blob: fd05ee5e1fe1345cc209cf6b1785a78d9303644a [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
// KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
// specific language governing permissions and limitations
// under the License.
package org.apache.impala.catalog.local;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.concurrent.Callable;
import java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture;
import java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException;
import java.util.concurrent.Future;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicLong;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReference;
import org.apache.hadoop.hive.metastore.api.ColumnStatisticsObj;
import org.apache.hadoop.hive.metastore.api.Database;
import org.apache.hadoop.hive.metastore.api.MetaException;
import org.apache.hadoop.hive.metastore.api.NoSuchObjectException;
import org.apache.hadoop.hive.metastore.api.Partition;
import org.apache.hadoop.hive.metastore.api.Table;
import org.apache.hadoop.hive.metastore.api.UnknownDBException;
import org.apache.impala.authorization.AuthorizationChecker;
import org.apache.impala.authorization.AuthorizationPolicy;
import org.apache.impala.catalog.AuthzCacheInvalidation;
import org.apache.impala.catalog.Catalog;
import org.apache.impala.catalog.CatalogDeltaLog;
import org.apache.impala.catalog.CatalogException;
import org.apache.impala.catalog.CatalogObjectCache;
import org.apache.impala.catalog.Function;
import org.apache.impala.catalog.HdfsPartition.FileDescriptor;
import org.apache.impala.catalog.ImpaladCatalog.ObjectUpdateSequencer;
import org.apache.impala.catalog.Principal;
import org.apache.impala.catalog.PrincipalPrivilege;
import org.apache.impala.common.InternalException;
import org.apache.impala.common.Pair;
import org.apache.impala.service.FeSupport;
import org.apache.impala.service.FrontendProfile;
import org.apache.impala.thrift.CatalogLookupStatus;
import org.apache.impala.thrift.TBackendGflags;
import org.apache.impala.thrift.TCatalogInfoSelector;
import org.apache.impala.thrift.TCatalogObject;
import org.apache.impala.thrift.TCatalogObjectType;
import org.apache.impala.thrift.TDatabase;
import org.apache.impala.thrift.TDbInfoSelector;
import org.apache.impala.thrift.TErrorCode;
import org.apache.impala.thrift.TFunction;
import org.apache.impala.thrift.TFunctionName;
import org.apache.impala.thrift.TGetPartialCatalogObjectRequest;
import org.apache.impala.thrift.TGetPartialCatalogObjectResponse;
import org.apache.impala.thrift.THdfsFileDesc;
import org.apache.impala.thrift.TNetworkAddress;
import org.apache.impala.thrift.TPartialPartitionInfo;
import org.apache.impala.thrift.TTable;
import org.apache.impala.thrift.TTableInfoSelector;
import org.apache.impala.thrift.TUniqueId;
import org.apache.impala.thrift.TUnit;
import org.apache.impala.thrift.TUpdateCatalogCacheRequest;
import org.apache.impala.thrift.TUpdateCatalogCacheResponse;
import org.apache.impala.util.ListMap;
import org.apache.impala.util.TByteBuffer;
import org.apache.thrift.TDeserializer;
import org.apache.thrift.TException;
import org.apache.thrift.TSerializer;
import org.apache.thrift.protocol.TBinaryProtocol;
import org.ehcache.sizeof.SizeOf;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
* MetaProvider which fetches metadata in a granular fashion from the catalogd.
* When pieces of metadata are requested, a local LRU cache is first queried. If the
* metadata is present in the cache, it will be returned. Otherwise, an RPC is made
* to the catalogd to fetch the metadata and the metadata is written back into the cache
* before being returned.
* The implementation subscribes to a "minimal" subset of the Catalog statestore topic
* in order to be notified about changes to objects stored within the catalogd. We
* use the notifications from this topic to perform cache invalidation. The invalidation
* strategy is slightly different depending on the specific piece of metadata:
* Strategy 1): small objects, cached coarse-grained
* ---------------------------
* For objects which we know to be small (eg database metadata, lists of table names,
* etc) we simply invalidate our local cache whenever we see any change that indicates
* our data might be stale. For example, when we see any change of a table, we invalidate
* the list of tables in the associated database. This is simpler than tracking whether
* the table is an addition or just an updated version of an already-existing entity,
* and in most cases we aim for simplicity even if it means occasional over-invalidation.
* As another example, when we see a new version of a database object, we invalidate
* the list of databases as well as the cached information for that specific database.
* Strategy 2): granular information about tables
* -----------------------------------------------
* The metadata associated with tables is large enough that, instead of caching it as
* a single coarse-grained entry, we use separate cache entries for more fine-grained
* pieces of metadata (eg lists of partitions, individual partitions, etc). Thus, when
* we see a notification indicating that a table has changed versions in the catalogd,
* it would be difficult to evict all of the associated items from the cache. The cache
* implementation does not support "prefix search" or "tag-based invalidation" of any
* kind, so we would need to scan through all of the cached items in order to invalidate
* all of the data referring to a table.
* Instead, we use a different strategy: all of the granular metadata associated with a
* particular version of a table includes the _version number_ of the table as part of
* its cache key. When we are notified that the table has changed version numbers, we
* simply invalidate the top-level table entry, and allow other information to remain
* in the cache. When we next load this table, we will load a new version of the top-level
* table entry, including its new version number. Thus, the requests for granular
* information pertaining to the new version will not include the old version number
* in cache keys anymore. The old metadata is essentially invalidated by the fact that
* it is no longer "linked". Over time, the old entries will naturally age out of the
* cache.
* Metadata that is _not_ fetched on demand
* ================================================
* This implementation does not fetch _all_ metadata on demand. In fact, some pieces of
* metadata are currently provided in the same manner as "legacy" coordinators: the
* full metadata objects are published by the catalog daemon into the statestore, and
* we keep a full "replica" of that information. In particular, we currently use this
* strategy for Sentry metadata (roles and privileges) since the caching of this data
* is relatively more complex. Given that this data is typically quite small relative
* to the table metadata, it's not too expensive to maintain the full replica.
* TODO(todd): expose statistics on a per-query and per-daemon level about cache
* hit rates, number of outbound RPCs, etc.
* TODO(todd): handle retry/backoff to ride over short catalog interruptions
public class CatalogdMetaProvider implements MetaProvider {
private final static Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(CatalogdMetaProvider.class);
* Sentinel value used as a negative cache entry for column statistics.
* Some columns (e.g. partitioning columns )do not have statistics in the catalog
* and won't be returned when we ask it for stats. It's important to cache negative
* entries for those or else we would require a round-trip every time the table
* is loaded.
