blob: f054e04aee44995cfa8b4814a4b584765386d78b [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
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// under the License.
package org.apache.impala.analysis;
import java.math.BigDecimal;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Set;
import org.apache.impala.analysis.BinaryPredicate.Operator;
import org.apache.impala.catalog.AggregateFunction;
import org.apache.impala.catalog.Type;
import org.apache.impala.common.AnalysisException;
import org.apache.impala.common.InternalException;
* Encapsulates all the information needed to compute the aggregate functions of a single
* SELECT block including their distributed execution by wrapping a list of
* AggregateInfos.
* The aggregate functions are organized into aggregation classes. An aggregation class
* contains a list of aggregate functions that have the same list of DISTINCT exprs.
* All non-distinct aggregate functions are placed into a single non-distinct class.
* Each aggregation class is associated with its own AggregateInfo and corresponding
* intermediate and output tuples.
* The phases of aggregate computation are as follows. Also see AggregateInfo.
* - Only a non-distinct class:
* - Example: SELECT max(a) FROM...
* - 1-phase aggregation
* - One distinct class, and optionally a non-distinct class:
* - Example: SELECT count(distinct a)[, max(b)] FROM...
* - coalesced into a single AggregateInfo to preserve the pre-IMPALA-110 behavior
* - 2-phase aggregation, 1st phase groups by GROUP BY plus DISTINCT exprs, 2nd phase
* groups by GROUP BY
* - the non-distinct class is carried along the two phases, aggregated in 1st phase and
* merged in 2nd phase
* - Multiple distinct classes, and optionally a non-distinct class
* - Example: SELECT count(distinct a), count(distinct b)[, max(c)] FROM...
* - 2-phase aggregation followed by a transposition aggregation
* - aggregation nodes update and maintain the state of all aggregation classes at once
* - aggregation nodes produce the union of results of all aggregation classes;
* the output cardinality is the sum of the aggregation class cardinalities;
* each output row belongs to exactly one aggregation class (see row composition)
* - the first aggregation node of the first-phase updates the state of all classes by
* replicating its input; all aggregation classes receive identical input
* - the remaining aggregation steps of the 2-phase aggregation process their input by
* updating the aggregation class that each row belongs to (see row composition)
* - the last step of the 2-phase aggregation produces the union of aggregation results
* of all classes; a final aggregation is performed to transpose them into the form
* requested by the query, where for each group (in the GROUP BY sense) the results
* of all classes are in a single row
* Row composition:
* Each intermediate aggregation step produces rows with one tuple per aggregation class,
* where only a single tuple is non-NULL for each row. You can think of a row as
* a union-type of tuples where the union branch is determined by which tuple is non-NULL
* in a row.
* In a distributed plan we need to send the tuple rows over the network to some merge
* aggregators, therefore we need to partition our rows based on the actual values. To
* distinguish between the aggregation classes we craft CASE exprs that switch on the
* union branch with an internal valid_tid() expr. Such CASE exprs are used in hash
* exchanges to select the appropriate slots to hash depending on which tuple is set.
* These CASE exprs are also used in the grouping exprs of the final transposition step
* to allow us to group on the proper slots.
* Regardless of which phases an aggregation goes through, the final result rows only
* consist of one tuple. In other words, the tuple union and the exprs that are aware of
* the union are completely contained in the aggregation plan, and have no effect on the
* rest of query execution.
* Analysis:
* An AggregateInfo per class and, if needed, an AggregateInfo for the transposition are
* created in analyze(). The analysis is scoped to a single SELECT block, so does not
* consider that enclosing blocks might not reference the output of some aggregations.
* Conjunct registration and assignment:
* Conjuncts are expected to be registered against the result tuple of this
* MultiAggregateInfo (see getResultTupleId()). The conjuncts which should be evaluated
* on the aggregation result can be collected by collectConjuncts().
* Slot materialization and aggregate simplification:
* The method materializeRequiredSlots() should be called in the slot materialization
* phase (see SingleNodePlanner) to eliminate aggregations that are not needed for the
* final query result. Entire aggregation classes may be removed and even reduce the
* aggregation to a single class. If as a result of simplification the transposition step
* becomes unnecessary an expr substitution map is populated to remap exprs referencing
* the transposition to the output of the new simplified aggregation.
public class MultiAggregateInfo {
public static enum AggPhase {
public boolean isFirstPhase() { return this == FIRST || this == FIRST_MERGE; };
public boolean isMerge() { return this == FIRST_MERGE || this == SECOND_MERGE; }
public boolean isTranspose() { return this == TRANSPOSE; }
// Original grouping and aggregate exprs from the containing query block.
