blob: c8084eb7aa7d2284cbfcbf80411b4af267a5de3c [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
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// specific language governing permissions and limitations
// under the License.
#include "runtime/lib-cache.h"
#include <mutex>
#include <boost/filesystem.hpp>
#include "codegen/llvm-codegen.h"
#include "runtime/hdfs-fs-cache.h"
#include "runtime/runtime-state.h"
#include "util/dynamic-util.h"
#include "util/hash-util.h"
#include "util/hdfs-util.h"
#include "util/path-builder.h"
#include "util/test-info.h"
#include "common/names.h"
namespace filesystem = boost::filesystem;
namespace impala {
scoped_ptr<LibCache> LibCache::instance_;
struct LibCacheEntry {
// Lock protecting all fields in this entry
std::mutex lock;
// The number of users that are using this cache entry. If this is
// a .so, we can't dlclose unless the use_count goes to 0.
int use_count;
// If true, this cache entry should be removed from lib_cache_ when
// the use_count goes to 0.
bool should_remove;
// If true, we need to check if there is a newer version of the cached library in HDFS
// on next access. Should hold lock_ to read/write.
bool check_needs_refresh;
// The type of this file.
LibCache::LibType type;
// The path on the local file system for this library.
std::string local_path;
// Status returned from copying this file from HDFS.
Status copy_file_status;
// The last modification time of the HDFS file in seconds.
time_t last_mod_time;
// Handle from dlopen.
void* shared_object_handle;
// mapping from symbol => address of loaded symbol.
// Only used if the type is TYPE_SO.
typedef boost::unordered_map<std::string, void*> SymbolMap;
SymbolMap symbol_cache;
// Set of symbols in this entry. This is populated once on load and read
// only. This is only used if it is a llvm module.
// TODO: it would be nice to be able to do this for .so's as well but it's
// not trivial to walk an .so for the symbol table.
boost::unordered_set<std::string> symbols;
// Set if an error occurs loading the cache entry before the cache entry
// can be evicted. This allows other threads that attempt to use the entry
// before it is removed to return the same error.
Status loading_status;
: use_count(0),
shared_object_handle(nullptr) {}
LibCache::LibCache() : current_process_handle_(nullptr) {}
LibCache::~LibCache() {
if (current_process_handle_ != nullptr) DynamicClose(current_process_handle_);
Status LibCache::Init() {
DCHECK(LibCache::instance_.get() == nullptr);
LibCache::instance_.reset(new LibCache());
return LibCache::instance_->InitInternal();
Status LibCache::InitInternal() {
if (TestInfo::is_fe_test()) {
// In the FE tests, nullptr gives the handle to the java process.
// Explicitly load the fe-support shared object.
string fe_support_path;
PathBuilder::GetFullBuildPath("service/", &fe_support_path);
RETURN_IF_ERROR(DynamicOpen(fe_support_path.c_str(), &current_process_handle_));
} else {
RETURN_IF_ERROR(DynamicOpen(nullptr, &current_process_handle_));
DCHECK(current_process_handle_ != nullptr)
<< "We should always be able to get current process handle.";
return Status::OK();
LibCacheEntry::~LibCacheEntry() {
if (shared_object_handle != nullptr) {
DCHECK_EQ(use_count, 0);
LibCacheEntryHandle::~LibCacheEntryHandle() {
if (entry_ != nullptr) LibCache::instance()->DecrementUseCount(entry_);
Status LibCache::GetSoFunctionPtr(const string& hdfs_lib_file, const string& symbol,
time_t exp_mtime, void** fn_ptr, LibCacheEntry** ent, bool quiet) {
if (hdfs_lib_file.empty()) {
// Just loading a function ptr in the current process. No need to take any locks.
