blob: a056150571a18f3d4a541f7cb74c4e77f91d7605 [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
// KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
// specific language governing permissions and limitations
// under the License.
#include <math.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <limits>
#include <map>
#include <string>
#include <boost/algorithm/string.hpp>
#include <boost/date_time/c_local_time_adjustor.hpp>
#include <boost/date_time/posix_time/posix_time.hpp>
#include <boost/lexical_cast.hpp>
#include <boost/regex.hpp>
#include <boost/scoped_ptr.hpp>
#include <boost/unordered_map.hpp>
#include <openssl/sha.h>
#include "codegen/llvm-codegen.h"
#include "common/init.h"
#include "common/object-pool.h"
#include "exprs/ai-functions.inline.h"
#include "exprs/anyval-util.h"
#include "exprs/is-null-predicate.h"
#include "exprs/like-predicate.h"
#include "exprs/literal.h"
#include "exprs/null-literal.h"
#include "exprs/scalar-expr-evaluator.h"
#include "exprs/scalar-expr.h"
#include "exprs/string-functions.h"
#include "exprs/timestamp-functions.h"
#include "exprs/timezone_db.h"
#include "gen-cpp/Exprs_types.h"
#include "gen-cpp/ImpalaInternalService_types.h"
#include "gen-cpp/hive_metastore_types.h"
#include "rpc/thrift-client.h"
#include "rpc/thrift-server.h"
#include "runtime/date-value.h"
#include "runtime/mem-pool.h"
#include "runtime/mem-tracker.h"
#include "runtime/multi-precision.h"
#include "runtime/raw-value.inline.h"
#include "runtime/runtime-state.h"
#include "runtime/string-value.h"
#include "runtime/timestamp-parse-util.h"
#include "runtime/timestamp-value.h"
#include "runtime/timestamp-value.inline.h"
#include "service/fe-support.h"
#include "service/impala-server.h"
#include "statestore/statestore.h"
#include "testutil/gtest-util.h"
#include "testutil/impalad-query-executor.h"
#include "testutil/in-process-servers.h"
#include "udf/udf-test-harness.h"
#include "util/asan.h"
#include "util/debug-util.h"
#include "util/decimal-util.h"
#include "util/metrics.h"
#include "util/openssl-util.h"
#include "util/string-parser.h"
#include "util/string-util.h"
#include "util/test-info.h"
#include "utility-functions.h"
#include "gutil/strings/strcat.h"
#include "common/names.h"
namespace posix_time = boost::posix_time;
using boost::bad_lexical_cast;
using boost::date_time::c_local_adjustor;
using boost::posix_time::from_time_t;
using boost::posix_time::ptime;
using boost::posix_time::to_tm;
using std::numeric_limits;
using namespace Apache::Hadoop::Hive;
using namespace impala;
namespace impala {
// America/Anguilla timezone does not observe DST.
// Use this timezone in tests where DST changes may cause problems.
const char* TEST_TZ_WITHOUT_DST = "America/Anguilla";
scoped_ptr<ImpaladQueryExecutor> executor_;
scoped_ptr<MetricGroup> statestore_metrics(new MetricGroup("statestore_metrics"));
Statestore* statestore;
template <typename ORIGINAL_TYPE, typename VAL_TYPE>
string LiteralToString(VAL_TYPE val) {
return lexical_cast<string>(val);
string LiteralToString<float, float>(float val) {
stringstream ss;
ss << "cast("
<< lexical_cast<string>(val)
<< " as float)";
return ss.str();
string LiteralToString<float, double>(double val) {
stringstream ss;
ss << "cast("
<< lexical_cast<string>(val)
<< " as float)";
return ss.str();
string LiteralToString<double, double>(double val) {
stringstream ss;
ss << "cast("
<< lexical_cast<string>(val)
<< " as double)";
return ss.str();
// For writing C++ std::strings as impala literals, we have to ensure that characters like
// single-quote are escaped properly. To do this, we escape every character into its octal
// equivalent: \PQR for some octal digits P, Q, and R. Currently, this only works for
// ASCII literals.
string StringToOctalLiteral(const string& s) {
string result(4 * s.size(), 0);
for (int i = 0; i < s.size(); ++i) {
result[4 * i] = '\\';
result[4 * i + 1] = '0' + (s[i] / 64);
result[4 * i + 2] = '0' + ((s[i] / 8) % 8);
result[4 * i + 3] = '0' + (s[i] % 8);
return result;
// Override the time zone for the duration of the scope. The time zone is overridden
// using an environment variable there is no risk of making a permanent system change
// and no special permissions are needed. This is not thread-safe.
class ScopedTimeZoneOverride {
ScopedTimeZoneOverride(const char* tz_name)
: original_tz_name_(getenv("TZ")),
new_tz_(TimezoneDatabase::FindTimezone(new_tz_name_)) {
EXPECT_NE(nullptr, new_tz_) << "Could not find " << new_tz_name_ << " time zone.";
setenv("TZ", new_tz_name_, true);
~ScopedTimeZoneOverride() {
if (original_tz_name_ == nullptr) {
} else {
setenv("TZ", original_tz_name_, true);
const Timezone& GetTimezone() const { return *new_tz_; }
const char* const original_tz_name_;
const char* const new_tz_name_;
const Timezone* new_tz_;
class ScopedExecOption {
ImpaladQueryExecutor* executor_;
ScopedExecOption(ImpaladQueryExecutor* executor, string option_string)
: executor_(executor) {
~ScopedExecOption() {
class ExprTest : public testing::TestWithParam<std::tuple<bool, bool>> {
// Run once (independent of parameter values).
static void SetUpTestCase() {
// The host running this test might have an out-of-date tzdata package installed.
// To avoid tzdata related issues, we will load time-zone db from the testdata
// directory.
FLAGS_hdfs_zone_info_zip = Substitute("file://$0/testdata/tzdb/",
// Disable llvm optimization passes if the env var is no set to true. Running without
// the optimizations makes the tests run much faster.
char* optimizations = getenv("EXPR_TEST_ENABLE_OPTIMIZATIONS");
if (optimizations != NULL && strcmp(optimizations, "true") == 0) {
cout << "Running with optimization passes." << endl;
FLAGS_disable_optimization_passes = false;
} else {
cout << "Running without optimization passes." << endl;
FLAGS_disable_optimization_passes = true;
// Create an in-process Impala server and in-process backends for test environment
// without any startup validation check
FLAGS_abort_on_config_error = false;
VLOG_CONNECTION << "creating test env";
VLOG_CONNECTION << "starting backends";
statestore = new Statestore(statestore_metrics.get());
// Pass in 0 to have the statestore use an ephemeral port for the service.
InProcessImpalaServer* impala_server;
FLAGS_hostname, statestore->port(), &impala_server));
new ImpaladQueryExecutor(FLAGS_hostname, impala_server->GetBeeswaxPort()));
static void TearDownTestCase() {
// Teardown before global destructors to avoid a race where JvmMetricCache is
// destroyed before the last query is closed.
// Pool for objects to be destroyed during test teardown.
ObjectPool pool_;
// Maps from enum value of primitive integer type to the minimum value that is
// outside of the next smaller-resolution type. For example the value for type
// TYPE_SMALLINT is numeric_limits<int8_t>::max()+1. There is a GREATEST test in
// the MathFunctions tests that requires this to be an ordered map.
typedef map<int, int64_t> IntValMap;
IntValMap min_int_values_;
// Maps from primitive float type to smallest positive value that is larger
// than the largest value of the next smaller-resolution type.
typedef unordered_map<int, double> FloatValMap;
FloatValMap min_float_values_;
// Maps from enum value of primitive type to a string representation of a default
// value for testing. For int and float types the strings represent the corresponding
// min values (in the maps above). For non-numeric types the default values are listed
// below.
unordered_map<int, string> default_type_strs_;
string default_bool_str_;
string default_string_str_;
string default_timestamp_str_;
string default_decimal_str_;
string default_date_str_;
// Corresponding default values.
bool default_bool_val_;
string default_string_val_;
TimestampValue default_timestamp_val_;
DateValue default_date_val_;
bool disable_codegen_;
bool enable_expr_rewrites_;
virtual void SetUp() {
disable_codegen_ = std::get<0>(GetParam());
enable_expr_rewrites_ = std::get<1>(GetParam());
LOG(INFO) << Substitute(
"Test case: disable_codegen=$0 enable_expr_rewrites=$1",
disable_codegen_, enable_expr_rewrites_);
disable_codegen_ ? 1 : 0));
enable_expr_rewrites_ ? 1 : 0));
// The following have no effect when codegen is disabled, but don't
// harm anything either. They generally prevent the planner from doing
// anything clever here.
// Some tests select rows that take a long time to materialize (e.g.
// "select length(unhex(repeat('a', 1024 * 1024 * 1024)))") so set the client fetch
// timeout to a high value.
min_int_values_[TYPE_TINYINT] = 1;
min_int_values_[TYPE_SMALLINT] =
static_cast<int64_t>(numeric_limits<int8_t>::max()) + 1;
min_int_values_[TYPE_INT] = static_cast<int64_t>(numeric_limits<int16_t>::max()) + 1;
min_int_values_[TYPE_BIGINT] =
static_cast<int64_t>(numeric_limits<int32_t>::max()) + 1;
min_float_values_[TYPE_FLOAT] = 1.1;
min_float_values_[TYPE_DOUBLE] =
static_cast<double>(numeric_limits<float>::max()) + 1.1;
// Set up default test types, values, and strings.
default_bool_str_ = "false";
default_string_str_ = "'abc'";
default_timestamp_str_ = "cast('2011-01-01 09:01:01' as timestamp)";
default_decimal_str_ = "1.23";
default_date_str_ = "cast('2011-01-01' as date)";
default_bool_val_ = false;
default_string_val_ = "abc";
default_timestamp_val_ = TimestampValue::FromUnixTime(1293872461, UTCPTR);
default_date_val_ = DateValue(2011, 1, 1);
default_type_strs_[TYPE_TINYINT] =
default_type_strs_[TYPE_SMALLINT] =
default_type_strs_[TYPE_INT] =
default_type_strs_[TYPE_BIGINT] =
// Don't use lexical cast here because it results
// in a string 1.1000000000000001 that messes up the tests.
stringstream ss;
ss << "cast("
<< lexical_cast<string>(min_float_values_[TYPE_FLOAT]) << " as float)";
default_type_strs_[TYPE_FLOAT] = ss.str();
ss << "cast("
<< lexical_cast<string>(min_float_values_[TYPE_FLOAT]) << " as double)";
default_type_strs_[TYPE_DOUBLE] = ss.str();
default_type_strs_[TYPE_BOOLEAN] = default_bool_str_;
default_type_strs_[TYPE_STRING] = default_string_str_;
default_type_strs_[TYPE_TIMESTAMP] = default_timestamp_str_;
default_type_strs_[TYPE_DECIMAL] = default_decimal_str_;
default_type_strs_[TYPE_DATE] = default_date_str_;
virtual void TearDown() { pool_.Clear(); }
string GetValue(const string& expr, const ColumnType& expr_type,
bool expect_error = false) {
string stmt = "select " + expr;
vector<FieldSchema> result_types;
Status status = executor_->Exec(stmt, &result_types);
if (!status.ok()) {
EXPECT_TRUE(expect_error) << "stmt: " << stmt << "\nerror: " << status.GetDetail();
return "";
string result_row;
status = executor_->FetchResult(&result_row);
if (expect_error) {
EXPECT_FALSE(status.ok()) << "Expected error\nstmt: " << stmt;
return "";
EXPECT_TRUE(status.ok()) << "stmt: " << stmt << "\nerror: " << status.GetDetail();
string odbcType = TypeToOdbcString(expr_type.ToThrift());
// ColumnType cannot be BINARY, so STRING is used instead.
string expectedType =
result_types[0].type == "binary" ? "string" : result_types[0].type;
EXPECT_EQ(odbcType, expectedType) << expr;
return result_row;
template <typename T>
T ConvertValue(const string& value);
void TestStringValue(const string& expr, const string& expected_result) {
EXPECT_EQ(expected_result, GetValue(expr, ColumnType(TYPE_STRING))) << expr;
// Tests that DST of the given timezone ends at 3am
void TestAusDSTEndingForEastTimeZone(const string& time_zone);
void TestAusDSTEndingForCentralTimeZone(const string& time_zone);
void TestCharValue(const string& expr, const string& expected_result,
const ColumnType& type) {
EXPECT_EQ(expected_result, GetValue(expr, type)) << expr;
string TestStringValueRegex(const string& expr, const string& regex) {
const string results = GetValue(expr, ColumnType(TYPE_STRING));
static const boost::regex e(regex);
const bool is_regex_match = regex_match(results, e);
return results;
void TestLastDayFunction() {
// Test common months (with and without time component).
TestTimestampValue("last_day('2003-01-02 04:24:04.1579')",
TimestampValue::ParseSimpleDateFormat("2003-01-31 00:00:00", 19));
TimestampValue::ParseSimpleDateFormat("2003-02-28 00:00:00"));
TestTimestampValue("last_day('2003-03-02 03:21:12.0058')",
TimestampValue::ParseSimpleDateFormat("2003-03-31 00:00:00"));
TimestampValue::ParseSimpleDateFormat("2003-04-30 00:00:00"));
TimestampValue::ParseSimpleDateFormat("2003-05-31 00:00:00"));
TimestampValue::ParseSimpleDateFormat("2003-06-30 00:00:00"));
TestTimestampValue("last_day('2003-07-02 00:01:01.125')",
TimestampValue::ParseSimpleDateFormat("2003-07-31 00:00:00"));
TimestampValue::ParseSimpleDateFormat("2003-08-31 00:00:00"));
TimestampValue::ParseSimpleDateFormat("2003-09-30 00:00:00"));
TimestampValue::ParseSimpleDateFormat("2003-10-31 00:00:00"));
TestTimestampValue("last_day('2003-11-02 12:30:16')",
TimestampValue::ParseSimpleDateFormat("2003-11-30 00:00:00"));
TimestampValue::ParseSimpleDateFormat("2003-12-31 00:00:00"));
// Test leap years and special cases.
TimestampValue::ParseSimpleDateFormat("2004-02-29 00:00:00"));
TimestampValue::ParseSimpleDateFormat("2008-02-29 00:00:00"));
TimestampValue::ParseSimpleDateFormat("2000-02-29 00:00:00"));
TimestampValue::ParseSimpleDateFormat("1900-02-28 00:00:00"));
TimestampValue::ParseSimpleDateFormat("2100-02-28 00:00:00"));
// Test corner cases.
TestTimestampValue("last_day('1400-01-01 00:00:00')",
TimestampValue::ParseSimpleDateFormat("1400-01-31 00:00:00"));
TestTimestampValue("last_day('9999-12-31 23:59:59')",
TimestampValue::ParseSimpleDateFormat("9999-12-31 00:00:00"));
// Test invalid input.
TestIsNull("last_day('12202010')", TYPE_TIMESTAMP);
TestIsNull("last_day('')", TYPE_TIMESTAMP);
TestIsNull("last_day(NULL)", TYPE_TIMESTAMP);
TestIsNull("last_day('02-13-2014')", TYPE_TIMESTAMP);
TestIsNull("last_day('00:00:00')", TYPE_TIMESTAMP);
void TestNextDayFunction() {
// Sequential test cases
TimestampValue::ParseSimpleDateFormat("2016-05-08 00:00:00", 19));
TimestampValue::ParseSimpleDateFormat("2016-05-02 00:00:00", 19));
TimestampValue::ParseSimpleDateFormat("2016-05-03 00:00:00", 19));
TimestampValue::ParseSimpleDateFormat("2016-05-04 00:00:00", 19));
TimestampValue::ParseSimpleDateFormat("2016-05-05 00:00:00", 19));
TimestampValue::ParseSimpleDateFormat("2016-05-06 00:00:00", 19));
TimestampValue::ParseSimpleDateFormat("2016-05-07 00:00:00", 19));
// Random test cases
TimestampValue::ParseSimpleDateFormat("1910-01-23 00:00:00", 19));
TestTimestampValue("next_day('1916-06-05', 'SUN')",
TimestampValue::ParseSimpleDateFormat("1916-06-11 00:00:00", 19));
TimestampValue::ParseSimpleDateFormat("1932-11-14 00:00:00", 19));
TimestampValue::ParseSimpleDateFormat("1933-09-18 00:00:00", 19));
TimestampValue::ParseSimpleDateFormat("1934-03-27 00:00:00", 19));
TimestampValue::ParseSimpleDateFormat("1954-03-02 00:00:00", 19));
TimestampValue::ParseSimpleDateFormat("1965-04-21 00:00:00", 19));
TimestampValue::ParseSimpleDateFormat("1966-08-31 00:00:00", 19));
TimestampValue::ParseSimpleDateFormat("1968-07-25 00:00:00", 19));
TimestampValue::ParseSimpleDateFormat("1969-05-29 00:00:00", 19));
TimestampValue::ParseSimpleDateFormat("1989-10-13 00:00:00", 19));
TimestampValue::ParseSimpleDateFormat("1973-10-05 00:00:00", 19));
TimestampValue::ParseSimpleDateFormat("2000-03-04 00:00:00", 19));
TimestampValue::ParseSimpleDateFormat("2013-04-13 00:00:00", 19));
TimestampValue::ParseSimpleDateFormat("2013-12-28 00:00:00", 19));
// Explicit timestamp conversion tests
TestTimestampValue("next_day(to_timestamp('12-27-2008', 'MM-dd-yyyy'), 'moN')",
TimestampValue::ParseSimpleDateFormat("2008-12-29 00:00:00", 19));
TestTimestampValue("next_day(to_timestamp('2007-20-10 11:22', 'yyyy-dd-MM HH:mm'),\
'TUeSdaY')", TimestampValue::ParseSimpleDateFormat("2007-10-23 11:22:00", 19));
TestTimestampValue("next_day(to_timestamp('18-11-2070 09:12', 'dd-MM-yyyy HH:mm'),\
'WeDneSdaY')", TimestampValue::ParseSimpleDateFormat("2070-11-19 09:12:00", 19));
TestTimestampValue("next_day(to_timestamp('12-1900-05', 'dd-yyyy-MM'), 'tHurSday')",
TimestampValue::ParseSimpleDateFormat("1900-05-17 00:00:00", 19));
TestTimestampValue("next_day(to_timestamp('08-1987-21', 'MM-yyyy-dd'), 'FRIDAY')",
TimestampValue::ParseSimpleDateFormat("1987-08-28 00:00:00", 19));
TestTimestampValue("next_day(to_timestamp('02-04-2001', 'dd-MM-yyyy'), 'SAT')",
TimestampValue::ParseSimpleDateFormat("2001-04-07 00:00:00", 19));
TestTimestampValue("next_day(to_timestamp('1970-01-31 00:00:00',\
'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss'), 'SunDay')",
TimestampValue::ParseSimpleDateFormat("1970-02-01 00:00:00", 19));
// Invalid input: unacceptable date parameter
TestIsNull("next_day('12202010','Saturday')", TYPE_TIMESTAMP);
TestIsNull("next_day('2011 02 11','thu')", TYPE_TIMESTAMP);
TestIsNull("next_day('09-19-2012xyz','monDay')", TYPE_TIMESTAMP);
TestIsNull("next_day('000000000000000','wed')", TYPE_TIMESTAMP);
TestIsNull("next_day('hell world!','fRiDaY')", TYPE_TIMESTAMP);
TestIsNull("next_day('t1c7t0c9','sunDAY')", TYPE_TIMESTAMP);
TestIsNull("next_day(NULL ,'sunDAY')", TYPE_TIMESTAMP);
// Invalid input: wrong weekday parameter
for (const string& day: { "s", "SA", "satu", "not-a-day" }) {
const string expr = "next_day('2013-12-25','" + day + "')";
TestError("next_day('2013-12-25', NULL)");
TestError("next_day(NULL, NULL)");
// This macro adds a scoped trace to provide the line number of the caller upon failure.
#define EXPECT_BETWEEN(start, value, end) { \
ExpectBetween(start, value, end); \
template <typename T>
void ExpectBetween(T start, T value, T end) {
EXPECT_LE(start, value);
EXPECT_LE(value, end);
// Test conversions of Timestamps to and from string/int with values related to the
// Unix epoch. The caller should set the current time zone before calling.
// 'unix_time_at_local_epoch' should be the expected value of the Unix time when it
// was 1970-01-01 in the current time zone. 'local_time_at_unix_epoch' should be the
// local time at the Unix epoch (1970-01-01 UTC).
void TestTimestampUnixEpochConversions(int64_t unix_time_at_local_epoch,
string local_time_at_unix_epoch) {
TestValue("unix_timestamp(cast('" + local_time_at_unix_epoch + "' as timestamp))",
TestValue("unix_timestamp('" + local_time_at_unix_epoch + "')", TYPE_BIGINT, 0);
TestValue("unix_timestamp('" + local_time_at_unix_epoch +
"', 'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss')", TYPE_BIGINT, 0);
TestValue("unix_timestamp('1970-01-01', 'yyyy-MM-dd')", TYPE_BIGINT,
TestValue("unix_timestamp('1970-01-01 10:10:10', 'yyyy-MM-dd')", TYPE_BIGINT,
TestValue("unix_timestamp('" + local_time_at_unix_epoch
+ " extra text', 'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss')", TYPE_BIGINT, 0);
TestStringValue("cast(cast(0 as timestamp) as string)", local_time_at_unix_epoch);
TestStringValue("cast(cast(0 as timestamp) as string)", local_time_at_unix_epoch);
TestStringValue("from_unixtime(0)", local_time_at_unix_epoch);
TestStringValue("from_unixtime(cast(0 as bigint))", local_time_at_unix_epoch);
TestIsNull("from_unixtime(NULL)", TYPE_STRING);
TestStringValue("from_unixtime(0, 'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss')",
TestStringValue("from_unixtime(cast(0 as bigint), 'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss')",
TestStringValue("from_unixtime(" + lexical_cast<string>(unix_time_at_local_epoch)
+ ", 'yyyy-MM-dd')", "1970-01-01");
TestStringValue("from_unixtime(cast(" + lexical_cast<string>(unix_time_at_local_epoch)
+ " as bigint), 'yyyy-MM-dd')", "1970-01-01");
TestIsNull("to_timestamp(NULL)", TYPE_TIMESTAMP);
TestIsNull("to_timestamp(NULL, 'yyyy-MM-dd')", TYPE_TIMESTAMP);
TestIsNull("from_timestamp(NULL, 'yyyy-MM-dd')", TYPE_STRING);
TestStringValue("cast(to_timestamp(" + lexical_cast<string>(unix_time_at_local_epoch)
+ ") as string)", "1970-01-01 00:00:00");
TestStringValue("cast(to_timestamp('1970-01-01 00:00:00', 'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss') \
as string)", "1970-01-01 00:00:00");
TestStringValue("from_timestamp('1970-01-01 00:00:00', 'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss')",
"1970-01-01 00:00:00");
// Verify that output of 'query' has the same precision and scale as 'expected_type'.
// 'query' is an expression, optionally followed by a from clause which is needed
// for testing aggregate expressions.
void TestDecimalResultType(const string& query, const ColumnType& expected_type) {
// For the case with from clause, we need to generate the "typeof query" by first
// extracting the select list.
size_t from_offset = query.find("from");
string typeof_query;
if (from_offset != string::npos) {
int query_len = query.length();
typeof_query = "typeof(" + query.substr(0, from_offset) + ")" +
query.substr(from_offset, query_len - from_offset);
} else {
typeof_query = "typeof(" + query + ")";
const string typeof_result = GetValue(typeof_query, ColumnType(TYPE_STRING));
EXPECT_EQ(expected_type.DebugString(), typeof_result) << typeof_query;
// Decimals don't work with TestValue.
// TODO: figure out what operators need to be implemented to work with EXPECT_EQ
template<typename T>
void TestDecimalValue(const string& query, const T& expected_result,
const ColumnType& expected_type) {
// Verify precision and scale of the expression match the expected type.
TestDecimalResultType(query, expected_type);
// Verify the expression result matches the expected result, for the given the
// precision and scale.
const string value = GetValue(query, expected_type);
StringParser::ParseResult result;
// These require that we've passed the correct type to StringToDecimal(), so these
// results are valid only when TestDecimalResultType() succeeded.
switch (expected_type.GetByteSize()) {
case 4:
EXPECT_EQ(expected_result.value(), StringParser::StringToDecimal<int32_t>(, value.size(), expected_type, false, &result).value()) << query;
case 8:
EXPECT_EQ(expected_result.value(), StringParser::StringToDecimal<int64_t>(, value.size(), expected_type, false, &result).value()) << query;
case 16:
EXPECT_EQ(expected_result.value(), StringParser::StringToDecimal<int128_t>(, value.size(), expected_type, false, &result).value()) << query;
EXPECT_TRUE(false) << expected_type << " " << expected_type.GetByteSize();
EXPECT_EQ(result, StringParser::PARSE_SUCCESS);
template <class T> void TestValue(const string& expr, PrimitiveType expr_type,
const T& expected_result) {
return TestValue(expr, ColumnType(expr_type), expected_result);
template <class T> void TestValue(const string& expr, const ColumnType& expr_type,
const T& expected_result) {
const string result = GetValue(expr, expr_type);
switch (expr_type.type) {
EXPECT_EQ(expected_result, ConvertValue<bool>(result)) << expr;
EXPECT_EQ(expected_result, ConvertValue<int8_t>(result)) << expr;
EXPECT_EQ(expected_result, ConvertValue<int16_t>(result)) << expr;
case TYPE_INT:
EXPECT_EQ(expected_result, ConvertValue<int32_t>(result)) << expr;
EXPECT_EQ(expected_result, ConvertValue<int64_t>(result)) << expr;
case TYPE_FLOAT: {
// Converting the float back from a string is inaccurate so convert
// the expected result to a string.
// In case the expected_result was passed in as an int or double, convert it.
string expected_str;
float expected_float;
expected_float = static_cast<float>(expected_result);
RawValue::PrintValue(reinterpret_cast<const void*>(&expected_float),
ColumnType(TYPE_FLOAT), -1, &expected_str);
EXPECT_EQ(expected_str, result) << expr;
string expected_str;
double expected_double;
expected_double = static_cast<double>(expected_result);
RawValue::PrintValue(reinterpret_cast<const void*>(&expected_double),
ColumnType(TYPE_DOUBLE), -1, &expected_str);
EXPECT_EQ(expected_str, result) << expr;
ASSERT_TRUE(false) << "invalid TestValue() type: " << expr_type;
void TestIsNull(const string& expr, PrimitiveType expr_type) {
return TestIsNull(expr, ColumnType(expr_type));
void TestIsNull(const string& expr, const ColumnType& expr_type) {
EXPECT_TRUE(GetValue(expr, expr_type) == "NULL") << expr;
template <class T>
void TestValueOrError(const string& expr, PrimitiveType expr_type,
const T& expected_result, bool expect_error) {
if (expect_error) {
} else {
TestValue(expr, expr_type, expected_result);
void TestIsNotNull(const string& expr, PrimitiveType expr_type) {
return TestIsNotNull(expr, ColumnType(expr_type));
void TestIsNotNull(const string& expr, const ColumnType& expr_type) {
EXPECT_TRUE(GetValue(expr, expr_type) != "NULL") << expr;
void TestError(const string& expr) {
GetValue(expr, ColumnType(INVALID_TYPE), /* expect_error */ true);
void TestNonOkStatus(const string& expr) {
string stmt = "select " + expr;
vector<FieldSchema> result_types;
Status status = executor_->Exec(stmt, &result_types);
ASSERT_FALSE(status.ok()) << "stmt: " << stmt << "\nunexpected Status::OK.";
// "Execute 'expr' and check that the returned error ends with 'error_string'"
void TestErrorString(const string& expr, const string& error_string) {
string stmt = "select " + expr;
vector<FieldSchema> result_types;
string result_row;
Status status = executor_->Exec(stmt, &result_types);
status = executor_->FetchResult(&result_row);
ASSERT_TRUE(EndsWith(status.msg().msg(), error_string)) << "Actual: '"
<< status.msg().msg() << "'" << endl << "Expected: '" << error_string << "'";
template <typename T> void TestFixedPointComparisons(bool test_boundaries) {
int64_t t_min = numeric_limits<T>::min();
int64_t t_max = numeric_limits<T>::max();
TestComparison(lexical_cast<string>(t_min), lexical_cast<string>(t_max), true);
TestBinaryPredicates(lexical_cast<string>(t_min), true);
TestBinaryPredicates(lexical_cast<string>(t_max), true);
if (test_boundaries) {
// this requires a cast of the second operand to a higher-resolution type
TestComparison(lexical_cast<string>(t_min - 1),
lexical_cast<string>(t_max), true);
// this requires a cast of the first operand to a higher-resolution type
lexical_cast<string>(t_max + 1), true);
template <typename T> void TestFloatingPointComparisons(bool test_boundaries) {
// t_min is the smallest positive value
T t_min = numeric_limits<T>::min();
T t_max = numeric_limits<T>::max();
TestComparison(lexical_cast<string>(t_min), lexical_cast<string>(t_max), true);
TestComparison(lexical_cast<string>(-1.0 * t_max), lexical_cast<string>(t_max), true);
TestBinaryPredicates(lexical_cast<string>(t_min), true);
TestBinaryPredicates(lexical_cast<string>(t_max), true);
if (test_boundaries) {
// this requires a cast of the second operand to a higher-resolution type
TestComparison(lexical_cast<string>(numeric_limits<T>::min() - 1),
lexical_cast<string>(numeric_limits<T>::max()), true);
// this requires a cast of the first operand to a higher-resolution type
lexical_cast<string>(numeric_limits<T>::max() + 1), true);
// Compare nan: not equal to, larger than or smaller than anything, including itself
TestValue(lexical_cast<string>(t_min) + " < 0/0", TYPE_BOOLEAN, false);
TestValue(lexical_cast<string>(t_min) + " > 0/0", TYPE_BOOLEAN, false);
TestValue(lexical_cast<string>(t_min) + " = 0/0", TYPE_BOOLEAN, false);
TestValue(lexical_cast<string>(t_max) + " < 0/0", TYPE_BOOLEAN, false);
TestValue(lexical_cast<string>(t_max) + " > 0/0", TYPE_BOOLEAN, false);
TestValue(lexical_cast<string>(t_max) + " = 0/0", TYPE_BOOLEAN, false);
TestValue("0/0 < 0/0", TYPE_BOOLEAN, false);
TestValue("0/0 > 0/0", TYPE_BOOLEAN, false);
TestValue("0/0 = 0/0", TYPE_BOOLEAN, false);
// Compare inf: larger than everything except nan (or smaller, for -inf)
TestValue(lexical_cast<string>(t_max) + " < 1/0", TYPE_BOOLEAN, true);
TestValue(lexical_cast<string>(t_min) + " > -1/0", TYPE_BOOLEAN, true);
TestValue("1/0 = 1/0", TYPE_BOOLEAN, true);
TestValue("1/0 < 0/0", TYPE_BOOLEAN, false);
TestValue("0/0 < 1/0", TYPE_BOOLEAN, false);
void TestStringComparisons(string string_type) {
string abc = "cast('abc' as " + string_type + ")";
string abcd = "cast('abcd' as " + string_type + ")";
string empty = "cast('' as " + string_type + ")";
TestValue<bool>(abc + " = " + abc, TYPE_BOOLEAN, true);
TestValue<bool>(abc + " = " + abcd, TYPE_BOOLEAN, false);
TestValue<bool>(abc + " != " + abcd, TYPE_BOOLEAN, true);
TestValue<bool>(abc + " != " + abc, TYPE_BOOLEAN, false);
TestValue<bool>(abc + " < " + abcd, TYPE_BOOLEAN, true);
TestValue<bool>(abcd + " < " + abc, TYPE_BOOLEAN, false);
TestValue<bool>(abcd + " < " + abcd, TYPE_BOOLEAN, false);
TestValue<bool>(abc + " > " + abcd, TYPE_BOOLEAN, false);
TestValue<bool>(abcd + " > " + abc, TYPE_BOOLEAN, true);
TestValue<bool>(abcd + " > " + abcd, TYPE_BOOLEAN, false);
TestValue<bool>(abc + " <= " + abcd, TYPE_BOOLEAN, true);
TestValue<bool>(abcd + " <= " + abc, TYPE_BOOLEAN, false);
TestValue<bool>(abcd + " <= " + abcd, TYPE_BOOLEAN, true);
TestValue<bool>(abc + " >= " + abcd, TYPE_BOOLEAN, false);
TestValue<bool>(abcd + " >= " + abc, TYPE_BOOLEAN, true);
TestValue<bool>(abcd + " >= " + abcd, TYPE_BOOLEAN, true);
// Test some empty strings
TestValue<bool>(abcd + " >= " + empty, TYPE_BOOLEAN, true);
TestValue<bool>(empty + " > " + empty, TYPE_BOOLEAN, false);
TestValue<bool>(empty + " = " + empty, TYPE_BOOLEAN, true);
void TestDecimalComparisons() {
TestValue("1.23 = 1.23", TYPE_BOOLEAN, true);
TestValue("1.23 = 1.230", TYPE_BOOLEAN, true);
TestValue("1.23 = 1.234", TYPE_BOOLEAN, false);
TestValue("1.23 != 1.234", TYPE_BOOLEAN, true);
TestValue("1.23 < 1.234", TYPE_BOOLEAN, true);
TestValue("1.23 > 1.234", TYPE_BOOLEAN, false);
TestValue("1.23 = 1.230000000000000000000", TYPE_BOOLEAN, true);
// Some values are too precise to be stored to full precision as doubles, but not too
// precise to be stored as decimals.
static const string not_too_precise = "1.25";
// The closest double to 'too_precise' is 1.25 - the string as written cannot be
// preresented exactly as a double.
static const string too_precise = "1.250000000000000000001";
"cast(" + not_too_precise + " as double) != cast(" + too_precise + " as double)",
TestValue(not_too_precise + " != " + too_precise, TYPE_BOOLEAN, true);
TestValue("cast(" + not_too_precise + " as double) IS DISTINCT FROM cast(" +
too_precise + " as double)",
TestValue(not_too_precise + " IS DISTINCT FROM " + too_precise, TYPE_BOOLEAN, true);
TestValue("cast(" + not_too_precise + " as double) IS NOT DISTINCT FROM cast(" +
too_precise + " as double)",
not_too_precise + " IS NOT DISTINCT FROM " + too_precise, TYPE_BOOLEAN, false);
"cast(" + not_too_precise + " as double) <=> cast(" + too_precise + " as double)",
TestValue(not_too_precise + " <=> " + too_precise, TYPE_BOOLEAN, false);
TestValue("cast(1 as decimal(38,0)) = cast(1 as decimal(38,37))", TYPE_BOOLEAN, true);
TestValue("cast(1 as decimal(38,0)) = cast(0.1 as decimal(38,38))",
TestValue("cast(1 as decimal(38,0)) > cast(0.1 as decimal(38,38))",
TestBinaryPredicates("cast(1 as decimal(8,0))", false);
TestBinaryPredicates("cast(1 as decimal(10,0))", false);
TestBinaryPredicates("cast(1 as decimal(38,0))", false);
// Test comparison operators with a left or right NULL operand against op.
void TestNullComparison(const string& op) {
// NULL as right operand.
TestIsNull(op + " = NULL", TYPE_BOOLEAN);
TestIsNull(op + " != NULL", TYPE_BOOLEAN);
TestIsNull(op + " <> NULL", TYPE_BOOLEAN);
TestIsNull(op + " < NULL", TYPE_BOOLEAN);
TestIsNull(op + " > NULL", TYPE_BOOLEAN);
TestIsNull(op + " <= NULL", TYPE_BOOLEAN);
TestIsNull(op + " >= NULL", TYPE_BOOLEAN);
// NULL as left operand.
TestIsNull("NULL = " + op, TYPE_BOOLEAN);
TestIsNull("NULL != " + op, TYPE_BOOLEAN);
TestIsNull("NULL <> " + op, TYPE_BOOLEAN);
TestIsNull("NULL < " + op, TYPE_BOOLEAN);
TestIsNull("NULL > " + op, TYPE_BOOLEAN);
TestIsNull("NULL <= " + op, TYPE_BOOLEAN);
TestIsNull("NULL >= " + op, TYPE_BOOLEAN);
void TestTimestampValue(const string& expr, const TimestampValue& expected_result);
void TestValidTimestampValue(const string& expr);
void TestDateValue(const string& expr, const DateValue& expected_result);
// Test IS DISTINCT FROM operator and its variants
void TestDistinctFrom() {
static const string operators[] = {"<=>", "IS DISTINCT FROM", "IS NOT DISTINCT FROM"};
static const string types[] = {"Boolean", "TinyInt", "SmallInt", "Int", "BigInt",
"Float", "Double", "String", "Timestamp", "Decimal"};
static const string operands1[] = {
"true", "cast(1 as TinyInt)", "cast(1 as SmallInt)", "cast(1 as Int)",
"cast(1 as BigInt)", "cast(1 as Float)", "cast(1 as Double)",
"'this is a string'", "cast(1 as TimeStamp)", "cast(1 as Decimal)"
static const string operands2[] = {
"false", "cast(2 as TinyInt)", "cast(2 as SmallInt)", "cast(2 as Int)",
"cast(2 as BigInt)", "cast(2 as Float)", "cast(2 as Double)",
"'this is ALSO a string'", "cast(2 as TimeStamp)", "cast(2 as Decimal)"
for (int i = 0; i < sizeof(operators) / sizeof(string); ++i) {
// "IS DISTINCT FROM" and "<=>" are generalized equality, and
// this fact is recorded in is_equal.
const bool is_equal = operators[i] != "IS DISTINCT FROM";
// Everything IS NOT DISTINCT FROM itself.
for (int j = 0; j < sizeof(types) / sizeof(string); ++j) {
const string operand = "cast(NULL as " + types[j] + ")";
TestValue(StrCat(operand, " ", operators[i], " ", operand), TYPE_BOOLEAN,
for (int j = 0; j < sizeof(operands1) / sizeof(string); ++j) {
TestValue(operands1[j] + ' ' + operators[i] + ' ' + operands1[j], TYPE_BOOLEAN,
// NULL IS DISTINCT FROM all non-null things.
for (int j = 0; j < sizeof(operands1) / sizeof(string); ++j) {
TestValue("NULL " + operators[i] + ' ' + operands1[j], TYPE_BOOLEAN, !is_equal);
TestValue(operands1[j] + ' ' + operators[i] + " NULL", TYPE_BOOLEAN, !is_equal);
// Non-null values can be DISTINCT.
for (int j = 0; j < sizeof(operands1) / sizeof(string); ++j) {
TestValue(operands1[j] + ' ' + operators[i] + ' ' + operands2[j], TYPE_BOOLEAN,
// Test comparison operators with a left or right NULL operand on all types.
void TestNullComparisons() {
unordered_map<int, string>::iterator def_iter;
for(def_iter = default_type_strs_.begin(); def_iter != default_type_strs_.end();
++def_iter) {
// Generate all possible tests for combinations of <smaller> <op> <larger>.
// Also test conversions from strings.
void TestComparison(const string& smaller, const string& larger, bool compare_strings) {
// disabled for now, because our implicit casts from strings are broken
// and might return analysis errors when they shouldn't
// TODO: fix and re-enable tests
compare_strings = false;
string eq_pred = smaller + " = " + larger;
TestValue(eq_pred, TYPE_BOOLEAN, false);
if (compare_strings) {
eq_pred = smaller + " = '" + larger + "'";
TestValue(eq_pred, TYPE_BOOLEAN, false);
string ne_pred = smaller + " != " + larger;
TestValue(ne_pred, TYPE_BOOLEAN, true);
if (compare_strings) {
ne_pred = smaller + " != '" + larger + "'";
TestValue(ne_pred, TYPE_BOOLEAN, true);
string ne2_pred = smaller + " <> " + larger;
TestValue(ne2_pred, TYPE_BOOLEAN, true);
if (compare_strings) {
ne2_pred = smaller + " <> '" + larger + "'";
TestValue(ne2_pred, TYPE_BOOLEAN, true);
string lt_pred = smaller + " < " + larger;
TestValue(lt_pred, TYPE_BOOLEAN, true);
if (compare_strings) {
lt_pred = smaller + " < '" + larger + "'";
TestValue(lt_pred, TYPE_BOOLEAN, true);
string le_pred = smaller + " <= " + larger;
TestValue(le_pred, TYPE_BOOLEAN, true);
if (compare_strings) {
le_pred = smaller + " <= '" + larger + "'";
TestValue(le_pred, TYPE_BOOLEAN, true);
string gt_pred = smaller + " > " + larger;
TestValue(gt_pred, TYPE_BOOLEAN, false);
if (compare_strings) {
gt_pred = smaller + " > '" + larger + "'";
TestValue(gt_pred, TYPE_BOOLEAN, false);
string ge_pred = smaller + " >= " + larger;
TestValue(ge_pred, TYPE_BOOLEAN, false);
if (compare_strings) {
ge_pred = smaller + " >= '" + larger + "'";
TestValue(ge_pred, TYPE_BOOLEAN, false);
// Generate all possible tests for combinations of <value> <op> <value>
// Also test conversions from strings.
void TestBinaryPredicates(const string& value, bool compare_strings) {
// disabled for now, because our implicit casts from strings are broken
// and might return analysis errors when they shouldn't
// TODO: fix and re-enable tests
compare_strings = false;
string eq_pred = value + " = " + value;
TestValue(eq_pred, TYPE_BOOLEAN, true);
if (compare_strings) {
eq_pred = value + " = '" + value + "'";
TestValue(eq_pred, TYPE_BOOLEAN, true);
string ne_pred = value + " != " + value;
TestValue(ne_pred, TYPE_BOOLEAN, false);
if (compare_strings) {
ne_pred = value + " != '" + value + "'";
TestValue(ne_pred, TYPE_BOOLEAN, false);
string ne2_pred = value + " <> " + value;
TestValue(ne2_pred, TYPE_BOOLEAN, false);
if (compare_strings) {
ne2_pred = value + " <> '" + value + "'";
TestValue(ne2_pred, TYPE_BOOLEAN, false);
string lt_pred = value + " < " + value;
TestValue(lt_pred, TYPE_BOOLEAN, false);
if (compare_strings) {
lt_pred = value + " < '" + value + "'";
TestValue(lt_pred, TYPE_BOOLEAN, false);
string le_pred = value + " <= " + value;
TestValue(le_pred, TYPE_BOOLEAN, true);
if (compare_strings) {
le_pred = value + " <= '" + value + "'";
TestValue(le_pred, TYPE_BOOLEAN, true);
string gt_pred = value + " > " + value;
TestValue(gt_pred, TYPE_BOOLEAN, false);
if (compare_strings) {
gt_pred = value + " > '" + value + "'";
TestValue(gt_pred, TYPE_BOOLEAN, false);
string ge_pred = value + " >= " + value;
TestValue(ge_pred, TYPE_BOOLEAN, true);
if (compare_strings) {
ge_pred = value + " >= '" + value + "'";
TestValue(ge_pred, TYPE_BOOLEAN, true);
template <typename T> void TestFixedPointLimits(const ColumnType& type) {
// cast to non-char type first, otherwise we might end up interpreting
// the min/max as an ascii value
int64_t t_min = numeric_limits<T>::min();
int64_t t_max = numeric_limits<T>::max();
TestValue(lexical_cast<string>(t_min), type, numeric_limits<T>::min());
TestValue(lexical_cast<string>(t_max), type, numeric_limits<T>::max());
template <typename T> void TestFloatingPointLimits(const ColumnType& type) {
// numeric_limits<>::min() is the smallest positive value
TestValue(lexical_cast<string>(numeric_limits<T>::min()), type,
TestValue(lexical_cast<string>(-1.0 * numeric_limits<T>::min()), type,
-1.0 * numeric_limits<T>::min());
TestValue(lexical_cast<string>(-1.0 * numeric_limits<T>::max()), type,
-1.0 * numeric_limits<T>::max());
TestValue(lexical_cast<string>(numeric_limits<T>::max() - 1.0), type,
// Test ops that that always promote to a fixed type (e.g., next higher
// resolution type): ADD, SUBTRACT, MULTIPLY, DIVIDE.
// Note that adding the " " when generating the expression is not just cosmetic.
// We have "--" as a comment element in our lexer,
// so subtraction of a negative value will be ignored without " ".
template <typename LeftOp, typename RightOp, typename Result>
void TestFixedResultTypeOps(LeftOp a, RightOp b, const ColumnType& expected_type) {
Result cast_a = static_cast<Result>(a);
Result cast_b = static_cast<Result>(b);
string a_str = LiteralToString<Result>(cast_a);
string b_str = LiteralToString<Result>(cast_b);
TestValue(a_str + " + " + b_str, expected_type,
ArithmeticUtil::Compute<std::plus>(cast_a, cast_b));
TestValue(a_str + " - " + b_str, expected_type,
ArithmeticUtil::Compute<std::minus>(cast_a, cast_b));
TestValue(a_str + " * " + b_str, expected_type,
ArithmeticUtil::Compute<std::multiplies>(cast_a, cast_b));
TestValue(a_str + " / " + b_str, TYPE_DOUBLE,
static_cast<double>(a) / static_cast<double>(b));
// Test int ops that promote to assignment compatible type: BITAND, BITOR, BITXOR,
// As a convention we use RightOp as the higher resolution type.
template <typename LeftOp, typename RightOp>
void TestVariableResultTypeIntOps(LeftOp a, RightOp b,
const ColumnType& expected_type) {
RightOp cast_a = static_cast<RightOp>(a);
RightOp cast_b = static_cast<RightOp>(b);
string a_str = lexical_cast<string>(static_cast<int64_t>(a));
string b_str = lexical_cast<string>(static_cast<int64_t>(b));
TestValue(a_str + " & " + b_str, expected_type, cast_a & cast_b);
TestValue(a_str + " | " + b_str, expected_type, cast_a | cast_b);
TestValue(a_str + " ^ " + b_str, expected_type, cast_a ^ cast_b);
// Exclusively use b of type RightOp for unary op BITNOT.
TestValue("~" + b_str, expected_type, ~cast_b);
TestValue(a_str + " DIV " + b_str, expected_type, cast_a / cast_b);
TestValue(a_str + " % " + b_str, expected_type, cast_a % cast_b);
// Test ops that that always promote to a fixed type with NULL operands:
// We need CastType to make lexical_cast work properly for low-resolution types.
template <typename NonNullOp, typename CastType>
void TestNullOperandFixedResultTypeOps(NonNullOp op, const ColumnType& expected_type) {
CastType cast_op = static_cast<CastType>(op);
string op_str = LiteralToString<CastType>(cast_op);
// NULL as right operand.
TestIsNull(op_str + " + NULL", expected_type);
TestIsNull(op_str + " - NULL", expected_type);
TestIsNull(op_str + " * NULL", expected_type);
TestIsNull(op_str + " / NULL", TYPE_DOUBLE);
// NULL as left operand.
TestIsNull("NULL + " + op_str, expected_type);
TestIsNull("NULL - " + op_str, expected_type);
TestIsNull("NULL * " + op_str, expected_type);
TestIsNull("NULL / " + op_str, TYPE_DOUBLE);
// Test binary int ops with NULL as left or right operand:
template <typename NonNullOp>
void TestNullOperandVariableResultTypeIntOps(NonNullOp op,
const ColumnType& expected_type) {
string op_str = lexical_cast<string>(static_cast<int64_t>(op));
// NULL as right operand.
TestIsNull(op_str + " & NULL", expected_type);
TestIsNull(op_str + " | NULL", expected_type);
TestIsNull(op_str + " ^ NULL", expected_type);
TestIsNull(op_str + " DIV NULL", expected_type);
TestIsNull(op_str + " % NULL", expected_type);
// NULL as left operand.
TestIsNull("NULL & " + op_str, expected_type);
TestIsNull("NULL | " + op_str, expected_type);
TestIsNull("NULL ^ " + op_str, expected_type);
TestIsNull("NULL DIV " + op_str, expected_type);
TestIsNull("NULL % " + op_str, expected_type);
// Test all binary ops with both operands being NULL.
// We expect such exprs to return TYPE_INT.
void TestNullOperandsArithmeticOps() {
TestIsNull("NULL & NULL", TYPE_INT);
TestIsNull("NULL | NULL", TYPE_INT);
TestIsNull("NULL ^ NULL", TYPE_INT);
TestIsNull("~NULL", TYPE_INT);
// Test factorial operator.
void TestFactorialArithmeticOp() {
// Basic exprs
TestValue("4!", TYPE_BIGINT, 24);
TestValue("0!", TYPE_BIGINT, 1);
TestValue("-20!", TYPE_BIGINT, 1);
TestValue("20!", TYPE_BIGINT, 2432902008176640000); // Largest valid value
TestError("21!"); // Overflow
// Compound exprs
TestValue("4 + (3!)", TYPE_BIGINT, 10);
// TestValue("5 + 3!", TYPE_BIGINT, 11); disabled b/c IMPALA-2149
TestValue("4! + 3", TYPE_BIGINT, 27);
TestValue("-1!", TYPE_BIGINT, 1); // Prefix takes precedence
// ! = should not be parsed as not equal operator
TestValue("4! = 25", TYPE_BOOLEAN, false);
// != should be parsed as a single token to avoid wacky behavior
TestValue("1 != 1", TYPE_BOOLEAN, false);
// Check factorial function exists as alias
TestValue("factorial(3!)", TYPE_BIGINT, 720);
template<typename T>
TimestampValue CreateTestTimestamp(T val);
// Parse the given string representation of a value into 'val' of type T.
// Returns false on parse failure.
template<class T>
bool ParseString(const string& str, T* val);
// Create a Literal expression out of 'str'. Adds the returned literal to pool_.
Literal* CreateLiteral(const ColumnType& type, const string& str);
Literal* CreateLiteral(PrimitiveType type, const string& str);
// Helper function for LiteralConstruction test. Creates a Literal expression
// of 'type' from 'str' and verifies it compares equally to 'value'.
template <typename T>
void TestSingleLiteralConstruction(
const ColumnType& type, const T& value, const string& string_val);
template <typename T>
void TestSingleLiteralConstruction(
PrimitiveType type, const T& value, const string& string_val);
// Test casting stmt to all types. 'min_integer_size' is the byte size of the smallest
// signed integer expected to be able to hold the value. 'float_out_of_range' should be
// set to true if the value does not fit in a single precision float. The expected
// result is 'val' for the types that can hold the value and error for other types.
template<typename T>
void TestCast(const string& stmt, T val, int min_integer_size = 1,
bool float_out_of_range = false, bool timestamp_out_of_range = false) {
TestValue("cast(" + stmt + " as boolean)", TYPE_BOOLEAN, static_cast<bool>(val));
TestValue("cast(" + stmt + " as double)", TYPE_DOUBLE, static_cast<double>(val));
TestValue("cast(" + stmt + " as real)", TYPE_DOUBLE, static_cast<double>(val));
TestStringValue("cast(" + stmt + " as string)", lexical_cast<string>(val));
TestValueOrError("cast(" + stmt + " as tinyint)", TYPE_TINYINT,
static_cast<int8_t>(val), min_integer_size > sizeof(int8_t));
TestValueOrError("cast(" + stmt + " as smallint)", TYPE_SMALLINT,
static_cast<int16_t>(val), min_integer_size > sizeof(int16_t));
TestValueOrError("cast(" + stmt + " as int)", TYPE_INT,
static_cast<int32_t>(val), min_integer_size > sizeof(int32_t));
TestValueOrError("cast(" + stmt + " as integer)", TYPE_INT,
static_cast<int32_t>(val), min_integer_size > sizeof(int32_t));
TestValueOrError("cast(" + stmt + " as bigint)", TYPE_BIGINT,
static_cast<int64_t>(val), min_integer_size > sizeof(int64_t));
TestValueOrError("cast(" + stmt + " as float)", TYPE_FLOAT,
static_cast<float>(val), float_out_of_range);
if (!timestamp_out_of_range) {
TestTimestampValue("cast(" + stmt + " as timestamp)", CreateTestTimestamp(val));
} else {
TestIsNull("cast(" + stmt + " as timestamp)", TYPE_TIMESTAMP);
// Wrapper around UdfTestHarness::CreateTestContext() that stores the context in
// 'pool_' to be automatically cleaned up.
FunctionContext* CreateUdfTestContext(const FunctionContext::TypeDesc& return_type,
const std::vector<FunctionContext::TypeDesc>& arg_types,
RuntimeState* state = nullptr, MemPool* pool = nullptr) {
return pool_.Add(
UdfTestHarness::CreateTestContext(return_type, arg_types, state, pool));
void TestBytes();
TimestampValue ExprTest::CreateTestTimestamp(const string& val) {
return TimestampValue::ParseSimpleDateFormat(val);
TimestampValue ExprTest::CreateTestTimestamp(float val) {
return TimestampValue::FromSubsecondUnixTime(val, UTCPTR);
TimestampValue ExprTest::CreateTestTimestamp(double val) {
return TimestampValue::FromSubsecondUnixTime(val, UTCPTR);
TimestampValue ExprTest::CreateTestTimestamp(int val) {
return TimestampValue::FromUnixTime(val, UTCPTR);
TimestampValue ExprTest::CreateTestTimestamp(int64_t val) {
return TimestampValue::FromUnixTime(val, UTCPTR);
// Test casting 'stmt' to each of the native types. See the general template definition
// for more information.
void ExprTest::TestCast(const string& stmt, const char* val, int min_integer_size,
bool float_out_of_range, bool timestamp_out_of_range) {
try {
int8_t val8 = static_cast<int8_t>(lexical_cast<int16_t>(val));
#if 0
// Hive has weird semantics. What do we want to do?