* This special sentinel value is stored in the cache to indicate such a "negative
* cache" entry. It is always compared by reference equality.
private static final ColumnStatisticsObj NEGATIVE_COLUMN_STATS_SENTINEL =
new ColumnStatisticsObj();
* Used as a cache key for caching the "null partition key value", which is a global
* Hive configuration. Value is a String.
private static final Object NULL_PARTITION_KEY_VALUE_CACHE_KEY = new Object();
* Used as a cache key for caching the global list of database names. Value is
* an ImmutableList<String>.
private static final Object DB_LIST_CACHE_KEY = new Object();
private static final String CATALOG_FETCH_PREFIX = "CatalogFetch";
private static final String DB_LIST_STATS_CATEGORY = "DatabaseList";
private static final String DB_METADATA_STATS_CATEGORY = "Databases";
private static final String TABLE_NAMES_STATS_CATEGORY = "TableNames";
private static final String TABLE_METADATA_CACHE_CATEGORY = "Tables";
private static final String PARTITION_LIST_STATS_CATEGORY = "PartitionLists";
private static final String PARTITIONS_STATS_CATEGORY = "Partitions";
private static final String COLUMN_STATS_STATS_CATEGORY = "ColumnStats";
private static final String GLOBAL_CONFIGURATION_STATS_CATEGORY = "Config";
private static final String FUNCTION_LIST_STATS_CATEGORY = "FunctionLists";
private static final String FUNCTIONS_STATS_CATEGORY = "Functions";
private static final String RPC_STATS_CATEGORY = "RPCs";
private static final String STORAGE_METADATA_LOAD_CATEGORY = "StorageLoad";
private static final String RPC_REQUESTS =
private static final String RPC_BYTES =
private static final String RPC_TIME =
* File descriptors store replicas using a compressed format that references hosts
* by index in a "host index" list rather than by their full addresses. Since we cache
* partition metadata including file descriptors across many queries, we can't rely on
* callers to provide a consistent host index. Instead, cached file descriptors are
* always relative to this global host index.
* Note that we never evict entries from this host index. We rely on the fact that,
* in a given storage cluster, the number of hosts is bounded, and "leaking" the unique
* network addresses won't cause a problem over time.
private final ListMap<TNetworkAddress> cacheHostIndex_ =
new ListMap<TNetworkAddress>();
// TODO(todd): currently we haven't implemented catalogd thrift APIs for all pieces
// of metadata. In order to incrementally build this out, we delegate various calls
// to the "direct" provider for now and circumvent catalogd.
private DirectMetaProvider directProvider_ = new DirectMetaProvider();
* Number of requests which piggy-backed on a concurrent request for the same key,
* and resulted in success. Used only for test assertions.
final AtomicInteger piggybackSuccessCountForTests = new AtomicInteger();
* Number of requests which piggy-backed on a concurrent request for the same key,
* and resulted in an exception. Used only for test assertions.
final AtomicInteger piggybackExceptionCountForTests = new AtomicInteger();
* The underlying cache.
* The keys in this cache are various types of objects (strings, DbCacheKey, etc).
* The values are also variant depending on the type of cache key. While any key
* is being loaded, it is a Future<T>, which gets replaced with a non-wrapped object
* once it is successfully loaded (see {@link #getIfPresent(Object)} for a convenient
* wrapper).
* For details of the usage of Futures within the cache, see
* {@link #loadWithCaching(String, String, Object, Callable).
final Cache<Object,Object> cache_;
* The last catalog version seen in an update from the catalogd.
* This is used to implement SYNC_DDL: when a SYNC_DDL operation is done, the catalog
* responds to the DDL with the version of the catalog at which the DDL has been
* applied. The backend then waits until this 'lastSeenCatalogVersion' advances past
* the version where the DDL was applied, and correlates that with the corresponding
* statestore topic version. It then waits until the statestore reports that this topic
* version has been distributed to all coordinators before proceeding.
private final AtomicLong lastSeenCatalogVersion_ = new AtomicLong(
* The catalog version at last time when catalogd starts resetting the entire catalog.
* This is used to implement global INVALIDATE METADATA: Catalogd saves its catalog
* version to this when it starts to reset the entire catalog. After the reset is done,
* all valid catalog objects should have a catalog version larger than this. Thus, we
* can safely advance the catalog version lower bound to this version + 1.
* The coordinator first gets this value in the RPC response from Catalogd and starts
* to wait until the catalog version lower bound becomes larger than it. Once we
* receive the update from statestored and update our catalog cache accordingly, the
* catalog version lower bound is set to lastResetCatalogVersion_ + 1 (returned by
* updateCatalogCache()).
private final AtomicLong lastResetCatalogVersion_ = new AtomicLong(-1);
* Tracks objects that have been deleted in response to a DDL issued from this
* coordinator.
CatalogDeltaLog deletedObjectsLog_ = new CatalogDeltaLog();
* The last known Catalog Service ID. If the ID changes, it indicates the CatalogServer
* has restarted.
private TUniqueId catalogServiceId_ = Catalog.INITIAL_CATALOG_SERVICE_ID;
private final Object catalogServiceIdLock_ = new Object();
* Cache of authorization policy metadata. Populated from data pushed from the
* StateStore. Currently this is _not_ "fetch-on-demand".
private final AuthorizationPolicy authPolicy_ = new AuthorizationPolicy();
// Cache of authorization refresh markers.
private final CatalogObjectCache<AuthzCacheInvalidation> authzCacheInvalidation_ =
new CatalogObjectCache<>();
private AtomicReference<? extends AuthorizationChecker> authzChecker_;
public CatalogdMetaProvider(TBackendGflags flags) {
long cacheSizeBytes;
if (flags.local_catalog_cache_mb < 0) {
long maxHeapBytes = ManagementFactory.getMemoryMXBean()
cacheSizeBytes = (long)(maxHeapBytes * 0.6);
} else {
cacheSizeBytes = flags.local_catalog_cache_mb * 1024 * 1024;
int expirationSecs = flags.local_catalog_cache_expiration_s;"Metadata cache configuration: capacity={} MB, expiration={} sec",
cacheSizeBytes/1024/1024, expirationSecs);
// TODO(todd) add end-to-end test cases which stress cache eviction (both time
// and size-triggered) and make sure results are still correct.
cache_ = CacheBuilder.newBuilder()
.expireAfterAccess(expirationSecs, TimeUnit.SECONDS)
.weigher(new SizeOfWeigher())
public CacheStats getCacheStats() {
return cache_.stats();
public AuthorizationPolicy getAuthPolicy() {
return authPolicy_;
public boolean isReady() {
return lastSeenCatalogVersion_.get() > Catalog.INITIAL_CATALOG_VERSION;
public void setAuthzChecker(
AtomicReference<? extends AuthorizationChecker> authzChecker) {
authzChecker_ = authzChecker;
* Send a GetPartialCatalogObject request to catalogd. This handles converting
* non-OK status responses back to exceptions, performing various generic sanity
* checks, etc.
