blob: 7901dc5639d88b73b3be068fd4952bd64d69f44c [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
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// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
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// under the License.
package org.apache.impala.analysis;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.UUID;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FSDataOutputStream;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileSystem;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.permission.FsAction;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.permission.FsPermission;
import org.apache.impala.catalog.ArrayType;
import org.apache.impala.catalog.CatalogException;
import org.apache.impala.catalog.Column;
import org.apache.impala.catalog.ColumnStats;
import org.apache.impala.catalog.DataSource;
import org.apache.impala.catalog.DataSourceTable;
import org.apache.impala.catalog.PrimitiveType;
import org.apache.impala.catalog.ScalarType;
import org.apache.impala.catalog.Type;
import org.apache.impala.common.AnalysisException;
import org.apache.impala.common.FileSystemUtil;
import org.apache.impala.common.FrontendTestBase;
import org.apache.impala.common.Pair;
import org.apache.impala.common.RuntimeEnv;
import org.apache.impala.service.BackendConfig;
import org.apache.impala.testutil.TestUtils;
import org.apache.impala.thrift.TBackendGflags;
import org.apache.impala.thrift.TDescribeTableParams;
import org.apache.impala.thrift.TQueryOptions;
import org.apache.impala.util.MetaStoreUtil;
import org.junit.AfterClass;
import org.junit.Assert;
import org.junit.BeforeClass;
import org.junit.Test;
public class AnalyzeDDLTest extends FrontendTestBase {
public void TestAlterTableAddDropPartition() throws CatalogException {
String[] addDrop = {"add if not exists", "drop if exists"};
for (String kw: addDrop) {
// Add different partitions for different column types
AnalyzesOk("alter table functional.alltypes " + kw +
" partition(year=2050, month=10)");
AnalyzesOk("alter table functional.alltypes " + kw +
" partition(month=10, year=2050)");
AnalyzesOk("alter table functional.insert_string_partitioned " + kw +
" partition(s2='1234')");
// Add/drop date partitions
AnalyzesOk("alter table functional.date_tbl " + kw +
" partition(date_part='1874-06-04')");
AnalyzesOk("alter table functional.date_tbl " + kw +
" partition(date_part=date '1874-06-04')");
AnalyzesOk("alter table functional.date_tbl " + kw +
" partition(date_part='1874-6-04')");
AnalyzesOk("alter table functional.date_tbl " + kw +
" partition(date_part=date '1874-6-04')");
AnalyzesOk("alter table functional.date_tbl " + kw +
" partition(date_part='1874-6-4')");
AnalyzesOk("alter table functional.date_tbl " + kw +
" partition(date_part=date '1874-6-4')");
// Can't add/drop partitions to/from unpartitioned tables
AnalysisError("alter table functional.alltypesnopart " + kw + " partition (i=1)",
"Table is not partitioned: functional.alltypesnopart");
AnalysisError("alter table functional_hbase.alltypesagg " + kw +
" partition (i=1)", "Table is not partitioned: functional_hbase.alltypesagg");
// Empty string partition keys
AnalyzesOk("alter table functional.insert_string_partitioned " + kw +
" partition(s2='')");
// Arbitrary exprs as partition key values. Constant exprs are ok.
AnalyzesOk("alter table functional.alltypes " + kw +
" partition(year=-1, month=cast((10+5*4) as INT))");
AnalyzesOk("alter table functional.date_tbl " + kw +
" partition(date_part=cast('1874-6-4' as date))");
// Table/Db does not exist
AnalysisError("alter table db_does_not_exist.alltypes " + kw +
" partition (i=1)", "Could not resolve table reference: " +
AnalysisError("alter table functional.table_does_not_exist " + kw +
" partition (i=1)", "Could not resolve table reference: " +
// Cannot ALTER TABLE a view.
AnalysisError("alter table functional.alltypes_view " + kw +
" partition(year=2050, month=10)",
"ALTER TABLE not allowed on a view: functional.alltypes_view");
AnalysisError("alter table functional.alltypes_datasource " + kw +
" partition(year=2050, month=10)",
"ALTER TABLE not allowed on a table produced by a data source: " +
// NULL partition keys
AnalyzesOk("alter table functional.alltypes " + kw +
" partition(year=NULL, month=1)");
AnalyzesOk("alter table functional.alltypes " + kw +
" partition(year=NULL, month=NULL)");
AnalyzesOk("alter table functional.alltypes " + kw +
" partition(year=ascii(null), month=ascii(NULL))");
AnalyzesOk("alter table functional.date_tbl " + kw +
" partition(date_part=NULL)");
AnalyzesOk("alter table functional.date_tbl " + kw +
" partition(date_part=cast(NULL as date))");
// Data types don't match
AnalysisError("alter table functional.insert_string_partitioned add " +
"Value of partition spec (column=s2) has incompatible type: 'SMALLINT'. " +
"Expected type: 'STRING'.");
AnalysisError("alter table functional.insert_string_partitioned drop " +
"operands of type STRING and SMALLINT are not comparable: s2 = 1234");
AnalysisError("alter table functional.date_tbl add partition (date_part=123)",
"Value of partition spec (column=date_part) has incompatible type: 'TINYINT'. " +
"Expected type: 'DATE'.");
// Loss of precision
"alter table functional.alltypes add " +
"partition(year=100000000000, month=10) ",
"Partition key value may result in loss of precision.\nWould need to cast " +
"'100000000000' to 'INT' for partition column: year");
// Invalid date literal
"alter table functional.date_tbl add partition (date_part='1874-06-')",
"Invalid date literal: '1874-06-'");
"alter table functional.date_tbl add partition (date_part=date '1874-06-')",
"Invalid date literal: '1874-06-'");
// Duplicate partition key name
AnalysisError("alter table functional.alltypes add " +
"partition(year=2050, year=2051)", "Duplicate partition key name: year");
// Duplicate date partition key name. Date literals may have different variations.
"alter table functional.date_tbl add partition (date_part='0001-01-01')",
"Partition spec already exists: (date_part=DATE '0001-01-01').");
"alter table functional.date_tbl add partition (date_part=DATE '0001-01-01')",
"Partition spec already exists: (date_part=DATE '0001-01-01').");
"alter table functional.date_tbl add partition (date_part='0001-01-1')",
"Partition spec already exists: (date_part=DATE '0001-01-01').");
"alter table functional.date_tbl add partition (date_part=date '0001-01-1')",
"Partition spec already exists: (date_part=DATE '0001-01-01').");
"alter table functional.date_tbl add partition (date_part='0001-01-1')",
"Partition spec already exists: (date_part=DATE '0001-01-01').");
"alter table functional.date_tbl add partition (date_part=date '0001-1-1')",
"Partition spec already exists: (date_part=DATE '0001-01-01').");
"alter table functional.date_tbl add partition " +
"(date_part=cast('0001-1-01' as date))",
"Partition spec already exists: (date_part=CAST('0001-1-01' AS DATE)).");
// Arbitrary exprs as partition key values. Non-constant exprs should fail.
AnalysisError("alter table functional.alltypes add " +
"partition(year=2050, month=int_col) ",
"Non-constant expressions are not supported as static partition-key " +
"values in 'month=int_col'.");
AnalysisError("alter table functional.alltypes add " +
"partition(year=cast(int_col as int), month=12) ",
"Non-constant expressions are not supported as static partition-key " +
"values in 'year=CAST(int_col AS INT)'.");
// Not a partition column
AnalysisError("alter table functional.alltypes drop " +
"partition(year=2050, int_col=1)",
"Partition exprs cannot contain non-partition column(s): int_col = 1.");
// Arbitrary exprs as partition key values. Non-partition columns should fail.
AnalysisError("alter table functional.alltypes drop " +
"partition(year=2050, month=int_col) ",
"Partition exprs cannot contain non-partition column(s): `month` = int_col.");
AnalysisError("alter table functional.alltypes drop " +
"partition(year=cast(int_col as int), month=12) ",
"Partition exprs cannot contain non-partition column(s): " +
"`year` = CAST(int_col AS INT).");
// IF NOT EXISTS properly checks for partition existence
AnalyzesOk("alter table functional.alltypes add " +
"partition(year=2050, month=10)");
AnalysisError("alter table functional.alltypes add " +
"partition(year=2010, month=10)",
"Partition spec already exists: (year=2010, month=10).");
AnalyzesOk("alter table functional.alltypes add if not exists " +
"partition(year=2010, month=10)");
AnalyzesOk("alter table functional.alltypes add if not exists " +
"partition(year=2010, month=10) location " +
// IF EXISTS properly checks for partition existence
// with a fully specified partition.
AnalyzesOk("alter table functional.alltypes drop " +
"partition(year=2010, month=10)");
AnalysisError("alter table functional.alltypes drop " +
"partition(year=2050, month=10)",
"No matching partition(s) found.");
AnalyzesOk("alter table functional.alltypes drop if exists " +
"partition(year=2050, month=10)");
// NULL partition keys
AnalysisError("alter table functional.alltypes drop " +
"partition(year=NULL, month=1)",
"No matching partition(s) found.");
AnalysisError("alter table functional.alltypes drop " +
"partition(year=NULL, month is NULL)",
"No matching partition(s) found.");
AnalysisError("alter table functional.date_tbl drop partition(date_part=NULL)",
"No matching partition(s) found.");
// Drop partition using predicates
// IF EXISTS is added here
AnalyzesOk("alter table functional.alltypes drop " +
"partition(year<2011, month!=10)");
AnalysisError("alter table functional.alltypes drop " +
"partition(1=1, month=10)",
"Invalid partition expr 1 = 1. " +
"A partition spec may not contain constant predicates.");
AnalyzesOk("alter table functional.alltypes drop " +
"partition(year>1050, month=10)");
AnalyzesOk("alter table functional.alltypes drop " +
"partition(year>1050 and month=10)");
AnalyzesOk("alter table functional.alltypes drop " +
AnalyzesOk("alter table functional.alltypes drop " +
AnalyzesOk("alter table functional.alltypes drop " +
"partition(year>9050, month=10)");
AnalyzesOk("alter table functional.alltypes drop if exists " +
"partition(year>9050, month=10)");
AnalyzesOk("alter table functional.date_tbl drop if exists " +
"partition(date_part > '1874-6-2')");
AnalyzesOk("alter table functional.date_tbl drop if exists " +
"partition(date_part > date '1874-6-02')");
// Not a valid column
AnalysisError("alter table functional.alltypes add " +
"partition(year=2050, blah=1)",
"Partition column 'blah' not found in table: functional.alltypes");
AnalysisError("alter table functional.alltypes drop " +
"partition(year=2050, blah=1)",
"Could not resolve column/field reference: 'blah'");
// Not a partition column
AnalysisError("alter table functional.alltypes add " +
"partition(year=2050, int_col=1) ",
"Column 'int_col' is not a partition column in table: functional.alltypes");
// Caching ops
AnalyzesOk("alter table functional.alltypes add " +
"partition(year=2050, month=10) cached in 'testPool'");
AnalyzesOk("alter table functional.alltypes add " +
"partition(year=2050, month=10) cached in 'testPool' with replication = 10");
AnalyzesOk("alter table functional.alltypes add " +
"partition(year=2050, month=10) uncached");
AnalysisError("alter table functional.alltypes add " +
"partition(year=2050, month=10) cached in 'badPool'",
"The specified cache pool does not exist: badPool");
AnalysisError("alter table functional.alltypes add " +
"partition(year=2050, month=10) location " +
"'file:///test-warehouse/alltypes/year=2010/month=10' cached in 'testPool'",
"Location 'file:/test-warehouse/alltypes/year=2010/month=10' cannot be cached. " +
"Please retry without caching: ALTER TABLE functional.alltypes ADD PARTITION " +
"... UNCACHED");
// Valid URIs.
AnalyzesOk("alter table functional.alltypes add " +
"partition(year=2050, month=10) location " +
AnalyzesOk("alter table functional.alltypes add " +
"partition(year=2050, month=10) location " +
AnalyzesOk("alter table functional.alltypes add " +
"partition(year=2050, month=10) location " +
AnalyzesOk("alter table functional.alltypes add " +
"partition(year=2050, month=10) location " +
// Invalid URIs.
AnalysisError("alter table functional.alltypes add " +
"partition(year=2050, month=10) location " +
"No FileSystem for scheme: foofs");
AnalysisError("alter table functional.alltypes add " +
"partition(year=2050, month=10) location ' '",
"URI path cannot be empty.");
public void TestAlterTableAddMultiplePartitions() {
for (String cl: new String[]{"if not exists", ""}) {
// Add multiple partitions.
AnalyzesOk("alter table functional.alltypes add " + cl +
" partition(year=2050, month=10)" +
" partition(year=2050, month=11)" +
" partition(year=2050, month=12)");
// Add multiple DATE partitions with different formatting.
AnalyzesOk("alter table functional.date_tbl add " + cl +
" partition(date_part='1970-11-1')" +
" partition(date_part='1971-2-01')" +
" partition(date_part=DATE '1972-1-1')");
// Duplicate partition specifications.
AnalysisError("alter table functional.alltypes add " + cl +
" partition(year=2050, month=10)" +
" partition(year=2050, month=11)" +
" partition(Month=10, YEAR=2050)",
"Duplicate partition spec: (month=10, year=2050)");
// Duplicate DATE partition specifications with different formatting.
AnalysisError("alter table functional.date_tbl add " + cl +
" partition(date_part='1970-1-1')" +
" partition(date_part='1971-1-03')" +
" partition(date_part='1970-01-01')",
"Duplicate partition spec: (date_part=DATE '1970-01-01')");
// Multiple partitions with locations and caching.
AnalyzesOk("alter table functional.alltypes add " + cl +
" partition(year=2050, month=10) location" +
" '/test-warehouse/alltypes/y2050m10' cached in 'testPool'" +
" partition(year=2050, month=11) location" +
" 'hdfs://localhost:20500/test-warehouse/alltypes/y2050m11'" +
" cached in 'testPool' with replication = 7" +
" partition(year=2050, month=12) location" +
" 'file:///test-warehouse/alltypes/y2050m12' uncached");
// One of the partitions points to an invalid URI.
AnalysisError("alter table functional.alltypes add " + cl +
" partition(year=2050, month=10) location" +
" '/test-warehouse/alltypes/y2050m10' cached in 'testPool'" +
" partition(year=2050, month=11) location" +
" 'hdfs://localhost:20500/test-warehouse/alltypes/y2050m11'" +
" cached in 'testPool' with replication = 7" +
" partition(year=2050, month=12) location" +
" 'fil:///test-warehouse/alltypes/y2050m12' uncached",
"No FileSystem for scheme: fil");
// One of the partitions is cached in a non-existent pool.
AnalysisError("alter table functional.alltypes add " + cl +
" partition(year=2050, month=10) location" +
" '/test-warehouse/alltypes/y2050m10' cached in 'testPool'" +
" partition(year=2050, month=11) location" +
" 'hdfs://localhost:20500/test-warehouse/alltypes/y2050m11'" +
" cached in 'nonExistentTestPool' with replication = 7" +
" partition(year=2050, month=12) location" +
" 'file:///test-warehouse/alltypes/y2050m12' uncached",
"The specified cache pool does not exist: nonExistentTestPool");
// If 'IF NOT EXISTS' is not used, ALTER TABLE ADD PARTITION cannot add a preexisting
// partition to a table.
AnalysisError("alter table functional.alltypes add partition(year=2050, month=1)" +
"partition(year=2010, month=1) partition(year=2050, month=2)",
"Partition spec already exists: (year=2010, month=1)");
public void TestAlterTableAddColumn() {
AnalyzesOk("alter table functional.alltypes add column new_col int");
AnalyzesOk("alter table functional.alltypes add column NEW_COL int");
AnalyzesOk("alter table functional.alltypes add column if not exists int_col int");
AnalyzesOk("alter table functional.alltypes add column if not exists INT_COL int");
// Column name must be unique for add.
AnalysisError("alter table functional.alltypes add column int_col int",
"Column already exists: int_col");
AnalysisError("alter table functional.alltypes add column INT_COL int",
"Column already exists: int_col");
// Add a column with same name as a partition column.
AnalysisError("alter table functional.alltypes add column year int",
"Column name conflicts with existing partition column: year");
AnalysisError("alter table functional.alltypes add column if not exists year int",
"Column name conflicts with existing partition column: year");
AnalysisError("alter table functional.alltypes add column YEAR int",
"Column name conflicts with existing partition column: year");
AnalysisError("alter table functional.alltypes add column if not exists YEAR int",
"Column name conflicts with existing partition column: year");
// Invalid column name.
AnalysisError("alter table functional.alltypes add column `???` int",
"Invalid column/field name: ???");
// Table/Db does not exist.
AnalysisError("alter table db_does_not_exist.alltypes add column i int",
"Could not resolve table reference: 'db_does_not_exist.alltypes'");
AnalysisError("alter table functional.table_does_not_exist add column i int",
"Could not resolve table reference: 'functional.table_does_not_exist'");
// Cannot ALTER TABLE a view.
AnalysisError("alter table functional.alltypes_view add column c1 string",
"ALTER TABLE not allowed on a view: functional.alltypes_view");
// Cannot ALTER TABLE a nested collection.
AnalysisError("alter table allcomplextypes.int_array_col add column c1 string",
"ALTER TABLE not allowed on a nested collection: allcomplextypes.int_array_col");
// Cannot ALTER TABLE produced by a data source.
AnalysisError("alter table functional.alltypes_datasource add column c1 string",
"ALTER TABLE not allowed on a table produced by a data source: " +
// Cannot ALTER TABLE ADD COLUMNS on an HBase table.
AnalysisError("alter table functional_hbase.alltypes add column i int",
"ALTER TABLE ADD COLUMNS not currently supported on HBase tables.");
// Cannot ALTER ADD COLUMN primary key on Kudu table.
AnalysisError("alter table functional_kudu.alltypes add column " +
"new_col int primary key",
"Cannot add a primary key using an ALTER TABLE ADD COLUMNS statement: " +
"new_col INT PRIMARY KEY");
// A non-null column must have a default on Kudu table.
AnalysisError("alter table functional_kudu.alltypes add column new_col int not null",
"A new non-null column must have a default value: new_col INT NOT NULL");
// Cannot ALTER ADD COLUMN complex type on Kudu table.
AnalysisError("alter table functional_kudu.alltypes add column c struct<f1:int>",
"Kudu tables do not support complex types: c STRUCT<f1:INT>");
// A not null is a Kudu only option..
AnalysisError("alter table functional.alltypes add column new_col int not null",
"The specified column options are only supported in Kudu tables: " +
"new_col INT NOT NULL");
public void TestAlterTableAddColumns() {
AnalyzesOk("alter table functional.alltypes add columns (new_col int)");
AnalyzesOk("alter table functional.alltypes add columns (NEW_COL int)");
AnalyzesOk("alter table functional.alltypes add columns (c1 string comment 'hi')");
AnalyzesOk("alter table functional.alltypes add columns (c struct<f1:int>)");
AnalyzesOk("alter table functional.alltypes add if not exists columns (int_col int)");
AnalyzesOk("alter table functional.alltypes add if not exists columns (INT_COL int)");
// Column name must be unique for add.
AnalysisError("alter table functional.alltypes add columns (int_col int)",
"Column already exists: int_col");
// Add a column with same name as a partition column.
AnalysisError("alter table functional.alltypes add columns (year int)",
"Column name conflicts with existing partition column: year");
AnalysisError("alter table functional.alltypes add if not exists columns (year int)",
"Column name conflicts with existing partition column: year");
// Invalid column name.
AnalysisError("alter table functional.alltypes add columns (`???` int)",
"Invalid column/field name: ???");
// Duplicate column names.
AnalysisError("alter table functional.alltypes add columns (c1 int, c1 int)",
"Duplicate column name: c1");
AnalysisError("alter table functional.alltypes add columns (c1 int, C1 int)",
"Duplicate column name: c1");
AnalysisError("alter table functional.alltypes add if not exists columns " +
"(c1 int, c1 int)", "Duplicate column name: c1");
AnalysisError("alter table functional.alltypes add if not exists columns " +
"(c1 int, C1 int)", "Duplicate column name: c1");
// Table/Db does not exist.
AnalysisError("alter table db_does_not_exist.alltypes add columns (i int)",
"Could not resolve table reference: 'db_does_not_exist.alltypes'");
AnalysisError("alter table functional.table_does_not_exist add columns (i int)",
"Could not resolve table reference: 'functional.table_does_not_exist'");
// Cannot ALTER TABLE a view.
AnalysisError("alter table functional.alltypes_view " +
"add columns (c1 string comment 'hi')",
"ALTER TABLE not allowed on a view: functional.alltypes_view");
// Cannot ALTER TABLE a nested collection.
AnalysisError("alter table allcomplextypes.int_array_col " +
"add columns (c1 string comment 'hi')",
"ALTER TABLE not allowed on a nested collection: allcomplextypes.int_array_col");
// Cannot ALTER TABLE produced by a data source.
AnalysisError("alter table functional.alltypes_datasource " +
"add columns (c1 string comment 'hi')",
"ALTER TABLE not allowed on a table produced by a data source: " +
// Cannot ALTER TABLE ADD COLUMNS on an HBase table.
AnalysisError("alter table functional_hbase.alltypes add columns (i int)",
"ALTER TABLE ADD COLUMNS not currently supported on HBase tables.");
// Cannot ALTER ADD COLUMNS primary key on Kudu table.
AnalysisError("alter table functional_kudu.alltypes add columns " +
"(new_col int primary key)",
"Cannot add a primary key using an ALTER TABLE ADD COLUMNS statement: " +
"new_col INT PRIMARY KEY");
// A non-null column must have a default on Kudu table.
AnalysisError("alter table functional_kudu.alltypes add columns" +
"(new_col int not null)",
"A new non-null column must have a default value: new_col INT NOT NULL");
// Cannot ALTER ADD COLUMN complex type on Kudu table.
AnalysisError("alter table functional_kudu.alltypes add columns (c struct<f1:int>)",
"Kudu tables do not support complex types: c STRUCT<f1:INT>");
// A not null is a Kudu only option..
AnalysisError("alter table functional.alltypes add columns(new_col int not null)",
"The specified column options are only supported in Kudu tables: " +
"new_col INT NOT NULL");
public void TestAlterTableReplaceColumns() {
AnalyzesOk("alter table functional.alltypes replace columns " +
"(c1 int comment 'c', c2 int)");
AnalyzesOk("alter table functional.alltypes replace columns " +
"(C1 int comment 'c', C2 int)");
AnalyzesOk("alter table functional.alltypes replace columns (c array<string>)");
// Invalid column name.
AnalysisError("alter table functional.alltypes replace columns (`???` int)",
"Invalid column/field name: ???");
// Replace should not throw an error if the column already exists.
AnalyzesOk("alter table functional.alltypes replace columns (int_col int)");
AnalyzesOk("alter table functional.alltypes replace columns (INT_COL int)");
// It is not possible to replace a partition column.
AnalysisError("alter table functional.alltypes replace columns (year int)",
"Column name conflicts with existing partition column: year");
AnalysisError("alter table functional.alltypes replace columns (Year int)",
"Column name conflicts with existing partition column: year");
// Duplicate column names.