TestValue(stmt + " as boolean)", TYPE_BOOLEAN, lexical_cast<bool>(val));
TestValueOrError("cast(" + stmt + " as tinyint)", TYPE_TINYINT,
val8, min_integer_size > sizeof(int8_t));
TestValueOrError("cast(" + stmt + " as smallint)", TYPE_SMALLINT,
lexical_cast<int16_t>(val), min_integer_size > sizeof(int16_t));
TestValueOrError("cast(" + stmt + " as int)", TYPE_INT,
lexical_cast<int32_t>(val), min_integer_size > sizeof(int32_t));
TestValueOrError("cast(" + stmt + " as integer)", TYPE_INT,
lexical_cast<int32_t>(val), min_integer_size > sizeof(int32_t));
TestValueOrError("cast(" + stmt + " as bigint)", TYPE_BIGINT,
lexical_cast<int64_t>(val), min_integer_size > sizeof(int64_t));
TestValueOrError("cast(" + stmt + " as float)", TYPE_FLOAT,
lexical_cast<float>(val), float_out_of_range);
TestValue("cast(" + stmt + " as double)", TYPE_DOUBLE, lexical_cast<double>(val));
TestValue("cast(" + stmt + " as real)", TYPE_DOUBLE, lexical_cast<double>(val));
TestStringValue("cast(" + stmt + " as string)", lexical_cast<string>(val));
} catch (bad_lexical_cast& e) {
EXPECT_TRUE(false) << e.what();
template <>
bool ExprTest::ConvertValue<bool>(const string& value) {
if ("false") == 0) {
return false;
} else {
DCHECK("true") == 0) << value;
return true;
template <>
int8_t ExprTest::ConvertValue<int8_t>(const string& value) {
StringParser::ParseResult result;
return StringParser::StringToInt<int8_t>(, value.size(), &result);
template <>
int16_t ExprTest::ConvertValue<int16_t>(const string& value) {
StringParser::ParseResult result;
return StringParser::StringToInt<int16_t>(, value.size(), &result);
template <>
int32_t ExprTest::ConvertValue<int32_t>(const string& value) {
StringParser::ParseResult result;
return StringParser::StringToInt<int32_t>(, value.size(), &result);
template <>
int64_t ExprTest::ConvertValue<int64_t>(const string& value) {
StringParser::ParseResult result;
return StringParser::StringToInt<int64_t>(, value.size(), &result);
template <>
double ExprTest::ConvertValue<double>(const string& value) {
StringParser::ParseResult result;
return StringParser::StringToFloat<double>(, value.size(), &result);
template <>
TimestampValue ExprTest::ConvertValue<TimestampValue>(const string& value) {
return TimestampValue::ParseSimpleDateFormat(, value.size());
template <>
DateValue ExprTest::ConvertValue<DateValue>(const string& value) {
return DateValue::ParseSimpleDateFormat(, value.size());
// We can't put this into TestValue() because GTest can't resolve
// the ambiguity in TimestampValue::operator==, even with the appropriate casts.
void ExprTest::TestTimestampValue(const string& expr, const TimestampValue& expected_result) {
ConvertValue<TimestampValue>(GetValue(expr, ColumnType(TYPE_TIMESTAMP))));
// Tests whether the returned TimestampValue is valid.
// We use this function for tests where the expected value is unknown, e.g., now().
void ExprTest::TestValidTimestampValue(const string& expr) {
ConvertValue<TimestampValue>(GetValue(expr, ColumnType(TYPE_TIMESTAMP))).HasDate());
// We can't put this into TestValue() because GTest can't resolve
// the ambiguity in DateValue::operator==, even with the appropriate casts.
void ExprTest::TestDateValue(const string& expr, const DateValue& expected_result) {
ConvertValue<DateValue>(GetValue(expr, ColumnType(TYPE_DATE))));
template<class T>
bool ExprTest::ParseString(const string& str, T* val) {
istringstream stream(str);
stream >> *val;
return !;
bool ExprTest::ParseString(const string& str, TimestampValue* val) {
boost::gregorian::date date;
boost::posix_time::time_duration time;
bool success = TimestampParser::ParseSimpleDateFormat(, str.length(), &date,
return success;
bool ExprTest::ParseString(const string& str, DateValue* val) {
return DateParser::ParseSimpleDateFormat(str.c_str(), str.length(), false, val);
Literal* ExprTest::CreateLiteral(const ColumnType& type, const string& str) {
switch (type.type) {
bool v = false;
EXPECT_TRUE(ParseString<bool>(str, &v));
return pool_.Add(new Literal(type, v));
int8_t v = 0;
EXPECT_TRUE(ParseString<int8_t>(str, &v));
return pool_.Add(new Literal(type, v));
int16_t v = 0;
EXPECT_TRUE(ParseString<int16_t>(str, &v));
return pool_.Add(new Literal(type, v));
case TYPE_INT: {
int32_t v = 0;
EXPECT_TRUE(ParseString<int32_t>(str, &v));
return pool_.Add(new Literal(type, v));
int64_t v = 0;
EXPECT_TRUE(ParseString<int64_t>(str, &v));
return pool_.Add(new Literal(type, v));
case TYPE_FLOAT: {
float v = 0;
EXPECT_TRUE(ParseString<float>(str, &v));
return pool_.Add(new Literal(type, v));
double v = 0;
EXPECT_TRUE(ParseString<double>(str, &v));
return pool_.Add(new Literal(type, v));
return pool_.Add(new Literal(type, str));
TimestampValue v;
EXPECT_TRUE(ParseString<TimestampValue>(str, &v));
return pool_.Add(new Literal(type, v));
case TYPE_DATE: {
DateValue v;
EXPECT_TRUE(ParseString<DateValue>(str, &v));
return pool_.Add(new Literal(type, v));
double v = 0;
EXPECT_TRUE(ParseString<double>(str, &v));
return pool_.Add(new Literal(type, v));
DCHECK(false) << "Invalid type: " << type.DebugString();
return nullptr;
Literal* ExprTest::CreateLiteral(PrimitiveType type, const string& str) {
return CreateLiteral(ColumnType(type), str);
template <typename T>
void ExprTest::TestSingleLiteralConstruction(
const ColumnType& type, const T& value, const string& string_val) {
ObjectPool pool;
RuntimeState state(TQueryCtx(), ExecEnv::GetInstance());
MemTracker tracker;
MemPool mem_pool(&tracker);
Literal* expr = CreateLiteral(type, string_val);
ScalarExprEvaluator* eval;
ScalarExprEvaluator::Create(*expr, &state, &pool, &mem_pool, &mem_pool, &eval));
EXPECT_EQ(0, RawValue::Compare(eval->GetValue(nullptr), &value, type))
<< "type: " << type << ", value: " << value;
template <typename T>
void ExprTest::TestSingleLiteralConstruction(
PrimitiveType type, const T& value, const string& string_val) {
return TestSingleLiteralConstruction(ColumnType(type), value, string_val);
TEST_P(ExprTest, NullLiteral) {
for (int type = TYPE_BOOLEAN; type != TYPE_DATE; ++type) {
RuntimeState state(TQueryCtx(), ExecEnv::GetInstance());
ObjectPool pool;
MemTracker tracker;
MemPool mem_pool(&tracker);
NullLiteral expr(static_cast<PrimitiveType>(type));
ScalarExprEvaluator* eval;
ScalarExprEvaluator::Create(expr, &state, &pool, &mem_pool, &mem_pool, &eval));
EXPECT_TRUE(eval->GetValue(nullptr) == nullptr);
TEST_P(ExprTest, LiteralConstruction) {
bool b_val = true;
int8_t c_val = 'f';
int16_t s_val = 123;
int32_t i_val = 234;
int64_t l_val = 1234;
float f_val = 3.14f;
double d_val_1 = 1.23;
double d_val_2 = 7e6;
double d_val_3 = 5.9e-3;
string str_input = "Hello";
StringValue str_val(const_cast<char*>(, str_input.length());
TestSingleLiteralConstruction(TYPE_BOOLEAN, b_val, "1");
TestSingleLiteralConstruction(TYPE_TINYINT, c_val, "f");
TestSingleLiteralConstruction(TYPE_SMALLINT, s_val, "123");
TestSingleLiteralConstruction(TYPE_INT, i_val, "234");
TestSingleLiteralConstruction(TYPE_INT, i_val, "+234");
TestSingleLiteralConstruction(TYPE_BIGINT, l_val, "1234");
TestSingleLiteralConstruction(TYPE_BIGINT, l_val, "+1234");
TestSingleLiteralConstruction(TYPE_FLOAT, f_val, "3.14");
TestSingleLiteralConstruction(TYPE_FLOAT, f_val, "+3.14");
TestSingleLiteralConstruction(TYPE_DOUBLE, d_val_1, "1.23");
TestSingleLiteralConstruction(TYPE_DOUBLE, d_val_1, "+1.23");
TestSingleLiteralConstruction(TYPE_DOUBLE, d_val_2, "7e6");
TestSingleLiteralConstruction(TYPE_DOUBLE, d_val_2, "+7e6");
TestSingleLiteralConstruction(TYPE_DOUBLE, d_val_3, "5.9e-3");
TestSingleLiteralConstruction(TYPE_DOUBLE, d_val_3, "+5.9e-3");
TestSingleLiteralConstruction(TYPE_STRING, str_val, "Hello");
TestSingleLiteralConstruction(TYPE_DATE, DateValue(2001, 11, 30), "2001-11-30");
// Min/Max Boundary value test for tiny/small/int/long/date
c_val = 127;
const char c_array_max[] = {(const char)127}; // avoid implicit casting
string c_input_max(c_array_max, 1);
s_val = 32767;
i_val = 2147483647;
l_val = 9223372036854775807l;
TestSingleLiteralConstruction(TYPE_TINYINT, c_val, c_input_max);
TestSingleLiteralConstruction(TYPE_SMALLINT, s_val, "32767");
TestSingleLiteralConstruction(TYPE_INT, i_val, "2147483647");
TestSingleLiteralConstruction(TYPE_BIGINT, l_val, "9223372036854775807");
TestSingleLiteralConstruction(TYPE_DATE, DateValue(9999, 12, 31), "9999-12-31");
const char c_array_min[] = {(const char)(-128)}; // avoid implicit casting
string c_input_min(c_array_min, 1);
c_val = -128;
s_val = -32768;
i_val = -2147483648;
l_val = -9223372036854775807l-1;
TestSingleLiteralConstruction(TYPE_TINYINT, c_val, c_input_min);
TestSingleLiteralConstruction(TYPE_SMALLINT, s_val, "-32768");
TestSingleLiteralConstruction(TYPE_INT, i_val, "-2147483648");
TestSingleLiteralConstruction(TYPE_BIGINT, l_val, "-9223372036854775808");
TestSingleLiteralConstruction(TYPE_DATE, DateValue(1, 1, 1), "0001-01-01");
TEST_P(ExprTest, LiteralExprs) {
// The value is not an exact FLOAT so it gets compared as a DOUBLE
// and fails. This needs to be researched.
// TestFloatingPointLimits<float>(TYPE_FLOAT);
TestValue("true", TYPE_BOOLEAN, true);
TestValue("false", TYPE_BOOLEAN, false);
TestStringValue("'test'", "test");
TestIsNull("null", TYPE_NULL);
// IMPALA-3942: Test escaping string literal for single/double quotes
TEST_P(ExprTest, EscapeStringLiteral) {
TestStringValue(R"('"')", R"(")");
TestStringValue(R"("'")", R"(')");
TestStringValue(R"("\"")", R"(")");
TestStringValue(R"('\'')", R"(')");
TestStringValue(R"('\\"')", R"(\")");
TestStringValue(R"("\\'")", R"(\')");
TestStringValue(R"("\\\"")", R"(\")");
TestStringValue(R"('\\\'')", R"(\')");
TestStringValue(R"("\\\"\\'\\\"")", R"(\"\'\")");
TestStringValue(R"('\\\'\\"\\\'')", R"(\'\"\')");
TestStringValue(R"("\\")", R"(\)");
TestStringValue(R"('\\')", R"(\)");
TestStringValue(R"("\\\\")", R"(\\)");
TestStringValue(R"('\\\\')", R"(\\)");
TestStringValue(R"('a"b')", R"(a"b)");
TestStringValue(R"("a'b")", R"(a'b)");
TestStringValue(R"('a\"b')", R"(a"b)");
TestStringValue(R"('a\'b')", R"(a'b)");
TestStringValue(R"("a\"b")", R"(a"b)");
TestStringValue(R"("a\'b")", R"(a'b)");
TestStringValue(R"('a\\"b')", R"(a\"b)");
TestStringValue(R"("a\\'b")", R"(a\'b)");
TestStringValue(R"('a\\\'b')", R"(a\'b)");
TestStringValue(R"("a\\\"b")", R"(a\"b)");
TestStringValue(R"(concat("a'b", "c'd"))", R"(a'bc'd)");
TestStringValue(R"(concat('a"b', 'c"d'))", R"(a"bc"d)");
TestStringValue(R"(concat("a'b", 'c"d'))", R"(a'bc"d)");
TestStringValue(R"(concat('a"b', "c'd"))", R"(a"bc'd)");
TestStringValue(R"(concat("a\"b", 'c\'d'))", R"(a"bc'd)");
TestStringValue(R"(concat('a\'b', "c\"d"))", R"(a'bc"d)");
TestStringValue(R"(concat("a\\\"b", 'c\\\'d'))", R"(a\"bc\'d)");
TestStringValue(R"(concat('a\\\'b', "c\\\"d"))", R"(a\'bc\"d)");
TEST_P(ExprTest, ArithmeticExprs) {
// Test float ops.
TestFixedResultTypeOps<float, float, double>(min_float_values_[TYPE_FLOAT],
min_float_values_[TYPE_FLOAT], ColumnType(TYPE_DOUBLE));
TestFixedResultTypeOps<float, double, double>(min_float_values_[TYPE_FLOAT],
min_float_values_[TYPE_DOUBLE], ColumnType(TYPE_DOUBLE));
TestFixedResultTypeOps<double, double, double>(min_float_values_[TYPE_DOUBLE],
min_float_values_[TYPE_DOUBLE], ColumnType(TYPE_DOUBLE));
// Test behavior of float ops at max/min value boundaries.
// The tests with float type should trivially pass, since their results are double.
TestFixedResultTypeOps<float, float, double>(numeric_limits<float>::min(),
numeric_limits<float>::min(), ColumnType(TYPE_DOUBLE));
TestFixedResultTypeOps<float, float, double>(numeric_limits<float>::max(),
numeric_limits<float>::max(), ColumnType(TYPE_DOUBLE));
TestFixedResultTypeOps<float, float, double>(numeric_limits<float>::min(),
numeric_limits<float>::max(), ColumnType(TYPE_DOUBLE));
TestFixedResultTypeOps<float, float, double>(numeric_limits<float>::max(),
numeric_limits<float>::min(), ColumnType(TYPE_DOUBLE));
TestFixedResultTypeOps<double, double, double>(numeric_limits<double>::min(),
numeric_limits<double>::min(), ColumnType(TYPE_DOUBLE));
TestFixedResultTypeOps<double, double, double>(numeric_limits<double>::max(),
numeric_limits<double>::max(), ColumnType(TYPE_DOUBLE));
TestFixedResultTypeOps<double, double, double>(numeric_limits<double>::min(),
numeric_limits<double>::max(), ColumnType(TYPE_DOUBLE));
TestFixedResultTypeOps<double, double, double>(numeric_limits<double>::max(),
numeric_limits<double>::min(), ColumnType(TYPE_DOUBLE));
// Test behavior with zero (especially for division by zero).
TestFixedResultTypeOps<float, float, double>(min_float_values_[TYPE_FLOAT],
0.0f, ColumnType(TYPE_DOUBLE));
TestFixedResultTypeOps<double, double, double>(min_float_values_[TYPE_DOUBLE],
0.0, ColumnType(TYPE_DOUBLE));
// Test ops that always promote to fixed type (e.g., next higher resolution type).
TestFixedResultTypeOps<int8_t, int8_t, int16_t>(min_int_values_[TYPE_TINYINT],
min_int_values_[TYPE_TINYINT], ColumnType(TYPE_SMALLINT));
TestFixedResultTypeOps<int8_t, int16_t, int32_t>(min_int_values_[TYPE_TINYINT],
min_int_values_[TYPE_SMALLINT], ColumnType(TYPE_INT));
TestFixedResultTypeOps<int8_t, int32_t, int64_t>(min_int_values_[TYPE_TINYINT],
min_int_values_[TYPE_INT], ColumnType(TYPE_BIGINT));
TestFixedResultTypeOps<int8_t, int64_t, int64_t>(min_int_values_[TYPE_TINYINT],
min_int_values_[TYPE_BIGINT], ColumnType(TYPE_BIGINT));
TestFixedResultTypeOps<int16_t, int16_t, int32_t>(min_int_values_[TYPE_SMALLINT],
min_int_values_[TYPE_SMALLINT], ColumnType(TYPE_INT));
TestFixedResultTypeOps<int16_t, int32_t, int64_t>(min_int_values_[TYPE_SMALLINT],
min_int_values_[TYPE_INT], ColumnType(TYPE_BIGINT));
TestFixedResultTypeOps<int16_t, int64_t, int64_t>(min_int_values_[TYPE_SMALLINT],
min_int_values_[TYPE_BIGINT], ColumnType(TYPE_BIGINT));
TestFixedResultTypeOps<int32_t, int32_t, int64_t>(min_int_values_[TYPE_INT],
min_int_values_[TYPE_INT], ColumnType(TYPE_BIGINT));
TestFixedResultTypeOps<int32_t, int64_t, int64_t>(min_int_values_[TYPE_INT],
min_int_values_[TYPE_BIGINT], ColumnType(TYPE_BIGINT));
TestFixedResultTypeOps<int64_t, int64_t, int64_t>(min_int_values_[TYPE_BIGINT],
min_int_values_[TYPE_BIGINT], ColumnType(TYPE_BIGINT));
// Test behavior on overflow/underflow.
TestFixedResultTypeOps<int64_t, int64_t, int64_t>(numeric_limits<int64_t>::min()+1,
numeric_limits<int64_t>::min()+1, ColumnType(TYPE_BIGINT));
TestFixedResultTypeOps<int64_t, int64_t, int64_t>(numeric_limits<int64_t>::max(),
numeric_limits<int64_t>::max(), ColumnType(TYPE_BIGINT));
TestFixedResultTypeOps<int64_t, int64_t, int64_t>(numeric_limits<int64_t>::min()+1,
numeric_limits<int64_t>::max(), ColumnType(TYPE_BIGINT));
TestFixedResultTypeOps<int64_t, int64_t, int64_t>(numeric_limits<int64_t>::max(),
numeric_limits<int64_t>::min()+1, ColumnType(TYPE_BIGINT));
// Test behavior with NULLs.
TestNullOperandFixedResultTypeOps<float, double>(min_float_values_[TYPE_FLOAT],
TestNullOperandFixedResultTypeOps<double, double>(min_float_values_[TYPE_DOUBLE],
TestNullOperandFixedResultTypeOps<int8_t, int64_t>(min_int_values_[TYPE_TINYINT],
TestNullOperandFixedResultTypeOps<int16_t, int64_t>(min_int_values_[TYPE_SMALLINT],
TestNullOperandFixedResultTypeOps<int32_t, int64_t>(min_int_values_[TYPE_INT],
TestNullOperandFixedResultTypeOps<int64_t, int64_t>(min_int_values_[TYPE_BIGINT],
// Test int ops that promote to assignment compatible type.
TestVariableResultTypeIntOps<int8_t, int8_t>(min_int_values_[TYPE_TINYINT],
min_int_values_[TYPE_TINYINT], ColumnType(TYPE_TINYINT));
TestVariableResultTypeIntOps<int8_t, int16_t>(min_int_values_[TYPE_TINYINT],
min_int_values_[TYPE_SMALLINT], ColumnType(TYPE_SMALLINT));
TestVariableResultTypeIntOps<int8_t, int32_t>(min_int_values_[TYPE_TINYINT],
min_int_values_[TYPE_INT], ColumnType(TYPE_INT));
TestVariableResultTypeIntOps<int8_t, int64_t>(min_int_values_[TYPE_TINYINT],
min_int_values_[TYPE_BIGINT], ColumnType(TYPE_BIGINT));
TestVariableResultTypeIntOps<int16_t, int16_t>(min_int_values_[TYPE_SMALLINT],
min_int_values_[TYPE_SMALLINT], ColumnType(TYPE_SMALLINT));
TestVariableResultTypeIntOps<int16_t, int32_t>(min_int_values_[TYPE_SMALLINT],
TestVariableResultTypeIntOps<int16_t, int64_t>(min_int_values_[TYPE_SMALLINT],
min_int_values_[TYPE_BIGINT], ColumnType(TYPE_BIGINT));
TestVariableResultTypeIntOps<int32_t, int32_t>(min_int_values_[TYPE_INT],
min_int_values_[TYPE_INT], ColumnType(TYPE_INT));
TestVariableResultTypeIntOps<int32_t, int64_t>(min_int_values_[TYPE_INT],
min_int_values_[TYPE_BIGINT], ColumnType(TYPE_BIGINT));
TestVariableResultTypeIntOps<int64_t, int64_t>(min_int_values_[TYPE_BIGINT],
min_int_values_[TYPE_BIGINT], ColumnType(TYPE_BIGINT));
// Test behavior of INT_DIVIDE and MOD with zero as second argument.
IntValMap::iterator int_iter;
for(int_iter = min_int_values_.begin(); int_iter != min_int_values_.end();
++int_iter) {
string& val = default_type_strs_[int_iter->first];
TestIsNull(val + " DIV 0", static_cast<PrimitiveType>(int_iter->first));
TestIsNull(val + " % 0", static_cast<PrimitiveType>(int_iter->first));
// Test behavior with NULLs.
// Tests for dealing with '-'.
TestValue("-1", TYPE_TINYINT, -1);
TestValue("1 - 1", TYPE_SMALLINT, 0);
TestValue("1 - - 1", TYPE_SMALLINT, 2);
TestValue("1 - - - 1", TYPE_SMALLINT, 0);
TestValue("- 1 - 1", TYPE_SMALLINT, -2);
TestValue("- 1 - - 1", TYPE_SMALLINT, 0);
// The "--" indicates a comment to be ignored.
// Therefore, the result should be -1.
TestValue("- 1 --1", TYPE_TINYINT, -1);
// Test all arithmetic exprs with only NULL operands.
// Test behavior of factorial operator.
// Use a table-driven approach to test DECIMAL expressions to make it easier to test
// both the old (decimal_v2=false) and new (decimal_v2=true) DECIMAL semantics.
struct DecimalExpectedResult {
bool error;
bool null;
int128_t scaled_val;
int precision;
int scale;
struct DecimalTestCase {
// Return the expected result for the given DECIMAL version. When the expected V1 and
// V2 results are the same, allows the V2 expected result to be unspecified in the
// test case table. When V2 expected results aren't specified, V2 entries have both
// 'null' set to false and 'precision' set to 0, which is an illegal combination and
// signals that V1 results should be used instead.
const DecimalExpectedResult& Expected(bool v2) const {
if (v2 && (expected[1].null || expected[1].precision != 0)) return expected[1];
// Either testing version 1, or the results for version 2 were not specified.
return expected[0];
// Expression to execute.
string expr;
// Expected results for version 1 and Version 2. Version 2 results can be left unset
// when the expected result is the same between versions.
DecimalExpectedResult expected[2];
// Utility function to construct int128 types.
int128_t StringToInt128(string s) {
int128_t result = 0;
int sign = 1;
int digit = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < s.length(); ++i) {
switch (s[i]) {
case '-':
digit = -1;
case '0':
digit = 0;
case '1':
digit = 1;
case '2':
digit = 2;
case '3':
digit = 3;
case '4':
digit = 4;
case '5':
digit = 5;
case '6':
digit = 6;
case '7':
digit = 7;
case '8':
digit = 8;
case '9':
digit = 9;
DCHECK(false) << "Unexpected character.";
if (digit == -1) {
DCHECK_EQ(sign, 1) << "Minus symbol appears multiple times.";
sign = -1;
} else {
result = result * 10 + digit;
return sign * result;
// Format is:
// { Test Expression (as a string),
// { expected error, expected null, scaled_val, precision, scale for V1
// expected error, expected null, scaled_val, precision, scale for V2 }}
DecimalTestCase decimal_cases[] = {
// Test add/subtract operators
{ "1.23 + cast(1 as decimal(4,3))", {{ false, false, 2230, 5, 3 }}},
{ "1.23 - cast(0.23 as decimal(10,3))", {{ false, false, 1000, 11, 3 }}},
{ "cast(1.23 as decimal(8,2)) + cast(1 as decimal(20,3))",
{{ false, false, 2230, 21, 3 }}},
{ "cast(1.23 as decimal(30,2)) - cast(1 as decimal(4,3))",
{{ false, false, 230, 32, 3 }}},
{ "cast(1 as decimal(38,0)) + cast(0.2 as decimal(38,1))",
{{ false, false, 12, 38, 1 }}},
{ "cast(88928 as decimal(11,2)) + cast(0 as decimal(9,1))",
{{ false, false, 8892800, 12, 2 }}},
{ "cast(100000000000000000000000000000000 as decimal(38,0)) + "
"cast(0 as decimal(38,38))",
{{ false, true, 0, 38, 38 },
{ true, false, 0, 38, 6 }}},
{ "cast(-100000000000000000000000000000000 as decimal(38,0)) + "
"cast(0 as decimal(38,38))",
{{ false, true, 0, 38, 38 },
{ true, false, 0, 38, 6 }}},
{ "cast(99999999999999999999999999999999 as decimal(38,0)) + "
"cast(0 as decimal(38,38))",
{{ false, true, 0, 38, 38 },
{ false, false, StringToInt128("99999999999999999999999999999999000000"), 38, 6 }}},
{ "cast(-99999999999999999999999999999999 as decimal(38,0)) + "
"cast(0 as decimal(38,38))",
{{ false, true, 0, 38, 38 },
{ false, false, StringToInt128("-99999999999999999999999999999999000000"), 38, 6 }}},
{ "cast(99999999999999999999999999.9999999999 as decimal(36,10)) + "
"cast(99999999999999999999999999.9999999999 as decimal(36,10))",
{{ false, false, StringToInt128("1999999999999999999999999999999999998"), 37, 10 }}},
{ "cast(99999999999999999999999999.9999999999 as decimal(36,10)) + "
"cast(-99999999999999999999999999.9999999999 as decimal(36,10))",
{{ false, false, 0, 37, 10 }}},
{ "cast(999999999999999999999999999.9999999999 as decimal(37,10)) + "
"cast(999999999999999999999999999.9999999999 as decimal(37,10))",
{{ false, false, StringToInt128("19999999999999999999999999999999999998"), 38, 10 }}},
{ "cast(999999999999999999999999999.9999999999 as decimal(37,10)) + "
"cast(-999999999999999999999999999.9999999999 as decimal(37,10))",
{{ false, false, 0, 38, 10 }}},
// Largest simple case where we don't call AddLarge() or AubtractLarge().
// We are adding (2^125 - 1) + (2^125 - 1) here.
{ "cast(42535295865117307932921825928971026431 as decimal(38,0)) + "
"cast(42535295865117307932921825928971026431 as decimal(38,0))",
{{ false, false, StringToInt128("85070591730234615865843651857942052862"), 38, 0 }}},
{ "cast(-42535295865117307932921825928971026431 as decimal(38,0)) + "
"cast(-42535295865117307932921825928971026431 as decimal(38,0))",
{{ false, false, StringToInt128("-85070591730234615865843651857942052862"), 38, 0 }}},
{ "cast(42535295865117307932921825928971026431 as decimal(38,0)) + "
"cast(-42535295865117307932921825928971026431 as decimal(38,0))",
{{ false, false, 0, 38, 0 }}},
// Smallest case where we call AddLarge(). We are adding (2^125) + (2^125 - 1) here.
{ "cast(42535295865117307932921825928971026432 as decimal(38,0)) + "
"cast(42535295865117307932921825928971026431 as decimal(38,0))",
{{ false, false, StringToInt128("85070591730234615865843651857942052863"), 38, 0 }}},
{ "cast(-42535295865117307932921825928971026432 as decimal(38,0)) + "
"cast(-42535295865117307932921825928971026431 as decimal(38,0))",
{{ false, false, StringToInt128("-85070591730234615865843651857942052863"), 38, 0 }}},
{ "cast(42535295865117307932921825928971026432 as decimal(38,0)) + "
"cast(-42535295865117307932921825928971026431 as decimal(38,0))",
{{ false, false, 1, 38, 0 }}},
{ "cast(99999999999999999999999999999999.999999 as decimal(38,6)) + "
"cast(8899999999999999999999999999999.999999 as decimal(38,6))",
{{ false, true, 0, 38, 6 },
{ true, false, 0, 38, 6 }}},
{ "cast(-99999999999999999999999999999999.999999 as decimal(38,6)) + "
"cast(-8899999999999999999999999999999.999999 as decimal(38,6))",
{{ false, true, 0, 38, 6 },
{ true, false, 0, 38, 6 }}},
{ "cast(-99999999999999999999999999999999.999999 as decimal(38,6)) + "
"cast(8899999999999999999999999999999.999999 as decimal(38,6))",
{{ false, false, StringToInt128("-91100000000000000000000000000000000000"), 38, 6 }}},
// Close to the maximum value.
{ "cast(77777777777777777777777777777777.777777 as decimal(38,6)) + "
"cast(22222222222222222222222222222222.222222 as decimal(38,6))",
{{ false, false, StringToInt128("99999999999999999999999999999999999999"), 38, 6 }}},
{ "cast(-77777777777777777777777777777777.777777 as decimal(38,6)) + "
"cast(22222222222222222222222222222222.222222 as decimal(38,6))",
{{ false, false, StringToInt128("-55555555555555555555555555555555555555"), 38, 6 }}},
{ "cast(-77777777777777777777777777777777.777777 as decimal(38,6)) + "
"cast(-22222222222222222222222222222222.222222 as decimal(38,6))",
{{ false, false, StringToInt128("-99999999999999999999999999999999999999"), 38, 6 }}},
// Smallest result that overflows.
{ "cast(77777777777777777777777777777777.777777 as decimal(38,6)) + "
"cast(22222222222222222222222222222222.222223 as decimal(38,6))",
{{ false, true, 0, 38, 6 },
{ true, false, 0, 38, 6 }}},
{ "cast(-77777777777777777777777777777777.777777 as decimal(38,6)) + "
"cast(-22222222222222222222222222222222.222223 as decimal(38,6))",
{{ false, true, 0, 38, 6 },
{ true, false, 0, 38, 6 }}},
{ "cast(11111111111111111111111111111111.777777 as decimal(38,6)) + "
"cast(11111111111111111111111111111111.555555 as decimal(38,6))",
{{ false, false, StringToInt128("22222222222222222222222222222223333332"), 38, 6 }}},
{ "cast(-11111111111111111111111111111111.777777 as decimal(38,6)) + "
"cast(11111111111111111111111111111111.555555 as decimal(38,6))",
{{ false, false, -222222, 38, 6 }}},
{ "cast(11111111111111111111111111111111.777777 as decimal(38,6)) + "
"cast(-11111111111111111111111111111111.555555 as decimal(38,6))",
{{ false, false, 222222, 38, 6 }}},
{ "cast(-11111111111111111111111111111111.777777 as decimal(38,6)) + "
"cast(-11111111111111111111111111111111.555555 as decimal(38,6))",
{{ false, false, StringToInt128("-22222222222222222222222222222223333332"), 38, 6 }}},
{ "cast(3333333333333333333333333333333.8888884 as decimal(38,7)) + "
"cast(3333333333333333333333333333333.1111111 as decimal(38,7))",
{{ false, false, StringToInt128("66666666666666666666666666666669999995"), 38, 7 },
{ false, false, StringToInt128("6666666666666666666666666666667000000"), 38, 6 }}},
{ "cast(-3333333333333333333333333333333.8888884 as decimal(38,7)) + "
"cast(-3333333333333333333333333333333.1111111 as decimal(38,7))",
{{ false, false, StringToInt128("-66666666666666666666666666666669999995"), 38, 7 },
{ false, false, StringToInt128("-6666666666666666666666666666667000000"), 38, 6 }}},
{ "cast(3333333333333333333333333333333.9999995 as decimal(38,7)) + "
"cast(0 as decimal(38,7))",
{{ false, false, StringToInt128("33333333333333333333333333333339999995"), 38, 7 },
{ false, false, StringToInt128("3333333333333333333333333333334000000"), 38, 6 }}},
{ "cast(-3333333333333333333333333333333.9999995 as decimal(38,7)) + "
"cast(0 as decimal(38,7))",
{{ false, false, StringToInt128("-33333333333333333333333333333339999995"), 38, 7 },
{ false, false, StringToInt128("-3333333333333333333333333333334000000"), 38, 6 }}},
// overflow due to rounding
{ "cast(99999999999999999999999999999999.999999 as decimal(38,6)) + "
"cast(0.0000005 as decimal(38,7))",
{{ false, true, 0, 38, 7 },
{ true, false, 0, 38, 6 }}},
{ "cast(-99999999999999999999999999999999.999999 as decimal(38,6)) + "
"cast(-0.0000005 as decimal(38,7))",
{{ false, true, 0, 38, 7 },
{ true, false, 0, 38, 6 }}},
{ "cast(99999999999999999999999999999999.999999 as decimal(38,6)) + "
"cast(-0.0000006 as decimal(38,7))",
{{ false, true, 0, 38, 7 },
{ false, false, StringToInt128("99999999999999999999999999999999999998"), 38, 6 }}},
{ "cast(99999999999999999999999999999999.999999 as decimal(38,6)) + "
"cast(0.0000004 as decimal(38,7))",
{{ false, true, 0, 38, 7 },
{ false, false, StringToInt128("99999999999999999999999999999999999999"), 38, 6 }}},
{ "cast(-99999999999999999999999999999999.999999 as decimal(38,6)) + "
"cast(-0.0000004 as decimal(38,7))",
{{ false, true, 0, 38, 7 },
{ false, false, StringToInt128("-99999999999999999999999999999999999999"), 38, 6 }}},
{ "cast(99999999999999999999999999999999 as decimal(38,0)) + "
"cast(0.9999994 as decimal(38,38))",
{{ false, true, 0, 38, 38 },
{ false, false, StringToInt128("99999999999999999999999999999999999999"), 38, 6 }}},
{ "cast(-99999999999999999999999999999999 as decimal(38,0)) + "
"cast(-0.9999994 as decimal(38,38))",
{{ false, true, 0, 38, 38 },
{ false, false, StringToInt128("-99999999999999999999999999999999999999"), 38, 6 }}},
{ "cast(99999999999999999999999999999999 as decimal(38,0)) + "
"cast(0.9999995 as decimal(38,38))",
{{ false, true, 0, 38, 38 },
{ true, false, 0, 38, 6 }}},
{ "cast(-99999999999999999999999999999999 as decimal(38,0)) + "
"cast(-0.9999995 as decimal(38,38))",
{{ false, true, 0, 38, 38 },
{ true, false, 0, 38, 6 }}},
{ "cast(0.99999999999999999999999999999999999999 as decimal(38,38)) + "
"cast(-5e-38 as decimal(38,38))",
{{ false, false, StringToInt128("99999999999999999999999999999999999994"), 38, 38 },
{ false, false, StringToInt128("9999999999999999999999999999999999999"), 38, 37 }}},
{ "cast(0.99999999999999999999999999999999999999 as decimal(38,38)) + "
"cast(-4e-38 as decimal(38,38))",
{{ false, false, StringToInt128("99999999999999999999999999999999999995"), 38, 38 },
{ false, false, StringToInt128("10000000000000000000000000000000000000"), 38, 37 }}},
{ "cast(0.99999999999999999999999999999999999999 as decimal(38,38)) + "
"cast(0.99999999999999999999999999999999999999 as decimal(38,38))",
{{ false, true, 0, 38, 38 },
{ false, false, StringToInt128("20000000000000000000000000000000000000"), 38, 37 }}},
{ "cast(-0.99999999999999999999999999999999999999 as decimal(38,38)) + "
"cast(0.99999999999999999999999999999999999999 as decimal(38,38))",
{{ false, false, 0, 38, 38 },
{ false, false, 0, 38, 37 }}},
{ "cast(0 as decimal(38,38)) + cast(0 as decimal(38,38))",
{{ false, false, 0, 38, 38 },
{ false, false, 0, 38, 37 }}},
// IMPALA-6292
{ "cast(1 as decimal(13,12)) - "
"cast(0.99999999999999999999999999999999999999 as decimal(38,38))",
{{ false, false, 1, 38, 38 },
{ false, false, 0, 38, 36 }}},
{ "cast(0.1 as decimal(13,12)) - "
"cast(99999999999999999999999999999999999999 as decimal(38,0))",
{{ false, true, 0, 38, 12 },
{ true, false, 0, 38, 6 }}},
// Test multiply operator
{ "cast(1.23 as decimal(30,2)) * cast(1 as decimal(10,3))",
{{ false, false, 123000, 38, 5 }}},
{ "cast(1.23 as decimal(3,2)) * cast(1 as decimal(20,3))",
{{ false, false, 123000, 23, 5 },
{ false, false, 123000, 24, 5 }}},
{ "cast(0.1 as decimal(20,20)) * cast(1 as decimal(20,19))",
{{ false, false, StringToInt128("10000000000000000000000000000000000000"), 38, 38 },
{ false, false, StringToInt128("100000000000000000000000000000000000"), 38, 36 }}},
{ "cast(111.22 as decimal(5,2)) * cast(3333.444 as decimal(7,3))",
{{ false, false, 37074564168, 12, 5 },
{ false, false, 37074564168, 13, 5 }}},
{ "cast(0.01 as decimal(38,38)) * cast(25 as decimal(38,0))",
{{ false, false, StringToInt128("25000000000000000000000000000000000000"), 38, 38 },
{ false, false, 250000, 38, 6 }}},
{ "cast(-0.01 as decimal(38,38)) * cast(25 as decimal(38,0))",
{{ false, false, StringToInt128("-25000000000000000000000000000000000000"), 38, 38 },
{ false, false, -250000, 38, 6 }}},
{ "cast(-0.01 as decimal(38,38)) * cast(-25 as decimal(38,0))",
{{ false, false, StringToInt128("25000000000000000000000000000000000000"), 38, 38 },
{ false, false, 250000, 38, 6 }}},
{ "cast(0.1 as decimal(38,38)) * cast(25 as decimal(38,0))",
{{ false, true, 0, 38, 38 },
{ false, false, 2500000, 38, 6 }}},
{ "cast(-0.1 as decimal(38,38)) * cast(25 as decimal(38,0))",
{{ false, true, 0, 38, 38 },
{ false, false, -2500000, 38, 6 }}},
{ "cast(-0.1 as decimal(38,38)) * cast(-25 as decimal(38,0))",
{{ false, true, 0, 38, 38 },
{ false, false, 2500000, 38, 6 }}},
{ "cast(9999999999999999.9999 as decimal(20,4)) * "
"cast(9999999999999999.994 as decimal(19,3))",
{{ false, true, 0, 38, 7 },
{ false, false, StringToInt128("99999999999999999939000000000000000001"), 38, 6 }}},
{ "cast(9.99999 as decimal(6,5)) * "
"cast(9999999999999999999999999999999.94 as decimal(33,2))",
{{ false, true, 0, 38, 7 },
{ false, false, StringToInt128("99999899999999999999999999999999400001"), 38, 6 }}},
{ "cast(0 as decimal(38,38)) * cast(1 as decimal(5,2))",
{{ false, false, 0, 38, 38 },
{ false, false, 0, 38, 34 }}},
{ "cast(12345.67 as decimal(7,2)) * cast(12345.67 as decimal(7,2))",
{{ false, false, 1524155677489, 14, 4 },
{ false, false, 1524155677489, 15, 4 }}},
{ "cast(2643918831543678.5772617359442611897419 as decimal(38,22)) * "
"cast(3972211379387512.6946776728996748717839 as decimal(38,22))",
{{ false, true, 0, 38, 38 },
{ false, false, StringToInt128("10502204468834736291038133384309593605"), 38, 6 }}},
{ "cast(-2643918831543678.5772617359442611897419 as decimal(38,22)) * "
"cast(3972211379387512.6946776728996748717839 as decimal(38,22))",
{{ false, true, 0, 38, 38 },
{ false, false, StringToInt128("-10502204468834736291038133384309593605"), 38, 6 }}},
{ "cast(-2643918831543678.5772617359442611897419 as decimal(38,22)) * "
"cast(-3972211379387512.6946776728996748717839 as decimal(38,22))",
{{ false, true, 0, 38, 38 },
{ false, false, StringToInt128("10502204468834736291038133384309593605"), 38, 6 }}},
{ "cast(2545664579818579.6268123468146829994472 as decimal(38,22)) * "
"cast(8862165565622381.6689679519457799681439 as decimal(38,22))",
{{ false, true, 0, 38, 38 },
{ false, false, StringToInt128("22560100980892785285767018366785939200"), 38, 6 }}},
{ "cast(2575543652687181.7412422395638291836214 as decimal(38,22)) * "
"cast(9142529549684737.3986798331295277312253 as decimal(38,22))",
{{ false, true, 0, 38, 38 },
{ false, false, StringToInt128("23546983951195523383767823614338114083"), 38, 6 }}},
{ "cast(6188696551164477.9944646378584981371524 as decimal(38,22)) * "
"cast(9234914917975734.1781526147879384775182 as decimal(38,22))",
{{ false, true, 0, 38, 38 },
{ false, false, StringToInt128("57152086103173814294786121078946977968"), 38, 6 }}},
{ "cast(-6188696551164477.9944646378584981371524 as decimal(38,22)) * "
"cast(9234914917975734.1781526147879384775182 as decimal(38,22))",
{{ false, true, 0, 38, 38 },
{ false, false, StringToInt128("-57152086103173814294786121078946977968"), 38, 6 }}},
{ "cast(1.006 as decimal(4,2)) * cast(1.1 as decimal(4,2))",
{{ false, false, 11000, 8, 4 },
{ false, false, 11110, 9, 4 }}},
{ "cast(0.9994 as decimal(38,4)) * cast(0.999 as decimal(38,3))",
{{ false, false, 9984006, 38, 7 },
{ false, false, 998401, 38, 6 }}},
{ "cast(0.000000000000000000000000000000000001 as decimal(38,38)) * "
"cast(0.000000000000000000000000000000000001 as decimal(38,38))",
{{ false, false, 0, 38, 38 },
{ false, false, 0, 38, 37 }}},
{ "cast(0.00000000000000000000000000000000001 as decimal(38,37)) * "
"cast(0.00000000000000000000000000000000001 as decimal(38,37))",
{{ false, false, 0, 38, 38 },
{ false, false, 0, 38, 35 }}},
{ "cast(0.00000000000000001 as decimal(38,37)) * "
"cast(0.000000000000000001 as decimal(38,37))",
{{ false, false, 1000, 38, 38 },
{ false, false, 1, 38, 35 }}},
{ "cast(9e-18 as decimal(38,38)) * cast(1e-21 as decimal(38,38))",
{{ false, false, 0, 38, 38 },
{ false, false, 0, 38, 37 }}},
{ "cast(1e-37 as decimal(38,38)) * cast(0.1 as decimal(38,38))",
{{ false, false, 1, 38, 38 },
{ false, false, 0, 38, 37 }}},
{ "cast(1e-37 as decimal(38,38)) * cast(-0.1 as decimal(38,38))",
{{ false, false, -1, 38, 38 },
{ false, false, 0, 38, 37 }}},
{ "cast(9e-36 as decimal(38,38)) * cast(0.1 as decimal(38,38))",
{{ false, false, 90, 38, 38 },
{ false, false, 9, 38, 37 }}},
{ "cast(9e-37 as decimal(38,38)) * cast(0.1 as decimal(38,38))",
{{ false, false, 9, 38, 38 },
{ false, false, 1, 38, 37 }}},
// We are multiplying (2^64 - 1) * (2^63 - 1), which produces the largest intermediate
// result that does not require int256. It overflows because the result is larger than
{ "cast(18446744073709551615 as decimal(38,0)) * "
"cast(9223372036854775807 as decimal(38,0))",
{{ false, true, 0, 38, 0 },
{ true, false, 0, 38, 0 }}},
{ "cast(-18446744073709551615 as decimal(38,0)) * "
"cast(9223372036854775807 as decimal(38,0))",
{{ false, true, 0, 38, 0 },
{ true, false, 0, 38, 0 }}},
// int256 is required. We are multiplying (2^64 - 1) * (2^63) here.
{ "cast(18446744073709551615 as decimal(38,0)) * "
"cast(9223372036854775808 as decimal(38,0))",
{{ false, true, 0, 38, 0 },
{ true, false, 0, 38, 0 }}},
{ "cast(-18446744073709551615 as decimal(38,0)) * "
"cast(9223372036854775808 as decimal(38,0))",
{{ false, true, 0, 38, 0 },
{ true, false, 0, 38, 0 }}},
// Largest intermediate result that does not require int256.
{ "cast(1844674407370.9551615 as decimal(38,7)) * "
"cast(9223372036854775807 as decimal(38,0))",
{{ false, true, 0, 38, 7 },
{ false, false, StringToInt128("17014118346046923170401718760531977831"), 38, 6 }}},
{ "cast(-1844674407370.9551615 as decimal(38,7)) * "
"cast(9223372036854775807 as decimal(38,0))",
{{ false, true, 0, 38, 7 },
{ false, false, StringToInt128("-17014118346046923170401718760531977831"), 38, 6 }}},
// int256 is required.
{ "cast(1844674407370.9551615 as decimal(38,7)) * "
"cast(9223372036854775808 as decimal(38,0))",
{{ false, true, 0, 38, 7 },
{ false, false, StringToInt128("17014118346046923172246393167902932992"), 38, 6 }}},
{ "cast(-1844674407370.9551615 as decimal(38,7)) * "
"cast(9223372036854775808 as decimal(38,0))",
{{ false, true, 0, 38, 7 },
{ false, false, StringToInt128("-17014118346046923172246393167902932992"), 38, 6 }}},
// Smallest intermediate value that requires double checking if int256 is required.
{ "cast(9223372036854775808 as decimal(38,0)) * "
"cast(9223372036854775808 as decimal(38,0))",
{{ false, false, StringToInt128("85070591730234615865843651857942052864"), 38, 0 }}},
{ "cast(-9223372036854775808 as decimal(38,0)) * "
"cast(9223372036854775808 as decimal(38,0))",
{{ false, false, StringToInt128("-85070591730234615865843651857942052864"), 38, 0 }}},
// Scale down the intermediate value by 10^39.
{ "cast(0.33333333333333333333333333333333333333 as decimal(38,38)) * "
"cast(0.00000000000000000000000000000000000003 as decimal(38,38))",
{{ false, false, 0, 38, 38 },
{ false, false, 0, 38, 37 }}},
{ "cast(0.33333333333333333333333333333333333333 as decimal(38,38)) * "
"cast(0.3 as decimal(38,38))",
{{ false, false, StringToInt128("9999999999999999999999999999999999999"), 38, 38 },
{ false, false, StringToInt128("1000000000000000000000000000000000000"), 38, 37 }}},
{ "cast(10000000000000000000 as decimal(21,0)) * "
"cast(10000000000000000000 as decimal(21,0))",
{{ false, true, 0, 38, 0 },
{ true, false, 0, 38, 0 }}},
{ "cast(1000000000000000.0000 as decimal(38,4)) * "
"cast(1000000000000000.0000 as decimal(38,4))",
{{ false, true, 0, 38, 8 },
{ false, false, StringToInt128("1000000000000000000000000000000000000"), 38, 6 }}},
{ "cast(-1000000000000000.0000 as decimal(38,4)) * "
"cast(1000000000000000.0000 as decimal(38,4))",
{{ false, true, 0, 38, 8 },
{ false, false, StringToInt128("-1000000000000000000000000000000000000"), 38, 6 }}},
// Smallest 256 bit intermediate result that can't be scaled down to 128 bits.
{ "cast(10000000000000000.0000 as decimal(38,4)) * "
"cast(10000000000000000.0000 as decimal(38,4))",
{{ false, true, 0, 38, 8 },
{ true, false, 0, 38, 6 }}},
{ "cast(-10000000000000000.0000 as decimal(38,4)) * "
"cast(10000000000000000.0000 as decimal(38,4))",
{{ false, true, 0, 38, 8 },
{ true, false, 0, 38, 6 }}},
// The reason why the result of (38,38) * (38,38) is (38,37).
{ "cast(0.99999999999999999999999999999999999999 as decimal(38,38)) * "
"cast(0.99999999999999999999999999999999999999 as decimal(38,38))",
{{ false, false, StringToInt128("99999999999999999999999999999999999998"), 38, 38 },
{ false, false, StringToInt128("10000000000000000000000000000000000000"), 38, 37 }}},
{ "cast(-0.99999999999999999999999999999999999999 as decimal(38,38)) * "
"cast(0.99999999999999999999999999999999999999 as decimal(38,38))",
{{ false, false, StringToInt128("-99999999999999999999999999999999999998"), 38, 38 },
{ false, false, StringToInt128("-10000000000000000000000000000000000000"), 38, 37 }}},
{ "cast(99999999999999999999999999999999999999 as decimal(38,0)) * "
"cast(1 as decimal(38,0))",
{{ false, false, StringToInt128("99999999999999999999999999999999999999"), 38, 0 }}},
{ "cast(99999999999999999999999999999999999999 as decimal(38,0)) * "
"cast(-1 as decimal(38,0))",
{{ false, false, StringToInt128("-99999999999999999999999999999999999999"), 38, 0 }}},
// Rounding.