// Duplicate free.
private final List<Expr> groupingExprs_;
private final List<FunctionCallExpr> aggExprs_;
// Result of substituting 'groupingExprs_' with the output smap of the AggregationNode.
private List<Expr> substGroupingExprs_;
// Results of analyze():
// Aggregation classes and their AggregateInfos. If there is a class with non-distinct
// aggs, then it comes last in these lists.
private List<List<FunctionCallExpr>> aggClasses_;
private List<AggregateInfo> aggInfos_;
// Info for the final transposition step. Null if no such step is needed.
private AggregateInfo transposeAggInfo_;
// Maps from the original grouping exprs and aggregate exprs to the final output
// of this aggregation, regardless of how many phases there are.
private ExprSubstitutionMap outputSmap_;
private boolean isAnalyzed_;
// Results of materializeRequiredSlots():
// Subset of aggregation classes that need to be materialized.
private List<AggregateInfo> materializedAggInfos_;
// Set if this aggregation was thought to require a transposition step, but was
// simplified to a single class in materializeRequiredSlots().
// Maps from slots in the transposition result tuple to the slots of the new
// result tuple of the simplified aggregation.
private ExprSubstitutionMap simplifiedAggSmap_;
public MultiAggregateInfo(List<Expr> groupingExprs, List<FunctionCallExpr> aggExprs) {
groupingExprs_ = Expr.cloneList(Preconditions.checkNotNull(groupingExprs));
aggExprs_ = Expr.cloneList(Preconditions.checkNotNull(aggExprs));
* Creates a pre-analyzed MultiAggregateInfo from the given AggregateInfo expected
* to have grouping and no aggregation.
private MultiAggregateInfo(AggregateInfo distinctAggInfo) {
groupingExprs_ = distinctAggInfo.getGroupingExprs();
aggExprs_ = distinctAggInfo.getAggregateExprs();
aggInfos_ = Lists.newArrayList(distinctAggInfo);
outputSmap_ = distinctAggInfo.getResultSmap();
isAnalyzed_ = true;
* C'tor for cloning.
private MultiAggregateInfo(MultiAggregateInfo other) {
groupingExprs_ = Expr.cloneList(other.groupingExprs_);
aggExprs_ = Expr.cloneList(other.aggExprs_);
if (other.aggInfos_ != null) {
aggInfos_ = new ArrayList<>();
for (AggregateInfo aggInfo : other.aggInfos_) aggInfos_.add(aggInfo.clone());
if (other.transposeAggInfo_ != null) {
transposeAggInfo_ = other.transposeAggInfo_.clone();
if (other.outputSmap_ != null) {
outputSmap_ = other.outputSmap_.clone();
* Creates a pre-analyzed MultiAggregateInfo that only has grouping and materializes
* its result into the given tuple descriptor which must already have all required
* slots.
public static MultiAggregateInfo createDistinct(List<Expr> groupingExprs,
TupleDescriptor tupleDesc, Analyzer analyzer) throws AnalysisException {
AggregateInfo distinctAggInfo =
AggregateInfo.create(groupingExprs, null, tupleDesc, analyzer);
return new MultiAggregateInfo(distinctAggInfo);
public void analyze(Analyzer analyzer) throws AnalysisException {
if (isAnalyzed_) return;
isAnalyzed_ = true;
// Group the agg exprs by their DISTINCT exprs and move the non-distinct agg exprs
// into a separate list.
// List of all DISTINCT expr lists and the grouped agg exprs.
// distinctExprs[i] corresponds to groupedDistinctAggExprs[i]
List<List<Expr>> distinctExprs = new ArrayList<>();
List<List<FunctionCallExpr>> groupedDistinctAggExprs = new ArrayList<>();
List<FunctionCallExpr> nonDistinctAggExprs = new ArrayList<>();
for (FunctionCallExpr aggExpr : aggExprs_) {
if (aggExpr.isDistinct()) {
List<Expr> children = AggregateFunction.getCanonicalDistinctAggChildren(aggExpr);
int groupIdx = distinctExprs.indexOf(children);
List<FunctionCallExpr> groupAggFns;
if (groupIdx == -1) {
groupAggFns = new ArrayList<>();
} else {
groupAggFns = groupedDistinctAggExprs.get(groupIdx);
} else {
Preconditions.checkState(distinctExprs.size() == groupedDistinctAggExprs.size());
// Populate aggregation classes.
aggClasses_ = new ArrayList<>();
boolean hasNonDistinctAggExprs = !nonDistinctAggExprs.isEmpty();
if (groupedDistinctAggExprs.size() == 0) {
if (hasNonDistinctAggExprs) {
// Only a non-distinct agg class.
