blob: daaff57356455d7b63ef6831fe4cde5ef8128ea4 [file] [log] [blame]
# Scanning an unpartitioned Parquet table with complex types plans ok.
select s.f1 from functional_parquet.complextypes_fileformat t, t.a
---- PLAN
| row-size=24B cardinality=unavailable
| | row-size=24B cardinality=10
| |
| | row-size=24B cardinality=1
| |
| 03:UNNEST [t.a]
| row-size=0B cardinality=10
00:SCAN HDFS [functional_parquet.complextypes_fileformat t]
partitions=1/1 files=1 size=1.22KB
predicates: !empty(t.a)
row-size=24B cardinality=unavailable
# Scanning an unpartitioned ORC table with complex types plans ok.
select 1 from functional_orc_def.complextypes_fileformat t, t.a
---- PLAN
| row-size=12B cardinality=unavailable
| | row-size=12B cardinality=10
| |
| | row-size=12B cardinality=1
| |
| 03:UNNEST [t.a]
| row-size=0B cardinality=10
00:SCAN HDFS [functional_orc_def.complextypes_fileformat t]
partitions=1/1 files=1 size=621B
predicates: !empty(t.a)
row-size=12B cardinality=unavailable
# Complex types are not supported on Avro.
select s.f1 from functional_avro_snap.complextypes_fileformat t, t.a
---- PLAN
NotImplementedException: Scan of table 't' in format 'AVRO' is not supported because the table has a column 's' with a complex type 'STRUCT<f1:STRING,f2:INT>'.
Complex types are supported for these file formats: PARQUET, ORC.
# Complex types are not supported on text files.
select s.f1 from functional.complextypes_fileformat t, t.a
---- PLAN
NotImplementedException: Scan of table 't' in format 'TEXT' is not supported because the table has a column 's' with a complex type 'STRUCT<f1:STRING,f2:INT>'.
Complex types are supported for these file formats: PARQUET, ORC.
# Complex types are not supported on text files, even if no complex-typed
# columns are selected.
select 1 from functional.complextypes_fileformat
---- PLAN
NotImplementedException: Scan of table 'functional.complextypes_fileformat' in format 'TEXT' is not supported because the table has a column 's' with a complex type 'STRUCT<f1:STRING,f2:INT>'.
Complex types are supported for these file formats: PARQUET, ORC.
# Complex types are not supported on RC files.
select 1 from functional_rc_snap.complextypes_fileformat t, t.a
---- PLAN
NotImplementedException: Scan of table 't' in format 'RC_FILE' is not supported because the table has a column 's' with a complex type 'STRUCT<f1:STRING,f2:INT>'.
Complex types are supported for these file formats: PARQUET, ORC.
select s.f1 from functional_rc_snap.complextypes_fileformat t, t.m
---- PLAN
NotImplementedException: Scan of table 't' in format 'RC_FILE' is not supported because the table has a column 's' with a complex type 'STRUCT<f1:STRING,f2:INT>'.
Complex types are supported for these file formats: PARQUET, ORC.
# Complex types are not supported on RC files, however queries materializing
# only scalar type columns are allowed.
select id from functional_rc_snap.complextypes_fileformat
---- PLAN
00:SCAN HDFS [functional_rc_snap.complextypes_fileformat]
partitions=1/1 files=1 size=212B
row-size=4B cardinality=unavailable
# Complex types are not supported on RC files but count(*) and similar
# queries should work.
select count(*) from functional_rc_snap.complextypes_fileformat
---- PLAN
| output: count(*)
| row-size=8B cardinality=1
00:SCAN HDFS [functional_rc_snap.complextypes_fileformat]
partitions=1/1 files=1 size=212B
row-size=0B cardinality=unavailable
# Complex types are not supported on sequence files.
select s.f1 from functional_seq_snap.complextypes_fileformat t, t.a
---- PLAN
NotImplementedException: Scan of table 't' in format 'SEQUENCE_FILE' is not supported because the table has a column 's' with a complex type 'STRUCT<f1:STRING,f2:INT>'.
Complex types are supported for these file formats: PARQUET, ORC.