{ "cast(0.000005 as decimal(38,6)) * cast(0.1 as decimal(38,1))",
{{ false, false, 5, 38, 7 },
{ false, false, 1, 38, 6 }}},
{ "cast(-0.000005 as decimal(38,6)) * cast(0.1 as decimal(38,1))",
{{ false, false, -5, 38, 7 },
{ false, false, -1, 38, 6 }}},
{ "cast(0.000004 as decimal(38,6)) * cast(0.1 as decimal(38,1))",
{{ false, false, 4, 38, 7 },
{ false, false, 0, 38, 6 }}},
{ "cast(-0.000004 as decimal(38,6)) * cast(0.1 as decimal(38,1))",
{{ false, false, -4, 38, 7 },
{ false, false, 0, 38, 6 }}},
// Test divide operator
{ "cast(1.23 as decimal(8,2)) / cast(1 as decimal(4,3))",
{{ false, false, 12300000, 16, 7}}},
{ "cast(1.23 as decimal(30,2)) / cast(1 as decimal(20,3))",
{{ false, false, 1230, 38, 3 },
{ false, false, 12300000, 38, 7 }}},
{ "cast(1 as decimal(38,0)) / cast(.2 as decimal(38,1))",
{{ false, false, 50, 38, 1 },
{ false, false, 5000000, 38, 6 }}},
{ "cast(1 as decimal(38,0)) / cast(3 as decimal(38,0))",
{{ false, false, 0, 38, 0 },
{ false, false, 333333, 38, 6 }}},
{ "cast(99999999999999999999999999999999999999 as decimal(38,0)) / "
"cast(99999999999999999999999999999999999999 as decimal(38,0))",
{{ false, false, 1, 38, 0 },
{ false, false, 1000000, 38, 6 }}},
{ "cast(99999999999999999999999999999999999999 as decimal(38,0)) / "
"cast(0.00000000000000000000000000000000000001 as decimal(38,38))",
{{ false, true, 0, 38, 38 },
{ true, false, 0, 38, 6 }}},
{ "cast(0.00000000000000000000000000000000000001 as decimal(38,38)) / "
"cast(99999999999999999999999999999999999999 as decimal(38,0))",
{{ false, false, 0, 38, 38 }}},
{ "cast(0.00000000000000000000000000000000000001 as decimal(38,38)) / "
"cast(0.00000000000000000000000000000000000001 as decimal(38,38))",
{{ false, true, 0, 38, 38 },
{ false, false, 1000000, 38, 6 }}},
{ "cast(9999999999999999999.9999999999999999999 as decimal(38,19)) / "
"cast(99999999999999999999999999999.999999999 as decimal(38,9))",
{{ false, false, 1000000000, 38, 19 },
{ false, false, 1, 38, 10 }}},
{ "cast(999999999999999999999999999999999999.99 as decimal(38,2)) / "
"cast(99999999999.999999999999999999999999999 as decimal(38,27))",
{{ false, true, 0, 38, 27 },
{ false, false, static_cast<int128_t>(10) * 10000000000ll *
10000000000ll * 10000000000ll, 38, 6 }}},
{ "cast(-2.12 as decimal(17,2)) / cast(12515.95 as decimal(17,2))",
{{ false, false, -16938386618674571, 37, 20 }}},
{ "cast(-2.12 as decimal(18,2)) / cast(12515.95 as decimal(18,2))",
{{ false, false, 0, 38, 2 },
{ false, false, -16938386618674571, 38, 20 }}},
{ "cast(737373 as decimal(6,0)) / cast(.52525252 as decimal(38,38))",
{{ false, true, 0, 38, 38 },
{ false, false, 1403844764038, 38, 6 }}},
{ "cast(0.000001 as decimal(6,6)) / "
"cast(0.0000000000000000000000000000000000001 as decimal(38,38))",
{{ false, true, 0, 38, 38 },
{ false, false, static_cast<int128_t>(10000000ll) *
10000000000ll * 10000000000ll * 10000000000ll, 38, 6 }}},
{ "cast(98765432109876543210 as decimal(20,0)) / "
"cast(98765432109876543211 as decimal(20,0))",
{{ false, false, 0, 38, 0 },
{ false, false, 1000000000000000000, 38, 18 }}},
{ "cast(111111.1111 as decimal(20, 10)) / cast(.7777 as decimal(38, 38))",
{{ false, true, 0, 38, 38 },
{ false, false, 142871429986, 38, 6 }}},
{ "2.0 / 3.0",
{{ false, false, 6666, 6, 4},
{ false, false, 666667, 8, 6}}},
{ "-2.0 / 3.0",
{{ false, false, -6666, 6, 4},
{ false, false, -666667, 8, 6}}},
{ "2.0 / -3.0",
{{ false, false, -6666, 6, 4},
{ false, false, -666667, 8, 6}}},
{ "-2.0 / -3.0",
{{ false, false, 6666, 6, 4},
{ false, false, 666667, 8, 6}}},
// Test divide rounding
{ "10.10 / 3.0",
{{ false, false, 336666, 8, 5 },
{ false, false, 3366667, 9, 6 }}},
{ "cast(-10.10 as decimal(4,2)) / 3.0", // XXX JIRA: IMPALA-4877
{{ false, false, -336666, 8, 5 },
{ false, false, -3366667, 9, 6 }}},
{ "10.10 / 20.3",
{{ false, false, 497536, 9, 6 },
{ false, false, 497537, 9, 6 }}},
{ "10.10 / -20.3",
{{ false, false, -497536, 9, 6 },
{ false, false, -497537, 9, 6 }}},
// N.B. - Google and python both insist that 999999.998 / 999 is 1001.000999
// However, multiplying the result back, 999 * 1001.000998999 gives the
// original value exactly, while their answer does not, 999 * 10001.000999 =
// 999999.998001. The same issue comes up many times during the following
// computations. Division is hard, let's go shopping.
{ "cast(999999.998 as decimal(9,3)) / 999",
{{ false, false, 1001000998998, 15, 9 },
{ false, false, 1001000998999, 15, 9 }}},
{ "cast(999.999998 as decimal(9,3)) / 999",
{{ false, false, 1001000000, 15, 9 },
{ false, false, 1001001001, 15, 9 }}},
{ "cast(999.999998 as decimal(9,6)) / 999",
{{ false, false, 1001000998998, 15, 12 },
{ false, false, 1001000998999, 15, 12 }}},
{ "cast(0.999999998 as decimal(9,6)) / 999",
{{ false, false, 1001000000, 15, 12 },
{ false, false, 1001001001, 15, 12 }}},
{ "cast(0.999999998 as decimal(9,9)) / 999",
{{ false, false, 1001000998998, 15, 15 },
{ false, false, 1001000998999, 15, 15 }}},
{ "cast(-999999.998 as decimal(9,3)) / 999",
{{ false, false, -1001000998998, 15, 9 },
{ false, false, -1001000998999, 15, 9 }}},
{ "cast(-999.999998 as decimal(9,3)) / 999",
{{ false, false, -1001000000, 15, 9 },
{ false, false, -1001001001, 15, 9 }}},
{ "cast(-999.999998 as decimal(9,6)) / 999",
{{ false, false, -1001000998998, 15, 12 },
{ false, false, -1001000998999, 15, 12 }}},
{ "cast(-0.999999998 as decimal(9,6)) / 999",
{{ false, false, -1001000000, 15, 12 },
{ false, false, -1001001001, 15, 12 }}},
{ "cast(-0.999999998 as decimal(9,9)) / 999",
{{ false, false, -1001000998998, 15, 15 },
{ false, false, -1001000998999, 15, 15 }}},
{ "cast(-999999.998 as decimal(9,3)) / -999",
{{ false, false, 1001000998998, 15, 9 },
{ false, false, 1001000998999, 15, 9 }}},
{ "cast(-999.999998 as decimal(9,3)) / -999",
{{ false, false, 1001000000, 15, 9 },
{ false, false, 1001001001, 15, 9 }}},
{ "cast(-999.999998 as decimal(9,6)) / -999",
{{ false, false, 1001000998998, 15, 12 },
{ false, false, 1001000998999, 15, 12 }}},
{ "cast(-0.999999998 as decimal(9,6)) / -999",
{{ false, false, 1001000000, 15, 12 },
{ false, false, 1001001001, 15, 12 }}},
{ "cast(-0.999999998 as decimal(9,9)) / -999",
{{ false, false, 1001000998998, 15, 15 },
{ false, false, 1001000998999, 15, 15 }}},
{ "cast(999999.998 as decimal(9,3)) / -999",
{{ false, false, -1001000998998, 15, 9 },
{ false, false, -1001000998999, 15, 9 }}},
{ "cast(999.999998 as decimal(9,3)) / -999",
{{ false, false, -1001000000, 15, 9 },
{ false, false, -1001001001, 15, 9 }}},
{ "cast(999.999998 as decimal(9,6)) / -999",
{{ false, false, -1001000998998, 15, 12 },
{ false, false, -1001000998999, 15, 12 }}},
{ "cast(0.999999998 as decimal(9,6)) / -999",
{{ false, false, -1001000000, 15, 12 },
{ false, false, -1001001001, 15, 12 }}},
{ "cast(0.999999998 as decimal(9,9)) / -999",
{{ false, false, -1001000998998, 15, 15 },
{ false, false, -1001000998999, 15, 15 }}},
{ "cast(999.999998 as decimal(9,3)) / 999999999",
{{ false, false, 99999900, 20, 14 },
{ false, false, 100000000, 20, 14 }}},
{ "cast(999.999998 as decimal(9,6)) / 999999999",
{{ false, false, 99999999899, 20, 17 },
{ false, false, 99999999900, 20, 17 }}},
{ "cast(0.999999998 as decimal(9,6)) / 999999999",
{{ false, false, 99999900, 20, 17 },
{ false, false, 100000000, 20, 17 }}},
{ "cast(0.999999998 as decimal(9,9)) / 999999999",
{{ false, false, 99999999899, 20, 20 },
{ false, false, 99999999900, 20, 20 }}},
{ "cast(-999999.998 as decimal(9,3)) / 999999999",
{{ false, false, -99999999899, 20, 14 },
{ false, false, -99999999900, 20, 14 }}},
{ "cast(-999.999998 as decimal(9,3)) / 999999999",
{{ false, false, -99999900, 20, 14 },
{ false, false, -100000000, 20, 14 }}},
{ "cast(-999.999998 as decimal(9,6)) / 999999999",
{{ false, false, -99999999899, 20, 17 },
{ false, false, -99999999900, 20, 17 }}},
{ "cast(-0.999999998 as decimal(9,6)) / 999999999",
{{ false, false, -99999900, 20, 17 },
{ false, false, -100000000, 20, 17 }}},
{ "cast(-0.999999998 as decimal(9,9)) / 999999999",
{{ false, false, -99999999899, 20, 20 },
{ false, false, -99999999900, 20, 20 }}},
{ "cast(-999999.998 as decimal(9,3)) / 999999999",
{{ false, false, -99999999899, 20, 14 },
{ false, false, -99999999900, 20, 14 }}},
{ "cast(-999.999998 as decimal(9,3)) / 999999999",
{{ false, false, -99999900, 20, 14 },
{ false, false, -100000000, 20, 14 }}},
{ "cast(-999.999998 as decimal(9,6)) / 999999999",
{{ false, false, -99999999899, 20, 17 },
{ false, false, -99999999900, 20, 17 }}},
{ "cast(-0.999999998 as decimal(9,6)) / 999999999",
{{ false, false, -99999900, 20, 17 },
{ false, false, -100000000, 20, 17 }}},
{ "cast(-0.999999998 as decimal(9,9)) / 999999999",
{{ false, false, -99999999899, 20, 20 },
{ false, false, -99999999900, 20, 20 }}},
{ "cast(999999.998 as decimal(9,3)) / -999999999",
{{ false, false, -99999999899, 20, 14 },
{ false, false, -99999999900, 20, 14 }}},
{ "cast(999.999998 as decimal(9,3)) / -999999999",
{{ false, false, -99999900, 20, 14 },
{ false, false, -100000000, 20, 14 }}},
{ "cast(999.999998 as decimal(9,6)) / -999999999",
{{ false, false, -99999999899, 20, 17 },
{ false, false, -99999999900, 20, 17 }}},
{ "cast(0.999999998 as decimal(9,6)) / -999999999",
{{ false, false, -99999900, 20, 17 },
{ false, false, -100000000, 20, 17 }}},
{ "cast(0.999999998 as decimal(9,9)) / -999999999",
{{ false, false, -99999999899, 20, 20 },
{ false, false, -99999999900, 20, 20 }}},
{ "17014118346046923173168730371588.410/17014118346046923173168730371588.410",
{{ false, false, 1000, 38, 3 },
{ false, false, 1000000, 38, 6 }}},
{ "17014118346046923173168730371588.410/17014118346046923173168730371588.409",
{{ false, false, 1000, 38, 3 },
{ false, false, 1000000, 38, 6 }}},
{ "17014118346046923173168730371588.410/34028236692093846346337460743176820000",
{{ false, false, 0, 38, 3 },
{ false, false, 1, 38, 6 }}},
{ "17014118346046923173168730371588.410/34028236692093846346337460743176820001",
{{ false, false, 0, 38, 3 },
{ false, false, 0, 38, 6 }}},
{ "17014118346046923173168730371588.410/51042355038140769519506191114765230000",
{{ false, false, 0, 38, 3 },
{ false, false, 0, 38, 6 }}},
{ "17014118346046923173168730371588.410/10208471007628153903901238222953046343",
{{ false, false, 0, 38, 3 },
{ false, false, 2, 38, 6 }}},
{ "170141183460469231731687303715884.10/34028236692093846346337460743176820000",
{{ false, false, 0, 38, 2 },
{ false, false, 5, 38, 6 }}},
{ "170141183460469231731687303715884.10/34028236692093846346337460743176820001",
{{ false, false, 0, 38, 2 },
{ false, false, 5, 38, 6 }}},
{ "170141183460469231731687303715884.10/51042355038140769519506191114765230000",
{{ false, false, 0, 38, 2 },
{ false, false, 3, 38, 6 }}},
{ "170141183460469231731687303715884.10/10208471007628153903901238222953046343",
{{ false, false, 0, 38, 2 },
{ false, false, 17, 38, 6 }}},
{ "1701411834604692317316873037158841.0/34028236692093846346337460743176820000",
{{ false, false, 0, 38, 1 },
{ false, false, 50, 38, 6 }}},
{ "1701411834604692317316873037158841.0/34028236692093846346337460743176820001",
{{ false, false, 0, 38, 1 },
{ false, false, 50, 38, 6 }}},
{ "1701411834604692317316873037158841.0/51042355038140769519506191114765229999",
{{ false, false, 0, 38, 1 },
{ false, false, 33, 38, 6 }}},
{ "1701411834604692317316873037158841.0/10208471007628153903901238222953046343",
{{ false, false, 0, 38, 1 },
{ false, false, 167, 38, 6 }}},
{ "17014118346046923173168730371588410/34028236692093846346337460743176820000",
{{ false, false, 0, 38, 0 },
{ false, false, 500, 38, 6 }}},
{ "17014118346046923173168730371588410/34028236692093846346337460743176820001",
{{ false, false, 0, 38, 0 },
{ false, false, 500, 38, 6 }}},
{ "17014118346046923173168730371588410/51042355038140769519506191114765229999",
{{ false, false, 0, 38, 0 },
{ false, false, 333, 38, 6 }}},
{ "17014118346046923173168730371588410/10208471007628153903901238222953046343",
{{ false, false, 0, 38, 0 },
{ false, false, 1667, 38, 6 }}},
{ "17014118346046923173168730371588410/3402823669209384634633746074317682000.0",
{{ false, false, 0, 38, 1 },
{ false, false, 5000, 38, 6 }}},
{ "17014118346046923173168730371588410/3402823669209384634633746074317682000.1",
{{ false, false, 0, 38, 1 },
{ false, false, 5000, 38, 6 }}},
{ "17014118346046923173168730371588410/5104235503814076951950619111476522999.9",
{{ false, false, 0, 38, 1 },
{ false, false, 3333, 38, 6 }}},
{ "17014118346046923173168730371588410/1020847100762815390390123822295304634.3",
{{ false, false, 0, 38, 1 },
{ false, false, 16667, 38, 6 }}},
{ "15014118346046923173168730371588.410/34028236692093846346337460743176820000",
{{ false, false, 0, 38, 3 },
{ false, false, 0, 38, 6 }}},
{ "150141183460469231731687303715884.10/34028236692093846346337460743176820000",
{{ false, false, 0, 38, 2 },
{ false, false, 4, 38, 6 }}},
{ "1501411834604692317316873037158841.0/34028236692093846346337460743176820000",
{{ false, false, 0, 38, 1 },
{ false, false, 44, 38, 6 }}},
{ "15014118346046923173168730371588410/34028236692093846346337460743176820000",
{{ false, false, 0, 38, 0 },
{ false, false, 441, 38, 6 }}},
{ "16014118346046923173168730371588.410/34028236692093846346337460743176820000",
{{ false, false, 0, 38, 3 },
{ false, false, 0, 38, 6 }}},
{ "160141183460469231731687303715884.10/34028236692093846346337460743176820000",
{{ false, false, 0, 38, 2 },
{ false, false, 5, 38, 6 }}},
{ "1601411834604692317316873037158841.0/34028236692093846346337460743176820000",
{{ false, false, 0, 38, 1 },
{ false, false, 47, 38, 6 }}},
{ "16014118346046923173168730371588410/34028236692093846346337460743176820000",
{{ false, false, 0, 38, 0 },
{ false, false, 471, 38, 6 }}},
{ "16014118346046923173168730371588410/3402823669209384634633746074317682000",
{{ false, false, 0, 38, 0 },
{ false, false, 4706, 38, 6 }}},
{ "18014118346046923173168730371588.410/34028236692093846346337460743176820000",
{{ false, false, 0, 38, 3 },
{ false, false, 1, 38, 6 }}},
{ "180141183460469231731687303715884.10/34028236692093846346337460743176820000",
{{ false, false, 0, 38, 2 },
{ false, false, 5, 38, 6 }}},
{ "1801411834604692317316873037158841.0/34028236692093846346337460743176820000",
{{ false, false, 0, 38, 1 },
{ false, false, 53, 38, 6 }}},
{ "18014118346046923173168730371588410/34028236692093846346337460743176820000",
{{ false, false, 0, 38, 0 },
{ false, false, 529, 38, 6 }}},
{ "18014118346046923173168730371588410/3402823669209384634633746074317682000",
{{ false, false, 0, 38, 0 },
{ false, false, 5294, 38, 6 }}},
{ "18014118346046923173168730371588410/340282366920938463463374607431768200",
{{ false, false, 0, 38, 0 },
{ false, false, 52939, 38, 6 }}},
{ "17014118346046923173168730371588.410/-17014118346046923173168730371588.410",
{{ false, false, -1000, 38, 3 },
{ false, false, -1000000, 38, 6 }}},
{ "17014118346046923173168730371588.410/-17014118346046923173168730371588.409",
{{ false, false, -1000, 38, 3 },
{ false, false, -1000000, 38, 6 }}},
{ "17014118346046923173168730371588.410/-34028236692093846346337460743176820000",
{{ false, false, 0, 38, 3 },
{ false, false, -1, 38, 6 }}},
{ "17014118346046923173168730371588.410/-34028236692093846346337460743176820001",
{{ false, false, 0, 38, 3 },
{ false, false, 0, 38, 6 }}},
{ "17014118346046923173168730371588.410/-51042355038140769519506191114765230000",
{{ false, false, 0, 38, 3 },
{ false, false, 0, 38, 6 }}},
{ "17014118346046923173168730371588.410/-10208471007628153903901238222953046343",
{{ false, false, 0, 38, 3 },
{ false, false, -2, 38, 6 }}},
{ "170141183460469231731687303715884.10/-34028236692093846346337460743176820000",
{{ false, false, 0, 38, 2 },
{ false, false, -5, 38, 6 }}},
{ "170141183460469231731687303715884.10/-34028236692093846346337460743176820001",
{{ false, false, 0, 38, 2 },
{ false, false, -5, 38, 6 }}},
{ "170141183460469231731687303715884.10/-51042355038140769519506191114765230000",
{{ false, false, 0, 38, 2 },
{ false, false, -3, 38, 6 }}},
{ "170141183460469231731687303715884.10/-10208471007628153903901238222953046343",
{{ false, false, 0, 38, 2 },
{ false, false, -17, 38, 6 }}},
{ "1701411834604692317316873037158841.0/-34028236692093846346337460743176820000",
{{ false, false, 0, 38, 1 },
{ false, false, -50, 38, 6 }}},
{ "1701411834604692317316873037158841.0/-34028236692093846346337460743176820001",
{{ false, false, 0, 38, 1 },
{ false, false, -50, 38, 6 }}},
{ "1701411834604692317316873037158841.0/-51042355038140769519506191114765229999",
{{ false, false, 0, 38, 1 },
{ false, false, -33, 38, 6 }}},
{ "1701411834604692317316873037158841.0/-10208471007628153903901238222953046343",
{{ false, false, 0, 38, 1 },
{ false, false, -167, 38, 6 }}},
{ "17014118346046923173168730371588410/-34028236692093846346337460743176820000",
{{ false, false, 0, 38, 0 },
{ false, false, -500, 38, 6 }}},
{ "17014118346046923173168730371588410/-34028236692093846346337460743176820001",
{{ false, false, 0, 38, 0 },
{ false, false, -500, 38, 6 }}},
{ "17014118346046923173168730371588410/-51042355038140769519506191114765229999",
{{ false, false, 0, 38, 0 },
{ false, false, -333, 38, 6 }}},
{ "17014118346046923173168730371588410/-10208471007628153903901238222953046343",
{{ false, false, 0, 38, 0 },
{ false, false, -1667, 38, 6 }}},
{ "17014118346046923173168730371588410/-3402823669209384634633746074317682000.0",
{{ false, false, 0, 38, 1 },
{ false, false, -5000, 38, 6 }}},
{ "17014118346046923173168730371588410/-3402823669209384634633746074317682000.1",
{{ false, false, 0, 38, 1 },
{ false, false, -5000, 38, 6 }}},
{ "17014118346046923173168730371588410/-5104235503814076951950619111476522999.9",
{{ false, false, 0, 38, 1 },
{ false, false, -3333, 38, 6 }}},
{ "17014118346046923173168730371588410/-1020847100762815390390123822295304634.3",
{{ false, false, 0, 38, 1 },
{ false, false, -16667, 38, 6 }}},
{ "15014118346046923173168730371588.410/-34028236692093846346337460743176820000",
{{ false, false, 0, 38, 3 },
{ false, false, 0, 38, 6 }}},
{ "150141183460469231731687303715884.10/-34028236692093846346337460743176820000",
{{ false, false, 0, 38, 2 },
{ false, false, -4, 38, 6 }}},
{ "1501411834604692317316873037158841.0/-34028236692093846346337460743176820000",
{{ false, false, 0, 38, 1 },
{ false, false, -44, 38, 6 }}},
{ "15014118346046923173168730371588410/-34028236692093846346337460743176820000",
{{ false, false, 0, 38, 0 },
{ false, false, -441, 38, 6 }}},
{ "16014118346046923173168730371588.410/-34028236692093846346337460743176820000",
{{ false, false, 0, 38, 3 },
{ false, false, 0, 38, 6 }}},
{ "160141183460469231731687303715884.10/-34028236692093846346337460743176820000",
{{ false, false, 0, 38, 2 },
{ false, false, -5, 38, 6 }}},
{ "1601411834604692317316873037158841.0/-34028236692093846346337460743176820000",
{{ false, false, 0, 38, 1 },
{ false, false, -47, 38, 6 }}},
{ "16014118346046923173168730371588410/-34028236692093846346337460743176820000",
{{ false, false, 0, 38, 0 },
{ false, false, -471, 38, 6 }}},
{ "16014118346046923173168730371588410/-3402823669209384634633746074317682000",
{{ false, false, 0, 38, 0 },
{ false, false, -4706, 38, 6 }}},
{ "18014118346046923173168730371588.410/-34028236692093846346337460743176820000",
{{ false, false, 0, 38, 3 },
{ false, false, -1, 38, 6 }}},
{ "180141183460469231731687303715884.10/-34028236692093846346337460743176820000",
{{ false, false, 0, 38, 2 },
{ false, false, -5, 38, 6 }}},
{ "1801411834604692317316873037158841.0/-34028236692093846346337460743176820000",
{{ false, false, 0, 38, 1 },
{ false, false, -53, 38, 6 }}},
{ "18014118346046923173168730371588410/-34028236692093846346337460743176820000",
{{ false, false, 0, 38, 0 },
{ false, false, -529, 38, 6 }}},
{ "18014118346046923173168730371588410/-3402823669209384634633746074317682000",
{{ false, false, 0, 38, 0 },
{ false, false, -5294, 38, 6 }}},
{ "18014118346046923173168730371588410/-340282366920938463463374607431768200",
{{ false, false, 0, 38, 0 },
{ false, false, -52939, 38, 6 }}},
// IMPALA-6429: Test overflow detection when scaling up the dividend by more than 38.
// The bug can be trigerred only by these specific values. These values were generated
// by the fuzz test.
{ "cast(70685438201098443655665080810945040.194 as decimal(38,3)) / "
"cast(0.85070591730234615865843651857942052863 as decimal(38,38))",
{{ false, true, 0, 38, 38 },
{ true, false, 0, 38, 6 }}},
{ "cast(9269574547799442144750864826042582 as decimal(38,2)) / "
"cast(0.2475880078570760549798248447 as decimal(38,38))",
{{ false, true, 0, 38, 38 },
{ true, false, 0, 38, 6 }}},
{ "cast(19770219132749848273961352693131418.9 as decimal(36,1)) / "
"cast(0.973940341920032002 as decimal(38,38))",
{{ false, true, 0, 38, 38 },
{ true, false, 0, 38, 6 }}},
{ "cast(100000000000000000000000000000000 as decimal(36,3)) / "
"cast(1 as decimal(1,0))",
{{ false, false, StringToInt128("10000000000000000000000000000000000000"), 38, 5 },
{ true, false, 0, 38, 6 }}},
// Test modulo operator
{ "cast(1.23 as decimal(8,2)) % cast(1 as decimal(10,3))",
{{ false, false, 230, 9, 3 }}},
// The modulo operator is defined such that the following holds:
// (x / y) * y + x % y == x
// In order to satisfy the above, the following must also hold:
// x % -y == x % y
// (-x) % y == -(x % y)
{ "cast(-1.23 as decimal(8,2)) % cast(1 as decimal(10,3))",
{{ false, false, -230, 9, 3 }}},
{ "cast(1.23 as decimal(8,2)) % cast(-1 as decimal(10,3))",
{{ false, false, 230, 9, 3 }}},
{ "cast(-1.23 as decimal(8,2)) % cast(-1 as decimal(10,3))",
{{ false, false, -230, 9, 3 }}},
{ "cast(1 as decimal(38,0)) % cast(.2 as decimal(38,1))",
{{ false, false, 0, 38, 1 }}},
{ "cast(1 as decimal(38,0)) % cast(3 as decimal(38,0))",
{{ false, false, 1, 38, 0 }}},
{ "cast(-2.12 as decimal(17,2)) % cast(12515.95 as decimal(17,2))",
{{ false, false, -212, 17, 2 }}},
{ "cast(-2.12 as decimal(18,2)) % cast(12515.95 as decimal(18,2))",
{{ false, false, -212, 18, 2 }}},
{ "cast(99999999999999999999999999999999999999 as decimal(38,0)) % "
"cast(99999999999999999999999999999999999999 as decimal(38,0))",
{{ false, false, 0, 38, 0 }}},
{ "cast(998 as decimal(38,0)) % cast(0.999 as decimal(38,38))",
{{ false, false, StringToInt128("99800000000000000000000000000000000000"), 38, 38 }}},
{ "cast(-998 as decimal(38,0)) % cast(0.999 as decimal(38,38))",
{{ false, false, StringToInt128("-99800000000000000000000000000000000000"), 38, 38 }}},
{ "cast(-998 as decimal(38,0)) % cast(-0.999 as decimal(38,38))",
{{ false, false, StringToInt128("-99800000000000000000000000000000000000"), 38, 38 }}},
{ "cast(998 as decimal(38,0)) % cast(-0.999 as decimal(38,38))",
{{ false, false, StringToInt128("99800000000000000000000000000000000000"), 38, 38 }}},
{ "cast(0.998 as decimal(38,38)) % cast(999 as decimal(38,0))",
{{ false, false, StringToInt128("99800000000000000000000000000000000000"), 38, 38 }}},
{ "cast(88888888888888888888888888888888888888 as decimal(38,0)) % "
"cast(0.33333333333333333333333333333333333333 as decimal(38,38))",
{{ false, false, StringToInt128("22222222222222222222222222222222222222"), 38, 38 }}},
{ "cast(88888888888888888888888888888888888888 as decimal(38,0)) % "
"cast(3333333333333333333333333333.3333333333 as decimal(38,10))",
{{ false, false, StringToInt128("22222222222222222222222222222222222222"), 38, 10 }}},
{ "cast(-88888888888888888888888888888888888888 as decimal(38,0)) % "
"cast(3333333333333333333333333333.3333333333 as decimal(38,10))",
{{ false, false, StringToInt128("-22222222222222222222222222222222222222"), 38, 10 }}},
{ "cast(-88888888888888888888888888888888888888 as decimal(38,0)) % "
"cast(-3333333333333333333333333333.3333333333 as decimal(38,10))",
{{ false, false, StringToInt128("-22222222222222222222222222222222222222"), 38, 10 }}},
{ "cast(88888888888888888888888888888888888888 as decimal(38,0)) % "
"cast(-3333333333333333333333333333.3333333333 as decimal(38,10))",
{{ false, false, StringToInt128("22222222222222222222222222222222222222"), 38, 10 }}},
{ "cast(3333333333333333333333333333.3333333333 as decimal(38,10)) % "
"cast(88888888888888888888888888888888888888 as decimal(38,0))",
{{ false, false, StringToInt128("33333333333333333333333333333333333333"), 38, 10 }}},
{ "cast(0.00000000000000000000000000000000000001 as decimal(38,38)) % "
"cast(0.0000000000000000000000000000000000001 as decimal(38,38))",
{{ false, false, 1, 38, 38 }}},
// Largest values that do not get converted to int256.
// The values are 2^126 - 1 and 2^122 - 1.
{ "cast(8507059173023461586584365185794205286.3 as decimal(38,1)) % "
"cast(5316911983139663491615228241121378303 as decimal(38,0))",
{{ false, false, StringToInt128("31901471898837980949691369446728269833"), 38, 1 }}},
{ "cast(-8507059173023461586584365185794205286.3 as decimal(38,1)) % "
"cast(5316911983139663491615228241121378303 as decimal(38,0))",
{{ false, false, StringToInt128("-31901471898837980949691369446728269833"), 38, 1 }}},
{ "cast(-8507059173023461586584365185794205286.3 as decimal(38,1)) % "
"cast(-5316911983139663491615228241121378303 as decimal(38,0))",
{{ false, false, StringToInt128("-31901471898837980949691369446728269833"), 38, 1 }}},
{ "cast(8507059173023461586584365185794205286.3 as decimal(38,1)) % "
"cast(-5316911983139663491615228241121378303 as decimal(38,0))",
{{ false, false, StringToInt128("31901471898837980949691369446728269833"), 38, 1 }}},
{ "cast(8507059173023461586584365185794205286.4 as decimal(38,1)) % "
"cast(5316911983139663491615228241121378303 as decimal(38,0))",
{{ false, false, StringToInt128("31901471898837980949691369446728269834"), 38, 1 }}},
{ "cast(-8507059173023461586584365185794205286.4 as decimal(38,1)) % "
"cast(5316911983139663491615228241121378303 as decimal(38,0))",
{{ false, false, StringToInt128("-31901471898837980949691369446728269834"), 38, 1 }}},
{ "cast(-8507059173023461586584365185794205286.4 as decimal(38,1)) % "
"cast(-5316911983139663491615228241121378303 as decimal(38,0))",
{{ false, false, StringToInt128("-31901471898837980949691369446728269834"), 38, 1 }}},
{ "cast(8507059173023461586584365185794205286.4 as decimal(38,1)) % "
"cast(-5316911983139663491615228241121378303 as decimal(38,0))",
{{ false, false, StringToInt128("31901471898837980949691369446728269834"), 38, 1 }}},
{ "cast(8507059173023461586584365185794205286.3 as decimal(38,1)) % "
"cast(5316911983139663491615228241121378304 as decimal(38,0))",
{{ false, false, StringToInt128("31901471898837980949691369446728269823"), 38, 1 }}},
{ "cast(5316911983139663491615228241121378303 as decimal(38,0)) % "
"cast(8507059173023461586584365185794205286.3 as decimal(38,1))",
{{ false, false, StringToInt128("53169119831396634916152282411213783030"), 38, 1 }}},
{ "cast(5316911983139663491615228241121378303 as decimal(38,0)) % "
"cast(8507059173023461586584365185794205286.4 as decimal(38,1))",
{{ false, false, StringToInt128("53169119831396634916152282411213783030"), 38, 1 }}},
{ "cast(5316911983139663491615228241121378304 as decimal(38,0)) % "
"cast(8507059173023461586584365185794205286.3 as decimal(38,1))",
{{ false, false, StringToInt128("53169119831396634916152282411213783040"), 38, 1 }}},
// IMPALA-6300: Incorrect results due to overflow when adjusting to the same scale
{ "cast(11111 as decimal(6,1)) % cast(2 as decimal(8,6))",
{{ false, false, 1000000, 8, 6 }}},
{ "cast(11111 as decimal(6,1)) % cast(2 as decimal(18,16))",
{{ false, false, StringToInt128("10000000000000000"), 18, 16 }}},
{ "cast(11111 as decimal(6,1)) % cast(2 as decimal(37,35))",
{{ false, false, StringToInt128("100000000000000000000000000000000000"), 37, 35 }}},
// Test MOD builtin
{ "mod(cast('1' as decimal(2,0)), cast('10' as decimal(2,0)))",
{{ false, false, 1, 2, 0 }}},
{ "mod(cast('1.1' as decimal(2,1)), cast('1.0' as decimal(2,1)))",
{{ false, false, 1, 2, 1 }}},
{ "mod(cast('-1.23' as decimal(5,2)), cast('1.0' as decimal(5,2)))",
{{ false, false, -23, 5, 2 }}},
{ "mod(cast('1' as decimal(12,0)), cast('10' as decimal(12,0)))",
{{ false, false, 1, 12, 0 }}},
{ "mod(cast('1.1' as decimal(12,1)), cast('1.0' as decimal(12,1)))",
{{ false, false, 1, 12, 1 }}},
{ "mod(cast('-1.23' as decimal(12,2)), cast('1.0' as decimal(12,2)))",
{{ false, false, -23, 12, 2 }}},
{ "mod(cast('1' as decimal(32,0)), cast('10' as decimal(32,0)))",
{{ false, false, 1, 32, 0 }}},
{ "mod(cast('1.1' as decimal(32,1)), cast('1.0' as decimal(32,1)))",
{{ false, false, 1, 32, 1 }}},
{ "mod(cast('-1.23' as decimal(32,2)), cast('1.0' as decimal(32,2)))",
{{ false, false, -23, 32, 2 }}},
{ "mod(cast(NULL as decimal(2,0)), cast('10' as decimal(2,0)))",
{{ false, true, 0, 2, 0 }}},
{ "mod(cast('10' as decimal(2,0)), cast(NULL as decimal(2,0)))",
{{ false, true, 0, 2, 0 }}},
{ "mod(cast('10' as decimal(2,0)), cast('0' as decimal(2,0)))",
{{ false, true, 0, 2, 0 },
{ true, false, 0, 2, 0 }}},
{ "mod(cast('10' as decimal(2,0)), cast('0' as decimal(2,0)))",
{{ false, true, 0, 2, 0 },
{ true, false, 0, 2, 0 }}},
{ "cast('10' as decimal(2,0)) % cast('0' as decimal(2,0))",
{{ false, true, 0, 2, 0 },
{ true, false, 0, 2, 0 }}},
{ "cast('10' as decimal(2,0)) % cast('0' as decimal(38,19))",
{{ false, true, 0, 21, 19 },
{ true, false, 0, 21, 19 }}},
{ "cast('10' as decimal(2,0)) / cast('0' as decimal(2,0))",
{{ false, true, 0, 6, 4 },
{ true, false, 0, 6, 4 }}},
{ "cast('10' as decimal(2,0)) / cast('0' as decimal(38,19))",
{{ false, true, 0, 38, 19 },
{ true, false, 0, 38, 19 }}},
{ "mod(cast(NULL as decimal(2,0)), NULL)",
{{ false, true, 0, 2, 0 }}},
{ "cast(cast(0.12344 as decimal(6,5)) as decimal(6,4))",
{{ false, false, 1234, 6, 4 }}},
{ "cast(cast(0.12345 as decimal(6,5)) as decimal(6,4))",
{{ false, false, 1234, 6, 4 },
{ false, false, 1235, 6, 4 }}},
{ "cast(cast('0.999' as decimal(4,3)) as decimal(1,0))",
{{ false, false, 0, 1, 0 },
{ false, false, 1, 1, 0 }}},
{ "cast(cast(999999999.99 as DECIMAL(11,2)) as DECIMAL(9,0))",
{{ false, false, 999999999, 9, 0 },
{ true, false, 0, 9, 0 }}},
{ "cast(cast(-999999999.99 as DECIMAL(11,2)) as DECIMAL(9,0))",
{{ false, false, -999999999, 9, 0 },
{ true, false, 0, 9, 0 }}},
// IMPALA-2233: Test that implicit casts do not lose precision.
// The overload greatest(decimal(*,*)) is available and should be used.
{ "greatest(0, cast('99999.1111' as decimal(30,10)))",
{{ false, false, 999991111000000, 30, 10 },
{ false, false, 999991111000000, 30, 10 }}},
// Test AVG() with DECIMAL
{ "avg(d) from (values((cast(100000000000000000000000000000000.00000 as DECIMAL(38,5)) "
"as d))) as t",
{{ false, false, static_cast<int128_t>(10000000ll) *
10000000000ll * 10000000000ll * 10000000000ll, 38, 5 },
{ true, false, 0, 38, 6}}},
{ "avg(d) from (values((cast(1234567890 as DECIMAL(10,0)) as d))) as t",
{{ false, false, 1234567890, 10, 0},
{ false, false, 1234567890000000, 16, 6}}},
{ "avg(d) from (values((cast(1234567.89 as DECIMAL(10,2)) as d))) as t",
{{ false, false, 123456789, 10, 2},
{ false, false, 1234567890000, 14, 6}}},
{ "avg(d) from (values((cast(10000000000000000000000000000000 as DECIMAL(32,0)) "
"as d))) as t",
{{ false, false, static_cast<int128_t>(10) *
10000000000ll * 10000000000ll * 10000000000ll, 32, 0},
{ false, false, static_cast<int128_t>(10000000) *
10000000000ll * 10000000000ll * 10000000000ll, 38, 6}}},
{ "avg(d) from (values((cast(100000000000000000000000000000000 as DECIMAL(33,0)) "
"as d))) as t",
{{ false, false, static_cast<int128_t>(100) *
10000000000ll * 10000000000ll * 10000000000ll, 33, 0},
{ true, false, 0, 38, 6}}},
{ "avg(d) from (values((cast(100000000000000000000000000000000.0 as DECIMAL(34,1)) "
"as d))) as t",
{{ false, false, static_cast<int128_t>(1000) *
10000000000ll * 10000000000ll * 10000000000ll, 34, 1},
{ true, false, 0, 38, 6}}},
{ "avg(d) from (values((cast(100000000000000000000000000000000.00000 as DECIMAL(38,5)) "
"as d))) as t",
{{ false, false, static_cast<int128_t>(10000000) *
10000000000ll * 10000000000ll * 10000000000ll, 38, 5},
{ true, false, 0, 38, 6}}},
{ "avg(d) from (values((cast(10000000000000000000000000000000.000000 as DECIMAL(38,6)) "
"as d))) as t",
{{ false, false, static_cast<int128_t>(10000000) *
10000000000ll * 10000000000ll * 10000000000ll, 38, 6}}},
{ "avg(d) from (values((cast("
"0.10000000000000000000000000000000000000 as DECIMAL(38,38)) as d))) as t",
{{ false, false, static_cast<int128_t>(10000000) *
10000000000ll * 10000000000ll * 10000000000ll, 38, 38}}},
{ "cast(cast(0.5999999 AS tinyint) AS decimal(10,6))",
{{ false, false, 0, 10, 6 },
{ false, false, 1000000, 10, 6 }}},
{ "cast(cast(99999999.4999999 AS int) AS decimal(10,2))",
{{ false, false, 9999999900, 10, 2 }}},
{ "cast(cast(99999999.5999999 AS int) AS decimal(10,2))",
{{ false, false, 9999999900, 10, 2 },
{ true, false, 0, 10, 2 }}},
{ "cast(cast(10000.5999999 as int) as decimal(30,6))",
{{ false, false, 10000000000, 30, 6 },
{ false, false, 10001000000, 30, 6 }}},
{ "cast(cast(10000.5 AS int) AS decimal(6,1))",
{{ false, false, 100000, 6, 1 },
{ false, false, 100010, 6, 1 }}},
{ "cast(cast(-10000.5 AS int) AS decimal(6,1))",
{{ false, false, -100000, 6, 1 },
{ false, false, -100010, 6, 1 }}},
{ "cast(cast(9999.5 AS int) AS decimal(4,0))",
{{ false, false, 9999, 4, 0 },
{ true, false, 0, 4, 0 }}},
{ "cast(cast(-9999.5 AS int) AS decimal(4,0))",
{{ false, false, -9999, 4, 0 },
{ true, false, 0, 4, 0 }}},
{ "cast(cast(127.4999 AS tinyint) AS decimal(30,0))",
{{ false, false, 127, 30, 0 }}},
{ "cast(cast(127.5 AS tinyint) AS decimal(30,0))",
{{ false, false, 127, 30, 0 },
{ true, false, 0, 30, 0 }}},
{ "cast(cast(128.0 AS tinyint) AS decimal(30,0))",
{{ false, false, -128, 30, 0 }, // BUG: JIRA: IMPALA-865
{ true, false, 0, 30, 0 }}},
{ "cast(cast(-128.4999 AS tinyint) AS decimal(30,0))",
{{ false, false, -128, 30, 0 }}},
{ "cast(cast(-128.5 AS tinyint) AS decimal(30,0))",
{{ false, false, -128, 30, 0 },
{ true, false, 0, 30, 0 }}},
{ "cast(cast(-129.0 AS tinyint) AS decimal(30,0))",
{{ false, false, 127, 30, 0 }, // BUG: JIRA: IMPALA-865
{ true, false, 0, 30, 0 }}},
{ "cast(cast(32767.4999 AS smallint) AS decimal(30,0))",
{{ false, false, 32767, 30, 0 }}},
{ "cast(cast(32767.5 AS smallint) AS decimal(30,0))",
{{ false, false, 32767, 30, 0 },
{ true, false, 0, 30, 0 }}},
{ "cast(cast(32768.0 AS smallint) AS decimal(30,0))",
{{ false, false, -32768, 30, 0 }, // BUG: JIRA: IMPALA-865
{ true, false, 0, 30, 0 }}},
{ "cast(cast(-32768.4999 AS smallint) AS decimal(30,0))",
{{ false, false, -32768, 30, 0 }}},
{ "cast(cast(-32768.5 AS smallint) AS decimal(30,0))",
{{ false, false, -32768, 30, 0 },
{ true, false, 0, 30, 0 }}},
{ "cast(cast(-32769.0 AS smallint) AS decimal(30,0))",
{{ false, false, 32767, 30, 0 }, // BUG: JIRA: IMPALA-865
{ true, false, 0, 30, 0 }}},
{ "cast(cast(2147483647.4999 AS int) AS decimal(30,0))",
{{ false, false, 2147483647, 30, 0 }}},
{ "cast(cast(2147483647.5 AS int) AS decimal(30,0))",
{{ false, false, 2147483647, 30, 0 },
{ true, false, 0, 30, 0 }}},
{ "cast(cast(2147483648.0 AS int) AS decimal(30,0))",
{{ false, false, -2147483648, 30, 0 }, // BUG: JIRA: IMPALA-865
{ true, false, 0, 30, 0 }}},
{ "cast(cast(-2147483648.4999 AS int) AS decimal(30,0))",
{{ false, false, -2147483648, 30, 0 }}},
{ "cast(cast(-2147483648.5 AS int) AS decimal(30,0))",
{{ false, false, -2147483648, 30, 0 },
{ true, false, 0, 30, 0 }}},
{ "cast(cast(-2147483649.0 AS int) AS decimal(30,0))",
{{ false, false, 2147483647, 30, 0 }, // BUG: JIRA: IMPALA-865
{ true, false, 0, 30, 0 }}},
{ "cast(cast(9223372036854775807.4999 AS bigint) AS decimal(30,0))",
{{ false, false, 9223372036854775807, 30, 0 }}},
{ "cast(cast(9223372036854775807.5 AS bigint) AS decimal(30,0))",
{{ false, false, 9223372036854775807, 30, 0 },
{ true, false, 0, 30, 0 }}},
{ "cast(cast(9223372036854775808.0 AS bigint) AS decimal(30,0))",
// BUG; also GCC workaround with -1
{{ false, false, -9223372036854775807 - 1, 30, 0 },
// error: integer constant is so large that it is unsigned
{ true, false, 0, 30, 0 }}},
{ "cast(cast(-9223372036854775808.4999 AS bigint) AS decimal(30,0))",
{{ false, false, -9223372036854775807 - 1, 30, 0 }}},
{ "cast(cast(-9223372036854775808.5 AS bigint) AS decimal(30,0))",
{{ false, false, -9223372036854775807 - 1, 30, 0 },
{ true, false, 0, 30, 0 }}},
{ "cast(cast(-9223372036854775809.0 AS bigint) AS decimal(30,0))",
{{ false, false, 9223372036854775807, 30, 0 }, // BUG: JIRA: IMPALA-865
{ true, false, 0, 30, 0 }}},
{ "cast(cast(cast(pow(1, -38) as decimal(38,38)) as bigint) as decimal(18,10))",
{{ false, false, 0, 18, 10 },
{ false, false, 10000000000, 18, 10 }}},
{ "cast(cast(cast(-pow(1, -38) as decimal(38,38)) as bigint) as decimal(18,10))",
{{ false, false, 0, 18, 10 },
{ false, false, -10000000000, 18, 10 }}},
{ "cast(cast(power(10, 3) - power(10, -1) as float) as decimal(4,1))",
{{ false, false, 9999, 4, 1 }}},
{ "cast(cast(power(10, 3) - power(10, -2) as float) as decimal(5,1))",
{{ false, false, 9999, 5, 1 },
{ false, false, 10000, 5, 1 }}},
{ "cast(cast(power(10, 3) - power(10, -2) as float) as decimal(4,1))",
{{ false, false, 9999, 4, 1 },
{ true, false, 0, 4, 1 }}},
{ "cast(cast(-power(10, 3) + power(10, -1) as float) as decimal(4,1))",
{{ false, false, -9999, 4, 1 }}},
{ "cast(cast(-power(10, 3) + power(10, -2) as float) as decimal(5,1))",
{{ false, false, -9999, 5, 1 },
{ false, false, -10000, 5, 1 }}},
{ "cast(cast(-power(10, 3) + power(10, -2) as float) as decimal(4,1))",
{{ false, false, -9999, 4, 1 },
{ true, false, 0, 4, 1 }}},
{ "cast(cast(power(10, 3) - 0.45 as double) as decimal(4,1))",
{{ false, false, 9995, 4, 1 },
{ false, false, 9996, 4, 1 }}},
{ "cast(cast(power(10, 3) - 0.45 as double) as decimal(5,2))",
{{ false, false, 99955, 5, 2 }}},
{ "cast(cast(power(10, 3) - 0.45 as double) as decimal(5,0))",
{{ false, false, 999, 5, 0 },
{ false, false, 1000, 5, 0 }}},
{ "cast(cast(power(10, 3) - 0.45 as double) as decimal(3,0))",
{{ false, false, 999, 3, 0 },
{ true, false, 0, 3, 0 }}},
{ "cast(cast(-power(10, 3) + 0.45 as double) as decimal(4,1))",
{{ false, false, -9995, 4, 1 },
{ false, false, -9996, 4, 1 }}},
{ "cast(cast(-power(10, 3) + 0.45 as double) as decimal(5,2))",
{{ false, false, -99955, 5, 2 }}},
{ "cast(cast(-power(10, 3) + 0.45 as double) as decimal(5,0))",
{{ false, false, -999, 5, 0 },
{ false, false, -1000, 5, 0 }}},
{ "cast(cast(-power(10, 3) + 0.45 as double) as decimal(3,0))",
{{ false, false, -999, 3, 0 },
{ true, false, 0, 3, 0 }}},
{ "cast(cast(power(10, 3) - 0.5 as double) as decimal(4,1))",
{{ false, false, 9995, 4, 1 }}},
{ "cast(cast(power(10, 3) - 0.5 as double) as decimal(5,2))",
{{ false, false, 99950, 5, 2 }}},
{ "cast(cast(power(10, 3) - 0.5 as double) as decimal(5,0))",
{{ false, false, 999, 5, 0 },
{ false, false, 1000, 5, 0 }}},
{ "cast(cast(power(10, 3) - 0.5 as double) as decimal(3,0))",
{{ false, false, 999, 3, 0 },
{ true, false, 0, 3, 0 }}},
{ "cast(cast(-power(10, 3) + 0.5 as double) as decimal(4,1))",
{{ false, false, -9995, 4, 1 }}},
{ "cast(cast(-power(10, 3) + 0.5 as double) as decimal(5,2))",
{{ false, false, -99950, 5, 2 }}},
{ "cast(cast(-power(10, 3) + 0.5 as double) as decimal(5,0))",
{{ false, false, -999, 5, 0 },
{ false, false, -1000, 5, 0 }}},
{ "cast(cast(-power(10, 3) + 0.5 as double) as decimal(3,0))",
{{ false, false, -999, 3, 0 },
{ true, false, 0, 3, 0 }}},
{ "cast(cast(power(10, 3) - 0.55 as double) as decimal(4,1))",
{{ false, false, 9994, 4, 1 },
{ false, false, 9995, 4, 1 }}},
{ "cast(cast(power(10, 3) - 0.55 as double) as decimal(5,2))",
{{ false, false, 99945, 5, 2 }}},
{ "cast(cast(power(10, 3) - 0.55 as double) as decimal(5,0))",
{{ false, false, 999, 5, 0 }}},
{ "cast(cast(power(10, 3) - 0.55 as double) as decimal(3,0))",
{{ false, false, 999, 3, 0 }}},
{ "cast(cast(-power(10, 3) + 0.55 as double) as decimal(4,1))",
{{ false, false, -9994, 4, 1 },
{ false, false, -9995, 4, 1 }}},
{ "cast(cast(-power(10, 3) + 0.55 as double) as decimal(5,2))",
{{ false, false, -99945, 5, 2 }}},
{ "cast(cast(-power(10, 3) + 0.55 as double) as decimal(5,0))",
{{ false, false, -999, 5, 0 }}},
{ "cast(cast(-power(10, 3) + 0.55 as double) as decimal(3,0))",
{{ false, false, -999, 3, 0 }}},
{ "cast(power(2, 1023) * 100 as decimal(38,0))",
{{ false, true, 0, 38, 0 },
{ true, false, 0, 38, 0 }}},
{ "cast(power(2, 1023) * 100 as decimal(18,0))",
{{ false, true, 0, 18, 0 },
{ true, false, 0, 18, 0 }}},
{ "cast(power(2, 1023) * 100 as decimal(9,0))",
{{ false, true, 0, 9, 0 },
{ true, false, 0, 9, 0 }}},
{ "cast(0/0 as decimal(38,0))",
{{ false, true, 0, 38, 0 },
{ true, false, 0, 38, 0 }}},
{ "cast(0/0 as decimal(18,0))",
{{ false, true, 0, 18, 0 },
{ true, false, 0, 18, 0 }}},
{ "cast(0/0 as decimal(9,0))",
{{ false, true, 0, 9, 0 },
{ true, false, 0, 9, 0 }}},
// 39 5's - legal double but will overflow in decimal
{ "cast(555555555555555555555555555555555555555 as decimal(38,0))",
{{ false, true, 0, 38, 0 },
{ true, false, 0, 38, 0 }}},
void TestScaleBy() {
// IMPALA-6429: There is a shortcut in the decimal division. If we estimate that the
// dividend requires more than 255 bits after scaling up, we overflow right away. This
// test proves that it is correct to do this and no other checks are needed.
for (int scale_by = 0; scale_by < 38 * 2 + 1; ++scale_by) {
for (int num_bits = 1; num_bits < 128; ++num_bits) {
// We set the dividend to be the smallest number that requires a certain number of
// bits.
int128_t dividend = 1;
dividend <<= num_bits - 1;
int256_t scaled_up_dividend = DecimalUtil::MultiplyByScale<int256_t>(
ConvertToInt256(dividend), scale_by, true);
int256_t scale_multiplier = DecimalUtil::GetScaleMultiplier<int256_t>(scale_by);
if (detail::MaxBitsRequiredAfterScaling(dividend, scale_by) <= 255) {
// If we estimate that the scaled up dividend requires 255 bits or less, verify
// that we do not overflow when scaling up.
EXPECT_TRUE(scaled_up_dividend / scale_multiplier == ConvertToInt256(dividend));
(-scaled_up_dividend) / scale_multiplier == ConvertToInt256(-dividend));
} else {
// If we estimate that scaled up dividend requres more than 255 bits, we want to
// verify that it is safe to set the result of the division to overflow.
if (scaled_up_dividend / scale_multiplier == ConvertToInt256(dividend)) {
// In this case, scaling up did not overflow. Verify that the scaled up
// dividend is too large. Even if we divide it by the largest possible divisor
// the result is larger than MAX_UNSCALED_DECIMAL16, which means the division
// overflows in all cases.
EXPECT_TRUE((-scaled_up_dividend) / scale_multiplier ==
int256_t max_divisor = ConvertToInt256(MAX_UNSCALED_DECIMAL16);
EXPECT_TRUE(scaled_up_dividend / max_divisor > max_divisor);
EXPECT_TRUE((-scaled_up_dividend) / max_divisor < -max_divisor);
} else {
// There was an overflow when scaling up.
EXPECT_TRUE((-scaled_up_dividend) / scale_multiplier !=
TEST_P(ExprTest, DecimalArithmeticExprs) {
// Test with both decimal_v2={false, true}
for (int v2: { 0, 1 }) {
string opt = "DECIMAL_V2=" + lexical_cast<string>(v2);
for (const DecimalTestCase& c : decimal_cases) {
const DecimalExpectedResult& r = c.Expected(v2);
const ColumnType& type = ColumnType::CreateDecimalType(r.precision, r.scale);
if (r.error) {
} else if (r.null) {
TestDecimalResultType(c.expr, type);
TestIsNull(c.expr, type);
} else {
TestIsNotNull(c.expr, type);
switch (type.GetByteSize()) {
case 4:
TestDecimalValue(c.expr, Decimal4Value(r.scaled_val), type);
case 8:
TestDecimalValue(c.expr, Decimal8Value(r.scaled_val), type);
case 16:
TestDecimalValue(c.expr, Decimal16Value(r.scaled_val), type);
DCHECK(false) << type << " " << type.GetByteSize();
// Tests for expressions that mix decimal and non-decimal arguments with DECIMAL_V2=false.
TEST_P(ExprTest, DecimalV1MixedArithmeticExprs) {
// IMPALA-3437: decimal constants are implicitly converted to double.
