blob: c362de677390b3353edd9d7d40753eee30db0e06 [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
// KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
// specific language governing permissions and limitations
// under the License.
package org.apache.impala.customcluster;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue;
import static;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import org.apache.hive.service.rpc.thrift.*;
import org.apache.impala.util.Metrics;
import org.apache.thrift.transport.THttpClient;
import org.apache.thrift.protocol.TBinaryProtocol;
import org.junit.Before;
import org.junit.ClassRule;
import org.junit.Test;
@CreateDS(name = "myDS",
partitions = { @CreatePartition(name = "test", suffix = "dc=myorg,dc=com") })
transports = { @CreateTransport(protocol = "LDAP", address = "localhost") })
* Tests that hiveserver2 operations over the http interface work as expected when
* ldap authentication is being used.
public class LdapHS2Test {
public static CreateLdapServerRule serverRule = new CreateLdapServerRule();
Metrics metrics = new Metrics();
public void setUp() throws Exception {
String uri =
String.format("ldap://localhost:%s", serverRule.getLdapServer().getPort());
String dn = "cn=#UID,ou=Users,dc=myorg,dc=com";
String ldapArgs = String.format("--enable_ldap_auth --ldap_uri='%s' "
+ "--ldap_bind_pattern='%s' --ldap_passwords_in_clear_ok", uri, dn);
int ret = CustomClusterRunner.StartImpalaCluster(ldapArgs);
assertEquals(ret, 0);
static void verifySuccess(TStatus status) throws Exception {
if (status.getStatusCode() == TStatusCode.SUCCESS_STATUS
|| status.getStatusCode() == TStatusCode.SUCCESS_WITH_INFO_STATUS) {
throw new Exception(status.toString());
* Executes 'query' and fetches the results. Expects there to be exactly one string
* returned, which be be equal to 'expectedResult'.
static TOperationHandle execAndFetch(TCLIService.Iface client,
TSessionHandle sessionHandle, String query, String expectedResult)
throws Exception {
TExecuteStatementReq execReq = new TExecuteStatementReq(sessionHandle, query);
TExecuteStatementResp execResp = client.ExecuteStatement(execReq);
TFetchResultsReq fetchReq = new TFetchResultsReq(
execResp.getOperationHandle(), TFetchOrientation.FETCH_NEXT, 1000);
TFetchResultsResp fetchResp = client.FetchResults(fetchReq);
List<TColumn> columns = fetchResp.getResults().getColumns();
assertEquals(columns.size(), 1);
assertEquals(columns.get(0).getStringVal().getValues().get(0), expectedResult);
return execResp.getOperationHandle();
private void verifyMetrics(long expectedBasicAuthSuccess, long expectedBasicAuthFailure)
throws Exception {
long actualBasicAuthSuccess = (long) metrics.getMetric(
assertEquals(expectedBasicAuthSuccess, actualBasicAuthSuccess);
long actualBasicAuthFailure = (long) metrics.getMetric(
assertEquals(expectedBasicAuthFailure, actualBasicAuthFailure);
private void verifyCookieMetrics(
long expectedCookieAuthSuccess, long expectedCookieAuthFailure) throws Exception {
long actualCookieAuthSuccess = (long) metrics.getMetric(
assertEquals(expectedCookieAuthSuccess, actualCookieAuthSuccess);
long actualCookieAuthFailure = (long) metrics.getMetric(
assertEquals(expectedCookieAuthFailure, actualCookieAuthFailure);
* Tests LDAP authentication to the HTTP hiveserver2 endpoint.
public void testHiveserver2() throws Exception {
verifyMetrics(0, 0);
THttpClient transport = new THttpClient("http://localhost:28000");
Map<String, String> headers = new HashMap<String, String>();
// Authenticate as 'Test1Ldap' with password '12345'
headers.put("Authorization", "Basic VGVzdDFMZGFwOjEyMzQ1");
TCLIService.Iface client = new TCLIService.Client(new TBinaryProtocol(transport));
// Open a session which will get username 'Test1Ldap'.
TOpenSessionReq openReq = new TOpenSessionReq();
TOpenSessionResp openResp = client.OpenSession(openReq);
// One successful authentication.
verifyMetrics(1, 0);
// Running a query should succeed.
