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// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
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package org.apache.impala.util;
import org.apache.impala.common.Pair;
import java.util.*;
import static java.lang.Math.min;
/** Data structures for graphs represented with an adjacency list. */
public abstract class Graph {
public abstract int numVertices();
/** Return an iterator of vertex IDs with an edge from srcVid. */
public abstract IntIterator dstIter(int srcVid);
public String print() {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
for (int i = 0; i < numVertices(); ++i) {
IntIterator dstIter = dstIter(i);
if (!dstIter.hasNext()) continue;
sb.append(i).append(" => ");
while (dstIter.hasNext()) {
sb.append(", ");
return sb.toString();
* Helper function collecting all the indexes set in a bitset into an sorted array.
* Time complexity: O(n), where n is the number of bits in the bitset.
static private int[] collectIdxsFromBitSet(BitSet bs) {
int[] result = new int[bs.cardinality()];
for (int i = 0, j = bs.nextSetBit(0); j != -1; j = bs.nextSetBit(j + 1)) {
result[i++] = j;
return result;
/** Graph supporting adding edges. Duplicate edges are allowed. */
public static class WritableGraph extends Graph {
// Unsorted adjacency list.
private final IntArrayList[] adjList_;
public WritableGraph(int numVertices) {
adjList_ = new IntArrayList[numVertices];
for (int i = 0; i < numVertices; ++i) adjList_[i] = new IntArrayList();
public int numVertices() { return adjList_.length; }
public IntIterator dstIter(int srcVid) { return adjList_[srcVid].iterator(); }
public void addEdge(int srcVid, int dstVid) {
if (dstVid < 0 || dstVid >= numVertices()) throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException();
public RandomAccessibleGraph toRandomAccessible() {
int[][] sortedAdjList = new int[numVertices()][];
for (int srcVid = 0; srcVid < numVertices(); ++srcVid) {
int[] dsts = Arrays.copyOfRange(adjList_[srcVid].data(), 0,
int uniqueSize = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < dsts.length; ++i) {
if (i == 0 || dsts[i] != dsts[i - 1]) dsts[uniqueSize++] = dsts[i];
sortedAdjList[srcVid] = Arrays.copyOfRange(dsts, 0, uniqueSize);
return new RandomAccessibleGraph(sortedAdjList);
/** Graph supporting random access using binary search. */
public static class RandomAccessibleGraph extends Graph {
// Sorted adjacency list.
private final int[][] adjList_;
* Construct from an adjacency list.
* Each list in the adjacency list must have been sorted.
RandomAccessibleGraph(int[][] adjList) { adjList_ = adjList; }
public int numVertices() { return adjList_.length; }
public IntIterator dstIter(int srcVid) {
return IntIterator.fromArray(adjList_[srcVid]);
* Check whether there is an edge from 'srcVid' to 'dstVid'. Binary search is used
* instead of a standalone hash table because the typical use case has less than
* 10,000 vertices.
* Time complexity: O(log(V))
boolean hasEdge(int srcVid, int dstVid) {
int idx = Arrays.binarySearch(adjList_[srcVid], dstVid);
return idx >= 0 && idx < adjList_[srcVid].length && adjList_[srcVid][idx] == dstVid;
* Compute the reflexive transitive closure of the graph by BFS from every vertex.
* Time complexity: O(V(V+E)).
public RandomAccessibleGraph reflexiveTransitiveClosure() {
int[][] tcAdjList = new int[numVertices()][];
BitSet visited = new BitSet(numVertices());
IntArrayList queue = new IntArrayList(numVertices());
for (int srcVid = 0; srcVid < numVertices(); ++srcVid) {
for (int queueFront = 0; queueFront < queue.size(); ++queueFront) {
for (IntIterator dstIt = dstIter(queue.get(queueFront));
dstIt.hasNext(); {
if (!visited.get(dstIt.peek())) {
tcAdjList[srcVid] = collectIdxsFromBitSet(visited);
return new RandomAccessibleGraph(tcAdjList);
* A graph condensed by its strongly-connected components (SCC). Vertices are mapped to
* their SCCs and an inner graph on the SCCs is stored.