} else {
// Only grouping with no aggregation (e.g. SELECT DISTINCT)
} else if (groupedDistinctAggExprs.size() == 1) {
// Exactly one distinct class and optionally a non-distinct one.
List<FunctionCallExpr> aggClass =
// Coalesce into one class to preserve the pre-IMPALA-110 behavior.
} else {
// Multiple distinct classes and an optional non-distinct one.
if (hasNonDistinctAggExprs) aggClasses_.add(nonDistinctAggExprs);
// Create agg infos for the agg classes.
aggInfos_ = Lists.newArrayListWithCapacity(aggClasses_.size());
for (List<FunctionCallExpr> aggClass : aggClasses_) {
aggInfos_.add(AggregateInfo.create(groupingExprs_, aggClass, analyzer));
if (aggInfos_.size() == 1) {
// Only a single aggregation class, no transposition step is needed.
outputSmap_ = aggInfos_.get(0).getResultSmap();
// Create agg info for the final transposition step.
transposeAggInfo_ = createTransposeAggInfo(groupingExprs_, aggInfos_, analyzer);
// Register value transfers to allow predicate assignment through GROUP BY.
List<SlotDescriptor> outputSlots = transposeAggInfo_.getResultTupleDesc().getSlots();
Preconditions.checkState(groupingExprs_.size() <= outputSlots.size());
for (int i = 0; i < groupingExprs_.size(); ++i) {
new SlotRef(outputSlots.get(i)), groupingExprs_.get(i));
// Maps from the original grouping and aggregate exprs in all aggregation classes to
// the final output produced by the transposing aggregation.
outputSmap_ = new ExprSubstitutionMap();
// Add mappings for grouping exprs.
for (int i = 0; i < groupingExprs_.size(); ++i) {
outputSmap_.put(groupingExprs_.get(i).clone(), new SlotRef(outputSlots.get(i)));
// Add mappings for aggregate functions.
int outputSlotIdx = groupingExprs_.size();
for (AggregateInfo aggInfo : aggInfos_) {
ExprSubstitutionMap aggSmap = aggInfo.getResultSmap();
for (int i = groupingExprs_.size(); i < aggSmap.size(); ++i) {
aggSmap.getLhs().get(i).clone(), new SlotRef(outputSlots.get(outputSlotIdx)));
* Returns a new AggregateInfo for transposing the union of results of the given input
* AggregateInfos, with the given grouping. The AggregateInfos must have been created
* based on the same grouping exprs.
* The transposing AggregateInfo is created as follows.
* - Grouping exprs:
* For each expr in 'groupingExprs' a CASE expr is crafted that selects the
* appropriate slot to group on based on which tuple is non-NULL in an input row.
* - Aggregate exprs:
* For each aggregate expr in all aggregate infos, create an AGGIF() expr that
* selects the value of a single aggregate expr of a single aggregation class.
* For input rows that do not belong to the targeted aggregation class the AGGIF()
* function is a no-op.
* AggregateInfo 0:
* - Result tuple id 0 having 3 slots with ids 0, 1, 2 corresponding to c, d, and a
* AggregateInfo 1:
* - Result tuple id 1 having 3 slots with ids 3, 4, 5 corresponding to c, d, and b
* Transposition AggregateInfo:
* Grouping exprs:
* CASE valid_tid()
* WHEN 0 THEN SlotRef<slot id 0>
* WHEN 1 THEN SlotRef<slot id 3>
* END,
* CASE valid_tid()
* WHEN 0 THEN SlotRef<slot id 1>
* WHEN 1 THEN SlotRef<slot id 4>
* END,
* Aggregate exprs:
* AGGIF(valid_tid() = 0, SlotRef<slot id 2>),
* AGGIF(valid_tid() = 1, SlotRef<slot id 5>)
* The exprs above use an internal valid_tid() expr that returns the tuple id of the
* non-NULL tuple in the input row. See
private AggregateInfo createTransposeAggInfo(List<Expr> groupingExprs,
List<AggregateInfo> aggInfos, Analyzer analyzer) throws AnalysisException {
List<TupleId> aggTids = new ArrayList<>();
for (AggregateInfo aggInfo : aggInfos) aggTids.add(aggInfo.getResultTupleId());
List<FunctionCallExpr> transAggExprs = new ArrayList<>();
for (AggregateInfo aggInfo : aggInfos) {
TupleDescriptor aggTuple = aggInfo.getResultTupleDesc();
int numGroupingExprs = groupingExprs.size();
for (int i = numGroupingExprs; i < aggTuple.getSlots().size(); ++i) {
// AGGIF(valid_tid() == aggTid, agg_slot)
BinaryPredicate tidCmp =
new BinaryPredicate(Operator.EQ, new ValidTupleIdExpr(aggTids),
new NumericLiteral(new BigDecimal(aggTuple.getId().asInt())));
SlotRef matchSlotRef = new SlotRef(aggTuple.getSlots().get(i));
List<Expr> aggFnParams = Lists.<Expr>newArrayList(tidCmp, matchSlotRef);
FunctionCallExpr aggExpr = new FunctionCallExpr("aggif", aggFnParams);
// Create grouping exprs for the transposing agg.