private TGetPartialCatalogObjectResponse sendRequest(
TGetPartialCatalogObjectRequest req)
throws TException {
TGetPartialCatalogObjectResponse resp;
byte[] ret = null;
Stopwatch sw = new Stopwatch().start();
try {
ret = FeSupport.GetPartialCatalogObject(new TSerializer().serialize(req));
} catch (InternalException e) {
throw new TException(e);
} finally {
FrontendProfile profile = FrontendProfile.getCurrentOrNull();
if (profile != null) {
profile.addToCounter(RPC_REQUESTS, TUnit.NONE, 1);
profile.addToCounter(RPC_BYTES, TUnit.BYTES, ret == null ? 0 : ret.length);
profile.addToCounter(RPC_TIME, TUnit.TIME_MS, sw.elapsed(TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS));
resp = new TGetPartialCatalogObjectResponse();
new TDeserializer().deserialize(resp, ret);
if (resp.status.status_code != TErrorCode.OK) {
// TODO(todd) do reasonable error handling
throw new TException(resp.toString());
// If we get a "not found" response, then we assume that this was a case of an
// inconsistent cache. For example, we might have cached the list of tables within
// a database, but the table we're trying to load was dropped just prior to us
// trying to load it. In these cases, we need to invalidate whatever cache items
// might have led us to the dropped object and throw an exception so that we
// can retry with a reloaded cache.
switch (resp.lookup_status) {
throw new InconsistentMetadataFetchException(
String.format("Fetching %s failed. Could not find %s",, req.object_desc.toString()));
default: break;
Preconditions.checkState(resp.lookup_status == CatalogLookupStatus.OK);
// If we requested information about a particular version of an object, but
// got back a response for a different version, then we have a case of "read skew".
// For example, we may have fetched the partition list of a table, performed pruning,
// and then tried to fetch the specific partitions needed for a query, while some
// concurrent DDL modified the set of partitions. This could result in an unexpected
// result which violates the snapshot consistency guarantees expected by users.
if (req.object_desc.isSetCatalog_version() &&
resp.isSetObject_version_number() &&
req.object_desc.catalog_version != resp.object_version_number) {
LOG.warn("Catalog object {} changed version from {} to {} while fetching metadata",
req.object_desc.toString(), req.object_desc.catalog_version,
throw new InconsistentMetadataFetchException(
String.format("Catalog object %s changed version between accesses.",
return resp;
private <CacheKeyType, ValueType> ValueType loadWithCaching(String itemString,
String statsCategory, CacheKeyType key,
final Callable<ValueType> loadCallable) throws TException {
// We cache Futures during loading to deal with a particularly troublesome race
// around invalidation (IMPALA-7534). Namely, we have the following interleaving to
// worry about:
// Thread 1: loadTableNames() misses and sends a request to fetch table names
// Catalogd: sends a response with table list ['foo']
// Thread 2: creates a table 'bar'
// Catalogd: returns an invalidation for the table name list
// Thread 2: invalidates the table list
// Thread 1: response arrives with ['foo'], which is stored in the cache
// In this case, we've "missed" an invalidation because it arrived concurrently
// with the loading of a value in the cache. This is a well-known issue with
// Guava:
// In order to avoid this issue, if we don't find an element in the cache, we insert
// a Future while we load the value. Essentially, an entry can be in one of the
// following states:
// Missing (no entry in the cache):
// invalidate would be ignored, but that's OK, because any future read would fetch
// new data from the catalogd, and see a version newer than the invalidate
// Loading (a Future<> in the cache):
// invalidate removes the future. When loading completes, its attempt to swap
// in the value will fail. Any request after the invalidate will cause a second
// load to be triggered, which sees the post-invalidated data in catalogd.
// Any concurrent *read* of the cache (with no invalidation or prior to an
// invalidation) will piggy-back on the e same Future and return its result when
// it completes.
// Cached (non-Future in the cache):
// no interesting race: an invalidation ensures that any future load will miss
// and fetch a new value
// NOTE: we don't need to perform this dance for cache keys which embed a version
// number, because invalidation is not handled by removing cache entries, but
// rather by bumping top-level version numbers.
Stopwatch sw = new Stopwatch().start();
boolean hit = false;
boolean isPiggybacked = false;
try {
CompletableFuture<Object> f = new CompletableFuture<Object>();
// NOTE: the Cache ensures that this is an atomic operation of either returning
// an existing value or inserting our own. Only one thread can think it is the
// "loader" at a time.
Object inCache = cache_.get(key, () -> f);
if (!(inCache instanceof Future)) {
hit = true;
return (ValueType)inCache;
if (inCache != f) {
isPiggybacked = true;
Future<ValueType> existing = (Future<ValueType>)inCache;
ValueType ret = Uninterruptibles.getUninterruptibly(existing);
return ret;
// No other thread was loading this value, so we need to fetch it ourselves.
try {
// Assuming we were able to load the value, store it back into the map
// as a plain-old object. This is important to get the proper weight in the
// map. If someone invalidated this load concurrently, this 'replace' will
// fail because 'f' will not be the current value.
cache_.asMap().replace(key, f, f.get());
} catch (Exception e) {
// If there was an exception, remove it from the map so that any later loads
// retry.
cache_.asMap().remove(key, f);
// Ensure any piggy-backed loaders get the exception. 'f.get()' below will
// throw to this caller.
return (ValueType) Uninterruptibles.getUninterruptibly(f);
} catch (ExecutionException | UncheckedExecutionException e) {
if (isPiggybacked) {
Throwables.propagateIfPossible(e.getCause(), TException.class);
// Since the loading code should only throw TException, we shouldn't get
// any other exceptions here. If for some reason we do, just rethrow as RTE.
throw new RuntimeException(e);
} finally {
addStatsToProfile(statsCategory, /*numHits=*/hit ? 1 : 0,
/*numMisses=*/hit ? 0 : 1, sw);
LOG.trace("Request for {}: {}{}", itemString, isPiggybacked ? "piggy-backed " : "",
hit ? "hit" : "miss");
* Adds basic statistics to the query's profile when accessing cache entries.
* For each cache request, the number of hits, misses, and elapsed time is aggregated.
* Cache requests for different types of cache entries, such as function names vs.
* table names, are differentiated by a 'statsCategory'.
private void addStatsToProfile(String statsCategory, int numHits, int numMisses,
Stopwatch stopwatch) {
FrontendProfile profile = FrontendProfile.getCurrentOrNull();
if (profile == null) return;
final String prefix = CATALOG_FETCH_PREFIX + "." +
Preconditions.checkNotNull(statsCategory) + ".";
profile.addToCounter(prefix + "Requests", TUnit.NONE, numHits + numMisses);
profile.addToCounter(prefix + "Time", TUnit.TIME_MS,
if (numHits > 0) {
profile.addToCounter(prefix + "Hits", TUnit.NONE, numHits);
if (numMisses > 0) {
profile.addToCounter(prefix + "Misses", TUnit.NONE, numMisses);
* Adds tables metadata storage access time to query's profile.