DCHECK(current_process_handle_ != nullptr);
RETURN_IF_ERROR(DynamicLookup(current_process_handle_, symbol.c_str(), fn_ptr, quiet));
return Status::OK();
LibCacheEntry* entry = nullptr;
unique_lock<mutex> lock;
if (ent != nullptr && *ent != nullptr) {
// Reuse already-cached entry provided by user
entry = *ent;
unique_lock<mutex> l(entry->lock);
} else {
RETURN_IF_ERROR(GetCacheEntry(hdfs_lib_file, TYPE_SO, exp_mtime, &lock, &entry));
DCHECK(entry != nullptr);
DCHECK_EQ(entry->type, TYPE_SO);
LibCacheEntry::SymbolMap::iterator it = entry->symbol_cache.find(symbol);
if (it != entry->symbol_cache.end()) {
*fn_ptr = it->second;
} else {
DynamicLookup(entry->shared_object_handle, symbol.c_str(), fn_ptr, quiet));
entry->symbol_cache[symbol] = *fn_ptr;
DCHECK(*fn_ptr != nullptr);
if (ent != nullptr && *ent == nullptr) {
// Only set and increment user's entry if it wasn't already cached
*ent = entry;
return Status::OK();
void LibCache::DecrementUseCount(LibCacheEntry* entry) {
if (entry == nullptr) return;
bool can_delete = false;
unique_lock<mutex> lock(entry->lock);
can_delete = (entry->use_count == 0 && entry->should_remove);
if (can_delete) delete entry;
Status LibCache::GetLocalPath(const std::string& hdfs_lib_file, LibType type,
time_t exp_mtime, LibCacheEntryHandle* handle, string* path) {
DCHECK(handle != nullptr && handle->entry() == nullptr);
LibCacheEntry* entry = nullptr;
unique_lock<mutex> lock;
RETURN_IF_ERROR(GetCacheEntry(hdfs_lib_file, type, exp_mtime, &lock, &entry));
DCHECK(entry != nullptr);
*path = entry->local_path;
return Status::OK();
Status LibCache::CheckSymbolExists(const string& hdfs_lib_file, LibType type,
const string& symbol, bool quiet, time_t* mtime) {
if (type == TYPE_SO) {
void* dummy_ptr = nullptr;
LibCacheEntry* entry = nullptr;
GetSoFunctionPtr(hdfs_lib_file, symbol, -1, &dummy_ptr, &entry, quiet));
*mtime = -1;
if (entry != nullptr) {
*mtime = entry->last_mod_time;
// done holding this entry, so decrement its use count.
return Status::OK();
} else if (type == TYPE_IR) {
unique_lock<mutex> lock;
LibCacheEntry* entry = nullptr;
RETURN_IF_ERROR(GetCacheEntry(hdfs_lib_file, type, -1, &lock, &entry));
DCHECK(entry != nullptr);
DCHECK_EQ(entry->type, TYPE_IR);
if (entry->symbols.find(symbol) == entry->symbols.end()) {
stringstream ss;
ss << "Symbol '" << symbol << "' does not exist in module: " << hdfs_lib_file
<< " (local path: " << entry->local_path << ")";
return quiet ? Status::Expected(ss.str()) : Status(ss.str());
*mtime = entry->last_mod_time;
return Status::OK();
} else if (type == TYPE_JAR) {
// TODO: figure out how to inspect contents of jars
unique_lock<mutex> lock;
LibCacheEntry* entry = nullptr;
RETURN_IF_ERROR(GetCacheEntry(hdfs_lib_file, type, -1, &lock, &entry));
*mtime = entry->last_mod_time;
return Status::OK();
} else {
return Status("Shouldn't get here.");
void LibCache::SetNeedsRefresh(const string& hdfs_lib_file) {
unique_lock<mutex> lib_cache_lock(lock_);
LibMap::iterator it = lib_cache_.find(hdfs_lib_file);
if (it == lib_cache_.end()) return;
LibCacheEntry* entry = it->second;
unique_lock<mutex> entry_lock(entry->lock);
// Need to hold lock_ before setting check_needs_refresh.
entry->check_needs_refresh = true;
void LibCache::RemoveEntry(const string& hdfs_lib_file) {
unique_lock<mutex> lib_cache_lock(lock_);
LibMap::iterator it = lib_cache_.find(hdfs_lib_file);
if (it == lib_cache_.end()) return;
RemoveEntryInternal(hdfs_lib_file, it);
void LibCache::RemoveEntryInternal(
const string& hdfs_lib_file, const LibMap::iterator& entry_iter) {
LibCacheEntry* entry = entry_iter->second;
VLOG(1) << "Removing lib cache entry: " << hdfs_lib_file
<< ", local path: " << entry->local_path;
unique_lock<mutex> entry_lock(entry->lock);
// We have both locks so no other thread can be updating lib_cache_ or trying to get
// the entry.
entry->should_remove = true;
DCHECK_GE(entry->use_count, 0);
bool can_delete = entry->use_count == 0;
// Now that the entry is removed from the map, it means no future threads
// can find it->second (the entry), so it is safe to unlock.
