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// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
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package org.apache.impala.testutil;
import org.apache.impala.analysis.TableName;
import org.apache.impala.authorization.AuthorizationFactory;
import org.apache.impala.authorization.NoopAuthorizationFactory;
import org.apache.impala.catalog.BuiltinsDb;
import org.apache.impala.catalog.CatalogException;
import org.apache.impala.catalog.CatalogServiceCatalog;
import org.apache.impala.catalog.Db;
import org.apache.impala.catalog.HdfsCachePool;
import org.apache.impala.catalog.HdfsTable;
import org.apache.impala.catalog.ImpaladCatalog;
import org.apache.impala.catalog.PrincipalPrivilege;
import org.apache.impala.catalog.Role;
import org.apache.impala.catalog.Table;
import org.apache.impala.catalog.User;
import org.apache.impala.thrift.TPrivilege;
import org.apache.impala.util.PatternMatcher;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Set;
* Mock catalog used for running FE tests that allows lazy-loading of tables without a
* running catalogd/statestored.
public class ImpaladTestCatalog extends ImpaladCatalog {
// Used to load missing table metadata when running the FE tests.
private final CatalogServiceCatalog srcCatalog_;
public ImpaladTestCatalog() {
this(new NoopAuthorizationFactory());
* Takes an {@link AuthorizationFactory} to bootstrap the backing CatalogServiceCatalog.
public ImpaladTestCatalog(AuthorizationFactory authzFactory) {
super("", null);
CatalogServiceCatalog catalogServerCatalog =
authPolicy_ = catalogServerCatalog.getAuthPolicy();
srcCatalog_ = catalogServerCatalog;
* Creates ImpaladTestCatalog backed by a given catalog instance.
public ImpaladTestCatalog(CatalogServiceCatalog catalog) {
super("", null);
srcCatalog_ = Preconditions.checkNotNull(catalog);
authPolicy_ = srcCatalog_.getAuthPolicy();
public void addDb(Db db) {
// Builtins are loaded explicitly after the srcCatalog_ is initialized.
if (db == BuiltinsDb.getInstance()) return;
public Db removeDb(String dbName) {
return srcCatalog_.removeDb(dbName);
* Delegates the getDb() request to the source catalog.
public Db getDb(String dbName) {
if (dbName.equals(BuiltinsDb.NAME)) return BuiltinsDb.getInstance();
return srcCatalog_.getDb(dbName);
public List<Db> getDbs(PatternMatcher matcher) {
return srcCatalog_.getDbs(matcher);
public HdfsCachePool getHdfsCachePool(String poolName) {
return srcCatalog_.getHdfsCachePool(poolName);
public CatalogServiceCatalog getSrcCatalog() { return srcCatalog_; }
* Reloads all metadata from the source catalog.
public void reset() throws CatalogException { srcCatalog_.reset(); }
* Returns the Table for the given name, loading the table's metadata if necessary.
* Returns null if the database or table does not exist.
public Table getOrLoadTable(String dbName, String tblName) {
Db db = getDb(dbName);
if (db == null) return null;
Table existingTbl = db.getTable(tblName);
// Table doesn't exist or is already loaded.
if (existingTbl == null || existingTbl.isLoaded()) return existingTbl;
// The table was not yet loaded. Load it in to the catalog now.
Table newTbl = null;
try {
newTbl = srcCatalog_.getOrLoadTable(dbName, tblName, "test");
} catch (CatalogException e) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Unexpected table loading failure.", e);
if (newTbl instanceof HdfsTable) {
((HdfsTable) newTbl).computeHdfsStatsForTesting();
return newTbl;
* Fast loading path for FE unit testing. Immediately loads the given tables into
* this catalog from this thread without involving the catalogd/statestored.
public void prioritizeLoad(Set<TableName> tableNames) {
for (TableName tbl: tableNames) getOrLoadTable(tbl.getDb(), tbl.getTbl());
* No-op. Metadata loading does not go through the catalogd/statestored in a
* FE test environment.
public void waitForCatalogUpdate(long timeoutMs) {
public Role addRole(String roleName) {
return srcCatalog_.addRole(roleName, new HashSet<String>());
public Role addRoleGrantGroup(String roleName, String groupName)
throws CatalogException {
return srcCatalog_.addRoleGrantGroup(roleName, groupName);
public PrincipalPrivilege addRolePrivilege(String roleName, TPrivilege privilege)
throws CatalogException {
return srcCatalog_.addRolePrivilege(roleName, privilege);
public void removeRole(String roleName) { srcCatalog_.removeRole(roleName); }
public User addUser(String userName) {
return srcCatalog_.addUser(userName);
public PrincipalPrivilege addUserPrivilege(String userName, TPrivilege privilege)
throws CatalogException {
return srcCatalog_.addUserPrivilege(userName, privilege);
public void removeUser(String userName) { srcCatalog_.removeUser(userName); }
public void close() {