blob: 9713dadd3fccb062b7bd1c37c089b3258f4d9ffe [file] [log] [blame]
To install new packages:
1) Add your package to deps/requirements.txt, or deps/compiled-requirements.txt if the
the package needs a C/C++ compiler to build . You should specify the version number
using the "foo == x.y.z" notation so future upgrades can be done automatically.
2) Run deps/download_requirements, it will download the package to the deps dir.
3) Run the "impala-python" command, this should detect that requirements.txt changed and
automatically rebuild the virtualenv.
4) Now in the python prompt, you should be able to import the new module.
To upgrade a package:
1) Edit deps/requirement.txt to use the version you need.
2) Go to step 2 above.