AnalysisError("alter table functional.alltypes replace columns (c1 int, c1 int)",
"Duplicate column name: c1");
AnalysisError("alter table functional.alltypes replace columns (c1 int, C1 int)",
"Duplicate column name: c1");
// Table/Db does not exist
AnalysisError("alter table db_does_not_exist.alltypes replace columns (i int)",
"Could not resolve table reference: 'db_does_not_exist.alltypes'");
AnalysisError("alter table functional.table_does_not_exist replace columns (i int)",
"Could not resolve table reference: 'functional.table_does_not_exist'");
// Cannot ALTER TABLE a view.
AnalysisError("alter table functional.alltypes_view " +
"replace columns (c1 string comment 'hi')",
"ALTER TABLE not allowed on a view: functional.alltypes_view");
// Cannot ALTER TABLE a nested collection.
AnalysisError("alter table allcomplextypes.int_array_col " +
"replace columns (c1 string comment 'hi')",
"ALTER TABLE not allowed on a nested collection: allcomplextypes.int_array_col");
// Cannot ALTER TABLE produced by a data source.
AnalysisError("alter table functional.alltypes_datasource " +
"replace columns (c1 string comment 'hi')",
"ALTER TABLE not allowed on a table produced by a data source: " +
// Cannot ALTER TABLE REPLACE COLUMNS on a HBase table.
AnalysisError("alter table functional_hbase.alltypes replace columns (i int)",
"ALTER TABLE REPLACE COLUMNS not currently supported on HBase tables.");
// Cannot ALTER TABLE REPLACE COLUMNS on a Kudu table.
AnalysisError("alter table functional_kudu.alltypes replace columns (i int)",
"ALTER TABLE REPLACE COLUMNS is not supported on Kudu tables.");
public void TestAlterTableDropColumn() throws AnalysisException {
AnalyzesOk("alter table functional.alltypes drop column int_col");
AnalysisError("alter table functional.alltypes drop column no_col",
"Column 'no_col' does not exist in table: functional.alltypes");
AnalysisError("alter table functional.alltypes drop column year",
"Cannot drop partition column: year");
// Tables should always have at least 1 column
AnalysisError("alter table functional_seq_snap.bad_seq_snap drop column field",
"Cannot drop column 'field' from functional_seq_snap.bad_seq_snap. " +
"Tables must contain at least 1 column.");
// Table/Db does not exist
AnalysisError("alter table db_does_not_exist.alltypes drop column col1",
"Could not resolve table reference: 'db_does_not_exist.alltypes'");
AnalysisError("alter table functional.table_does_not_exist drop column col1",
"Could not resolve table reference: 'functional.table_does_not_exist'");
// Cannot ALTER TABLE a view.
AnalysisError("alter table functional.alltypes_view drop column int_col",
"ALTER TABLE not allowed on a view: functional.alltypes_view");
// Cannot ALTER TABLE a nested collection.
AnalysisError("alter table allcomplextypes.int_array_col drop column int_col",
"ALTER TABLE not allowed on a nested collection: allcomplextypes.int_array_col");
// Cannot ALTER TABLE produced by a data source.
AnalysisError("alter table functional.alltypes_datasource drop column int_col",
"ALTER TABLE not allowed on a table produced by a data source: " +
// Cannot ALTER TABLE DROP COLUMN on an HBase table.
AnalysisError("alter table functional_hbase.alltypes drop column int_col",
"ALTER TABLE DROP COLUMN not currently supported on HBase tables.");
public void TestAlterTableChangeColumn() throws AnalysisException {
// Rename a column
AnalyzesOk("alter table functional.alltypes change column int_col int_col2 int");
// Rename and change the datatype
AnalyzesOk("alter table functional.alltypes change column int_col c2 string");
"alter table functional.alltypes change column int_col c2 map<int, string>");
// Change only the datatype
AnalyzesOk("alter table functional.alltypes change column int_col int_col tinyint");
// Add a comment to a column.
AnalyzesOk("alter table functional.alltypes change int_col int_col int comment 'c'");
AnalysisError("alter table functional.alltypes change column no_col c1 int",
"Column 'no_col' does not exist in table: functional.alltypes");
AnalysisError("alter table functional.alltypes change column year year int",
"Cannot modify partition column: year");
"alter table functional.alltypes change column int_col Tinyint_col int",
"Column already exists: tinyint_col");
// Invalid column name.
AnalysisError("alter table functional.alltypes change column int_col `???` int",
"Invalid column/field name: ???");
// Table/Db does not exist
AnalysisError("alter table db_does_not_exist.alltypes change c1 c2 int",
"Could not resolve table reference: 'db_does_not_exist.alltypes'");
AnalysisError("alter table functional.table_does_not_exist change c1 c2 double",
"Could not resolve table reference: 'functional.table_does_not_exist'");
// Cannot ALTER TABLE a view.
AnalysisError("alter table functional.alltypes_view " +
"change column int_col int_col2 int",
"ALTER TABLE not allowed on a view: functional.alltypes_view");
// Cannot ALTER TABLE a nested collection.
AnalysisError("alter table allcomplextypes.int_array_col " +
"change column int_col int_col2 int",
"ALTER TABLE not allowed on a nested collection: allcomplextypes.int_array_col");
// Cannot ALTER TABLE produced by a data source.
AnalysisError("alter table functional.alltypes_datasource " +
"change column int_col int_col2 int",
"ALTER TABLE not allowed on a table produced by a data source: " +
// Cannot ALTER TABLE CHANGE COLUMN on an HBase table.
AnalysisError("alter table functional_hbase.alltypes CHANGE COLUMN int_col i int",
"ALTER TABLE CHANGE/ALTER COLUMN not currently supported on HBase tables.");
public void TestAlterTableSetRowFormat() throws AnalysisException {
AnalyzesOk("alter table functional.alltypes set row format delimited " +
"fields terminated by ' '");
AnalyzesOk("alter table functional.alltypes partition (year=2010) set row format " +
"delimited fields terminated by ' '");
AnalyzesOk("alter table functional_seq.alltypes set row format delimited " +
"fields terminated by ' '");
AnalysisError("alter table functional.alltypesnopart PARTITION (month=1) " +
"set row format delimited fields terminated by ' '",
"Table is not partitioned: functional.alltypesnopart");
String [] unsupportedFileFormatDbs =
{"functional_parquet", "functional_rc", "functional_avro"};
for (String format: unsupportedFileFormatDbs) {
AnalysisError("alter table " + format + ".alltypes set row format delimited " +
"fields terminated by ' '", "ALTER TABLE SET ROW FORMAT is only supported " +
"on TEXT or SEQUENCE file formats");
AnalysisError("alter table functional_kudu.alltypes set row format delimited " +
"fields terminated by ' '", "ALTER TABLE SET ROW FORMAT is only supported " +
"on HDFS tables");
AnalysisError("alter table functional.alltypesmixedformat partition(year=2009) " +
"set row format delimited fields terminated by ' '",
"ALTER TABLE SET ROW FORMAT is only supported on TEXT or SEQUENCE file formats");
AnalyzesOk("alter table functional.alltypesmixedformat partition(year=2009,month=1) " +
"set row format delimited fields terminated by ' '");
public void TestAlterTableSet() throws AnalysisException {
AnalyzesOk("alter table functional.alltypes set fileformat sequencefile");
AnalyzesOk("alter table functional.alltypes set location '/a/b'");
AnalyzesOk("alter table functional.alltypes set tblproperties('a'='1')");
AnalyzesOk("alter table functional.alltypes set serdeproperties('a'='2')");
AnalyzesOk("alter table functional.alltypes PARTITION (Year=2010, month=11) " +
"set location '/a/b'");
AnalyzesOk("alter table functional.alltypes PARTITION (month=11, year=2010) " +
"set fileformat parquetfile");
AnalyzesOk("alter table functional.alltypes PARTITION (month<=11, year=2010) " +
"set fileformat parquetfile");
AnalyzesOk("alter table functional.stringpartitionkey PARTITION " +
"(string_col='partition1') set fileformat parquet");
AnalyzesOk("alter table functional.stringpartitionkey PARTITION " +
"(string_col='partition1') set location '/a/b/c'");
AnalyzesOk("alter table functional.alltypes PARTITION (year=2010, month=11) " +
"set tblproperties('a'='1')");
AnalyzesOk("alter table functional.alltypes PARTITION (year<=2010, month=11) " +
"set tblproperties('a'='1')");
AnalyzesOk("alter table functional.alltypes PARTITION (year=2010, month=11) " +
"set serdeproperties ('a'='2')");
AnalyzesOk("alter table functional.alltypes PARTITION (year<=2010, month=11) " +
"set serdeproperties ('a'='2')");
AnalyzesOk("alter table functional.alltypes set tblproperties('sort.columns'='id')");
AnalyzesOk("alter table functional.alltypes set tblproperties(" +
AnalyzesOk("alter table functional.alltypes set tblproperties(" +
AnalyzesOk("alter table functional.alltypes set tblproperties('sort.columns'='')");
AnalysisError("alter table functional.alltypes set tblproperties(" +
"Duplicate column in SORT BY list: id");
AnalysisError("alter table functional.alltypes set tblproperties(" +
"'sort.columns'='ID, foo')",
"Could not find SORT BY column 'foo' in table.");
// Table is partitioned, but it has no matching partitions.
AnalyzesOk("alter table functional.alltypesagg partition(year=2009, month=1) " +
"set location 'hdfs://localhost:20500/test-warehouse/new_table'");
AnalyzesOk("alter table functional.alltypesagg partition(year=2009, month=1) " +
"set fileformat parquet");
AnalyzesOk("alter table functional.alltypesagg partition(year=2009, month=1) " +
"set tblproperties ('key'='value')");
AnalyzesOk("alter table functional.alltypesagg partition(year=2009, month=1) " +
"set serdeproperties ('key'='value')");
AnalyzesOk("alter table functional.alltypesagg partition(year=2009, month=1) " +
"set row format delimited fields terminated by '|'");
// Check that long_properties fail at the analysis layer
String long_property_key = "";
for (int i = 0; i < MetaStoreUtil.MAX_PROPERTY_KEY_LENGTH; ++i) {
long_property_key += 'k';
String long_property_value = "";
for (int i = 0; i < MetaStoreUtil.MAX_PROPERTY_VALUE_LENGTH; ++i) {
long_property_value += 'v';
// At this point long_property_{key_value} are actually not quite long enough to
// cause analysis to fail.
AnalyzesOk("alter table functional.alltypes "
+ "set serdeproperties ('" + long_property_key + "'='" + long_property_value
+ "') ");
AnalyzesOk("alter table functional.alltypes "
+ "set tblproperties ('" + long_property_key + "'='" + long_property_value
+ "') ");
long_property_key += 'X';
long_property_value += 'X';
// Now that long_property_{key,value} are one character longer, they are too long
// for the analyzer.
AnalysisError("alter table functional.alltypes set "
+ "tblproperties ('" + long_property_key + "'='value')",
"Property key length must be <= " + MetaStoreUtil.MAX_PROPERTY_KEY_LENGTH + ": "
+ (MetaStoreUtil.MAX_PROPERTY_KEY_LENGTH + 1));
AnalysisError("alter table functional.alltypes set "
+ "tblproperties ('key'='" + long_property_value + "')",
"Property value length must be <= " + MetaStoreUtil.MAX_PROPERTY_VALUE_LENGTH
+ ": " + (MetaStoreUtil.MAX_PROPERTY_VALUE_LENGTH + 1));
AnalysisError("alter table functional.alltypes set "
+ "serdeproperties ('" + long_property_key + "'='value')",
"Property key length must be <= " + MetaStoreUtil.MAX_PROPERTY_KEY_LENGTH + ": "
+ (MetaStoreUtil.MAX_PROPERTY_KEY_LENGTH + 1));
AnalysisError("alter table functional.alltypes set "
+ "serdeproperties ('key'='" + long_property_value + "')",
"Property value length must be <= " + MetaStoreUtil.MAX_PROPERTY_VALUE_LENGTH
+ ": " + (MetaStoreUtil.MAX_PROPERTY_VALUE_LENGTH + 1));
"alter table functional.alltypes set tblproperties('storage_handler'='1')",
"Changing the 'storage_handler' table property is not supported to protect " +
"against metadata corruption.");
// Arbitrary exprs as partition key values. Constant exprs are ok.
AnalyzesOk("alter table functional.alltypes PARTITION " +
"(year=cast(100*20+10 as INT), month=cast(2+9 as INT)) " +
"set fileformat sequencefile");
AnalyzesOk("alter table functional.alltypes PARTITION " +
"(year=cast(100*20+10 as INT), month=cast(2+9 as INT)) " +
"set location '/a/b'");
// Arbitrary exprs as partition key values. One-partition-column-bound exprs are ok.
AnalyzesOk("alter table functional.alltypes PARTITION " +
"(Year*2=Year+2010, month=11) set fileformat sequencefile");
// Arbitrary exprs as partition key values. Non-partition-column exprs.
AnalysisError("alter table functional.alltypes PARTITION " +
"(int_col=3) set fileformat sequencefile",
"Partition exprs cannot contain non-partition column(s): int_col = 3.");
// Partition expr matches more than one partition in set location statement.
AnalysisError("alter table functional.alltypes PARTITION (year!=20) " +
"set location '/a/b'",
"Partition expr in set location statements can only match " +
"one partition. Too many matched partitions year=2009/month=1," +
// Partition spec does not exist
AnalysisError("alter table functional.alltypes PARTITION (year=2014, month=11) " +
"set location '/a/b'",
"No matching partition(s) found.");
AnalysisError("alter table functional.alltypes PARTITION (year=2014, month=11) " +
"set tblproperties('a'='1')",
"No matching partition(s) found.");
AnalysisError("alter table functional.alltypes PARTITION (month=11, year=2014) " +
"set fileformat sequencefile",
"No matching partition(s) found.");
AnalysisError("alter table functional.alltypesnopart PARTITION (month=1) " +
"set fileformat sequencefile",
"Table is not partitioned: functional.alltypesnopart");
AnalysisError("alter table functional.alltypesnopart PARTITION (month=1) " +
"set location '/a/b/c'",
"Table is not partitioned: functional.alltypesnopart");
AnalysisError("alter table functional.stringpartitionkey PARTITION " +
"(string_col='partition2') set location '/a/b'",
"No matching partition(s) found.");
AnalysisError("alter table functional.stringpartitionkey PARTITION " +
"(string_col='partition2') set fileformat sequencefile",
"No matching partition(s) found.");
AnalysisError("alter table functional.alltypes PARTITION " +
"(year=cast(10*20+10 as INT), month=cast(5*3 as INT)) " +
"set location '/a/b'",
"No matching partition(s) found.");
AnalysisError("alter table functional.alltypes PARTITION " +
"(year=cast(10*20+10 as INT), month=cast(5*3 as INT)) " +
"set fileformat sequencefile",
"No matching partition(s) found.");
// Table/Db does not exist
AnalysisError("alter table db_does_not_exist.alltypes set fileformat sequencefile",
"Could not resolve table reference: 'db_does_not_exist.alltypes'");
AnalysisError("alter table functional.table_does_not_exist set fileformat rcfile",
"Could not resolve table reference: 'functional.table_does_not_exist'");
AnalysisError("alter table db_does_not_exist.alltypes set location '/a/b'",
"Could not resolve table reference: 'db_does_not_exist.alltypes'");
AnalysisError("alter table functional.table_does_not_exist set location '/a/b'",
"Could not resolve table reference: 'functional.table_does_not_exist'");
AnalysisError("alter table functional.no_tbl partition(i=1) set location '/a/b'",
"Could not resolve table reference: 'functional.no_tbl'");
AnalysisError("alter table no_db.alltypes partition(i=1) set fileformat textfile",
"Could not resolve table reference: 'no_db.alltypes'");
// Valid location
AnalyzesOk("alter table functional.alltypes set location " +
AnalyzesOk("alter table functional.alltypes set location " +
AnalyzesOk("alter table functional.alltypes set location " +
// Invalid location
AnalysisError("alter table functional.alltypes set location 'test/warehouse'",
"URI path must be absolute: test/warehouse");
AnalysisError("alter table functional.alltypes set location 'blah:///warehouse/'",
"No FileSystem for scheme: blah");
AnalysisError("alter table functional.alltypes set location ''",
"URI path cannot be empty.");
AnalysisError("alter table functional.alltypes set location ' '",
"URI path cannot be empty.");
// Cannot ALTER TABLE a view.
AnalysisError("alter table functional.alltypes_view set fileformat sequencefile",
"ALTER TABLE not allowed on a view: functional.alltypes_view");
// Cannot ALTER TABLE a nested collection.
AnalysisError("alter table allcomplextypes.int_array_col set fileformat sequencefile",
"ALTER TABLE not allowed on a nested collection: allcomplextypes.int_array_col");
// Cannot ALTER TABLE produced by a data source.
AnalysisError("alter table functional.alltypes_datasource set fileformat parquet",
"ALTER TABLE not allowed on a table produced by a data source: " +
// Cannot ALTER TABLE SET on an HBase table.
AnalysisError("alter table functional_hbase.alltypes set tblproperties('a'='b')",
"ALTER TABLE SET not currently supported on HBase tables.");
public void TestAlterTableSetCached() {
// Positive cases
AnalyzesOk("alter table functional.alltypesnopart set cached in 'testPool'");
AnalyzesOk("alter table functional.alltypes set cached in 'testPool'");
AnalyzesOk("alter table functional.alltypes partition(year=2010, month=12) " +
"set cached in 'testPool'");
AnalyzesOk("alter table functional.alltypes partition(year<=2010, month<=12) " +
"set cached in 'testPool'");
// Replication factor
AnalyzesOk("alter table functional.alltypes set cached in 'testPool' " +
"with replication = 10");
AnalyzesOk("alter table functional.alltypes partition(year=2010, month=12) " +
"set cached in 'testPool' with replication = 4");
AnalysisError("alter table functional.alltypes set cached in 'testPool' " +
"with replication = 0",
"Cache replication factor must be between 0 and Short.MAX_VALUE");
AnalysisError("alter table functional.alltypes set cached in 'testPool' " +
"with replication = 90000",
"Cache replication factor must be between 0 and Short.MAX_VALUE");
// Attempt to alter a table that is not backed by HDFS.
AnalysisError("alter table functional_hbase.alltypesnopart set cached in 'testPool'",
"ALTER TABLE SET not currently supported on HBase tables.");
AnalysisError("alter table functional.view_view set cached in 'testPool'",
"ALTER TABLE not allowed on a view: functional.view_view");
AnalysisError("alter table allcomplextypes.int_array_col set cached in 'testPool'",
"ALTER TABLE not allowed on a nested collection: allcomplextypes.int_array_col");
AnalysisError("alter table functional.alltypes set cached in 'badPool'",
"The specified cache pool does not exist: badPool");
AnalysisError("alter table functional.alltypes partition(year=2010, month=12) " +
"set cached in 'badPool'", "The specified cache pool does not exist: badPool");
// Attempt to uncache a table that is not cached. Should be a no-op.
AnalyzesOk("alter table functional.alltypes set uncached");
AnalyzesOk("alter table functional.alltypes partition(year=2010, month=12) " +
"set uncached");
// Attempt to cache a table that is already cached. Should be a no-op.
AnalyzesOk("alter table functional.alltypestiny set cached in 'testPool'");
AnalyzesOk("alter table functional.alltypestiny partition(year=2009, month=1) " +
"set cached in 'testPool'");
// Change location of a cached table/partition
AnalysisError("alter table functional.alltypestiny set location '/tmp/tiny'",
"Target table is cached, please uncache before changing the location using: " +
"ALTER TABLE functional.alltypestiny SET UNCACHED");
AnalysisError("alter table functional.alltypestiny partition (year=2009,month=1) " +
"set location '/test-warehouse/new_location'",
"Target partition is cached, please uncache before changing the location " +
"using: ALTER TABLE functional.alltypestiny " +
"PARTITION (`year` = 2009, `month` = 1) SET UNCACHED");
// Table/db/partition do not exist
AnalysisError("alter table baddb.alltypestiny set cached in 'testPool'",
"Could not resolve table reference: 'baddb.alltypestiny'");
AnalysisError("alter table functional.badtbl set cached in 'testPool'",
"Could not resolve table reference: 'functional.badtbl'");
AnalysisError("alter table functional.alltypestiny partition(year=9999, month=1) " +
"set cached in 'testPool'",
"No matching partition(s) found.");
public void TestAlterTableSetColumnStats() {
// Contains entries of the form 'statsKey'='statsValue' for every
// stats key. A dummy value is used for 'statsValue'.
List<String> testKeyValues = new ArrayList<>();
for (ColumnStats.StatsKey statsKey: ColumnStats.StatsKey.values()) {
testKeyValues.add(String.format("'%s'='10'", statsKey));
// Test updating all stats keys individually.
for (String kv: testKeyValues) {
"alter table functional.alltypes set column stats string_col (%s)", kv));
// Stats key is case-insensitive.
"alter table functional.alltypes set column stats string_col (%s)",
"alter table functional.alltypes set column stats string_col (%s)",
// Test updating all stats keys at once in a single statement.
"alter table functional.alltypes set column stats string_col (%s)",
// Test setting all stats keys to -1 (unknown).
for (ColumnStats.StatsKey statsKey: ColumnStats.StatsKey.values()) {
"alter table functional.alltypes set column stats string_col ('%s'='-1')",
// Duplicate stats keys are valid. The last entry is used.
AnalyzesOk("alter table functional.alltypes set column stats " +
"int_col ('numDVs'='2','numDVs'='3')");
// Test updating stats on all scalar types.
for (Type t: Type.getSupportedTypes()) {
if (t.isNull()) continue;
String typeStr = t.getPrimitiveType().toString();
if (t.getPrimitiveType() == PrimitiveType.CHAR ||
t.getPrimitiveType() == PrimitiveType.VARCHAR) {
typeStr += "(60)";
String tblName = "t_" + t.getPrimitiveType();
addTestTable(String.format("create table %s (c %s)", tblName, typeStr));
"alter table %s set column stats c ('%s'='100','%s'='10')",
tblName, ColumnStats.StatsKey.NUM_DISTINCT_VALUES,
// Test setting stats values to -1 (unknown).
"alter table %s set column stats c ('%s'='-1','%s'='-1')",
tblName, ColumnStats.StatsKey.NUM_DISTINCT_VALUES,
// Setting stats works on all table types.
AnalyzesOk("alter table functional_hbase.alltypes set column stats " +
"int_col ('numNulls'='2')");
AnalyzesOk("alter table functional.alltypes_datasource set column stats " +
"int_col ('numDVs'='2')");
if (RuntimeEnv.INSTANCE.isKuduSupported()) {
AnalyzesOk("alter table functional_kudu.testtbl set column stats " +
"name ('numNulls'='2')");
// Table does not exist.
AnalysisError("alter table bad_tbl set column stats int_col ('numNulls'='2')",
"Could not resolve table reference: 'bad_tbl'");
// Column does not exist.
"alter table functional.alltypes set column stats bad_col ('numNulls'='2')",
"Column 'bad_col' does not exist in table: functional.alltypes");
// Cannot set column stats of a view.
"alter table functional.alltypes_view set column stats int_col ('numNulls'='2')",
"ALTER TABLE not allowed on a view: functional.alltypes_view");
// Cannot set column stats of a nested collection.
"alter table allcomplextypes.int_array_col " +
"set column stats int_col ('numNulls'='2')",
"ALTER TABLE not allowed on a nested collection: allcomplextypes.int_array_col");
// Cannot set column stats of partition columns.