List<Expr> transGroupingExprs =
getTransposeGroupingExprs(groupingExprs, aggInfos, analyzer);
AggregateInfo result =
AggregateInfo.create(transGroupingExprs, transAggExprs, analyzer);
return result;
* Wraps the given groupingExprs into a CASE that switches on the valid tuple id.
private List<Expr> getTransposeGroupingExprs(
List<Expr> groupingExprs, List<AggregateInfo> aggInfos, Analyzer analyzer) {
List<TupleId> resultTids = new ArrayList<>();
for (AggregateInfo aggInfo : aggInfos) resultTids.add(aggInfo.getResultTupleId());
List<Expr> result = new ArrayList<>();
for (int i = 0; i < groupingExprs.size(); ++i) {
List<CaseWhenClause> caseWhenClauses = new ArrayList<>();
for (AggregateInfo aggInfo : aggInfos) {
TupleDescriptor tupleDesc = aggInfo.getResultTupleDesc();
Expr whenExpr = NumericLiteral.create(tupleDesc.getId().asInt());
Expr thenExpr = new SlotRef(tupleDesc.getSlots().get(i));
caseWhenClauses.add(new CaseWhenClause(whenExpr, thenExpr));
CaseExpr caseExpr =
new CaseExpr(new ValidTupleIdExpr(resultTids), caseWhenClauses, null);
return result;
* Determines which aggregate exprs are required to produce the final query result.
* Eliminates irrelevant aggregation classes and simplifies the aggregation plan,
* if possible. Calls materializeRequiredSlots() on the agg infos of all surviving
* classes.
* If as a result of simplification the transposition step becomes unnecessary,
* populates 'simplifiedAggSmap_' to remap exprs referencing the transposition to the
* output of the new simplified aggregation.
public void materializeRequiredSlots(Analyzer analyzer, ExprSubstitutionMap smap) {
if (aggInfos_.size() == 1) {
aggInfos_.get(0).materializeRequiredSlots(analyzer, smap);
materializedAggInfos_ = Lists.newArrayList(aggInfos_.get(0));
// Perform slot materialization of the transposition aggregation first to determine
// which aggregation classes are required to produce the final output.
transposeAggInfo_.materializeRequiredSlots(analyzer, smap);
// Determine which aggregation classes are required based on which slots
// are materialized in the transposition aggregation.
List<Integer> classIdxByAggExprIdx =
for (int i = 0; i < aggClasses_.size(); ++i) {
classIdxByAggExprIdx.addAll(Collections.nCopies(aggClasses_.get(i).size(), i));
List<Integer> materializedClassIdxs =
materializedAggInfos_ = Lists.newArrayListWithCapacity(aggClasses_.size());
for (Integer aggExprIdx : transposeAggInfo_.getMaterializedSlots()) {
Integer classIdx = classIdxByAggExprIdx.get(aggExprIdx);
int size = materializedClassIdxs.size();
if (size != 0 && materializedClassIdxs.get(size - 1) == classIdx) continue;
aggInfos_.get(classIdx).materializeRequiredSlots(analyzer, smap);
if (materializedAggInfos_.size() == 2
&& (!materializedAggInfos_.get(0).isDistinctAgg()
|| !materializedAggInfos_.get(1).isDistinctAgg())) {
// There are two remaining aggregation classes: one distinct and one non-distinct,
// Coalesce them into a single aggregation class.