# Queries referencing only scalar typed columns on sequence files
# are allowed.
select id from functional_seq_snap.complextypes_fileformat
---- PLAN
00:SCAN HDFS [functional_seq_snap.complextypes_fileformat]
partitions=1/1 files=1 size=281B
row-size=4B cardinality=unavailable
# Scanning all partitions fails because there are partitions with a file format for which
# complex types are not supported. The error message is abbreviated because it is
# non-deterministic which partition will be checked first. Complete error messages
# can be seen in tests below.
select s.f1 from functional.complextypes_multifileformat t, t.a
---- PLAN
NotImplementedException: Scan of partition
# Scanning an HBase table with complex-types columns is ok as long as no complex-typed
# columns are selected.
select id from functional_hbase.allcomplextypes
---- PLAN
00:SCAN HBASE [functional_hbase.allcomplextypes]
row-size=4B cardinality=1
# Scanning an HBase table with complex-types columns fails if a complex-typed
# column is selected.
select id from functional_hbase.allcomplextypes t, t.int_array_col
---- PLAN
NotImplementedException: Scan of table 't.int_array_col' is not supported because 't' references a nested field/collection.
Complex types are supported for these file formats: PARQUET, ORC.
# Scanning an HBase table with complex-types columns fails if a complex-typed
# column is selected.
select complex_struct_col.f1 from functional_hbase.allcomplextypes
---- PLAN
NotImplementedException: Scan of table 'functional_hbase.allcomplextypes.complex_struct_col.f1' is not supported because 'functional_hbase.allcomplextypes' references a nested field/collection.
Complex types are supported for these file formats: PARQUET, ORC.
# The complextypes_multifileformat has five partitions with different file formats:
# p=1 text
# p=2 parquet
# p=3 avro
# p=4 rc
# p=5 orc
# Scanning a text partition of a multi-format table with complex types fails.
select 1 from functional.complextypes_multifileformat where p = 1
---- PLAN
NotImplementedException: Scan of partition 'p=1' in format 'TEXT' of table 'functional.complextypes_multifileformat' is not supported because the table has a column 's' with a complex type 'STRUCT<f1:STRING,f2:INT>'.
Complex types are supported for these file formats: PARQUET, ORC.
# Scanning a Parquet partition of a multi-format table with complex types plans ok.
select s.f1 from functional.complextypes_multifileformat t, t.a where p = 2
---- PLAN
| row-size=24B cardinality=unavailable
| | row-size=24B cardinality=10
| |
| | row-size=24B cardinality=1
| |
| 03:UNNEST [t.a]
| row-size=0B cardinality=10
00:SCAN HDFS [functional.complextypes_multifileformat t]
partition predicates: p = 2
partitions=1/5 files=1 size=128B
predicates: !empty(t.a)
row-size=24B cardinality=unavailable
# Scanning an Avro partition of a multi-format table with complex types fails.
select s.f1 from functional.complextypes_multifileformat t, t.a where p = 3
---- PLAN
NotImplementedException: Scan of partition 'p=3' in format 'AVRO' of table 't' is not supported because the table has a column 's' with a complex type 'STRUCT<f1:STRING,f2:INT>'.
Complex types are supported for these file formats: PARQUET, ORC.
# Scanning an RC file partition of a multi-format table with complex types fails.
select id from functional.complextypes_multifileformat t, t.a where p = 4
---- PLAN
NotImplementedException: Scan of partition 'p=4' in format 'RC_FILE' of table 't' is not supported because the table has a column 's' with a complex type 'STRUCT<f1:STRING,f2:INT>'.
Complex types are supported for these file formats: PARQUET, ORC.
# Complex types are not supported on RC files but count(*) and similar
# queries should work.
select count(*) from functional.complextypes_multifileformat where p = 4
---- PLAN
| output: count(*)
| row-size=8B cardinality=1
00:SCAN HDFS [functional.complextypes_multifileformat]
partition predicates: p = 4
partitions=1/5 files=1 size=128B
row-size=0B cardinality=unavailable
# Scanning an ORC file partition of a multi-format table with complex types plans ok.
select id from functional.complextypes_multifileformat t, t.a where p = 5
---- PLAN
| row-size=16B cardinality=unavailable
| | row-size=16B cardinality=10
| |
| | row-size=16B cardinality=1
| |
| 03:UNNEST [t.a]
| row-size=0B cardinality=10
00:SCAN HDFS [functional.complextypes_multifileformat t]
partition predicates: p = 5
partitions=1/5 files=1 size=128B
predicates: !empty(t.a)
row-size=16B cardinality=unavailable