if this stream has
/// nullable tuples.
int NullIndicatorBytesPerRow() const;
/// Returns the total bytes pinned. Only called in DCHECKs to validate bytes_pinned_.
int64_t CalcBytesPinned() const;
/// DCHECKs if the stream is internally inconsistent. The stream should always be in
/// a consistent state after returning success from a public API call. The Fast version
/// has constant runtime and does not check all of 'pages_'. The Full version includes
/// O(n) checks that require iterating over the whole 'pages_' list (e.g. checking that
/// each page is in a valid state).
void CheckConsistencyFast() const;
void CheckConsistencyFull() const;
void CheckPageConsistency(const Page* page) const;