// Now that we've unlocked, we can delete this entry if no one is using it.
if (can_delete) delete entry;
void LibCache::DropCache() {
unique_lock<mutex> lib_cache_lock(lock_);
for (LibMap::value_type& v: lib_cache_) {
bool can_delete = false;
// Lock to wait for any threads currently processing the entry.
unique_lock<mutex> entry_lock(v.second->lock);
v.second->should_remove = true;
DCHECK_GE(v.second->use_count, 0);
can_delete = v.second->use_count == 0;
VLOG(1) << "Removed lib cache entry: " << v.first;
if (can_delete) delete v.second;
Status LibCache::GetCacheEntry(const string& hdfs_lib_file, LibType type,
time_t exp_mtime, unique_lock<mutex>* entry_lock, LibCacheEntry** entry) {
Status status;
// If an error occurs, local_entry_lock is released before calling RemoveEntry()
// below because it takes the global lock_ which must be acquired before taking entry
// locks.
unique_lock<mutex> local_entry_lock;
status =
GetCacheEntryInternal(hdfs_lib_file, type, exp_mtime, &local_entry_lock, entry);
if (status.ok()) {
return status;
if (*entry == nullptr) return status;
// Set loading_status on the entry so that if another thread calls
// GetCacheEntry() for this lib before this thread is able to acquire lock_ in
// RemoveEntry(), it is able to return the same error.
(*entry)->loading_status = status;
// Takes lock_
return status;
Status LibCache::GetCacheEntryInternal(const string& hdfs_lib_file, LibType type,
time_t exp_mtime, unique_lock<mutex>* entry_lock, LibCacheEntry** entry) {
*entry = nullptr;
// Check if this file is already cached. Refresh the entry if needed.
unique_lock<mutex> lib_cache_lock(lock_);
LibMap::iterator it = lib_cache_.find(hdfs_lib_file);
if (it != lib_cache_.end()) {
RefreshCacheEntry(hdfs_lib_file, type, exp_mtime, it, entry_lock, entry));
if (*entry != nullptr) return Status::OK();
// Entry didn't exist. Create a new entry and load it. Note that the cache lock is
// *not* held and the entry is not added to the cache until it is loaded. Loading is
// expensive, so *not* holding the cache lock and *not* making the entry visible to
// other threads avoids blocking other threads with an expensive operation.
unique_ptr<LibCacheEntry> new_entry = make_unique<LibCacheEntry>();
RETURN_IF_ERROR(LoadCacheEntry(hdfs_lib_file, exp_mtime, type, new_entry.get()));
// Entry is now loaded. Check that another thread did not already load and add an entry
// for the same key. If so, refresh it if needed. If the existing entry is valid, then
// use it and discard new_entry.
unique_lock<mutex> lib_cache_lock(lock_);
LibMap::iterator it = lib_cache_.find(hdfs_lib_file);
if (it != lib_cache_.end()) {
Status status =
RefreshCacheEntry(hdfs_lib_file, type, exp_mtime, it, entry_lock, entry);
// The entry lock is held at this point if entry is valid.
if (!status.ok() || *entry != nullptr) {
// new_entry will be discarded; while wasted work, it avoids holding
// the cache lock while loading.
new_entry->should_remove = true;
return status;
// The entry was not found or was removed for refresh. Use the new entry, so
// lock it and add it to the cache.
*entry = new_entry.release();
unique_lock<mutex> local_entry_lock((*entry)->lock);
lib_cache_[hdfs_lib_file] = *entry;
return Status::OK();
Status LibCache::RefreshCacheEntry(const string& hdfs_lib_file, LibType type,
time_t exp_mtime, const LibMap::iterator& iter, unique_lock<mutex>* entry_lock,
LibCacheEntry** entry) {
// Check if an error occurred on another thread while loading the library.
unique_lock<mutex> local_entry_lock((iter->second)->lock);
if (!(iter->second)->loading_status.ok()) {
// If loading_status is already set, the returned *entry should be nullptr.