TOperationHandle operationHandle = execAndFetch(
client, openResp.getSessionHandle(), "select logged_in_user()", "Test1Ldap");
// Two more successful authentications - for the Exec() and the Fetch().
verifyMetrics(3, 0);
// Authenticate as 'Test2Ldap' with password 'abcde'
headers.put("Authorization", "Basic VGVzdDJMZGFwOmFiY2Rl");
String expectedError = "The user authorized on the connection 'Test2Ldap' does not "
+ "match the session username 'Test1Ldap'\n";
try {
// Run a query which should fail.
execAndFetch(client, openResp.getSessionHandle(), "select 1", "1");
fail("Expected error: " + expectedError);
} catch (Exception e) {
// The connection for the Exec() will be successful.
verifyMetrics(4, 0);
// Try to cancel the first query, which should fail.
TCancelOperationReq cancelReq = new TCancelOperationReq(operationHandle);
TCancelOperationResp cancelResp = client.CancelOperation(cancelReq);
verifyMetrics(5, 0);
assertEquals(cancelResp.getStatus().getStatusCode(), TStatusCode.ERROR_STATUS);
assertEquals(cancelResp.getStatus().getErrorMessage(), expectedError);
// Open another session which will get username 'Test2Ldap'.
TOpenSessionReq openReq2 = new TOpenSessionReq();
TOpenSessionResp openResp2 = client.OpenSession(openReq);
verifyMetrics(6, 0);
// Running a query with the new session should succeed.
client, openResp2.getSessionHandle(), "select logged_in_user()", "Test2Ldap");
verifyMetrics(8, 0);
// Attempt to authenticate with some bad headers:
// - invalid username/password combination
// - invalid base64 encoded value
// - Invalid mechanism
int numFailures = 0;
for (String authStr :
new String[] {"Basic VGVzdDJMZGFwOjEyMzQ1", "Basic invalid-base64"}) {
// Attempt to authenticate with an invalid password.
headers.put("Authorization", authStr);
try {
TOpenSessionReq openReq3 = new TOpenSessionReq();
TOpenSessionResp openResp3 = client.OpenSession(openReq);
fail("Exception exception.");
} catch (Exception e) {
verifyMetrics(8, numFailures);
assertEquals(e.getMessage(), "HTTP Response code: 401");
// Attempt to authenticate with a different mechanism. SHould fail, but won't
// increment the total-basic-auth-failure metric because its not considered a 'Basic'
// auth attempt.
headers.put("Authorization", "Negotiate VGVzdDFMZGFwOjEyMzQ1");
try {
TOpenSessionReq openReq3 = new TOpenSessionReq();
TOpenSessionResp openResp3 = client.OpenSession(openReq);
fail("Exception exception.");
} catch (Exception e) {
verifyMetrics(8, numFailures);
assertEquals(e.getMessage(), "HTTP Response code: 401");
// Attempt to authenticate with a bad cookie and valid user/password, should succeed.
headers.put("Authorization", "Basic VGVzdDJMZGFwOmFiY2Rl");
headers.put("Cookie", "invalid-cookie");
TOpenSessionReq openReq4 = new TOpenSessionReq();
TOpenSessionResp openResp4 = client.OpenSession(openReq);
// We should see one more successful connection and one failed cookie attempt.
verifyMetrics(9, numFailures);
int numCookieFailures = 1;
verifyCookieMetrics(0, numCookieFailures);
// Attempt to authenticate with no username/password and some bad cookies.
String[] badCookies = new String[] {
"invalid-format", // invalid cookie format
"x&impala&0&0", // signature value that is invalid base64
"eA==&impala&0&0", // signature decodes to an incorrect length
"\"eA==&impala&0&0\"", // signature decodes to an incorrect length
"eHh4eHh4eHh4eHh4eHh4eHh4eHh4eHh4eHh4eHh4eHg=&impala&0&0" // incorrect signature
for (String cookieStr : badCookies) {
headers.put("Cookie", "impala.hs2.auth=" + cookieStr);
try {
TOpenSessionReq openReq5 = new TOpenSessionReq();
TOpenSessionResp openResp5 = client.OpenSession(openReq);
fail("Exception exception from cookie: " + cookieStr);
} catch (Exception e) {
// We should see both another failed cookie attempt.
verifyMetrics(9, numFailures);
verifyCookieMetrics(0, numCookieFailures);
assertEquals(e.getMessage(), "HTTP Response code: 401");