blob: d3c7f1ad3abc5336d216fd2d0f1b85bf8ed6b6d9 [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
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// specific language governing permissions and limitations
// under the License.
#include "exec/grouping-aggregator.h"
#include "exec/hash-table.inline.h"
#include "exprs/agg-fn-evaluator.h"
#include "runtime/row-batch.h"
#include "runtime/tuple-row.h"
using namespace impala;
template <bool AGGREGATED_ROWS>
Status GroupingAggregator::AddBatchImpl(RowBatch* batch,
TPrefetchMode::type prefetch_mode, HashTableCtx* __restrict__ ht_ctx) {
// Make sure that no resizes will happen when inserting individual rows to the hash
// table of each partition by pessimistically assuming that all the rows in each batch
// will end up to the same partition.
// TODO: Once we have a histogram with the number of rows per partition, we will have
// accurate resize calls.
CheckAndResizeHashPartitions(AGGREGATED_ROWS, batch->num_rows(), ht_ctx));
HashTableCtx::ExprValuesCache* expr_vals_cache = ht_ctx->expr_values_cache();
const int cache_size = expr_vals_cache->capacity();
const int num_rows = batch->num_rows();
for (int group_start = 0; group_start < num_rows; group_start += cache_size) {
EvalAndHashPrefetchGroup<AGGREGATED_ROWS>(batch, group_start, prefetch_mode, ht_ctx);
FOREACH_ROW_LIMIT(batch, group_start, cache_size, batch_iter) {
RETURN_IF_ERROR(ProcessRow<AGGREGATED_ROWS>(batch_iter.Get(), ht_ctx));
return Status::OK();
template <bool AGGREGATED_ROWS>
void IR_ALWAYS_INLINE GroupingAggregator::EvalAndHashPrefetchGroup(RowBatch* batch,
int start_row_idx, TPrefetchMode::type prefetch_mode, HashTableCtx* ht_ctx) {
HashTableCtx::ExprValuesCache* expr_vals_cache = ht_ctx->expr_values_cache();
const int cache_size = expr_vals_cache->capacity();
FOREACH_ROW_LIMIT(batch, start_row_idx, cache_size, batch_iter) {
TupleRow* row = batch_iter.Get();
bool is_null;
is_null = !ht_ctx->EvalAndHashBuild(row);
} else {
is_null = !ht_ctx->EvalAndHashProbe(row);
// Hoist lookups out of non-null branch to speed up non-null case.
const uint32_t hash = expr_vals_cache->CurExprValuesHash();
const uint32_t partition_idx = hash >> (32 - NUM_PARTITIONING_BITS);
HashTable* hash_tbl = GetHashTable(partition_idx);
if (is_null) {
} else if (prefetch_mode != TPrefetchMode::NONE) {
if (LIKELY(hash_tbl != nullptr)) hash_tbl->PrefetchBucket<false>(hash);
template <bool AGGREGATED_ROWS>
Status GroupingAggregator::ProcessRow(
TupleRow* __restrict__ row, HashTableCtx* __restrict__ ht_ctx) {
HashTableCtx::ExprValuesCache* expr_vals_cache = ht_ctx->expr_values_cache();
// Hoist lookups out of non-null branch to speed up non-null case.
const uint32_t hash = expr_vals_cache->CurExprValuesHash();
const uint32_t partition_idx = hash >> (32 - NUM_PARTITIONING_BITS);
if (expr_vals_cache->IsRowNull()) return Status::OK();
// To process this row, we first see if it can be aggregated or inserted into this
// partition's hash table. If we need to insert it and that fails, due to OOM, we
// spill the partition. The partition to spill is not necessarily dst_partition,
// so we can try again to insert the row.
HashTable* hash_tbl = GetHashTable(partition_idx);
Partition* dst_partition = hash_partitions_[partition_idx];
DCHECK(dst_partition != nullptr);
DCHECK_EQ(dst_partition->is_spilled(), hash_tbl == nullptr);
if (hash_tbl == nullptr) {
// This partition is already spilled, just append the row.
return AppendSpilledRow<AGGREGATED_ROWS>(dst_partition, row);
bool found;
// Find the appropriate bucket in the hash table. There will always be a free
// bucket because we checked the size above.
HashTable::Iterator it = hash_tbl->FindBuildRowBucket(ht_ctx, &found);
DCHECK(!it.AtEnd()) << "Hash table had no free buckets";
// If the row is already an aggregate row, it cannot match anything in the
// hash table since we process the aggregate rows first. These rows should
// have been aggregated in the initial pass.
} else if (found) {
// Row is already in hash table. Do the aggregation and we're done.