TestValue("10.0 + 3", TYPE_DOUBLE, 13.0);
TestValue("10 + 3.0", TYPE_DOUBLE, 13.0);
TestValue("10.0 - 3", TYPE_DOUBLE, 7.0);
TestValue("10.0 * 3", TYPE_DOUBLE, 30.0);
TestValue("10.0 / 3", TYPE_DOUBLE, 10.0 / 3);
// Conversion to DOUBLE loses some precision.
TestValue("0.999999999999999999999999999999 = 1", TYPE_BOOLEAN, true);
TestValue("0.999999999999999999999999999999 != 1", TYPE_BOOLEAN, false);
TestValue("0.999999999999999999999999999999 < 1", TYPE_BOOLEAN, false);
TestValue("0.999999999999999999999999999999 >= 1", TYPE_BOOLEAN, true);
TestValue("0.999999999999999999999999999999 > 1", TYPE_BOOLEAN, false);
// Tests the same expressions as above with DECIMAL_V2=true.
TEST_P(ExprTest, DecimalV2MixedArithmeticExprs) {
// IMPALA-3437: decimal constants remain decimal.
"10.0 + 3", Decimal4Value(130), ColumnType::CreateDecimalType(5, 1));
"10 + 3.0", Decimal4Value(130), ColumnType::CreateDecimalType(5, 1));
"10.0 - 3", Decimal4Value(70), ColumnType::CreateDecimalType(5, 1));
"10.0 * 3", Decimal4Value(300), ColumnType::CreateDecimalType(7, 1));
"10.0 / 3", Decimal4Value(3333333), ColumnType::CreateDecimalType(8, 6));
// Comparisons between DECIMAL values are precise.
TestValue("0.999999999999999999999999999999 = 1", TYPE_BOOLEAN, false);
TestValue("0.999999999999999999999999999999 != 1", TYPE_BOOLEAN, true);
TestValue("0.999999999999999999999999999999 < 1", TYPE_BOOLEAN, true);
TestValue("0.999999999999999999999999999999 >= 1", TYPE_BOOLEAN, false);
TestValue("0.999999999999999999999999999999 > 1", TYPE_BOOLEAN, false);
// There are two tests of ranges, the second of which requires a cast
// of the second operand to a higher-resolution type.
TEST_P(ExprTest, BinaryPredicates) {
TestComparison("false", "true", false);
TestBinaryPredicates("false", false);
TestBinaryPredicates("true", false);
// Test casting from all types to all other types
TEST_P(ExprTest, CastExprs) {
// From tinyint
TestCast("cast(0 as tinyint)", 0);
TestCast("cast(5 as tinyint)", 5);
TestCast("cast(-5 as tinyint)", -5);
// From smallint
TestCast("cast(0 as smallint)", 0);
TestCast("cast(5 as smallint)", 5);
TestCast("cast(-5 as smallint)", -5);
// From int
TestCast("cast(0 as int)", 0);
TestCast("cast(5 as int)", 5);
TestCast("cast(-5 as int)", -5);
// From bigint
TestCast("cast(0 as bigint)", 0);
TestCast("cast(5 as bigint)", 5);
TestCast("cast(-5 as bigint)", -5);
// From boolean
TestCast("cast(0 as boolean)", 0);
TestCast("cast(5 as boolean)", 1);
TestCast("cast(-5 as boolean)", 1);
// From Float
TestCast("cast(0.0 as float)", 0.0f);
TestCast("cast(5.0 as float)", 5.0f);
TestCast("cast(-5.0 as float)", -5.0f);
TestCast("cast(0.1234567890123 as float)", 0.1234567890123f);
TestCast("cast(0.1234567890123 as float)", 0.123456791f); // same as above
TestCast("cast(0.00000000001234567890123 as float)", 0.00000000001234567890123f);
TestCast("cast(123456 as float)", 123456.0f, 4, false, false);
// From
// Min positive normal value
TestCast("cast(1.1754944e-38 as float)", 1.1754944e-38f);
// Max representable value
TestCast("cast(3.4028234e38 as float)", 3.4028234e38f, 32, false, true);
// From Double
TestCast("cast(0.0 as double)", 0.0);
TestCast("cast(5.0 as double)", 5.0);
TestCast("cast(-5.0 as double)", -5.0);
TestCast("cast(0.123e10 as double)", 0.123e10, 4, false, false);
TestCast("cast(123.123e10 as double)", 123.123e10, 8, false, true);
TestCast("cast(1.01234567890123456789 as double)", 1.01234567890123456789);
TestCast("cast(1.01234567890123456789 as double)", 1.0123456789012346); // same as above
TestCast("cast(0.01234567890123456789 as double)", 0.01234567890123456789);
TestCast("cast(0.1234567890123456789 as double)", 0.1234567890123456789);
TestCast("cast(-2.2250738585072020E-308 as double)", -2.2250738585072020e-308);
// casting string to double
TestCast("cast('0.43149576573887316' as double)", 0.43149576573887316);
TestCast("cast('-0.43149576573887316' as double)", -0.43149576573887316);
TestCast("cast('0.123e10' as double)", 0.123e10, 4, false, false);
TestCast("cast('123.123e10' as double)", 123.123e10, 8, false, true);
TestCast("cast('1.01234567890123456789' as double)", 1.01234567890123456789);
// From
// Min subnormal positive double
TestCast("cast(4.9406564584124654e-324 as double)", 4.9406564584124654e-324);
TestCast("cast('4.9406564584124654e-324' as double)", 4.9406564584124654e-324);
// Max subnormal double
TestCast("cast(2.2250738585072009e-308 as double)", 2.2250738585072009e-308);
TestCast("cast('2.2250738585072009e-308' as double)", 2.2250738585072009e-308);
// Min normal positive double
TestCast("cast(2.2250738585072014e-308 as double)", 2.2250738585072014e-308);
TestCast("cast('2.2250738585072014e-308' as double)", 2.2250738585072014e-308);
// Max Double
TestCast("cast(1.7976931348623157e+308 as double)", 1.7976931348623157e308,
128, true, true);
TestCast("cast('1.7976931348623157e+308' as double)", 1.7976931348623157e308,
128, true, true);
// From String
TestCast("'0'", "0");
TestCast("'5'", "5");
TestCast("'-5'", "-5");
TestStringValue("cast(\"abc\" as string)", "abc");
// From Timestamp to Timestamp
TestStringValue("cast(cast(cast('2012-01-01 09:10:11.123456789' as timestamp) as"
" timestamp) as string)", "2012-01-01 09:10:11.123456789");
// Test casting of lazy date and/or time format string to timestamp
"cast('2001-1-2' as timestamp)",
TimestampValue::ParseSimpleDateFormat("2001-01-02 00:00:00"));
"cast('2001-01-3' as timestamp)",
TimestampValue::ParseSimpleDateFormat("2001-01-03 00:00:00"));
"cast('2001-1-21' as timestamp)",
TimestampValue::ParseSimpleDateFormat("2001-01-21 00:00:00"));
TestTimestampValue("cast('2001-1-21 12:5:30' as timestamp)",
TimestampValue::ParseSimpleDateFormat("2001-01-21 12:05:30"));
TestTimestampValue("cast('2001-1-21 13:5:05' as timestamp)",
TimestampValue::ParseSimpleDateFormat("2001-01-21 13:05:05"));
TestTimestampValue("cast('2001-1-21 1:2:3' as timestamp)",
TimestampValue::ParseSimpleDateFormat("2001-01-21 01:02:03"));
TestTimestampValue("cast('2001-1-21 1:5:31.12345' as timestamp)",
TimestampValue::ParseSimpleDateFormat("2001-01-21 01:05:31.123450000"));
TestTimestampValue("cast('2001-1-21 1:5:31.12345678910111213' as timestamp)",
TimestampValue::ParseSimpleDateFormat("2001-01-21 01:05:31.123456789"));
TestTimestampValue("cast(' 2001-01-9 1:05:1 ' as timestamp)",
TimestampValue::ParseSimpleDateFormat("2001-01-09 01:05:01"));
TestIsNull("cast('2001-6' as timestamp)", TYPE_TIMESTAMP);
TestIsNull("cast('01-1-21' as timestamp)", TYPE_TIMESTAMP);
TestIsNull("cast('2001-1-21 12:5:3 AM' as timestamp)", TYPE_TIMESTAMP);
TestIsNull("cast('1:05:31.123456foo' as timestamp)", TYPE_TIMESTAMP);
TestIsNull("cast('1:05:1.12' as timestamp)", TYPE_TIMESTAMP);
TestIsNull("cast('1:05:1' as timestamp)", TYPE_TIMESTAMP);
TestIsNull("cast('10/feb/10' as timestamp)", TYPE_TIMESTAMP);
TestIsNull("cast('1909-foo1-2bar' as timestamp)", TYPE_TIMESTAMP);
TestIsNull("cast('1909/1-/2' as timestamp)", TYPE_TIMESTAMP);
TestIsNull("cast('1909-1-2 12:32:1.111bar' as timestamp)", TYPE_TIMESTAMP);
TestIsNull("cast('1909-10-2 12:32:' as timestamp)", TYPE_TIMESTAMP);
// Test various ways of truncating a "lazy" format to produce an invalid timestamp.
TestIsNull("cast('1909-10-2 12:32:1.' as timestamp)", TYPE_TIMESTAMP);
TestIsNull("cast('1909-10-2 12:32:11.' as timestamp)", TYPE_TIMESTAMP);
TestIsNull("cast('1909-10-2 12:32:11. ' as timestamp)", TYPE_TIMESTAMP);
TestIsNull("cast('1909-10-2 12:32:' as timestamp)", TYPE_TIMESTAMP);
TestIsNull("cast('1909-10-2 12:32: ' as timestamp)", TYPE_TIMESTAMP);
TestIsNull("cast('1909-10-2 1:32:' as timestamp)", TYPE_TIMESTAMP);
TestIsNull("cast('1909-10-2 1:2:' as timestamp)", TYPE_TIMESTAMP);
TestIsNull("cast('1909-10-2 1:2' as timestamp)", TYPE_TIMESTAMP);
TestIsNull("cast('1909-10-2 1:2 ' as timestamp)", TYPE_TIMESTAMP);
TestIsNull("cast('1909-10-2 12:' as timestamp)", TYPE_TIMESTAMP);
TestIsNull("cast('1909-10-2 12' as timestamp)", TYPE_TIMESTAMP);
TestIsNull("cast('1909-10-2 12 ' as timestamp)", TYPE_TIMESTAMP);
TestIsNull("cast('1909-10-2 2' as timestamp)", TYPE_TIMESTAMP);
TestIsNull("cast('1909-10- ' as timestamp)", TYPE_TIMESTAMP);
TestIsNull("cast('1909-10-' as timestamp)", TYPE_TIMESTAMP);
TestIsNull("cast('1909-10' as timestamp)", TYPE_TIMESTAMP);
TestIsNull("cast('1909-' as timestamp)", TYPE_TIMESTAMP);
TestIsNull("cast('1909' as timestamp)", TYPE_TIMESTAMP);
// Test missing number from format.
TestIsNull("cast('1909-10-2 12:32:.9999' as timestamp)", TYPE_TIMESTAMP);
TestIsNull("cast('1909-10-2 12::1.9999' as timestamp)", TYPE_TIMESTAMP);
TestIsNull("cast('1909-10-2 :32:1.9999' as timestamp)", TYPE_TIMESTAMP);
TestIsNull("cast('1909-10- 12:32:1.9999' as timestamp)", TYPE_TIMESTAMP);
TestIsNull("cast('1909--2 12:32:1.9999' as timestamp)", TYPE_TIMESTAMP);
TestIsNull("cast('-10-2 12:32:1.9999' as timestamp)", TYPE_TIMESTAMP);
// Test duplicate separators - should return NULL because not a valid format.
TestIsNull("cast('1909--10-2 12:32:1.9999' as timestamp)", TYPE_TIMESTAMP);
TestIsNull("cast('1909-10--2 12:32:1.9999' as timestamp)", TYPE_TIMESTAMP);
TestIsNull("cast('1909-10-2 12::32:1.9999' as timestamp)", TYPE_TIMESTAMP);
TestIsNull("cast('1909-10-2 12:32::1.9999' as timestamp)", TYPE_TIMESTAMP);
TestIsNull("cast('1909-10-2 12:32:1..9999' as timestamp)", TYPE_TIMESTAMP);
// Test numbers with too many digits in date/time - should return NULL because not a
// valid timestamp.
TestIsNull("cast('19097-10-2 12:32:1.9999' as timestamp)", TYPE_TIMESTAMP);
TestIsNull("cast('1909-107-2 12:32:1.9999' as timestamp)", TYPE_TIMESTAMP);
TestIsNull("cast('1909-10-277 12:32:1.9999' as timestamp)", TYPE_TIMESTAMP);
TestIsNull("cast('1909-10-2 127:32:1.9999' as timestamp)", TYPE_TIMESTAMP);
TestIsNull("cast('1909-10-2 12:327:1.9999' as timestamp)", TYPE_TIMESTAMP);
TestIsNull("cast('1909-10-2 12:32:177.9999' as timestamp)", TYPE_TIMESTAMP);
// IMPALA-6630: Test whitespace trimming mechanism when cast from string to timestamp
TestTimestampValue("cast(' \t\r\n 2001-01-09 01:05:01.123456789 \t\r\n' as timestamp)",
TimestampValue::ParseSimpleDateFormat("2001-01-09 01:05:01.123456789"));
TestTimestampValue("cast(' \t\r\n 2001-01-09T01:05:02.123456789 \t\r\n' as timestamp)",
TimestampValue::ParseSimpleDateFormat("2001-01-09 01:05:02.123456789"));
TestTimestampValue("cast(' \t\r\n 2001-01-09 01:05:01 \t\r\n ' as timestamp)",
TimestampValue::ParseSimpleDateFormat("2001-01-09 01:05:01"));
TestTimestampValue("cast(' \t\r\n 2001-01-09T01:05:01 \t\r\n ' as timestamp)",
TimestampValue::ParseSimpleDateFormat("2001-01-09 01:05:01"));
TestTimestampValue("cast(' \t\r\n 2001-01-09 \t\r\n ' as timestamp)",
TestTimestampValue("cast(' \t\r\n 2001-1-9 1:5:1 \t\r\n ' as timestamp)",
TimestampValue::ParseSimpleDateFormat("2001-01-09 01:05:01"));
TestTimestampValue("cast(' \t\r\n 2001-1-9 1:5:1.12345678 \t\r\n ' as timestamp)",
TimestampValue::ParseSimpleDateFormat("2001-01-09 01:05:01.123456780"));
TestTimestampValue("cast(' \t\r\n 2001-1-9 \t\r\n ' as timestamp)",
// IMPALA-9531: Dateless timestamps without format should return NULL
"cast(' \t\r\n 1:5:1.12345678 \t\r\n ' as timestamp)", TYPE_TIMESTAMP);
TestIsNull("cast(' \t\r\n 1:5:1 \t\r\n ' as timestamp)", TYPE_TIMESTAMP);
"cast(' \t\r\n 01:05:01.123456789 \t\r\n ' as timestamp)", TYPE_TIMESTAMP);
TestIsNull("cast(' \t\r\n 01:05:01 \t\r\n ' as timestamp)", TYPE_TIMESTAMP);
// IMPALA-6995: whitespace-only strings should return NULL.
TestIsNull("cast(' ' as timestamp)", TYPE_TIMESTAMP);
TestIsNull("cast('\n' as timestamp)", TYPE_TIMESTAMP);
TestIsNull("cast('\t' as timestamp)", TYPE_TIMESTAMP);
TestIsNull("cast(' \t\r\n' as timestamp)", TYPE_TIMESTAMP);
// Test valid multi-space and 'T' separators between date and time
// components
TestTimestampValue("cast('2001-01-09 01:05:01' as timestamp)",
TimestampValue::ParseSimpleDateFormat("2001-01-09 01:05:01"));
TestTimestampValue("cast('2001-01-09T01:05:10' as timestamp)",
TimestampValue::ParseSimpleDateFormat("2001-01-09 01:05:10"));
TestTimestampValue("cast('2001-01-09 01:05:02.321456789101112' as timestamp)",
TimestampValue::ParseSimpleDateFormat("2001-01-09 01:05:02.321456789"));
TestTimestampValue("cast('2001-01-09T01:05:03.123456789101112' as timestamp)",
TimestampValue::ParseSimpleDateFormat("2001-01-09 01:05:03.123456789"));
TestTimestampValue("cast(' \t\r\n 2001-01-09 01:05:01 \t\r\n ' as timestamp)",
TimestampValue::ParseSimpleDateFormat("2001-01-09 01:05:01"));
TestTimestampValue("cast(' \t\r\n 2001-01-09T01:05:01 \t\r\n ' as timestamp)",
TimestampValue::ParseSimpleDateFormat("2001-01-09 01:05:01"));
"cast(' \t\r\n 2001-01-09 01:05:04.12345678910 \t\r\n ' as timestamp)",
TimestampValue::ParseSimpleDateFormat("2001-01-09 01:05:04.123456789"));
"cast(' \t\r\n 2001-02-09T01:05:01.12345678910 \t\r\n ' as timestamp)",
TimestampValue::ParseSimpleDateFormat("2001-02-09 01:05:01.123456789"));
// Test invalid variations of the 'T' separator
TestIsNull("cast('2001-01-09TTTTT01:05:01' as timestamp)", TYPE_TIMESTAMP);
TestIsNull("cast('2001-01-09t01:05:01' as timestamp)", TYPE_TIMESTAMP);
// Test invalid whitespace locations in strings to be casted to timestamp
TestIsNull("cast('2001-01-09\t01:05:01' as timestamp)", TYPE_TIMESTAMP);
TestIsNull("cast('2001-01-09\r01:05:01' as timestamp)", TYPE_TIMESTAMP);
TestIsNull("cast('2001-01-09\n01:05:01' as timestamp)", TYPE_TIMESTAMP);
TestIsNull("cast('2001-1-9\t1:5:1' as timestamp)", TYPE_TIMESTAMP);
TestIsNull("cast('2001-1-9\r1:5:1' as timestamp)", TYPE_TIMESTAMP);
TestIsNull("cast('2001-1-9\n1:5:1' as timestamp)", TYPE_TIMESTAMP);
// IMPALA-3163: Test precise conversion from Decimal to Timestamp.
TestTimestampValue("cast(cast(1457473016.1230 as decimal(17,4)) as timestamp)",
TimestampValue::ParseSimpleDateFormat("2016-03-08 21:36:56.123000000", 29));
// 32 bit Decimal.
TestTimestampValue("cast(cast(123.45 as decimal(9,2)) as timestamp)",
TimestampValue::ParseSimpleDateFormat("1970-01-01 00:02:03.450000000", 29));
TestTimestampValue("cast(cast(-123.45 as decimal(9,2)) as timestamp)",
TimestampValue::ParseSimpleDateFormat("1969-12-31 23:57:56.550000000", 29));
// 64 bit Decimal.
TestTimestampValue("cast(cast(123.45 as decimal(18,2)) as timestamp)",
TimestampValue::ParseSimpleDateFormat("1970-01-01 00:02:03.450000000", 29));
TestTimestampValue("cast(cast(-123.45 as decimal(18,2)) as timestamp)",
TimestampValue::ParseSimpleDateFormat("1969-12-31 23:57:56.550000000", 29));
TestTimestampValue("cast(cast(-0.1 as decimal(18,10)) as timestamp)",
TimestampValue::ParseSimpleDateFormat("1969-12-31 23:59:59.900000000", 29));
TestTimestampValue("cast(cast(253402300799.99 as decimal(18, 2)) as timestamp)",
TimestampValue::ParseSimpleDateFormat("9999-12-31 23:59:59.990000000", 29));
TestIsNull("cast(cast(260000000000.00 as decimal(18, 2)) as timestamp)",
// 128 bit Decimal.
TestTimestampValue("cast(cast(123.45 as decimal(38,2)) as timestamp)",
TimestampValue::ParseSimpleDateFormat("1970-01-01 00:02:03.450000000", 29));
TestTimestampValue("cast(cast(-123.45 as decimal(38,2)) as timestamp)",
TimestampValue::ParseSimpleDateFormat("1969-12-31 23:57:56.550000000", 29));
TestTimestampValue("cast(cast(-0.1 as decimal(38,20)) as timestamp)",
TimestampValue::ParseSimpleDateFormat("1969-12-31 23:59:59.900000000", 29));
TestTimestampValue("cast(cast(253402300799.99 as decimal(38, 2)) as timestamp)",
TimestampValue::ParseSimpleDateFormat("9999-12-31 23:59:59.990000000", 29));
TestTimestampValue("cast(cast(253402300799.99 as decimal(38, 26)) as timestamp)",
TimestampValue::ParseSimpleDateFormat("9999-12-31 23:59:59.990000000", 29));
TestIsNull("cast(cast(260000000000.00 as decimal(38, 2)) as timestamp)",
// numeric_limits<int64_t>::max()
TestIsNull("cast(cast(9223372036854775807 as decimal(38, 0)) as timestamp)",
// numeric_limits<int64_t>::max() + 1
TestIsNull("cast(cast(9223372036854775808 as decimal(38, 0)) as timestamp)",
// numeric_limits<int64_t>::min()
TestIsNull("cast(cast(-9223372036854775808 as decimal(38, 0)) as timestamp)",
// numeric_limits<int64_t>::min() - 1
TestIsNull("cast(cast(-9223372036854775809 as decimal(38, 0)) as timestamp)",
// 2^70 + 1
TestIsNull("cast(cast(1180591620717411303425 as decimal(38, 0)) as timestamp)",
// Out of range String <--> Timestamp - invalid boundary cases.
TestIsNull("cast('1399-12-31 23:59:59' as timestamp)", TYPE_TIMESTAMP);
TestIsNull("cast('10000-01-01 00:00:00' as timestamp)", TYPE_TIMESTAMP);
// Timestamp <--> Int
TestIsNull("cast(cast('09:10:11.000000' as timestamp) as int)", TYPE_INT);
TestValue("cast(cast('2000-01-01' as timestamp) as int)", TYPE_INT, 946684800);
// Check that casting to a TINYINT gives the same result as if the Unix time were
// cast instead.
TestValue("cast(cast('2000-01-01' as timestamp) as tinyint)", TYPE_TINYINT, -128);
TestValue("cast(946684800 as tinyint)", TYPE_TINYINT, -128);
TestValue("cast(cast('2000-01-01 09:10:11.000000' as timestamp) as int)", TYPE_INT,
TestTimestampValue("cast(946717811 as timestamp)",
TimestampValue::ParseSimpleDateFormat("2000-01-01 09:10:11", 19));
// Timestamp <--> Int conversions boundary cases
TestValue("cast(cast('1400-01-01 00:00:00' as timestamp) as bigint)",
TYPE_BIGINT, -17987443200);
TestTimestampValue("cast(-17987443200 as timestamp)",
TimestampValue::ParseSimpleDateFormat("1400-01-01 00:00:00", 19));
TestIsNull("cast(-17987443201 as timestamp)", TYPE_TIMESTAMP);
TestValue("cast(cast('9999-12-31 23:59:59' as timestamp) as bigint)",
TYPE_BIGINT, 253402300799);
TestTimestampValue("cast(253402300799 as timestamp)",
TimestampValue::ParseSimpleDateFormat("9999-12-31 23:59:59", 19));
TestIsNull("cast(253402300800 as timestamp)", TYPE_TIMESTAMP);
// Timestamp <--> Float
TestIsNull("cast(cast('09:10:11.000000' as timestamp) as float)", TYPE_FLOAT);
TestValue("cast(cast('2000-01-01' as timestamp) as double)", TYPE_DOUBLE, 946684800);
TestValue("cast(cast('2000-01-01' as timestamp) as float)", TYPE_FLOAT, 946684800);
TestValue("cast(cast('2000-01-01 09:10:11.720000' as timestamp) as double)",
TYPE_DOUBLE, 946717811.72);
TestTimestampValue("cast(cast(946717811.033 as double) as timestamp)",
TimestampValue::ParseSimpleDateFormat("2000-01-01 09:10:11.032999992", 29));
TestValue("cast(cast('1400-01-01' as timestamp) as double)", TYPE_DOUBLE,
TestIsNull("cast(cast(-17987443201.03 as double) as timestamp)", TYPE_TIMESTAMP);
TestTimestampValue("cast(253402300799 as timestamp)",
TimestampValue::ParseSimpleDateFormat("9999-12-31 23:59:59", 19));
TestIsNull("cast(253433923200 as timestamp)", TYPE_TIMESTAMP);
TestIsNull("cast(cast(null as bigint) as timestamp)", TYPE_TIMESTAMP);
TestIsNull("cast(cast(null as timestamp) as bigint)", TYPE_BIGINT);
#if 0
// Test overflow. TODO: Hive casting rules are very weird here also. It seems for
// types < TYPE_INT, it will just overflow and keep the low order bits. For TYPE_INT,
// it caps it and int_max/int_min. Is this what we want to do?
int val = 10000000;
TestValue<int8_t>("cast(10000000 as tinyint)", TYPE_TINYINT, val & 0xff);
TestValue<int8_t>("cast(-10000000 as tinyint)", TYPE_TINYINT, -val & 0xff);
TestValue<int16_t>("cast(10000000 as smallint)", TYPE_SMALLINT, val & 0xffff);
TestValue<int16_t>("cast(-10000000 as smallint)", TYPE_SMALLINT, -val & 0xffff);
// Test overflow and boundaries in case of narrowing conversions: from floating point to
// integer types or from double to float.
TEST_P(ExprTest, CastFloatingPointNarrowing) {
// Valid values on the boundary.
constexpr int64_t int8_max = std::numeric_limits<int8_t>::max();
constexpr int64_t int8_min = std::numeric_limits<int8_t>::min();
TestValue(Substitute("cast(cast($0 as float) as tinyint)", int8_max),
TYPE_TINYINT, int8_max);
TestValue(Substitute("cast(cast($0 as float) as tinyint)", -int8_max),
TYPE_TINYINT, -int8_max);
TestValue(Substitute("cast(cast($0 as float) as tinyint)", int8_min),
TYPE_TINYINT, int8_min);
// Values outside the valid range.
TestError(Substitute("cast(cast($0 as float) as tinyint)", int8_max + 1));
TestError(Substitute("cast(cast($0 as float) as tinyint)", int8_min - 1));
// Valid values on the boundary.
constexpr int64_t int16_max = std::numeric_limits<int16_t>::max();
constexpr int64_t int16_min = std::numeric_limits<int16_t>::min();
TestValue(Substitute("cast(cast($0 as float) as smallint)", int16_max),
TYPE_SMALLINT, int16_max);
TestValue(Substitute("cast(cast($0 as float) as smallint)", -int16_max),
TYPE_SMALLINT, -int16_max);
TestValue(Substitute("cast(cast($0 as float) as smallint)", int16_min),
TYPE_SMALLINT, int16_min);
// Values outside the valid range.
TestError(Substitute("cast(cast($0 as float) as smallint)", int16_max + 1));
TestError(Substitute("cast(cast($0 as float) as smallint)", int16_min - 1));
// INT
// Valid values on the boundary.
constexpr int64_t int32_max = std::numeric_limits<int32_t>::max();
constexpr int64_t int32_min = std::numeric_limits<int32_t>::min();
TestValue(Substitute("cast(cast($0 as double) as int)", int32_max),
TYPE_INT, int32_max);
TestValue(Substitute("cast(cast($0 as double) as int)", -int32_max),
TYPE_INT, -int32_max);
TestValue(Substitute("cast(cast($0 as double) as int)", int32_min),
TYPE_INT, int32_min);
// Values outside the valid range.
TestError(Substitute("cast(cast($0 as double) as int)", int32_max + 1));
TestError(Substitute("cast(cast($0 as double) as int)", int32_min - 1));
// Values outside the valid range: the limit values of BIGINT cannot be represented
// exactly as DOUBLE, and casting them to DOUBLE produces a value that is outside the
// range of BIGINT.
constexpr int64_t int64_max = std::numeric_limits<int64_t>::max();
constexpr int64_t int64_min = std::numeric_limits<int64_t>::min();
TestError(Substitute("cast(cast($0 as double) as bigint)", int64_max));
TestError(Substitute("cast(cast($0 as double) as bigint)", int64_min));
// Valid values on the boundary.
constexpr double float_max = std::numeric_limits<float>::max();
constexpr double float_min = std::numeric_limits<float>::lowest();
TestValue(Substitute("cast(cast($0 as double) as float)", float_max),
TYPE_FLOAT, float_max);
TestValue(Substitute("cast(cast($0 as double) as float)", float_min),
TYPE_FLOAT, float_min);
// Values outside the valid range.
// 'float_max + 1' is not representable as a float or double. We find the next
// representable double that is greater than 'float_max'.
const double next_double = std::nextafter(
float_max, std::numeric_limits<double>::max());
TestError(Substitute("cast(cast($0 as double) as float)", next_double));
TestError(Substitute("cast(cast($0 as double) as float)", -next_double));
// Test casting from/to Date.
TEST_P(ExprTest, CastDateExprs) {
// From Date to Date
TestStringValue("cast(cast(cast('2012-01-01' as date) as date) as string)",
TestStringValue("cast(cast(date '2012-01-01' as date) as string)",
// Test casting of lazy date and/or time format string to Date.
TestDateValue("cast('2001-1-2' as date)", DateValue(2001, 1, 2));
TestDateValue("cast('2001-01-3' as date)", DateValue(2001, 1, 3));
TestDateValue("cast('2001-1-21' as date)", DateValue(2001, 1, 21));
TestDateValue("cast(' 2001-01-9 ' as date)",
DateValue(2001, 1, 9));
TestError("cast('2001-6' as date)");
TestError("cast('01-1-21' as date)");
TestError("cast('10/feb/10' as date)");
TestError("cast('1909-foo1-2bar' as date)");
TestError("cast('1909/1-/2' as date)");
// Test various ways of truncating a "lazy" format to produce an invalid date.
TestError("cast('1909-10- ' as date)");
TestError("cast('1909-10-' as date)");
TestError("cast('1909-10' as date)");
TestError("cast('1909-' as date)");
TestError("cast('1909' as date)");
// Test missing number from format.
TestError("cast('1909--2' as date)");
TestError("cast('-10-2' as date)");
// Test duplicate separators - should fail with an error because not a valid format.
TestError("cast('1909--10-2' as date)");
TestError("cast('1909-10--2' as date)");
// Test numbers with too many digits in date - should fail with an error because not a
// valid date.
TestError("cast('19097-10-2' as date)");
TestError("cast('1909-107-2' as date)");
TestError("cast('1909-10-277' as date)");
// Test correctly formatted invalid dates
// Invalid month of year
TestError("cast('2000-13-29' as date)");
// Invalid day of month
TestError("cast('2000-04-31' as date)");
// 1900 is not a leap year: 1900-02-28 is valid but 1900-02-29 isn't
TestDateValue("cast('1900-02-28' as date)", DateValue(1900, 2, 28));
TestError("cast('1900-02-29' as date)");
// 2000 is a leap year: 2000-02-29 is valid but 2000-02-30 isn't
TestDateValue("cast('2000-02-29' as date)", DateValue(2000, 2, 29));
TestError("cast('2000-02-30' as date)");
// Test whitespace trimming mechanism when cast from string to date.
TestDateValue("cast(' \t\r\n 2001-01-09 \t\r\n ' as date)",
DateValue(2001, 1, 9));
TestDateValue("cast(' \t\r\n 2001-1-9 \t\r\n ' as date)",
DateValue(2001, 1, 9));
// whitespace-only strings should fail with an error.
TestError("cast(' ' as date)");
TestError("cast('\n' as date)");
TestError("cast('\t' as date)");
TestError("cast(' \t\r\n' as date)");
// Test String <-> Date boundary cases.
TestDateValue("cast('0001-01-01' as date)", DateValue(1, 1, 1));
TestStringValue("cast(date '0001-01-01' as string)", "0001-01-01");
TestDateValue("cast('9999-12-31' as date)", DateValue(9999, 12, 31));
TestStringValue("cast(date '9999-12-31' as string)", "9999-12-31");
TestError("cast('10000-01-01' as date)");
TestError("cast(date '10000-01-01' as string)");
// Decimal <-> Date conversions are not allowed.
TestError("cast(cast('2000-01-01' as date) as decimal(12, 4))");
TestError("cast(cast(16868.1230 as decimal(12,4)) as date)");
TestError("cast(cast(null as date) as decimal(12, 4))");
TestError("cast(cast(null as decimal(12, 4)) as date)");
// Date <-> Int conversions are not allowed.
TestError("cast(cast('2000-01-01' as date) as int)");
TestError("cast(10957 as date)");
TestError("cast(cast(null as date) as int)");
TestError("cast(cast(null as int) as date)");
// Date <-> Double conversions are not allowed.
TestError("cast(cast('2000-01-01' as date) as double)");
TestError("cast(123.0 as date)");
TestError("cast(cast(null as date) as double)");
TestError("cast(cast(null as double) as date)");
// Bigint <-> date conversions are not allowed.
TestError("cast(cast(1234567890 as bigint) as date)");
TestError("cast(cast('2000-01-01' as date) as bigint)");
TestError("cast(cast(null as bigint) as date)");
TestError("cast(cast(null as date) as bigint)");
// Date <-> Timestamp
TestDateValue("cast(cast('2000-09-27 01:12:32.546' as timestamp) as date)",
DateValue(2000, 9, 27));
TestDateValue("cast(cast('1960-01-01 23:59:59' as timestamp) as date)",
DateValue(1960, 1, 1));
TestDateValue("cast(cast('1400-01-01 00:00:00' as timestamp) as date)",
DateValue(1400, 1, 1));
TestDateValue("cast(cast('9999-12-31 23:59:59.999999999' as timestamp) as date)",
DateValue(9999, 12, 31));
TestTimestampValue("cast(cast('2000-09-27' as date) as timestamp)",
TimestampValue::ParseSimpleDateFormat("2000-09-27", 10));
TestTimestampValue("cast(date '2000-09-27' as timestamp)",
TimestampValue::ParseSimpleDateFormat("2000-09-27", 10));
TestTimestampValue("cast(cast('9999-12-31' as date) as timestamp)",
TimestampValue::ParseSimpleDateFormat("9999-12-31", 10));
TestTimestampValue("cast(date '9999-12-31' as timestamp)",
TimestampValue::ParseSimpleDateFormat("9999-12-31", 10));
TestTimestampValue("cast(cast('1400-01-01' as date) as timestamp)",
TimestampValue::ParseSimpleDateFormat("1400-01-01", 10));
TestTimestampValue("cast(DATE '1400-01-01' as timestamp)",
TimestampValue::ParseSimpleDateFormat("1400-01-01", 10));
TestError("cast(cast('1399-12-31' as date) as timestamp)");
TestError("cast(date '1399-12-31' as timestamp)");
TestIsNull("cast(cast(null as timestamp) as date)", TYPE_DATE);
TestIsNull("cast(cast(null as date) as timestamp)", TYPE_TIMESTAMP);
TEST_P(ExprTest, CompoundPredicates) {
TestValue("TRUE && TRUE", TYPE_BOOLEAN, true);
TestValue("TRUE && FALSE", TYPE_BOOLEAN, false);
TestValue("FALSE && TRUE", TYPE_BOOLEAN, false);
TestValue("FALSE && FALSE", TYPE_BOOLEAN, false);
TestValue("TRUE OR TRUE", TYPE_BOOLEAN, true);
TestValue("TRUE || TRUE", TYPE_BOOLEAN, true);
TestValue("TRUE || FALSE", TYPE_BOOLEAN, true);
TestValue("FALSE || TRUE", TYPE_BOOLEAN, true);
TestValue("FALSE || FALSE", TYPE_BOOLEAN, false);
TestValue("NOT TRUE", TYPE_BOOLEAN, false);
TestValue("NOT FALSE", TYPE_BOOLEAN, true);
TestValue("!TRUE", TYPE_BOOLEAN, false);
TestValue("!FALSE", TYPE_BOOLEAN, true);
TestValue("TRUE && (TRUE || FALSE)", TYPE_BOOLEAN, true);
TestValue("(TRUE && TRUE) || FALSE", TYPE_BOOLEAN, true);
TestValue("(TRUE || FALSE) && TRUE", TYPE_BOOLEAN, true);
TestValue("TRUE || (FALSE && TRUE)", TYPE_BOOLEAN, true);
TestValue("TRUE && TRUE || FALSE", TYPE_BOOLEAN, true);
TestValue("TRUE OR NULL", TYPE_BOOLEAN, true);
TestValue("NULL OR TRUE", TYPE_BOOLEAN, true);
TestValue("FALSE && NULL", TYPE_BOOLEAN, false);
TestValue("TRUE || NULL", TYPE_BOOLEAN, true);
TEST_P(ExprTest, IsNullPredicate) {
TestValue("5 IS NULL", TYPE_BOOLEAN, false);
TestValue("5 IS NOT NULL", TYPE_BOOLEAN, true);
TestValue("NULL IS NULL", TYPE_BOOLEAN, true);
TEST_P(ExprTest, BoolTestExpr) {
// Tests against constants.
TestValue("TRUE IS TRUE", TYPE_BOOLEAN, true);
TestValue("TRUE IS FALSE", TYPE_BOOLEAN, false);
TestValue("FALSE IS TRUE", TYPE_BOOLEAN, false);
TestValue("NULL IS TRUE", TYPE_BOOLEAN, false);
TestValue("NULL IS FALSE", TYPE_BOOLEAN, false);
// Tests against expressions
TestValue("(2>1) IS TRUE", TYPE_BOOLEAN, true);
TestValue("(2>1) IS FALSE", TYPE_BOOLEAN, false);
TestValue("(2>1) IS UNKNOWN", TYPE_BOOLEAN, false);
TestValue("(2>1) IS NOT TRUE", TYPE_BOOLEAN, false);
TestValue("(2>1) IS NOT FALSE", TYPE_BOOLEAN, true);
TestValue("(2>1) IS NOT UNKNOWN", TYPE_BOOLEAN, true);
TestValue("(1>2) IS TRUE", TYPE_BOOLEAN, false);
TestValue("(1>2) IS FALSE", TYPE_BOOLEAN, true);
TestValue("(1>2) IS UNKNOWN", TYPE_BOOLEAN, false);
TestValue("(1>2) IS NOT TRUE", TYPE_BOOLEAN, true);
TestValue("(1>2) IS NOT FALSE", TYPE_BOOLEAN, false);
TestValue("(1>2) IS NOT UNKNOWN", TYPE_BOOLEAN, true);
TestValue("(NULL = 1) IS TRUE", TYPE_BOOLEAN, false);
TestValue("(NULL = 1) IS FALSE", TYPE_BOOLEAN, false);
TestValue("(NULL = 1) IS UNKNOWN", TYPE_BOOLEAN, true);
TestValue("(NULL = 1) IS NOT TRUE", TYPE_BOOLEAN, true);
TestValue("(NULL = 1) IS NOT FALSE", TYPE_BOOLEAN, true);
TestValue("(NULL = 1) IS NOT UNKNOWN", TYPE_BOOLEAN, false);
TEST_P(ExprTest, LikePredicate) {
TestValue("'a' LIKE '%a%'", TYPE_BOOLEAN, true);
TestValue("'a' LIKE '%abcde'", TYPE_BOOLEAN, false);
TestValue("'a' LIKE 'abcde%'", TYPE_BOOLEAN, false);
TestValue("'abcde' LIKE 'abcde%'", TYPE_BOOLEAN, true);
TestValue("'abcde' LIKE '%abcde'", TYPE_BOOLEAN, true);
TestValue("'abcde' LIKE '%abcde%'", TYPE_BOOLEAN, true);
// Test multiple wildcard characters
TestValue("'abcde' LIKE '%%bc%%'", TYPE_BOOLEAN, true);
TestValue("'abcde' LIKE '%%cb%%'", TYPE_BOOLEAN, false);
TestValue("'abcde' LIKE 'abc%%'", TYPE_BOOLEAN, true);
TestValue("'abcde' LIKE 'cba%%'", TYPE_BOOLEAN, false);
TestValue("'abcde' LIKE '%%bcde'", TYPE_BOOLEAN, true);
TestValue("'abcde' LIKE '%%cbde'", TYPE_BOOLEAN, false);
TestValue("'abcde' LIKE '%%bc%%'", TYPE_BOOLEAN, true);
TestValue("'abcde' LIKE '%%cb%%'", TYPE_BOOLEAN, false);
TestValue("'abcde' LIKE '%%abcde%%'", TYPE_BOOLEAN, true);
TestValue("'abcde' LIKE '%%edcba%%'", TYPE_BOOLEAN, false);
TestValue("'abcde' LIKE '%%'", TYPE_BOOLEAN, true);
TestValue("'abcde' NOT LIKE '%%'", TYPE_BOOLEAN, false);
TestValue("'abcde' LIKE '%%%'", TYPE_BOOLEAN, true);
TestValue("'abcde' NOT LIKE '%%%'", TYPE_BOOLEAN, false);
TestValue("'abcde' LIKE '%%cd%%'", TYPE_BOOLEAN, true);
TestValue("'abcde' LIKE '%%dc%%'", TYPE_BOOLEAN, false);
TestValue("'abcde' LIKE '%%_%%'", TYPE_BOOLEAN, true);
// IMP-117
TestValue("'ab' LIKE '%a'", TYPE_BOOLEAN, false);
TestValue("'ab' NOT LIKE '%a'", TYPE_BOOLEAN, true);
// IMP-117
TestValue("'ba' LIKE 'a%'", TYPE_BOOLEAN, false);
TestValue("'ab' LIKE 'a'", TYPE_BOOLEAN, false);
TestValue("'a' LIKE '_'", TYPE_BOOLEAN, true);
TestValue("'a' NOT LIKE '_'", TYPE_BOOLEAN, false);
TestValue("'a' LIKE 'a'", TYPE_BOOLEAN, true);
TestValue("'a' LIKE 'b'", TYPE_BOOLEAN, false);
TestValue("'a' NOT LIKE 'a'", TYPE_BOOLEAN, false);
TestValue("'a' NOT LIKE 'b'", TYPE_BOOLEAN, true);
// IMP-117 -- initial part of pattern appears earlier in string.
TestValue("'prefix1234' LIKE 'prefix%'", TYPE_BOOLEAN, true);
TestValue("'1234suffix' LIKE '%suffix'", TYPE_BOOLEAN, true);
TestValue("'1234substr5678' LIKE '%substr%'", TYPE_BOOLEAN, true);
TestValue("'a%a' LIKE 'a\\%a'", TYPE_BOOLEAN, true);
TestValue("'a123a' LIKE 'a\\%a'", TYPE_BOOLEAN, false);
TestValue("'a_a' LIKE 'a\\_a'", TYPE_BOOLEAN, true);
TestValue("'a1a' LIKE 'a\\_a'", TYPE_BOOLEAN, false);
TestValue("'abla' LIKE 'a%a'", TYPE_BOOLEAN, true);
TestValue("'ablb' LIKE 'a%a'", TYPE_BOOLEAN, false);
TestValue("'abxcy1234a' LIKE 'a_x_y%a'", TYPE_BOOLEAN, true);
TestValue("'axcy1234a' LIKE 'a_x_y%a'", TYPE_BOOLEAN, false);
TestValue("'abxcy1234a' REGEXP 'a.x.y.*a'", TYPE_BOOLEAN, true);
TestValue("'a.x.y.*a' REGEXP 'a\\\\.x\\\\.y\\\\.\\\\*a'", TYPE_BOOLEAN, true);
TestValue("'abxcy1234a' REGEXP '\\a\\.x\\\\.y\\\\.\\\\*a'", TYPE_BOOLEAN, false);
TestValue("'abxcy1234a' RLIKE 'a.x.y.*a'", TYPE_BOOLEAN, true);
TestValue("'axcy1234a' REGEXP 'a.x.y.*a'", TYPE_BOOLEAN, false);
TestValue("'axcy1234a' RLIKE 'a.x.y.*a'", TYPE_BOOLEAN, false);
// Regex patterns with constants strings
TestValue("'english' REGEXP 'en'", TYPE_BOOLEAN, true);
TestValue("'english' REGEXP 'lis'", TYPE_BOOLEAN, true);
TestValue("'english' REGEXP 'english'", TYPE_BOOLEAN, true);
TestValue("'english' REGEXP 'engilsh'", TYPE_BOOLEAN, false);
TestValue("'english' REGEXP '^english$'", TYPE_BOOLEAN, true);
TestValue("'english' REGEXP '^lish$'", TYPE_BOOLEAN, false);
TestValue("'english' REGEXP '^eng'", TYPE_BOOLEAN, true);
TestValue("'english' REGEXP '^ng'", TYPE_BOOLEAN, false);
TestValue("'english' REGEXP 'lish$'", TYPE_BOOLEAN, true);
TestValue("'english' REGEXP 'lis$'", TYPE_BOOLEAN, false);
// regex escape chars; insert special character in the middle to prevent
// it from being matched as a substring
TestValue("'.[]{}()x\\\\*+?|^$' LIKE '.[]{}()_\\\\\\\\*+?|^$'", TYPE_BOOLEAN, true);
// escaped _ matches single _
TestValue("'\\\\_' LIKE '\\\\_'", TYPE_BOOLEAN, false);
TestValue("'_' LIKE '\\\\_'", TYPE_BOOLEAN, true);
TestValue("'a' LIKE '\\\\_'", TYPE_BOOLEAN, false);
// escaped escape char
TestValue("'\\\\a' LIKE '\\\\\\_'", TYPE_BOOLEAN, true);
TestValue("'_' LIKE '\\\\\\_'", TYPE_BOOLEAN, false);
// make sure the 3rd \ counts toward the _
TestValue("'\\\\_' LIKE '\\\\\\\\\\_'", TYPE_BOOLEAN, true);
TestValue("'\\\\\\\\a' LIKE '\\\\\\\\\\_'", TYPE_BOOLEAN, false);
// Test invalid patterns, unmatched parenthesis.
TestNonOkStatus("'a' RLIKE '(./'");
TestNonOkStatus("'a' REGEXP '(./'");
// Pattern is converted for LIKE, and should not throw.
TestValue("'a' LIKE '(./'", TYPE_BOOLEAN, false);
// Test NULLs.
// Test multi-line strings.
TestValue("'abc\n123' LIKE 'abc_123'", TYPE_BOOLEAN, true);
TestValue("'abc\n\n123' LIKE 'abc_123'", TYPE_BOOLEAN, false);
TestValue("'\n' LIKE 'a'", TYPE_BOOLEAN, false);
TestValue("'\n' LIKE '\n'", TYPE_BOOLEAN, true);
TestValue("'n\n' LIKE '\n'", TYPE_BOOLEAN, false);
TestValue("'\n\n' LIKE '_\n'", TYPE_BOOLEAN, true);
TestValue("'\n\n' LIKE '%\n'", TYPE_BOOLEAN, true);
TestValue("'\n\n' LIKE '\n_'", TYPE_BOOLEAN, true);
TestValue("'\n\n' LIKE '\n%'", TYPE_BOOLEAN, true);
TestValue("'\n\n' LIKE '__\n'", TYPE_BOOLEAN, false);
TestValue("'\n\n\n' LIKE '\n_\n'", TYPE_BOOLEAN, true);
TestValue("'abc\n123' LIKE 'abc%123'", TYPE_BOOLEAN, true);
TestValue("'abc\n\n123' LIKE 'abc%123'", TYPE_BOOLEAN, true);
TestValue("'\nabc\n123' LIKE '%abc_123'", TYPE_BOOLEAN, true);
TestValue("'abc\n123\nedf' LIKE 'abc%edf'", TYPE_BOOLEAN, true);
// Make sure that constant match handles '\n' properly.
TestValue("'abc\n123' LIKE 'abc%'", TYPE_BOOLEAN, true);
TestValue("'123\nabc' LIKE '%abc'", TYPE_BOOLEAN, true);
TestValue("'123\nabc\n123' LIKE '%abc%'", TYPE_BOOLEAN, true);
// Test case-insensitivity.
TestValue("'aBcde' ILIKE '%%bC%%'", TYPE_BOOLEAN, true);
TestValue("'aBcde' ILIKE '%%Cb%%'", TYPE_BOOLEAN, false);
TestValue("'aBcde' ILIKE 'abC%%'", TYPE_BOOLEAN, true);
TestValue("'aBcde' ILIKE 'cbA%%'", TYPE_BOOLEAN, false);
TestValue("'aBcde' ILIKE '%%bCde'", TYPE_BOOLEAN, true);
TestValue("'aBcde' ILIKE '%%cBde'", TYPE_BOOLEAN, false);
TestValue("'aBcde' ILIKE '%%abCde%%'", TYPE_BOOLEAN, true);
TestValue("'aBcde' ILIKE '%%eDcba%%'", TYPE_BOOLEAN, false);
TestValue("'aBcde' ILIKE 'A%%Cd%%'", TYPE_BOOLEAN, true);
TestValue("'aBcde' ILIKE 'A%%Dc%%'", TYPE_BOOLEAN, false);
TestValue("'aBcde' ILIKE 'AbCde'", TYPE_BOOLEAN, true);
TestValue("'aBcde' ILIKE 'AbDCe'", TYPE_BOOLEAN, false);
TestValue("'Abc\n123' ILIKE 'aBc%123'", TYPE_BOOLEAN, true);
TestValue("'Abc\n\n123' ILIKE 'aBc%123'", TYPE_BOOLEAN, true);
TestValue("'\nAbc\n123' ILIKE '%aBc_123'", TYPE_BOOLEAN, true);
TestValue("'Abc\n123\nedf' ILIKE 'aBc%edf'", TYPE_BOOLEAN, true);
TestValue("'.[]{}()x\\\\*+?|^$' ILIKE '.[]{}()_\\\\\\\\*+?|^$'", TYPE_BOOLEAN, true);
TestValue("'.[]{}()xA\\\\*+?|^$' ILIKE '.[]{}()_a\\\\\\\\*+?|^$'", TYPE_BOOLEAN, true);
TestValue("'abxcY1234a' IREGEXP 'a.X.y.*a'", TYPE_BOOLEAN, true);
TestValue("'a.x.Y.*a' IREGEXP 'a\\\\.X\\\\.y\\\\.\\\\*a'", TYPE_BOOLEAN, true);
TestValue("'abxcY1234a' IREGEXP '\\a\\.X\\\\.y\\\\.\\\\*a'", TYPE_BOOLEAN, false);
TestValue("'Abxcy1234a' IREGEXP 'a.x.y.*a'", TYPE_BOOLEAN, true);
TestValue("'English' IREGEXP 'en'", TYPE_BOOLEAN, true);
TestValue("'engLish' IREGEXP 'lIs'", TYPE_BOOLEAN, true);
TestValue("'English' IREGEXP 'englIsh'", TYPE_BOOLEAN, true);
TestValue("'eNglish' IREGEXP '^enGlish$'", TYPE_BOOLEAN, true);
TestValue("'enGlish' IREGEXP '^eNg'", TYPE_BOOLEAN, true);
TestValue("'engLish' IREGEXP 'lIsh$'", TYPE_BOOLEAN, true);
TEST_P(ExprTest, BetweenPredicate) {
// Between is rewritten into a conjunctive compound predicate.
// Compound predicates are also tested elsewere, so we just do basic testing here.
TestValue("5 between 0 and 10", TYPE_BOOLEAN, true);
TestValue("5 between 5 and 5", TYPE_BOOLEAN, true);
TestValue("5 between 6 and 10", TYPE_BOOLEAN, false);
TestValue("5 not between 0 and 10", TYPE_BOOLEAN, false);
TestValue("5 not between 5 and 5", TYPE_BOOLEAN, false);
TestValue("5 not between 6 and 10", TYPE_BOOLEAN, true);
// Test operator precedence.
TestValue("5+1 between 4 and 10", TYPE_BOOLEAN, true);
TestValue("5+1 not between 4 and 10", TYPE_BOOLEAN, false);
// Test TimestampValues.
TestValue("cast('2011-10-22 09:10:11' as timestamp) between "
"cast('2011-09-22 09:10:11' as timestamp) and "
"cast('2011-12-22 09:10:11' as timestamp)", TYPE_BOOLEAN, true);
TestValue("cast('2011-10-22 09:10:11' as timestamp) between "
"cast('2011-11-22 09:10:11' as timestamp) and "
"cast('2011-12-22 09:10:11' as timestamp)", TYPE_BOOLEAN, false);
TestValue("cast('2011-10-22 09:10:11' as timestamp) not between "
"cast('2011-09-22 09:10:11' as timestamp) and "
"cast('2011-12-22 09:10:11' as timestamp)", TYPE_BOOLEAN, false);
TestValue("cast('2011-10-22 09:10:11' as timestamp) not between "
"cast('2011-11-22 09:10:11' as timestamp) and "
"cast('2011-12-22 09:10:11' as timestamp)", TYPE_BOOLEAN, true);
// Test strings.