* The access time is aggregated for the tables which need to be loaded.
private void addTableMetadatStorageLoadTimeToProfile(long storageLoadTimeNano) {
FrontendProfile profile = FrontendProfile.getCurrentOrNull();
if (profile == null) return;
// Storage-load-time for the table and its partitions
final String storageAccessTimeCounter = CATALOG_FETCH_PREFIX + "." +
profile.addToCounter(storageAccessTimeCounter, TUnit.TIME_MS,
TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.convert(storageLoadTimeNano, TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS));
public ImmutableList<String> loadDbList() throws TException {
return loadWithCaching("database list", DB_LIST_STATS_CATEGORY, DB_LIST_CACHE_KEY,
new Callable<ImmutableList<String>>() {
public ImmutableList<String> call() throws Exception {
TGetPartialCatalogObjectRequest req = newReqForCatalog();
req.catalog_info_selector.want_db_names = true;
TGetPartialCatalogObjectResponse resp = sendRequest(req);
checkResponse(resp.catalog_info != null && resp.catalog_info.db_names != null,
req, "missing table names");
return ImmutableList.copyOf(resp.catalog_info.db_names);
private TGetPartialCatalogObjectRequest newReqForCatalog() {
TGetPartialCatalogObjectRequest req = new TGetPartialCatalogObjectRequest();
req.object_desc = new TCatalogObject();
req.catalog_info_selector = new TCatalogInfoSelector();
return req;
private TGetPartialCatalogObjectRequest newReqForDb(String dbName) {
TGetPartialCatalogObjectRequest req = new TGetPartialCatalogObjectRequest();
req.object_desc = new TCatalogObject();
req.object_desc.db = new TDatabase(dbName);
req.db_info_selector = new TDbInfoSelector();
return req;
private TGetPartialCatalogObjectRequest newReqForFunction(String dbName,
String funcName) {
TGetPartialCatalogObjectRequest req = new TGetPartialCatalogObjectRequest();
req.object_desc = new TCatalogObject();
req.object_desc.fn = new TFunction(); = new TFunctionName(); = dbName; = funcName;
return req;
public Database loadDb(final String dbName) throws TException {
return loadWithCaching("database metadata for " + dbName,
new DbCacheKey(dbName, DbCacheKey.DbInfoType.HMS_METADATA),
new Callable<Database>() {
public Database call() throws Exception {
TGetPartialCatalogObjectRequest req = newReqForDb(dbName);
req.db_info_selector.want_hms_database = true;
TGetPartialCatalogObjectResponse resp = sendRequest(req);
checkResponse(resp.db_info != null && resp.db_info.hms_database != null,
req, "missing expected HMS database");
return resp.db_info.hms_database;
public ImmutableList<String> loadTableNames(final String dbName)
throws MetaException, UnknownDBException, TException {
return loadWithCaching("table names for database " + dbName,
new DbCacheKey(dbName, DbCacheKey.DbInfoType.TABLE_NAMES),
new Callable<ImmutableList<String>>() {
public ImmutableList<String> call() throws Exception {
TGetPartialCatalogObjectRequest req = newReqForDb(dbName);
req.db_info_selector.want_table_names = true;
TGetPartialCatalogObjectResponse resp = sendRequest(req);
checkResponse(resp.db_info != null && resp.db_info.table_names != null,
req, "missing expected table names");
return ImmutableList.copyOf(resp.db_info.table_names);
private TGetPartialCatalogObjectRequest newReqForTable(String dbName,
String tableName) {
TGetPartialCatalogObjectRequest req = new TGetPartialCatalogObjectRequest();
req.object_desc = new TCatalogObject();
req.object_desc.table = new TTable(dbName, tableName);
req.table_info_selector = new TTableInfoSelector();
return req;
private TGetPartialCatalogObjectRequest newReqForTable(TableMetaRef table) {
Preconditions.checkArgument(table instanceof TableMetaRefImpl,
"table ref %s was not created by CatalogdMetaProvider", table);
TGetPartialCatalogObjectRequest req = newReqForTable(
return req;
public Pair<Table, TableMetaRef> loadTable(final String dbName, final String tableName)
throws NoSuchObjectException, MetaException, TException {
// TODO(todd) need to lower case?
TableCacheKey cacheKey = new TableCacheKey(dbName, tableName);
TableMetaRefImpl ref = loadWithCaching(
"table metadata for " + dbName + "." + tableName,
new Callable<TableMetaRefImpl>() {
public TableMetaRefImpl call() throws Exception {
TGetPartialCatalogObjectRequest req = newReqForTable(dbName, tableName);
req.table_info_selector.want_hms_table = true;
TGetPartialCatalogObjectResponse resp = sendRequest(req);
checkResponse(resp.table_info != null && resp.table_info.hms_table != null,
req, "missing expected HMS table");
return new TableMetaRefImpl(
dbName, tableName, resp.table_info.hms_table, resp.object_version_number);
return Pair.create(ref.msTable_, (TableMetaRef)ref);
public List<ColumnStatisticsObj> loadTableColumnStatistics(final TableMetaRef table,
List<String> colNames) throws TException {
Stopwatch sw = new Stopwatch().start();
List<ColumnStatisticsObj> ret = Lists.newArrayListWithCapacity(colNames.size());
// Look up in cache first, keeping track of which ones are missing.
// We can't use 'loadWithCaching' since we need to fetch several entries batched
// in a single RPC to the catalog.
int negativeHitCount = 0;
List<String> missingCols = Lists.newArrayListWithCapacity(colNames.size());
for (String colName: colNames) {
ColStatsCacheKey cacheKey = new ColStatsCacheKey((TableMetaRefImpl)table, colName);
ColumnStatisticsObj val = (ColumnStatisticsObj) getIfPresent(cacheKey);
if (val == null) {
} else {
int hitCount = ret.size();
// Fetch and re-add those missing ones.
if (!missingCols.isEmpty()) {
TGetPartialCatalogObjectRequest req = newReqForTable(table);
req.table_info_selector.want_stats_for_column_names = missingCols;
TGetPartialCatalogObjectResponse resp = sendRequest(req);
checkResponse(resp.table_info != null && resp.table_info.column_stats != null,
req, "missing column stats");
Set<String> colsWithoutStats = new HashSet<>(missingCols);
for (ColumnStatisticsObj stats: resp.table_info.column_stats) {
cache_.put(new ColStatsCacheKey((TableMetaRefImpl)table, stats.getColName()),
// Cache negative entries for any that were not returned.