UpdateTuple(dst_partition->, it.GetTuple(), row);
return Status::OK();
// If we are seeing this result row for the first time, we need to construct the
// result row and initialize it.
return AddIntermediateTuple<AGGREGATED_ROWS>(dst_partition, row, hash, it);
template <bool AGGREGATED_ROWS>
Status GroupingAggregator::AddIntermediateTuple(Partition* __restrict__ partition,
TupleRow* __restrict__ row, uint32_t hash, HashTable::Iterator insert_it) {
while (true) {
Tuple* intermediate_tuple = ConstructIntermediateTuple(partition->agg_fn_evals,
partition->aggregated_row_stream.get(), &add_batch_status_);
if (LIKELY(intermediate_tuple != nullptr)) {
partition->, intermediate_tuple, row, AGGREGATED_ROWS);
// After copying and initializing the tuple, insert it into the hash table.
insert_it.SetTuple(intermediate_tuple, hash);
return Status::OK();
} else if (!add_batch_status_.ok()) {
return std::move(add_batch_status_);
// We did not have enough memory to add intermediate_tuple to the stream.
if (partition->is_spilled()) {
return AppendSpilledRow<AGGREGATED_ROWS>(partition, row);
Status GroupingAggregator::AddBatchStreamingImpl(int agg_idx, bool needs_serialize,
TPrefetchMode::type prefetch_mode, RowBatch* in_batch, RowBatch* out_batch,
HashTableCtx* __restrict__ ht_ctx, int remaining_capacity[PARTITION_FANOUT]) {
RowBatch::Iterator out_batch_iterator(out_batch, out_batch->num_rows());
HashTableCtx::ExprValuesCache* expr_vals_cache = ht_ctx->expr_values_cache();
const int num_rows = in_batch->num_rows();
const int cache_size = expr_vals_cache->capacity();
for (int group_start = streaming_idx_; group_start < num_rows;
group_start += cache_size) {
EvalAndHashPrefetchGroup<false>(in_batch, group_start, prefetch_mode, ht_ctx);
FOREACH_ROW_LIMIT(in_batch, group_start, cache_size, in_batch_iter) {
// Hoist lookups out of non-null branch to speed up non-null case.
TupleRow* in_row = in_batch_iter.Get();
const uint32_t hash = expr_vals_cache->CurExprValuesHash();
const uint32_t partition_idx = hash >> (32 - NUM_PARTITIONING_BITS);
if (!expr_vals_cache->IsRowNull()
&& !TryAddToHashTable(ht_ctx, hash_partitions_[partition_idx],
GetHashTable(partition_idx), in_row, hash,
&remaining_capacity[partition_idx], &add_batch_status_)) {
// Tuple is not going into hash table, add it to the output batch.
Tuple* intermediate_tuple = ConstructIntermediateTuple(
agg_fn_evals_, out_batch->tuple_data_pool(), &add_batch_status_);
if (UNLIKELY(intermediate_tuple == nullptr)) {
return std::move(add_batch_status_);
UpdateTuple(, intermediate_tuple, in_row);
out_batch_iterator.Get()->SetTuple(agg_idx, intermediate_tuple);
if (out_batch->AtCapacity() && in_batch_iter.RowNum() + 1 < num_rows) {
streaming_idx_ = in_batch_iter.RowNum() + 1;
goto ret;
streaming_idx_ = 0;
if (needs_serialize) {
FOREACH_ROW(out_batch, 0, out_batch_iter) {
AggFnEvaluator::Serialize(agg_fn_evals_, out_batch_iter.Get()->GetTuple(agg_idx));
return Status::OK();
bool GroupingAggregator::TryAddToHashTable(HashTableCtx* __restrict__ ht_ctx,
Partition* __restrict__ partition, HashTable* __restrict__ hash_tbl,
TupleRow* __restrict__ in_row, uint32_t hash, int* __restrict__ remaining_capacity,
Status* status) {
DCHECK(remaining_capacity != nullptr);
DCHECK_EQ(hash_tbl, partition->hash_tbl.get());
DCHECK_GE(*remaining_capacity, 0);
bool found;
// This is called from ProcessBatchStreaming() so the rows are not aggregated.
HashTable::Iterator it = hash_tbl->FindBuildRowBucket(ht_ctx, &found);
Tuple* intermediate_tuple;
if (found) {
intermediate_tuple = it.GetTuple();
} else if (*remaining_capacity == 0) {
return false;
} else {
intermediate_tuple = ConstructIntermediateTuple(
partition->agg_fn_evals, partition->aggregated_row_stream.get(), status);
if (LIKELY(intermediate_tuple != nullptr)) {
it.SetTuple(intermediate_tuple, hash);
} else {
// Avoid repeatedly trying to add tuples when under memory pressure.
*remaining_capacity = 0;
return false;
UpdateTuple(partition->, intermediate_tuple, in_row);
return true;
// Instantiate required templates.
template Status GroupingAggregator::AddBatchImpl<false>(
RowBatch*, TPrefetchMode::type, HashTableCtx*);
template Status GroupingAggregator::AddBatchImpl<true>(
RowBatch*, TPrefetchMode::type, HashTableCtx*);