TestValue("'abc' between 'a' and 'z'", TYPE_BOOLEAN, true);
TestValue("'abc' between 'aaa' and 'aab'", TYPE_BOOLEAN, false);
TestValue("'abc' not between 'a' and 'z'", TYPE_BOOLEAN, false);
TestValue("'abc' not between 'aaa' and 'aab'", TYPE_BOOLEAN, true);
// Test NULLs.
TestIsNull("NULL between 0 and 10", TYPE_BOOLEAN);
TestIsNull("1 between NULL and 10", TYPE_BOOLEAN);
TestIsNull("1 between 0 and NULL", TYPE_BOOLEAN);
TestIsNull("1 between NULL and NULL", TYPE_BOOLEAN);
TestIsNull("NULL between NULL and NULL", TYPE_BOOLEAN);
TEST_P(ExprTest, CompoundVerticalBarExpr) {
// CompoundVerticalBarExpr is rewritten into a compound predicate
// or concat FunctionCallExpr based on the arguments
TestValue("5 > 2 || 3 < 6", TYPE_BOOLEAN, true);
TestValue("TRUE || NULL", TYPE_BOOLEAN, true);
TestStringValue("'abc' || '5'", "abc5");
TestStringValue("cast('foo ' AS CHAR(5)) || '3'", "foo 3");
TestStringValue("cast('foo ' AS CHAR(5)) || '3'", "foo 3");
TestIsNull("cast(NULL AS STRING) || 'abc'", TYPE_STRING);
TestIsNull("concat (cast(NULL AS STRING), 'abc')", TYPE_STRING);
TestStringValue("cast(NULL AS CHAR(5)) || 'abc'", "NULL");
TestStringValue("cast(NULL AS STRING) || 'abc'", "NULL");
TestStringValue("'abc' || cast(NULL AS CHAR(5))", "NULL");
TestStringValue("'abc' || cast(NULL AS STRING)", "NULL");
TestError("NULL || 'abc'");
TestError("NULL || cast('abc' AS CHAR(3))");
TestError("'xyz' || NULL");
TestError("cast('xyz' AS CHAR(3)) || NULL");
TestError("TRUE || 'abc'");
TestError("'abc' || FALSE");
TestError("'abc' || 5");
TestError("5 || 6");
TestError("5.1 || 6.2");
TestError("cast('2011-10-22 09:10:11' as timestamp)"
" || cast('2016-10-22 09:10:11' as timestamp)");
TestError("cast('2011-01-02' as date) || cast('2020-01-02' as date)");
// Tests with NULLs are in the FE QueryTest.
TEST_P(ExprTest, InPredicate) {
// Test integers.
IntValMap::iterator int_iter;
for(int_iter = min_int_values_.begin(); int_iter != min_int_values_.end();
++int_iter) {
string& val = default_type_strs_[int_iter->first];
TestValue(StrCat(val, " in (2, 3, ", val, ")"), TYPE_BOOLEAN, true);
TestValue(StrCat(val, " in (2, 3, 4)"), TYPE_BOOLEAN, false);
TestValue(StrCat(val, " not in (2, 3, ", val, ")"), TYPE_BOOLEAN, false);
TestValue(StrCat(val, " not in (2, 3, 4)"), TYPE_BOOLEAN, true);
// Test floats.
unordered_map<int, double>::iterator float_iter;
for(float_iter = min_float_values_.begin(); float_iter != min_float_values_.end();
++float_iter) {
string& val = default_type_strs_[float_iter->first];
TestValue(StrCat(val, " in (2, 3, ", val, ")"), TYPE_BOOLEAN, true);
TestValue(StrCat(val, " in (2, 3, 4)"), TYPE_BOOLEAN, false);
TestValue(StrCat(val, " not in (2, 3, ", val, ")"), TYPE_BOOLEAN, false);
TestValue(StrCat(val, " not in (2, 3, 4)"), TYPE_BOOLEAN, true);
// Test bools.
TestValue("true in (true, false, false)", TYPE_BOOLEAN, true);
TestValue("true in (false, false, false)", TYPE_BOOLEAN, false);
TestValue("true not in (true, false, false)", TYPE_BOOLEAN, false);
TestValue("true not in (false, false, false)", TYPE_BOOLEAN, true);
// Test strings.
TestValue("'ab' in ('ab', 'cd', 'efg')", TYPE_BOOLEAN, true);
TestValue("'ab' in ('cd', 'efg', 'h')", TYPE_BOOLEAN, false);
TestValue("'ab' not in ('ab', 'cd', 'efg')", TYPE_BOOLEAN, false);
TestValue("'ab' not in ('cd', 'efg', 'h')", TYPE_BOOLEAN, true);
// test chars
TestValue("cast('ab' as char(2)) in (cast('ab' as char(2)), cast('cd' as char(2)))",
// Test timestamps.
TestValue(default_timestamp_str_ + " "
"in (cast('2011-11-23 09:10:11' as timestamp), "
"cast('2011-11-24 09:11:12' as timestamp), " +
default_timestamp_str_ + ")", TYPE_BOOLEAN, true);
TestValue(default_timestamp_str_ + " "
"in (cast('2011-11-22 09:10:11' as timestamp), "
"cast('2011-11-23 09:11:12' as timestamp), "
"cast('2011-11-24 09:12:13' as timestamp))", TYPE_BOOLEAN, false);
TestValue(default_timestamp_str_ + " "
"not in (cast('2011-11-22 09:10:11' as timestamp), "
"cast('2011-11-23 09:11:12' as timestamp), " +
default_timestamp_str_ + ")", TYPE_BOOLEAN, false);
TestValue(default_timestamp_str_ + " "
"not in (cast('2011-11-22 09:10:11' as timestamp), "
"cast('2011-11-23 09:11:12' as timestamp), "
"cast('2011-11-24 09:12:13' as timestamp))", TYPE_BOOLEAN, true);
// Test dates
TestValue(default_date_str_ + " in (cast('2011-01-02' as date), "
"cast('2011-01-03' as date), " + default_date_str_ + ")", TYPE_BOOLEAN, true);
TestValue(default_date_str_ + " in (cast('2011-01-02' as date), "
"cast('2011-01-03' as date), cast('2011-01-04' as date))", TYPE_BOOLEAN, false);
TestValue(default_date_str_ + " not in (cast('2011-01-02' as date), "
"cast('2011-01-03' as date), " + default_date_str_ + ")", TYPE_BOOLEAN, false);
TestValue(default_date_str_ + " not in (cast('2011-01-02' as date), "
"cast('2011-01-03' as date), cast('2011-01-04' as date))", TYPE_BOOLEAN, true);
// Test decimals
vector<string> dec_strs; // Decimal of every physical type
dec_strs.push_back("cast(-1.23 as decimal(8,2))");
dec_strs.push_back("cast(-1.23 as decimal(9,2))");
dec_strs.push_back("cast(-1.23 as decimal(10,2))");
dec_strs.push_back("cast(-1.23 as decimal(17,2))");
dec_strs.push_back("cast(-1.23 as decimal(18,2))");
dec_strs.push_back("cast(-1.23 as decimal(19,2))");
dec_strs.push_back("cast(-1.23 as decimal(32,2))");
for (const string& dec_str: dec_strs) {
TestValue(dec_str + "in (0)", TYPE_BOOLEAN, false);
TestValue(dec_str + "in (-1.23)", TYPE_BOOLEAN, true);
TestValue(dec_str + "in (-1.230)", TYPE_BOOLEAN, true);
TestValue(dec_str + "in (-1.23, 1)", TYPE_BOOLEAN, true);
TestValue(dec_str + "in (1, 1, 1, 1, 1, -1.23, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, -1.23)",
TestValue(dec_str + "in (1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, -1.23)",
TestValue(dec_str + "in (1)", TYPE_BOOLEAN, false);
TestValue(dec_str + "in (1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1)", TYPE_BOOLEAN, false);
TestIsNull(dec_str + "in (NULL)", TYPE_BOOLEAN);
TestIsNull("NULL in (-1.23)", TYPE_BOOLEAN);
TestIsNull(dec_str + "in (1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, NULL)", TYPE_BOOLEAN);
TestValue(dec_str + "in (1, 1, 1, 1, 1, NULL, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, -1.23)",
// Test operator precedence.
TestValue("5+1 in (3, 6, 10)", TYPE_BOOLEAN, true);
TestValue("5+1 not in (3, 6, 10)", TYPE_BOOLEAN, false);
// Test NULLs
TestIsNull("NULL in (1, 2, 3)", TYPE_BOOLEAN);
TestIsNull("NULL in (NULL, 1)", TYPE_BOOLEAN);
TestIsNull("3 in (NULL)", TYPE_BOOLEAN);
TestIsNull("3 in (1, 2, NULL)", TYPE_BOOLEAN);
TestValue("3 in (NULL, 3)", TYPE_BOOLEAN, true);
TestIsNull("'hello' in (NULL)", TYPE_BOOLEAN);
TestValue("'hello' in ('hello', NULL)", TYPE_BOOLEAN, true);
TEST_P(ExprTest, StringFunctions) {
for (const string fn_name: { "levenshtein", "le_dst" }) {
TestValue(fn_name + "('levenshtein', 'frankenstein')", TYPE_INT, 6);
TestValue(fn_name + "('example', 'samples')", TYPE_INT, 3);
TestValue(fn_name + "('sturgeon', 'urgently')", TYPE_INT, 6);
TestValue(fn_name + "('distance', 'difference')", TYPE_INT, 5);
TestValue(fn_name + "('kitten', 'sitting')", TYPE_INT, 3);
TestValue(fn_name + "('levenshtein', 'levenshtein')", TYPE_INT, 0);
TestValue(fn_name + "('', 'levenshtein')", TYPE_INT, 11);
TestValue(fn_name + "('levenshtein', '')", TYPE_INT, 11);
TestIsNull(fn_name + "('foo', NULL)", TYPE_INT);
TestIsNull(fn_name + "(NULL, 'foo')", TYPE_INT);
TestIsNull(fn_name + "(NULL, NULL)", TYPE_INT);
TestErrorString(fn_name + "('z', repeat('x', 256))",
"levenshtein argument exceeds maximum length of 255 characters\n");
TestErrorString(fn_name + "(repeat('x', 256), 'z')",
"levenshtein argument exceeds maximum length of 255 characters\n");
for (const string fn_name: { "damerau_levenshtein", "dle_dst" }) {
TestValue(fn_name + "('', '')", TYPE_INT, 0);
TestValue(fn_name + "('abc', 'abc')", TYPE_INT, 0);
TestValue(fn_name + "('a', 'b')", TYPE_INT, 1);
TestValue(fn_name + "('a', '')", TYPE_INT, 1);
TestValue(fn_name + "('aabc', 'abc')", TYPE_INT, 1);
TestValue(fn_name + "('abcc', 'abc')", TYPE_INT, 1);
TestValue(fn_name + "('', 'a')", TYPE_INT, 1);
TestValue(fn_name + "('abc', 'abcc')", TYPE_INT, 1);
TestValue(fn_name + "('abc', 'aabc')", TYPE_INT, 1);
TestValue(fn_name + "('teh', 'the')", TYPE_INT, 1);
TestValue(fn_name + "('tets', 'test')", TYPE_INT, 1);
TestValue(fn_name + "('fuor', 'four')", TYPE_INT, 1);
TestValue(fn_name + "('kitten', 'sitting')", TYPE_INT, 3);
TestValue(fn_name + "('Saturday', 'Sunday')", TYPE_INT, 3);
TestValue(fn_name + "('rosettacode', 'raisethysword')", TYPE_INT, 8);
TestValue(fn_name + "('CA', 'ABC')", TYPE_INT, 3);
TestValue(fn_name + "(repeat('z', 255), repeat('x', 255))", TYPE_INT, 255);
TestIsNull(fn_name + "('foo', NULL)", TYPE_INT);
TestIsNull(fn_name + "(NULL, 'foo')", TYPE_INT);
TestIsNull(fn_name + "(NULL, NULL)", TYPE_INT);
TestErrorString(fn_name + "('z', repeat('x', 256))",
"damerau-levenshtein argument exceeds maximum length of 255 characters\n");
TestErrorString(fn_name + "(repeat('x', 256), 'z')",
"damerau-levenshtein argument exceeds maximum length of 255 characters\n");
for (const string fn_name: { "jaro_dst", "jaro_distance" }) {
TestIsNull(fn_name + "('foo', NULL)", TYPE_DOUBLE);
TestIsNull(fn_name + "(NULL, 'foo')", TYPE_DOUBLE);
TestIsNull(fn_name + "(NULL, NULL)", TYPE_DOUBLE);
TestValue(fn_name + "('foo', 'foo')", TYPE_DOUBLE, 0.0);
TestValue(fn_name + "('foo', 'bar')", TYPE_DOUBLE, 1.0);
TestValue(fn_name + "('', '')", TYPE_DOUBLE, 0.0);
TestValue(fn_name + "('', 'jaro')", TYPE_DOUBLE, 1.0);
TestValue(fn_name + "('jaro', '')", TYPE_DOUBLE, 1.0);
TestValue(fn_name + "('crate', 'trace')", TYPE_DOUBLE, 0.2666666666666666);
TestValue(fn_name + "('dwayne', 'duane')", TYPE_DOUBLE, 0.1777777777777778);
TestValue(fn_name + "('martha', 'marhta')", TYPE_DOUBLE, 0.05555555555555558);
TestValue(fn_name + "('frog', 'fog')", TYPE_DOUBLE, 0.08333333333333337);
TestValue(fn_name + "('hello', 'haloa')", TYPE_DOUBLE, 0.2666666666666666);
TestValue(fn_name + "('atcg', 'tagc')", TYPE_DOUBLE, 0.1666666666666667);
TestValue(fn_name + "(repeat('z', 255), repeat('x', 255))", TYPE_DOUBLE, 1.0);
TestErrorString(fn_name + "('z', repeat('x', 256))",
"jaro argument exceeds maximum length of 255 characters\n");
TestErrorString(fn_name + "(repeat('x', 256), 'z')",
"jaro argument exceeds maximum length of 255 characters\n");
for (const string fn_name: { "jaro_sim", "jaro_similarity" }) {
TestIsNull(fn_name + "('foo', NULL)", TYPE_DOUBLE);
TestIsNull(fn_name + "(NULL, 'foo')", TYPE_DOUBLE);
TestIsNull(fn_name + "(NULL, NULL)", TYPE_DOUBLE);
TestValue(fn_name + "('foo', 'foo')", TYPE_DOUBLE, 1.0);
TestValue(fn_name + "('foo', 'bar')", TYPE_DOUBLE, 0.0);
TestValue(fn_name + "('', '')", TYPE_DOUBLE, 1.0);
TestValue(fn_name + "('', 'jaro')", TYPE_DOUBLE, 0.0);
TestValue(fn_name + "('jaro', '')", TYPE_DOUBLE, 0.0);
TestValue(fn_name + "('crate', 'trace')", TYPE_DOUBLE, 0.7333333333333334);
TestValue(fn_name + "('dwayne', 'duane')", TYPE_DOUBLE, 0.82222222222222222);
TestValue(fn_name + "('martha', 'marhta')", TYPE_DOUBLE, 0.944444444444444444);
TestValue(fn_name + "('frog', 'fog')", TYPE_DOUBLE, 0.9166666666666666);
TestValue(fn_name + "('hello', 'haloa')", TYPE_DOUBLE, 0.73333333333333334);
TestValue(fn_name + "('atcg', 'tagc')", TYPE_DOUBLE, 0.8333333333333333);
TestValue(fn_name + "(repeat('z', 255), repeat('x', 255))", TYPE_DOUBLE, 0.0);
TestErrorString(fn_name + "('z', repeat('x', 256))",
"jaro argument exceeds maximum length of 255 characters\n");
TestErrorString(fn_name + "(repeat('x', 256), 'z')",
"jaro argument exceeds maximum length of 255 characters\n");
for (const string fn_name: { "jaro_winkler_distance", "jw_dst" }) {
TestIsNull(fn_name + "('foo', NULL)", TYPE_DOUBLE);
TestIsNull(fn_name + "(NULL, 'foo')", TYPE_DOUBLE);
TestIsNull(fn_name + "(NULL, NULL)", TYPE_DOUBLE);
TestValue(fn_name + "('foo', 'foo')", TYPE_DOUBLE, 0.0);
TestValue(fn_name + "('foo', 'bar')", TYPE_DOUBLE, 1.0);
TestValue(fn_name + "('', '')", TYPE_DOUBLE, 0.0);
TestValue(fn_name + "('', 'jaro')", TYPE_DOUBLE, 1.0);
TestValue(fn_name + "('jaro', '')", TYPE_DOUBLE, 1.0);
TestValue(fn_name + "('crate', 'trace')", TYPE_DOUBLE, 0.2666666666666666);
TestValue(fn_name + "('crate', 'trace', 0.2)", TYPE_DOUBLE, 0.2666666666666666);
TestValue(fn_name + "('dwayne', 'duane')", TYPE_DOUBLE, 0.16);
TestValue(fn_name + "('martha', 'marhta', 0.0)", TYPE_DOUBLE, 0.05555555555555558);
TestValue(fn_name + "('martha', 'marhta')", TYPE_DOUBLE, 0.03888888888888886);
TestValue(fn_name + "('martha', 'marhta', 0.2)", TYPE_DOUBLE, 0.02222222222222225);
TestValue(fn_name + "('atcg', 'tagc')", TYPE_DOUBLE, 0.1666666666666667);
TestValue(fn_name + "('martha', 'marhta', 0.1, 0.99)", TYPE_DOUBLE,
TestValue(fn_name + "('dwayne', 'duane', 0.1, 0.9)", TYPE_DOUBLE, 0.1777777777777778);
TestErrorString(fn_name + "('z', repeat('x', 256))",
"jaro-winkler argument exceeds maximum length of 255 characters\n");
TestErrorString(fn_name + "(repeat('x', 256), 'z')",
"jaro-winkler argument exceeds maximum length of 255 characters\n");
TestErrorString(fn_name + "('foo', 'bar', 0.26)",
"jaro-winkler scaling factor values can range between 0.0 and 0.25\n");
TestErrorString(fn_name + "('foo', 'bar', -0.01)",
"jaro-winkler scaling factor values can range between 0.0 and 0.25\n");
TestErrorString(fn_name + "('foo', 'bar', 0.1, -0.01)",
"jaro-winkler boost threshold values can range between 0.0 and 1.0\n");
TestErrorString(fn_name + "('foo', 'bar', 0.1, 1.01)",
"jaro-winkler boost threshold values can range between 0.0 and 1.0\n");
for (const string fn_name: { "jaro_winkler_similarity", "jw_sim"}) {
TestIsNull(fn_name + "('foo', NULL)", TYPE_DOUBLE);
TestIsNull(fn_name + "(NULL, 'foo')", TYPE_DOUBLE);
TestIsNull(fn_name + "(NULL, NULL)", TYPE_DOUBLE);
TestValue(fn_name + "('foo', 'foo')", TYPE_DOUBLE, 1.0);
TestValue(fn_name + "('foo', 'bar')", TYPE_DOUBLE, 0.0);
TestValue(fn_name + "('', '')", TYPE_DOUBLE, 1.0);
TestValue(fn_name + "('', 'jaro')", TYPE_DOUBLE, 0.0);
TestValue(fn_name + "('jaro', '')", TYPE_DOUBLE, 0.0);
TestValue(fn_name + "('crate', 'trace')", TYPE_DOUBLE, 0.7333333333333334);
TestValue(fn_name + "('crate', 'trace', 0.2)", TYPE_DOUBLE, 0.7333333333333334);
TestValue(fn_name + "('dwayne', 'duane')", TYPE_DOUBLE, 0.84);
TestValue(fn_name + "('martha', 'marhta', 0.0)", TYPE_DOUBLE, 0.94444444444444442);
TestValue(fn_name + "('martha', 'marhta', 0.1)", TYPE_DOUBLE, 0.96111111111111111);
TestValue(fn_name + "('martha', 'marhta', 0.2)", TYPE_DOUBLE, 0.97777777777777777);
TestValue(fn_name + "('atcg', 'tagc')", TYPE_DOUBLE, 0.8333333333333333);;
TestValue(fn_name + "('martha', 'marhta', 0.1, 0.99)", TYPE_DOUBLE,
TestValue(fn_name + "('dwayne', 'duane', 0.1, 0.9)", TYPE_DOUBLE,
TestErrorString(fn_name + "('z', repeat('x', 256))",
"jaro-winkler argument exceeds maximum length of 255 characters\n");
TestErrorString(fn_name + "(repeat('x', 256), 'z')",
"jaro-winkler argument exceeds maximum length of 255 characters\n");
TestErrorString(fn_name + "('foo', 'bar', 0.26)",
"jaro-winkler scaling factor values can range between 0.0 and 0.25\n");
TestErrorString(fn_name + "('foo', 'bar', -0.01)",
"jaro-winkler scaling factor values can range between 0.0 and 0.25\n");
TestErrorString(fn_name + "('foo', 'bar', 0.1, -0.01)",
"jaro-winkler boost threshold values can range between 0.0 and 1.0\n");
TestErrorString(fn_name + "('foo', 'bar', 0.1, 1.01)",
"jaro-winkler boost threshold values can range between 0.0 and 1.0\n");
// Test prettyprint_bytes
TestStringValue("prettyprint_bytes(-1234)", "-1.21 KB");
TestStringValue("prettyprint_bytes(0)", "0");
TestStringValue("prettyprint_bytes(1)", "1.00 B");
TestStringValue("prettyprint_bytes(123)", "123.00 B");
TestStringValue("prettyprint_bytes(1024)", "1.00 KB");
TestStringValue("prettyprint_bytes(1234567)", "1.18 MB");
TestStringValue("prettyprint_bytes(1234567901)", "1.15 GB");
TestStringValue("prettyprint_bytes(12345679012345)", "11497.81 GB");
TestIsNull("prettyprint_bytes(NULL)", TYPE_STRING);
// Test at the type boundaries for tinyint.
TestStringValue("prettyprint_bytes(127)", "127.00 B");
TestStringValue("prettyprint_bytes(128)", "128.00 B");
TestStringValue("prettyprint_bytes(-128)", "-128.00 B");
TestStringValue("prettyprint_bytes(-129)", "-129.00 B");
// Test at the type boundaries for smallint.
TestStringValue("prettyprint_bytes(32767)", "32.00 KB");
TestStringValue("prettyprint_bytes(32768)", "32.00 KB");
TestStringValue("prettyprint_bytes(-32768)", "-32.00 KB");
TestStringValue("prettyprint_bytes(-32769)", "-32.00 KB");
// Test at the type boundaries for int.
TestStringValue("prettyprint_bytes(2147483647)", "2.00 GB");
TestStringValue("prettyprint_bytes(2147483648)", "2.00 GB");
TestStringValue("prettyprint_bytes(-2147483648)", "-2.00 GB");
TestStringValue("prettyprint_bytes(-2147483649)", "-2.00 GB");
// Test at the type boundaries for bigint.
TestStringValue("prettyprint_bytes(9223372036854775807)", "8589934592.00 GB");
TestStringValue("prettyprint_bytes(-9223372036854775808)", "-8589934592.00 GB");
TestStringValue("substring('Hello', 1)", "Hello");
TestStringValue("substring('Hello', -2)", "lo");
TestStringValue("substring('Hello', cast(0 as bigint))", "");
TestStringValue("substring('Hello', -5)", "Hello");
TestStringValue("substring('Hello', cast(-6 as bigint))", "");
TestStringValue("substring('Hello', 100)", "");
TestStringValue("substring('Hello', -100)", "");
TestIsNull("substring(NULL, 100)", TYPE_STRING);
TestIsNull("substring('Hello', NULL)", TYPE_STRING);
TestIsNull("substring(NULL, NULL)", TYPE_STRING);
TestStringValue("substring('Hello', 1, 1)", "H");
TestStringValue("substring('Hello', cast(2 as bigint), 100)", "ello");
TestStringValue("substring('Hello', -3, cast(2 as bigint))", "ll");
TestStringValue("substring('Hello', 1, 0)", "");
TestStringValue("substring('Hello', cast(1 as bigint), cast(-1 as bigint))", "");
TestIsNull("substring(NULL, 1, 100)", TYPE_STRING);
TestIsNull("substring('Hello', NULL, 100)", TYPE_STRING);
TestIsNull("substring('Hello', 1, NULL)", TYPE_STRING);
TestIsNull("substring(NULL, NULL, NULL)", TYPE_STRING);
TestStringValue("chr(93)", "]");
TestStringValue("chr(96)", "`");
TestStringValue("chr(97)", "a");
TestStringValue("chr(48)", "0");
TestStringValue("chr(65)", "A");
TestStringValue("chr(300)", "");
TestStringValue("chr(-1)", "");
TestIsNull("chr(NULL)", TYPE_STRING);
TestStringValue("split_part('abc~!def~!ghi', '~!', 1)", "abc");
TestStringValue("split_part('abc~!def~!ghi', '~!', -1)", "ghi");
TestStringValue("split_part('abc~!~def~!~ghi', '~!', 2)", "~def");
TestStringValue("split_part('abc~!~def~!~ghi', '~!', -2)", "~def");
TestStringValue("split_part('abc@@def@@ghi', '@@', 3)", "ghi");
TestStringValue("split_part('abc@@def@@ghi', '@@', -3)", "abc");
TestStringValue("split_part('abc@@def@@@@ghi', '@@', 4)", "ghi");
TestStringValue("split_part('abc@@def@@@@ghi', '@@', -4)", "abc");
TestStringValue("split_part('abc@@def@@ghi', '@@', 4)", "");
TestStringValue("split_part('abc@@def@@ghi', '@@', -4)", "");
TestStringValue("split_part('', '@@', 1)", "");
TestStringValue("split_part('', '@@', -1)", "");
TestStringValue("split_part('abcdef', '', 1)", "abcdef");
TestStringValue("split_part('abcdef', '', -1)", "abcdef");
TestStringValue("split_part('', '', 1)", "");
TestStringValue("split_part('', '', -1)", "");
TestIsNull("split_part(NULL, NULL, 1)", TYPE_STRING);
TestIsNull("split_part('abcdefabc', NULL, 1)", TYPE_STRING);
TestIsNull("split_part(NULL, 'xyz', 1)", TYPE_STRING);
TestError("split_part('abc@@def@@ghi', '@@', 0)");
TestStringValue("lower('')", "");
TestStringValue("lower('HELLO')", "hello");
TestStringValue("lower('Hello')", "hello");
TestStringValue("lower('hello!')", "hello!");
TestStringValue("lcase('HELLO')", "hello");
TestIsNull("lower(NULL)", TYPE_STRING);
TestIsNull("lcase(NULL)", TYPE_STRING);
TestStringValue("upper('')", "");
TestStringValue("upper('HELLO')", "HELLO");
TestStringValue("upper('Hello')", "HELLO");
TestStringValue("upper('hello!')", "HELLO!");
// Regression test for fully builtin qualified function name (IMPALA-1951)
TestStringValue("_impala_builtins.upper('hello!')", "HELLO!");
TestStringValue("_impala_builtins.DECODE('hello!', 'hello!', 'HELLO!')", "HELLO!");
TestStringValue("ucase('hello')", "HELLO");
TestIsNull("upper(NULL)", TYPE_STRING);
TestIsNull("ucase(NULL)", TYPE_STRING);
TestStringValue("initcap('')", "");
TestStringValue("initcap('a')", "A");
TestStringValue("initcap('hello')", "Hello");
TestStringValue("initcap('h e l l o')", "H E L L O");
TestStringValue("initcap('hello this is a message')", "Hello This Is A Message");
TestStringValue("initcap('Hello This Is A Message')", "Hello This Is A Message");
TestStringValue("initcap(' hello tHis IS A _ MeSsAgE')", " Hello This "
"Is A _ Message");
TestStringValue("initcap('HELLO THIS IS A MESSAGE')", "Hello This Is A Message");
TestStringValue("initcap(' hello\vthis\nis\ra\tlong\fmessage')", " Hello\vThis"
TestIsNull("initcap(NULL)", TYPE_STRING);
string length_aliases[] = {"length", "char_length", "character_length"};
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
TestValue(length_aliases[i] + "('')", TYPE_INT, 0);
TestValue(length_aliases[i] + "('a')", TYPE_INT, 1);
TestValue(length_aliases[i] + "('abcdefg')", TYPE_INT, 7);
TestIsNull(length_aliases[i] + "(NULL)", TYPE_INT);
TestStringValue("replace('aaaaaa', 'a', 'b')", "bbbbbb");
TestStringValue("replace('aaaaaa', 'aa', 'b')", "bbb");
TestStringValue("replace('aaaaaaa', 'aa', 'b')", "bbba");
TestStringValue("replace('zzzaaaaaaqqq', 'a', 'b')", "zzzbbbbbbqqq");
TestStringValue("replace('zzzaaaaaaaqqq', 'aa', 'b')", "zzzbbbaqqq");
TestStringValue("replace('aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa', 'a', 'b')", "bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb");
TestStringValue("replace('bobobobobo', 'bobo', 'a')", "aabo");
TestStringValue("replace('abc', 'abcd', 'a')", "abc");
TestStringValue("replace('aaaaaa', '', 'b')", "aaaaaa");
TestStringValue("replace('abc', 'abc', '')", "");
TestStringValue("replace('abcdefg', 'z', '')", "abcdefg");
TestStringValue("replace('', 'zoltan', 'sultan')", "");
TestStringValue("replace('strstrstr', 'str', 'strstr')", "strstrstrstrstrstr");
TestStringValue("replace('aaaaaa', 'a', '')", "");
TestIsNull("replace(NULL, 'foo', 'bar')", TYPE_STRING);
TestIsNull("replace('zomg', 'foo', NULL)", TYPE_STRING);
TestIsNull("replace('abc', NULL, 'a')", TYPE_STRING);
// Do some tests with huge strings
const int huge_size = 500000;
std::string huge_str;
huge_str.append(huge_size, 'A');
std::string huge_space;
huge_space.append(huge_size, ' ');
std::string huger_str;
huger_str.reserve(3 * huge_size);
huger_str.append(3 * huge_size, 'A');
TestStringValue("replace('" + huge_str + "', 'A', ' ')", huge_space);
TestStringValue("replace('" + huge_str + "', 'A', '')", "");
TestStringValue("replace('" + huge_str + "', 'A', 'AAA')", huger_str);
TestStringValue("replace('" + huger_str + "', 'AAA', 'A')", huge_str);
auto* giga_buf = new std::array<uint8_t, StringVal::MAX_LENGTH>;
(*giga_buf)[0] = 'Z';
(*giga_buf)[10] = 'Z';
(*giga_buf)[100] = 'Z';
(*giga_buf)[1000] = 'Z';
(*giga_buf)[StringVal::MAX_LENGTH-1] = 'Z';
// Hack up a function context so we can call Replace functions directly.
MemTracker m;
MemPool pool(&m);
FunctionContext::TypeDesc str_desc;
str_desc.type = FunctionContext::Type::TYPE_STRING;
std::vector<FunctionContext::TypeDesc> v(3, str_desc);
FunctionContext* context = CreateUdfTestContext(str_desc, v, nullptr, &pool);
StringVal giga(static_cast<uint8_t*>(giga_buf->data()), StringVal::MAX_LENGTH);
StringVal a("A");
StringVal z("Z");
StringVal aaa("aaa");
// Replace z's with a's on giga
auto r1 = StringFunctions::Replace(context, giga, z, a);
EXPECT_EQ(r1.ptr[0], 'A');
EXPECT_EQ(r1.ptr[10], 'A');
EXPECT_EQ(r1.ptr[100], 'A');
EXPECT_EQ(r1.ptr[1000], 'A');
EXPECT_EQ(r1.ptr[StringVal::MAX_LENGTH-1], 'A');
// Entire string match is legal
auto r2 = StringFunctions::Replace(context, giga, giga, a);
EXPECT_EQ(r2, a);
// So is replacing giga with itself
auto r3 = StringFunctions::Replace(context, giga, giga, giga);
EXPECT_EQ(r3.ptr[0], 'Z');
EXPECT_EQ(r3.ptr[10], 'Z');
EXPECT_EQ(r3.ptr[100], 'Z');
EXPECT_EQ(r3.ptr[1000], 'Z');
EXPECT_EQ(r3.ptr[StringVal::MAX_LENGTH-1], 'Z');
// Expect expansion to fail as soon as possible; test with unallocated string space
// This tests overflowing the first allocation.
auto* short_buf = new std::array<uint8_t, 4096>;
(*short_buf)[1000] = 'Z';
StringVal bam(static_cast<uint8_t*>(short_buf->data()), StringVal::MAX_LENGTH);
auto r4 = StringFunctions::Replace(context, bam, z, aaa);
// Re-create context to clear the error from failed allocation.
context = CreateUdfTestContext(str_desc, v, nullptr, &pool);
// Similar test for second overflow. This tests overflowing on re-allocation.
(*short_buf)[4095] = 'Z';
StringVal bam2(static_cast<uint8_t*>(short_buf->data()), StringVal::MAX_LENGTH-2);
auto r5 = StringFunctions::Replace(context, bam2, z, aaa);
// Re-create context to clear the error from failed allocation.
context = CreateUdfTestContext(str_desc, v, nullptr, &pool);
// Finally, test expanding to exactly MAX_LENGTH
// There are 4 Zs in giga4 (not including the trailing one, as we truncate that)
StringVal giga4(static_cast<uint8_t*>(giga_buf->data()), StringVal::MAX_LENGTH-8);
auto r6 = StringFunctions::Replace(context, giga4, z, aaa);
EXPECT_EQ(strncmp((char*)&r6.ptr[0], "aaaA", 4), 0);
EXPECT_EQ(r6.len, 1 << 30);
// Finally, an expansion in the last string position
(*giga_buf)[StringVal::MAX_LENGTH-11] = 'Z';
StringVal giga5(static_cast<uint8_t*>(giga_buf->data()), StringVal::MAX_LENGTH-10);
auto r7 = StringFunctions::Replace(context, giga5, z, aaa);
EXPECT_EQ(r7.len, 1 << 30);
EXPECT_EQ(strncmp((char*)&r7.ptr[StringVal::MAX_LENGTH-4], "Aaaa", 4), 0);
delete giga_buf;
delete short_buf;
TestStringValue("reverse('abcdefg')", "gfedcba");
TestStringValue("reverse('')", "");
TestIsNull("reverse(NULL)", TYPE_STRING);
TestStringValue("strleft('abcdefg', 0)", "");
TestStringValue("strleft('abcdefg', 3)", "abc");
TestStringValue("strleft('abcdefg', cast(10 as bigint))", "abcdefg");
TestStringValue("strleft('abcdefg', -1)", "");
TestStringValue("strleft('abcdefg', cast(-9 as bigint))", "");
TestIsNull("strleft(NULL, 3)", TYPE_STRING);
TestIsNull("strleft('abcdefg', NULL)", TYPE_STRING);
TestIsNull("strleft(NULL, NULL)", TYPE_STRING);
TestStringValue("left('foobar', 3)", "foo");
TestStringValue("strright('abcdefg', 0)", "");
TestStringValue("strright('abcdefg', 3)", "efg");
TestStringValue("strright('abcdefg', cast(10 as bigint))", "abcdefg");
TestStringValue("strright('abcdefg', -1)", "");
TestStringValue("strright('abcdefg', cast(-9 as bigint))", "");
TestIsNull("strright(NULL, 3)", TYPE_STRING);
TestIsNull("strright('abcdefg', NULL)", TYPE_STRING);
TestIsNull("strright(NULL, NULL)", TYPE_STRING);
TestStringValue("right('foobar', 3)", "bar");
TestStringValue("translate('', '', '')", "");
TestStringValue("translate('abcd', '', '')", "abcd");
TestStringValue("translate('abcd', 'xyz', '')", "abcd");
TestStringValue("translate('abcd', 'a', '')", "bcd");
TestStringValue("translate('abcd', 'aa', '')", "bcd");
TestStringValue("translate('abcd', 'aba', '')", "cd");
TestStringValue("translate('abcd', 'cd', '')", "ab");
TestStringValue("translate('abcd', 'cd', 'xy')", "abxy");
TestStringValue("translate('abcdabcd', 'cd', 'xy')", "abxyabxy");
TestStringValue("translate('abcd', 'abc', 'xy')", "xyd");
TestStringValue("translate('abcd', 'abc', 'wxyz')", "wxyd");
TestStringValue("translate('x', 'xx', 'ab')", "a");
TestIsNull("translate(NULL, '', '')", TYPE_STRING);
TestIsNull("translate('', NULL, '')", TYPE_STRING);
TestIsNull("translate('', '', NULL)", TYPE_STRING);
TestStringValue("trim('')", "");
TestStringValue("trim(' ')", "");
TestStringValue("trim(' abcdefg ')", "abcdefg");
TestStringValue("trim('abcdefg ')", "abcdefg");
TestStringValue("trim(' abcdefg')", "abcdefg");
TestStringValue("trim('abc defg')", "abc defg");
TestIsNull("trim(NULL)", TYPE_STRING);
TestStringValue("ltrim('')", "");
TestStringValue("ltrim(' ')", "");
TestStringValue("ltrim(' abcdefg ')", "abcdefg ");
TestStringValue("ltrim('abcdefg ')", "abcdefg ");
TestStringValue("ltrim(' abcdefg')", "abcdefg");
TestStringValue("ltrim('abc defg')", "abc defg");
TestIsNull("ltrim(NULL)", TYPE_STRING);
TestStringValue("rtrim('')", "");
TestStringValue("rtrim(' ')", "");
TestStringValue("rtrim(' abcdefg ')", " abcdefg");
TestStringValue("rtrim('abcdefg ')", "abcdefg");
TestStringValue("rtrim(' abcdefg')", " abcdefg");
TestStringValue("rtrim('abc defg')", "abc defg");
TestIsNull("rtrim(NULL)", TYPE_STRING);
TestStringValue("ltrim('%%%%%abcdefg%%%%%', '%')", "abcdefg%%%%%");
TestStringValue("ltrim('%%%%%abcdefg', '%')", "abcdefg");
TestStringValue("ltrim('abcdefg%%%%%', '%')", "abcdefg%%%%%");
TestStringValue("ltrim('%%%%%abc%%defg', '%')", "abc%%defg");
TestStringValue("ltrim('abcdefg', 'abc')", "defg");
TestStringValue("ltrim(' abcdefg', ' ')", "abcdefg");
TestStringValue("ltrim('abacdefg', 'abc')", "defg");
TestStringValue("ltrim('abacdefgcab', 'abc')", "defgcab");
TestStringValue("ltrim('abcacbbacbcacabcba', 'abc')", "");
TestStringValue("ltrim('', 'abc')", "");
TestStringValue("ltrim(' ', 'abc')", " ");
TestIsNull("ltrim(NULL, 'abc')", TYPE_STRING);
TestStringValue("ltrim('abcdefg', NULL)", "abcdefg");
TestStringValue("ltrim('abcdefg', '')", "abcdefg");
TestStringValue("ltrim('abcdabcdabc', 'abc')", "dabcdabc");
TestStringValue("ltrim('aaaaaaaaa', 'a')", "");
TestStringValue("ltrim('abcdefg', 'aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaabg')", "cdefg");
TestStringValue("ltrim('æeioü','æü')", "eioü");
TestStringValue("ltrim('\\\\abcdefg', 'a\\\\')", "bcdefg");
TestStringValue("rtrim('%%%%%abcdefg%%%%%', '%')", "%%%%%abcdefg");
TestStringValue("rtrim('%%%%%abcdefg', '%')", "%%%%%abcdefg");
TestStringValue("rtrim('abcdefg%%%%%', '%')", "abcdefg");
TestStringValue("rtrim('abc%%defg%%%%%', '%')", "abc%%defg");
TestStringValue("rtrim('abcdefg', 'abc')", "abcdefg");
TestStringValue("rtrim('abcdefg ', ' ')", "abcdefg");
TestStringValue("rtrim('abacdefg', 'efg')", "abacd");
TestStringValue("rtrim('abacdefgcab', 'abc')", "abacdefg");
TestStringValue("rtrim('abcacbbacbcacabcba', 'abc')", "");
TestStringValue("rtrim('', 'abc')", "");
TestStringValue("rtrim(' ', 'abc')", " ");
TestIsNull("rtrim(NULL, 'abc')", TYPE_STRING);
TestStringValue("rtrim('abcdefg', NULL)", "abcdefg");
TestStringValue("rtrim('abcdefg', '')", "abcdefg");
TestStringValue("rtrim('abcdabcdabc', 'abc')", "abcdabcd");
TestStringValue("rtrim('aaaaaaaaa', 'a')", "");
TestStringValue("rtrim('abcdefg', 'eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeefg')", "abcd");
TestStringValue("rtrim('æeioü','æü')", "æeio");
TestStringValue("rtrim('abcdefg\\\\', 'g\\\\')", "abcdef");
TestStringValue("btrim(' abcdefg ')", "abcdefg");
TestStringValue("btrim(' abcdefg')", "abcdefg");
TestStringValue("btrim('abcdefg ')", "abcdefg");
TestStringValue("btrim('abcdefg')", "abcdefg");
TestStringValue("btrim('abc defg')", "abc defg");
TestStringValue("btrim(' ')", "");
TestStringValue("btrim(',')", ",");
TestIsNull("btrim(NULL)", TYPE_STRING);
TestStringValue("btrim('%%%%%abcdefg%%%%%', '%')", "abcdefg");
TestStringValue("btrim('%%%%%abcdefg', '%')", "abcdefg");
TestStringValue("btrim('abcdefg%%%%%', '%')", "abcdefg");
TestStringValue("btrim('abc%%defg%%%%%', '%')", "abc%%defg");
TestStringValue("btrim('abcdefg', 'abc')", "defg");
TestStringValue("btrim('abacdefg', 'abc')", "defg");
TestStringValue("btrim('abacdefgcab', 'abc')", "defg");
TestStringValue("btrim('abcacbbacbcacabcba', 'abc')", "");
TestStringValue("btrim('', 'abc')", "");
TestStringValue("btrim(' ', 'abc')", " ");
TestIsNull("btrim(NULL, 'abc')", TYPE_STRING);
TestStringValue("btrim('abcdefg', NULL)", "abcdefg");
TestStringValue("btrim('abcdabcdabc', 'abc')", "dabcd");
TestStringValue("btrim('aaaaaaaaa', 'a')", "");
TestStringValue("btrim('abcdefg', 'aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaabg')", "cdef");
TestStringValue("btrim('æeioü','æü')", "eio");
TestStringValue("btrim('\\\\abcdefg\\\\', 'ag\\\\')", "bcdef");
TestStringValue("space(0)", "");
TestStringValue("space(-1)", "");
TestStringValue("space(cast(1 as bigint))", " ");
TestStringValue("space(6)", " ");
TestIsNull("space(NULL)", TYPE_STRING);
TestStringValue("repeat('', 0)", "");
TestStringValue("repeat('', cast(6 as bigint))", "");
TestStringValue("repeat('ab', 0)", "");
TestStringValue("repeat('ab', -1)", "");
TestStringValue("repeat('ab', -100)", "");
TestStringValue("repeat('ab', 1)", "ab");
TestStringValue("repeat('ab', cast(6 as bigint))", "abababababab");
TestIsNull("repeat(NULL, 6)", TYPE_STRING);
TestIsNull("repeat('ab', NULL)", TYPE_STRING);
TestIsNull("repeat(NULL, NULL)", TYPE_STRING);
TestErrorString("repeat('x', 1024 * 1024 * 1024 * 10)", "Number of repeats in "
"repeat() call is larger than allowed limit of 1.00 GB character data.\n");
TestErrorString("repeat('xx', 1024 * 1024 * 1024)", "repeat() result is larger than "
"allowed limit of 1.00 GB character data.\n");
TestValue("ascii('')", TYPE_INT, 0);
TestValue("ascii('abcde')", TYPE_INT, 'a');
TestValue("ascii('Abcde')", TYPE_INT, 'A');
TestValue("ascii('dddd')", TYPE_INT, 'd');
TestValue("ascii(' ')", TYPE_INT, ' ');
TestIsNull("ascii(NULL)", TYPE_INT);
TestStringValue("lpad('', 0, '')", "");
TestStringValue("lpad('abc', 0, '')", "");
TestStringValue("lpad('abc', cast(3 as bigint), '')", "abc");
TestStringValue("lpad('abc', 2, 'xyz')", "ab");
TestStringValue("lpad('abc', 6, 'xyz')", "xyzabc");
TestStringValue("lpad('abc', cast(5 as bigint), 'xyz')", "xyabc");
TestStringValue("lpad('abc', 10, 'xyz')", "xyzxyzxabc");
TestIsNull("lpad('abc', -10, 'xyz')", TYPE_STRING);
TestIsNull("lpad(NULL, 10, 'xyz')", TYPE_STRING);
TestIsNull("lpad('abc', NULL, 'xyz')", TYPE_STRING);
TestIsNull("lpad('abc', 10, NULL)", TYPE_STRING);
TestIsNull("lpad(NULL, NULL, NULL)", TYPE_STRING);
TestStringValue("rpad('', 0, '')", "");
TestStringValue("rpad('abc', 0, '')", "");
TestStringValue("rpad('abc', cast(3 as bigint), '')", "abc");
TestStringValue("rpad('abc', 2, 'xyz')", "ab");
TestStringValue("rpad('abc', 6, 'xyz')", "abcxyz");
TestStringValue("rpad('abc', cast(5 as bigint), 'xyz')", "abcxy");
TestStringValue("rpad('abc', 10, 'xyz')", "abcxyzxyzx");
TestIsNull("rpad('abc', -10, 'xyz')", TYPE_STRING);
TestIsNull("rpad(NULL, 10, 'xyz')", TYPE_STRING);
TestIsNull("rpad('abc', NULL, 'xyz')", TYPE_STRING);
TestIsNull("rpad('abc', 10, NULL)", TYPE_STRING);
TestIsNull("rpad(NULL, NULL, NULL)", TYPE_STRING);
// Note that Hive returns positions starting from 1.
// Hive returns 0 if substr was not found in str (or on other error coditions).
TestValue("instr('', '')", TYPE_INT, 0);
TestValue("instr('', 'abc')", TYPE_INT, 0);
TestValue("instr('abc', '')", TYPE_INT, 0);
TestValue("instr('abcdef', 'xyz')", TYPE_INT, 0);
TestValue("instr('xyz', 'abcdef')", TYPE_INT, 0);
TestValue("instr('abc', 'abc')", TYPE_INT, 1);
TestValue("instr('xyzabc', 'abc')", TYPE_INT, 4);
TestValue("instr('xyzabcxyz', 'bcx')", TYPE_INT, 5);
TestValue("instr('', '', -1)", TYPE_INT, 0);
TestValue("instr('', 'abc', -1)", TYPE_INT, 0);
TestValue("instr('abc', '', -1)", TYPE_INT, 0);
TestValue("instr('abc', 'abc', -1)", TYPE_INT, 1);
TestValue("instr('xyzabc', 'abc', -1)", TYPE_INT, 4);
TestValue("instr('xyzabcxyz', 'bcx', -1)", TYPE_INT, 5);
TestValue("instr('corporate floor', 'or', 0)", TYPE_INT, 0);
TestValue("instr('corporate floor', 'or', 14)", TYPE_INT, 14);
TestValue("instr('corporate floor', 'or', 15)", TYPE_INT, 0);
TestValue("instr('corporate floor', 'or', -14)", TYPE_INT, 2);
TestValue("instr('corporate floor', 'or', -15)", TYPE_INT, 0);
TestValue("instr('corporate floor', 'or', 0, 1)", TYPE_INT, 0);
TestValue("instr('corporate floor', 'or', 14, 1)", TYPE_INT, 14);
TestValue("instr('corporate floor', 'or', 15, 1)", TYPE_INT, 0);
TestValue("instr('corporate floor', 'or', -14, 1)", TYPE_INT, 2);
TestValue("instr('corporate floor', 'or', -15, 1)", TYPE_INT, 0);
TestValue("instr('corporate floor', 'or', 2, 2)", TYPE_INT, 5);
TestValue("instr('corporate floor', 'or', 3, 2)", TYPE_INT, 14);
TestValue("instr('corporate floor', 'or', -3, 2)", TYPE_INT, 2);
TestValue("instr('corporate floor', 'or', -2, 2)", TYPE_INT, 5);
TestValue("instr('corporate floor', 'or', 3, 3)", TYPE_INT, 0);
TestValue("instr('corporate floor', 'or', -3, 3)", TYPE_INT, 0);
TestValue("instr('corporate floor', '', 3, 3)", TYPE_INT, 0);
TestValue("instr('corporate floor', '', -3, 3)", TYPE_INT, 0);
TestValue("instr('abababa', 'aba', 1, 1)", TYPE_INT, 1);
TestValue("instr('abababa', 'aba', 1, 2)", TYPE_INT, 3);
TestValue("instr('abababa', 'aba', 1, 3)", TYPE_INT, 5);
TestValue("instr('abababa', 'aba', cast(1 as bigint), cast(3 as bigint))", TYPE_INT, 5);
TestError("instr('corporate floor', 'or', 0, 0)");
TestError("instr('corporate floor', 'or', 0, -1)");
TestError("instr('corporate floor', 'or', 1, 0)");
TestError("instr('corporate floor', 'or', 1, -1)");
TestIsNull("instr(NULL, 'or', 2)", TYPE_INT);
TestIsNull("instr('corporate floor', NULL, 2)", TYPE_INT);
TestIsNull("instr('corporate floor', 'or', NULL)", TYPE_INT);
TestIsNull("instr(NULL, 'or', 2, 2)", TYPE_INT);
TestIsNull("instr('corporate floor', NULL, 2, 2)", TYPE_INT);
TestIsNull("instr('corporate floor', 'or', NULL, 2)", TYPE_INT);
TestIsNull("instr('corporate floor', 'or', 2, NULL)", TYPE_INT);
TestValue("instr('a', 'a', 1, 1)", TYPE_INT, 1);
TestValue("instr('axyz', 'a', 1, 1)", TYPE_INT, 1);
TestValue("instr('xyza', 'a', 1, 1)", TYPE_INT, 4);
TestValue("instr('a', 'a', 1, 2)", TYPE_INT, 0);
TestValue("instr('axyz', 'a', 1, 2)", TYPE_INT, 0);
TestValue("instr('xyza', 'a', 1, 2)", TYPE_INT, 0);
TestValue("instr('a', 'a', -1, 1)", TYPE_INT, 1);
TestValue("instr('axyz', 'a', -1, 1)", TYPE_INT, 1);
TestValue("instr('xyza', 'a', -1, 1)", TYPE_INT, 4);
TestValue("instr('a', 'a', -1, 2)", TYPE_INT, 0);
TestValue("instr('axyz', 'a', -1, 2)", TYPE_INT, 0);
TestValue("instr('xyza', 'a', -1, 2)", TYPE_INT, 0);
TestIsNull("instr(NULL, 'bcx')", TYPE_INT);
TestIsNull("instr('xyzabcxyz', NULL)", TYPE_INT);
TestIsNull("instr(NULL, NULL)", TYPE_INT);
TestValue("locate('', '')", TYPE_INT, 0);
TestValue("locate('abc', '')", TYPE_INT, 0);
TestValue("locate('', 'abc')", TYPE_INT, 0);
TestValue("locate('abc', 'abc')", TYPE_INT, 1);
TestValue("locate('abc', 'xyzabc')", TYPE_INT, 4);
TestValue("locate('bcx', 'xyzabcxyz')", TYPE_INT, 5);
TestIsNull("locate(NULL, 'xyzabcxyz')", TYPE_INT);
TestIsNull("locate('bcx', NULL)", TYPE_INT);
TestIsNull("locate(NULL, NULL)", TYPE_INT);
// Test locate with starting pos param.
// Note that Hive expects positions starting from 1 as input.