public static class SccCondensedGraph extends Graph {
// Map an original vid to its SCC ID.
private final int[] sccIds_;
// Map an SCC ID to its member vids.
private final int[][] sccMembers_;
// The SCC-condensed inner graph.
private final RandomAccessibleGraph condensed_;
private SccCondensedGraph(int[] sccIds, int[][] sccMembers,
RandomAccessibleGraph condensed) {
sccIds_ = sccIds;
sccMembers_ = sccMembers;
condensed_ = condensed;
public int numVertices() { return sccIds_.length; }
public IntIterator dstIter(final int srcVid) {
return new IntIterator() {
private final int[] condensedAdjList = condensed_.adjList_[sccIds_[srcVid]];
private int adjListPos = 0;
private int memberPos = 0;
public boolean hasNext() {
// After this loop the iterator either points to a valid dst or reaches the end.
while (adjListPos < condensedAdjList.length &&
memberPos == sccMembers_[condensedAdjList[adjListPos]].length) {
memberPos = 0;
return adjListPos < condensedAdjList.length;
public int next() {
int result = peek();
return result;
public int peek() {
if (!hasNext()) throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException();
return sccMembers_[condensedAdjList[adjListPos]][memberPos];
* Check whether there is an edge from 'srcVid' to 'dstVid'.
* Time complexity: O(log(V))
public boolean hasEdge(int srcVid, int dstVid) {
return condensed_.hasEdge(sccIds_[srcVid], sccIds_[dstVid]);
* Create a condensed reflexive transitive closure of a graph.
* Time complexity: O(V(V+E)).
public static SccCondensedGraph condensedReflexiveTransitiveClosure(WritableGraph g) {
// Step 0: Compute the strongly connected components. O(V+E)
Pair<int[], int[][]> scc = tarjanScc(g);
// Step 1: Compute the condensed inner graph. O(V^2+E)
RandomAccessibleGraph condensed = condenseGraphOnScc(g, scc.first, scc.second);
// Step 2: Compute the reflexive transitive closure. O(V(V+E))
RandomAccessibleGraph condensedTc = condensed.reflexiveTransitiveClosure();
return new SccCondensedGraph(scc.first, scc.second, condensedTc);
* Get the ID of the strongly connected component containing 'vid'.
* Time complexity: O(1)
public int sccId(int vid) { return sccIds_[vid]; }
* Get an array of vertex IDs in the scc. The caller shouldn't modify the returned
* array.
* Time complexity: O(1)
public int[] sccMembersBySccId(int sccId) { return sccMembers_[sccId]; }
* Get an array of vertices IDs in the scc. The caller shouldn't modify the returned
* array.
* Time complexity: O(1)
public int[] sccMembersByVid(int vid) { return sccMembers_[sccIds_[vid]]; }
* Compute the strongly connected components using Tarjan's strongly connected
* component algorithm.
* To avoid unbounded system stack usage, the algorithm is implemented iteratively.
* Time complexity: O(V+E).
* Returns A pair of {@link #sccIds_} and {@link #sccMembers_}.
static private Pair<int[], int[][]> tarjanScc(final WritableGraph g) {
// A mapping from original vid to its SCC ID.
int[] sccIds = new int[g.numVertices()];
// Lists of vertex IDs in each SCC.
ArrayList<int[]> sccMembers = new ArrayList<>();
// A mapping from a vertex ID to its DFS preordering index. -1 means not visited.
int[] dfsIdxs = new int[g.numVertices()];
Arrays.fill(dfsIdxs, -1);
int[] lowLinks = new int[g.numVertices()];
// The stack of visited vertices that haven't been assigned to an SCC.
IntArrayList unAssignedStack = new IntArrayList(g.numVertices());
// The context of the iteratively implemented DFS.
class DfsContext {
// The vid being searched.
final int vid;
// The current position in the vertex's dst list. In each iteration, the dst
// vid in this position should be considered for DFS.