"alter table functional.alltypes set column stats month ('numDVs'='10')",
"Updating the stats of a partition column is not allowed: month");
// Cannot set the size of a fixed-length column.
"alter table functional.alltypes set column stats int_col ('maxSize'='10')",
"Cannot update the 'maxSize' stats of column 'int_col' with type 'INT'.\n" +
"Changing 'maxSize' is only allowed for variable-length columns.");
"alter table functional.alltypes set column stats int_col ('avgSize'='10')",
"Cannot update the 'avgSize' stats of column 'int_col' with type 'INT'.\n" +
"Changing 'avgSize' is only allowed for variable-length columns.");
// Cannot set column stats of complex-typed columns.
"alter table functional.allcomplextypes set column stats int_array_col " +
"Statistics for column 'int_array_col' are not supported because " +
"it has type 'ARRAY<INT>'.");
"alter table functional.allcomplextypes set column stats int_map_col " +
"Statistics for column 'int_map_col' are not supported because " +
"it has type 'MAP<STRING,INT>'.");
"alter table functional.allcomplextypes set column stats int_struct_col " +
"Statistics for column 'int_struct_col' are not supported because " +
"it has type 'STRUCT<f1:INT,f2:INT>'.");
// Invalid stats key.
"alter table functional.alltypes set column stats int_col ('badKey'='10')",
"Invalid column stats key: badKey");
"alter table functional.alltypes set column stats " +
"int_col ('numDVs'='10',''='10')",
"Invalid column stats key: ");
// Invalid long stats values.
"alter table functional.alltypes set column stats int_col ('numDVs'='bad')",
"Invalid stats value 'bad' for column stats key: numDVs");
"alter table functional.alltypes set column stats int_col ('numDVs'='-10')",
"Invalid stats value '-10' for column stats key: numDVs");
// Invalid float stats values.
"alter table functional.alltypes set column stats string_col ('avgSize'='bad')",
"Invalid stats value 'bad' for column stats key: avgSize");
"alter table functional.alltypes set column stats string_col ('avgSize'='-1.5')",
"Invalid stats value '-1.5' for column stats key: avgSize");
"alter table functional.alltypes set column stats string_col ('avgSize'='-0.5')",
"Invalid stats value '-0.5' for column stats key: avgSize");
"alter table functional.alltypes set column stats string_col ('avgSize'='NaN')",
"Invalid stats value 'NaN' for column stats key: avgSize");
"alter table functional.alltypes set column stats string_col ('avgSize'='inf')",
"Invalid stats value 'inf' for column stats key: avgSize");
public void TestAlterTableSetAvroProperties() {
// Test set tblproperties with avro.schema.url and avro.schema.literal
// TODO: Include customized schema files
for (String propertyType : Lists.newArrayList("tblproperties", "serdeproperties")) {
// Valid url with valid schema
AnalyzesOk(String.format("alter table functional.alltypes set %s" +
"('avro.schema.url'=" +
// Invalid schema URL
AnalysisError(String.format("alter table functional.alltypes set %s " +
"('avro.schema.url'='')", propertyType),
"Invalid avro.schema.url: . Can not create a Path from an empty string");
AnalysisError(String.format("alter table functional.alltypes set %s " +
"('avro.schema.url'='hdfs://invalid*host/schema.avsc')", propertyType),
"Failed to read Avro schema at: hdfs://invalid*host/schema.avsc. " +
"Incomplete HDFS URI, no host: hdfs://invalid*host/schema.avsc");
AnalysisError(String.format("alter table functional.alltypes set %s" +
"('avro.schema.url'='schema.avsc')", propertyType),
"Invalid avro.schema.url: schema.avsc. Path does not exist.");
AnalysisError(String.format("alter table functional.alltypes set %s " +
"('avro.schema.url'='foo://bar/schema.avsc')", propertyType),
"Failed to read Avro schema at: foo://bar/schema.avsc. " +
"No FileSystem for scheme: foo");
// Valid schema literal
AnalyzesOk(String.format("alter table functional.alltypes set %s" +
"('avro.schema.literal'='{\"name\": \"my_record\", \"type\": \"record\", " +
"\"fields\": [{\"name\": \"string1\", \"type\": \"string\"}] }')",
// Invalid schema
AnalysisError(String.format("alter table functional.alltypes set %s " +
"('avro.schema.literal'='{\"name\": \"my_record\", \"type\": \"record\", " +
"\"fields\": {\"name\": \"string1\", \"type\": \"string\"}]}')", propertyType),
"Error parsing Avro schema for table 'functional.alltypes': " +
"org.codehaus.jackson.JsonParseException: Unexpected close marker ']': " +
"expected '}'");
AnalysisError(String.format("alter table functional.alltypes set %s " +
"('avro.schema.literal'='')", propertyType),
"Avro schema is null or empty: functional.alltypes");
AnalysisError(String.format("alter table functional.alltypes set %s " +
"('avro.schema.literal'='{\"name\": \"my_record\"}')", propertyType),
"Error parsing Avro schema for table 'functional.alltypes': " +
"No type: {\"name\":\"my_record\"}");
AnalysisError(String.format("alter table functional.alltypes set %s " +
"('avro.schema.literal'='{\"name\":\"my_record\", \"type\": \"record\"}')",
propertyType), "Error parsing Avro schema for table 'functional.alltypes': " +
"Record has no fields: {\"name\":\"my_record\",\"type\":\"record\"}");
AnalysisError(String.format("alter table functional.alltypes set %s " +
"('avro.schema.literal'='" +
"{\"type\":\"record\", \"fields\":[ {\"name\":\"fff\",\"type\":\"int\"} ] }')",
propertyType), "Error parsing Avro schema for table 'functional.alltypes': " +
"No name in schema: {\"type\":\"record\",\"fields\":[{\"name\":\"fff\"," +
// Unsupported types
// Union
AnalysisError(String.format("alter table functional.alltypes set %s " +
"('avro.schema.literal'='{\"name\": \"my_record\", \"type\": \"record\", " +
"\"fields\": [{\"name\": \"string1\", \"type\": \"string\"}," +
"{\"name\": \"union1\", \"type\": [\"float\", \"boolean\"]}]}')",
propertyType), "Unsupported type 'union' of column 'union1'");
// Check avro.schema.url and avro.schema.literal evaluation order,
// skip checking url when literal is provided.
AnalysisError(String.format("alter table functional.alltypes set %s " +
"('avro.schema.literal'='{\"name\": \"my_record\", \"type\": \"record\", " +
"\"fields\": {\"name\": \"string1\", \"type\": \"string\"}]}', " +
"'avro.schema.url'='')", propertyType),
"Error parsing Avro schema for table 'functional.alltypes': " +
"org.codehaus.jackson.JsonParseException: Unexpected close marker ']': " +
"expected '}'");
// Url is invalid but ignored because literal is provided.
AnalyzesOk(String.format("alter table functional.alltypes set %s " +
"('avro.schema.literal'='{\"name\": \"my_record\", \"type\": \"record\", " +
"\"fields\": [{\"name\": \"string1\", \"type\": \"string\"}] }', " +
"'avro.schema.url'='')", propertyType));
// Even though url is valid, literal has higher priority.
AnalysisError(String.format("alter table functional.alltypes set %s " +
"('avro.schema.literal'='', 'avro.schema.url'=" +
propertyType), "Avro schema is null or empty: functional.alltypes");
public void TestAlterTableRename() throws AnalysisException {
AnalyzesOk("alter table functional.alltypes rename to new_alltypes");
AnalyzesOk("alter table functional.alltypes rename to functional.new_alltypes");
AnalysisError("alter table functional.alltypes rename to functional.alltypes",
"Table already exists: functional.alltypes");
AnalysisError("alter table functional.alltypes rename to functional.alltypesagg",
"Table already exists: functional.alltypesagg");
AnalysisError("alter table functional.table_does_not_exist rename to new_table",
"Table does not exist: functional.table_does_not_exist");
AnalysisError("alter table db_does_not_exist.alltypes rename to new_table",
"Database does not exist: db_does_not_exist");
// Invalid database/table name.
AnalysisError("alter table functional.alltypes rename to `???`.new_table",
"Invalid database name: ???");
AnalysisError("alter table functional.alltypes rename to functional.`%^&`",
"Invalid table/view name: %^&");
"alter table functional.alltypes rename to db_does_not_exist.new_table",
"Database does not exist: db_does_not_exist");
// Cannot ALTER TABLE a view.
AnalysisError("alter table functional.alltypes_view rename to new_alltypes",
"ALTER TABLE not allowed on a view: functional.alltypes_view");
// Cannot ALTER TABLE a nested collection.
AnalysisError("alter table allcomplextypes.int_array_col rename to new_alltypes",
"Database does not exist: allcomplextypes");
// It should be okay to rename an HBase table.
AnalyzesOk("alter table functional_hbase.alltypes rename to new_alltypes");
// It should be okay to rename a table produced by a data source.
AnalyzesOk("alter table functional.alltypes_datasource rename to new_datasrc_tbl");
public void TestAlterTableRecoverPartitions() throws CatalogException {
AnalyzesOk("alter table functional.alltypes recover partitions");
AnalysisError("alter table baddb.alltypes recover partitions",
"Could not resolve table reference: 'baddb.alltypes'");
AnalysisError("alter table functional.badtbl recover partitions",
"Could not resolve table reference: 'functional.badtbl'");
AnalysisError("alter table functional.alltypesnopart recover partitions",
"Table is not partitioned: functional.alltypesnopart");
AnalysisError("alter table functional.view_view recover partitions",
"ALTER TABLE not allowed on a view: functional.view_view");
AnalysisError("alter table allcomplextypes.int_array_col recover partitions",
"ALTER TABLE not allowed on a nested collection: allcomplextypes.int_array_col");
AnalysisError("alter table functional_hbase.alltypes recover partitions",
"ALTER TABLE RECOVER PARTITIONS must target an HDFS table: " +
public void TestAlterTableSortBy() {
AnalyzesOk("alter table functional.alltypes sort by (id)");
AnalyzesOk("alter table functional.alltypes sort by (int_col,id)");
AnalyzesOk("alter table functional.alltypes sort by (bool_col,int_col,id)");
AnalyzesOk("alter table functional.alltypes sort by ()");
AnalysisError("alter table functional.alltypes sort by (id,int_col,id)",
"Duplicate column in SORT BY list: id");
AnalysisError("alter table functional.alltypes sort by (id, foo)", "Could not find " +
"SORT BY column 'foo' in table.");
AnalysisError("alter table functional_hbase.alltypes sort by (id, foo)",
"ALTER TABLE SORT BY not supported on HBase tables.");
public void TestAlterTableSortByZOrder() {
AnalyzesOk("alter table functional.alltypes sort by zorder (int_col,id)");
AnalyzesOk("alter table functional.alltypes sort by zorder (bool_col,int_col,id)");
AnalyzesOk("alter table functional.alltypes sort by zorder ()");
AnalysisError("alter table functional.alltypes sort by zorder (id)",
"SORT BY ZORDER with 1 column is equivalent to SORT BY. Please, use the " +
"latter, if that was your intention.");
AnalysisError("alter table functional.alltypes sort by zorder (id,int_col,id)",
"Duplicate column in SORT BY list: id");
AnalysisError("alter table functional.alltypes sort by zorder (id, foo)", "Could " +
"not find SORT BY column 'foo' in table.");
AnalysisError("alter table functional_hbase.alltypes sort by zorder (id, foo)",
"ALTER TABLE SORT BY not supported on HBase tables.");
AnalysisError("alter table functional.alltypes sort by zorder (bool_col,string_col)",
"SORT BY ZORDER does not support column types: STRING, VARCHAR(*), FLOAT, " +
public void TestAlterView() {
// View-definition references a table.
AnalyzesOk("alter view functional.alltypes_view as " +
"select * from functional.alltypesagg");
// View-definition references a view.
AnalyzesOk("alter view functional.alltypes_view as " +
"select * from functional.alltypes_view_sub");
// Change column definitions.
AnalyzesOk("alter view functional.alltypes_view (a, b) as " +
"select int_col, string_col from functional.alltypes");
// Change column definitions after renaming columns in select.
AnalyzesOk("alter view functional.alltypes_view (a, b) as " +
"select int_col x, string_col y from functional.alltypes");
// View-definition resulting in Hive-style auto-generated column names.
AnalyzesOk("alter view functional.alltypes_view as " +
"select trim('abc'), 17 * 7");
// Altering a view on a view is ok (alltypes_view is a view on alltypes).
AnalyzesOk("alter view functional.alltypes_view (aaa, bbb) as " +
"select * from functional.complex_view");
// Altering a view with same column as existing one.
AnalyzesOk("alter view functional.complex_view (abc, xyz) as " +
"select year, month from functional.alltypes_view");
// Alter view with joins and aggregates.
AnalyzesOk("alter view functional.alltypes_view (cnt) as " +
"select count(distinct x.int_col) from functional.alltypessmall x " +
"inner join functional.alltypessmall y on ( = group by x.bigint_col");
// Cannot ALTER VIEW a table.
AnalysisError("alter view functional.alltypes as " +
"select * from functional.alltypesagg",
"ALTER VIEW not allowed on a table: functional.alltypes");
AnalysisError("alter view functional_hbase.alltypesagg as " +
"select * from functional.alltypesagg",
"ALTER VIEW not allowed on a table: functional_hbase.alltypesagg");
// Target database does not exist.
AnalysisError("alter view baddb.alltypes_view as " +
"select * from functional.alltypesagg",
"Database does not exist: baddb");
// Target view does not exist.
AnalysisError("alter view functional.badview as " +
"select * from functional.alltypesagg",
"Table does not exist: functional.badview");
// View-definition statement fails to analyze. Database does not exist.
AnalysisError("alter view functional.alltypes_view as " +
"select * from baddb.alltypesagg",
"Could not resolve table reference: 'baddb.alltypesagg'");
// View-definition statement fails to analyze. Table does not exist.
AnalysisError("alter view functional.alltypes_view as " +
"select * from functional.badtable",
"Could not resolve table reference: 'functional.badtable'");
// Duplicate column name.
AnalysisError("alter view functional.alltypes_view as " +
"select * from functional.alltypessmall a inner join " +
"functional.alltypessmall b on =",
"Duplicate column name: id");
// Invalid column name.
AnalysisError("alter view functional.alltypes_view as select 'abc' as `???`",
"Invalid column/field name: ???");
// Change the view definition to contain a subquery (IMPALA-1797)
AnalyzesOk("alter view functional.alltypes_view as " +
"select * from functional.alltypestiny where id in " +
"(select id from functional.alltypessmall where int_col = 1)");
// Mismatching number of columns in column definition and view-alteration statement.
AnalysisError("alter view functional.alltypes_view (a) as " +
"select int_col, string_col from functional.alltypes",
"Column-definition list has fewer columns (1) than the " +
"view-definition query statement returns (2).");
AnalysisError("alter view functional.alltypes_view (a, b, c) as " +
"select int_col from functional.alltypes",
"Column-definition list has more columns (3) than the " +
"view-definition query statement returns (1).");
// Duplicate columns in the view-alteration statement.
AnalysisError("alter view functional.alltypes_view as " +
"select * from functional.alltypessmall a " +
"inner join functional.alltypessmall b on =",
"Duplicate column name: id");
// Duplicate columns in the column definition.
AnalysisError("alter view functional.alltypes_view (a, b, a) as " +
"select int_col, int_col, int_col from functional.alltypes",
"Duplicate column name: a");
// Self-referncing view in view definition - SELECT.
AnalysisError("alter view functional.alltypes_view as " +
"select * from functional.alltypes_view",
"Self-reference not allowed on view: functional.alltypes_view");
AnalysisError("alter view functional.alltypes_view (a, b, c) as " +
"select smallint_col, int_col, bigint_col from functional.alltypes_view",
"Self-reference not allowed on view: functional.alltypes_view");
// Self-referencing view in view definition - UNION.
AnalysisError("alter view functional.alltypes_view as " +
"select * from functional.alltypes union all " +
"select * from functional.alltypes_view",
"Self-reference not allowed on view: functional.alltypes_view");
AnalysisError("alter view functional.alltypes_view as " +
"select * from functional.alltypes union distinct " +
"select * from functional.alltypes_view",
"Self-reference not allowed on view: functional.alltypes_view");
// Self-referencing view via a dependent view.
AnalysisError("alter view functional.alltypes_view as " +
"select * from functional.view_view",
"Self-reference not allowed on view: functional.alltypes_view");
AnalysisError("alter view functional.alltypes_view (a, b) as " +
"select smallint_col, int_col from functional.view_view",
"Self-reference not allowed on view: functional.alltypes_view");
// Self-referencing view in where caluse.
AnalysisError("alter view functional.alltypes_view as " +
"select * from functional.alltypes " +
"where id > (select sum(tinyint_col) from functional.alltypes_view)",
"Self-reference not allowed on view: functional.alltypes_view");
// Self-referencing view in with clause.
AnalysisError("alter view functional.alltypes_view as " +
"with temp_view(col_a, col_b, col_c) as " +
"(select tinyint_col, int_col, bigint_col from functional.alltypes_view) " +
"select * from temp_view",
"Self-reference not allowed on view: functional.alltypes_view");
AnalysisError("alter view functional.alltypes_view as " +
"with temp_view(col_a, col_b, col_c) as " +
"(select tinyint_col, int_col, bigint_col from functional.alltypes_view) " +
"select * from functional.alltypes",
"Self-reference not allowed on view: functional.alltypes_view");
AnalysisError("alter view functional.alltypes_view as " +
"with temp_view(col_a, col_b, col_c) as " +
"(select tinyint_col, int_col, bigint_col from functional.alltypes_view) " +
"select * from temp_view union all " +
"select tinyint_col, int_col, bigint_col from functional.alltypes",
"Self-reference not allowed on view: functional.alltypes_view");
AnalysisError("alter view functional.alltypes_view as " +
"with temp_view(col_a, col_b, col_c) as " +
"(select tinyint_col, int_col, bigint_col from functional.alltypes_view) " +
"select * from temp_view union distinct " +
"select tinyint_col, int_col, bigint_col from functional.alltypes",
"Self-reference not allowed on view: functional.alltypes_view");
// IMPALA-7679: Inserting a null column type without an explicit type should
// throw an error.
AnalyzesOk("alter view functional.alltypes_view as " +
"select cast(null as int) as new_col");
AnalyzesOk("alter view functional.alltypes_view as " +
"select cast(null as int) as null_col, 1 as one_col");
AnalysisError("alter view functional.alltypes_view " +
"as select null as new_col", "Unable to infer the column type for " +
"column 'new_col'. Use cast() to explicitly specify the column type for " +
"column 'new_col'.");
public void TestAlterViewRename() throws AnalysisException {
AnalyzesOk("alter view functional.alltypes_view rename to new_view");
AnalyzesOk("alter view functional.alltypes_view rename to functional.new_view");
AnalysisError("alter view functional.alltypes_view rename to functional.alltypes",
"Table already exists: functional.alltypes");
AnalysisError("alter view functional.alltypes_view rename to functional.alltypesagg",
"Table already exists: functional.alltypesagg");
AnalysisError("alter view functional.view_does_not_exist rename to new_view",
"Table does not exist: functional.view_does_not_exist");
AnalysisError("alter view db_does_not_exist.alltypes_view rename to new_view",
"Database does not exist: db_does_not_exist");
AnalysisError("alter view functional.alltypes_view " +
"rename to db_does_not_exist.new_view",
"Database does not exist: db_does_not_exist");
// Invalid database/table name.
AnalysisError("alter view functional.alltypes_view rename to `???`.new_view",
"Invalid database name: ???");
AnalysisError("alter view functional.alltypes_view rename to functional.`%^&`",
"Invalid table/view name: %^&");
// Cannot ALTER VIEW a able.
AnalysisError("alter view functional.alltypes rename to new_alltypes",
"ALTER VIEW not allowed on a table: functional.alltypes");
public void TestAlterTableAlterColumn() throws AnalysisException {
AnalyzesOk("alter table functional_kudu.alltypes alter int_col set default 0");
AnalyzesOk("alter table functional_kudu.alltypes alter int_col set " +
"compression LZ4 encoding RLE");
AnalyzesOk("alter table functional.alltypes alter int_col set comment 'a'");
AnalyzesOk("alter table functional_kudu.alltypes alter int_col drop default");
AnalyzesOk("alter table functional_kudu.alltypes alter int_col set comment 'a'");
AnalysisError("alter table functional_kudu.alltypes alter id set default 0",
"Cannot set default value for primary key column 'id'");
AnalysisError("alter table functional_kudu.alltypes alter id drop default",
"Cannot drop default value for primary key column 'id'");
AnalysisError("alter table functional_kudu.alltypes alter int_col set default 'a'",
"Default value 'a' (type: STRING) is not compatible with column 'int_col' " +
"(type: INT)");
AnalysisError("alter table functional_kudu.alltypes alter int_col set " +
"encoding rle compression error", "Unsupported compression algorithm 'ERROR'");
AnalysisError("alter table functional_kudu.alltypes alter int_col set primary key",
"Altering a column to be a primary key is not supported.");
AnalysisError("alter table functional_kudu.alltypes alter int_col set not null",
"Altering the nullability of a column is not supported.");
AnalysisError("alter table functional.alltypes alter int_col set compression lz4",
"Unsupported column options for non-Kudu table: 'int_col INT COMPRESSION LZ4'");
AnalysisError("alter table functional.alltypes alter int_col drop default",
"Unsupported column option for non-Kudu table: DROP DEFAULT");
ComputeStatsStmt checkComputeStatsStmt(String stmt) throws AnalysisException {
return checkComputeStatsStmt(stmt, createAnalysisCtx());
ComputeStatsStmt checkComputeStatsStmt(String stmt, AnalysisContext ctx)
throws AnalysisException {
return checkComputeStatsStmt(stmt, ctx, null);
* Analyzes 'stmt' and checks that the table-level and column-level SQL that is used
* to compute the stats is valid. Returns the analyzed statement.
ComputeStatsStmt checkComputeStatsStmt(String stmt, AnalysisContext ctx,
String expectedWarning) throws AnalysisException {
ParseNode parseNode = AnalyzesOk(stmt, ctx, expectedWarning);
assertTrue(parseNode instanceof ComputeStatsStmt);
ComputeStatsStmt parsedStmt = (ComputeStatsStmt)parseNode;
String colsQuery = parsedStmt.getColStatsQuery();
if (colsQuery != null) AnalyzesOk(colsQuery);
return parsedStmt;
* In addition to the validation for checkComputeStatsStmt(String), checks that the
* whitelisted columns match 'expColNames'.
void checkComputeStatsStmt(String stmt, List<String> expColNames)
throws AnalysisException {
ComputeStatsStmt parsedStmt = checkComputeStatsStmt(stmt);
Set<Column> actCols = parsedStmt.getValidatedColumnWhitelist();
if (expColNames == null) assertTrue("Expected no whitelist.", actCols == null);
assertTrue("Expected whitelist.", actCols != null);
Set<String> actColSet = new HashSet<>();
for (Column col: actCols) actColSet.add(col.getName());
Set<String> expColSet = Sets.newHashSet(expColNames);
assertEquals(actColSet, expColSet);
public void TestComputeStats() throws AnalysisException {
// Analyze the stmt itself as well as the generated child queries.
checkComputeStatsStmt("compute stats functional.alltypes");
checkComputeStatsStmt("compute stats functional_hbase.alltypes");
// Test that complex-typed columns are ignored.
checkComputeStatsStmt("compute stats functional.allcomplextypes");
// Test legal column restriction.
checkComputeStatsStmt("compute stats functional.alltypes (int_col, double_col)",
Lists.newArrayList("int_col", "double_col"));
// Test legal column restriction with duplicate columns specified.