TestValue("locate('', '', 0)", TYPE_INT, 0);
TestValue("locate('abc', '', cast(0 as bigint))", TYPE_INT, 0);
TestValue("locate('', 'abc', 0)", TYPE_INT, 0);
TestValue("locate('', 'abc', -1)", TYPE_INT, 0);
TestValue("locate('', '', 1)", TYPE_INT, 0);
TestValue("locate('', 'abcde', cast(10 as bigint))", TYPE_INT, 0);
TestValue("locate('abcde', 'abcde', -1)", TYPE_INT, 0);
TestValue("locate('abcde', 'abcde', 10)", TYPE_INT, 0);
TestValue("locate('abc', 'abcdef', 0)", TYPE_INT, 0);
TestValue("locate('abc', 'abcdef', 1)", TYPE_INT, 1);
TestValue("locate('abc', 'xyzabcdef', 3)", TYPE_INT, 4);
TestValue("locate('abc', 'xyzabcdef', 4)", TYPE_INT, 4);
TestValue("locate('abc', 'abcabcabc', cast(5 as bigint))", TYPE_INT, 7);
TestIsNull("locate(NULL, 'abcabcabc', 5)", TYPE_INT);
TestIsNull("locate('abc', NULL, 5)", TYPE_INT);
TestIsNull("locate('abc', 'abcabcabc', NULL)", TYPE_INT);
TestIsNull("locate(NULL, NULL, NULL)", TYPE_INT);
TestStringValue("concat('a')", "a");
TestStringValue("concat('a', 'b')", "ab");
TestStringValue("concat('a', 'b', 'cde')", "abcde");
TestStringValue("concat('a', 'b', 'cde', 'fg')", "abcdefg");
TestStringValue("concat('a', 'b', 'cde', '', 'fg', '')", "abcdefg");
TestIsNull("concat(NULL)", TYPE_STRING);
TestIsNull("concat('a', NULL, 'b')", TYPE_STRING);
TestIsNull("concat('a', 'b', NULL)", TYPE_STRING);
TestStringValue("concat('', '', '')", "");
// Concat should work with BINARY the same way as with STRING
TestStringValue("concat(cast('a' as binary))", "a");
TestStringValue("concat(cast('a' as binary), cast('b' as binary))", "ab");
"concat(cast('a' as binary), cast('b' as binary), cast('cde' as binary))",
"concat(cast('a' as binary) , cast('b' as binary), "
"cast('cde' as binary), cast('fg' as binary))",
"concat(cast('a' as binary), cast('b' as binary), cast('cde' as binary), "
"cast('' as binary), cast('fg' as binary), cast('' as binary))",
TestIsNull("concat(cast(NULL as binary))", TYPE_STRING);
TestIsNull("concat(cast('a' as binary), NULL, cast('b' as binary))", TYPE_STRING);
TestIsNull("concat(cast('a' as binary), cast('b' as binary), NULL)", TYPE_STRING);
"concat(cast('' as binary), cast('' as binary), cast('' as binary))", "");
TestStringValue("concat_ws(',', 'a')", "a");
TestStringValue("concat_ws(',', 'a', 'b')", "a,b");
TestStringValue("concat_ws(',', 'a', 'b', 'cde')", "a,b,cde");
TestStringValue("concat_ws('', 'a', '', 'b', 'cde')", "abcde");
TestStringValue("concat_ws('%%', 'a', 'b', 'cde', 'fg')", "a%%b%%cde%%fg");
TestStringValue("concat_ws('|','a', 'b', 'cde', '', 'fg', '')", "a|b|cde||fg|");
TestStringValue("concat_ws('', '', '', '')", "");
TestIsNull("concat_ws(NULL, NULL)", TYPE_STRING);
TestStringValue("concat_ws(',', NULL, 'b')", "b");
TestStringValue("concat_ws(',', 'b', NULL)", "b");
TestStringValue("concat_ws(',', NULL, 'b', 'a')", "b,a");
TestStringValue("concat_ws(',', 'b', NULL, 'a')", "b,a");
TestStringValue("concat_ws(',', 'b', 'a', NULL)", "b,a");
TestStringValue("concat_ws('', NULL, 'b', 'a')", "ba");
TestStringValue("concat_ws('', 'b', NULL, 'a')", "ba");
TestStringValue("concat_ws('', 'b', 'a', NULL)", "ba");
TestStringValue("concat_ws(',', NULL, NULL)", "");
TestStringValue("concat_ws(',', '', '')", ",");
TestStringValue("concat_ws(',', '')", "");
TestValue("find_in_set('ab', 'ab,ab,ab,ade,cde')", TYPE_INT, 1);
TestValue("find_in_set('ab', 'abc,xyz,abc,ade,ab')", TYPE_INT, 5);
TestValue("find_in_set('ab', 'abc,ad,ab,ade,cde')", TYPE_INT, 3);
TestValue("find_in_set('xyz', 'abc,ad,ab,ade,cde')", TYPE_INT, 0);
TestValue("find_in_set('ab', ',,,,ab,,,,')", TYPE_INT, 5);
TestValue("find_in_set('', ',ad,ab,ade,cde')", TYPE_INT,1);
TestValue("find_in_set('', 'abc,ad,ab,ade,,')", TYPE_INT, 5);
TestValue("find_in_set('', 'abc,ad,,ade,cde,')", TYPE_INT,3);
// First param contains comma.
TestValue("find_in_set('abc,def', 'abc,ad,,ade,cde,')", TYPE_INT, 0);
TestIsNull("find_in_set(NULL, 'abc,ad,,ade,cde')", TYPE_INT);
TestIsNull("find_in_set('abc,def', NULL)", TYPE_INT);
TestIsNull("find_in_set(NULL, NULL)", TYPE_INT);
TestStringValue("cast('HELLO' as VARCHAR(3))", "HEL");
TestStringValue("cast('HELLO' as VARCHAR(15))", "HELLO");
TestStringValue("lower(cast('HELLO' as VARCHAR(3)))", "hel");
TestStringValue("lower(cast(123456 as VARCHAR(3)))", "123");
TestIsNull("cast(NULL as VARCHAR(3))", TYPE_STRING);
TestCharValue("cast('12345' as CHAR(130))",
"12345 "
" ",
TestCharValue("cast(cast('HELLO' as VARCHAR(3)) as CHAR(3))", "HEL",
TestStringValue("cast(cast('HELLO' as CHAR(3)) as VARCHAR(3))", "HEL");
TestCharValue("cast(cast('HELLO' as VARCHAR(7)) as CHAR(7))", "HELLO ",
TestCharValue("cast(cast('HELLO' as STRING) as CHAR(7))", "HELLO ",
TestStringValue("cast(cast('HELLO' as CHAR(7)) as VARCHAR(7))", "HELLO ");
TestStringValue("cast(cast('HELLO' as CHAR(5)) as VARCHAR(3))", "HEL");
TestCharValue("cast(cast('HELLO' as VARCHAR(7)) as CHAR(3))", "HEL",
TestCharValue("cast(5 as char(5))", "5 ", ColumnType::CreateCharType(5));
TestCharValue("cast(5.1 as char(5))", "5.1 ", ColumnType::CreateCharType(5));
TestCharValue("cast(cast(1 as decimal(2,1)) as char(5))", "1.0 ",
TestCharValue("cast(cast('2014-09-30 10:35:10.632995000' as TIMESTAMP) as char(35))",
"2014-09-30 10:35:10.632995000 ",
TestCharValue("cast('HELLO' as CHAR(3))", "HEL",
TestCharValue("cast('HELLO' as CHAR(7))", "HELLO ",
TestCharValue("cast('HELLO' as CHAR(70))",
TestValue("cast('HELLO' as CHAR(7)) = 'HELLO '", TYPE_BOOLEAN, true);
TestValue("cast('HELLO' as CHAR(7)) = cast('HELLO' as CHAR(5))", TYPE_BOOLEAN, true);
TestStringValue("lower(cast('HELLO' as CHAR(3)))", "hel");
TestStringValue("lower(cast(123456 as CHAR(3)))", "123");
TestStringValue("cast(cast(123456 as CHAR(3)) as VARCHAR(3))", "123");
TestStringValue("cast(cast(123456 as CHAR(3)) as VARCHAR(65535))", "123");
TestIsNull("cast(NULL as CHAR(3))", ColumnType::CreateCharType(3));
TestCharValue("cast('HELLO' as CHAR(255))",
" "
" "
" ", ColumnType::CreateCharType(255));
TestCharValue("CASE cast('1.1' as char(3)) when cast('1.1' as char(3)) then "
"cast('1' as char(1)) when cast('2.22' as char(4)) then "
"cast('2' as char(1)) else cast('3' as char(1)) end", "1",
// Test maximum VARCHAR value
char query[ColumnType::MAX_VARCHAR_LENGTH + 1024];
char big_str[ColumnType::MAX_VARCHAR_LENGTH+1];
for (int i = 0 ; i < ColumnType::MAX_VARCHAR_LENGTH; i++) {
big_str[i] = 'a';
big_str[ColumnType::MAX_VARCHAR_LENGTH] = '\0';
sprintf(query, "cast('%sxxx' as VARCHAR(%d))", big_str, ColumnType::MAX_VARCHAR_LENGTH);
TestStringValue(query, big_str);
TEST_P(ExprTest, StringBase64Coding) {
// Test some known values of base64{en,de}code
TestIsNull("base64encode(NULL)", TYPE_STRING);
TestIsNull("base64decode(NULL)", TYPE_STRING);
TestStringValue("base64encode('')", "");
TestStringValue("base64decode('')", "");
TestIsNull("base64decode('YWxwaGE')", TYPE_STRING);
#ifndef __aarch64__
TestIsNull("base64decode('YWxwaGE%')", TYPE_STRING);
TestStringValue("base64decode('YWxwaGE%')", "alpha\377");
// Test random short strings.
// Pick some 'interesting' (i.e. random, but include some powers of two, some primes,
// and edge-cases) lengths to test.
for (int length: {1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 32, 42, 50, 64, 71, 89, 99}) {
for (int iteration = 0; iteration < 10; ++iteration) {
string raw(length, ' ');
for (int j = 0; j < length; ++j) raw[j] = rand() % 128;
const string as_octal = StringToOctalLiteral(raw);
TestValue(StrCat("length(base64encode('", as_octal, "')) > length('", as_octal,
"')"), TYPE_BOOLEAN, true);
TestValue(StrCat("base64decode(base64encode('", as_octal + "')) = '", as_octal,
"'"), TYPE_BOOLEAN, true);
TEST_P(ExprTest, LongReverse) {
static const int MAX_LEN = 2048;
string to_reverse(MAX_LEN, ' '), reversed(MAX_LEN, ' ');
// Pick some 'interesting' (i.e. random, but include some powers of two, some primes,
// and edge-cases) lengths to test.
for (int i: {1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 32, 42, 512, 1024, 1357, 1788, 2012, 2047}) {
to_reverse[i] = reversed[MAX_LEN - 1 - i] = 'a' + (rand() % 26);
TestStringValue("reverse('" + to_reverse.substr(0, i + 1) + "')",
reversed.substr(MAX_LEN - 1 - i));
TEST_P(ExprTest, StringRegexpFunctions) {
// Single group.
TestStringValue("regexp_extract('abxcy1234a', 'a.x', 0)", "abx");
TestStringValue("regexp_extract('abxcy1234a', 'a.x.*a', 0)", "abxcy1234a");
TestStringValue("regexp_extract('abxcy1234a', 'a.x.y.*a', 0)", "abxcy1234a");
"'a\\\\.x\\\\.y\\\\.\\\\*a', 0)", "a.x.y.*a");
TestStringValue("regexp_extract('abxcy1234a', 'abczy', cast(0 as bigint))", "");
TestStringValue("regexp_extract('abxcy1234a', 'a\\\\.x\\\\.y\\\\.\\\\*a', 0)", "");
TestStringValue("regexp_extract('axcy1234a', 'a.x.y.*a', 0)","");
// Accessing non-existant group should return empty string.
TestStringValue("regexp_extract('abxcy1234a', 'a.x', cast(2 as bigint))", "");
TestStringValue("regexp_extract('abxcy1234a', 'a.x.*a', 1)", "");
TestStringValue("regexp_extract('abxcy1234a', 'a.x.y.*a', 5)", "");
TestStringValue("regexp_extract('abxcy1234a', 'a.x', -1)", "");
// Multiple groups enclosed in ().
TestStringValue("regexp_extract('abxcy1234a', '(a.x)(.y.*)(3.*a)', 0)", "abxcy1234a");
TestStringValue("regexp_extract('abxcy1234a', '(a.x)(.y.*)(3.*a)', 1)", "abx");
TestStringValue("regexp_extract('abxcy1234a', '(a.x)(.y.*)(3.*a)', 2)", "cy12");
TestStringValue("regexp_extract('abxcy1234a', '(a.x)(.y.*)(3.*a)',"
"cast(3 as bigint))", "34a");
TestStringValue("regexp_extract('abxcy1234a', '(a.x)(.y.*)(3.*a)',"
"cast(4 as bigint))", "");
// Empty strings.
TestStringValue("regexp_extract('', '', 0)", "");
TestStringValue("regexp_extract('abxcy1234a', '', 0)", "");
TestStringValue("regexp_extract('', 'abx', 0)", "");
// Test finding of leftmost maximal match.
TestStringValue("regexp_extract('I001=-200,I003=-210,I007=0', 'I001=-?[0-9]+', 0)",
// Invalid regex pattern, unmatched parenthesis.
TestError("regexp_extract('abxcy1234a', '(/.', 0)");
// NULL arguments.
TestIsNull("regexp_extract(NULL, 'a.x', 2)", TYPE_STRING);
TestIsNull("regexp_extract('abxcy1234a', NULL, 2)", TYPE_STRING);
TestIsNull("regexp_extract('abxcy1234a', 'a.x', NULL)", TYPE_STRING);
TestIsNull("regexp_extract(NULL, NULL, NULL)", TYPE_STRING);
// Character classes.
TestStringValue("regexp_extract('abxcy1234a', '[[:lower:]]*', 0)", "abxcy");
TestStringValue("regexp_extract('abxcy1234a', '[[:digit:]]+', 0)", "1234");
TestStringValue("regexp_extract('abxcy1234a', '[[:lower:]][[:digit:]]', 0)", "y1");
TestStringValue("regexp_extract('aBcDeF', '[[:upper:]][[:lower:]]', 0)", "Bc");
// "Single character" character classes.
TestStringValue("regexp_extract('abxcy1234a', '\\\\w*', 0)", "abxcy1234a");
TestStringValue("regexp_extract('abxcy1234a', '\\\\d+', 0)", "1234");
TestStringValue("regexp_extract('abxcy1234a', '\\\\d\\\\D', 0)", "4a");
// Leftmost longest match.
TestStringValue("regexp_extract('abcabcd', '(a|ab|abc|abcd)', 0)", "abc");
TestStringValue("regexp_replace('axcaycazc', 'a.c', 'a')", "aaa");
TestStringValue("regexp_replace('axcaycazc', 'a.c', '')", "");
TestStringValue("regexp_replace('axcaycazc', 'a.*', 'abcde')", "abcde");
TestStringValue("regexp_replace('axcaycazc', 'a.*y.*z', 'xyz')", "xyzc");
// No match for pattern.
TestStringValue("regexp_replace('axcaycazc', 'a.z', 'xyz')", "axcaycazc");
TestStringValue("regexp_replace('axcaycazc', 'a.*y.z', 'xyz')", "axcaycazc");
// Empty strings.
TestStringValue("regexp_replace('', '', '')", "");
TestStringValue("regexp_replace('axcaycazc', '', '')", "axcaycazc");
TestStringValue("regexp_replace('', 'err', '')", "");
TestStringValue("regexp_replace('', '', 'abc')", "abc");
TestStringValue("regexp_replace('axcaycazc', '', 'r')", "rarxrcraryrcrarzrcr");
// Invalid regex pattern, unmatched parenthesis.
TestError("regexp_replace('abxcy1234a', '(/.', 'x')");
// NULL arguments.
TestIsNull("regexp_replace(NULL, 'a.*', 'abcde')", TYPE_STRING);
TestIsNull("regexp_replace('axcaycazc', NULL, 'abcde')", TYPE_STRING);
TestIsNull("regexp_replace('axcaycazc', 'a.*', NULL)", TYPE_STRING);
TestIsNull("regexp_replace(NULL, NULL, NULL)", TYPE_STRING);
TestValue("regexp_like('abcabcd', '(a|ab|abc|abcd)')", TYPE_BOOLEAN, true);
TestValue("regexp_like('axcayczc', 'a.*')", TYPE_BOOLEAN, true);
TestValue("regexp_like('axcayczc', 'a.*y.*z')", TYPE_BOOLEAN, true);
TestValue("regexp_like('lee', '[aEiou]{2}', 'i')", TYPE_BOOLEAN, true);
TestValue("regexp_like('this\nis\nnewline', '^new.*$', 'm')", TYPE_BOOLEAN, true);
TestValue("regexp_like('this\nis\nnewline', '^new.*$', 'n')", TYPE_BOOLEAN, false);
TestValue("regexp_like('this\nis\nnewline', '^.*$')", TYPE_BOOLEAN, false);
TestValue("regexp_like('this\nis\nnewline', '^.*$', 'n')", TYPE_BOOLEAN, true);
TestError("regexp_like('abcabcdef', '*')");
TestError("regexp_like('abcabcdef', '.*', 'qpl')");
TestIsNull("regexp_like(NULL, NULL, NULL)", TYPE_BOOLEAN);
TestIsNull("regexp_like(NULL, NULL)", TYPE_BOOLEAN);
TestValue("regexp_match_count('aaa', 'a')", TYPE_INT, 3);
TestValue("regexp_match_count('aaa', 'aa')", TYPE_INT, 1);
TestValue("regexp_match_count('aaaa', 'aa')", TYPE_INT, 2);
TestValue("regexp_match_count('', '')", TYPE_INT, 1);
TestValue("regexp_match_count('', '.*')", TYPE_INT, 1);
TestValue("regexp_match_count('abxcy1234a', 'a.x')", TYPE_INT, 1);
TestValue("regexp_match_count('abxcy1234a', 'a.x.*a')", TYPE_INT, 1);
TestValue("regexp_match_count('abxcy1234a', 'a.x.*k')", TYPE_INT, 0);
TestValue("regexp_match_count('aaa123a', 'a*')", TYPE_INT, 6);
TestValue("regexp_match_count('aaa123a', 'a?')", TYPE_INT, 8);
TestValue("regexp_match_count('a.x.y.*a', 'a\\\\.x\\\\.y\\\\.\\\\*a')", TYPE_INT, 1);
TestValue("regexp_match_count('0123456789', '.*')", TYPE_INT, 2);
TestValue("regexp_match_count('0123456789', '.+')", TYPE_INT, 1);
TestValue("regexp_match_count('0123456789', '.?')", TYPE_INT, 11);
TestValue("regexp_match_count('abcab', '(a|bc|abc)')", TYPE_INT, 2);
TestValue("regexp_match_count('abcab', '(a)b')", TYPE_INT, 2);
TestValue("regexp_match_count('abc123efg', '[\\\\d]')", TYPE_INT, 3);
TestValue("regexp_match_count('abc123efg', '[\\\\d]+')", TYPE_INT, 1);
TestValue("regexp_match_count('abc123efg', '[\\^\\\\d]')", TYPE_INT, 6);
TestValue("regexp_match_count('a1b2c3d4e5!!!', '[\\\\w\\\\d]')", TYPE_INT, 10);
TestValue("regexp_match_count('a1b2c3d4e5!!!', '\\\\w\\\\d')", TYPE_INT, 5);
TestValue("regexp_match_count('Steven and Stephen', 'Ste(v|ph)en')", TYPE_INT, 2);
TestValue("regexp_match_count('aaa', 'A', 1, 'i')", TYPE_INT, 3);
TestValue("regexp_match_count('aaa', 'A', 1, 'c')", TYPE_INT, 0);
TestValue("regexp_match_count('this\nis\nnewline', '.*', 1, '')", TYPE_INT, 6);
TestValue("regexp_match_count('this\nis\nnewline', '.*', 1, 'n')", TYPE_INT, 2);
TestValue("regexp_match_count('IPhone\nIPad\nIPod', '^I.*$', 1, '')", TYPE_INT, 0);
TestValue("regexp_match_count('IPhone\nIPad\nIPod', '^I.*$', 1, 'n')", TYPE_INT, 1);
TestValue("regexp_match_count('IPhone\nIPad\nIPod', '^I.*$', 1, 'm')", TYPE_INT, 3);
TestValue("regexp_match_count('iPhone\niPad\niPod', '^I.*$', 1, 'in')", TYPE_INT, 1);
TestValue("regexp_match_count('iPhone\niPad\niPod', '^I.*$', 1, 'cin')", TYPE_INT, 1);
TestValue("regexp_match_count('iPhone\niPad\niPod', '^I.*$', 1, 'im')", TYPE_INT, 3);
TestValue("regexp_match_count('iPhone\niPad\niPod', '^I.*$', 1, 'imn')", TYPE_INT, 1);
TestValue("regexp_match_count('aaa', 'a', 3, '')", TYPE_INT, 1);
TestValue("regexp_match_count('aaa', 'a', 4, '')", TYPE_INT, 0);
TestValue("regexp_match_count('aaa', 'a*', 4, '')", TYPE_INT, 1);
TestValue("regexp_match_count('aaa', 'a+', NULL, NULL)", TYPE_INT, 1);
TestValue("regexp_match_count('abc123', '(.)(.)')", TYPE_INT, 3);
TestValue("regexp_match_count('.)(.', '.\\\\)\\\\(.')", TYPE_INT, 1);
TestError("regexp_match_count('.)(.', '.)(.')");
TestError("regexp_match_count('a', 'a', 0, '')");
TestError("regexp_match_count('a', 'a', -1, '')");
TestError("regexp_match_count('a', 'a', 1, 'a123efgyz')");
TestError("regexp_match_count('a', 'a', 1, 'cimnhk')");
TestError("regexp_match_count('a', 'a', -1, '')");
TestError("regexp_match_count(1, 1");
TestError("regexp_match_count(1, 1, 1, '')");
TestIsNull("regexp_match_count(NULL, '.*')", TYPE_INT);
TestIsNull("regexp_match_count('a123', NULL)", TYPE_INT);
TestIsNull("regexp_match_count(NULL, NULL)", TYPE_INT);
TestIsNull("regexp_escape(NULL)", TYPE_STRING);
TestStringValue("regexp_escape('')", "");
// Test special character escape
// .\+*?[^]$(){}=!<>|:-
TestStringValue("regexp_escape('')", R"(Hello\.world)");
TestStringValue(R"(regexp_escape('Hello\\world'))", R"(Hello\\world)");
TestStringValue("regexp_escape('Hello+world')", R"(Hello\+world)");
TestStringValue("regexp_escape('Hello*world')", R"(Hello\*world)");
TestStringValue("regexp_escape('Hello?world')", R"(Hello\?world)");
TestStringValue("regexp_escape('Hello[world')", R"(Hello\[world)");
TestStringValue("regexp_escape('Hello^world')", R"(Hello\^world)");
TestStringValue("regexp_escape('Hello]world')", R"(Hello\]world)");
TestStringValue("regexp_escape('Hello$world')", R"(Hello\$world)");
TestStringValue("regexp_escape('Hello(world')", R"(Hello\(world)");
TestStringValue("regexp_escape('Hello)world')", R"(Hello\)world)");
TestStringValue("regexp_escape('Hello{world')", R"(Hello\{world)");
TestStringValue("regexp_escape('Hello}world')", R"(Hello\}world)");
TestStringValue("regexp_escape('Hello=world')", R"(Hello\=world)");
TestStringValue("regexp_escape('Hello!world')", R"(Hello\!world)");
TestStringValue("regexp_escape('Hello<world')", R"(Hello\<world)");
TestStringValue("regexp_escape('Hello>world')", R"(Hello\>world)");
TestStringValue("regexp_escape('Hello|world')", R"(Hello\|world)");
TestStringValue("regexp_escape('Hello:world')", R"(Hello\:world)");
TestStringValue("regexp_escape('Hello-world')", R"(Hello\-world)");
// Mixed case
// Mixed case with other regexp_* functions
R"('([[:alpha:]]+)(\\\\\\\\)([[:alpha:]]+)', 0))", R"(Hello\\world)");
R"('([[:alpha:]]+)(\\\\\\\\)([[:alpha:]]+)', 1))", "Hello");
R"('([[:alpha:]]+)(\\\\\\\\)([[:alpha:]]+)', 2))", R"(\\)");
R"('([[:alpha:]]+)(\\\\\\\\)([[:alpha:]]+)', 3))", "world");
TEST_P(ExprTest, StringParseUrlFunction) {
// TODO: For now, our parse_url my not behave exactly like Hive
// when given malformed URLs.
// If necessary, we can closely follow Java's URL implementation
// to behave exactly like Hive.
// AUTHORITY part.
TestStringValue("parse_url('', 'AUTHORITY')", "");
TestStringValue("parse_url('', 'AUTHORITY')", "");
TestStringValue("parse_url('', 'AUTHORITY')",
TestStringValue("parse_url('', 'AUTHORITY')",
"index.html?name=networking#DOWNLOADING', 'AUTHORITY')",
"index.html?name=networking#DOWNLOADING', 'AUTHORITY')", "");
// Without user and pass.
"index.html?name=networking#DOWNLOADING', 'AUTHORITY')", "");
"index.html?name=networking#DOWNLOADING', 'AUTHORITY')", "");
// Exactly what Hive returns as well.
TestStringValue("parse_url('http://example.com_xyzabc^&*', 'AUTHORITY')",
// Missing slash at the end of the authority.
"'AUTHORITY')", "");
// Missing protocol.
"index.html?name=networking#DOWNLOADING', 'HOST')", TYPE_STRING);
// FILE part.
"index.html?name=networking#DOWNLOADING', 'FILE')",
"index.html?name=networking#DOWNLOADING', 'FILE')",
// Without user and pass.
"index.html?name=networking#DOWNLOADING', 'FILE')",
"index.html?name=networking#DOWNLOADING', 'FILE')",
// With trimming.
"index.html?name=networking ', 'FILE')",
// No question mark but a hash (consistent with Hive).
"index.html#something', 'FILE')",
// No hash or question mark (consistent with Hive).
"index.htmlsomething', 'FILE')",
// Missing protocol.
"index.html?name=networking#DOWNLOADING', 'FILE')", TYPE_STRING);
// HOST part.
"index.html?name=networking#DOWNLOADING', 'HOST')", "");
"index.html?name=networking#DOWNLOADING', 'HOST')", "");
// Without user and pass.
"index.html?name=networking#DOWNLOADING', 'HOST')", "");
"index.html?name=networking#DOWNLOADING', 'HOST')", "");
// Exactly what Hive returns as well.
TestStringValue("parse_url('http://example.com_xyzabc^&*', 'HOST')",
// Colon after host:port/ (with port)
"index.html?name:networking#DOWNLOADING', 'HOST')", "");
// Colon after host/ (without port)
"index.html?name:networking#DOWNLOADING', 'HOST')", "");
// Colon in query without '/' no port
"?name:networking#DOWNLOADING', 'HOST')", "");
// Colon in query without '/' with port
"?name:networking#DOWNLOADING', 'HOST')", "");
// '/' in query
"?name:networking/DOWNLOADING', 'HOST')", "");
// Missing protocol.
"index.html?name=networking#DOWNLOADING', 'HOST')", TYPE_STRING);
// IMPALA-1170: '@' character in PATH
"'HOST')", "");
"'HOST')", "");
"'HOST')", "");
// '@' in path
"'FILE')", "/index.html@Top2,Right1");
"'FILE')", "/index.html@Top2,Right1");
// '@' in query
"'QUERY')", "foo@bar");
"'QUERY')", "foo@bar");
// '?' before '/'
"'HOST')", "");
"'QUERY')", "dir=/etc");
// '@' in forbidden places
// TODO: Return NULL for invalid URLs like the ones below. Our parser currently does not
// validate URLs.
"'PROTOCOL')", "htt@p");
"'HOST')", "");
"'HOST')", "");
"'USERINFO')", "foo");
// PATH part.
"index.html?name=networking#DOWNLOADING', 'PATH')",
"index.html?name=networking#DOWNLOADING', 'PATH')",
// Without user and pass.
"index.html?name=networking#DOWNLOADING', 'PATH')",
"index.html?name=networking#DOWNLOADING', 'PATH')",
// With trimming.
"index.html ', 'PATH')",
// No question mark but a hash (consistent with Hive).
"index.html#something', 'PATH')",
// No hash or question mark (consistent with Hive).
"index.htmlsomething', 'PATH')",
// Missing protocol.
"index.html?name=networking#DOWNLOADING', 'PATH')", TYPE_STRING);
// PROTOCOL part.
"index.html?name=networking#DOWNLOADING', 'PROTOCOL')", "http");
"index.html?name=networking#DOWNLOADING', 'PROTOCOL')", "https");
// Without user and pass.
"index.html?name=networking#DOWNLOADING', 'PROTOCOL')", "http");
"index.html?name=networking#DOWNLOADING', 'PROTOCOL')", "https");
// With trimming.
"index.html?name=networking#DOWNLOADING', 'PROTOCOL')", "https");
// Missing protocol.
"index.html?name=networking#DOWNLOADING', 'PROTOCOL')", TYPE_STRING);
// QUERY part.
"index.html?name=networking#DOWNLOADING', 'QUERY')", "name=networking");
"index.html?name=networking#DOWNLOADING', 'QUERY')", "name=networking");
// Without user and pass.
"index.html?name=networking#DOWNLOADING', 'QUERY')", "name=networking");
"index.html?name=networking#DOWNLOADING', 'QUERY')", "name=networking");
// With trimming.
"index.html?name=networking ', 'QUERY')", "name=networking");
// No '?'. Hive also returns NULL.
TestIsNull("parse_url('http://example.com_xyzabc^&*', 'QUERY')", TYPE_STRING);
// Missing protocol.
"index.html?name=networking#DOWNLOADING', 'QUERY')", TYPE_STRING);
// PATH part.
"index.html?name=networking#DOWNLOADING', 'PATH')",
"index.html?name=networking#DOWNLOADING', 'PATH')",
// Without user and pass.
"index.html?name=networking#DOWNLOADING', 'PATH')",
"index.html?name=networking#DOWNLOADING', 'PATH')",
// With trimming.
"index.html ', 'PATH')",
// No question mark but a hash (consistent with Hive).
"index.html#something', 'PATH')",
// No hash or question mark (consistent with Hive).
"index.htmlsomething', 'PATH')",
// Missing protocol.
"index.html?name=networking#DOWNLOADING', 'PATH')", TYPE_STRING);
// USERINFO part.
"index.html?name=networking#DOWNLOADING', 'USERINFO')", "user:pass");
"index.html?name=networking#DOWNLOADING', 'USERINFO')", "user:pass");
// Only user given.
"index.html?name=networking#DOWNLOADING', 'USERINFO')", "user");
// No user or pass. Hive also returns NULL.
"index.html?name=networking#DOWNLOADING', 'USERINFO')", TYPE_STRING);
// No user or pass, but @ in query part (IMPALA-1920). Hive also returns NULL.
"index.html?name=@networking#DOWNLOADING', 'USERINFO')", TYPE_STRING);
// Missing protocol.
"index.html?name=networking#DOWNLOADING', 'USERINFO')", TYPE_STRING);
// Invalid part parameters.
// All characters in the part parameter must be uppercase (consistent with Hive).
TestError("parse_url('', 'authority')");
TestError("parse_url('', 'Authority')");
TestError("parse_url('', 'AUTHORITYXYZ')");
TestError("parse_url('', 'file')");
TestError("parse_url('', 'File')");
TestError("parse_url('', 'FILEXYZ')");
TestError("parse_url('', 'host')");
TestError("parse_url('', 'Host')");
TestError("parse_url('', 'HOSTXYZ')");
TestError("parse_url('', 'path')");
TestError("parse_url('', 'Path')");
TestError("parse_url('', 'PATHXYZ')");
TestError("parse_url('', 'protocol')");
TestError("parse_url('', 'Protocol')");
TestError("parse_url('', 'PROTOCOLXYZ')");
TestError("parse_url('', 'query')");
TestError("parse_url('', 'Query')");
TestError("parse_url('', 'QUERYXYZ')");
TestError("parse_url('', 'ref')");
TestError("parse_url('', 'Ref')");
TestError("parse_url('', 'REFXYZ')");
TestError("parse_url('', 'userinfo')");
TestError("parse_url('', 'Userinfo')");
TestError("parse_url('', 'USERINFOXYZ')");
// NULL arguments.
TestIsNull("parse_url(NULL, 'AUTHORITY')", TYPE_STRING);
"index.html?name=networking#DOWNLOADING', NULL)", TYPE_STRING);
TestIsNull("parse_url(NULL, NULL)", TYPE_STRING);
// Key's value is terminated by '#'.
"index.html?name=networking#DOWNLOADING', 'QUERY', 'name')", "networking");
// Key's value is terminated by end of string.
"index.html?name=networking', 'QUERY', 'name')", "networking");
// Key's value is terminated by end of string, with trimming.
"index.html?name=networking ', 'QUERY', 'name')", "networking");
// Key's value is terminated by '&'.
"index.html?name=networking&test=true', 'QUERY', 'name')", "networking");
// Key's value is some query param in the middle.
"index.html?test=true&name=networking&op=true', 'QUERY', 'name')", "networking");
// Key string appears in various parts of the url.
"name.html?name_fake=true&name=networking&op=true#name', 'QUERY', 'name')",
// We can still match this even though no '?' was given.
"index.htmltest=true&name=networking&op=true', 'QUERY', 'name')", "networking");
// Requested key doesn't exist.
"index.html?test=true&name=networking&op=true', 'QUERY', 'error')", TYPE_STRING);
// Requested key doesn't exist in query part.
"name.html?test=true&op=true', 'QUERY', 'name')", TYPE_STRING);
// Requested key doesn't exist in query part, but matches at end of string.
"name.html?test=true&op=name', 'QUERY', 'name')", TYPE_STRING);
// Malformed urls with incorrectly positioned '?' or '='.
"index.html?test=true&name=net?working&op=true', 'QUERY', 'name')", "net?working");
"index.html?test=true&name=net=working&op=true', 'QUERY', 'name')", "net=working");
// Key paremeter given without QUERY part.
"index.html?test=true&name=networking&op=true', 'AUTHORITY', 'name')", TYPE_STRING);
"index.html?test=true&name=networking&op=true', 'FILE', 'name')", TYPE_STRING);
"index.html?test=true&name=networking&op=true', 'PATH', 'name')", TYPE_STRING);
"index.html?test=true&name=networking&op=true', 'PROTOCOL', 'name')", TYPE_STRING);
"index.html?test=true&name=networking&op=true', 'REF', 'name')", TYPE_STRING);
"index.html?test=true&name=networking&op=true', 'XYZ', 'name')");
TEST_P(ExprTest, UtilityFunctions) {
TestStringValue("current_database()", "default");
TestStringValue("current_catalog()", "default");
TestStringValue("user()", "impala_test_user");
TestStringValue("current_user()", "impala_test_user");
TestStringValue("effective_user()", "impala_test_user");
TestStringValue("logged_in_user()", "impala_test_user");
TestStringValue("session_user()", "impala_test_user");
TestStringValue("version()", GetVersionString());
TestValue("sleep(100)", TYPE_BOOLEAN, true);
TestIsNull("sleep(NULL)", TYPE_BOOLEAN);
string hostname;
TestStringValue("coordinator()", hostname);
// Test typeOf
TestStringValue("typeOf(!true)", "BOOLEAN");
TestStringValue("typeOf(1)", "TINYINT");
TestStringValue("typeOf(0)", "TINYINT");
TestStringValue("typeOf(-1)", "TINYINT");
TestStringValue("typeOf(128)", "SMALLINT");
TestStringValue("typeOf(32768)", "INT");
TestStringValue("typeOf(2147483648)", "BIGINT");
TestStringValue("typeOf(4294967296)", "BIGINT");
TestStringValue("typeOf(-4294967296)", "BIGINT");
TestStringValue("typeOf(9223372036854775807)", "BIGINT");
TestStringValue("typeOf(-9223372036854775808)", "BIGINT");
TestStringValue("typeOf(cast(10 as FLOAT))", "FLOAT");
TestStringValue("typeOf(cast(10 as DOUBLE))", "DOUBLE");
TestStringValue("typeOf(current_database())", "STRING");
TestStringValue("typeOf(version())", "STRING");
TestStringValue("typeOf(coordinator())", "STRING");
TestStringValue("typeOf(now())", "TIMESTAMP");
TestStringValue("typeOf(utc_timestamp())", "TIMESTAMP");
TestStringValue("typeOf(DATE '2011-01-01')", "DATE");
TestStringValue("typeOf(cast(now() as DATE))", "DATE");
TestStringValue("typeOf(current_date())", "DATE");
TestStringValue("typeOf(cast(10 as DECIMAL))", "DECIMAL(9,0)");
TestStringValue("typeOf(0.0)", "DECIMAL(1,1)");
TestStringValue("typeOf(3.14)", "DECIMAL(3,2)");
TestStringValue("typeOf(-1.23)", "DECIMAL(3,2)");
TestStringValue("typeOf(cast(NULL as STRING))", "STRING");
TestStringValue("typeOf(\"\")", "STRING");
TestStringValue("typeOf(NULL)", "BOOLEAN");
TestStringValue("typeOf(34 < NULL)", "BOOLEAN");
TestStringValue("typeOf(cast('a' as CHAR(2)))", "CHAR(2)");
TestStringValue("typeOf(cast('abcdef' as CHAR(4)))", "CHAR(4)");
TestStringValue("typeOf(cast('a' as VARCHAR(2)))", "VARCHAR(2)");
TestStringValue("typeOf(cast('abcdef' as VARCHAR(4)))", "VARCHAR(4)");
TestStringValue("typeOf(cast(NULL as CHAR(2)))", "CHAR(2)");
TestStringValue("typeOf(cast(NULL as VARCHAR(4)))", "VARCHAR(4)");
// Test fnv_hash
string s("hello world");
uint64_t expected = HashUtil::FnvHash64(, s.size(), HashUtil::FNV_SEED);
TestValue("fnv_hash('hello world')", TYPE_BIGINT, expected);
s = string("");
expected = HashUtil::FnvHash64(, s.size(), HashUtil::FNV_SEED);
TestValue("fnv_hash('')", TYPE_BIGINT, expected);
IntValMap::iterator int_iter;
for(int_iter = min_int_values_.begin(); int_iter != min_int_values_.end();
++int_iter) {
ColumnType t = ColumnType(static_cast<PrimitiveType>(int_iter->first));
expected = HashUtil::FnvHash64(
&int_iter->second, t.GetByteSize(), HashUtil::FNV_SEED);
string& val = default_type_strs_[int_iter->first];
TestValue("fnv_hash(" + val + ")", TYPE_BIGINT, expected);
// Don't use min_float_values_ for testing floats and doubles due to improper float
// and double literal handling, see IMPALA-669.
float float_val = 42;
expected = HashUtil::FnvHash64(&float_val, sizeof(float), HashUtil::FNV_SEED);
TestValue("fnv_hash(CAST(42 as FLOAT))", TYPE_BIGINT, expected);
double double_val = 42;
expected = HashUtil::FnvHash64(&double_val, sizeof(double), HashUtil::FNV_SEED);
TestValue("fnv_hash(CAST(42 as DOUBLE))", TYPE_BIGINT, expected);
expected = HashUtil::FnvHash64(&default_timestamp_val_, 12, HashUtil::FNV_SEED);
TestValue("fnv_hash(" + default_timestamp_str_ + ")", TYPE_BIGINT, expected);
expected = HashUtil::FnvHash64(&default_date_val_, sizeof(DateValue),
TestValue("fnv_hash(" + default_date_str_ + ")", TYPE_BIGINT, expected);
bool bool_val = false;
expected = HashUtil::FnvHash64(&bool_val, 1, HashUtil::FNV_SEED);
TestValue("fnv_hash(FALSE)", TYPE_BIGINT, expected);
// Test NULL input returns NULL
TestIsNull("fnv_hash(NULL)", TYPE_BIGINT);
// Test that UtilityFunctions::Coordinator() will return null if coord_hostname is unset
TEST_P(ExprTest, CoordinatorFunction) {
// Make a RuntimeState where the query context does not have coord_hostname set.
// Note that this should never happen in a real impalad.
RuntimeState state(TQueryCtx(), ExecEnv::GetInstance());
MemTracker tracker;
MemPool mem_pool(&tracker);
FunctionContext::TypeDesc return_type;
return_type.type = FunctionContext::Type::TYPE_STRING;
std::vector<FunctionContext::TypeDesc> no_arguments;
FunctionContext* context =
CreateUdfTestContext(return_type, no_arguments, &state, &mem_pool);
StringVal coordinator = UtilityFunctions::Coordinator(context);
ASSERT_TRUE(coordinator.is_null) << "Coordinator() did not return expected null value";
TEST_P(ExprTest, MurmurHashFunction) {
string s("hello world");
int64_t expected = HashUtil::MurmurHash2_64(, s.size(),
// The comparison with the constant is to detect if MurmurHash2_64 accidentally
// changes behavior.
EXPECT_EQ(-3190198453633110066, expected);
TestValue("murmur_hash('hello world')", TYPE_BIGINT, expected);
// BINARY should return the same hash as STRING
TestValue("murmur_hash(cast('hello world' as binary))", TYPE_BIGINT, expected);
s = string("");
expected = HashUtil::MurmurHash2_64(, s.size(), HashUtil::MURMUR_DEFAULT_SEED);
TestValue("murmur_hash('')", TYPE_BIGINT, expected);
IntValMap::iterator int_iter;
for(int_iter = min_int_values_.begin(); int_iter != min_int_values_.end();
++int_iter) {
ColumnType t = ColumnType(static_cast<PrimitiveType>(int_iter->first));
expected = HashUtil::MurmurHash2_64(
&int_iter->second, t.GetByteSize(), HashUtil::MURMUR_DEFAULT_SEED);
string& val = default_type_strs_[int_iter->first];
TestValue("murmur_hash(" + val + ")", TYPE_BIGINT, expected);
// Don't use min_float_values_ for testing floats and doubles due to improper float
// and double literal handling, see IMPALA-669.
float float_val = 42;
expected = HashUtil::MurmurHash2_64(&float_val, sizeof(float),
TestValue("murmur_hash(CAST(42 as FLOAT))", TYPE_BIGINT, expected);
double double_val = 42;
expected = HashUtil::MurmurHash2_64(&double_val, sizeof(double),
TestValue("murmur_hash(CAST(42 as DOUBLE))", TYPE_BIGINT, expected);
expected = HashUtil::MurmurHash2_64(&default_timestamp_val_, 12,
TestValue("murmur_hash(" + default_timestamp_str_ + ")", TYPE_BIGINT, expected);
expected = HashUtil::MurmurHash2_64(&default_date_val_, sizeof(DateValue),
TestValue("murmur_hash(" + default_date_str_ + ")", TYPE_BIGINT, expected);
bool bool_val = false;
expected = HashUtil::MurmurHash2_64(&bool_val, 1, HashUtil::MURMUR_DEFAULT_SEED);
TestValue("murmur_hash(FALSE)", TYPE_BIGINT, expected);
// Test NULL input returns NULL
TestIsNull("murmur_hash(NULL)", TYPE_BIGINT);
/// Convert character array `str` of length `len` to hexadecimal.
std::string ToHex(const unsigned char * str, int len) {
stringstream ss;
ss << hex << std::uppercase << setfill('0');
for (int i = 0; i < len; ++i) {
// setw is not sticky. stringstream only converts integral values,
// so a cast to int is required, but only convert the least significant byte to hex.
ss << setw(2) << (static_cast<int32_t>(str[i]) & 0xFF);
std::string result = ss.str();
return result;
TEST_P(ExprTest, SHAFunctions) {
unsigned char input[] = "compute sha digest";
std::string sha1fn = std::string("sha1('compute sha digest')");
std::string sha2fn = std::string("sha2('compute sha digest'");
std::string expected;
unsigned char sha1[SHA_DIGEST_LENGTH];
unsigned char sha224[SHA224_DIGEST_LENGTH];
unsigned char sha256[SHA256_DIGEST_LENGTH];
unsigned char sha384[SHA384_DIGEST_LENGTH];
unsigned char sha512[SHA512_DIGEST_LENGTH];
if (IsFIPSMode()) {
TestError(sha2fn + ", 224)");
TestError(sha2fn + ", 256)");
} else {
SHA1(input, 18, sha1);
expected = ToHex(sha1, SHA_DIGEST_LENGTH);
TestStringValue(sha1fn, expected);
SHA224(input, 18, sha224);
expected = ToHex(sha224, SHA224_DIGEST_LENGTH);
TestStringValue(sha2fn + ", 224)", expected);
SHA256(input, 18, sha256);
expected = ToHex(sha256, SHA256_DIGEST_LENGTH);
TestStringValue(sha2fn + ", 256)", expected);
SHA384(input, 18, sha384);
expected = ToHex(sha384, SHA384_DIGEST_LENGTH);
TestStringValue(sha2fn + ", 384)", expected);
SHA512(input, 18, sha512);
expected = ToHex(sha512, SHA512_DIGEST_LENGTH);
TestStringValue(sha2fn + ", 512)", expected);
// Test empty strings. Empty string is valid input and produces hash.
if (!IsFIPSMode()) {
SHA1(input, 0, sha1);
expected = ToHex(sha1, SHA_DIGEST_LENGTH);
TestStringValue("sha1('')", expected);
SHA224(input, 0, sha224);
expected = ToHex(sha224, SHA224_DIGEST_LENGTH);
TestStringValue("sha2('', 224)", expected);
SHA256(input, 0, sha256);
expected = ToHex(sha256, SHA256_DIGEST_LENGTH);
TestStringValue("sha2('', 256)", expected);
SHA384(input, 0, sha384);
expected = ToHex(sha384, SHA384_DIGEST_LENGTH);
TestStringValue("sha2('', 384)", expected);
SHA512(input, 0, sha512);
expected = ToHex(sha512, SHA512_DIGEST_LENGTH);
TestStringValue("sha2('', 512)", expected);
// Test Invalid Inputs
TestIsNull("sha1(NULL)", TYPE_STRING);
TestIsNull("sha2(NULL, 512)", TYPE_STRING);
TestIsNull("sha2('foo', NULL)", TYPE_STRING);
// 300 is invalid bit length
TestError(sha2fn + ", 300)");
TEST_P(ExprTest, MD5Function) {
if (IsFIPSMode()) {
} else {
std::string expected("1fdf956bdad98101171512d18eec3bcf");
TestStringValue("md5('compute md5 checksum')", expected);
// Test empty string
expected = std::string("d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e");
TestStringValue("md5('')", expected);
// Test null input
TestIsNull("md5(NULL)", TYPE_STRING);
TEST_P(ExprTest, SessionFunctions) {
enum Session {S1, S2};
enum Query {Q1, Q2};
map<Session, map<Query, string>> results;
for (Session session: {S1, S2}) {
ASSERT_OK(executor_->Setup()); // Starts new session
results[session][Q1] = GetValue("current_session()", ColumnType(TYPE_STRING));
results[session][Q2] = GetValue("current_sid()", ColumnType(TYPE_STRING));
// The sessions IDs from the same session must be the same.
EXPECT_EQ(results[S1][Q1], results[S1][Q2]);
EXPECT_EQ(results[S2][Q1], results[S2][Q2]);
// The sessions IDs from different sessions must be different.
EXPECT_NE(results[S1][Q1], results[S2][Q1]);
TEST_P(ExprTest, NonFiniteFloats) {
TestValue("is_inf(0.0)", TYPE_BOOLEAN, false);
TestValue("is_inf(-1/0)", TYPE_BOOLEAN, true);
TestValue("is_inf(1/0)", TYPE_BOOLEAN, true);
TestValue("is_inf(0/0)", TYPE_BOOLEAN, false);
TestValue("is_inf(NULL)", TYPE_BOOLEAN, false);
TestValue("is_nan(NULL)", TYPE_BOOLEAN, false);
TestValue("is_nan(0.0)", TYPE_BOOLEAN, false);
TestValue("is_nan(1/0)", TYPE_BOOLEAN, false);
TestValue("is_nan(0/0)", TYPE_BOOLEAN, true);
TestValue("CAST(1/0 AS FLOAT)", TYPE_FLOAT, numeric_limits<float>::infinity());
TestValue("CAST(1/0 AS DOUBLE)", TYPE_DOUBLE, numeric_limits<double>::infinity());
TestStringValue("CAST(1/0 AS STRING)", "inf");
TestStringValue("CAST(CAST(1/0 AS FLOAT) AS STRING)", "inf");
TestValue("CAST('inf' AS FLOAT)", TYPE_FLOAT, numeric_limits<float>::infinity());
TestValue("CAST('inf' AS DOUBLE)", TYPE_DOUBLE, numeric_limits<double>::infinity());
TestValue("CAST(' inf ' AS FLOAT)", TYPE_FLOAT,
TestValue("CAST(' inf ' AS DOUBLE)", TYPE_DOUBLE,
TestValue("CAST('+inf' AS FLOAT)", TYPE_FLOAT,
TestValue("CAST('+inf' AS DOUBLE)", TYPE_DOUBLE,
TestValue("CAST('-inf' AS FLOAT)", TYPE_FLOAT,
TestValue("CAST('-inf' AS DOUBLE)", TYPE_DOUBLE,
TestValue("CAST('Infinity' AS FLOAT)", TYPE_FLOAT,
TestValue("CAST('-Infinity' AS DOUBLE)", TYPE_DOUBLE,
// Parsing inf values is case-insensitive.
// NaN != NaN, so we have to wrap the value in a string
TestStringValue("CAST(CAST('nan' AS FLOAT) AS STRING)", string("nan"));
TestStringValue("CAST(CAST('nan' AS DOUBLE) AS STRING)", string("nan"));
TestStringValue("CAST(CAST(' nan ' AS FLOAT) AS STRING)", string("nan"));
TestStringValue("CAST(CAST(' nan ' AS DOUBLE) AS STRING)", string("nan"));
TestStringValue("CAST(CAST('-nan' AS FLOAT) AS STRING)", string("nan"));
TestStringValue("CAST(CAST('-nan' AS DOUBLE) AS STRING)", string("nan"));
TestStringValue("CAST(CAST('+nan' AS FLOAT) AS STRING)", string("nan"));
TestStringValue("CAST(CAST('+nan' AS DOUBLE) AS STRING)", string("nan"));
// Parsing NaN values is case-insensitive
TestStringValue("CAST(CAST('nAn' AS FLOAT) AS STRING)", string("nan"));
TestStringValue("CAST(CAST('nAn' AS DOUBLE) AS STRING)", string("nan"));
TestStringValue("CAST(CAST('NAn' AS FLOAT) AS STRING)", string("nan"));
TestStringValue("CAST(CAST('NAn' AS DOUBLE) AS STRING)", string("nan"));
TestStringValue("CAST(CAST('naN' AS FLOAT) AS STRING)", string("nan"));
TestStringValue("CAST(CAST('naN' AS DOUBLE) AS STRING)", string("nan"));
// 0/0 evalutes to -nan, test that we return "nan"
TestStringValue("CAST(0/0 AS STRING)", string("nan"));
TEST_P(ExprTest, InvalidFloats) {
// IMPALA-1731: Test that leading/trailing garbage is not allowed when parsing inf.
TestIsNull("CAST('1.23inf' AS FLOAT)", TYPE_FLOAT);
TestIsNull("CAST('1.23inf' AS DOUBLE)", TYPE_DOUBLE);
TestIsNull("CAST('1.23inf456' AS FLOAT)", TYPE_FLOAT);
TestIsNull("CAST('1.23inf456' AS DOUBLE)", TYPE_DOUBLE);
TestIsNull("CAST('inf123' AS FLOAT)", TYPE_FLOAT);
TestIsNull("CAST('inf123' AS DOUBLE)", TYPE_DOUBLE);
TestIsNull("CAST('infinity2' AS FLOAT)", TYPE_FLOAT);
TestIsNull("CAST('infinity2' AS DOUBLE)", TYPE_DOUBLE);
TestIsNull("CAST('infinite' AS FLOAT)", TYPE_FLOAT);
TestIsNull("CAST('infinite' AS DOUBLE)", TYPE_DOUBLE);
TestIsNull("CAST('inf123nan' AS FLOAT)", TYPE_FLOAT);
TestIsNull("CAST('inf123nan' AS DOUBLE)", TYPE_DOUBLE);
// IMPALA-1731: Test that leading/trailing garbage is not allowed when parsing NaN.
TestIsNull("CAST('1.23nan' AS FLOAT)", TYPE_FLOAT);
TestIsNull("CAST('1.23nan' AS DOUBLE)", TYPE_DOUBLE);
TestIsNull("CAST('1.23nan456' AS FLOAT)", TYPE_FLOAT);
TestIsNull("CAST('1.23nan456' AS DOUBLE)", TYPE_DOUBLE);
TestIsNull("CAST('nana' AS FLOAT)", TYPE_FLOAT);
TestIsNull("CAST('nana' AS DOUBLE)", TYPE_DOUBLE);
TestIsNull("CAST('nan123' AS FLOAT)", TYPE_FLOAT);
TestIsNull("CAST('nan123' AS DOUBLE)", TYPE_DOUBLE);
TestIsNull("CAST('nan123inf' AS FLOAT)", TYPE_FLOAT);
TestIsNull("CAST('nan123inf' AS DOUBLE)", TYPE_DOUBLE);
// IMPALA-3868: Test that multiple dots are not allowed in float values
TestIsNull("CAST('1..e' AS FLOAT)", TYPE_FLOAT);
TestIsNull("CAST('1..e' AS DOUBLE)", TYPE_DOUBLE);
// Broken string with null-character in the middle
string s1("CAST('in\0f' AS DOUBLE)", 22);
TestIsNull(s1, TYPE_DOUBLE);
string s2("CAST('N\0aN' AS FLOAT)", 21);
TestIsNull(s2, TYPE_FLOAT);
// Empty string
TEST_P(ExprTest, MathTrigonometricFunctions) {
// It is important to calculate the expected values
// using math functions, and not simply use constants.
// Otherwise, floating point imprecisions may lead to failed tests.