IntIterator dstIt;
// The position of vid in unAssignedStack. When the DFS of the successors
// finishes, vertices in unAssignedStack above this position belong to the same
// SCC as vid.
int unAssignedStackPos;
DfsContext(int vid) {
this.vid = vid;
dstIt = g.dstIter(vid);
// unAssignedStackPos will be initialized in DFS index assignment step.
// The DFS stack. java.util.Stack is synchronized, so ArrayDeque is used here.
ArrayDeque<DfsContext> dfsStack = new ArrayDeque<>();
BitSet onUnassignedStack = new BitSet(g.numVertices());
int nextDfsIndex = 0;
for (int dfsRootVid = 0; dfsRootVid < g.numVertices(); ++dfsRootVid) {
if (dfsIdxs[dfsRootVid] != -1) continue;
dfsStack.push(new DfsContext(dfsRootVid));
while (!dfsStack.isEmpty()) {
DfsContext ctx = dfsStack.peek();
if (dfsIdxs[ctx.vid] == -1) {
dfsIdxs[ctx.vid] = lowLinks[ctx.vid] = nextDfsIndex;
nextDfsIndex += 1;
ctx.unAssignedStackPos = unAssignedStack.size();
if (!ctx.dstIt.hasNext()) {
// All successors have been searched. Check if this is the root of an SCC.
if (lowLinks[ctx.vid] == dfsIdxs[ctx.vid]) {
// Create an SCC from all elements on the unAssignedStack above (inclusive)
// the vertex being searched.
int[] members = Arrays.copyOfRange(,
ctx.unAssignedStackPos, unAssignedStack.size());
for (int member : members) {
sccIds[member] = sccMembers.size();
} else {
int nextDstVid = ctx.dstIt.peek();
if (dfsIdxs[nextDstVid] == -1) {
// Tree edge. DFS this successor. ctx.dstIt is not advanced until the DFS
// of the successor finishes.
dfsStack.push(new DfsContext(nextDstVid));
} else {
if (onUnassignedStack.get(nextDstVid)) {
if (dfsIdxs[nextDstVid] >= dfsIdxs[ctx.vid]) {
// Tree edge. The DFS of a successor just finished.
// Take its lowlink value.
lowLinks[ctx.vid] = min(lowLinks[ctx.vid], lowLinks[nextDstVid]);
} else {
// Back or cross edge. Take its DFS index value.
lowLinks[ctx.vid] = min(lowLinks[ctx.vid], dfsIdxs[nextDstVid]);
Preconditions.checkState(unAssignedStack.size() == 0);
return Pair.create(sccIds, sccMembers.toArray(new int[0][]));
* Condense the original graph 'g' to a new graph in SCC space.
* Time complexity: O(V^2+E)
static private RandomAccessibleGraph condenseGraphOnScc(WritableGraph g, int[] sccIds,
int[][] sccMembers) {
int[][] condensedAdjList = new int[sccMembers.length][];
BitSet bs = new BitSet(sccMembers.length);
for (int srcSccId = 0; srcSccId < sccMembers.length; ++srcSccId) {
for (int srcVid : sccMembers[srcSccId]) {
for (IntIterator dstIt = g.dstIter(srcVid); dstIt.hasNext(); {
condensedAdjList[srcSccId] = collectIdxsFromBitSet(bs);
return new RandomAccessibleGraph(condensedAdjList);
/** Returns whether this graph is equal to 'reference'. */
public boolean validate(RandomAccessibleGraph reference) {
if (reference.numVertices() != numVertices()) return false;
IntArrayList sortedDsts = new IntArrayList(reference.numVertices());
for (int i = 0; i < reference.numVertices(); ++i) {
for (IntIterator dstIt = dstIter(i); dstIt.hasNext(); {
Arrays.sort(, 0, sortedDsts.size());
IntIterator refIt = reference.dstIter(i);
IntIterator condensedIt = sortedDsts.iterator();
while (refIt.hasNext() || condensedIt.hasNext()) {
if (!refIt.hasNext() || !condensedIt.hasNext() || != {
return false;
return true;