for (String missingColName: colsWithoutStats) {
cache_.put(new ColStatsCacheKey((TableMetaRefImpl)table, missingColName),
hitCount + negativeHitCount, missingCols.size(), sw);
LOG.trace("Request for column stats of {}: hit {}/ neg hit {} / miss {}",
table, hitCount, negativeHitCount, missingCols.size());
return ret;
private Object getIfPresent(Object cacheKey) throws TException {
Object existing = cache_.getIfPresent(cacheKey);
if (existing == null) return null;
if (!(existing instanceof Future)) return existing;
try {
return ((Future<Object>)existing).get();
} catch (InterruptedException | ExecutionException e) {
Throwables.propagateIfPossible(e, TException.class);
throw new RuntimeException(e);
public List<PartitionRef> loadPartitionList(final TableMetaRef table)
throws TException {
PartitionListCacheKey key = new PartitionListCacheKey((TableMetaRefImpl) table);
return (List<PartitionRef>) loadWithCaching("partition list for " + table,
PARTITION_LIST_STATS_CATEGORY, key, new Callable<List<PartitionRef>>() {
/** Called to load cache for cache misses */
public List<PartitionRef> call() throws Exception {
TGetPartialCatalogObjectRequest req = newReqForTable(table);
req.table_info_selector.want_partition_names = true;
TGetPartialCatalogObjectResponse resp = sendRequest(req);
checkResponse(resp.table_info != null && resp.table_info.partitions != null,
req, "missing partition list result");
List<PartitionRef> partitionRefs =
for (TPartialPartitionInfo p : resp.table_info.partitions) {
p.isSetId(), req, "response missing partition IDs for partition %s", p);
partitionRefs.add(new PartitionRefImpl(p));
return partitionRefs;
public Map<String, PartitionMetadata> loadPartitionsByRefs(TableMetaRef table,
List<String> partitionColumnNames,
ListMap<TNetworkAddress> hostIndex,
List<PartitionRef> partitionRefs)
throws MetaException, TException {
Preconditions.checkArgument(table instanceof TableMetaRefImpl);
TableMetaRefImpl refImpl = (TableMetaRefImpl)table;
Stopwatch sw = new Stopwatch().start();
// Load what we can from the cache.
Map<PartitionRef, PartitionMetadata> refToMeta = loadPartitionsFromCache(refImpl,
hostIndex, partitionRefs);
final int numHits = refToMeta.size();
final int numMisses = partitionRefs.size() - numHits;
// Load the remainder from the catalogd.
List<PartitionRef> missingRefs = new ArrayList<>();
for (PartitionRef ref: partitionRefs) {
if (!refToMeta.containsKey(ref)) missingRefs.add(ref);
if (!missingRefs.isEmpty()) {
Map<PartitionRef, PartitionMetadata> fromCatalogd = loadPartitionsFromCatalogd(
refImpl, hostIndex, missingRefs);
// Write back to the cache.
storePartitionsInCache(refImpl, hostIndex, fromCatalogd);
addStatsToProfile(PARTITIONS_STATS_CATEGORY, refToMeta.size(), numMisses, sw);
LOG.trace("Request for partitions of {}: hit {}/{}", table, refToMeta.size(),
// Convert the returned map to be by-name instead of by-ref.
Map<String, PartitionMetadata> nameToMeta = Maps.newHashMapWithExpectedSize(
for (Map.Entry<PartitionRef, PartitionMetadata> e: refToMeta.entrySet()) {
nameToMeta.put(e.getKey().getName(), e.getValue());
return nameToMeta;
* Load the specified partitions 'prefs' from catalogd. The partitions are made
* relative to the given 'hostIndex' before being returned.
private Map<PartitionRef, PartitionMetadata> loadPartitionsFromCatalogd(
TableMetaRefImpl table, ListMap<TNetworkAddress> hostIndex,
List<PartitionRef> partRefs) throws TException {
List<Long> ids = Lists.newArrayListWithCapacity(partRefs.size());
for (PartitionRef partRef: partRefs) {
TGetPartialCatalogObjectRequest req = newReqForTable(table);
req.table_info_selector.partition_ids = ids;
req.table_info_selector.want_partition_metadata = true;
req.table_info_selector.want_partition_files = true;
// TODO(todd): fetch incremental stats on-demand for compute-incremental-stats.
req.table_info_selector.want_partition_stats = true;
TGetPartialCatalogObjectResponse resp = sendRequest(req);
checkResponse(resp.table_info != null && resp.table_info.partitions != null,
req, "missing partition list result");
checkResponse(resp.table_info.network_addresses != null,
req, "missing network addresses");
checkResponse(resp.table_info.partitions.size() == ids.size(),
req, "returned %d partitions instead of expected %d",
resp.table_info.partitions.size(), ids.size());
Map<PartitionRef, PartitionMetadata> ret = new HashMap<>();
for (int i = 0; i < ids.size(); i++) {
PartitionRef partRef = partRefs.get(i);
TPartialPartitionInfo part = resp.table_info.partitions.get(i);
Partition msPart = part.getHms_partition();
if (msPart == null) {
checkResponse(table.msTable_.getPartitionKeysSize() == 0, req,
"Should not return a partition with missing HMS partition unless " +
"the table is unpartitioned");
msPart = DirectMetaProvider.msTableToPartition(table.msTable_);
// Transform the file descriptors to the caller's index.
checkResponse(part.file_descriptors != null, req, "missing file descriptors");
List<FileDescriptor> fds = Lists.newArrayListWithCapacity(
for (THdfsFileDesc thriftFd: part.file_descriptors) {
FileDescriptor fd = FileDescriptor.fromThrift(thriftFd);
// The file descriptors returned via the RPC use host indexes that reference
// the 'network_addresses' list in the RPC. However, the caller may have already
// loaded some addresses into 'hostIndex'. So, the returned FDs need to be
// remapped to point to the caller's 'hostIndex' instead of the list in the
// RPC response.
fds.add(fd.cloneWithNewHostIndex(resp.table_info.network_addresses, hostIndex));
PartitionMetadataImpl metaImpl = new PartitionMetadataImpl(msPart,
ImmutableList.copyOf(fds), part.getPartition_stats(),
checkResponse(partRef != null, req, "returned unexpected partition id %s",;
PartitionMetadata oldVal = ret.put(partRef, metaImpl);
if (oldVal != null) {
throw new RuntimeException("catalogd returned partition " + +
" multiple times");
return ret;
* Load all partitions from 'partitionRefs' that are currently present in the cache.
* Any partitions that miss the cache are left unset in the resulting map.