TestValue("sin(0.0)", TYPE_DOUBLE, sin(0.0));
TestValue("sin(pi())", TYPE_DOUBLE, sin(M_PI));
TestValue("sin(pi() / 2.0)", TYPE_DOUBLE, sin(M_PI / 2.0));
TestValue("asin(-1.0)", TYPE_DOUBLE, asin(-1.0));
TestValue("asin(1.0)", TYPE_DOUBLE, asin(1.0));
TestValue("cos(0.0)", TYPE_DOUBLE, cos(0.0));
TestValue("cos(pi())", TYPE_DOUBLE, cos(M_PI));
TestValue("acos(-1.0)", TYPE_DOUBLE, acos(-1.0));
TestValue("acos(1.0)", TYPE_DOUBLE, acos(1.0));
TestValue("tan(pi() * -1.0)", TYPE_DOUBLE, tan(M_PI * -1.0));
TestValue("tan(pi())", TYPE_DOUBLE, tan(M_PI));
TestValue("atan(pi())", TYPE_DOUBLE, atan(M_PI));
TestValue("atan(pi() * - 1.0)", TYPE_DOUBLE, atan(M_PI * -1.0));
TestValue("cosh(0)", TYPE_DOUBLE, cosh(0));
TestValue("tanh(0)", TYPE_DOUBLE, tanh(0));
TestValue("sinh(0)", TYPE_DOUBLE, sinh(0));
TestValue("cosh(pi())", TYPE_DOUBLE, cosh(M_PI));
TestValue("tanh(pi())", TYPE_DOUBLE, tanh(M_PI));
TestValue("sinh(pi())", TYPE_DOUBLE, sinh(M_PI));
TestValue("cosh(-pi())", TYPE_DOUBLE, cosh(M_PI * -1.0));
TestValue("tanh(-pi())", TYPE_DOUBLE, tanh(M_PI * -1.0));
TestValue("sinh(-pi())", TYPE_DOUBLE, sinh(M_PI * -1.0));
TestValue("atan2(1,0)", TYPE_DOUBLE, atan2(1,0));
TestValue("atan2(-1,0)", TYPE_DOUBLE, atan2(-1,0));
TestValue("cot(pi() / 2.0)", TYPE_DOUBLE, tan(0.0));
TestValue("cot(pi())", TYPE_DOUBLE, tan(M_PI_2 - M_PI));
// this gets a very very small number rather than 0.
// TestValue("radians(0)", TYPE_DOUBLE, 0);
TestValue("radians(180.0)", TYPE_DOUBLE, M_PI);
TestValue("degrees(0)", TYPE_DOUBLE, 0.0);
TestValue("degrees(pi())", TYPE_DOUBLE, 180.0);
// NULL arguments.
TestIsNull("sin(NULL)", TYPE_DOUBLE);
TestIsNull("asin(NULL)", TYPE_DOUBLE);
TestIsNull("cos(NULL)", TYPE_DOUBLE);
TestIsNull("acos(NULL)", TYPE_DOUBLE);
TestIsNull("tan(NULL)", TYPE_DOUBLE);
TestIsNull("atan(NULL)", TYPE_DOUBLE);
TestIsNull("cot(NULL)", TYPE_DOUBLE);
TestIsNull("radians(NULL)", TYPE_DOUBLE);
TestIsNull("degrees(NULL)", TYPE_DOUBLE);
TEST_P(ExprTest, MathConversionFunctions) {
TestStringValue("bin(0)", "0");
TestStringValue("bin(1)", "1");
TestStringValue("bin(12)", "1100");
TestStringValue("bin(1234567)", "100101101011010000111");
TestStringValue("bin(" + lexical_cast<string>(numeric_limits<int64_t>::max()) + ")",
TestStringValue("bin(" + lexical_cast<string>(numeric_limits<int64_t>::min()+1) + ")",
TestStringValue("hex(0)", "0");
TestStringValue("hex(15)", "F");
TestStringValue("hex(16)", "10");
TestStringValue("hex(" + lexical_cast<string>(numeric_limits<int64_t>::max()) + ")",
TestStringValue("hex(" + lexical_cast<string>(numeric_limits<int64_t>::min()+1) + ")",
TestStringValue("hex('0')", "30");
TestStringValue("hex('aAzZ')", "61417A5A");
TestStringValue("hex('Impala')", "496D70616C61");
TestStringValue("hex('impalA')", "696D70616C41");
// Test non-ASCII characters
TestStringValue("hex(unhex('D3'))", "D3");
// Test width(2) and fill('0') for multiple characters < 16
TestStringValue("hex(unhex('0303'))", "0303");
TestStringValue("hex(unhex('D303D303'))", "D303D303");
TestStringValue("unhex('30')", "0");
TestStringValue("unhex('61417A5A')", "aAzZ");
TestStringValue("unhex('496D70616C61')", "Impala");
TestStringValue("unhex('696D70616C41')", "impalA");
// Character not in hex alphabet results in empty string.
TestStringValue("unhex('30GA')", "");
// Uneven number of chars results in empty string.
TestStringValue("unhex('30A')", "");
// IMPALA-8713: stack overflow in unhex().
// IMPALA-9404: For unknown reasons, the expression returns 0 when run on a TSAN build.
// Given that there is no multi-threading involved here, it is unlikely the test
// failure is caused by a data race.
TestValue("length(unhex(repeat('a', 1024 * 1024 * 1024)))",
TYPE_INT, 512 * 1024 * 1024);
// Run the test suite twice, once with a bigint parameter, and once with
// string parameters.
for (int i = 0; i < 2; ++i) {
// First iteration is with bigint, second with string parameter.
string q = (i == 0) ? "" : "'";
// Invalid input: Base below -36 or above 36.
TestIsNull(StrCat("conv(", q, "10", q, ", 10, 37)"), TYPE_STRING);
TestIsNull(StrCat("conv(", q, "10", q, ", 37, 10)"), TYPE_STRING);
TestIsNull(StrCat("conv(", q, "10", q, ", 10, -37)"), TYPE_STRING);
TestIsNull(StrCat("conv(", q, "10", q, ", -37, 10)"), TYPE_STRING);
// Invalid input: Base between -2 and 2.
TestIsNull(StrCat("conv(", q, "10", q, ", 10, 1)"), TYPE_STRING);
TestIsNull(StrCat("conv(", q, "10", q, ", 1, 10)"), TYPE_STRING);
TestIsNull(StrCat("conv(", q, "10", q, ", 10, -1)"), TYPE_STRING);
TestIsNull(StrCat("conv(", q, "10", q, ", -1, 10)"), TYPE_STRING);
// Invalid input: Positive number but negative src base.
TestIsNull(StrCat("conv(", q, "10", q, ", -10, 10)"), TYPE_STRING);
// Test positive numbers.
TestStringValue(StrCat("conv(", q, "10", q, ", 10, 10)"), "10");
TestStringValue(StrCat("conv(", q, "10", q, ", 2, 10)"), "2");
TestStringValue(StrCat("conv(", q, "11", q, ", 36, 10)"), "37");
TestStringValue(StrCat("conv(", q, "11", q, ", 36, 2)"), "100101");
TestStringValue(StrCat("conv(", q, "100101", q, ", 2, 36)"), "11");
TestStringValue(StrCat("conv(", q, "0", q, ", 10, 2)"), "0");
// Test for very large big int
TestStringValue(StrCat("conv(", q, "2061013007", q, ", 16, 10)"), "139066421255");
// Test negative numbers (tests from Hive).
// If to_base is positive, the number should be handled as a 2's complement (64-bit).
TestStringValue(StrCat("conv(", q, "-641", q, ", 10, -10)"), "-641");
TestStringValue(StrCat("conv(", q, "1011", q, ", 2, -16)"), "B");
TestStringValue(StrCat("conv(", q, "-1", q, ", 10, 16)"), "FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF");
TestStringValue(StrCat("conv(", q, "-15", q, ", 10, 16)"), "FFFFFFFFFFFFFFF1");
// Test digits that are not available in srcbase. We expect those digits
// from left-to-right that can be interpreted in srcbase to form the result
// (i.e., the paring bails only when it encounters a digit not in srcbase).
TestStringValue(StrCat("conv(", q, "17", q, ", 7, 10)"), "1");
TestStringValue(StrCat("conv(", q, "371", q, ", 7, 10)"), "3");
TestStringValue(StrCat("conv(", q, "371", q, ", 7, 10)"), "3");
TestStringValue(StrCat("conv(", q, "445", q, ", 5, 10)"), "24");
// Test overflow (tests from Hive).
// If a number is two large, the result should be -1 (if signed),
// or MAX_LONG (if unsigned).
TestStringValue(StrCat("conv(", q,
lexical_cast<string>(numeric_limits<int64_t>::max()), q, ", 36, 16)"),
TestStringValue(StrCat("conv(", q,
lexical_cast<string>(numeric_limits<int64_t>::max()), q, ", 36, -16)"), "-1");
TestStringValue(StrCat("conv(", q,
lexical_cast<string>(numeric_limits<int64_t>::min()+1), q, ", 36, 16)"),
TestStringValue(StrCat("conv(", q,
lexical_cast<string>(numeric_limits<int64_t>::min()+1), q, ", 36, -16)"), "-1");
// Test invalid input strings that start with an invalid digit.
// Hive returns "0" in such cases.
TestStringValue("conv('@', 16, 10)", "0");
TestStringValue("conv('$123', 12, 2)", "0");
TestStringValue("conv('*12g', 32, 5)", "0");
// NULL arguments.
TestIsNull("bin(NULL)", TYPE_STRING);
TestIsNull("hex(NULL)", TYPE_STRING);
TestIsNull("unhex(NULL)", TYPE_STRING);
TestIsNull("conv(NULL, 10, 10)", TYPE_STRING);
TestIsNull("conv(10, NULL, 10)", TYPE_STRING);
TestIsNull("conv(10, 10, NULL)", TYPE_STRING);
TestIsNull("conv(NULL, NULL, NULL)", TYPE_STRING);
TEST_P(ExprTest, MathFunctions) {
TestValue("pi()", TYPE_DOUBLE, M_PI);
TestValue("e()", TYPE_DOUBLE, M_E);
TestValue("abs(cast(-1.0 as double))", TYPE_DOUBLE, 1.0);
TestValue("abs(cast(1.0 as double))", TYPE_DOUBLE, 1.0);
TestValue("abs(-127)", TYPE_SMALLINT, 127);
TestValue("abs(-128)", TYPE_SMALLINT, 128);
TestValue("abs(127)", TYPE_SMALLINT, 127);
TestValue("abs(128)", TYPE_INT, 128);
TestValue("abs(-32767)", TYPE_INT, 32767);
TestValue("abs(-32768)", TYPE_INT, 32768);
TestValue("abs(32767)", TYPE_INT, 32767);
TestValue("abs(32768)", TYPE_BIGINT, 32768);
TestError("abs(-1 * cast(pow(2, 31) as int))");
TestError("abs(cast(pow(2, 31) as int))");
TestValue("abs(2147483647)", TYPE_BIGINT, 2147483647);
TestValue("abs(-9223372036854775807)", TYPE_BIGINT, 9223372036854775807);
TestValue("abs(9223372036854775807)", TYPE_BIGINT, 9223372036854775807);
TestIsNull("abs(-9223372036854775808)", TYPE_BIGINT);
TestValue("sign(0.0)", TYPE_DOUBLE, 0.0f);
TestValue("sign(-0.0)", TYPE_DOUBLE, 0.0f);
TestValue("sign(+0.0)", TYPE_DOUBLE, 0.0f);
TestValue("sign(10.0)", TYPE_DOUBLE, 1.0f);
TestValue("sign(-10.0)", TYPE_DOUBLE, -1.0f);
TestIsNull("sign(NULL)", TYPE_DOUBLE);
// It is important to calculate the expected values
// using math functions, and not simply use constants.
// Otherwise, floating point imprecisions may lead to failed tests.
TestValue("exp(2)", TYPE_DOUBLE, exp(2));
TestValue("exp(e())", TYPE_DOUBLE, exp(M_E));
TestValue("ln(e())", TYPE_DOUBLE, 1.0);
TestValue("ln(255.0)", TYPE_DOUBLE, log(255.0));
TestValue("dlog1(10)", TYPE_DOUBLE, log(10.0));
TestValue("log10(1000.0)", TYPE_DOUBLE, 3.0);
TestValue("log10(50.0)", TYPE_DOUBLE, log10(50.0));
TestValue("dlog10(100.0)", TYPE_DOUBLE, 2.0);
TestValue("log2(64.0)", TYPE_DOUBLE, 6.0);
TestValue("log2(678.0)", TYPE_DOUBLE, log(678.0) / log(2.0));
TestValue("log(10.0, 1000.0)", TYPE_DOUBLE, log(1000.0) / log(10.0));
TestValue("log(2.0, 64.0)", TYPE_DOUBLE, 6.0);
TestValue("pow(2.0, 10.0)", TYPE_DOUBLE, pow(2.0, 10.0));
TestValue("pow(e(), 2.0)", TYPE_DOUBLE, M_E * M_E);
TestValue("power(2.0, 10.0)", TYPE_DOUBLE, pow(2.0, 10.0));
TestValue("power(e(), 2.0)", TYPE_DOUBLE, M_E * M_E);
TestValue("dpow(3, 3)", TYPE_DOUBLE, 27.0);
TestValue("fpow(3, 3)", TYPE_DOUBLE, 27.0);
TestValue("sqrt(121.0)", TYPE_DOUBLE, 11.0);
TestValue("sqrt(2.0)", TYPE_DOUBLE, sqrt(2.0));
TestValue("dsqrt(81.0)", TYPE_DOUBLE, 9);
TestValue("width_bucket(6.3, 2, 17, 2)", TYPE_BIGINT, 1);
TestValue("width_bucket(11, 6, 14, 3)", TYPE_BIGINT, 2);
TestValue("width_bucket(-1, -5, 5, 3)", TYPE_BIGINT, 2);
TestValue("width_bucket(1, -5, 5, 3)", TYPE_BIGINT, 2);
TestValue("width_bucket(3, 5, 20.1, 4)", TYPE_BIGINT, 0);
TestIsNull("width_bucket(NULL, 5, 20.1, 4)", TYPE_BIGINT);
TestIsNull("width_bucket(22, NULL, 20.1, 4)", TYPE_BIGINT);
TestIsNull("width_bucket(22, 5, NULL, 4)", TYPE_BIGINT);
TestIsNull("width_bucket(22, 5, 20.1, NULL)", TYPE_BIGINT);
TestValue("width_bucket(22, 5, 20.1, 4)", TYPE_BIGINT, 5);
// Test when the result (bucket number) is greater than the max value that can be
// stored in a IntVal
TestValue("width_bucket(22, 5, 20.1, 2147483647)", TYPE_BIGINT, 2147483648);
// Test when min and max of the bucket width range are equal.
TestErrorString("width_bucket(22, 5, 5, 4)",
"UDF ERROR: Lower bound cannot be greater than or equal to the upper bound\n");
// Test when min > max
TestErrorString("width_bucket(22, 50, 5, 4)",
"UDF ERROR: Lower bound cannot be greater than or equal to the upper bound\n");
// IMPALA-7412: Test max - min should not overflow anymore
TestValue("width_bucket(11, -9, 99999999999999999999999999999999999999, 4000)",
TestValue("width_bucket(1, -99999999999999999999999999999999999999, 9, 40)",
// Test when dist_from_min * buckets cannot be stored in a int128_t (overflows)
// and needs to be stored in a int256_t
"100000000000000000000000000000000000, 9000000000000000000000000000000000000,"
"900000)", TYPE_BIGINT, 798877);
// Test when range_size * GetScaleMultiplier(input_scale) cannot be stored in a
// int128_t (overflows) and needs to be stored in a int256_t
TestValue("width_bucket(100000000, 199999.77777777777777777777777777, 99999999999.99999"
", 40)", TYPE_BIGINT, 1);
// Test with max values for expr and num_bucket when the width_bucket can be
// evaluated with int128_t. Incrementing one of them will require using int256_t for
// width_bucket evaluation
TestValue("width_bucket(9999999999999999999999999999999999999, 1,"
"99999999999999999999999999999999999999, 15)", TYPE_BIGINT, 2);
// Test with the smallest value of num_bucket for the given combination of expr,
// max and min value that would require int256_t for evalation
TestValue("width_bucket(9999999999999999999999999999999999999, 1,"
"99999999999999999999999999999999999999, 16)", TYPE_BIGINT, 2);
// Test with the smallest value of expr for the given combination of num_buckets,
// max and min value that would require int256_t for evalation
TestValue("width_bucket(10000000000000000000000000000000000000, 1,"
"99999999999999999999999999999999999999, 15)", TYPE_BIGINT, 2);
// IMPALA-7412: These should not overflow anymore
TestValue("width_bucket(cast(-0.10 as decimal(37,30)), cast(-0.36028797018963968 "
"as decimal(25,25)), cast(9151517.4969773200562764155787276999832"
"as decimal(38,31)), 1328180220)", TYPE_BIGINT, 38);
TestValue("width_bucket(cast(9 as decimal(10,7)), cast(-60000 as decimal(11,6)), "
"cast(10 as decimal(7,5)), 249895273);", TYPE_BIGINT, 249891109);
// max - min and expr - min needs bigger type than the underlying type of
// the deduced decimal. The calculation must succeed by using a bigger type.
TestValue("width_bucket(cast(0.9999 as decimal(35,35)), cast(-0.705408425140 as "
"decimal(23,23)), cast(0.999999999999999999999 as decimal(38,38)), 699997927)",
TYPE_BIGINT, 699956882ll);
// max - min needs bigger type, but expr - min and (expr - min) * num_buckets fits
// into deduced decimal
TestValue("width_bucket(cast(-0.7054084251 as decimal(23,23)), cast(-0.705408425140 "
"as decimal(23,23)), cast(0.999999999999999999999 as decimal(38,38)), 10)",
// max - min fits into deduced decimal, (max - min) * num_buckets needs bigger type,
// but expr == min
TestValue("width_bucket(cast(1 as decimal(9,0)), cast(1 as decimal(9,0)), "
"cast(100000000 as decimal(9,0)), 100)", TYPE_BIGINT, 1);
// max - min fits into deduced decimal, (max - min) * num_buckets needs bigger type,
// but (expr - min) * num_buckets fits
TestValue("width_bucket(cast(2 as decimal(9,0)), cast(1 as decimal(9,0)), "
"cast(100000000 as decimal(9,0)), 100)", TYPE_BIGINT, 1);
// max - min fits into deduced decimal, but (expr - min) * num_buckets needs bigger type
TestValue("width_bucket(cast(100000000 as decimal(9,0)), cast(1 as decimal(9,0)), "
"cast(100000001 as decimal(9,0)), 100)", TYPE_BIGINT, 100);
// Run twice to test deterministic behavior.
for (uint32_t seed : {0, 1234}) {
stringstream rand, random;
rand << "rand(" << seed << ")";
random << "random(" << seed << ")";
const double expected_result = ConvertValue<double>(GetValue(rand.str(),
TestValue(rand.str(), TYPE_DOUBLE, expected_result);
TestValue(random.str(), TYPE_DOUBLE, expected_result); // Test alias
// Test bigint param.
TestValue("pmod(10, 3)", TYPE_BIGINT, 1);
TestValue("pmod(-10, 3)", TYPE_BIGINT, 2);
TestValue("pmod(10, -3)", TYPE_BIGINT, -2);
TestValue("pmod(-10, -3)", TYPE_BIGINT, -1);
TestValue("pmod(1234567890, 13)", TYPE_BIGINT, 10);
TestValue("pmod(-1234567890, 13)", TYPE_BIGINT, 3);
TestValue("pmod(1234567890, -13)", TYPE_BIGINT, -3);
TestValue("pmod(-1234567890, -13)", TYPE_BIGINT, -10);
// Test double param.
TestValue("pmod(12.3, 4.0)", TYPE_DOUBLE, fmod(fmod(12.3, 4.0) + 4.0, 4.0));
TestValue("pmod(-12.3, 4.0)", TYPE_DOUBLE, fmod(fmod(-12.3, 4.0) + 4.0, 4.0));
TestValue("pmod(12.3, -4.0)", TYPE_DOUBLE, fmod(fmod(12.3, -4.0) - 4.0, -4.0));
TestValue("pmod(-12.3, -4.0)", TYPE_DOUBLE, fmod(fmod(-12.3, -4.0) - 4.0, -4.0));
TestValue("pmod(123456.789, 13.456)", TYPE_DOUBLE,
fmod(fmod(123456.789, 13.456) + 13.456, 13.456));
TestValue("pmod(-123456.789, 13.456)", TYPE_DOUBLE,
fmod(fmod(-123456.789, 13.456) + 13.456, 13.456));
TestValue("pmod(123456.789, -13.456)", TYPE_DOUBLE,
fmod(fmod(123456.789, -13.456) - 13.456, -13.456));
TestValue("pmod(-123456.789, -13.456)", TYPE_DOUBLE,
fmod(fmod(-123456.789, -13.456) - 13.456, -13.456));
// Test floating-point modulo function.
TestValue("fmod(cast(12345.345 as float), cast(7 as float))",
TYPE_FLOAT, fmodf(12345.345f, 7.0f));
TestValue("fmod(cast(-12345.345 as float), cast(7 as float))",
TYPE_FLOAT, fmodf(-12345.345f, 7.0f));
TestValue("fmod(cast(-12345.345 as float), cast(-7 as float))",
TYPE_FLOAT, fmodf(-12345.345f, -7.0f));
TestValue("fmod(cast(12345.345 as double), 7)", TYPE_DOUBLE, fmod(12345.345, 7.0));
TestValue("fmod(-12345.345, cast(7 as double))", TYPE_DOUBLE, fmod(-12345.345, 7.0));
TestValue("fmod(cast(-12345.345 as double), -7)", TYPE_DOUBLE, fmod(-12345.345, -7.0));
// Test floating-point modulo operator.
TestValue("cast(12345.345 as float) % cast(7 as float)",
TYPE_FLOAT, fmodf(12345.345f, 7.0f));
TestValue("cast(-12345.345 as float) % cast(7 as float)",
TYPE_FLOAT, fmodf(-12345.345f, 7.0f));
TestValue("cast(-12345.345 as float) % cast(-7 as float)",
TYPE_FLOAT, fmodf(-12345.345f, -7.0f));
TestValue("cast(12345.345 as double) % 7", TYPE_DOUBLE, fmod(12345.345, 7.0));
TestValue("cast(-12345.345 as double) % cast(7 as double)",
TYPE_DOUBLE, fmod(-12345.345, 7.0));
TestValue("cast(-12345.345 as double) % -7", TYPE_DOUBLE, fmod(-12345.345, -7.0));
// Test floating-point modulo by zero.
TestIsNull("fmod(cast(-12345.345 as float), cast(0 as float))", TYPE_FLOAT);
TestIsNull("fmod(cast(-12345.345 as double), 0)", TYPE_DOUBLE);
TestIsNull("cast(-12345.345 as float) % cast(0 as float)", TYPE_FLOAT);
TestIsNull("cast(-12345.345 as double) % 0", TYPE_DOUBLE);
// Test int param.
TestValue("mod(cast(10 as tinyint), cast(3 as tinyint))", TYPE_TINYINT, 10 % 3);
TestValue("mod(cast(10 as smallint), cast(3 as smallint))", TYPE_SMALLINT, 10 % 3);
TestValue("mod(cast(10 as int), cast(3 as int))", TYPE_INT, 10 % 3);
TestValue("mod(cast(10 as bigint), cast(3 as bigint))", TYPE_BIGINT, 10 % 3);
TestIsNull("mod(cast(123 as tinyint), 0)", TYPE_TINYINT);
TestIsNull("mod(cast(123 as smallint), 0)", TYPE_SMALLINT);
TestIsNull("mod(cast(123 as int), 0)", TYPE_INT);
TestIsNull("mod(cast(123 as bigint), 0)", TYPE_BIGINT);
TestIsNull("mod(cast(123 as tinyint), NULL)", TYPE_TINYINT);
TestIsNull("mod(cast(123 as smallint), NULL)", TYPE_SMALLINT);
TestIsNull("mod(cast(123 as int), NULL)", TYPE_INT);
TestIsNull("mod(cast(123 as bigint), NULL)", TYPE_BIGINT);
TestIsNull("mod(cast(NULL as int), NULL)", TYPE_INT);
// Test numeric param.
TestValue("mod(cast(12.3 as float), cast(4.0 as float))", TYPE_FLOAT, fmodf(12.3f, 4.0f));
TestValue("mod(cast(12.3 as double), cast(4.0 as double))", TYPE_DOUBLE, fmod(12.3, 4.0));
TestIsNull("mod(cast(12345.345 as float), cast(0 as float))", TYPE_FLOAT);
TestIsNull("mod(cast(12345.345 as double), cast(0 as double))", TYPE_DOUBLE);
TestIsNull("mod(cast(12345.345 as float), NULL)", TYPE_FLOAT);
TestIsNull("mod(cast(12345.345 as double), NULL)", TYPE_DOUBLE);
TestIsNull("mod(cast(NULL as float), NULL)", TYPE_FLOAT);
// Test positive().
TestValue("positive(cast(123 as tinyint))", TYPE_TINYINT, 123);
TestValue("positive(cast(123 as smallint))", TYPE_SMALLINT, 123);
TestValue("positive(cast(123 as int))", TYPE_INT, 123);
TestValue("positive(cast(123 as bigint))", TYPE_BIGINT, 123);
TestValue("positive(cast(3.1415 as float))", TYPE_FLOAT, 3.1415f);
TestValue("positive(cast(3.1415 as double))", TYPE_DOUBLE, 3.1415);
TestValue("positive(cast(-123 as tinyint))", TYPE_TINYINT, -123);
TestValue("positive(cast(-123 as smallint))", TYPE_SMALLINT, -123);
TestValue("positive(cast(-123 as int))", TYPE_INT, -123);
TestValue("positive(cast(-123 as bigint))", TYPE_BIGINT, -123);
TestValue("positive(cast(-3.1415 as float))", TYPE_FLOAT, -3.1415f);
TestValue("positive(cast(-3.1415 as double))", TYPE_DOUBLE, -3.1415);
// Test negative().
TestValue("negative(cast(123 as tinyint))", TYPE_TINYINT, -123);
TestValue("negative(cast(123 as smallint))", TYPE_SMALLINT, -123);
TestValue("negative(cast(123 as int))", TYPE_INT, -123);
TestValue("negative(cast(123 as bigint))", TYPE_BIGINT, -123);
TestValue("negative(cast(3.1415 as float))", TYPE_FLOAT, -3.1415f);
TestValue("negative(cast(3.1415 as double))", TYPE_DOUBLE, -3.1415);
TestValue("negative(cast(-123 as tinyint))", TYPE_TINYINT, 123);
TestValue("negative(cast(-123 as smallint))", TYPE_SMALLINT, 123);
TestValue("negative(cast(-123 as int))", TYPE_INT, 123);
TestValue("negative(cast(-123 as bigint))", TYPE_BIGINT, 123);
TestValue("negative(cast(-3.1415 as float))", TYPE_FLOAT, 3.1415f);
TestValue("negative(cast(-3.1415 as double))", TYPE_DOUBLE, 3.1415);
// Test bigint param.
TestValue("quotient(12, 6)", TYPE_BIGINT, 2);
TestValue("quotient(-12, 6)", TYPE_BIGINT, -2);
TestIsNull("quotient(-12, 0)", TYPE_BIGINT);
// Test double param.
TestValue("quotient(30.5, 2.5)", TYPE_BIGINT, 15);
TestValue("quotient(-30.5, 2.5)", TYPE_BIGINT, -15);
TestIsNull("quotient(-30.5, 0.000999)", TYPE_BIGINT);
// Tests to verify logic of least(). All types but STRING use the same
// templated function, so there is no need to run all tests with all types.
// Test single value.
TestValue("least(1)", TYPE_TINYINT, 1);
TestValue<float>("least(cast(1.25 as float))", TYPE_FLOAT, 1.25f);
// Test ordering
TestValue("least(10, 20)", TYPE_TINYINT, 10);
TestValue("least(20, 10)", TYPE_TINYINT, 10);
TestValue<float>("least(cast(500.25 as float), 300.25)", TYPE_FLOAT, 300.25f);
TestValue<float>("least(cast(300.25 as float), 500.25)", TYPE_FLOAT, 300.25f);
// Test to make sure least value is found in a mixed order set
TestValue("least(1, 3, 4, 0, 6)", TYPE_TINYINT, 0);
TestValue<float>("least(cast(1.25 as float), 3.25, 4.25, 0.25, 6.25)",
TYPE_FLOAT, 0.25f);
// Test to make sure the least value is found from a list of duplicates
TestValue("least(1, 1, 1, 1)", TYPE_TINYINT, 1);
TestValue<float>("least(cast(1.0 as float), 1.0, 1.0, 1.0)", TYPE_FLOAT, 1.0f);
// Test repeating groups and ordering
TestValue("least(2, 2, 1, 1)", TYPE_TINYINT, 1);
TestValue("least(0, -2, 1)", TYPE_TINYINT, -2);
TestValue<float>("least(cast(2.0 as float), 2.0, 1.0, 1.0)", TYPE_FLOAT, 1.0f);
TestValue<float>("least(cast(0.0 as float), -2.0, 1.0)", TYPE_FLOAT, -2.0f);
// Test all int types.
string val_list;
val_list = "0";
for (IntValMap::value_type& entry: min_int_values_) {
string val_str = lexical_cast<string>(entry.second);
val_list.append(", " + val_str);
PrimitiveType t = static_cast<PrimitiveType>(entry.first);
TestValue<int64_t>("least(" + val_list + ")", t, 0);
// Test double type.
TestValue<double>("least(0.0, cast(-2.0 as double), 1.0)", TYPE_DOUBLE, -2.0f);
// Test timestamp param
TestStringValue("cast(least(cast('2014-09-26 12:00:00' as timestamp), "
"cast('2013-09-26 12:00:00' as timestamp)) as string)", "2013-09-26 12:00:00");
// Test date param
TestStringValue("cast(least(cast('2014-09-26' as date), "
"cast('2013-09-26' as date)) as string)", "2013-09-26");
// Test string param.
TestStringValue("least('2', '5', '12', '3')", "12");
TestStringValue("least('apples', 'oranges', 'bananas')", "apples");
TestStringValue("least('apples', 'applis', 'applas')", "applas");
TestStringValue("least('apples', '!applis', 'applas')", "!applis");
TestStringValue("least('apples', 'apples', 'apples')", "apples");
TestStringValue("least('apples')", "apples");
TestStringValue("least('A')", "A");
TestStringValue("least('A', 'a')", "A");
// Test ordering
TestStringValue("least('a', 'A')", "A");
TestStringValue("least('APPLES', 'APPLES')", "APPLES");
TestStringValue("least('apples', 'APPLES')", "APPLES");
TestStringValue("least('apples', 'app\nles')", "app\nles");
TestStringValue("least('apples', 'app les')", "app les");
TestStringValue("least('apples', 'app\nles')", "app\nles");
TestStringValue("least('apples', 'app\tles')", "app\tles");
TestStringValue("least('apples', 'app\fles')", "app\fles");
TestStringValue("least('apples', 'app\vles')", "app\vles");
TestStringValue("least('apples', 'app\rles')", "app\rles");
// Tests to verify logic of greatest(). All types but STRING use the same
// templated function, so there is no need to run all tests with all types.
TestValue("greatest(1)", TYPE_TINYINT, 1);
TestValue<float>("greatest(cast(1.25 as float))", TYPE_FLOAT, 1.25f);
// Test ordering
TestValue("greatest(10, 20)", TYPE_TINYINT, 20);
TestValue("greatest(20, 10)", TYPE_TINYINT, 20);
TestValue<float>("greatest(cast(500.25 as float), 300.25)", TYPE_FLOAT, 500.25f);
TestValue<float>("greatest(cast(300.25 as float), 500.25)", TYPE_FLOAT, 500.25f);
// Test to make sure least value is found in a mixed order set
TestValue("greatest(1, 3, 4, 0, 6)", TYPE_TINYINT, 6);
TestValue<float>("greatest(cast(1.25 as float), 3.25, 4.25, 0.25, 6.25)",
TYPE_FLOAT, 6.25f);
// Test to make sure the least value is found from a list of duplicates
TestValue("greatest(1, 1, 1, 1)", TYPE_TINYINT, 1);
TestValue<float>("greatest(cast(1.0 as float), 1.0, 1.0, 1.0)", TYPE_FLOAT, 1.0f);
// Test repeating groups and ordering
TestValue("greatest(2, 2, 1, 1)", TYPE_TINYINT, 2);
TestValue("greatest(0, -2, 1)", TYPE_TINYINT, 1);
TestValue<float>("greatest(cast(2.0 as float), 2.0, 1.0, 1.0)", TYPE_FLOAT, 2.0f);
TestValue<float>("greatest(cast(0.0 as float), -2.0, 1.0)", TYPE_FLOAT, 1.0f);
// Test all int types. A list of values will be built, each iteration adds a bigger
// value. This requires min_int_values_ to be an ordered map.
val_list = "0";
for (IntValMap::value_type& entry: min_int_values_) {
string val_str = lexical_cast<string>(entry.second);
val_list.append(", " + val_str);
PrimitiveType t = static_cast<PrimitiveType>(entry.first);
TestValue<int64_t>("greatest(" + val_list + ")", t, entry.second);
// Test double type.
TestValue<double>("greatest(cast(0.0 as float), cast(-2.0 as double), 1.0)",
// Test timestamp param
TestStringValue("cast(greatest(cast('2014-09-26 12:00:00' as timestamp), "
"cast('2013-09-26 12:00:00' as timestamp)) as string)", "2014-09-26 12:00:00");
// Test date param
TestStringValue("cast(greatest(cast('2014-09-26' as date), "
"cast('2013-09-26' as date)) as string)", "2014-09-26");
// Test string param
TestStringValue("greatest('2', '5', '12', '3')", "5");
TestStringValue("greatest('apples', 'oranges', 'bananas')", "oranges");
TestStringValue("greatest('apples', 'applis', 'applas')", "applis");
TestStringValue("greatest('apples', '!applis', 'applas')", "apples");
TestStringValue("greatest('apples', 'apples', 'apples')", "apples");
TestStringValue("greatest('apples')", "apples");
TestStringValue("greatest('A')", "A");
TestStringValue("greatest('A', 'a')", "a");
// Test ordering
TestStringValue("greatest('a', 'A')", "a");
TestStringValue("greatest('APPLES', 'APPLES')", "APPLES");
TestStringValue("greatest('apples', 'APPLES')", "apples");
TestStringValue("greatest('apples', 'app\nles')", "apples");
TestStringValue("greatest('apples', 'app les')", "apples");
TestStringValue("greatest('apples', 'app\nles')", "apples");
TestStringValue("greatest('apples', 'app\tles')", "apples");
TestStringValue("greatest('apples', 'app\fles')", "apples");
TestStringValue("greatest('apples', 'app\vles')", "apples");
TestStringValue("greatest('apples', 'app\rles')", "apples");
// NULL arguments. In some cases the NULL can match multiple overloads so the result
// type depends on the order in which function overloads are considered.
TestIsNull("abs(NULL)", TYPE_SMALLINT);
TestIsNull("sign(NULL)", TYPE_DOUBLE);
TestIsNull("exp(NULL)", TYPE_DOUBLE);
TestIsNull("ln(NULL)", TYPE_DOUBLE);
TestIsNull("log10(NULL)", TYPE_DOUBLE);
TestIsNull("log2(NULL)", TYPE_DOUBLE);
TestIsNull("log(NULL, 64.0)", TYPE_DOUBLE);
TestIsNull("log(2.0, NULL)", TYPE_DOUBLE);
TestIsNull("log(NULL, NULL)", TYPE_DOUBLE);
TestIsNull("pow(NULL, 10.0)", TYPE_DOUBLE);
TestIsNull("pow(2.0, NULL)", TYPE_DOUBLE);
TestIsNull("pow(NULL, NULL)", TYPE_DOUBLE);
TestIsNull("power(NULL, 10.0)", TYPE_DOUBLE);
TestIsNull("power(2.0, NULL)", TYPE_DOUBLE);
TestIsNull("power(NULL, NULL)", TYPE_DOUBLE);
TestIsNull("sqrt(NULL)", TYPE_DOUBLE);
TestIsNull("rand(NULL)", TYPE_DOUBLE);
TestIsNull("pmod(NULL, 3)", TYPE_BIGINT);
TestIsNull("pmod(10, NULL)", TYPE_BIGINT);
TestIsNull("pmod(NULL, NULL)", TYPE_BIGINT);
TestIsNull("fmod(NULL, cast(3.2 as float))", TYPE_FLOAT);
TestIsNull("fmod(cast(10.3 as float), NULL)", TYPE_FLOAT);
TestIsNull("fmod(NULL, cast(3.2 as double))", TYPE_DOUBLE);
TestIsNull("fmod(cast(10.3 as double), NULL)", TYPE_DOUBLE);
TestIsNull("NULL % cast(3.2 as float)", TYPE_FLOAT);
TestIsNull("cast(10.3 as float) % NULL", TYPE_FLOAT);
TestIsNull("NULL % cast(3.2 as double)", TYPE_DOUBLE);
TestIsNull("cast(10.3 as double) % NULL", TYPE_DOUBLE);
TestIsNull("fmod(NULL, NULL)", TYPE_FLOAT);
TestIsNull("positive(NULL)", TYPE_TINYINT);
TestIsNull("negative(NULL)", TYPE_TINYINT);
TestIsNull("quotient(NULL, 1.0)", TYPE_BIGINT);
TestIsNull("quotient(1.0, NULL)", TYPE_BIGINT);
TestIsNull("quotient(NULL, NULL)", TYPE_BIGINT);
TestIsNull("least(NULL)", TYPE_TINYINT);
TestIsNull("least(cast(NULL as tinyint))", TYPE_TINYINT);
TestIsNull("least(cast(NULL as smallint))", TYPE_SMALLINT);
TestIsNull("least(cast(NULL as int))", TYPE_INT);
TestIsNull("least(cast(NULL as bigint))", TYPE_BIGINT);
TestIsNull("least(cast(NULL as float))", TYPE_FLOAT);
TestIsNull("least(cast(NULL as double))", TYPE_DOUBLE);
TestIsNull("least(cast(NULL as timestamp))", TYPE_TIMESTAMP);
TestIsNull("least(cast(NULL as date))", TYPE_DATE);
TestIsNull("greatest(NULL)", TYPE_TINYINT);
TestIsNull("greatest(cast(NULL as tinyint))", TYPE_TINYINT);
TestIsNull("greatest(cast(NULL as smallint))", TYPE_SMALLINT);
TestIsNull("greatest(cast(NULL as int))", TYPE_INT);
TestIsNull("greatest(cast(NULL as bigint))", TYPE_BIGINT);
TestIsNull("greatest(cast(NULL as float))", TYPE_FLOAT);
TestIsNull("greatest(cast(NULL as double))", TYPE_DOUBLE);
TestIsNull("greatest(cast(NULL as timestamp))", TYPE_TIMESTAMP);
TestIsNull("greatest(cast(NULL as date))", TYPE_DATE);
TEST_P(ExprTest, MathRoundingFunctions) {
TestValue("ceil(cast(0.1 as double))", TYPE_DOUBLE, 1);
TestValue("ceil(cast(-10.05 as double))", TYPE_DOUBLE, -10);
TestValue("ceil(cast(23.6 as double))", TYPE_DOUBLE, 24);
TestValue("ceiling(cast(0.1 as double))", TYPE_DOUBLE, 1);
TestValue("ceiling(cast(-10.05 as double))", TYPE_DOUBLE, -10);
TestValue("floor(cast(0.1 as double))", TYPE_DOUBLE, 0);
TestValue("floor(cast(-10.007 as double))", TYPE_DOUBLE, -11);
TestValue("dfloor(cast(123.456 as double))", TYPE_DOUBLE, 123);
TestValue("truncate(cast(0.1 as double))", TYPE_DOUBLE, 0);
TestValue("truncate(cast(-10.007 as double))", TYPE_DOUBLE, -10);
TestValue("dtrunc(cast(10.99 as double))", TYPE_DOUBLE, 10);
TestValue("round(cast(1.499999 as double))", TYPE_DOUBLE, 1);
TestValue("round(cast(1.5 as double))", TYPE_DOUBLE, 2);
TestValue("round(cast(1.500001 as double))", TYPE_DOUBLE, 2);
TestValue("round(cast(-1.499999 as double))", TYPE_DOUBLE, -1);
TestValue("round(cast(-1.5 as double))", TYPE_DOUBLE, -2);
TestValue("round(cast(-1.500001 as double))", TYPE_DOUBLE, -2);
TestValue("dround(cast(2.500001 as double))", TYPE_DOUBLE, 3);
TestValue("round(cast(3.14159265 as double), 0)", TYPE_DOUBLE, 3.0);
TestValue("round(cast(3.14159265 as double), 1)", TYPE_DOUBLE, 3.1);
TestValue("round(cast(3.14159265 as double), 2)", TYPE_DOUBLE, 3.14);
TestValue("round(cast(3.14159265 as double), 3)", TYPE_DOUBLE, 3.142);
TestValue("round(cast(3.14159265 as double), 4)", TYPE_DOUBLE, 3.1416);
TestValue("round(cast(3.14159265 as double), 5)", TYPE_DOUBLE, 3.14159);
TestValue("round(cast(-3.14159265 as double), 0)", TYPE_DOUBLE, -3.0);
TestValue("round(cast(-3.14159265 as double), 1)", TYPE_DOUBLE, -3.1);
TestValue("round(cast(-3.14159265 as double), 2)", TYPE_DOUBLE, -3.14);
TestValue("round(cast(-3.14159265 as double), 3)", TYPE_DOUBLE, -3.142);
TestValue("round(cast(-3.14159265 as double), 4)", TYPE_DOUBLE, -3.1416);
TestValue("round(cast(-3.14159265 as double), 5)", TYPE_DOUBLE, -3.14159);
TestValue("round(cast(3.1415926535897932384626433 as double), 19)",
TYPE_DOUBLE, 3.141592653589793);
TestValue("round(cast(3.1415926535897932384626433 as double), 20)",
TYPE_DOUBLE, 3.141592653589794);
TestValue("dround(cast(3.14159265 as double), 5)", TYPE_DOUBLE, 3.14159);
TestValue("round(cast(5.55 as double), 1)", TYPE_DOUBLE, 5.6);
TestValue("round(cast(-5.55 as double), 1)", TYPE_DOUBLE, -5.6);
TestValue("round(cast(555.555 as double), -1)", TYPE_DOUBLE, 560);
TestValue("round(cast(-555.555 as double), -1)", TYPE_DOUBLE, -560);
TestValue("round(cast(555.555 as double), -2)", TYPE_DOUBLE, 600);
TestValue("round(cast(-555.555 as double), -2)", TYPE_DOUBLE, -600);
// NULL arguments.
TestIsNull("ceil(cast(NULL as double))", TYPE_DOUBLE);
TestIsNull("ceiling(cast(NULL as double))", TYPE_DOUBLE);
TestIsNull("floor(cast(NULL as double))", TYPE_DOUBLE);
TestIsNull("truncate(cast(NULL as double))", TYPE_DOUBLE);
TestIsNull("round(cast(NULL as double))", TYPE_DOUBLE);
TestIsNull("round(cast(NULL as double), 1)", TYPE_DOUBLE);
TestIsNull("round(cast(3.14159265 as double), NULL)", TYPE_DOUBLE);
TestIsNull("round(cast(NULL as double), NULL)", TYPE_DOUBLE);
TEST_P(ExprTest, UnaryOperators) {
TestValue("+1", TYPE_TINYINT, 1);
TestValue("-1", TYPE_TINYINT, -1);
TestValue("- -1", TYPE_TINYINT, 1);
TestValue("+-1", TYPE_TINYINT, -1);
TestValue("++1", TYPE_TINYINT, 1);
TestValue("~1", TYPE_TINYINT, -2);
TestValue("+cast(1. as float)", TYPE_FLOAT, 1.0f);
TestValue("+cast(1.0 as float)", TYPE_FLOAT, 1.0f);
TestValue("-cast(1.0 as float)", TYPE_DOUBLE, -1.0);
TestValue("1 - - - 1", TYPE_SMALLINT, 0);
// IMPALA-4877: Verify that unary minus has high precedence and is integrated into
// literals.
TestValue("-1 & 8", TYPE_TINYINT, 8);
TEST_P(ExprTest, MoscowTimezoneConversion) {
#pragma push_macro("UTC_TO_MSC")
#pragma push_macro("MSC_TO_UTC")
#define UTC_TO_MSC(X) ("cast(from_utc_timestamp('" X "', 'Europe/Moscow') as string)")
#define MSC_TO_UTC(X) ("cast(to_utc_timestamp('" X "', 'Europe/Moscow') as string)")
// IMPALA-4209: Moscow time change in 2011.
// Last DST change before the transition.
TestStringValue(UTC_TO_MSC("2010-10-30 22:59:59"), "2010-10-31 02:59:59");
TestStringValue(UTC_TO_MSC("2010-10-30 23:00:00"), "2010-10-31 02:00:00");
TestStringValue(MSC_TO_UTC("2010-10-31 01:59:59"), "2010-10-30 21:59:59");
// Since 2am to MSC happens twice, the ambiguity gets resolved by
// returning null.
TestIsNull(MSC_TO_UTC("2010-10-31 02:00:00"), TYPE_STRING);
TestIsNull(MSC_TO_UTC("2010-10-31 02:59:59"), TYPE_STRING);
TestStringValue(MSC_TO_UTC("2010-10-31 03:00:00"), "2010-10-31 00:00:00");
// Moscow time transitions to UTC+4.
TestStringValue(UTC_TO_MSC("2011-03-26 22:59:59"), "2011-03-27 01:59:59");
TestStringValue(UTC_TO_MSC("2011-03-26 23:00:00"), "2011-03-27 03:00:00");
TestStringValue(MSC_TO_UTC("2011-03-27 01:59:59"), "2011-03-26 22:59:59");
// Since 2am to MSC happens twice, the ambiguity gets resolved by
// returning null.
TestIsNull(MSC_TO_UTC("2011-03-27 02:00:00"), TYPE_STRING);
TestIsNull(MSC_TO_UTC("2011-03-27 02:59:59"), TYPE_STRING);
TestStringValue(MSC_TO_UTC("2011-03-27 03:00:00"), "2011-03-26 23:00:00");
// No more DST after the transition.
TestStringValue(UTC_TO_MSC("2011-12-20 09:00:00"), "2011-12-20 13:00:00");
TestStringValue(UTC_TO_MSC("2012-06-20 09:00:00"), "2012-06-20 13:00:00");
TestStringValue(UTC_TO_MSC("2012-12-20 09:00:00"), "2012-12-20 13:00:00");
TestStringValue(MSC_TO_UTC("2011-12-20 13:00:00"), "2011-12-20 09:00:00");
TestStringValue(MSC_TO_UTC("2012-06-20 13:00:00"), "2012-06-20 09:00:00");
TestStringValue(MSC_TO_UTC("2012-12-20 13:00:00"), "2012-12-20 09:00:00");
// IMPALA-4546: Moscow time change in 2014.
// UTC+4 is changed to UTC+3
TestStringValue(UTC_TO_MSC("2014-10-25 21:59:59"), "2014-10-26 01:59:59");
TestStringValue(UTC_TO_MSC("2014-10-25 22:00:00"), "2014-10-26 01:00:00");
TestStringValue(UTC_TO_MSC("2014-10-25 23:00:00"), "2014-10-26 02:00:00");
TestStringValue(MSC_TO_UTC("2014-10-26 00:59:59"), "2014-10-25 20:59:59");
// Since 1am to MSC happens twice, the ambiguity gets resolved by
// returning null.
TestIsNull(MSC_TO_UTC("2014-10-26 01:00:00"), TYPE_STRING);
TestIsNull(MSC_TO_UTC("2014-10-26 01:59:59"), TYPE_STRING);
TestStringValue(MSC_TO_UTC("2014-10-26 02:00:00"), "2014-10-25 23:00:00");
// Still no DST after the transition.
TestStringValue(UTC_TO_MSC("2014-12-20 09:00:00"), "2014-12-20 12:00:00");
TestStringValue(UTC_TO_MSC("2015-06-20 09:00:00"), "2015-06-20 12:00:00");
TestStringValue(UTC_TO_MSC("2015-12-20 09:00:00"), "2015-12-20 12:00:00");
TestStringValue(MSC_TO_UTC("2014-12-20 12:00:00"), "2014-12-20 09:00:00");
TestStringValue(MSC_TO_UTC("2015-06-20 12:00:00"), "2015-06-20 09:00:00");
TestStringValue(MSC_TO_UTC("2015-12-20 12:00:00"), "2015-12-20 09:00:00");
// Timestamp conversions of "dateless" times should return null (and not crash,
// see IMPALA-5983).
TestIsNull(UTC_TO_MSC("10:00:00"), TYPE_STRING);
TestIsNull(MSC_TO_UTC("10:00:00"), TYPE_STRING);
#pragma pop_macro("MSC_TO_UTC")
#pragma pop_macro("UTC_TO_MSC")
void ExprTest::TestAusDSTEndingForEastTimeZone(const string& time_zone) {
// Timestamps between 02:00:00 and 02:59:59 inclusive on the ending day of DST are
// ambiguous, hence excpecting NULL for timestamps in that range. Expect a UTC adjusted
// timestamp otherwise.
TestStringValue("cast(to_utc_timestamp('2018-04-01 01:59:59', '" + time_zone + "') "
"as string)", "2018-03-31 14:59:59");
TestStringValue("cast(to_utc_timestamp('2018-04-01 02:00:00', '" + time_zone + "') "
"as string)", "NULL");
TestStringValue("cast(to_utc_timestamp('2018-04-01 02:59:59', '" + time_zone + "') "
"as string)", "NULL");
TestStringValue("cast(to_utc_timestamp('2018-04-01 03:00:00', '" + time_zone + "') "
"as string)", "2018-03-31 17:00:00");
void ExprTest::TestAusDSTEndingForCentralTimeZone(const string& time_zone) {
TestStringValue("cast(to_utc_timestamp('2018-04-01 01:59:59', '" + time_zone + "') "
"as string)", "2018-03-31 15:29:59");
TestStringValue("cast(to_utc_timestamp('2018-04-01 02:00:00', '" + time_zone + "') "
"as string)", "NULL");
TestStringValue("cast(to_utc_timestamp('2018-04-01 02:59:59', '" + time_zone + "') "
"as string)", "NULL");
TestStringValue("cast(to_utc_timestamp('2018-04-01 03:00:00', '" + time_zone + "') "
"as string)", "2018-03-31 17:30:00");
// IMPALA-6699: Fix DST end time for Australian time-zones
TEST_P(ExprTest, AusDSTEndingTests) {
TEST_P(ExprTest, TimestampFunctions) {
// Regression for IMPALA-1105
TestIsNull("cast(cast('NOTATIMESTAMP' as timestamp) as string)", TYPE_STRING);
TestStringValue("cast(cast('2012-01-01 09:10:11.123456789' as timestamp) as string)",
"2012-01-01 09:10:11.123456789");
// Add/sub years.
TestStringValue("cast(date_add(cast('2012-01-01 09:10:11.123456789' "
"as timestamp), interval 10 years) as string)",
"2022-01-01 09:10:11.123456789");
TestStringValue("cast(date_sub(cast('2012-01-01 09:10:11.123456789' "
"as timestamp), interval 10 years) as string)",
"2002-01-01 09:10:11.123456789");
TestStringValue("cast(date_add(cast('2012-01-01 09:10:11.123456789' "
"as timestamp), interval cast(10 as bigint) years) as string)",
"2022-01-01 09:10:11.123456789");
TestStringValue("cast(date_sub(cast('2012-01-01 09:10:11.123456789' "
"as timestamp), interval cast(10 as bigint) years) as string)",
"2002-01-01 09:10:11.123456789");
// These return NULL because the resulting year is out of range.
"CAST('2005-10-11 00:00:00' AS TIMESTAMP) - INTERVAL 718 YEAR", TYPE_TIMESTAMP);
"CAST('2005-10-11 00:00:00' AS TIMESTAMP) + INTERVAL -718 YEAR", TYPE_TIMESTAMP);
"CAST('2005-10-11 00:00:00' AS TIMESTAMP) + INTERVAL 9718 YEAR", TYPE_TIMESTAMP);
"CAST('2005-10-11 00:00:00' AS TIMESTAMP) - INTERVAL -9718 YEAR", TYPE_TIMESTAMP);
"CAST('9999-12-31 21:00:00' AS TIMESTAMP) + INTERVAL 1000 DAYS", TYPE_TIMESTAMP);
"CAST('9999-12-31 21:00:00' AS TIMESTAMP) + INTERVAL 10000 HOURS", TYPE_TIMESTAMP);
TestIsNull("CAST('9999-12-31 21:00:00' AS TIMESTAMP) + INTERVAL 1000000 MINUTES",
TestIsNull("CAST('9999-12-31 23:59:59' AS TIMESTAMP) + INTERVAL 1 SECONDS",
"CAST('9999-12-31 21:00:00' AS TIMESTAMP) + INTERVAL 100000000000 MILLISECONDS",
TestIsNull("CAST('1400-01-01 00:00:00' AS TIMESTAMP) - INTERVAL 1 MILLISECONDS",
"CAST('9999-12-31 21:00:00' AS TIMESTAMP) + INTERVAL 100000000000000 MICROSECONDS",
TestIsNull("CAST('1400-01-01 00:00:00' AS TIMESTAMP) - INTERVAL 1 MICROSECONDS",
TestIsNull("CAST('9999-12-31 21:00:00' AS TIMESTAMP) + INTERVAL 100000000000000000 "
TestIsNull("CAST('1400-01-01 00:00:00' AS TIMESTAMP) - INTERVAL 1 NANOSECONDS",
// Add/sub months.