"compute stats functional.alltypes (int_col, double_col, int_col)",
Lists.newArrayList("int_col", "double_col"));
// Test empty column restriction.
checkComputeStatsStmt("compute stats functional.alltypes ()",
new ArrayList<String>());
// Test column restriction of a column that does not exist.
AnalysisError("compute stats functional.alltypes(int_col, bogus_col, double_col)",
"bogus_col not found in table:");
// Test column restriction of a column with an unsupported type.
AnalysisError("compute stats functional.allcomplextypes(id, map_map_col)",
"COMPUTE STATS not supported for column");
// Test column restriction of an Hdfs table partitioning column.
AnalysisError("compute stats functional.stringpartitionkey(string_col)",
"COMPUTE STATS not supported for partitioning");
// Test column restriction of an HBase key column.
checkComputeStatsStmt("compute stats functional_hbase.testtbl(id)",
// Cannot compute stats on a database.
AnalysisError("compute stats tbl_does_not_exist",
"Could not resolve table reference: 'tbl_does_not_exist'");
// Cannot compute stats on a view.
AnalysisError("compute stats functional.alltypes_view",
"COMPUTE STATS not supported for view: functional.alltypes_view");
AnalyzesOk("compute stats functional_avro_snap.alltypes");
// Test mismatched column definitions and Avro schema (HIVE-6308, IMPALA-867).
// See testdata/avro_schema_resolution/create_table.sql for the CREATE TABLE stmts.
// Mismatched column type is ok because the conflict is resolved in favor of
// the type in the column definition list in the CREATE TABLE.
AnalyzesOk("compute stats functional_avro_snap.alltypes_type_mismatch");
// Missing column definition is ok because the schema mismatch is resolved
// in the CREATE TABLE.
AnalyzesOk("compute stats functional_avro_snap.alltypes_missing_coldef");
// Extra column definition is ok because the schema mismatch is resolved
// in the CREATE TABLE.
AnalyzesOk("compute stats functional_avro_snap.alltypes_extra_coldef");
// No column definitions are ok.
AnalyzesOk("compute stats functional_avro_snap.alltypes_no_coldef");
// Mismatched column name (table was created by Hive).
AnalysisError("compute stats functional_avro_snap.schema_resolution_test",
"Cannot COMPUTE STATS on Avro table 'schema_resolution_test' because its " +
"column definitions do not match those in the Avro schema.\nDefinition of " +
"column 'col1' of type 'string' does not match the Avro-schema column " +
"'boolean1' of type 'BOOLEAN' at position '0'.\nPlease re-create the table " +
"with column definitions, e.g., using the result of 'SHOW CREATE TABLE'");
// Test tablesample clause with extrapolation enabled/disabled. Replace/restore the
// static backend config for this test to control stats extrapolation.
TBackendGflags gflags = BackendConfig.INSTANCE.getBackendCfg();
boolean origEnableStatsExtrapolation = gflags.isEnable_stats_extrapolation();
try {
// Setup for testing combinations of extrapolation config options.
addTestDb("extrap_config", null);
addTestTable("create table extrap_config.tbl_prop_unset (i int)");
addTestTable("create table extrap_config.tbl_prop_false (i int) " +
addTestTable("create table extrap_config.tbl_prop_true (i int) " +
String stmt = "compute stats %s tablesample system (10)";
String err = "COMPUTE STATS TABLESAMPLE requires stats extrapolation";
// Test --enable_stats_extrapolation=false
// Table property unset --> Extrapolation disabled
AnalysisError(String.format(stmt, "extrap_config.tbl_prop_unset"), err);
// Table property false --> Extrapolation disabled
AnalysisError(String.format(stmt, "extrap_config.tbl_prop_false"), err);
// Table property true --> Extrapolation enabled
AnalyzesOk(String.format(stmt, "extrap_config.tbl_prop_true"));
// Test --enable_stats_extrapolation=true
// Table property unset --> Extrapolation enabled
AnalyzesOk(String.format(stmt, "extrap_config.tbl_prop_unset"));
// Table property false --> Extrapolation disabled
AnalysisError(String.format(stmt, "extrap_config.tbl_prop_false"), err);
// Table property true --> Extrapolation enabled
AnalyzesOk(String.format(stmt, "extrap_config.tbl_prop_true"));
// Test file formats.
checkComputeStatsStmt("compute stats functional.alltypes tablesample system (10)");
"compute stats functional.alltypes tablesample system (55) repeatable(1)");
AnalysisError("compute stats functional.alltypes tablesample system (101)",
"Invalid percent of bytes value '101'. " +
"The percent of bytes to sample must be between 0 and 100.");
AnalysisError("compute stats functional_kudu.alltypes tablesample system (1)",
"TABLESAMPLE is only supported on HDFS tables.");
AnalysisError("compute stats functional_hbase.alltypes tablesample system (2)",
"TABLESAMPLE is only supported on HDFS tables.");
"compute stats functional.alltypes_datasource tablesample system (3)",
"TABLESAMPLE is only supported on HDFS tables.");
// Test file formats with columns whitelist.
"compute stats functional.alltypes (int_col, double_col) tablesample " +
"system (55) repeatable(1)",
Lists.newArrayList("int_col", "double_col"));
AnalysisError("compute stats functional.alltypes tablesample system (101)",
"Invalid percent of bytes value '101'. " +
"The percent of bytes to sample must be between 0 and 100.");
AnalysisError("compute stats functional_kudu.alltypes tablesample system (1)",
"TABLESAMPLE is only supported on HDFS tables.");
AnalysisError("compute stats functional_hbase.alltypes tablesample system (2)",
"TABLESAMPLE is only supported on HDFS tables.");
"compute stats functional.alltypes_datasource tablesample system (3)",
"TABLESAMPLE is only supported on HDFS tables.");
TQueryOptions queryOpts = new TQueryOptions();
// The default minimum sample size is greater than 'functional.alltypes'.
// We expect TABLESAMPLE to be ignored.
queryOpts.compute_stats_min_sample_size == 1024 * 1024 * 1024);
ComputeStatsStmt noSamplingStmt = checkComputeStatsStmt(
"compute stats functional.alltypes tablesample system (10) repeatable(1)",
"Ignoring TABLESAMPLE because the effective sampling rate is 100%");
Assert.assertTrue(noSamplingStmt.getEffectiveSamplingPerc() == 1.0);
String tblStatsQuery = noSamplingStmt.getTblStatsQuery().toUpperCase();
String colStatsQuery = noSamplingStmt.getColStatsQuery().toUpperCase();
// No minimum sample bytes.
checkComputeStatsStmt("compute stats functional.alltypes tablesample system (10)",
"compute stats functional.alltypes tablesample system (55) repeatable(1)",
// Sample is adjusted based on the minimum sample bytes.
// Assumes that functional.alltypes has 24 files of roughly 20KB each.
// The baseline statement with no sampling minimum should select exactly one file
// and have an effective sampling rate of ~0.04 (1/24).
ComputeStatsStmt baselineStmt = checkComputeStatsStmt(
"compute stats functional.alltypes tablesample system (1) repeatable(1)",
// Approximate validation of effective sampling rate.
Assert.assertTrue(baselineStmt.getEffectiveSamplingPerc() > 0.03);
Assert.assertTrue(baselineStmt.getEffectiveSamplingPerc() < 0.05);
// The adjusted statement with a 100KB minimum should select ~5 files and have
// an effective sampling rate of ~0.21 (5/24).
queryOpts.setCompute_stats_min_sample_size(100 * 1024);
ComputeStatsStmt adjustedStmt = checkComputeStatsStmt(
"compute stats functional.alltypes tablesample system (1) repeatable(1)",
// Approximate validation to avoid flakiness due to sampling and file size
// changes. Expect a sample between 4 and 6 of the 24 total files.
Assert.assertTrue(adjustedStmt.getEffectiveSamplingPerc() >= 4.0 / 24);
Assert.assertTrue(adjustedStmt.getEffectiveSamplingPerc() <= 6.0 / 24);
} finally {
public void TestComputeIncrementalStats() throws AnalysisException {
checkComputeStatsStmt("compute incremental stats functional.alltypes");
"compute incremental stats functional.alltypes partition(year=2010, month=10)");
"compute incremental stats functional.alltypes partition(year<=2010)");
"compute incremental stats functional.alltypes partition(year=9999, month=10)",
"No matching partition(s) found.");
"compute incremental stats functional.alltypes partition(year=2010, month)",
"Partition expr requires return type 'BOOLEAN'. Actual type is 'INT'.");
// Test that NULL partitions generates a valid query
checkComputeStatsStmt("compute incremental stats functional.alltypesagg " +
"partition(year=2010, month=1, day is NULL)");
AnalysisError("compute incremental stats functional_hbase.alltypes " +
"partition(year=2010, month=1)", "COMPUTE INCREMENTAL ... PARTITION not " +
"supported for non-HDFS table functional_hbase.alltypes");
AnalysisError("compute incremental stats functional.view_view",
"COMPUTE STATS not supported for view: functional.view_view");
public void TestDropIncrementalStats() throws AnalysisException {
"drop incremental stats functional.alltypes partition(year=2010, month=10)");
"drop incremental stats functional.alltypes partition(year<=2010, month=10)");
"drop incremental stats functional.alltypes partition(year=9999, month=10)",
"No matching partition(s) found.");
public void TestDropStats() throws AnalysisException {
AnalyzesOk("drop stats functional.alltypes");
// Table does not exist
AnalysisError("drop stats tbl_does_not_exist",
"Could not resolve table reference: 'tbl_does_not_exist'");
// Database does not exist
AnalysisError("drop stats no_db.no_tbl",
"Could not resolve table reference: 'no_db.no_tbl'");
AnalysisError("drop stats functional.alltypes partition(year=2010, month=10)",
"Syntax error");
AnalysisError("drop stats functional.alltypes partition(year, month)",
"Syntax error");
public void TestDrop() throws AnalysisException {
AnalyzesOk("drop database functional");
AnalyzesOk("drop database functional cascade");
AnalyzesOk("drop database functional restrict");
AnalyzesOk("drop table functional.alltypes");
AnalyzesOk("drop view functional.alltypes_view");
// If the database does not exist, and the user hasn't specified "IF EXISTS",
// an analysis error should be thrown
AnalysisError("drop database db_does_not_exist",
"Database does not exist: db_does_not_exist");
AnalysisError("drop database db_does_not_exist cascade",
"Database does not exist: db_does_not_exist");
AnalysisError("drop database db_does_not_exist restrict",
"Database does not exist: db_does_not_exist");
AnalysisError("drop table db_does_not_exist.alltypes",
"Database does not exist: db_does_not_exist");
AnalysisError("drop view db_does_not_exist.alltypes_view",
"Database does not exist: db_does_not_exist");
// Invalid name reports non-existence instead of invalidity.
AnalysisError("drop database `???`",
"Database does not exist: ???");
AnalysisError("drop database `???` cascade",
"Database does not exist: ???");
AnalysisError("drop database `???` restrict",
"Database does not exist: ???");
AnalysisError("drop table functional.`%^&`",
"Table does not exist: functional.%^&");
AnalysisError("drop view functional.`@#$%`",
"Table does not exist: functional.@#$%");
// If the database exist but the table doesn't, and the user hasn't specified
// "IF EXISTS", an analysis error should be thrown
AnalysisError("drop table functional.badtable",
"Table does not exist: functional.badtable");
AnalysisError("drop view functional.badview",
"Table does not exist: functional.badview");
// No error is thrown if the user specifies IF EXISTS
AnalyzesOk("drop database if exists db_does_not_exist");
AnalyzesOk("drop database if exists db_does_not_exist cascade");
AnalyzesOk("drop database if exists db_does_not_exist restrict");
// No error is thrown if the database does not exist
AnalyzesOk("drop table if exists db_does_not_exist.alltypes");
AnalyzesOk("drop view if exists db_does_not_exist.alltypes");
// No error is thrown if the database table does not exist and IF EXISTS
// is true
AnalyzesOk("drop table if exists functional.notbl");
AnalyzesOk("drop view if exists functional.notbl");
// Cannot drop a view with DROP TABLE.
AnalysisError("drop table functional.alltypes_view",
"DROP TABLE not allowed on a view: functional.alltypes_view");
// Cannot drop a table with DROP VIEW.
AnalysisError("drop view functional.alltypes",
"DROP VIEW not allowed on a table: functional.alltypes");
// No analysis error for tables that can't be loaded.
AnalyzesOk("drop table functional.unsupported_partition_types");
public void TestTruncate() throws AnalysisException {
AnalyzesOk("truncate table functional.alltypes");
AnalyzesOk("truncate table if exists functional.alltypes");
AnalyzesOk("truncate functional.alltypes");
AnalyzesOk("truncate if exists functional.alltypes");
// If the database does not exist, an analysis error should be thrown
AnalysisError("truncate table db_does_not_exist.alltypes",
"Database does not exist: db_does_not_exist");
// If the database does not exist, IF EXISTS would run ok
AnalyzesOk("truncate table if exists db_does_not_exist.alltypes");
// Invalid name reports non-existence instead of invalidity.
AnalysisError("truncate table functional.`%^&`",
"Table does not exist: functional.%^&");
// If the database exists but the table doesn't, an analysis error should be thrown.
AnalysisError("truncate table functional.badtable",
"Table does not exist: functional.badtable");
// If the database exists but the table doesn't, IF EXISTS would run ok
AnalyzesOk("truncate if exists functional.badtable");
// Cannot truncate a non hdfs table.
AnalysisError("truncate table functional.alltypes_view",
"TRUNCATE TABLE not supported on non-HDFS table: functional.alltypes_view");
public void TestCreateDataSource() {
final String DATA_SOURCE_NAME = "TestDataSource1";
final DataSource DATA_SOURCE = new DataSource(DATA_SOURCE_NAME, "/foo.jar",
"foo.Bar", "V1");
" LOCATION '/foo.jar' CLASS 'foo.Bar' API_VERSION 'V1'");
" LOCATION '/foo.jar' CLASS 'foo.Bar' API_VERSION 'V1'");
" LOCATION 'hdfs://localhost:20500/foo.jar' CLASS 'foo.Bar' API_VERSION 'V1'");
AnalyzesOk("CREATE DATA SOURCE foo LOCATION '/foo.jar' CLASS '' " +
"API_VERSION 'v1'");
AnalyzesOk("CREATE DATA SOURCE foo LOCATION \"/foo.jar\" CLASS \"\" " +
"API_VERSION \"V1\"");
AnalyzesOk("CREATE DATA SOURCE foo LOCATION '/x/foo@hi_^!#.jar' " +
AnalyzesOk("CREATE DATA SOURCE foo LOCATION 'hdfs://localhost:20500/a/b/foo.jar' " +
AnalyzesOk("CREATE DATA SOURCE foo LOCATION 's3a://bucket/a/b/foo.jar' " +
AnalysisError("CREATE DATA SOURCE foo LOCATION 'blah://localhost:20500/foo.jar' " +
"No FileSystem for scheme: blah");
AnalysisError("CREATE DATA SOURCE " + DATA_SOURCE_NAME + " LOCATION '/foo.jar' " +
"CLASS 'foo.Bar' API_VERSION 'V1'",
"Data source already exists: " + DATA_SOURCE_NAME.toLowerCase());
AnalysisError("CREATE DATA SOURCE foo LOCATION '/foo.jar' " +
"CLASS 'foo.Bar' API_VERSION 'V2'", "Invalid API version: 'V2'");
public void TestCreateDb() throws AnalysisException {
AnalyzesOk("create database some_new_database");
AnalysisError("create database functional", "Database already exists: functional");
AnalyzesOk("create database if not exists functional");
// Invalid database name,
AnalysisError("create database `%^&`", "Invalid database name: %^&");
// Valid URIs.
AnalyzesOk("create database new_db location " +
AnalyzesOk("create database new_db location " +
AnalyzesOk("create database new_db location " +
// Invalid URI.
AnalysisError("create database new_db location " +
"No FileSystem for scheme: blah");
public void TestCreateTableLikeFile() throws AnalysisException {
// check that we analyze all of the CREATE TABLE options
AnalyzesOk("create table if not exists newtbl_DNE like parquet "
+ "'/test-warehouse/schemas/alltypestiny.parquet'");
AnalyzesOk("create table newtbl_DNE like parquet "
+ "'/test-warehouse/schemas/zipcode_incomes.parquet'");
AnalyzesOk("create table default.newtbl_DNE like parquet "
+ "'/test-warehouse/schemas/zipcode_incomes.parquet'");
AnalyzesOk("create table newtbl_DNE like parquet "
+ "'/test-warehouse/schemas/zipcode_incomes.parquet' stored as parquet");
AnalyzesOk("create external table newtbl_DNE like parquet "
+ "'/test-warehouse/schemas/zipcode_incomes.parquet' sort by (id,zip) "
+ "stored as parquet");
AnalyzesOk("create external table newtbl_DNE like parquet "
+ "'/test-warehouse/schemas/decimal.parquet' sort by zorder (d32, d11) "
+ "stored as parquet");
AnalyzesOk("create table newtbl_DNE like parquet "
+ "'/test-warehouse/schemas/zipcode_incomes.parquet' sort by (id,zip)");
AnalyzesOk("create table newtbl_DNE like parquet "
+ "'/test-warehouse/schemas/decimal.parquet' sort by zorder (d32, d11)");
AnalysisError("create table newtbl_DNE like parquet "
+ "'/test-warehouse/schemas/zipcode_incomes.parquet' sort by zorder (id,zip)",
"SORT BY ZORDER does not support column types: STRING, VARCHAR(*), FLOAT, " +
AnalyzesOk("create table if not exists functional.zipcode_incomes like parquet "
+ "'/test-warehouse/schemas/zipcode_incomes.parquet'");
AnalyzesOk("create table if not exists newtbl_DNE like parquet "
+ "'/test-warehouse/schemas/zipcode_incomes.parquet'");
AnalyzesOk("create table if not exists newtbl_DNE like parquet "
+ "'/test-warehouse/schemas/decimal.parquet'");
AnalyzesOk("create table if not exists newtbl_DNE like parquet'"
+ " /test-warehouse/schemas/enum/enum.parquet'");
// check we error in the same situations as standard create table
AnalysisError("create table functional.zipcode_incomes like parquet "
+ "'/test-warehouse/schemas/zipcode_incomes.parquet'",
"Table already exists: functional.zipcode_incomes");
AnalysisError("create table database_DNE.newtbl_DNE like parquet "
+ "'/test-warehouse/schemas/zipcode_incomes.parquet'",
"Database does not exist: database_DNE");
// check invalid paths
AnalysisError("create table if not exists functional.zipcode_incomes like parquet "
+ "'/test-warehouse'",
"Cannot infer schema, path is not a file: hdfs://localhost:20500/test-warehouse");
AnalysisError("create table newtbl_DNE like parquet 'foobar'",
"URI path must be absolute: foobar");
AnalysisError("create table newtbl_DNE like parquet '/not/a/file/path'",
"Cannot infer schema, path is not a file: "
+ "hdfs://localhost:20500/not/a/file/path");
AnalysisError("create table if not exists functional.zipcode_incomes like parquet "
+ "'file:///tmp/foobar'",
"Cannot infer schema, path is not a file: file:/tmp/foobar");
// check valid paths with bad file contents
AnalysisError("create table database_DNE.newtbl_DNE like parquet "
+ "'/test-warehouse/zipcode_incomes_rc/000000_0'",
"File is not a parquet file: "
+ "hdfs://localhost:20500/test-warehouse/zipcode_incomes_rc/000000_0");
// this is a decimal file without annotations
AnalysisError("create table if not exists functional.zipcode_incomes like parquet "
+ "'/test-warehouse/schemas/malformed_decimal_tiny.parquet'",
"Unsupported parquet type FIXED_LEN_BYTE_ARRAY for field c1");
// Invalid file format
AnalysisError("create table newtbl_kudu like parquet " +
"'/test-warehouse/schemas/alltypestiny.parquet' stored as kudu",
"CREATE TABLE LIKE FILE statement is not supported for Kudu tables.");
public void TestCreateTableAsSelect() throws AnalysisException {
// Constant select.
AnalyzesOk("create table newtbl as select 1+2, 'abc'");
// Select from partitioned and unpartitioned tables using different
// queries.
AnalyzesOk("create table newtbl stored as textfile " +
"as select * from functional.jointbl");
AnalyzesOk("create table newtbl stored as parquetfile " +
"as select * from functional.alltypes");
AnalyzesOk("create table newtbl stored as parquet " +
"as select * from functional.alltypes");
AnalyzesOk("create table newtbl as select int_col from functional.alltypes");
AnalyzesOk("create table functional.newtbl " +
"as select count(*) as CNT from functional.alltypes");
AnalyzesOk("create table functional.tbl as select a.* from functional.alltypes a " +
"join functional.alltypes b on (a.int_col=b.int_col) limit 1000");
// CTAS with a select query that requires expression rewrite (IMPALA-6307)
AnalyzesOk("create table functional.ctas_tbl partitioned by (year) as " +
"with tmp as (select a.timestamp_col, a.year from functional.alltypes a " +
"left join functional.alltypes b " +
"on b.timestamp_col between a.timestamp_col and a.timestamp_col) " +
"select a.timestamp_col, a.year from tmp a");
// Caching operations
AnalyzesOk("create table functional.newtbl cached in 'testPool'" +
" as select count(*) as CNT from functional.alltypes");
AnalyzesOk("create table functional.newtbl uncached" +
" as select count(*) as CNT from functional.alltypes");
// Table already exists with and without IF NOT EXISTS
AnalysisError("create table functional.alltypes as select 1",
"Table already exists: functional.alltypes");
AnalyzesOk("create table if not exists functional.alltypes as select 1");
// Database does not exist
AnalysisError("create table db_does_not_exist.new_table as select 1",
"Database does not exist: db_does_not_exist");
// Analysis errors in the SELECT statement
AnalysisError("create table newtbl as select * from tbl_does_not_exist",
"Could not resolve table reference: 'tbl_does_not_exist'");
AnalysisError("create table newtbl as select 1 as c1, 2 as c1",
"Duplicate column name: c1");
// Unsupported file formats
AnalysisError("create table foo stored as sequencefile as select 1",
"CREATE TABLE AS SELECT does not support the (SEQUENCEFILE) file format. " +
"Supported formats are: (PARQUET, TEXTFILE, KUDU)");
AnalysisError("create table foo stored as RCFILE as select 1",
"CREATE TABLE AS SELECT does not support the (RCFILE) file format. " +
"Supported formats are: (PARQUET, TEXTFILE, KUDU)");
// CTAS with a WITH clause and inline view (IMPALA-1100)
AnalyzesOk("create table test_with as with with_1 as (select 1 as int_col from " +
"functional.alltypes as t1 right join (select 1 as int_col from " +
"functional.alltypestiny as t1) as t2 on t2.int_col = t1.int_col) " +
"select * from with_1 limit 10");
// CTAS with a correlated inline view.
AnalyzesOk("create table test as select id, item " +
"from functional.allcomplextypes b, (select item from b.int_array_col) v1");
// Correlated inline view in WITH clause.