* The FileDescriptors of the resulting partitions are copied and made relative to
* the provided hostIndex.
private Map<PartitionRef, PartitionMetadata> loadPartitionsFromCache(
TableMetaRefImpl table, ListMap<TNetworkAddress> hostIndex,
List<PartitionRef> partitionRefs) throws TException {
Map<PartitionRef, PartitionMetadata> ret = Maps.newHashMapWithExpectedSize(
for (PartitionRef ref: partitionRefs) {
PartitionRefImpl prefImpl = (PartitionRefImpl)ref;
PartitionCacheKey cacheKey = new PartitionCacheKey(table, prefImpl.getId());
PartitionMetadataImpl val = (PartitionMetadataImpl)getIfPresent(cacheKey);
if (val == null) continue;
// The entry in the cache has file descriptors that are relative to the cache's
// host index, rather than the caller's host index. So, we need to transform them.
ret.put(ref, val.cloneRelativeToHostIndex(cacheHostIndex_, hostIndex));
return ret;
* Write back the partitions in 'metas' into the cache. The file descriptors in these
* partitions must be relative to the 'hostIndex'.
private void storePartitionsInCache(TableMetaRefImpl table,
ListMap<TNetworkAddress> hostIndex, Map<PartitionRef, PartitionMetadata> metas) {
for (Map.Entry<PartitionRef, PartitionMetadata> e: metas.entrySet()) {
PartitionRefImpl prefImpl = (PartitionRefImpl)e.getKey();
PartitionMetadataImpl metaImpl = (PartitionMetadataImpl)e.getValue();
PartitionCacheKey cacheKey = new PartitionCacheKey(table, prefImpl.getId());
PartitionMetadataImpl cacheVal = metaImpl.cloneRelativeToHostIndex(hostIndex,
cache_.put(cacheKey, cacheVal);
private static void checkResponse(boolean condition,
TGetPartialCatalogObjectRequest req, String msg, Object... args) throws TException {
if (condition) return;
throw new TException(String.format("Invalid response from catalogd for request " +
req.toString() + ": " + msg, args));
public String loadNullPartitionKeyValue() throws MetaException, TException {
return (String) loadWithCaching("null partition key value",
new Callable<String>() {
/** Called to load cache for cache misses */
public String call() throws Exception {
return directProvider_.loadNullPartitionKeyValue();
public List<String> loadFunctionNames(final String dbName) throws TException {
return loadWithCaching("function names for database " + dbName,
new DbCacheKey(dbName, DbCacheKey.DbInfoType.FUNCTION_NAMES),
new Callable<ImmutableList<String>>() {
public ImmutableList<String> call() throws Exception {
TGetPartialCatalogObjectRequest req = newReqForDb(dbName);
req.db_info_selector.want_function_names = true;
TGetPartialCatalogObjectResponse resp = sendRequest(req);
checkResponse(resp.db_info != null && resp.db_info.function_names != null,
req, "missing expected function names");
return ImmutableList.copyOf(resp.db_info.function_names);
public ImmutableList<Function> loadFunction(final String dbName,
final String functionName) throws TException {
ImmutableList<TFunction> thriftFuncs = loadWithCaching(
"function " + dbName + "." + functionName,
new FunctionsCacheKey(dbName, functionName),
new Callable<ImmutableList<TFunction>>() {
public ImmutableList<TFunction> call() throws Exception {
TGetPartialCatalogObjectRequest req = newReqForFunction(dbName, functionName);
TGetPartialCatalogObjectResponse resp = sendRequest(req);
checkResponse(resp.functions != null, req, "missing expected function");
return ImmutableList.copyOf(resp.functions);
// It may seem wasteful to cache the thrift function objects and then always
// convert them back to non-Thrift 'Functions' on every load. However, loading
// functions is rare enough and this ensures we don't accidentally leak something
// mutable back to the catalog layer. If this turns out to be a problem we can
// consider wrapping Function with an immutable 'FeFunction' interface.
ImmutableList.Builder<Function> funcs = ImmutableList.builder();
for (TFunction thriftFunc : thriftFuncs) {
* Invalidate portions of the cache as indicated by the provided request.
* This is called in two scenarios:
* 1) after a user DDL, the catalog returns a list of updated objects. This ensures
* that the impalad that issued the DDL can immediately invalidate its cache for the
* modified objects and will see the effects immediately.
* 2) catalog topic updates are received via the statestore. These topic updates
* indicate that the catalogd representation of the object has changed and therefore
* needs to be invalidated in the impalad.
public synchronized TUpdateCatalogCacheResponse updateCatalogCache(
TUpdateCatalogCacheRequest req) {
if (req.isSetCatalog_service_id()) {
// We might see a top-level catalog version number while visiting the objects. If so,
// we'll capture it here and process it down at the end after applying all other
// objects.
Long nextCatalogVersion = null;
ObjectUpdateSequencer authObjectSequencer = new ObjectUpdateSequencer();
Pair<Boolean, ByteBuffer> update;
while ((update = FeSupport.NativeGetNextCatalogObjectUpdate(req.native_iterator_ptr))
!= null) {
boolean isDelete = update.first;
TCatalogObject obj = new TCatalogObject();
try { TBinaryProtocol(new TByteBuffer(update.second)));
} catch (TException e) {
// TODO(todd) include the bad key here! currently the JNI bridge doesn't expose
// the key in any way.
LOG.warn("Unable to deserialize updated catalog info. Skipping cache " +
"invalidation which may result in stale metadata being used at this " +
"coordinator.", e);
if (isDelete) {
} else if (deletedObjectsLog_.wasObjectRemovedAfter(obj)) {
LOG.trace("Skipping update because a matching object was removed " +
"in a later catalog version: {}", obj);
// The sequencing of updates to authorization objects is important since they
// may be cross-referential. So, just add them to the sequencer which ensures
// we handle them in the right order later.
if (obj.type == TCatalogObjectType.PRINCIPAL ||
obj.type == TCatalogObjectType.PRIVILEGE ||
obj.type == TCatalogObjectType.AUTHZ_CACHE_INVALIDATION) {
authObjectSequencer.add(obj, isDelete);
// Handle CATALOG objects. These are sent only via the updates published via
// the statestore topic, and not via the synchronous updates returned from DDLs.
if (obj.type == TCatalogObjectType.CATALOG) {
// The top-level CATALOG object version is used to implement SYNC_DDL. We need
// to keep track of this and pass it back to the C++ code in the return value
// of this call. This is also used to know when the catalog is ready at
// startup.
nextCatalogVersion = obj.catalog_version;
long resetStartVersion = obj.catalog.last_reset_catalog_version;
if (lastResetCatalogVersion_.getAndSet(resetStartVersion) != resetStartVersion) {
// Detected a new reset() finishes in Catalogd, clear the cache in case some
// tables are skipped in this topic update.
for (TCatalogObject obj : authObjectSequencer.getUpdatedObjects()) {
updateAuthPolicy(obj, /*isDelete=*/false);
for (TCatalogObject obj : authObjectSequencer.getDeletedObjects()) {
updateAuthPolicy(obj, /*isDelete=*/true);
// NOTE: it's important to defer setting the new catalog version until the
// end of the loop, since the CATALOG object might be one of the first objects
// processed, and we don't want to prematurely indicate that we are done processing
// the update.
if (nextCatalogVersion != null) {
// NOTE: the return value is ignored when this function is called by a DDL
// operation.
synchronized (catalogServiceIdLock_) {
// Set catalog_object_version_lower_bound to lastResetCatalogVersion_ + 1. All
// catalog objects with catalog version <= lastResetCatalogVersion_ should have
// been invalidated. See more comments above the definition of
// lastResetCatalogVersion_.
return new TUpdateCatalogCacheResponse(catalogServiceId_,
lastResetCatalogVersion_.get() + 1, lastSeenCatalogVersion_.get());
private void updateAuthPolicy(TCatalogObject obj, boolean isDelete) {
LOG.trace("Updating authorization policy: {} isDelete={}", obj, isDelete);
switch (obj.type) {
if (!isDelete) {
Principal principal = Principal.fromThrift(obj.getPrincipal());
} else {
if (!isDelete) {
// TODO(todd): duplicate code from ImpaladCatalog.
