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# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
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# Client tests for SQL statement authorization
# These tests verify the functionality of SHOW GRANT ROLE/USER. We
# create several users and groups to verify clear separation.
import grp
import pytest
from getpass import getuser
from os import getenv
from impala.dbapi import connect as impala_connect
from tests.common.test_dimensions import create_uncompressed_text_dimension
from tests.common.custom_cluster_test_suite import CustomClusterTestSuite
class TestShowGrant(CustomClusterTestSuite):
def add_test_dimensions(cls):
super(TestShowGrant, cls).add_test_dimensions()
def get_workload(cls):
return 'functional-query'
def setup_method(self, method):
super(TestShowGrant, self).setup_method(method)
def teardown_method(self, method):
self.client.execute('drop role sgu_test_admin')
super(TestShowGrant, self).teardown_method(method)
def __test_cleanup(self):
# Clean up any old roles created by this test
for role_name in self.client.execute('show roles').data:
if 'sgu_test' in role_name:
self.client.execute('drop role %s' % role_name)
# Cleanup any other roles that were granted to this user.
# TODO: Update Sentry Service config and authorization tests to use LocalGroupMapping
# for resolving users -> groups. This way we can specify custom test users that don't
# actually exist in the system.
group_name = grp.getgrnam(getuser()).gr_name
for role_name in self.client.execute('show role grant group `%s`' % group_name).data:
self.client.execute('drop role %s' % role_name)
# Create a temporary admin user so we can actually view/clean up the test db.
self.client.execute('create role sgu_test_admin')
self.client.execute('grant all on server to sgu_test_admin')
self.client.execute('grant role sgu_test_admin to group `%s`'
% group_name)
def restart_first_impalad(cls):
impalad = cls.cluster.impalads[0]
cls.client = impalad.service.create_beeswax_client()
impalad_args='--server_name=server1 --authorization_policy_provider_class='
'org.apache.impala.service.CustomClusterResourceAuthorizationProvider '
catalogd_args='--sentry_config={0} --authorization_policy_provider_class='
def test_show_grant_user(self, vector, unique_database):
group_name = grp.getgrnam(getuser()).gr_name
self.client.execute('create role sgu_test_primary')
self.client.execute('grant all on server to sgu_test_primary')
self.client.execute('grant role sgu_test_primary to group `%s`' % group_name)
self.run_test_case('QueryTest/show_grant_user', vector, use_db=unique_database)
impalad_args='--server_name=server1 --authorization_policy_provider_class='
'org.apache.impala.service.CustomClusterResourceAuthorizationProvider '
catalogd_args='--sentry_config={0} --authorization_policy_provider_class='
def test_show_grant_in_hs2(self, vector, unique_database):
"""IMPALA-7701: Test that all types in show grant commands are correct. Incorrect
types can result in null/None values."""
role = 'sgu_test_primary'
self.client.execute('create role %s' % role)
self.client.execute('grant all on database %s to role %s' % (unique_database, role))
default_impalad = pytest.config.option.impalad.split(',')[0]
impalad_host = default_impalad.split(':')[0]
impalad_hs2_port = pytest.config.option.impalad_hs2_port
with impala_connect(host=impalad_host, port=impalad_hs2_port) as conn:
cursor = conn.cursor()
cursor.execute('show grant user %s on database %s' % (getuser(), unique_database))
rows = cursor.fetchall()
assert len(rows) == 1
cols = rows[0]
assert len(cols) == 10
assert cols[0] == 'USER' # principal_type
assert cols[1] == getuser() # principal_name
assert cols[2] == 'database' # scope
assert cols[3] == unique_database # database
assert cols[4] == '' # table
assert cols[5] == '' # column
assert cols[6] == '' # uri
assert cols[7] == 'owner' # privilege
assert cols[8] # grant_option
# We don't assert create_time since the value can be None or str depending on the
# Sentry refresh.
cursor.execute('show grant role %s on database %s' % (role, unique_database))
rows = cursor.fetchall()
assert len(rows) == 1
cols = rows[0]
assert len(cols) == 8
assert cols[0] == 'database' # scope
assert cols[1] == unique_database # database
assert cols[2] == '' # table
assert cols[3] == '' # column
assert cols[4] == '' # uri
assert cols[5] == 'all' # privilege
assert not cols[6] # grant_option
# We don't assert create_time since the value can be None or str depending on the
# Sentry refresh.