AnalyzesOk("create table test as " +
"with w as (select id, item from functional.allcomplextypes b, " +
"(select item from b.int_array_col) v1) select * from w");
// CTAS with illegal correlated inline views.
AnalysisError("create table test as select id, item " +
"from functional.allcomplextypes b, " +
"(select item from b.int_array_col, functional.alltypes) v1",
"Nested query is illegal because it contains a table reference " +
"'b.int_array_col' correlated with an outer block as well as an " +
"uncorrelated one 'functional.alltypes':\n" +
"SELECT item FROM b.int_array_col, functional.alltypes");
AnalysisError("create table test as " +
"with w as (select id, item from functional.allcomplextypes b, " +
"(select item from b.int_array_col, functional.alltypes) v1) select * from w",
"Nested query is illegal because it contains a table reference " +
"'b.int_array_col' correlated with an outer block as well as an " +
"uncorrelated one 'functional.alltypes':\n" +
"SELECT item FROM b.int_array_col, functional.alltypes");
// CTAS into partitioned table.
AnalyzesOk("create table p partitioned by (int_col) as " +
"select double_col, int_col from functional.alltypes");
AnalyzesOk("create table p partitioned by (int_col) as " +
"select sum(double_col), int_col from functional.alltypes group by int_col");
// At least one non-partition column must be specified.
AnalysisError("create table p partitioned by (int_col, tinyint_col) as " +
"select int_col, tinyint_col from functional.alltypes",
"Number of partition columns (2) must be smaller than the number of columns in " +
"the select statement (2).");
// Order of the columns is important and not automatically corrected.
AnalysisError("create table p partitioned by (int_col) as " +
"select double_col, int_col, tinyint_col from functional.alltypes",
"Partition column name mismatch: int_col != tinyint_col");
AnalysisError("create table p partitioned by (tinyint_col, int_col) as " +
"select double_col, int_col, tinyint_col from functional.alltypes",
"Partition column name mismatch: tinyint_col != int_col");
// CTAS into managed Kudu tables
AnalyzesOk("create table t primary key (id) partition by hash (id) partitions 3" +
" stored as kudu as select id, bool_col, tinyint_col, smallint_col, int_col, " +
"bigint_col, float_col, double_col, date_string_col, string_col " +
"from functional.alltypestiny");
AnalyzesOk("create table t primary key (id) partition by range (id) " +
"(partition values < 10, partition 20 <= values < 30, partition value = 50) " +
"stored as kudu as select id, bool_col, tinyint_col, smallint_col, int_col, " +
"bigint_col, float_col, double_col, date_string_col, string_col " +
"from functional.alltypestiny");
AnalyzesOk("create table t primary key (id) partition by hash (id) partitions 3, "+
"range (id) (partition values < 10, partition 10 <= values < 20, " +
"partition value = 30) stored as kudu as select id, bool_col, tinyint_col, " +
"smallint_col, int_col, bigint_col, float_col, double_col, date_string_col, " +
"string_col from functional.alltypestiny");
// Creating unpartitioned table results in a warning.
AnalyzesOk("create table t primary key(id) stored as kudu as select id, bool_col " +
"from functional.alltypestiny",
"Unpartitioned Kudu tables are inefficient for large data sizes.");
// IMPALA-5796: CTAS into a Kudu table with expr rewriting.
AnalyzesOk("create table t primary key(id) stored as kudu as select id, bool_col " +
"from functional.alltypestiny where id between 0 and 10");
// CTAS with a select query that requires expression rewrite (IMPALA-6307)
AnalyzesOk("create table t primary key(year) stored as kudu as " +
"with tmp as (select a.timestamp_col, a.year from functional.alltypes a " +
"left join functional.alltypes b " +
"on b.timestamp_col between a.timestamp_col and a.timestamp_col) " +
"select a.timestamp_col, a.year from tmp a");
// CTAS into Kudu with decimal type
AnalyzesOk("create table t primary key (id) partition by hash partitions 3" +
" stored as kudu as select c1 as id from functional.decimal_tiny");
// CTAS in an external Kudu table
AnalysisError("create external table t stored as kudu " +
"tblproperties('kudu.table_name'='t') as select id, int_col from " +
"functional.alltypestiny", "CREATE TABLE AS SELECT is not supported for " +
"external Kudu tables.");
// CTAS into Kudu tables with unsupported types
AnalysisError("create table t primary key (cs) partition by hash partitions 3" +
" stored as kudu as select cs from functional.chars_tiny",
"Cannot create table 't': Type CHAR(5) is not supported in Kudu");
AnalysisError("create table t primary key (vc) partition by hash partitions 3" +
" stored as kudu as select vc from functional.chars_tiny",
"Cannot create table 't': Type VARCHAR(32) is not supported in Kudu");
AnalysisError("create table t primary key (id) partition by hash partitions 3" +
" stored as kudu as select id, s from functional.complextypes_fileformat",
"Expr 's' in select list returns a complex type 'STRUCT<f1:STRING,f2:INT>'.\n" +
"Only scalar types are allowed in the select list.");
AnalysisError("create table t primary key (id) partition by hash partitions 3" +
" stored as kudu as select id, m from functional.complextypes_fileformat",
"Expr 'm' in select list returns a complex type 'MAP<STRING,BIGINT>'.\n" +
"Only scalar types are allowed in the select list.");
AnalysisError("create table t primary key (id) partition by hash partitions 3" +
" stored as kudu as select id, a from functional.complextypes_fileformat",
"Expr 'a' in select list returns a complex type 'ARRAY<INT>'.\n" +
"Only scalar types are allowed in the select list.");
// IMPALA-6454: CTAS into Kudu tables with primary key specified in upper case.
AnalyzesOk("create table part_kudu_tbl primary key(INT_COL, SMALLINT_COL, ID)" +
" partition by hash(INT_COL, SMALLINT_COL, ID) PARTITIONS 2" +
" stored as kudu as SELECT INT_COL, SMALLINT_COL, ID, BIGINT_COL," +
" functional.alltypes");
// IMPALA-7679: Inserting a null column type without an explicit type should
// throw an error.
AnalyzesOk("create table t as select cast(null as int) as new_col");
AnalyzesOk("create table t as select cast(null as int) as null_col, 1 as one_col");
AnalysisError("create table t as select null as new_col",
"Unable to infer the column type for column 'new_col'. Use cast() to " +
"explicitly specify the column type for column 'new_col'.");
public void TestCreateTableAsSelectWithHints() throws AnalysisException {
// Test if CTAS hints are analyzed correctly and that conflicting hints
// result in error.
// The tests here are minimal, because other tests already cover this logic:
// - ParserTests#TestPlanHints tests if hints are set correctly during parsing.
// - AnalyzeStmtsTest#TestInsertHints tests the analyzes of insert hints, which
// is the same as the analyzes of CTAS hints.
for (String[] hintStyle: hintStyles_) {
String prefix = hintStyle[0];
String suffix = hintStyle[1];
// Test plan hints for partitioned Hdfs tables.
AnalyzesOk(String.format("create %sshuffle%s table t " +
"partitioned by (year, month) as select * from functional.alltypes",
prefix, suffix));
// Warn on unrecognized hints.
AnalyzesOk(String.format("create %sbadhint%s table t " +
"partitioned by (year, month) as select * from functional.alltypes",
prefix, suffix),
"INSERT hint not recognized: badhint");
// Conflicting plan hints.
AnalysisError(String.format("create %sshuffle,noshuffle%s table t " +
"partitioned by (year, month) as " +
"select * from functional.alltypes", prefix, suffix),
"Conflicting INSERT hints: shuffle and noshuffle");
// Test default hints using query option.
AnalysisContext insertCtx = createAnalysisCtx();
// Test default hints for partitioned Hdfs tables.
AnalyzesOk("create table t partitioned by (year, month) " +
"as select * from functional.alltypes",
// Warn on unrecognized hints.
AnalyzesOk("create table t partitioned by (year, month) " +
"as select * from functional.alltypes",
"INSERT hint not recognized: badhint");
// Conflicting plan hints.
AnalysisError("create table t partitioned by (year, month) " +
"as select * from functional.alltypes",
"Conflicting INSERT hints: shuffle and noshuffle");
public void TestCreateTableLike() throws AnalysisException {
AnalyzesOk("create table if not exists functional.new_tbl like functional.alltypes");
AnalyzesOk("create table functional.like_view like functional.view_view");
"create table if not exists functional.alltypes like functional.alltypes");
AnalysisError("create table functional.alltypes like functional.alltypes",
"Table already exists: functional.alltypes");
AnalysisError("create table functional.new_table like functional.tbl_does_not_exist",
"Table does not exist: functional.tbl_does_not_exist");
AnalysisError("create table functional.new_table like db_does_not_exist.alltypes",
"Database does not exist: db_does_not_exist");
// Invalid database name.
AnalysisError("create table `???`.new_table like functional.alltypes",
"Invalid database name: ???");
// Invalid table/view name.
AnalysisError("create table functional.`^&*` like functional.alltypes",
"Invalid table/view name: ^&*");
// Invalid source database/table name reports non-existence instead of invalidity.
AnalysisError("create table like `???`.alltypes",
"Database does not exist: ???");
AnalysisError("create table like functional.`%^&`",
"Table does not exist: functional.%^&");
// Valid URI values.
AnalyzesOk("create table tbl like functional.alltypes location " +
AnalyzesOk("create table tbl like functional.alltypes location " +
// 'file' scheme does not take an authority, so file:/// is equivalent to file://
// and file:/.
AnalyzesOk("create table tbl like functional.alltypes location " +
AnalyzesOk("create table tbl like functional.alltypes location " +
AnalyzesOk("create table tbl like functional.alltypes location " +
AnalyzesOk("create table tbl like functional.alltypes location " +
// Invalid URI values.
AnalysisError("create table tbl like functional.alltypes location " +
"No FileSystem for scheme: foofs");
AnalysisError("create table functional.baz like functional.alltypes location ' '",
"URI path cannot be empty.");
// CREATE TABLE LIKE is not currently supported for Kudu tables (see IMPALA-4052)
AnalysisError("create table kudu_tbl like functional.alltypestiny stored as kudu",
"CREATE TABLE LIKE is not supported for Kudu tables");
AnalysisError("create table tbl like functional_kudu.dimtbl", "Cloning a Kudu " +
"table using CREATE TABLE LIKE is not supported.");
// Test sort columns.
AnalyzesOk("create table tbl sort by (int_col,id) like functional.alltypes");
AnalysisError("create table tbl sort by (int_col,foo) like functional.alltypes",
"Could not find SORT BY column 'foo' in table.");
// Test zsort columns.
AnalyzesOk("create table tbl sort by zorder (int_col,id) like functional.alltypes");
AnalysisError("create table tbl sort by zorder (int_col,foo) like " +
"functional.alltypes", "Could not find SORT BY column 'foo' in table.");
AnalysisError("create table tbl sort by zorder (string_col,id) like " +
"functional.alltypes", "SORT BY ZORDER does not support column types: STRING, " +
public void TestCreateTable() throws AnalysisException {
AnalyzesOk("create table functional.new_table (i int)");
AnalyzesOk("create table if not exists functional.alltypes (i int)");
AnalysisError("create table functional.alltypes",
"Table already exists: functional.alltypes");
AnalysisError("create table functional.alltypes (i int)",
"Table already exists: functional.alltypes");
AnalyzesOk("create table functional.new_table (i int) row format delimited fields " +
"terminated by '|'");
AnalyzesOk("create table new_table (i int) PARTITIONED BY (d decimal)");
AnalyzesOk("create table new_table (i int) PARTITIONED BY (d decimal(3,1))");
AnalyzesOk("create table new_table(d1 decimal, d2 decimal(10), d3 decimal(5, 2))");
AnalysisError("create table new_table (i int) PARTITIONED BY (d decimal(40,1))",
"Decimal precision must be <= 38: 40");
AnalyzesOk("create table new_table(s1 varchar(1), s2 varchar(32672), " +
"s3 varchar(65535))");
AnalysisError("create table new_table(s1 varchar(0))",
"Varchar size must be > 0: 0");
AnalysisError("create table new_table(s1 varchar(65536))",
"Varchar size must be <= 65535: 65536");
AnalysisError("create table new_table(s1 char(0))",
"Char size must be > 0: 0");
AnalysisError("create table new_table(s1 Char(256))",
"Char size must be <= 255: 256");
AnalyzesOk("create table new_table (i int) PARTITIONED BY (s varchar(3))");
AnalyzesOk("create table functional.new_table (c char(250))");
AnalyzesOk("create table new_table (i int) PARTITIONED BY (c char(3))");
// Primary key and foreign key specification.
AnalyzesOk("create table foo(id int, year int, primary key (id))");
AnalyzesOk("create table foo(id int, year int, primary key (id, year))");
AnalyzesOk("create table foo(id int, year int, primary key (id, year) disable "
+ "novalidate rely)");
AnalysisError("create table foo(id int, year int, primary key (id, year) enable"
+ " novalidate rely)", "ENABLE feature is not supported yet.");
AnalysisError("create table foo(id int, year int, primary key (id, year) disable"
+ " validate rely)", "VALIDATE feature is not supported yet.");
AnalysisError("create table pk(id int, primary key(year))", "PRIMARY KEY column "
+ "'year' does not exist in the table");
// Foreign key test needs a valid primary key table to pass.
addTestDb("test_pk_fk", "Test DB for PK/FK tests");
addTestTable("create table (id int, year string, primary key (id, "
+ "year) disable novalidate rely)");
addTestTable("create table test_pk_fk.non_pk_table(id int)");
AnalysisContext ctx = createAnalysisCtx("test_pk_fk");
AnalysisError("create table foo(id int, year int, foreign key (id) references "
+ "pk(id) enable novalidate rely)", ctx,"ENABLE feature is "
+ "not supported yet.");
AnalysisError("create table foo(id int, year int, foreign key (id) references "
+ "pk(id) disable validate rely)", ctx,"VALIDATE feature is "
+ "not supported yet.");
AnalyzesOk("create table fk(id int, year int, primary key (id, year) disable "
+ "novalidate rely, foreign key(id) REFERENCES pk(id) "
AnalyzesOk("create table foo(id int, year int, foreign key (id) references "
+ "pk(id) disable novalidate rely)", ctx);
AnalyzesOk("create table foo(id int, year int, foreign key (id) references "
+ "pk(id))", ctx);
AnalysisError("create table fk(id int, year string, foreign key(year) references "
+ "pk2(year))", ctx, "Parent table not found: test_pk_fk.pk2");
AnalyzesOk("create table fk(id int, year string, foreign key(id, year) references"
+ " pk(id, year))", ctx);
AnalysisError("create table fk(id int, year string, foreign key(id, year) "
+ "references pk(year))", ctx, "The number of foreign key columns should be same"
+ " as the number of parent key columns.");
AnalysisError("create table fk(id int, foreign key(id) references pk(foo))", ctx,
"Parent column not found: foo");
AnalysisError("create table fk(id int, foreign key(id) references "
+ "non_pk_table(id))", ctx, "Parent column id is not part of primary key.");
// Check that long_properties fail at the analysis layer
String long_property_key = "";
for (int i = 0; i < MetaStoreUtil.MAX_PROPERTY_KEY_LENGTH; ++i) {
long_property_key += 'k';
String long_property_value = "";
for (int i = 0; i < MetaStoreUtil.MAX_PROPERTY_VALUE_LENGTH; ++i) {
long_property_value += 'v';
// At this point long_property_{key_value} are actually not quite long enough to
// cause analysis to fail.
AnalyzesOk("create table new_table (i int) "
+ "with serdeproperties ('" + long_property_key + "'='" + long_property_value
+ "') "
+ "tblproperties ('" + long_property_key + "'='" + long_property_value + "')");
long_property_key += 'X';
long_property_value += 'X';
// Now that long_property_{key,value} are one character longer, they are too long
// for the analyzer.
AnalysisError("create table new_table (i int) "
+ "tblproperties ('" + long_property_key + "'='value')",
"Property key length must be <= " + MetaStoreUtil.MAX_PROPERTY_KEY_LENGTH + ": "
+ (MetaStoreUtil.MAX_PROPERTY_KEY_LENGTH + 1));
AnalysisError("create table new_table (i int) "
+ "tblproperties ('key'='" + long_property_value + "')",
"Property value length must be <= " + MetaStoreUtil.MAX_PROPERTY_VALUE_LENGTH
+ ": " + (MetaStoreUtil.MAX_PROPERTY_VALUE_LENGTH + 1));
AnalysisError("create table new_table (i int) "
+ "with serdeproperties ('" + long_property_key + "'='value')",
"Serde property key length must be <= " + MetaStoreUtil.MAX_PROPERTY_KEY_LENGTH
+ ": " + (MetaStoreUtil.MAX_PROPERTY_KEY_LENGTH + 1));
AnalysisError("create table new_table (i int) "
+ "with serdeproperties ('key'='" + long_property_value + "')",
"Serde property value length must be <= "
// Supported file formats. Exclude Avro since it is tested separately.
String [] fileFormats =
String [] fileFormatsStr =
int formatIndx = 0;
for (String format: fileFormats) {
for (String create: ImmutableList.of("create table", "create external table")) {
AnalyzesOk(String.format("%s new_table (i int) " +
"partitioned by (d decimal) comment 'c' stored as %s", create, format));
// No column definitions.
AnalysisError(String.format("%s new_table " +
"partitioned by (d decimal) comment 'c' stored as %s", create, format),
"Table requires at least 1 column");
AnalysisError(String.format("create table t (i int primary key) stored as %s",
format), String.format("Unsupported column options for file format " +
"'%s': 'i INT PRIMARY KEY'", fileFormatsStr[formatIndx]));
// Note: Backslashes need to be escaped twice - once for Java and once for Impala.
// For example, if this were a real query the value '\' would be stored in the
// metastore for the ESCAPED BY field.
AnalyzesOk("create table functional.new_table (i int) row format delimited fields " +
"terminated by '\\t' escaped by '\\\\' lines terminated by '\\n'");
AnalyzesOk("create table functional.new_table (i int) row format delimited fields " +
"terminated by '\\001' escaped by '\\002' lines terminated by '\\n'");
AnalyzesOk("create table functional.new_table (i int) row format delimited fields " +
"terminated by '-2' escaped by '-3' lines terminated by '\\n'");
AnalyzesOk("create table functional.new_table (i int) row format delimited fields " +
"terminated by '-128' escaped by '127' lines terminated by '40'");
AnalysisError("create table functional.new_table (i int) row format delimited " +
"fields terminated by '-2' escaped by '128' lines terminated by '\\n'",
"ESCAPED BY values and LINE/FIELD terminators must be specified as a single " +
"character or as a decimal value in the range [-128:127]: 128");
AnalysisError("create table functional.new_table (i int) row format delimited " +
"fields terminated by '-2' escaped by '127' lines terminated by '255'",
"ESCAPED BY values and LINE/FIELD terminators must be specified as a single " +
"character or as a decimal value in the range [-128:127]: 255");
AnalysisError("create table functional.new_table (i int) row format delimited " +
"fields terminated by '-129' escaped by '127' lines terminated by '\\n'",
"ESCAPED BY values and LINE/FIELD terminators must be specified as a single " +
"character or as a decimal value in the range [-128:127]: -129");
AnalysisError("create table functional.new_table (i int) row format delimited " +
"fields terminated by '||' escaped by '\\\\' lines terminated by '\\n'",
"ESCAPED BY values and LINE/FIELD terminators must be specified as a single " +
"character or as a decimal value in the range [-128:127]: ||");
// IMPALA-2251: it should not be possible to create text tables with the same
// delimiter character used for multiple purposes.
AnalysisError("create table functional.broken_text_table (c int) " +
"row format delimited fields terminated by '\001' lines terminated by '\001'",
"Field delimiter and line delimiter have same value: byte 1");
AnalysisError("create table functional.broken_text_table (c int) " +
"row format delimited lines terminated by '\001'",
"Field delimiter and line delimiter have same value: byte 1");
AnalysisError("create table functional.broken_text_table (c int) " +
"row format delimited fields terminated by '\012'",
"Field delimiter and line delimiter have same value: byte 10");
AnalyzesOk("create table functional.broken_text_table (c int) " +
"row format delimited escaped by '\001'",
"Field delimiter and escape character have same value: byte 1. " +
"Escape character will be ignored");
AnalyzesOk("create table functional.broken_text_table (c int) " +
"row format delimited escaped by 'x' lines terminated by 'x'",
"Line delimiter and escape character have same value: byte 120. " +
"Escape character will be ignored");
AnalysisError("create table db_does_not_exist.new_table (i int)",
"Database does not exist: db_does_not_exist");
AnalysisError("create table new_table (i int, I string)",
"Duplicate column name: i");
AnalysisError("create table new_table (c1 double, col2 int, c1 double, c4 string)",
"Duplicate column name: c1");
AnalysisError("create table new_table (i int, s string) PARTITIONED BY (i int)",
"Duplicate column name: i");
AnalysisError("create table new_table (i int) PARTITIONED BY (C int, c2 int, c int)",
"Duplicate column name: c");
// Unsupported partition-column types.
AnalysisError("create table new_table (i int) PARTITIONED BY (t timestamp)",
"Type 'TIMESTAMP' is not supported as partition-column type in column: t");
// Caching ops
AnalyzesOk("create table cached_tbl(i int) partitioned by(j int) " +
"cached in 'testPool'");
AnalyzesOk("create table cached_tbl(i int) partitioned by(j int) uncached");
AnalyzesOk("create table cached_tbl(i int) partitioned by(j int) " +
"location '/test-warehouse/' cached in 'testPool'");
AnalyzesOk("create table cached_tbl(i int) partitioned by(j int) " +
"location '/test-warehouse/' uncached");
AnalysisError("create table cached_tbl(i int) location " +
"'file:///test-warehouse/cache_tbl' cached in 'testPool'",
"Location 'file:/test-warehouse/cache_tbl' cannot be cached. " +
"Please retry without caching: CREATE TABLE ... UNCACHED");
// Invalid database name.
AnalysisError("create table `???`.new_table (x int) PARTITIONED BY (y int)",
"Invalid database name: ???");
// Invalid table/view name.
AnalysisError("create table functional.`^&*` (x int) PARTITIONED BY (y int)",
"Invalid table/view name: ^&*");
// Invalid column names.
AnalysisError("create table new_table (`???` int) PARTITIONED BY (i int)",
"Invalid column/field name: ???");
AnalysisError("create table new_table (i int) PARTITIONED BY (`^&*` int)",
"Invalid column/field name: ^&*");
// Test HMS constraint on comment length.
AnalyzesOk(String.format("create table t (i int comment '%s')",
StringUtils.repeat("c", MetaStoreUtil.CREATE_MAX_COMMENT_LENGTH)));
AnalysisError(String.format("create table t (i int comment '%s')",
StringUtils.repeat("c", MetaStoreUtil.CREATE_MAX_COMMENT_LENGTH + 1)),
"Comment of column 'i' exceeds maximum length of 256 characters:");
// Valid URI values.
AnalyzesOk("create table tbl (i int) location '/test-warehouse/new_table'");
AnalyzesOk("create table tbl (i int) location " +
AnalyzesOk("create table tbl (i int) location " +
AnalyzesOk("create table tbl (i int) location " +
AnalyzesOk("ALTER TABLE functional_seq_snap.alltypes SET LOCATION " +
// Invalid URI values.