PrincipalPrivilege privilege =
try {
} catch (CatalogException e) {
// TODO(todd) it's odd that we swallow this error, both here and in
// the original code in ImpaladCatalog.
LOG.error("Error adding privilege: ", e);
} else {
if (!isDelete) {
AuthzCacheInvalidation authzCacheInvalidation = new AuthzCacheInvalidation(
Preconditions.checkState(authzChecker_ != null);
} else {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("invalid type: " + obj.type);
* Witness a service ID received from the catalog. We can see the service IDs
* either from a DDL response (in which case the service ID is part of the RPC
* response object) or from a statestore topic update (in which case the service ID
* is part of the published CATALOG object).
* If we notice the service ID changed, we need to invalidate our cache.
private void witnessCatalogServiceId(TUniqueId serviceId) {
synchronized (catalogServiceIdLock_) {
if (!catalogServiceId_.equals(serviceId)) {
if (!catalogServiceId_.equals(Catalog.INITIAL_CATALOG_SERVICE_ID)) {
LOG.warn("Detected catalog service restart: service ID changed from " +
"{} to {}. Invalidating all cached metadata on this coordinator.",
catalogServiceId_, serviceId);
catalogServiceId_ = serviceId;
// TODO(todd): we probably need to invalidate the auth policy too.
// we are probably better off detecting this at a higher level and
// reinstantiating the metaprovider entirely, similar to how ImpaladCatalog
// handles this.
// TODO(todd): slight race here: a concurrent request from the old catalog
// could theoretically be just about to write something back into the cache
// after we do the above invalidate. Maybe we would be better off replacing
// the whole cache object, or doing a soft barrier here to wait for any
// concurrent cache accessors to cycle out. Another option is to associate
// the catalog service ID as part of all of the cache keys.
// This is quite unlikely to be an issue in practice, so deferring it to later
// clean-up.
* Invalidate items from the cache in response to seeing an updated catalog object
* from the catalogd or getting an error response from another request that indicates
* that the object has been removed.
void invalidateCacheForObject(TCatalogObject obj) {
List<String> invalidated = new ArrayList<>();
switch (obj.type) {
case TABLE:
case VIEW:
invalidateCacheForTable(obj.table.db_name, obj.table.tbl_name, invalidated);
// Currently adding or dropping a table doesn't send an invalidation for the
// DB, so we'll be coarse-grained here and invalidate the DB table list when
// any table change happens. It's relatively cheap to re-fetch this.
// Same as above: if we see a function, it might be new or deleted and we should
// refresh the list of functions in the DB to be safe.
if (obj.fn.hdfs_location != null) {
// After the coordinator creates a function, it will also receive an invalidation
// update for this function from the statestored's broadcast. We shouldn't remove
// the libcache entry for this case, just mark it as needs refresh. LibCache will
// refresh the cached file if its mtime changes in HDFS.
if (cache_.asMap().remove(DB_LIST_CACHE_KEY) != null) {
invalidated.add("list of database names");
invalidateCacheForDb(obj.db.db_name, ImmutableList.of(
DbCacheKey.DbInfoType.FUNCTION_NAMES), invalidated);
if (!invalidated.isEmpty()) {
LOG.debug("Invalidated objects in cache: {}", invalidated);
* Invalidate cached metadata of the given types for the given database. If anything
* was invalidated, adds a human-readable string to 'invalidated' indicating the
* invalidated metadata.
private void invalidateCacheForDb(String dbName, Iterable<DbCacheKey.DbInfoType> types,
List<String> invalidated) {
// TODO(todd) check whether we need to lower-case/canonicalize dbName?
for (DbCacheKey.DbInfoType type: types) {
DbCacheKey key = new DbCacheKey(dbName, type);
if (cache_.asMap().remove(key) != null) {
invalidated.add(type + " for DB " + dbName);
* Invalidate cached metadata for the given table. If anything was invalidated, adds
* a human-readable string to 'invalidated' indicating the invalidated metadata.
private void invalidateCacheForTable(String dbName, String tblName,
List<String> invalidated) {
// TODO(todd) check whether we need to lower-case/canonicalize dbName and tblName?
TableCacheKey key = new TableCacheKey(dbName, tblName);
if (cache_.asMap().remove(key) != null) {
invalidated.add("table " + dbName + "." + tblName);
* Invalidate cached metadata for the given function. If anything was invalidated, adds
* a human-readable string to 'invalidated' indicating the invalidated metadata.
private void invalidateCacheForFunction(String dbName, String functionName,
List<String> invalidated) {
// TODO(todd) check whether we need to lower-case/canonicalize names?
FunctionsCacheKey key = new FunctionsCacheKey(dbName, functionName);
if (cache_.asMap().remove(key) != null) {
invalidated.add("function " + dbName + "." + functionName);
* Reference to a partition within a table. We remember the partition's ID and pass
* that back to the catalog in subsequent requests back to fetch the details of the
* partition, since the ID is smaller than the name and provides a unique (not-reused)
* identifier.
private static class PartitionRefImpl implements PartitionRef {
@SuppressWarnings("Immutable") // Thrift objects are mutable, but we won't mutate it.
private final TPartialPartitionInfo info_;
public PartitionRefImpl(TPartialPartitionInfo p) {
this.info_ = Preconditions.checkNotNull(p);
public String getName() {
return info_.getName();
private long getId() {
public static class PartitionMetadataImpl implements PartitionMetadata {
private final Partition msPartition_;
private final ImmutableList<FileDescriptor> fds_;
private final byte[] partitionStats_;
private final boolean hasIncrementalStats_;
public PartitionMetadataImpl(Partition msPartition, ImmutableList<FileDescriptor> fds,
byte[] partitionStats, boolean hasIncrementalStats) {
this.msPartition_ = Preconditions.checkNotNull(msPartition);
this.fds_ = fds;
this.partitionStats_ = partitionStats;
this.hasIncrementalStats_ = hasIncrementalStats;
* Clone this metadata object, but make it relative to 'dstIndex' instead of
* 'origIndex'.