DCHECK(*entry == nullptr);
return (iter->second)->loading_status;
// Refresh the cache entry if needed. A refresh is needed if check_needs_refresh is set
// (e.g., set by ddl) or if the exp_mtime argument is more recent.
// If refreshed or an error occurred, remove the entry and set the returned entry to
// nullptr.
*entry = iter->second;
if ((*entry)->check_needs_refresh || (*entry)->last_mod_time < exp_mtime) {
// Check if file has been modified since loading the cached copy. If so, remove the
// cached entry and create a new one.
(*entry)->check_needs_refresh = false;
hdfsFS hdfs_conn;
Status status = HdfsFsCache::instance()->GetConnection(hdfs_lib_file, &hdfs_conn);
if (!status.ok()) {
RemoveEntryInternal(hdfs_lib_file, iter);
*entry = nullptr;
return status;
time_t fs_last_modified_time;
status =
GetLastModificationTime(hdfs_conn, hdfs_lib_file.c_str(), &fs_last_modified_time);
// Check that the expected last_modified_time is the same as what's on the filesystem.
if (status.ok() && exp_mtime >= 0 && fs_last_modified_time != exp_mtime) {
status = Status(TErrorCode::LIB_VERSION_MISMATCH, hdfs_lib_file,
fs_last_modified_time, exp_mtime);
if (!status.ok() || (*entry)->last_mod_time < fs_last_modified_time) {
RemoveEntryInternal(hdfs_lib_file, iter);
*entry = nullptr;
// No refresh needed, the entry can be used.
if (*entry != nullptr) {
// The cache level lock continues to be held while the entry lock is obtained
// so that some other thread does not access the entry and delete it.
unique_lock<mutex> local_entry_lock((*entry)->lock);
// Let the caller propagate any error that occurred when loading the entry.
DCHECK_EQ((*entry)->type, type) << (*entry)->local_path;
return Status::OK();
Status LibCache::LoadCacheEntry(const std::string& hdfs_lib_file, time_t exp_mtime,
LibType type, LibCacheEntry* entry) {
DCHECK(entry != nullptr);
entry->type = type;
// Copy the file
entry->local_path = MakeLocalPath(hdfs_lib_file, FLAGS_local_library_dir);
VLOG(1) << "Adding lib cache entry: " << hdfs_lib_file
<< ", local path: " << entry->local_path;
hdfsFS hdfs_conn, local_conn;
RETURN_IF_ERROR(HdfsFsCache::instance()->GetConnection(hdfs_lib_file, &hdfs_conn));
// Note: the file can be updated between getting last_mod_time and copying the file to
// local_path. This can only result in the file unnecessarily being refreshed, and does
// not affect correctness.
entry->copy_file_status =
GetLastModificationTime(hdfs_conn, hdfs_lib_file.c_str(), &entry->last_mod_time);
// Check that the exp_mtime is the same as what's on the filesystem.
if (exp_mtime >= 0 && exp_mtime != entry->last_mod_time) {
return Status(
TErrorCode::LIB_VERSION_MISMATCH, hdfs_lib_file, entry->last_mod_time, exp_mtime);
entry->copy_file_status =
CopyHdfsFile(hdfs_conn, hdfs_lib_file, local_conn, entry->local_path);
if (type == TYPE_SO) {
// dlopen the local library
RETURN_IF_ERROR(DynamicOpen(entry->local_path.c_str(), &entry->shared_object_handle));
} else if (type == TYPE_IR) {
// Load the module temporarily and populate all symbols.
const string file = entry->local_path;
const string module_id = filesystem::path(file).stem().string();
RETURN_IF_ERROR(LlvmCodeGen::GetSymbols(file, module_id, &entry->symbols));
} else {
// Nothing to do.
return Status::OK();
string LibCache::MakeLocalPath(const string& hdfs_path, const string& local_dir) {
// Append the pid and library number to the local directory.
filesystem::path src(hdfs_path);
stringstream dst;
dst << local_dir << "/" << src.stem().native() << "." << getpid() << "."
<< (num_libs_copied_.Add(1) - 1) << src.extension().native();
return dst.str();