AnalysisError("create table (x int) location " +
"No FileSystem for scheme: foofs");
AnalysisError("create table (x int) location " +
"' '", "URI path cannot be empty.");
AnalysisError("ALTER TABLE functional_seq_snap.alltypes SET LOCATION " +
"No FileSystem for scheme: foofs");
AnalysisError("ALTER TABLE functional_seq_snap.alltypes SET LOCATION " +
"' '", "URI path cannot be empty.");
final String DATA_SOURCE_NAME = "TestDataSource1";
catalog_.addDataSource(new DataSource(DATA_SOURCE_NAME, "/foo.jar",
"foo.Bar", "V1"));
AnalyzesOk("CREATE TABLE DataSrcTable1 (x int) PRODUCED BY DATA SOURCE " +
AnalyzesOk("CREATE TABLE DataSrcTable1 (x int) PRODUCED BY DATA SOURCE " +
AnalyzesOk("CREATE TABLE DataSrcTable1 (x int) PRODUCED BY DATA SOURCE " +
DATA_SOURCE_NAME + "(\"\")");
AnalyzesOk("CREATE TABLE DataSrcTable1 (a tinyint, b smallint, c int, d bigint, " +
"e float, f double, g boolean, h string) PRODUCED BY DATA SOURCE " +
AnalysisError("CREATE TABLE DataSrcTable1 (x int) PRODUCED BY DATA SOURCE " +
"not_a_data_src(\"\")", "Data source does not exist");
for (Type t: Type.getSupportedTypes()) {
PrimitiveType type = t.getPrimitiveType();
if (DataSourceTable.isSupportedPrimitiveType(type) || t.isNull()) continue;
String typeSpec =;
if (type == PrimitiveType.CHAR || type == PrimitiveType.DECIMAL ||
type == PrimitiveType.VARCHAR) {
typeSpec += "(10)";
AnalysisError("CREATE TABLE DataSrcTable1 (x " + typeSpec + ") PRODUCED " +
"Tables produced by an external data source do not support the column type: " +;
// Tables with sort columns
AnalyzesOk("create table functional.new_table (i int, j int) sort by (i)");
AnalyzesOk("create table functional.new_table (i int, j int) sort by (i, j)");
AnalyzesOk("create table functional.new_table (i int, j int) sort by (j, i)");
// Tables with sort columns, using Z-ordering
AnalysisError("create table functional.new_table (i int, j int) sort by zorder (i)",
"SORT BY ZORDER with 1 column is equivalent to SORT BY. Please, use the " +
"latter, if that was your intention.");
AnalyzesOk("create table functional.new_table (i int, j int) sort by zorder (i, j)");
AnalyzesOk("create table functional.new_table (i int, j int) sort by zorder (j, i)");
// 'sort.columns' property not supported in table definition.
AnalysisError("create table Foo (i int) sort by (i) " +
"tblproperties ('sort.columns'='i')", "Table definition must not contain the " +
"sort.columns table property. Use SORT BY (...) instead.");
// 'sort.order' property not supported in table definition.
AnalysisError("create table Foo (i int, j int) sort by zorder (i, j) " +
"tblproperties ('sort.order'='ZORDER')", "Table definition must not " +
"contain the sort.order table property. Use SORT BY ZORDER (...) instead.");
// Column in sort by list must exist.
AnalysisError("create table functional.new_table (i int) sort by (j)", "Could not " +
"find SORT BY column 'j' in table.");
// Column in sort by zorder list must exist.
AnalysisError("create table functional.new_table (i int) sort by zorder (j)",
"Could not find SORT BY column 'j' in table.");
// Partitioned HDFS table
AnalyzesOk("create table functional.new_table (i int) PARTITIONED BY (d decimal)" +
"SORT BY (i)");
AnalyzesOk("create table functional.new_table (i int, j int) PARTITIONED BY " +
"(d decimal) sort by zorder (i, j)");
// Column in sort by list must not be a Hdfs partition column.
AnalysisError("create table functional.new_table (i int) PARTITIONED BY (d decimal)" +
"SORT BY (d)", "SORT BY column list must not contain partition column: 'd'");
// Column in sort by list must not be a Hdfs partition column.
AnalysisError("create table functional.new_table (i int) PARTITIONED BY (d decimal)" +
"sort by zorder (i, d)", "SORT BY column list must not contain partition " +
"column: 'd'");
// For Z-Order, string, varchar, float and double columns are not supported.
AnalysisError("create table functional.new_table (i int, s string) sort by zorder " +
"(i, s)", "SORT BY ZORDER does not support column types: STRING, VARCHAR(*), " +
AnalysisError("create table functional.new_table (i int, s varchar(32)) sort by " +
"zorder (i, s)", "SORT BY ZORDER does not support column types: STRING, " +
AnalysisError("create table functional.new_table (i int, s double) sort by zorder " +
"(i, s)", "SORT BY ZORDER does not support column types: STRING, VARCHAR(*), " +
AnalysisError("create table functional.new_table (i int, s float) sort by zorder " +
"(i, s)", "SORT BY ZORDER does not support column types: STRING, VARCHAR(*), " +
public void TestCreateAvroTest() {
String alltypesSchemaLoc =
// Analysis of Avro schemas. Column definitions match the Avro schema exactly.
// Note: Avro does not have a tinyint and smallint type.
"create table foo_avro (id int, bool_col boolean, tinyint_col int, " +
"smallint_col int, int_col int, bigint_col bigint, float_col float," +
"double_col double, date_string_col string, string_col string, " +
"timestamp_col timestamp) with serdeproperties ('avro.schema.url'='%s')" +
"stored as avro", alltypesSchemaLoc));
"create table foo_avro (id int, bool_col boolean, tinyint_col int, " +
"smallint_col int, int_col int, bigint_col bigint, float_col float," +
"double_col double, date_string_col string, string_col string, " +
"timestamp_col timestamp) stored as avro tblproperties ('avro.schema.url'='%s')",
AnalyzesOk("create table foo_avro (string1 string) stored as avro tblproperties " +
"('avro.schema.literal'='{\"name\": \"my_record\", \"type\": \"record\", " +
"\"fields\": [{\"name\": \"string1\", \"type\": \"string\"}]}')");
// No column definitions.
"create table foo_avro with serdeproperties ('avro.schema.url'='%s')" +
"stored as avro", alltypesSchemaLoc));
"create table foo_avro stored as avro tblproperties ('avro.schema.url'='%s')",
AnalyzesOk("create table foo_avro stored as avro tblproperties " +
"('avro.schema.literal'='{\"name\": \"my_record\", \"type\": \"record\", " +
"\"fields\": [{\"name\": \"string1\", \"type\": \"string\"}]}')");
// Analysis of Avro schemas. Column definitions do not match Avro schema.
"create table foo_avro (id int) with serdeproperties ('avro.schema.url'='%s')" +
"stored as avro", alltypesSchemaLoc),
"Ignoring column definitions in favor of Avro schema.\n" +
"The Avro schema has 11 column(s) but 1 column definition(s) were given.");
"create table foo_avro (bool_col boolean, string_col string) " +
"stored as avro tblproperties ('avro.schema.url'='%s')",
"Ignoring column definitions in favor of Avro schema.\n" +
"The Avro schema has 11 column(s) but 2 column definition(s) were given.");
AnalyzesOk("create table foo_avro (string1 string) stored as avro tblproperties " +
"('avro.schema.literal'='{\"name\": \"my_record\", \"type\": \"record\", " +
"\"fields\": [{\"name\": \"string1\", \"type\": \"string\"}," +
"{\"name\": \"string2\", \"type\": \"string\"}]}')",
"Ignoring column definitions in favor of Avro schema.\n" +
"The Avro schema has 2 column(s) but 1 column definition(s) were given.");
// Mismatched name.
"create table foo_avro (id int, bool_col boolean, tinyint_col int, " +
"smallint_col int, bad_int_col int, bigint_col bigint, float_col float," +
"double_col double, date_string_col string, string_col string, " +
"timestamp_col timestamp) with serdeproperties ('avro.schema.url'='%s')" +
"stored as avro", alltypesSchemaLoc),
"Resolved the following name and/or type inconsistencies between the column " +
"definitions and the Avro schema.\n" +
"Column definition at position 4: bad_int_col INT\n" +
"Avro schema column at position 4: int_col INT\n" +
"Resolution at position 4: int_col INT\n" +
"Column definition at position 10: timestamp_col TIMESTAMP\n" +
"Avro schema column at position 10: timestamp_col STRING\n" +
"Resolution at position 10: timestamp_col STRING");
// Mismatched type.
"create table foo_avro (id int, bool_col boolean, tinyint_col int, " +
"smallint_col int, int_col int, bigint_col bigint, float_col float," +
"double_col bigint, date_string_col string, string_col string, " +
"timestamp_col timestamp) stored as avro tblproperties ('avro.schema.url'='%s')",
"Resolved the following name and/or type inconsistencies between the column " +
"definitions and the Avro schema.\n" +
"Column definition at position 7: double_col BIGINT\n" +
"Avro schema column at position 7: double_col DOUBLE\n" +
"Resolution at position 7: double_col DOUBLE\n" +
"Column definition at position 10: timestamp_col TIMESTAMP\n" +
"Avro schema column at position 10: timestamp_col STRING\n" +
"Resolution at position 10: timestamp_col STRING");
// Avro schema is inferred from column definitions.
AnalyzesOk("create table foo_avro (c1 tinyint, c2 smallint, c3 int, c4 bigint, " +
"c5 float, c6 double, c7 timestamp, c8 string, c9 char(10), c10 varchar(20)," +
"c11 decimal(10, 5), c12 struct<f1:int,f2:string>, c13 array<int>," +
"c14 map<string,string>) stored as avro");
AnalyzesOk("create table foo_avro (c1 tinyint, c2 smallint, c3 int, c4 bigint, " +
"c5 float, c6 double, c7 timestamp, c8 string, c9 char(10), c10 varchar(20)," +
"c11 decimal(10, 5), c12 struct<f1:int,f2:string>, c13 array<int>," +
"c14 map<string,string>) partitioned by (year int, month int) stored as avro");
// Neither Avro schema nor column definitions.
AnalysisError("create table foo_avro stored as avro tblproperties ('a'='b')",
"An Avro table requires column definitions or an Avro schema.");
// Invalid schema URL
AnalysisError("create table foo_avro (i int) stored as avro tblproperties " +
"Invalid avro.schema.url: . Can not create a Path from an empty string");
AnalysisError("create table foo_avro (i int) stored as avro tblproperties " +
"Invalid avro.schema.url: schema.avsc. Path does not exist.");
AnalysisError("create table foo_avro (i int) stored as avro tblproperties " +
"Failed to read Avro schema at: hdfs://invalid*host/schema.avsc. " +
"Incomplete HDFS URI, no host: hdfs://invalid*host/schema.avsc");
AnalysisError("create table foo_avro (i int) stored as avro tblproperties " +
"Failed to read Avro schema at: foo://bar/schema.avsc. " +
"No FileSystem for scheme: foo");
// Decimal parsing
AnalyzesOk("create table foo_avro (i int) stored as avro tblproperties " +
"('avro.schema.literal'='{\"name\": \"my_record\", \"type\": \"record\", " +
"\"fields\": [{\"name\":\"value\",\"type\":{\"type\":\"bytes\", " +
// Scale not required (defaults to zero).
AnalyzesOk("create table foo_avro (i int) stored as avro tblproperties " +
"('avro.schema.literal'='{\"name\": \"my_record\", \"type\": \"record\", " +
"\"fields\": [{\"name\":\"value\",\"type\":{\"type\":\"bytes\", " +
// Precision is always required
AnalysisError("create table foo_avro (i int) stored as avro tblproperties " +
"('avro.schema.literal'='{\"name\": \"my_record\", \"type\": \"record\", " +
"\"fields\": [{\"name\":\"value\",\"type\":{\"type\":\"bytes\", " +
"Error parsing Avro schema for table 'default.foo_avro': " +
"No 'precision' property specified for 'decimal' logicalType");
// Precision/Scale must be positive integers
AnalysisError("create table foo_avro (i int) stored as avro tblproperties " +
"('avro.schema.literal'='{\"name\": \"my_record\", \"type\": \"record\", " +
"\"fields\": [{\"name\":\"value\",\"type\":{\"type\":\"bytes\", " +
"\"logicalType\":\"decimal\",\"scale\":5, \"precision\":-20}}]}')",
"Error parsing Avro schema for table 'default.foo_avro': " +
"Invalid decimal 'precision' property value: -20");
AnalysisError("create table foo_avro (i int) stored as avro tblproperties " +
"('avro.schema.literal'='{\"name\": \"my_record\", \"type\": \"record\", " +
"\"fields\": [{\"name\":\"value\",\"type\":{\"type\":\"bytes\", " +
"\"logicalType\":\"decimal\",\"scale\":-1, \"precision\":20}}]}')",
"Error parsing Avro schema for table 'default.foo_avro': " +
"Invalid decimal 'scale' property value: -1");
// Invalid schema (bad JSON - missing opening bracket for "field" array)
AnalysisError("create table foo_avro (i int) stored as avro tblproperties " +
"('avro.schema.literal'='{\"name\": \"my_record\", \"type\": \"record\", " +
"\"fields\": {\"name\": \"string1\", \"type\": \"string\"}]}')",
"Error parsing Avro schema for table 'default.foo_avro': " +
"org.codehaus.jackson.JsonParseException: Unexpected close marker ']': "+
"expected '}'");
// Map/Array types in Avro schema.
AnalyzesOk("create table foo_avro (i int) stored as avro tblproperties " +
"('avro.schema.literal'='{\"name\": \"my_record\", \"type\": \"record\", " +
"\"fields\": [{\"name\": \"string1\", \"type\": \"string\"}," +
"{\"name\": \"list1\", \"type\": {\"type\":\"array\", \"items\": \"int\"}}]}')");
AnalyzesOk("create table foo_avro (i int) stored as avro tblproperties " +
"('avro.schema.literal'='{\"name\": \"my_record\", \"type\": \"record\", " +
"\"fields\": [{\"name\": \"string1\", \"type\": \"string\"}," +
"{\"name\": \"map1\", \"type\": {\"type\":\"map\", \"values\": \"int\"}}]}')");
// Union is not supported
AnalysisError("create table foo_avro (i int) stored as avro tblproperties " +
"('avro.schema.literal'='{\"name\": \"my_record\", \"type\": \"record\", " +
"\"fields\": [{\"name\": \"string1\", \"type\": \"string\"}," +
"{\"name\": \"union1\", \"type\": [\"float\", \"boolean\"]}]}')",
"Unsupported type 'union' of column 'union1'");
// Test struct complex type.
AnalyzesOk("create table functional.new_table (" +
"a struct<f1: int, f2: string, f3: timestamp, f4: boolean>, " +
"b struct<f1: struct<f11: int>, f2: struct<f21: struct<f22: string>>>, " +
"c struct<f1: map<int, string>, f2: array<bigint>>," +
"d struct<f1: struct<f11: map<int, string>, f12: array<bigint>>>)");
// Test array complex type.
AnalyzesOk("create table functional.new_table (" +
"a array<int>, b array<timestamp>, c array<string>, d array<boolean>, " +
"e array<array<int>>, f array<array<array<string>>>, " +
"g array<struct<f1: int, f2: string>>, " +
"h array<map<string,int>>)");
// Test map complex type.
AnalyzesOk("create table functional.new_table (" +
"a map<string, int>, b map<timestamp, boolean>, c map<bigint, float>, " +
"d array<array<int>>, e array<array<array<string>>>, " +
"f array<struct<f1: int, f2: string>>," +
"g array<map<string,int>>)");
// Cannot partition by a complex column.
AnalysisError("create table functional.new_table (i int) " +
"partitioned by (x array<int>)",
"Type 'ARRAY<INT>' is not supported as partition-column type in column: x");
AnalysisError("create table functional.new_table (i int) " +
"partitioned by (x map<int,int>)",
"Type 'MAP<INT,INT>' is not supported as partition-column type in column: x");
AnalysisError("create table functional.new_table (i int) " +
"partitioned by (x struct<f1:int>)",
"Type 'STRUCT<f1:INT>' is not supported as partition-column type in column: x");
// Kudu specific clauses used in an Avro table.
AnalysisError("create table functional.new_table (i int) " +
"partition by hash(i) partitions 3 stored as avro",
"Only Kudu tables can use the PARTITION BY clause.");
AnalysisError("create table functional.new_table (i int primary key) " +
"stored as avro", "Unsupported column options for file format 'AVRO': " +
public void TestCreateView() throws AnalysisException {
"create view foo_new as select int_col, string_col from functional.alltypes");
AnalyzesOk("create view as select * from functional.alltypes");
AnalyzesOk("create view if not exists foo as select * from functional.alltypes");
AnalyzesOk("create view foo (a, b) as select int_col, string_col " +
"from functional.alltypes");
AnalyzesOk("create view (a, b) as select int_col x, double_col y " +
"from functional.alltypes");
// Creating a view on a view is ok (alltypes_view is a view on alltypes).
AnalyzesOk("create view foo as select * from functional.alltypes_view");
AnalyzesOk("create view foo (aaa, bbb) as select * from functional.complex_view");
// Create a view resulting in Hive-style auto-generated column names.
AnalyzesOk("create view foo as select trim('abc'), 17 * 7");
// Creating a view on an HBase table is ok.
AnalyzesOk("create view foo as select * from functional_hbase.alltypesagg");
// Complex view definition with joins and aggregates.
AnalyzesOk("create view foo (cnt) as " +
"select count(distinct x.int_col) from functional.alltypessmall x " +
"inner join functional.alltypessmall y on ( = group by x.bigint_col");
// Test different query-statement types as view definition.
AnalyzesOk("create view foo (a, b) as values(1, 'a'), (2, 'b')");
AnalyzesOk("create view foo (a, b) as select 1, 'a' union all select 2, 'b'");
// View with a subquery
AnalyzesOk("create view test_view_with_subquery as " +
"select * from functional.alltypestiny t where exists " +
"(select * from functional.alltypessmall s where =");
// Mismatching number of columns in column definition and view-definition statement.
AnalysisError("create view foo (a) as select int_col, string_col " +
"from functional.alltypes",
"Column-definition list has fewer columns (1) than the " +
"view-definition query statement returns (2).");
AnalysisError("create view foo (a, b, c) as select int_col " +
"from functional.alltypes",
"Column-definition list has more columns (3) than the " +
"view-definition query statement returns (1).");
// Duplicate columns in the view-definition statement.
AnalysisError("create view foo as select * from functional.alltypessmall a " +
"inner join functional.alltypessmall b on =",
"Duplicate column name: id");
// Duplicate columns in the column definition.
AnalysisError("create view foo (a, b, a) as select int_col, int_col, int_col " +
"from functional.alltypes",
"Duplicate column name: a");
// Invalid database/view/column names.
AnalysisError("create view `???`.new_view as select 1, 2, 3",
"Invalid database name: ???");
AnalysisError("create view `^%&` as select 1, 2, 3",
"Invalid table/view name: ^%&");
AnalysisError("create view foo as select 1 as `???`",
"Invalid column/field name: ???");
AnalysisError("create view foo(`%^&`) as select 1",
"Invalid column/field name: %^&");
// Table/view already exists.
AnalysisError("create view functional.alltypes as " +
"select * from functional.alltypessmall ",
"Table already exists: functional.alltypes");
// Target database does not exist.
AnalysisError("create view wrongdb.test as " +
"select * from functional.alltypessmall ",
"Database does not exist: wrongdb");
// Source database does not exist,
AnalysisError("create view foo as " +
"select * from wrongdb.alltypessmall ",
"Could not resolve table reference: 'wrongdb.alltypessmall'");
// Source table does not exist,
AnalysisError("create view foo as " +
"select * from wrongdb.alltypessmall ",
"Could not resolve table reference: 'wrongdb.alltypessmall'");
// Analysis error in view-definition statement.
AnalysisError("create view foo as " +
"select int_col from functional.alltypessmall union all " +
"select string_col from functional.alltypes",
"Incompatible return types 'INT' and 'STRING' of exprs " +
"'int_col' and 'string_col'.");
// View cannot have complex-typed columns because complex-typed exprs are
// not supported in the select list.
AnalysisError("create view (a, b, c) as " +
"select int_array_col, int_map_col, int_struct_col " +
"from functional.allcomplextypes",
"Expr 'int_array_col' in select list returns a complex type 'ARRAY<INT>'.\n" +
"Only scalar types are allowed in the select list.");
// IMPALA-7679: Inserting a null column type without an explicit type should
// throw an error.
AnalyzesOk("create view v as select cast(null as int) as new_col");
AnalyzesOk("create view v as select cast(null as int) as null_col, 1 as one_col");
AnalysisError("create view v as select null as new_col",
"Unable to infer the column type for column 'new_col'. Use cast() to " +
"explicitly specify the column type for column 'new_col'.");
public void TestUdf() throws AnalysisException {
final String symbol =
final String udfSuffix = " LOCATION '/test-warehouse/' " +
"SYMBOL=" + symbol;
final String udfSuffixIr = " LOCATION '/test-warehouse/test-udfs.ll' " +
"SYMBOL=" + symbol;
final String hdfsPath = "hdfs://localhost:20500/test-warehouse/";
final String javaFnSuffix = " LOCATION '/test-warehouse/impala-hive-udfs.jar' " +
AnalyzesOk("create function foo() RETURNS int" + udfSuffix);
AnalyzesOk("create function foo(int, int, string) RETURNS int" + udfSuffix);
AnalyzesOk("create function foo" + javaFnSuffix);
AnalyzesOk("create function foo(INT) returns INT" + javaFnSuffix);
// Try some fully qualified function names
AnalyzesOk("create function functional.B() RETURNS int" + udfSuffix);
AnalyzesOk("create function functional.B1() RETURNS int" + udfSuffix);
AnalyzesOk("create function functional.`B1C`() RETURNS int" + udfSuffix);
// Name with underscore
AnalyzesOk("create function A_B() RETURNS int" + udfSuffix);
// Locations for all the udfs types.