List<FunctionCallExpr> newAggExprs = new ArrayList<>();
for (Integer classIdx : materializedClassIdxs) {
List<FunctionCallExpr> aggClass = aggClasses_.get(classIdx);
AggregateInfo aggInfo = aggInfos_.get(classIdx);
if (aggInfo.getSecondPhaseDistinctAggInfo() != null) {
aggInfo = aggInfo.getSecondPhaseDistinctAggInfo();
Preconditions.checkState(aggInfo.getAggregateExprs().size() == aggClass.size());
for (Integer aggExprIdx : aggInfo.getMaterializedSlots()) {
AggregateInfo newAggInfo = null;
try {
newAggInfo = AggregateInfo.create(groupingExprs_, newAggExprs, analyzer);
} catch (Exception e) {
// Should never happen because the initial analysis should guarantee success.
throw new IllegalStateException("Failed to simplify aggregation", e);
// Based on our previous analysis we know that all aggregate exprs this new
// aggregation must be materialized.
newAggInfo.materializeRequiredSlots(analyzer, smap);
if (materializedAggInfos_.size() == 0) {
// To produce the correct number of result rows we still perform an empty
// aggregation using the last aggregation class. If any, the non-distinct agg
// class comes last in the 'aggClasses_' list so we prefer the simplest
// aggregation plan.
AggregateInfo lastAggInfo = aggInfos_.get(aggInfos_.size() - 1);
// Materialize group by slots, if any.
lastAggInfo.materializeRequiredSlots(analyzer, smap);
if (materializedAggInfos_.size() == 1) {
// The aggregation has been reduced to a single class so no transposition step is
// required. We need to substitute SlotRefs into the transposition aggregation
// tuple with SlotRefs into the tuple of the single remaining aggregation class.
simplifiedAggSmap_ = createSimplifiedAggSmap(
groupingExprs_, transposeAggInfo_, materializedAggInfos_.get(0));
} else if (materializedAggInfos_.size() != aggInfos_.size()) {
// Recompute grouping exprs since they contain references to grouping slots
// belonging to non-materialized agg classes.
List<Expr> newGroupingExprs =
getTransposeGroupingExprs(groupingExprs_, materializedAggInfos_, analyzer);
// Validate the new grouping exprs.
List<Expr> groupingExprs = transposeAggInfo_.getGroupingExprs();
Preconditions.checkState(groupingExprs.size() == newGroupingExprs.size());
for (int i = 0; i < groupingExprs.size(); ++i) {
Type newType = newGroupingExprs.get(i).getType();
Type oldType = groupingExprs.get(i).getType();
// Replace existing grouping exprs with new ones.
* Returns a new substitution map from slots in the transposition result tuple to
* slots in the tuple of the simplified aggregation.
private ExprSubstitutionMap createSimplifiedAggSmap(List<Expr> groupingExprs,
AggregateInfo transposeAggInfo, AggregateInfo simplifiedAggInfo) {
TupleDescriptor transTupleDesc = transposeAggInfo.getResultTupleDesc();
TupleDescriptor matAggClassTupleDesc = simplifiedAggInfo.getResultTupleDesc();
List<Expr> lhsExprs = new ArrayList<>();
List<Expr> rhsExprs = new ArrayList<>();
int numGroupingExprs = groupingExprs.size();
for (int i = 0; i < numGroupingExprs; ++i) {
lhsExprs.add(new SlotRef(transTupleDesc.getSlots().get(i)));
rhsExprs.add(new SlotRef(matAggClassTupleDesc.getSlots().get(i)));
for (Integer idx : transposeAggInfo.getMaterializedSlots()) {
lhsExprs.add(new SlotRef(transTupleDesc.getSlots().get(numGroupingExprs + idx)));
if (simplifiedAggInfo.getSecondPhaseDistinctAggInfo() != null) {
simplifiedAggInfo = simplifiedAggInfo.getSecondPhaseDistinctAggInfo();
for (Integer idx : simplifiedAggInfo.getMaterializedSlots()) {
new SlotRef(matAggClassTupleDesc.getSlots().get(numGroupingExprs + idx)));
Preconditions.checkState(lhsExprs.size() == rhsExprs.size());
return new ExprSubstitutionMap(lhsExprs, rhsExprs);
public void substitute(ExprSubstitutionMap smap, Analyzer analyzer)
throws InternalException {
Preconditions.checkState(substGroupingExprs_ == null);
substGroupingExprs_ = Expr.substituteList(groupingExprs_, smap, analyzer, true);
* Returns the list of aggregate infos corresponding to all materialized aggregation
* classes for the given aggregation phase.