public PartitionMetadataImpl cloneRelativeToHostIndex(
ListMap<TNetworkAddress> origIndex,
ListMap<TNetworkAddress> dstIndex) {
List<FileDescriptor> fds = Lists.newArrayListWithCapacity(fds_.size());
for (FileDescriptor fd: fds_) {
fds.add(fd.cloneWithNewHostIndex(origIndex.getList(), dstIndex));
return new PartitionMetadataImpl(msPartition_, ImmutableList.copyOf(fds),
partitionStats_, hasIncrementalStats_);
public Partition getHmsPartition() {
return msPartition_;
public ImmutableList<FileDescriptor> getFileDescriptors() {
return fds_;
public byte[] getPartitionStats() { return partitionStats_; }
public boolean hasIncrementalStats() { return hasIncrementalStats_; }
* A reference to a table that has been looked up, allowing callers to fetch further
* detailed information. This is is more extensive than just the table name so that
* we can provide a consistency check that the catalog version doesn't change in
* between calls.
private static class TableMetaRefImpl implements TableMetaRef {
private final String dbName_;
private final String tableName_;
* Stash the HMS Table object since we need this in order to handle some strange
* behavior whereby the catalogd returns a Partition with no HMS partition object
* in the case of unpartitioned tables.
private final Table msTable_;
* The version of the table when we first loaded it. Subsequent requests about
* the table are verified against this version.
private final long catalogVersion_;
public TableMetaRefImpl(String dbName, String tableName,
Table msTable, long catalogVersion) {
this.dbName_ = dbName;
this.tableName_ = tableName;
this.msTable_ = msTable;
this.catalogVersion_ = catalogVersion;
public String toString() {
return String.format("TableMetaRef %s.%s@%d", dbName_, tableName_, catalogVersion_);
* Base class for cache key for a named item within a database (eg table or function).
private static class DbChildCacheKey {
final String dbName_;
final String childName_;
protected DbChildCacheKey(String dbName, String childName) {
this.dbName_ = dbName;
this.childName_ = childName;
public int hashCode() {
return Objects.hashCode(dbName_, childName_, getClass());
public boolean equals(Object obj) {
if (obj == null || !obj.getClass().equals(getClass())) {
return false;
DbChildCacheKey other = (DbChildCacheKey)obj;
return childName_.equals(other.childName_) &&
* Base class for cache keys related to a specific table. Such keys are explicitly
* invalidated by 'invalidateCacheForTable' above.
private static class TableCacheKey extends DbChildCacheKey {
TableCacheKey(String dbName, String tableName) {
super(dbName, tableName);
* Cache key for a the set of overloads of a function given a name.
* Invalidated by 'invalidateCacheForFunction' above.
* Values are ImmutableList<TFunction>.
private static class FunctionsCacheKey extends DbChildCacheKey {
FunctionsCacheKey(String dbName, String funcName) {
super(dbName, funcName);
* Base class for cache keys that are tied to a particular version of a table.
* These keys are never explicitly invalidated. Instead, we rely on the fact that,
* when the table is updated, it has a new version number. This results in making
* previous entries for earlier versions of the table essentially unreachable in the
* cache. They will age out over time as no queries access them.
private static class VersionedTableCacheKey extends TableCacheKey {
* The catalog version number of the Table object. Including the version number in
* the cache key ensures that, if the version number changes, any dependent entities
* are "automatically" invalidated.
final long version_;
VersionedTableCacheKey(TableMetaRefImpl table) {
super(table.dbName_, table.tableName_);
version_ = table.catalogVersion_;
public int hashCode() {
return Objects.hashCode(super.hashCode(), version_);
public boolean equals(Object obj) {
if (obj == null || !(obj.getClass().equals(getClass()))) {
return false;
VersionedTableCacheKey other = (VersionedTableCacheKey)obj;
return super.equals(obj) && version_ == other.version_;
* Cache key for an entry storing column statistics.
* Values for these keys are 'ColumnStatisticsObj' objects.
private static class ColStatsCacheKey extends VersionedTableCacheKey {
private final String colName_;
public ColStatsCacheKey(TableMetaRefImpl table, String colName) {
colName_ = colName;
public int hashCode() {
return Objects.hashCode(super.hashCode(), colName_);
public boolean equals(Object obj) {
if (obj == null || !(obj instanceof ColStatsCacheKey)) {
return false;
ColStatsCacheKey other = (ColStatsCacheKey)obj;
return super.equals(obj) && colName_.equals(other.colName_);
* Cache key for the partition list of a table.
* Values for these keys are 'List<PartitionRefImpl>'.
private static class PartitionListCacheKey extends VersionedTableCacheKey {
PartitionListCacheKey(TableMetaRefImpl table) {
* Key for caching information about a single partition.
* TODO(todd): currently this inherits from VersionedTableCacheKey. This means that, if
* a table's version number changes, all of its partitions must be reloaded. However,
* since partition IDs are globally unique within a catalogd instance, we could
* optimize this to just key based on the partition ID. However, currently, there are
* some cases where partitions are mutated in place rather than replaced with a new ID.
* We need to eliminate those or add a partition sequence number before we can make
* this optimization.
private static class PartitionCacheKey extends VersionedTableCacheKey {
private final long partId_;
PartitionCacheKey(TableMetaRefImpl table, long partId) {
partId_ = partId;
public int hashCode() {
return Objects.hashCode(super.hashCode(), partId_);
public boolean equals(Object obj) {
if (obj == null || !(obj instanceof PartitionCacheKey)) {
return false;
PartitionCacheKey other = (PartitionCacheKey)obj;
return super.equals(obj) && partId_ == other.partId_;
* Cache key for metadata about databases.
private static class DbCacheKey {
static enum DbInfoType {
/** Cache the HMS Database object */
/** Cache an ImmutableList<String> for table names within the DB */
/** Cache an ImmutableList<String> for function names within the DB */
private final String dbName_;
private final DbInfoType type_;
DbCacheKey(String dbName, DbInfoType type) {
dbName_ = Preconditions.checkNotNull(dbName);
type_ = Preconditions.checkNotNull(type);
public int hashCode() {
return Objects.hashCode(getClass(), dbName_, type_);
public boolean equals(Object obj) {
if (this == obj) return true;
if (obj == null) return false;
if (getClass() != obj.getClass()) return false;
DbCacheKey other = (DbCacheKey) obj;
return dbName_.equals(other.dbName_) && type_ == other.type_;
static class SizeOfWeigher implements Weigher<Object, Object> {
// Bypass flyweight objects like small boxed integers, Boolean.TRUE, enums, etc.
private static final boolean BYPASS_FLYWEIGHT = true;
// Cache the reflected sizes of classes seen.
private static final boolean CACHE_SIZES = true;
private static SizeOf SIZEOF = SizeOf.newInstance(BYPASS_FLYWEIGHT, CACHE_SIZES);
private static final int BYTES_PER_WORD = 8; // Assume 64-bit VM.
// Guava cache overhead based on:
private static final int OVERHEAD_PER_ENTRY =
12 * BYTES_PER_WORD + // base cost per entry
4 * BYTES_PER_WORD; // for use of 'maximumSize()'
public int weigh(Object key, Object value) {
long size = SIZEOF.deepSizeOf(key, value) + OVERHEAD_PER_ENTRY;
if (size > Integer.MAX_VALUE) {
return Integer.MAX_VALUE;
return (int)size;