AnalyzesOk("create function foo() RETURNS int LOCATION " +
"'/test-warehouse/' " +
AnalysisError("create function foo() RETURNS int LOCATION " +
"'/test-warehouse/libTestUdfs.ll' " +
"Could not load binary: /test-warehouse/libTestUdfs.ll");
AnalyzesOk("create function foo() RETURNS int LOCATION " +
"'/test-warehouse/test-udfs.ll' " +
AnalyzesOk("create function foo(int) RETURNS int LOCATION " +
"'/test-warehouse/test-udfs.ll' SYMBOL='Identity'");
AnalyzesOk("create function foo() RETURNS int LOCATION " +
"'/test-warehouse/libTestUdfs.SO' " +
AnalyzesOk("create function foo() RETURNS int LOCATION " +
"'/test-warehouse/hive-exec.jar' SYMBOL='a'");
// Test Java UDFs for unsupported types
AnalysisError("create function foo() RETURNS timestamp LOCATION " +
"'/test-warehouse/hive-exec.jar' SYMBOL='a'",
"Type TIMESTAMP is not supported for Java UDFs.");
AnalysisError("create function foo(timestamp) RETURNS int LOCATION '/a.jar'",
"Type TIMESTAMP is not supported for Java UDFs.");
AnalysisError("create function foo() RETURNS date LOCATION " +
"'/test-warehouse/hive-exec.jar' SYMBOL='a'",
"Type DATE is not supported for Java UDFs.");
AnalysisError("create function foo(date) RETURNS int LOCATION '/a.jar'",
"Type DATE is not supported for Java UDFs.");
AnalysisError("create function foo() RETURNS decimal LOCATION '/a.jar'",
"Type DECIMAL(9,0) is not supported for Java UDFs.");
AnalysisError("create function foo(Decimal) RETURNS int LOCATION '/a.jar'",
"Type DECIMAL(9,0) is not supported for Java UDFs.");
AnalysisError("create function foo(char(5)) RETURNS int LOCATION '/a.jar'",
"Type CHAR(5) is not supported for Java UDFs.");
AnalysisError("create function foo(varchar(5)) RETURNS int LOCATION '/a.jar'",
"Type VARCHAR(5) is not supported for Java UDFs.");
AnalysisError("create function foo() RETURNS CHAR(5) LOCATION '/a.jar'",
"Type CHAR(5) is not supported for Java UDFs.");
AnalysisError("create function foo() RETURNS VARCHAR(5) LOCATION '/a.jar'",
"Type VARCHAR(5) is not supported for Java UDFs.");
AnalysisError("create function foo() RETURNS CHAR(5)" + udfSuffix,
"UDFs that use CHAR are not yet supported.");
AnalysisError("create function foo() RETURNS VARCHAR(5)" + udfSuffix,
"UDFs that use VARCHAR are not yet supported.");
AnalysisError("create function foo(CHAR(5)) RETURNS int" + udfSuffix,
"UDFs that use CHAR are not yet supported.");
AnalysisError("create function foo(VARCHAR(5)) RETURNS int" + udfSuffix,
"UDFs that use VARCHAR are not yet supported.");
AnalyzesOk("create function foo() RETURNS decimal" + udfSuffix);
AnalyzesOk("create function foo() RETURNS decimal(38,10)" + udfSuffix);
AnalyzesOk("create function foo(Decimal, decimal(10, 2)) RETURNS int" + udfSuffix);
AnalysisError("create function foo() RETURNS decimal(100)" + udfSuffix,
"Decimal precision must be <= 38: 100");
AnalysisError("create function foo(Decimal(2, 3)) RETURNS int" + udfSuffix,
"Decimal scale (3) must be <= precision (2)");
// Varargs
AnalyzesOk("create function foo(INT...) RETURNS int" + udfSuffix);
// Prepare/Close functions
AnalyzesOk("create function foo() returns int" + udfSuffix
+ " prepare_fn='ValidateOpenPrepare'" + " close_fn='ValidateOpenClose'");
AnalyzesOk("create function foo() returns int" + udfSuffixIr
+ " prepare_fn='ValidateOpenPrepare'" + " close_fn='ValidateOpenClose'");
AnalyzesOk("create function foo() returns int" + udfSuffixIr
+ " prepare_fn='_Z19ValidateOpenPreparePN10impala_udf15FunctionContextENS0_18FunctionStateScopeE'"
+ " close_fn='_Z17ValidateOpenClosePN10impala_udf15FunctionContextENS0_18FunctionStateScopeE'");
AnalysisError("create function foo() returns int" + udfSuffix + " prepare_fn=''",
"Could not find symbol ''");
AnalysisError("create function foo() returns int" + udfSuffix + " close_fn=''",
"Could not find symbol ''");
AnalysisError("create function foo() returns int" + udfSuffix +
" prepare_fn='FakePrepare'",
"Could not find function FakePrepare(impala_udf::FunctionContext*, "+
"impala_udf::FunctionContext::FunctionStateScope) in: ");
// Try to create a function with the same name as a builtin
AnalyzesOk("create function sin(double) RETURNS double" + udfSuffix);
AnalyzesOk("create function sin() RETURNS double" + udfSuffix);
// Try to create a function in the system database.
AnalysisError("create function _impala_builtins.sin(double) returns double" +
udfSuffix, "Cannot modify system database.");
AnalysisError("create function sin(double) returns double" + udfSuffix,
createAnalysisCtx("_impala_builtins"), "Cannot modify system database.");
AnalysisError("create function _impala_builtins.f(double) returns double" +
udfSuffix, "Cannot modify system database.");
// Try to drop a function with the same name as builtin.
addTestFunction("sin", Lists.newArrayList(Type.DOUBLE), false);
// default.sin(double) function exists.
AnalyzesOk("drop function sin(double)");
// default.cos(double) does not exist.
AnalysisError("drop function cos(double)", "Function does not exist: cos(DOUBLE)");
AnalysisError("drop function _impala_builtins.sin(double)",
"Cannot modify system database.");
// Try to select a function with the same name as builtin.
// This will call _impala_builtins.sin(1).
AnalyzesOk("select sin(1)");
AnalyzesOk("select _impala_builtins.sin(1)");
AnalyzesOk("select default.sin(1)");
AnalysisError("select functional.sin(1)", "functional.sin() unknown");
// Try to create with a bad location
AnalysisError("create function foo() RETURNS int LOCATION 'bad-location' SYMBOL='c'",
"URI path must be absolute: bad-location");
AnalysisError("create function foo LOCATION 'bad-location' SYMBOL='c'",
"URI path must be absolute: bad-location");
AnalysisError("create function foo() RETURNS int LOCATION " +
"'blah://localhost:50200/bad-location' SYMBOL='c'",
"No FileSystem for scheme: blah");
AnalysisError("create function foo LOCATION " +
"'blah://localhost:50200/bad-location' SYMBOL='c'",
"No FileSystem for scheme: blah");
AnalysisError("create function foo() RETURNS int LOCATION " +
"'file:///foo.jar' SYMBOL='c'",
"Could not load binary: file:///foo.jar");
AnalysisError("create function foo LOCATION " +
"'file:///foo.jar' SYMBOL='c'",
"Could not load binary: file:///foo.jar");
// Try creating udfs with unknown extensions
AnalysisError("create function foo() RETURNS int LOCATION '/binary' SYMBOL='a'",
"Unknown binary type: '/binary'. Binary must end in .jar, .so or .ll");
AnalysisError("create function foo() RETURNS int LOCATION '/binary.a' SYMBOL='a'",
"Unknown binary type: '/binary.a'. Binary must end in .jar, .so or .ll");
AnalysisError("create function foo() RETURNS int LOCATION '/' SYMBOL='a'",
"Unknown binary type: '/'. Binary must end in .jar, .so or .ll");
// Try with missing symbol
AnalysisError("create function foo() RETURNS int LOCATION '/'",
"Argument 'SYMBOL' must be set.");
// Try with symbols missing in binary and symbols
AnalysisError("create function foo() RETURNS int LOCATION '/' " +
"SYMBOL='ab'", "Could not load binary: /");
AnalysisError("create function foo() RETURNS int LOCATION '/binary.JAR' SYMBOL='a'",
"Could not load binary: /binary.JAR");
AnalysisError("create function foo LOCATION '/binary.JAR' SYMBOL='a'",
"Could not load binary: /binary.JAR");
AnalysisError("create function foo() RETURNS int " +
"LOCATION '/test-warehouse/' " +
"SYMBOL='b'", "Could not find function b() in: " + hdfsPath);
AnalysisError("create function foo() RETURNS int " +
"LOCATION '/test-warehouse/' " +
"SYMBOL=''", "Could not find symbol ''");
AnalysisError("create function foo() RETURNS int " +
"LOCATION '/test-warehouse/' " +
"Could not find symbol '_ZAB' in: " + hdfsPath);
// Infer the fully mangled symbol from the signature
AnalyzesOk("create function foo() RETURNS int " +
"LOCATION '/test-warehouse/' " + "SYMBOL='NoArgs'");
// We can't get the return type so any of those will match
AnalyzesOk("create function foo() RETURNS double " +
"LOCATION '/test-warehouse/' " + "SYMBOL='NoArgs'");
// The part the user specifies is case sensitive
AnalysisError("create function foo() RETURNS int " +
"LOCATION '/test-warehouse/' " + "SYMBOL='noArgs'",
"Could not find function noArgs() in: " + hdfsPath);
// Types no longer match
AnalysisError("create function foo(int) RETURNS int " +
"LOCATION '/test-warehouse/' " + "SYMBOL='NoArgs'",
"Could not find function NoArgs(INT) in: " + hdfsPath);
// Check we can match identity for all types
AnalyzesOk("create function identity(boolean) RETURNS int " +
"LOCATION '/test-warehouse/' " + "SYMBOL='Identity'");
AnalyzesOk("create function identity(tinyint) RETURNS int " +
"LOCATION '/test-warehouse/' " + "SYMBOL='Identity'");
AnalyzesOk("create function identity(smallint) RETURNS int " +
"LOCATION '/test-warehouse/' " + "SYMBOL='Identity'");
AnalyzesOk("create function identity(int) RETURNS int " +
"LOCATION '/test-warehouse/' " + "SYMBOL='Identity'");
AnalyzesOk("create function identity(bigint) RETURNS int " +
"LOCATION '/test-warehouse/' " + "SYMBOL='Identity'");
AnalyzesOk("create function identity(float) RETURNS int " +
"LOCATION '/test-warehouse/' " + "SYMBOL='Identity'");
AnalyzesOk("create function identity(double) RETURNS int " +
"LOCATION '/test-warehouse/' " + "SYMBOL='Identity'");
AnalyzesOk("create function identity(string) RETURNS int " +
"LOCATION '/test-warehouse/' " + "SYMBOL='Identity'");
AnalyzesOk("create function all_types_fn(string, boolean, tinyint, " +
"smallint, int, bigint, float, double, decimal, date) returns int " +
"location '/test-warehouse/' symbol='AllTypes'");
// Try creating functions with illegal function names.
AnalysisError("create function 123A() RETURNS int" + udfSuffix,
"Function cannot start with a digit: 123a");
AnalysisError("create function A.`1A`() RETURNS int" + udfSuffix,
"Function cannot start with a digit: 1a");
AnalysisError("create function A.`ABC-D`() RETURNS int" + udfSuffix,
"Function names must be all alphanumeric or underscore. Invalid name: abc-d");
AnalysisError("create function baddb.f() RETURNS int" + udfSuffix,
"Database does not exist: baddb");
AnalysisError("create function a.b.c() RETURNS int" + udfSuffix,
"Invalid function name: 'a.b.c'. Expected [dbname].funcname.");
AnalysisError("create function a.b.c.d(smallint) RETURNS int" + udfSuffix,
"Invalid function name: 'a.b.c.d'. Expected [dbname].funcname.");
// Try creating functions with unsupported return/arg types.
AnalysisError("create function f() RETURNS array<int>" + udfSuffix,
"Type 'ARRAY<INT>' is not supported in UDFs/UDAs.");
AnalysisError("create function f(map<string,int>) RETURNS int" + udfSuffix,
"Type 'MAP<STRING,INT>' is not supported in UDFs/UDAs.");
AnalysisError("create function f() RETURNS struct<f:int>" + udfSuffix,
"Type 'STRUCT<f:INT>' is not supported in UDFs/UDAs.");
// Try dropping functions.
AnalyzesOk("drop function if exists foo()");
AnalysisError("drop function foo()", "Function does not exist: foo()");
AnalyzesOk("drop function if exists");
AnalysisError("drop function", "Database does not exist: a");
AnalyzesOk("drop function if exists foo()");
AnalyzesOk("drop function if exists foo");
AnalyzesOk("drop function if exists foo(int...)");
AnalyzesOk("drop function if exists foo(double, int...)");
// Add functions default.TestFn(), default.TestFn(double), default.TestFn(String...),
addTestFunction("TestFn", new ArrayList<ScalarType>(), false);
addTestFunction("TestFn", Lists.newArrayList(Type.DOUBLE), false);
addTestFunction("TestFn", Lists.newArrayList(Type.STRING), true);
AnalysisError("create function TestFn() RETURNS INT " + udfSuffix,
"Function already exists: testfn()");
AnalysisError("create function TestFn(double) RETURNS INT " + udfSuffix,
"Function already exists: testfn(DOUBLE)");
// Persistent Java UDF name clashes with existing NATIVE function and fails if
// 'if not exists' is specified.
AnalysisError("create function TestFn" + javaFnSuffix,
"Function already exists: testfn()");
AnalyzesOk("create function if not exists TestFn" + javaFnSuffix);
// Fn(Double) and Fn(Double...) should be a conflict.
AnalysisError("create function TestFn(double...) RETURNS INT" + udfSuffix,
"Function already exists: testfn(DOUBLE)");
AnalysisError("create function TestFn(double) RETURNS INT" + udfSuffix,
"Function already exists: testfn(DOUBLE)");
// Add default.TestFn(int, int)
addTestFunction("TestFn", Lists.newArrayList(Type.INT, Type.INT), false);
AnalyzesOk("drop function TestFn(int, int)");
AnalysisError("drop function TestFn(int, int, int)",
"Function does not exist: testfn(INT, INT, INT)");
// Fn(String...) was already added.
AnalysisError("create function TestFn(String) RETURNS INT" + udfSuffix,
"Function already exists: testfn(STRING...)");
AnalysisError("create function TestFn(String...) RETURNS INT" + udfSuffix,
"Function already exists: testfn(STRING...)");
AnalysisError("create function TestFn(String, String) RETURNS INT" + udfSuffix,
"Function already exists: testfn(STRING...)");
AnalyzesOk("create function TestFn(String, String, Int) RETURNS INT" + udfSuffix);
// Check function overloading.
AnalyzesOk("create function TestFn(int) RETURNS INT " + udfSuffix);
// Create a function with the same signature in a different db
AnalyzesOk("create function functional.TestFn() RETURNS INT " + udfSuffix);
AnalyzesOk("drop function TestFn()");
AnalyzesOk("drop function TestFn(double)");
AnalyzesOk("drop function TestFn(string...)");
AnalyzesOk("drop function if exists functional.TestFn");
AnalysisError("drop function TestFn(double...)",
"Function does not exist: testfn(DOUBLE...)");
AnalysisError("drop function TestFn(int)", "Function does not exist: testfn(INT)");
"drop function functional.TestFn()", "Function does not exist: testfn()");
AnalysisError("drop function functional.TestFn", "Function does not exist: testfn");
AnalysisError("create function f() returns int " + udfSuffix +
"init_fn='a'", "Optional argument 'INIT_FN' should not be set");
AnalysisError("create function f() returns int " + udfSuffix +
"serialize_fn='a'", "Optional argument 'SERIALIZE_FN' should not be set");
AnalysisError("create function f() returns int " + udfSuffix +
"merge_fn='a'", "Optional argument 'MERGE_FN' should not be set");
AnalysisError("create function f() returns int " + udfSuffix +
"finalize_fn='a'", "Optional argument 'FINALIZE_FN' should not be set");
public void TestUda() throws AnalysisException {
final String loc = " LOCATION '/test-warehouse/' ";
final String hdfsLoc = "hdfs://localhost:20500/test-warehouse/";
AnalyzesOk("create aggregate function foo(int) RETURNS int" + loc +
AnalyzesOk("create aggregate function foo(int) RETURNS int" + loc +
"UPDATE_FN='AggUpdate' INIT_FN='AggInit'");
AnalyzesOk("create aggregate function foo(int) RETURNS int" + loc +
"UPDATE_FN='AggUpdate' INIT_FN='AggInit' MERGE_FN='AggMerge'");
AnalysisError("create aggregate function foo(int) RETURNS int" + loc +
"UPDATE_FN='AggUpdate' INIT_FN='AGgInit'",
"Could not find function AGgInit() returns INT in: " + hdfsLoc);
AnalyzesOk("create aggregate function foo(int, int) RETURNS int" + loc +
AnalyzesOk("create aggregate function foo(string, double) RETURNS string" + loc +
// TODO: remove these when the BE can execute them
AnalysisError("create aggregate function foo(int...) RETURNS int" + loc,
"UDAs with varargs are not yet supported.");
AnalysisError("create aggregate function "
+ "foo(int, int, int, int, int, int, int , int, int) "
+ "RETURNS int" + loc,
"UDAs with more than 8 arguments are not yet supported.");
// Check that CHAR and VARCHAR are not valid UDA argument or return types
String symbols =
" UPDATE_FN='_Z9AggUpdatePN10impala_udf15FunctionContextERKNS_6IntValEPS2_' " +
"INIT_FN='_Z7AggInitPN10impala_udf15FunctionContextEPNS_6IntValE' " +
AnalysisError("create aggregate function foo(CHAR(5)) RETURNS int" + loc + symbols,
"UDAs with CHAR arguments are not yet supported.");
AnalysisError("create aggregate function foo(VARCHAR(5)) RETURNS int" + loc + symbols,
"UDAs with VARCHAR arguments are not yet supported.");
AnalysisError("create aggregate function foo(int) RETURNS CHAR(5)" + loc + symbols,
"UDAs with CHAR return type are not yet supported.");
AnalysisError("create aggregate function foo(int) RETURNS VARCHAR(5)" + loc + symbols,
"UDAs with VARCHAR return type are not yet supported.");
// Specify the complete symbol. If the user does this, we can't guess the
// other function names.
// TODO: think about these error messages more. Perhaps they can be made
// more actionable.
AnalysisError("create aggregate function foo(int) RETURNS int" + loc +
"Could not infer symbol for init() function.");
AnalysisError("create aggregate function foo(int) RETURNS int" + loc +
"UPDATE_FN='_Z9AggUpdatePN10impala_udf15FunctionContextERKNS_6IntValEPS2_' " +
"Could not infer symbol for merge() function.");
AnalyzesOk("create aggregate function foo(int) RETURNS int" + loc +
"UPDATE_FN='_Z9AggUpdatePN10impala_udf15FunctionContextERKNS_6IntValEPS2_' " +
"INIT_FN='_Z7AggInitPN10impala_udf15FunctionContextEPNS_6IntValE' " +
// Try with intermediate type
AnalyzesOk("create aggregate function foo(int) RETURNS int " +
"INTERMEDIATE int" + loc + "UPDATE_FN='AggUpdate'");
AnalyzesOk("create aggregate function foo(int) RETURNS int " +
"INTERMEDIATE CHAR(10)" + loc + "UPDATE_FN='AggIntermediateUpdate'");
AnalysisError("create aggregate function foo(int) RETURNS int " +
"INTERMEDIATE CHAR(10)" + loc + "UPDATE_FN='AggIntermediate' " +
"INIT_FN='AggIntermediateInit' MERGE_FN='AggIntermediateMerge'" ,
"Finalize() is required for this UDA.");
AnalyzesOk("create aggregate function foo(int) RETURNS int " +
"INTERMEDIATE CHAR(10)" + loc + "UPDATE_FN='AggIntermediate' " +
"INIT_FN='AggIntermediateInit' MERGE_FN='AggIntermediateMerge' " +
// Udf only arguments must not be set.
AnalysisError("create aggregate function foo(int) RETURNS int" + loc + "SYMBOL='Bad'",
"Optional argument 'SYMBOL' should not be set.");
// Invalid char(0) type.
AnalysisError("create aggregate function foo(int) RETURNS int " +
"Char size must be > 0: 0");
AnalysisError("create aggregate function foo() RETURNS int" + loc,
"UDAs must take at least one argument.");
AnalysisError("create aggregate function foo(int) RETURNS int LOCATION " +
"'/foo.jar' UPDATE_FN='b'", "Java UDAs are not supported.");
// Try creating functions with unsupported return/arg types.
AnalysisError("create aggregate function foo(string, double) RETURNS array<int> " +
loc + "UPDATE_FN='AggUpdate'",
"Type 'ARRAY<INT>' is not supported in UDFs/UDAs.");
AnalysisError("create aggregate function foo(map<string,int>) RETURNS int " +
loc + "UPDATE_FN='AggUpdate'",
"Type 'MAP<STRING,INT>' is not supported in UDFs/UDAs.");
AnalysisError("create aggregate function foo(int) RETURNS struct<f:int> " +
loc + "UPDATE_FN='AggUpdate'",
"Type 'STRUCT<f:INT>' is not supported in UDFs/UDAs.");
AnalysisError("create aggregate function foo(int) RETURNS int " +
"INTERMEDIATE fixed_uda_intermediate(10) " + loc + " UPDATE_FN='foo'",
"Syntax error in line 1");
// Test missing .ll file. TODO: reenable when we can run IR UDAs
AnalysisError("create aggregate function foo(int) RETURNS int LOCATION " +
"'/foo.ll' UPDATE_FN='Fn'", "IR UDAs are not yet supported.");
//AnalysisError("create aggregate function foo(int) RETURNS int LOCATION " +
// "'/foo.ll' UPDATE_FN='Fn'", "Could not load binary: /foo.ll");
//AnalysisError("create aggregate function foo(int) RETURNS int LOCATION " +
// "'/foo.ll' UPDATE_FN='_ZABCD'", "Could not load binary: /foo.ll");
// Test cases where the UPDATE_FN doesn't contain "Update" in which case the user has
// to explicitly specify the other functions.
AnalysisError("create aggregate function foo(string, double) RETURNS string" + loc +
"UPDATE_FN='Agg'", "Could not infer symbol for init() function.");
AnalysisError("create aggregate function foo(string, double) RETURNS string" + loc +
"UPDATE_FN='Agg' INIT_FN='AggInit'",
"Could not infer symbol for merge() function.");
AnalyzesOk("create aggregate function foo(string, double) RETURNS string" + loc +
"UPDATE_FN='Agg' INIT_FN='AggInit' MERGE_FN='AggMerge'");
AnalyzesOk("create aggregate function foo(string, double) RETURNS string" + loc +
"UPDATE_FN='Agg' INIT_FN='AggInit' MERGE_FN='AggMerge' " +
AnalyzesOk("create aggregate function foo(string, double) RETURNS string" + loc +
"UPDATE_FN='Agg' INIT_FN='AggInit' MERGE_FN='AggMerge' " +
"SERIALIZE_FN='AggSerialize' FINALIZE_FN='AggFinalize'");
// Serialize and Finalize have the same signature, make sure that's possible.
AnalyzesOk("create aggregate function foo(string, double) RETURNS string" + loc +
"UPDATE_FN='AggUpdate' SERIALIZE_FN='AggSerialize' FINALIZE_FN='AggSerialize'");
AnalyzesOk("create aggregate function foo(string, double) RETURNS string" + loc +
"UPDATE_FN='AggUpdate' SERIALIZE_FN='AggFinalize' FINALIZE_FN='AggFinalize'");
// If you don't specify the full symbol, we look for it in the binary. This should
// prevent mismatched names by accident.
AnalysisError("create aggregate function foo(string, double) RETURNS string" + loc +
"UPDATE_FN='AggUpdate' INIT_FN='AggSerialize'",
"Could not find function AggSerialize() returns STRING in: " + hdfsLoc);
// If you specify a mangled name, we just check it exists.
// TODO: we should be able to validate better. This is almost certainly going
// to crash everything.