public List<AggregateInfo> getMaterializedAggInfos(AggPhase aggPhase) {
List<AggregateInfo> result = new ArrayList<>();
switch (aggPhase) {
case FIRST: {
case SECOND: {
for (AggregateInfo aggInfo : materializedAggInfos_) {
if (aggInfo.getSecondPhaseDistinctAggInfo() != null) {
} else {
return result;
private List<AggregateInfo> getMergeAggInfos(List<AggregateInfo> aggInfos) {
List<AggregateInfo> result = new ArrayList<>();
for (AggregateInfo aggInfo : aggInfos) {
if (!aggInfo.isMerge()) {
} else {
// Ok to keep merging since merges are idempotent.
return result;
public boolean hasFirstPhase() {
return materializedAggInfos_.size() > 0;
public boolean hasSecondPhase() {
for (AggregateInfo aggInfo : materializedAggInfos_) {
if (aggInfo.isDistinctAgg()) return true;
return false;
public boolean hasTransposePhase() {
if (materializedAggInfos_.size() > 1) {
return true;
return false;
* Returns all unassigned, bound, and equivalence conjuncts that should be evaluated
* against the aggregation output. The conjuncts are bound by the result tuple id, as
* returned by getResultTupleId().
* If 'markAssigned' is true the returned conjuncts are marked as assigned.
public List<Expr> collectConjuncts(Analyzer analyzer, boolean markAssigned) {
List<Expr> result = new ArrayList<>();
TupleId tid = getResultTupleId();
TupleDescriptor tupleDesc = analyzer.getTupleDesc(tid);
// Ignore predicates bound by a grouping slot produced by a SlotRef grouping expr.
// Those predicates are already evaluated below this agg node (e.g., in a scan),
// because the grouping slot must be in the same equivalence class as another slot
// below this agg node. We must not ignore other grouping slots in order to retain
// conjuncts bound by those grouping slots in createEquivConjuncts() (IMPALA-2089).
// Those conjuncts cannot be redundant because our equivalence classes do not
// capture dependencies with non-SlotRef exprs.
Set<SlotId> groupBySids = new HashSet<>();
for (int i = 0; i < groupingExprs_.size(); ++i) {
if (groupingExprs_.get(i).unwrapSlotRef(true) == null) continue;
// Binding predicates are assigned to the final output tuple of the aggregation,
// which is the tuple of the 2nd phase agg for distinct aggs.
List<Expr> bindingPredicates =
analyzer.getBoundPredicates(tid, groupBySids, markAssigned);
List<Expr> unassignedConjuncts = analyzer.getUnassignedConjuncts(tid.asList());
if (markAssigned) analyzer.markConjunctsAssigned(unassignedConjuncts);
analyzer.createEquivConjuncts(tid, result, groupBySids);
return result;
* Returns the aggregation phase that produces the result tuple id and should evaluate
* all conjuncts in the single-node plan.
public AggPhase getConjunctAssignmentPhase() {
if (transposeAggInfo_ != null) return AggPhase.TRANSPOSE;
for (AggregateInfo aggInfo : aggInfos_) {
if (aggInfo.isDistinctAgg()) return AggPhase.SECOND;
Preconditions.checkState(aggInfos_.size() == 1);
return AggPhase.FIRST;
public List<AggregateInfo> getAggClasses() { return aggInfos_; }
public AggregateInfo getAggClass(int i) { return aggInfos_.get(i); }
public AggregateInfo getTransposeAggInfo() { return transposeAggInfo_; }
public boolean hasGrouping() { return !groupingExprs_.isEmpty(); }
public List<Expr> getGroupingExprs() { return groupingExprs_; }
public List<Expr> getSubstGroupingExprs() { return substGroupingExprs_; }
public List<FunctionCallExpr> getAggExprs() { return aggExprs_; }
public ExprSubstitutionMap getOutputSmap() { return outputSmap_; }
public List<AggregateInfo> getMaterializedAggClasses() { return materializedAggInfos_; }
public AggregateInfo getMaterializedAggClass(int i) {
return materializedAggInfos_.get(i);
public ExprSubstitutionMap getSimplifiedAggSmap() { return simplifiedAggSmap_; }
public boolean hasAggregateExprs() { return !aggExprs_.isEmpty(); }
public TupleId getResultTupleId() {
if (transposeAggInfo_ != null) return transposeAggInfo_.getResultTupleId();
Preconditions.checkState(aggInfos_.size() == 1);
return getAggClass(0).getResultTupleId();
public MultiAggregateInfo clone() { return new MultiAggregateInfo(this); }