blob: 02642c4869b745e5fde38845b0bd7bc6de07ee08 [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
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// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
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#include <jni.h>
#include "gen-cpp/ImpalaInternalService.h"
#include "common/status.h"
#include "util/metrics-fwd.h"
namespace impala {
/// Service to resolve incoming requests to resource pools and to provide the pool
/// configurations. A single instance of RequestPoolService is created and it lives the
/// lifetime of the process.
/// The resource pools are specified via fair-scheduler.xml and llama-site.xml files if
/// they are available, otherwise all requests are mapped to a single 'default-pool'
/// which is configurable via gflags. The xml files are managed by the Java class
/// RequestPoolService, called via JNI.
class RequestPoolService {
/// Initializes the JNI method stubs if configuration files are specified. If any
/// method can't be found, or if there is any further error, the constructor will
/// terminate the process.
RequestPoolService(MetricGroup* metrics);
/// Resolves the request to a resource pool as determined by the policy. Returns an
/// error if the request cannot be resolved to a pool or if the user does not have
/// access to submit requests in the resolved pool. If default_pool_only_ is true,
/// then this will always return the default pool.
Status ResolveRequestPool(const TQueryCtx& ctx, std::string* resolved_pool);
/// Gets the pool configuration values for the specified pool. If default_pool_only_ is
/// true, then the returned values are always the default pool values, i.e. pool_name
/// is ignored.
Status GetPoolConfig(const std::string& pool_name, TPoolConfig* pool_config);
/// Metric measuring the time ResolveRequestPool() takes, in milliseconds.
StatsMetric<double>* resolve_pool_ms_metric_;
/// True if the pool configuration files are not provided. ResolveRequestPool() will
/// always return the default-pool and GetPoolConfig() will always return the limits
/// specified by the default pool gflags, which are unlimited unless specified via
/// the 'default_pool_max_XXX' flags (see the flag definitions in
bool default_pool_only_;
/// Mem limit (in bytes) of the default pool. Only used if default_pool_only_ is true.
/// Set in the constructor by parsing the 'default_pool_mem_limit' gflag using
/// ParseUtil::ParseMemSpec().
int64_t default_pool_mem_limit_;
/// The following members are not initialized if default_pool_only_ is true.
/// Descriptor of Java RequestPoolService class itself, used to create a new instance.
jclass request_pool_service_class_;
/// Instance of org.apache.impala.util.RequestPoolService
jobject request_pool_service_;
jmethodID resolve_request_pool_id_; // RequestPoolService.resolveRequestPool()
jmethodID get_pool_config_id_; // RequestPoolService.getPoolConfig()
jmethodID ctor_;