AnalyzesOk("create aggregate function foo(string, double) RETURNS string" + loc +
"UPDATE_FN='AggUpdate' "+
AnalysisError("create aggregate function foo(string, double) RETURNS string" + loc +
"UPDATE_FN='AggUpdate' INIT_FN='_ZAggSerialize'",
"Could not find symbol '_ZAggSerialize' in: " + hdfsLoc);
// Tests for checking the symbol exists
AnalysisError("create aggregate function foo(string, double) RETURNS string" + loc +
"Could not find function Agg2Init() returns STRING in: " + hdfsLoc);
AnalysisError("create aggregate function foo(string, double) RETURNS string" + loc +
"UPDATE_FN='Agg2Update' INIT_FN='AggInit'",
"Could not find function Agg2Merge(STRING) returns STRING in: " + hdfsLoc);
AnalyzesOk("create aggregate function foo(string, double) RETURNS string" + loc +
"UPDATE_FN='Agg2Update' INIT_FN='AggInit' MERGE_FN='AggMerge'");
AnalysisError("create aggregate function foo(string, double) RETURNS string" + loc +
"UPDATE_FN='Agg2Update' INIT_FN='AggInit' MERGE_FN='BadFn'",
"Could not find function BadFn(STRING) returns STRING in: " + hdfsLoc);
AnalysisError("create aggregate function foo(string, double) RETURNS string" + loc +
"UPDATE_FN='Agg2Update' INIT_FN='AggInit' MERGE_FN='AggMerge' "+
"FINALIZE_FN='not there'",
"Could not find function not there(STRING) in: " + hdfsLoc);
* Wraps the given typeDefs in a CREATE TABLE stmt and runs AnalyzesOk().
* Also tests that the type is analyzes correctly in ARRAY, MAP, and STRUCT types.
private void TypeDefsAnalyzeOk(String... typeDefs) {
for (String typeDefStr: typeDefs) {
ParseNode stmt = AnalyzesOk(String.format("CREATE TABLE t (i %s)", typeDefStr));
AnalyzesOk(String.format("CREATE TABLE t (i ARRAY<%s>)", typeDefStr));
AnalyzesOk(String.format("CREATE TABLE t (i STRUCT<f:%s>)", typeDefStr));
Preconditions.checkState(stmt instanceof CreateTableStmt);
CreateTableStmt createTableStmt = (CreateTableStmt) stmt;
Type t = createTableStmt.getColumnDefs().get(0).getType();
// If the given type is complex, don't use it as a map key.
if (t.isComplexType()) {
"CREATE TABLE t (i MAP<int, %s>)", typeDefStr, typeDefStr));
} else {
"CREATE TABLE t (i MAP<%s, %s>)", typeDefStr, typeDefStr));
* Wraps the given typeDef in a CREATE TABLE stmt and runs AnalyzesOk().
* Returns the analyzed type.
private Type TypeDefAnalyzeOk(String typeDef) {
ParseNode stmt = AnalyzesOk(String.format("CREATE TABLE t (i %s)", typeDef));
CreateTableStmt createTableStmt = (CreateTableStmt) stmt;
return createTableStmt.getColumnDefs().get(0).getType();
* Wraps the given typeDefs in a CREATE TABLE stmt and asserts that the type def
* failed to analyze with the given error message.
private void TypeDefAnalysisError(String typeDef, String expectedError) {
AnalysisError(String.format("CREATE TABLE t (i %s)", typeDef), expectedError);
public void TestTypes() {
// Test primitive types.
TypeDefsAnalyzeOk("INT", "INTEGER");
TypeDefsAnalyzeOk("DOUBLE", "REAL");
TypeDefsAnalyzeOk("CHAR(1)", "CHAR(20)");
// Test decimal.
TypeDefsAnalyzeOk("DECIMAL(12, 7)");
TypeDefsAnalyzeOk("DECIMAL(38, 1)");
TypeDefsAnalyzeOk("DECIMAL(38, 38)");
TypeDefAnalysisError("DECIMAL(1, 10)",
"Decimal scale (10) must be <= precision (1)");
TypeDefAnalysisError("DECIMAL(0, 0)",
"Decimal precision must be > 0: 0");
TypeDefAnalysisError("DECIMAL(39, 0)",
"Decimal precision must be <= 38");
// Test unsupported types
for (ScalarType t: Type.getUnsupportedTypes()) {
String.format("Unsupported data type: %s", t.toSql()));
// Test complex types.
TypeDefsAnalyzeOk("MAP<TINYINT, DOUBLE>");
TypeDefsAnalyzeOk("STRUCT<a:TINYINT, b:BIGINT, c:DOUBLE>");
// Map keys can't be complex types.
TypeDefAnalysisError("map<array<int>, int>",
"Map type cannot have a complex-typed key: MAP<ARRAY<INT>,INT>");
// Duplicate struct-field name.
TypeDefAnalysisError("STRUCT<f1: int, f2: string, f1: float>",
"Duplicate field name 'f1' in struct 'STRUCT<f1:INT,f2:STRING,f1:FLOAT>'");
// Invalid struct-field name.
TypeDefAnalysisError("STRUCT<`???`: int>",
"Invalid struct field name: ???");
// Test maximum nesting depth with all complex types.
for (String prefix: Arrays.asList("struct<f1:int,f2:", "array<", "map<string,")) {
String middle = "int";
String suffix = ">";
// Test type with exactly the max nesting depth.
String maxTypeDef = genTypeSql(Type.MAX_NESTING_DEPTH, prefix, middle, suffix);
Type maxType = TypeDefAnalyzeOk(maxTypeDef);
// Test type with exactly one level above the max nesting depth.
String oneAboveMaxDef =
genTypeSql(Type.MAX_NESTING_DEPTH + 1, prefix, middle, suffix);
TypeDefAnalysisError(oneAboveMaxDef, "Type exceeds the maximum nesting depth");
// Test type with very deep nesting to test we do not hit a stack overflow.
String veryDeepDef =
genTypeSql(Type.MAX_NESTING_DEPTH * 100, prefix, middle, suffix);
TypeDefAnalysisError(veryDeepDef, "Type exceeds the maximum nesting depth");
* Generates a string with the following pattern:
* <prefix>*<middle><suffix>*
* with exactly depth-1 repetitions of prefix and suffix
private String genTypeSql(int depth, String prefix, String middle, String suffix) {
return StringUtils.repeat(prefix, depth - 1) +
middle + StringUtils.repeat(suffix, depth - 1);
public void TestUseDb() throws AnalysisException {
AnalyzesOk("use functional");
AnalysisError("use db_does_not_exist", "Database does not exist: db_does_not_exist");
public void TestUseStatement() {
Assert.assertTrue(AnalyzesOk("USE functional") instanceof UseStmt);
public void TestDescribeDb() throws AnalysisException {
addTestDb("test_analyse_desc_db", null);
AnalyzesOk("describe database test_analyse_desc_db");
AnalyzesOk("describe database extended test_analyse_desc_db");
AnalyzesOk("describe database formatted test_analyse_desc_db");
AnalysisError("describe database db_does_not_exist",
"Database does not exist: db_does_not_exist");
AnalysisError("describe database extended db_does_not_exist",
"Database does not exist: db_does_not_exist");
AnalysisError("describe database formatted db_does_not_exist",
"Database does not exist: db_does_not_exist");
public void TestDescribe() throws AnalysisException {
AnalyzesOk("describe formatted functional.alltypes");
AnalyzesOk("describe functional.alltypes");
AnalysisError("describe formatted nodb.alltypes",
"Could not resolve path: 'nodb.alltypes'");
AnalysisError("describe functional.notbl",
"Could not resolve path: 'functional.notbl'");
// Complex typed fields.
AnalyzesOk("describe functional_parquet.allcomplextypes.int_array_col");
AnalyzesOk("describe functional_parquet.allcomplextypes.map_array_col");
AnalyzesOk("describe functional_parquet.allcomplextypes.map_map_col");
AnalyzesOk("describe functional_parquet.allcomplextypes.map_map_col.value");
AnalyzesOk("describe functional_parquet.allcomplextypes.complex_struct_col");
AnalyzesOk("describe functional_parquet.allcomplextypes.complex_struct_col.f3");
AnalysisError("describe formatted functional_parquet.allcomplextypes.int_array_col",
"DESCRIBE FORMATTED|EXTENDED must refer to a table");
"Cannot describe path '' targeting " +
"scalar type: INT");
AnalysisError("describe functional_parquet.allcomplextypes.nonexistent",
"Could not resolve path: 'functional_parquet.allcomplextypes.nonexistent'");
// Handling of ambiguous paths.
addTestDb("ambig", null);
addTestTable("create table ambig.ambig (ambig struct<ambig:array<int>>)");
// Single element path can only be resolved as <table>.
DescribeTableStmt describe = (DescribeTableStmt)AnalyzesOk("describe ambig",
TDescribeTableParams tdesc = describe.toThrift();
Assert.assertEquals("ambig", tdesc.table_name.getDb_name());
Assert.assertEquals("ambig", tdesc.table_name.getTable_name(), "ambig");
// Path could be resolved as either <db>.<table> or <table>.<complex field>
AnalysisError("describe ambig.ambig", createAnalysisCtx("ambig"),
"Path is ambiguous: 'ambig.ambig'");
// Path could be resolved as either <db>.<table>.<field> or <table>.<field>.<field>
AnalysisError("describe ambig.ambig.ambig", createAnalysisCtx("ambig"),
"Path is ambiguous: 'ambig.ambig.ambig'");
// 4 element path can only be resolved to nested array.
describe = (DescribeTableStmt) AnalyzesOk(
"describe ambig.ambig.ambig.ambig", createAnalysisCtx("ambig"));
tdesc = describe.toThrift();
Type expectedType =
org.apache.impala.analysis.Path.getTypeAsStruct(new ArrayType(Type.INT));
Assert.assertEquals(expectedType, Type.fromThrift(tdesc.getResult_struct()));
public void TestShow() throws AnalysisException {
AnalyzesOk("show databases");
AnalyzesOk("show databases like '*pattern'");
AnalyzesOk("show data sources");
AnalyzesOk("show data sources like '*pattern'");
AnalyzesOk("show tables");
AnalyzesOk("show tables like '*pattern'");
for (String fnType: new String[]{"", "aggregate", "analytic"}) {
AnalyzesOk(String.format("show %s functions", fnType));
AnalyzesOk(String.format("show %s functions like '*pattern'", fnType));
AnalyzesOk(String.format("show %s functions in functional", fnType));
"show %s functions in functional like '*pattern'", fnType));
// Database doesn't exist.
AnalysisError("show functions in baddb", "Database does not exist: baddb");
AnalysisError("show functions in baddb like '*pattern'",
"Database does not exist: baddb");
public void TestShowFiles() throws AnalysisException {
// Test empty table
AnalyzesOk(String.format("show files in functional.emptytable"));
String[] partitions = new String[] {
"partition(month=10, year=2010)",
"partition(month>10, year<2011, year>2008)"};
for (String partition: partitions) {
AnalyzesOk(String.format("show files in functional.alltypes %s", partition));
// Database/table doesn't exist.
AnalysisError(String.format("show files in baddb.alltypes %s", partition),
"Could not resolve table reference: 'baddb.alltypes'");
AnalysisError(String.format("show files in functional.badtbl %s", partition),
"Could not resolve table reference: 'functional.badtbl'");
// Cannot show files on a non hdfs table.
AnalysisError(String.format("show files in functional.alltypes_view %s",
"SHOW FILES not applicable to a non hdfs table: functional.alltypes_view");
AnalysisError(String.format("show files in allcomplextypes.int_array_col %s",
partition), createAnalysisCtx("functional"),
"SHOW FILES not applicable to a non hdfs table: allcomplextypes.int_array_col");
// Not a partition column.
AnalysisError("show files in functional.alltypes partition(year=2010,int_col=1)",
"Partition exprs cannot contain non-partition column(s): int_col = 1.");
// Not a valid column.
AnalysisError("show files in functional.alltypes partition(year=2010,day=1)",
"Could not resolve column/field reference: 'day'");
// Table is not partitioned.
AnalysisError("show files in functional.tinyinttable partition(int_col=1)",
"Table is not partitioned: functional.tinyinttable");
// Partition spec does not exist
AnalysisError("show files in functional.alltypes partition(year=2010,month=NULL)",
"No matching partition(s) found.");
public void TestShowStats() throws AnalysisException {
String[] statsQuals = new String[] {"table", "column"};
for (String qual : statsQuals) {
AnalyzesOk(String.format("show %s stats functional.alltypes", qual));
// Database/table doesn't exist.
AnalysisError(String.format("show %s stats baddb.alltypes", qual),
"Database does not exist: baddb");
AnalysisError(String.format("show %s stats functional.badtbl", qual),
"Table does not exist: functional.badtbl");
// Cannot show stats on a view.
AnalysisError(String.format("show %s stats functional.alltypes_view", qual),
String.format("SHOW %s STATS not applicable to a view: " +
"functional.alltypes_view", qual.toUpperCase()));
public void TestShowPartitions() throws AnalysisException {
AnalyzesOk("show partitions functional.alltypes");
AnalysisError("show partitions baddb.alltypes",
"Database does not exist: baddb");
AnalysisError("show partitions functional.badtbl",
"Table does not exist: functional.badtbl");
AnalysisError("show partitions functional.alltypesnopart",
"Table is not partitioned: functional.alltypesnopart");
AnalysisError("show partitions functional.view_view",
"SHOW PARTITIONS not applicable to a view: functional.view_view");
AnalysisError("show partitions functional_hbase.alltypes",
"SHOW PARTITIONS must target an HDFS table: functional_hbase.alltypes");
public void TestShowRangePartitions() throws AnalysisException {
AnalyzesOk("show range partitions functional_kudu.dimtbl");
AnalysisError("show range partitions baddb.alltypes",
"Database does not exist: baddb");
AnalysisError("show range partitions functional.badtbl",
"Table does not exist: functional.badtbl");
AnalysisError("show range partitions functional.alltypes",
"SHOW RANGE PARTITIONS must target a Kudu table: functional.alltypes");
AnalysisError("show range partitions functional.alltypesnopart",
"SHOW RANGE PARTITIONS must target a Kudu table: functional.alltypes");
AnalysisError("show range partitions functional_kudu.alltypes",
"SHOW RANGE PARTITIONS requested but table does not have range partitions: " +
AnalysisError("show range partitions functional.view_view",
"SHOW RANGE PARTITIONS not applicable to a view: functional.view_view");
AnalysisError("show range partitions functional_hbase.alltypes",
"SHOW RANGE PARTITIONS must target a Kudu table: functional_hbase.alltypes");
public void TestShowCreateFunction() throws AnalysisException {
addTestFunction("TestFn", Lists.newArrayList(Type.INT, Type.INT), false);
AnalyzesOk("show create function TestFn");
addTestUda("AggFn", Type.INT, Type.INT);
AnalyzesOk("show create aggregate function AggFn");
// Verify there is differentiation between UDF and UDA.
AnalysisError("show create aggregate function default.TestFn",
"Function testfn() does not exist in database default");
AnalysisError("show create function default.AggFn",
"Function aggfn() does not exist in database default");
AnalysisError("show create function default.foobar",
"Function foobar() does not exist in database default");
AnalysisError("show create function foobar.fn",
"Database does not exist: foobar");
* Validate if location path analysis issues proper warnings when directory
* permissions/existence checks fail.
public void TestPermissionValidation() throws AnalysisException {
String location = "/test-warehouse/.tmp_" + UUID.randomUUID().toString();
Path parentPath = FileSystemUtil.createFullyQualifiedPath(new Path(location));
FileSystem fs = null;
try {
fs = parentPath.getFileSystem(FileSystemUtil.getConfiguration());
// Test location doesn't exist
AnalyzesOk(String.format("create table new_table (col INT) location '%s/new_table'",
String.format("Path '%s' cannot be reached: Path does not exist.",
// Test localtion path with trailing slash.
AnalyzesOk(String.format("create table new_table (col INT) location " +
"'%s/new_table/'", location),
String.format("Path '%s' cannot be reached: Path does not exist.",
AnalyzesOk(String.format("create table new_table location '%s/new_table' " +
"as select 1, 1", location),
String.format("Path '%s' cannot be reached: Path does not exist.",
AnalyzesOk(String.format("create table new_table like functional.alltypes " +
"location '%s/new_table'", location),
String.format("Path '%s' cannot be reached: Path does not exist.",
AnalyzesOk(String.format("create database new_db location '%s/new_db'",
String.format("Path '%s' cannot be reached: Path does not exist.",
// Create a test data file for load data test
FSDataOutputStream out =
fs.create(new Path(parentPath, "test_loaddata/testdata.txt"));
new FsPermission(FsAction.NONE, FsAction.NONE, FsAction.NONE));
// Test location exists but Impala doesn't have sufficient permission
AnalyzesOk(String.format("create data Source serverlog location " +
"'%s/foo.jar' class 'foo.Bar' API_VERSION 'V1'", location),
String.format("Impala does not have READ access to path '%s'", parentPath));
AnalyzesOk(String.format("create external table new_table (col INT) location " +
"'%s/new_table'", location),
String.format("Impala does not have READ_WRITE access to path '%s'",
AnalyzesOk(String.format("alter table functional.insert_string_partitioned " +
"add partition (s2='hello') location '%s/new_partition'", location),
String.format("Impala does not have READ_WRITE access to path '%s'",
AnalyzesOk(String.format("alter table functional.stringpartitionkey " +
"partition(string_col = 'partition1') set location '%s/new_part_loc'", location),
String.format("Impala does not have READ_WRITE access to path '%s'",
// Test location exists and Impala does have sufficient permission
new FsPermission(FsAction.READ_WRITE, FsAction.NONE, FsAction.NONE));
AnalyzesOk(String.format("create external table new_table (col INT) location " +
"'%s/new_table'", location));
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new AnalysisException(e.getMessage(), e);
} finally {
// Clean up
try {
if (fs != null && fs.exists(parentPath)) {
fs.delete(parentPath, true);
} catch (IOException e) {
// Ignore
public void TestCommentOnDatabase() {
AnalyzesOk("comment on database functional is 'comment'");
AnalyzesOk("comment on database functional is ''");
AnalyzesOk("comment on database functional is null");
AnalysisError("comment on database doesntexist is 'comment'",
"Database does not exist: doesntexist");
AnalysisError(String.format("comment on database functional is '%s'",
buildLongComment()), "Comment exceeds maximum length of 256 characters. " +
"The given comment has 261 characters.");
public void TestCommentOnTable() {
for (Pair<String, AnalysisContext> pair : new Pair[]{
new Pair<>("functional.alltypes", createAnalysisCtx()),
new Pair<>("alltypes", createAnalysisCtx("functional"))}) {
AnalyzesOk(String.format("comment on table %s is 'comment'", pair.first),
AnalyzesOk(String.format("comment on table %s is ''", pair.first), pair.second);
AnalyzesOk(String.format("comment on table %s is null", pair.first), pair.second);
AnalysisError("comment on table doesntexist is 'comment'",
"Could not resolve table reference: 'default.doesntexist'");
AnalysisError("comment on table functional.alltypes_view is 'comment'",
"COMMENT ON TABLE not allowed on a view: functional.alltypes_view");
AnalysisError(String.format("comment on table functional.alltypes is '%s'",
buildLongComment()), "Comment exceeds maximum length of 256 characters. " +
"The given comment has 261 characters.");
public void TestCommentOnView() {
for (Pair<String, AnalysisContext> pair : new Pair[]{
new Pair<>("functional.alltypes_view", createAnalysisCtx()),
new Pair<>("alltypes_view", createAnalysisCtx("functional"))}) {
AnalyzesOk(String.format("comment on view %s is 'comment'", pair.first),
AnalyzesOk(String.format("comment on view %s is ''", pair.first), pair.second);
AnalyzesOk(String.format("comment on view %s is null", pair.first), pair.second);
AnalysisError("comment on view doesntexist is 'comment'",
"Could not resolve table reference: 'default.doesntexist'");
AnalysisError("comment on view functional.alltypes is 'comment'",
"COMMENT ON VIEW not allowed on a table: functional.alltypes");
AnalysisError(String.format("comment on view functional.alltypes_view is '%s'",
buildLongComment()), "Comment exceeds maximum length of 256 characters. " +
"The given comment has 261 characters.");
public void TestCommentOnColumn() {
for (Pair<String, AnalysisContext> pair : new Pair[]{
new Pair<>("", createAnalysisCtx()),
new Pair<>("", createAnalysisCtx("functional")),
new Pair<>("", createAnalysisCtx()),
new Pair<>("", createAnalysisCtx("functional")),
new Pair<>("", createAnalysisCtx())}) {
AnalyzesOk(String.format("comment on column %s is 'comment'", pair.first),
AnalyzesOk(String.format("comment on column %s is ''", pair.first), pair.second);
AnalyzesOk(String.format("comment on column %s is null", pair.first), pair.second);
AnalysisError("comment on column functional.alltypes.doesntexist is 'comment'",
"Column 'doesntexist' does not exist in table: functional.alltypes");
AnalysisError(String.format("comment on column is '%s'",
buildLongComment()), "Comment exceeds maximum length of 256 characters. " +
"The given comment has 261 characters.");
private static String buildLongComment() {
StringBuilder comment = new StringBuilder();
for (int i = 0; i < MetaStoreUtil.CREATE_MAX_COMMENT_LENGTH + 5; i++) {
return comment.toString();
public void TestAlterDatabaseSetOwner() {
String[] ownerTypes = new String[]{"user", "role"};
for (String ownerType : ownerTypes) {
AnalyzesOk(String.format("alter database functional set owner %s foo", ownerType));
AnalysisError(String.format("alter database doesntexist set owner %s foo",
ownerType), "Database does not exist: doesntexist");
AnalysisError(String.format("alter database functional set owner %s %s",
ownerType, buildLongOwnerName()), "Owner name exceeds maximum length of 128 " +
"characters. The given owner name has 133 characters.");
public void TestAlterTableSetOwner() {
String[] ownerTypes = new String[]{"user", "role"};
for (String ownerType : ownerTypes) {
AnalyzesOk(String.format("alter table functional.alltypes set owner %s foo",
AnalysisError(String.format("alter table nodb.alltypes set owner %s foo",
ownerType), "Could not resolve table reference: 'nodb.alltypes'");
AnalysisError(String.format("alter table functional.notbl set owner %s foo",
ownerType), "Could not resolve table reference: 'functional.notbl'");
AnalysisError(String.format("alter table functional.alltypes set owner %s %s",
ownerType, buildLongOwnerName()), "Owner name exceeds maximum length of 128 " +
"characters. The given owner name has 133 characters.");
AnalysisError(String.format("alter table functional.alltypes_view " +
"set owner %s foo", ownerType), "ALTER TABLE not allowed on a view: " +
public void TestAlterViewSetOwner() {
String[] ownerTypes = new String[]{"user", "role"};
for (String ownerType : ownerTypes) {
AnalyzesOk(String.format("alter view functional.alltypes_view set owner %s foo",
AnalysisError(String.format("alter view nodb.alltypes set owner %s foo",
ownerType), "Could not resolve table reference: 'nodb.alltypes'");
AnalysisError(String.format("alter view functional.notbl set owner %s foo",
ownerType), "Could not resolve table reference: 'functional.notbl'");
AnalysisError(String.format("alter view functional.alltypes_view set owner %s %s",
ownerType, buildLongOwnerName()), "Owner name exceeds maximum length of 128 " +
"characters. The given owner name has 133 characters.");
AnalysisError(String.format("alter view functional.alltypes " +
"set owner %s foo", ownerType), "ALTER VIEW not allowed on a table: " +
private static String buildLongOwnerName() {
StringBuilder comment = new StringBuilder();
for (int i = 0; i < MetaStoreUtil.MAX_OWNER_LENGTH + 5; i++) {
return comment.toString();