TestStringValue("cast(date_add(cast('2012-01-01 09:10:11.123456789' "
"as timestamp), interval 13 months) as string)",
"2013-02-01 09:10:11.123456789");
TestStringValue("cast(date_sub(cast('2013-02-01 09:10:11.123456789' "
"as timestamp), interval 13 months) as string)",
"2012-01-01 09:10:11.123456789");
TestStringValue("cast(date_add(cast('2012-01-31 09:10:11.123456789' "
"as timestamp), interval cast(1 as bigint) month) as string)",
"2012-02-29 09:10:11.123456789");
TestStringValue("cast(date_sub(cast('2012-02-29 09:10:11.123456789' "
"as timestamp), interval cast(1 as bigint) month) as string)",
"2012-01-29 09:10:11.123456789");
TestStringValue("cast(add_months(cast('1405-01-29 09:10:11.123456789' "
"as timestamp), -60) as string)",
"1400-01-29 09:10:11.123456789");
TestStringValue("cast(add_months(cast('9995-01-29 09:10:11.123456789' "
"as timestamp), 59) as string)",
"9999-12-29 09:10:11.123456789");
// Add/sub weeks.
TestStringValue("cast(date_add(cast('2012-01-01 09:10:11.123456789' "
"as timestamp), interval 2 weeks) as string)",
"2012-01-15 09:10:11.123456789");
TestStringValue("cast(date_sub(cast('2012-01-15 09:10:11.123456789' "
"as timestamp), interval 2 weeks) as string)",
"2012-01-01 09:10:11.123456789");
TestStringValue("cast(date_add(cast('2012-01-01 09:10:11.123456789' "
"as timestamp), interval cast(53 as bigint) weeks) as string)",
"2013-01-06 09:10:11.123456789");
TestStringValue("cast(date_sub(cast('2013-01-06 09:10:11.123456789' "
"as timestamp), interval cast(53 as bigint) weeks) as string)",
"2012-01-01 09:10:11.123456789");
// Add/sub days.
TestStringValue("cast(date_add(cast('2012-01-01 09:10:11.123456789' "
"as timestamp), interval 10 days) as string)",
"2012-01-11 09:10:11.123456789");
TestStringValue("cast(date_sub(cast('2012-01-01 09:10:11.123456789' "
"as timestamp), interval 10 days) as string)",
"2011-12-22 09:10:11.123456789");
TestStringValue("cast(date_add(cast('2011-12-22 09:10:11.12345678' "
"as timestamp), interval cast(10 as bigint) days) as string)",
"2012-01-01 09:10:11.123456780");
TestStringValue("cast(date_sub(cast('2011-12-22 09:10:11.12345678' "
"as timestamp), interval cast(365 as bigint) days) as string)",
"2010-12-22 09:10:11.123456780");
// Add/sub days (HIVE's date_add/sub variant).
TestStringValue("cast(date_add(cast('2012-01-01 09:10:11.123456789' "
"as timestamp), 10) as string)",
"2012-01-11 09:10:11.123456789");
"cast(date_sub(cast('2012-01-01 09:10:11.123456789' as timestamp), 10) as string)",
"2011-12-22 09:10:11.123456789");
"cast(date_add(cast('2011-12-22 09:10:11.12345678' as timestamp),"
"cast(10 as bigint)) as string)", "2012-01-01 09:10:11.123456780");
"cast(date_sub(cast('2011-12-22 09:10:11.12345678' as timestamp),"
"cast(365 as bigint)) as string)", "2010-12-22 09:10:11.123456780");
// Add/sub hours.
TestStringValue("cast(date_add(cast('2012-01-01 00:00:00.123456789' "
"as timestamp), interval 25 hours) as string)",
"2012-01-02 01:00:00.123456789");
TestStringValue("cast(date_sub(cast('2012-01-02 01:00:00.123456789' "
"as timestamp), interval 25 hours) as string)",
"2012-01-01 00:00:00.123456789");
TestStringValue("cast(date_add(cast('2012-01-01 00:00:00.123456789' "
"as timestamp), interval cast(25 as bigint) hours) as string)",
"2012-01-02 01:00:00.123456789");
TestStringValue("cast(date_sub(cast('2012-01-02 01:00:00.123456789' "
"as timestamp), interval cast(25 as bigint) hours) as string)",
"2012-01-01 00:00:00.123456789");
// Add/sub minutes.
TestStringValue("cast(date_add(cast('2012-01-01 00:00:00.123456789' "
"as timestamp), interval 1533 minutes) as string)",
"2012-01-02 01:33:00.123456789");
TestStringValue("cast(date_sub(cast('2012-01-02 01:33:00.123456789' "
"as timestamp), interval 1533 minutes) as string)",
"2012-01-01 00:00:00.123456789");
TestStringValue("cast(date_add(cast('2012-01-01 00:00:00.123456789' "
"as timestamp), interval cast(1533 as bigint) minutes) as string)",
"2012-01-02 01:33:00.123456789");
TestStringValue("cast(date_sub(cast('2012-01-02 01:33:00.123456789' "
"as timestamp), interval cast(1533 as bigint) minutes) as string)",
"2012-01-01 00:00:00.123456789");
// Add/sub seconds.
TestStringValue("cast(date_add(cast('2012-01-01 00:00:00.123456789' "
"as timestamp), interval 90033 seconds) as string)",
"2012-01-02 01:00:33.123456789");
TestStringValue("cast(date_sub(cast('2012-01-02 01:00:33.123456789' "
"as timestamp), interval 90033 seconds) as string)",
"2012-01-01 00:00:00.123456789");
TestStringValue("cast(date_add(cast('2012-01-01 00:00:00.123456789' "
"as timestamp), interval cast(90033 as bigint) seconds) as string)",
"2012-01-02 01:00:33.123456789");
TestStringValue("cast(date_sub(cast('2012-01-02 01:00:33.123456789' "
"as timestamp), interval cast(90033 as bigint) seconds) as string)",
"2012-01-01 00:00:00.123456789");
// Add/sub milliseconds.
TestStringValue("cast(date_add(cast('2012-01-01 00:00:00.000000001' "
"as timestamp), interval 90000033 milliseconds) as string)",
"2012-01-02 01:00:00.033000001");
TestStringValue("cast(date_sub(cast('2012-01-02 01:00:00.033000001' "
"as timestamp), interval 90000033 milliseconds) as string)",
"2012-01-01 00:00:00.000000001");
TestStringValue("cast(date_add(cast('2012-01-01 00:00:00.000000001' "
"as timestamp), interval cast(90000033 as bigint) milliseconds) as string)",
"2012-01-02 01:00:00.033000001");
TestStringValue("cast(date_sub(cast('2012-01-02 01:00:00.033000001' "
"as timestamp), interval cast(90000033 as bigint) milliseconds) as string)",
"2012-01-01 00:00:00.000000001");
TestStringValue("cast(cast(0 as timestamp) + interval -10000000000000 milliseconds "
"as string)", "1653-02-10 06:13:20");
// Add/sub microseconds.
TestStringValue("cast(date_add(cast('2012-01-01 00:00:00.000000001' "
"as timestamp), interval 1033 microseconds) as string)",
"2012-01-01 00:00:00.001033001");
TestStringValue("cast(date_sub(cast('2012-01-01 00:00:00.001033001' "
"as timestamp), interval 1033 microseconds) as string)",
"2012-01-01 00:00:00.000000001");
TestStringValue("cast(date_add(cast('2012-01-01 00:00:00.000000001' "
"as timestamp), interval cast(1033 as bigint) microseconds) as string)",
"2012-01-01 00:00:00.001033001");
TestStringValue("cast(date_sub(cast('2012-01-01 00:00:00.001033001' "
"as timestamp), interval cast(1033 as bigint) microseconds) as string)",
"2012-01-01 00:00:00.000000001");
// Add/sub nanoseconds.
TestStringValue("cast(date_add(cast('2012-01-01 00:00:00.000000001' "
"as timestamp), interval 1033 nanoseconds) as string)",
"2012-01-01 00:00:00.000001034");
TestStringValue("cast(date_sub(cast('2012-01-01 00:00:00.000001034' "
"as timestamp), interval 1033 nanoseconds) as string)",
"2012-01-01 00:00:00.000000001");
TestStringValue("cast(date_add(cast('2012-01-01 00:00:00.000000001' "
"as timestamp), interval cast(1033 as bigint) nanoseconds) as string)",
"2012-01-01 00:00:00.000001034");
TestStringValue("cast(date_sub(cast('2012-01-01 00:00:00.000001034' "
"as timestamp), interval cast(1033 as bigint) nanoseconds) as string)",
"2012-01-01 00:00:00.000000001");
// NULL arguments.
TestIsNull("date_add(NULL, interval 10 years)", TYPE_TIMESTAMP);
TestIsNull("date_add(cast('2012-01-01 09:10:11.123456789' as timestamp),"
"interval NULL years)", TYPE_TIMESTAMP);
TestIsNull("date_add(NULL, interval NULL years)", TYPE_TIMESTAMP);
TestIsNull("date_sub(NULL, interval 10 years)", TYPE_TIMESTAMP);
TestIsNull("date_sub(cast('2012-01-01 09:10:11.123456789' as timestamp),"
"interval NULL years)", TYPE_TIMESTAMP);
TestIsNull("date_sub(NULL, interval NULL years)", TYPE_TIMESTAMP);
// ADD_MONTHS() differs from '... + INTERVAL 1 MONTH'. The function version treats
// an input value that falls on the last day of the month specially -- the result will
// also always be the last day of the month.
TestStringValue("cast(add_months(cast('2000-02-29' as timestamp), 1) as string)",
"2000-03-31 00:00:00");
TestStringValue("cast(cast('2000-02-29' as timestamp) + interval 1 month as string)",
"2000-03-29 00:00:00");
TestStringValue("cast(add_months(cast('1999-02-28' as timestamp), 12) as string)",
"2000-02-29 00:00:00");
TestStringValue("cast(cast('1999-02-28' as timestamp) + interval 12 month as string)",
"2000-02-28 00:00:00");
// Try a few cases in which ADD_MONTHS() and INTERVAL produce the same result.
TestStringValue("cast(months_sub(cast('2000-03-31' as timestamp), 1) as string)",
"2000-02-29 00:00:00");
TestStringValue("cast(cast('2000-03-31' as timestamp) - interval 1 month as string)",
"2000-02-29 00:00:00");
TestStringValue("cast(months_add(cast('2000-03-31' as timestamp), -2) as string)",
"2000-01-31 00:00:00");
TestStringValue("cast(cast('2000-03-31' as timestamp) + interval -2 month as string)",
"2000-01-31 00:00:00");
// Test add/sub behavior with edge case time interval values.
string max_int = lexical_cast<string>(numeric_limits<int32_t>::max());
string max_long = lexical_cast<string>(numeric_limits<int64_t>::max());
typedef map<string, int64_t> MaxIntervals;
MaxIntervals max_intervals;
max_intervals["years"] = TimestampFunctions::MAX_YEAR_INTERVAL;
max_intervals["months"] = TimestampFunctions::MAX_MONTH_INTERVAL;
max_intervals["weeks"] = TimestampFunctions::MAX_WEEK_INTERVAL;
max_intervals["days"] = TimestampFunctions::MAX_DAY_INTERVAL;
max_intervals["hours"] = TimestampFunctions::MAX_HOUR_INTERVAL;
max_intervals["minutes"] = TimestampFunctions::MAX_MINUTE_INTERVAL;
max_intervals["seconds"] = TimestampFunctions::MAX_SEC_INTERVAL;
max_intervals["microseconds"] = TimestampFunctions::MAX_MILLI_INTERVAL;
max_intervals["nanoseconds"] = numeric_limits<int64_t>::max();
string year_5000 = "cast('5000-01-01' as timestamp)";
string gt_year_5000 = "cast('5000-01-01 00:00:00.1' as timestamp)";
string lt_year_5000 = "cast('4999-12-31 23:59:59.9' as timestamp)";
for (MaxIntervals::iterator it = max_intervals.begin(); it != max_intervals.end();
++it) {
const string& unit = it->first;
const string& lt_max_interval =
lexical_cast<string>(static_cast<int64_t>(0.9 * it->second));
// Test that pushing a value beyond the max/min values results in a NULL.
TestIsNull(StrCat(unit, "_add(cast('9999-12-31 23:59:59' as timestamp), "
, lt_max_interval, ")"), TYPE_TIMESTAMP);
TestIsNull(StrCat(unit, "_sub(cast('1400-01-01 00:00:00' as timestamp), "
, lt_max_interval, ")"), TYPE_TIMESTAMP);
// Same as above but with edge case values of max int/long.
TestIsNull(StrCat(unit,"_add(years_add(cast('9999-12-31 23:59:59' as timestamp), 1), "
, max_int, ")"), TYPE_TIMESTAMP);
TestIsNull(StrCat(unit, "_sub(cast('1400-01-01 00:00:00' as timestamp), ",
max_int, ")"), TYPE_TIMESTAMP);
TestIsNull(StrCat(unit,"_add(years_add(cast('9999-12-31 23:59:59' as timestamp), 1), "
, max_long, ")"), TYPE_TIMESTAMP);
TestIsNull(StrCat(unit, "_sub(cast('1400-01-01 00:00:00' as timestamp), ", max_long
// Test that adding/subtracting a value slightly less than the MAX_*_INTERVAL
// can result in a non-NULL.
TestIsNotNull(StrCat(unit, "_add(cast('1400-01-01 00:00:00' as timestamp), "
, lt_max_interval, ")"), TYPE_TIMESTAMP);
TestIsNotNull(StrCat(unit, "_sub(cast('9999-12-31 23:59:59' as timestamp), "
, lt_max_interval, ")"), TYPE_TIMESTAMP);
// Test that adding/subtracting either results in NULL or a value more/less than
// the original value.
TestValue(StrCat("isnull(", unit, "_add(", year_5000, ", ", max_int
, "), ", gt_year_5000, ") > ", year_5000), TYPE_BOOLEAN, true);
TestValue(StrCat("isnull(", unit, "_sub(", year_5000, ", ", max_int
, "), ", lt_year_5000, ") < ", year_5000), TYPE_BOOLEAN, true);
TestValue(StrCat("isnull(", unit, "_add(", year_5000, ", ", max_long
, "), ", gt_year_5000, ") > ", year_5000), TYPE_BOOLEAN, true);
TestValue(StrCat("isnull(", unit, "_sub(", year_5000, ", ", max_long
, "), ", lt_year_5000, ") < ", year_5000), TYPE_BOOLEAN, true);
// Regression test for IMPALA-2260, a seemingly non-edge case value results in an
// overflow causing the 9999999 interval to become negative.
for (MaxIntervals::iterator it = max_intervals.begin(); it != max_intervals.end();
++it) {
const string& unit = it->first;
// The static max interval definitions aren't exact so (max interval - 1) may still
// produce a NULL. The static max interval definitions are within an order of
// magnitude of the real max values so testing can start at max / 10.
for (int64_t interval = it->second / 10; interval > 0; interval /= 10) {
const string& sql_interval = lexical_cast<string>(interval);
TestIsNotNull(StrCat(unit, "_add(cast('1400-01-01 00:00:00' as timestamp), "
, sql_interval, ")"), TYPE_TIMESTAMP);
TestIsNotNull(StrCat(unit, "_sub(cast('9999-12-31 23:59:59' as timestamp), "
, sql_interval, ")"), TYPE_TIMESTAMP);
// Test Unix epoch conversions.
TestTimestampUnixEpochConversions(0, "1970-01-01 00:00:00");
// Regression tests for IMPALA-1579, Unix times should be BIGINTs instead of INTs.
TestValue("unix_timestamp('2038-01-19 03:14:07')", TYPE_BIGINT, 2147483647);
TestValue("unix_timestamp('2038-01-19 03:14:08')", TYPE_BIGINT, 2147483648);
TestValue("unix_timestamp('2038/01/19 03:14:08', 'yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss')", TYPE_BIGINT,
TestValue("unix_timestamp(cast('2038-01-19 03:14:08' as timestamp))", TYPE_BIGINT,
// Test Unix epoch conversions again but now converting into local timestamp values.
ScopedTimeZoneOverride time_zone("PST8PDT");
ScopedExecOption use_local(executor_.get(),
// Determine what the local time would have been when it was 1970-01-01 GMT
ptime local_time_at_epoch = c_local_adjustor<ptime>::utc_to_local(from_time_t(0));
// ... and as an Impala compatible string.
string local_time_at_epoch_as_str = to_iso_extended_string(
+ " " + to_simple_string(local_time_at_epoch.time_of_day());
// Determine what the Unix timestamp would have been when it was 1970-01-01 in the
// local time zone.
int64_t unix_time_at_local_epoch =
(from_time_t(0) - local_time_at_epoch).total_seconds();
// Check that daylight savings calculation is done.
ScopedTimeZoneOverride time_zone("PST8PDT");
TestValue("unix_timestamp('2015-01-01')", TYPE_BIGINT, 1420099200); // PST applies
TestValue("unix_timestamp('2015-07-01')", TYPE_BIGINT, 1435734000); // PDT applies
ScopedTimeZoneOverride time_zone("EST5EDT");
TestValue("unix_timestamp('2015-01-01')", TYPE_BIGINT, 1420088400); // EST applies
TestValue("unix_timestamp('2015-07-01')", TYPE_BIGINT, 1435723200); // EDT applies
TestIsNull("from_unixtime(NULL, 'yyyy-MM-dd')", TYPE_STRING);
TestIsNull("from_unixtime(999999999999999)", TYPE_STRING);
TestIsNull("from_unixtime(999999999999999, 'yyyy-MM-dd')", TYPE_STRING);
TestStringValue("from_unixtime(unix_timestamp('1999-01-01 10:10:10'), \
'yyyy-MM-dd')", "1999-01-01");
TestStringValue("from_unixtime(unix_timestamp('1999-01-01 10:10:10'), \
'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss')", "1999-01-01 10:10:10");
TestStringValue("from_unixtime(unix_timestamp('1999-01-01 10:10:10') + (60*60*24), \
'yyyy-MM-dd')", "1999-01-02");
TestStringValue("from_unixtime(unix_timestamp('1999-01-01 10:10:10') + 10, \
'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss')", "1999-01-01 10:10:20");
TestStringValue("from_timestamp(cast('1999-01-01 10:10:10' as timestamp), \
'yyyy-MM-dd')", "1999-01-01");
TestStringValue("from_timestamp(cast('1999-01-01 10:10:10' as timestamp), \
'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss')", "1999-01-01 10:10:10");
TestStringValue("from_timestamp(to_timestamp(unix_timestamp('1999-01-01 10:10:10') \
+ 60*60*24), 'yyyy-MM-dd')", "1999-01-02");
TestStringValue("from_timestamp(to_timestamp(unix_timestamp('1999-01-01 10:10:10') \
+ 10), 'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss')", "1999-01-01 10:10:20");
TestStringValue("from_timestamp(cast('2999-05-05 11:11:11' as timestamp), 'HH:mm:ss')",
TestValue("cast('2011-12-22 09:10:11.123456789' as timestamp) > \
cast('2011-12-22 09:10:11.12345678' as timestamp)", TYPE_BOOLEAN, true);
TestValue("cast('2011-12-22 08:10:11.123456789' as timestamp) > \
cast('2011-12-22 09:10:11.12345678' as timestamp)", TYPE_BOOLEAN, false);
TestValue("cast('2011-12-22 09:10:11.000000' as timestamp) = \
cast('2011-12-22 09:10:11' as timestamp)", TYPE_BOOLEAN, true);
TestValue("year(cast('2011-12-22 09:10:11.000000' as timestamp))", TYPE_INT, 2011);
TestValue("quarter(cast('2011-12-22 09:10:11.000000' as timestamp))", TYPE_INT, 4);
TestValue("month(cast('2011-12-22 09:10:11.000000' as timestamp))", TYPE_INT, 12);
TestValue("dayofmonth(cast('2011-12-22 09:10:11.000000' as timestamp))", TYPE_INT, 22);
TestValue("day(cast('2011-12-22 09:10:11.000000' as timestamp))", TYPE_INT, 22);
TestValue("dayofyear(cast('2011-12-22 09:10:11.000000' as timestamp))", TYPE_INT, 356);
TestValue("weekofyear(cast('2011-12-22 09:10:11.000000' as timestamp))", TYPE_INT, 51);
TestValue("week(cast('2011-12-22 09:10:11.000000' as timestamp))", TYPE_INT, 51);
TestValue("dayofweek(cast('2011-12-18 09:10:11.000000' as timestamp))", TYPE_INT, 1);
TestValue("dayofweek(cast('2011-12-22 09:10:11.000000' as timestamp))", TYPE_INT, 5);
TestValue("dayofweek(cast('2011-12-24 09:10:11.000000' as timestamp))", TYPE_INT, 7);
TestValue("hour(cast('2011-12-22 09:10:11.000000' as timestamp))", TYPE_INT, 9);
TestValue("minute(cast('2011-12-22 09:10:11.000000' as timestamp))", TYPE_INT, 10);
TestValue("second(cast('2011-12-22 09:10:11.000000' as timestamp))", TYPE_INT, 11);
TestValue("millisecond(cast('2011-12-22 09:10:11.123456' as timestamp))",
TYPE_INT, 123);
TestValue("millisecond(cast('2011-12-22 09:10:11' as timestamp))", TYPE_INT, 0);
TestValue("millisecond(cast('2011-12-22' as timestamp))", TYPE_INT, 0);
TestValue("year(cast('2011-12-22' as timestamp))", TYPE_INT, 2011);
TestValue("quarter(cast('2011-12-22' as timestamp))", TYPE_INT, 4);
TestValue("month(cast('2011-12-22' as timestamp))", TYPE_INT, 12);
TestValue("dayofmonth(cast('2011-12-22' as timestamp))", TYPE_INT, 22);
TestValue("day(cast('2011-12-22' as timestamp))", TYPE_INT, 22);
TestValue("dayofyear(cast('2011-12-22' as timestamp))", TYPE_INT, 356);
TestValue("weekofyear(cast('2011-12-22' as timestamp))", TYPE_INT, 51);
TestValue("week(cast('2011-12-22' as timestamp))", TYPE_INT, 51);
TestValue("dayofweek(cast('2011-12-18' as timestamp))", TYPE_INT, 1);
TestValue("dayofweek(cast('2011-12-22' as timestamp))", TYPE_INT, 5);
TestValue("dayofweek(cast('2011-12-24' as timestamp))", TYPE_INT, 7);
"to_date(cast('2011-12-22 09:10:11.12345678' as timestamp))", "2011-12-22");
// These expressions directly extract hour/minute/second/millis from STRING type
// to support these functions for timestamp strings without a date part (IMPALA-11355).
TestValue("hour('09:10:11.000000')", TYPE_INT, 9);
TestValue("minute('09:10:11.000000')", TYPE_INT, 10);
TestValue("second('09:10:11.000000')", TYPE_INT, 11);
TestValue("millisecond('09:10:11.123456')", TYPE_INT, 123);
TestValue("millisecond('09:10:11')", TYPE_INT, 0);
// Test the functions above with invalid inputs.
TestIsNull("hour('09:10:1')", TYPE_INT);
TestIsNull("hour('838:59:59')", TYPE_INT);
TestIsNull("minute('09-10-11')", TYPE_INT);
TestIsNull("second('09:aa:11.000000')", TYPE_INT);
TestIsNull("second('09:10:11pm')", TYPE_INT);
TestIsNull("millisecond('24:11:11.123')", TYPE_INT);
TestIsNull("millisecond('09:61:11.123')", TYPE_INT);
TestIsNull("millisecond('09:10:61.123')", TYPE_INT);
TestIsNull("millisecond('09:10:11.123aaa')", TYPE_INT);
TestIsNull("millisecond('')", TYPE_INT);
// Check that timeofday() does not crash or return incorrect results
TestIsNotNull("timeofday()", TYPE_STRING);
TestValue("timestamp_cmp('1964-05-04 15:33:45','1966-05-04 15:33:45')", TYPE_INT, -1);
TestValue("timestamp_cmp('1966-09-04 15:33:45','1966-05-04 15:33:45')", TYPE_INT, 1);
TestValue("timestamp_cmp('1966-05-04 15:33:45','1966-05-04 15:33:45')", TYPE_INT, 0);
TestValue("timestamp_cmp('1967-06-05','1966-05-04')", TYPE_INT, 1);
TestValue("timestamp_cmp('1966-05-04','1966-05-04 15:33:45')", TYPE_INT, -1);
TestIsNull("timestamp_cmp('','1966-05-04 15:33:45')", TYPE_INT);
TestIsNull("timestamp_cmp('','1966-05-04 15:33:45')", TYPE_INT);
TestIsNull("timestamp_cmp(NULL,'1966-05-04 15:33:45')", TYPE_INT);
// Invalid timestamp test case
TestIsNull("timestamp_cmp('1966-5-4 50:33:45','1966-5-4 15:33:45')", TYPE_INT);
TestValue("int_months_between('1967-07-19','1966-06-04')", TYPE_INT, 13);
TestValue("int_months_between('1966-06-04 16:34:45','1967-07-19 15:33:46')",
TYPE_INT, -13);
TestValue("int_months_between('1967-07-19','1967-07-19')", TYPE_INT, 0);
TestValue("int_months_between('2015-07-19','2015-08-18')", TYPE_INT, 0);
TestIsNull("int_months_between('','1966-06-04')", TYPE_INT);
TestValue("months_between('1967-07-19','1966-06-04')", TYPE_DOUBLE,
TestValue("months_between('1966-06-04 16:34:45','1967-07-19 15:33:46')",
TYPE_DOUBLE, -13.48387096774194);
TestValue("months_between('1967-07-19','1967-07-19')", TYPE_DOUBLE, 0);
TestValue("months_between('2015-02-28','2015-05-31')", TYPE_DOUBLE, -3);
TestValue("months_between('2012-02-29','2012-01-31')", TYPE_DOUBLE, 1);
TestIsNull("months_between('','1966-06-04')", TYPE_DOUBLE);
TestValue("datediff(cast('2011-12-22 09:10:11.12345678' as timestamp), \
cast('2012-12-22' as timestamp))", TYPE_INT, -366);
TestValue("datediff(cast('2012-12-22' as timestamp), \
cast('2011-12-22 09:10:11.12345678' as timestamp))", TYPE_INT, 366);
TestIsNull("cast('2020-05-06 24:59:59' as timestamp)", TYPE_TIMESTAMP);
TestIsNull("cast('10000-12-31' as timestamp)", TYPE_TIMESTAMP);
TestIsNull("cast('10000-12-31 23:59:59' as timestamp)", TYPE_TIMESTAMP);
TestIsNull("cast('2000-12-31 24:59:59' as timestamp)", TYPE_TIMESTAMP);
TestIsNull("year(NULL)", TYPE_INT);
TestIsNull("quarter(NULL)", TYPE_INT);
TestIsNull("month(NULL)", TYPE_INT);
TestIsNull("dayofmonth(NULL)", TYPE_INT);
TestIsNull("day(NULL)", TYPE_INT);
TestIsNull("dayofweek(NULL)", TYPE_INT);
TestIsNull("dayofyear(NULL)", TYPE_INT);
TestIsNull("weekofyear(NULL)", TYPE_INT);
TestIsNull("week(NULL)", TYPE_INT);
TestIsNull("datediff(NULL, cast('2011-12-22 09:10:11.12345678' as timestamp))",
TestIsNull("datediff(cast('2012-12-22' as timestamp), NULL)", TYPE_INT);
TestIsNull("datediff(NULL, NULL)", TYPE_INT);
TestIsNull("millisecond(NULL)", TYPE_INT);
TestStringValue("dayname(cast('2011-12-18 09:10:11.000000' as timestamp))", "Sunday");
TestStringValue("dayname(cast('2011-12-19 09:10:11.000000' as timestamp))", "Monday");
TestStringValue("dayname(cast('2011-12-20 09:10:11.000000' as timestamp))", "Tuesday");
TestStringValue("dayname(cast('2011-12-21 09:10:11.000000' as timestamp))",
TestStringValue("dayname(cast('2011-12-22 09:10:11.000000' as timestamp))",
TestStringValue("dayname(cast('2011-12-23 09:10:11.000000' as timestamp))", "Friday");
TestStringValue("dayname(cast('2011-12-24 09:10:11.000000' as timestamp))",
TestStringValue("dayname(cast('2011-12-25 09:10:11.000000' as timestamp))", "Sunday");
TestIsNull("dayname(NULL)", TYPE_STRING);
TestStringValue("monthname(cast('2011-01-18 09:10:11.000000' as timestamp))", "January");
TestStringValue("monthname(cast('2011-02-18 09:10:11.000000' as timestamp))", "February");
TestStringValue("monthname(cast('2011-03-18 09:10:11.000000' as timestamp))", "March");
TestStringValue("monthname(cast('2011-04-18 09:10:11.000000' as timestamp))", "April");
TestStringValue("monthname(cast('2011-05-18 09:10:11.000000' as timestamp))", "May");
TestStringValue("monthname(cast('2011-06-18 09:10:11.000000' as timestamp))", "June");
TestStringValue("monthname(cast('2011-07-18 09:10:11.000000' as timestamp))", "July");
TestStringValue("monthname(cast('2011-08-18 09:10:11.000000' as timestamp))", "August");
TestStringValue("monthname(cast('2011-09-18 09:10:11.000000' as timestamp))", "September");
TestStringValue("monthname(cast('2011-10-18 09:10:11.000000' as timestamp))", "October");
TestStringValue("monthname(cast('2011-11-18 09:10:11.000000' as timestamp))", "November");
TestStringValue("monthname(cast('2011-12-18 09:10:11.000000' as timestamp))", "December");
TestIsNull("monthname(NULL)", TYPE_STRING);
TestValue("quarter(cast('2011-01-18 09:10:11.000000' as timestamp))", TYPE_INT, 1);
TestValue("quarter(cast('2011-02-18 09:10:11.000000' as timestamp))", TYPE_INT, 1);
TestValue("quarter(cast('2011-03-18 09:10:11.000000' as timestamp))", TYPE_INT, 1);
TestValue("quarter(cast('2011-04-18 09:10:11.000000' as timestamp))", TYPE_INT, 2);
TestValue("quarter(cast('2011-05-18 09:10:11.000000' as timestamp))", TYPE_INT, 2);
TestValue("quarter(cast('2011-06-18 09:10:11.000000' as timestamp))", TYPE_INT, 2);
TestValue("quarter(cast('2011-07-18 09:10:11.000000' as timestamp))", TYPE_INT, 3);
TestValue("quarter(cast('2011-08-18 09:10:11.000000' as timestamp))", TYPE_INT, 3);
TestValue("quarter(cast('2011-09-18 09:10:11.000000' as timestamp))", TYPE_INT, 3);
TestValue("quarter(cast('2011-10-18 09:10:11.000000' as timestamp))", TYPE_INT, 4);
TestValue("quarter(cast('2011-11-18 09:10:11.000000' as timestamp))", TYPE_INT, 4);
TestValue("quarter(cast('2011-12-18 09:10:11.000000' as timestamp))", TYPE_INT, 4);
TestIsNull("quarter(NULL)", TYPE_INT);
// Tests from Hive
// The hive documentation states that timestamps are timezoneless, but the tests
// show that they treat them as being in the current timezone so these tests
// use the utc conversion to correct for that and get the same answers as
// are in the hive test output.
TestValue("cast(to_utc_timestamp(cast('2011-01-01 01:01:01' as timestamp), 'PST') "
"as boolean)", TYPE_BOOLEAN, true);
TestValue("cast(to_utc_timestamp(cast('2011-01-01 01:01:01' as timestamp), 'PST') "
"as tinyint)", TYPE_TINYINT, 77);
TestValue("cast(to_utc_timestamp(cast('2011-01-01 01:01:01' as timestamp), 'PST') "
"as smallint)", TYPE_SMALLINT, -4787);
TestValue("cast(to_utc_timestamp(cast('2011-01-01 01:01:01' as timestamp), 'PST') "
"as int)", TYPE_INT, 1293872461);
TestValue("cast(to_utc_timestamp(cast('2011-01-01 01:01:01' as timestamp), 'PST') "
"as bigint)", TYPE_BIGINT, 1293872461);
// We have some rounding errors going backend to front, so do it as a string.
TestStringValue("cast(cast (to_utc_timestamp(cast('2011-01-01 01:01:01' "
"as timestamp), 'PST') as float) as string)", "1.29387251e+09");
TestValue("cast(to_utc_timestamp(cast('2011-01-01 01:01:01' as timestamp), 'PST') "
"as double)", TYPE_DOUBLE, 1.293872461E9);
TestValue("cast(to_utc_timestamp(cast('2011-01-01 01:01:01.1' as timestamp), 'PST') "
"as double)", TYPE_DOUBLE, 1.2938724611E9);
TestValue("cast(to_utc_timestamp(cast('2011-01-01 01:01:01.0001' as timestamp), 'PST') "
"as double)", TYPE_DOUBLE, 1.2938724610001E9);
TestStringValue("cast(from_utc_timestamp(cast(1.3041352164485E9 as timestamp), 'PST') "
"as string)", "2011-04-29 20:46:56.448500000");
// NULL arguments.
TestIsNull("from_utc_timestamp(NULL, 'PST')", TYPE_TIMESTAMP);
TestIsNull("from_utc_timestamp(cast('2011-01-01 01:01:01.1' as timestamp), NULL)",
TestIsNull("from_utc_timestamp(NULL, NULL)", TYPE_TIMESTAMP);
// Tests from Hive. When casting from timestamp to numeric, timestamps are considered
// to be local values.
ScopedExecOption use_local(executor_.get(),
ScopedTimeZoneOverride time_zone("PST8PDT");
TestValue("cast(cast('2011-01-01 01:01:01' as timestamp) as boolean)", TYPE_BOOLEAN,
TestValue("cast(cast('2011-01-01 01:01:01' as timestamp) as tinyint)", TYPE_TINYINT,
TestValue("cast(cast('2011-01-01 01:01:01' as timestamp) as smallint)", TYPE_SMALLINT,
TestValue("cast(cast('2011-01-01 01:01:01' as timestamp) as int)", TYPE_INT,
TestValue("cast(cast('2011-01-01 01:01:01' as timestamp) as bigint)", TYPE_BIGINT,
// We have some rounding errors going backend to front, so do it as a string.
TestStringValue("cast(cast(cast('2011-01-01 01:01:01' as timestamp) as float)"
" as string)", "1.29387251e+09");
TestValue("cast(cast('2011-01-01 01:01:01' as timestamp) as double)", TYPE_DOUBLE,
TestValue("cast(cast('2011-01-01 01:01:01.1' as timestamp) as double)", TYPE_DOUBLE,
TestValue("cast(cast('2011-01-01 01:01:01.0001' as timestamp) as double)",
TYPE_DOUBLE, 1.2938724610001E9);
TestStringValue("cast(cast(1.3041352164485E9 as timestamp) as string)",
"2011-04-29 20:46:56.448500000");
// NULL arguments.
TestIsNull("from_utc_timestamp(NULL, 'PST')", TYPE_TIMESTAMP);
TestIsNull("from_utc_timestamp(cast('2011-01-01 01:01:01.1' as timestamp), NULL)",
TestIsNull("from_utc_timestamp(NULL, NULL)", TYPE_TIMESTAMP);
// Hive silently ignores bad timezones. We log a problem.
"cast('1970-01-01 00:00:00' as timestamp), 'FOOBAR') as string)",
"1970-01-01 00:00:00");
// These return NULL because timezone conversion makes the value out
// of range.
TestIsNull("to_utc_timestamp(CAST(\"1400-01-01 05:00:00\" as TIMESTAMP), \"AET\")",
TestIsNull("from_utc_timestamp(CAST(\"1400-01-01 05:00:00\" as TIMESTAMP), \"PST\")",
TestIsNull("from_utc_timestamp(CAST(\"9999-12-31 21:00:00\" as TIMESTAMP), \"JST\")",
TestIsNull("to_utc_timestamp(CAST(\"9999-12-31 21:00:00\" as TIMESTAMP), \"PST\")",
// With support of date strings this generates a date and 0 time.
TestStringValue("cast(cast('1999-01-10' as timestamp) as string)",
"1999-01-10 00:00:00");
// Test functions with unknown expected value.
TestValidTimestampValue("cast(unix_timestamp() as timestamp)");
// Test that the epoch is reasonable. The default behavior of UNIX_TIMESTAMP()
// is incorrect but wasn't changed for compatibility reasons. The function returns
// a value as though the current timezone is UTC. Or in other words, 1970-01-01
// in the current timezone is the effective epoch. A flag was introduced to enable
// the correct behavior. The first test below checks the default/incorrect behavior.
ScopedTimeZoneOverride time_zone(TEST_TZ_WITHOUT_DST);
time_t unix_start_time =
(posix_time::microsec_clock::local_time() - from_time_t(0)).total_seconds();
int64_t unix_timestamp_result = ConvertValue<int64_t>(GetValue("unix_timestamp()",
EXPECT_BETWEEN(unix_start_time, unix_timestamp_result, static_cast<int64_t>(
(posix_time::microsec_clock::local_time() - from_time_t(0)).total_seconds()));
// Check again with the flag enabled.
ScopedExecOption use_local(executor_.get(),
tm before = to_tm(posix_time::microsec_clock::local_time());
unix_start_time = mktime(&before);
unix_timestamp_result = ConvertValue<int64_t>(GetValue("unix_timestamp()",
tm after = to_tm(posix_time::microsec_clock::local_time());
EXPECT_BETWEEN(unix_start_time, unix_timestamp_result,
// Test that now() and current_timestamp() are reasonable.
ScopedTimeZoneOverride time_zone(TEST_TZ_WITHOUT_DST);
ScopedExecOption use_local(executor_.get(),
const Timezone& local_tz = time_zone.GetTimezone();
const TimestampValue start_time =
TimestampValue::FromUnixTimeMicros(UnixMicros(), &local_tz);
TimestampValue timestamp_result =
ConvertValue<TimestampValue>(GetValue("now()", ColumnType(TYPE_TIMESTAMP)));
EXPECT_BETWEEN(start_time, timestamp_result,
TimestampValue::FromUnixTimeMicros(UnixMicros(), &local_tz));
timestamp_result = ConvertValue<TimestampValue>(GetValue("current_timestamp()",
EXPECT_BETWEEN(start_time, timestamp_result,
TimestampValue::FromUnixTimeMicros(UnixMicros(), &local_tz));
// Test that utc_timestamp() is reasonable.
const TimestampValue utc_start_time =
TimestampValue timestamp_result = ConvertValue<TimestampValue>(
GetValue("utc_timestamp()", ColumnType(TYPE_TIMESTAMP)));
EXPECT_BETWEEN(utc_start_time, timestamp_result,
// Test cast(unix_timestamp() as timestamp).
ScopedTimeZoneOverride time_zone(TEST_TZ_WITHOUT_DST);
ScopedExecOption use_local(executor_.get(),
const Timezone& local_tz = time_zone.GetTimezone();
// UNIX_TIMESTAMP() has second precision so the comparison start time is shifted back
// a second to ensure an earlier value.
time_t unix_start_time =
(posix_time::microsec_clock::local_time() - from_time_t(0)).total_seconds();
TimestampValue timestamp_result = ConvertValue<TimestampValue>(GetValue(
"cast(unix_timestamp() as timestamp)", ColumnType(TYPE_TIMESTAMP)));
EXPECT_BETWEEN(TimestampValue::FromUnixTime(unix_start_time - 1, &local_tz),
TimestampValue::FromUnixTimeMicros(UnixMicros(), &local_tz));
// Test that UTC and local time represent the same point in time
ScopedTimeZoneOverride time_zone_override("PST8PDT");
const string stmt = "select now(), utc_timestamp()";
vector<FieldSchema> result_types;
Status status = executor_->Exec(stmt, &result_types);
EXPECT_TRUE(status.ok()) << "stmt: " << stmt << "\nerror: " << status.GetDetail();
DCHECK(result_types.size() == 2);
EXPECT_EQ(result_types[0].type, "timestamp")
<< "invalid type returned by now()";
EXPECT_EQ(result_types[1].type, "timestamp")
<< "invalid type returned by utc_timestamp()";
string result_row;
status = executor_->FetchResult(&result_row);
EXPECT_TRUE(status.ok()) << "stmt: " << stmt << "\nerror: " << status.GetDetail();
vector<string> result_cols;
boost::split(result_cols, result_row, boost::is_any_of("\t"));
// To ensure this fails if columns are not tab separated
DCHECK(result_cols.size() == 2);
const TimestampValue local_time = ConvertValue<TimestampValue>(result_cols[0]);
const TimestampValue utc_timestamp = ConvertValue<TimestampValue>(result_cols[1]);
TimestampValue utc_converted_to_local(utc_timestamp);
EXPECT_EQ(utc_converted_to_local, local_time);
// Test alias
TestValue("now() = current_timestamp()", TYPE_BOOLEAN, true);
// Test custom formats
TestValue("unix_timestamp('1970|01|01 00|00|00', 'yyyy|MM|dd HH|mm|ss')", TYPE_BIGINT,
TestValue("unix_timestamp('01,Jan,1970,00,00,00', 'dd,MMM,yyyy,HH,mm,ss')", TYPE_BIGINT,
// This time format is misleading because a trailing Z means UTC but a timestamp can
// have no time zone association. unix_timestamp() expects inputs to be in local time.
TestValue<int64_t>("unix_timestamp('1983-08-05T05:00:00.000Z', "
"'yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss.SSSZ')", TYPE_BIGINT, 428907600);
TestStringValue("from_unixtime(0, 'yyyy|MM|dd HH|mm|ss')", "1970|01|01 00|00|00");
TestStringValue("from_unixtime(0, 'dd,MMM,yyyy,HH,mm,ss')", "01,Jan,1970,00,00,00");
// Test invalid formats returns error
TestError("unix_timestamp('1970-01-01 00:00:00', 'yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss')");
TestError("unix_timestamp('1970-01-01 10:10:10', NULL)");
TestError("unix_timestamp(NULL, NULL)");
TestError("from_unixtime(0, NULL)");
TestError("from_unixtime(cast(0 as bigint), NULL)");
TestError("from_unixtime(NULL, NULL)");
TestError("to_timestamp('1970-01-01 00:00:00', NULL)");
TestError("to_timestamp(NULL, NULL)");
TestError("from_timestamp(cast('1970-01-01 00:00:00' as timestamp), NULL)");
TestError("from_timestamp(NULL, NULL)");
TestError("unix_timestamp('1970-01-01 00:00:00', ' ')");
TestError("unix_timestamp('1970-01-01 00:00:00', ' -===-')");
TestError("unix_timestamp('1970-01-01', '\"foo\"')");
TestError("from_unixtime(0, 'YY-MM-dd HH:mm:dd')");
TestError("from_unixtime(0, 'yyyy-MM-dd hh::dd')");
TestError("from_unixtime(cast(0 as bigint), 'YY-MM-dd HH:mm:dd')");
TestError("from_unixtime(cast(0 as bigint), 'yyyy-MM-dd hh::dd')");
TestError("from_unixtime(0, '')");
TestError("from_unixtime(0, NULL)");
TestError("from_unixtime(0, ' ')");
TestError("from_unixtime(0, ' -=++=- ')");
TestError("to_timestamp('1970-01-01 00:00:00', ' ')");
TestError("to_timestamp('1970-01-01 00:00:00', ' -===-')");
TestError("to_timestamp('1970-01-01', '\"foo\"')");
TestError("from_timestamp(cast('1970-01-01 00:00:00' as timestamp), ' ')");
TestError("from_timestamp(cast('1970-01-01 00:00:00' as timestamp), ' -===-')");
TestError("from_timestamp(cast('1970-01-01' as timestamp), '\"foo\"')");
TestError("to_timestamp('1970-01-01', 'YY-MM-dd HH:mm:dd')");
TestError("to_timestamp('1970-01-01', 'yyyy-MM-dd hh::dd')");
TestError("to_timestamp('1970-01-01', 'YY-MM-dd HH:mm:dd')");
TestError("to_timestamp('1970-01-01', 'yyyy-MM-dd hh::dd')");
TestError("to_timestamp('1970-01-01', '')");
TestError("to_timestamp('1970-01-01', NULL)");
TestError("to_timestamp('1970-01-01', ' ')");
TestError("to_timestamp('1970-01-01', ' -=++=- ')");
TestError("from_timestamp(cast('1970-01-01' as timestamp), 'YY-MM-dd HH:mm:dd')");
TestError("from_timestamp(cast('1970-01-01' as timestamp), 'yyyy-MM-dd hh::dd')");
TestError("from_timestamp(cast('1970-01-01' as timestamp), 'YY-MM-dd HH:mm:dd')");
TestError("from_timestamp(cast('1970-01-01' as timestamp), 'yyyy-MM-dd hh::dd')");
TestError("from_timestamp(cast('1970-01-01' as timestamp), '')");
TestError("from_timestamp(cast('1970-01-01' as timestamp), NULL)");
TestError("from_timestamp(cast('1970-01-01' as timestamp), ' ')");
TestError("from_timestamp(cast('1970-01-01' as timestamp), ' -=++=- ')");
// Valid format string, but invalid Timestamp, should return null;
TestIsNull("unix_timestamp('1970-01-01', 'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss')", TYPE_BIGINT);
TestIsNull("unix_timestamp('1970', 'yyyy-MM-dd')", TYPE_BIGINT);
TestIsNull("unix_timestamp('', 'yyyy-MM-dd')", TYPE_BIGINT);
TestIsNull("unix_timestamp('|1|1 00|00|00', 'yyyy|M|d HH|MM|ss')", TYPE_BIGINT);
TestIsNull("to_timestamp('1970-01-01', 'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss')", TYPE_TIMESTAMP);
TestIsNull("to_timestamp('1970', 'yyyy-MM-dd')", TYPE_TIMESTAMP);
TestIsNull("to_timestamp('', 'yyyy-MM-dd')", TYPE_TIMESTAMP);
TestIsNull("to_timestamp('|1|1 00|00|00', 'yyyy|M|d HH|MM|ss')", TYPE_TIMESTAMP);
TestIsNull("from_timestamp(cast('1970' as timestamp), 'yyyy-MM-dd')", TYPE_STRING);
TestIsNull("from_timestamp(cast('' as timestamp), 'yyyy-MM-dd')", TYPE_STRING);
TestIsNull("from_timestamp(cast('|1|1 00|00|00' as timestamp), 'yyyy|M|d HH|MM|ss')", TYPE_STRING);
TestIsNull("unix_timestamp('1970-01', 'yyyy-MM-dd')", TYPE_BIGINT);
TestIsNull("unix_timestamp('1970-20-01', 'yyyy-MM-dd')", TYPE_BIGINT);
// regression test for IMPALA-1105
TestIsNull("cast(trunc('2014-07-22 01:34:55 +0100', 'year') as STRING)", TYPE_STRING);
TestStringValue("cast(trunc(cast('2014-04-01' as timestamp), 'SYYYY') as string)",
"2014-01-01 00:00:00");
// note: no time value in string defaults to 00:00:00
TestStringValue("cast(trunc(cast('2014-01-01' as timestamp), 'MI') as string)",
"2014-01-01 00:00:00");
"cast(trunc(cast('2014-04-01 01:01:01' as timestamp), 'SYYYY') as string)",
"2014-01-01 00:00:00");
"cast(trunc(cast('2014-04-01 01:01:01' as timestamp), 'YYYY') as string)",
"2014-01-01 00:00:00");
"cast(trunc(cast('2014-04-01 01:01:01' as timestamp), 'YEAR') as string)",
"2014-01-01 00:00:00");
"cast(trunc(cast('2014-04-01 01:01:01' as timestamp), 'SYEAR') as string)",
"2014-01-01 00:00:00");
"cast(trunc(cast('2014-04-01 01:01:01' as timestamp), 'YYY') as string)",
"2014-01-01 00:00:00");
"cast(trunc(cast('2014-04-01 01:01:01' as timestamp), 'YY') as string)",
"2014-01-01 00:00:00");
"cast(trunc(cast('2014-04-01 01:01:01' as timestamp), 'Y') as string)",
"2014-01-01 00:00:00");
"cast(trunc(cast('2000-01-01 00:00:00' as timestamp), 'Y') as string)",
"2000-01-01 00:00:00");
"cast(trunc(cast('2000-01-01 00:00:00' as timestamp), 'Q') as string)",
"2000-01-01 00:00:00");
"cast(trunc(cast('2000-01-01 01:00:00' as timestamp), 'Q') as string)",
"2000-01-01 00:00:00");
"cast(trunc(cast('2000-02-01 01:00:00' as timestamp), 'Q') as string)",
"2000-01-01 00:00:00");
"cast(trunc(cast('2000-03-01 01:00:00' as timestamp), 'Q') as string)",
"2000-01-01 00:00:00");
"cast(trunc(cast('2000-04-01 01:00:00' as timestamp), 'Q') as string)",
"2000-04-01 00:00:00");
"cast(trunc(cast('2000-05-01 01:00:00' as timestamp), 'Q') as string)",
"2000-04-01 00:00:00");
"cast(trunc(cast('2000-06-01 01:00:00' as timestamp), 'Q') as string)",
"2000-04-01 00:00:00");
"cast(trunc(cast('2000-07-01 01:00:00' as timestamp), 'Q') as string)",
"2000-07-01 00:00:00");
"cast(trunc(cast('2000-08-01 01:00:00' as timestamp), 'Q') as string)",
"2000-07-01 00:00:00");
"cast(trunc(cast('2000-09-01 01:00:00' as timestamp), 'Q') as string)",
"2000-07-01 00:00:00");
"cast(trunc(cast('2000-10-01 01:00:00' as timestamp), 'Q') as string)",
"2000-10-01 00:00:00");
"cast(trunc(cast('2000-11-01 01:00:00' as timestamp), 'Q') as string)",
"2000-10-01 00:00:00");
"cast(trunc(cast('2000-12-01 01:00:00' as timestamp), 'Q') as string)",
"2000-10-01 00:00:00");
"cast(trunc(cast('2001-02-05 01:01:01' as timestamp), 'MONTH') as string)",
"2001-02-01 00:00:00");
"cast(trunc(cast('2001-02-05 01:01:01' as timestamp), 'MON') as string)",
"2001-02-01 00:00:00");
"cast(trunc(cast('2001-02-05 01:01:01' as timestamp), 'MM') as string)",
"2001-02-01 00:00:00");
"cast(trunc(cast('2001-02-05 01:01:01' as timestamp), 'RM') as string)",
"2001-02-01 00:00:00");
"cast(trunc(cast('2001-01-01 00:00:00' as timestamp), 'MM') as string)",
"2001-01-01 00:00:00");
"cast(trunc(cast('2001-12-29 00:00:00' as timestamp), 'MM') as string)",
"2001-12-01 00:00:00");
"cast(trunc(cast('2014-01-08 01:02:03' as timestamp), 'WW') as string)",
"2014-01-08 00:00:00");
"cast(trunc(cast('2014-01-07 00:00:00' as timestamp), 'WW') as string)",
"2014-01-01 00:00:00");
"cast(trunc(cast('2014-01-08 00:00:00' as timestamp), 'WW') as string)",
"2014-01-08 00:00:00");
"cast(trunc(cast('2014-01-09 00:00:00' as timestamp), 'WW') as string)",
"2014-01-08 00:00:00");
"cast(trunc(cast('2014-01-14 00:00:00' as timestamp), 'WW') as string)",
"2014-01-08 00:00:00");
"cast(trunc(cast('2014-01-08 01:02:03' as timestamp), 'W') as string)",
"2014-01-08 00:00:00");
"cast(trunc(cast('2014-01-07 00:00:00' as timestamp), 'W') as string)",
"2014-01-01 00:00:00");
"cast(trunc(cast('2014-01-08 00:00:00' as timestamp), 'W') as string)",
"2014-01-08 00:00:00");
"cast(trunc(cast('2014-01-09 00:00:00' as timestamp), 'W') as string)",
"2014-01-08 00:00:00");
"cast(trunc(cast('2014-01-14 00:00:00' as timestamp), 'W') as string)",
"2014-01-08 00:00:00");
"cast(trunc(cast('2014-02-01 01:02:03' as timestamp), 'W') as string)",
"2014-02-01 00:00:00");
"cast(trunc(cast('2014-02-02 00:00:00' as timestamp), 'W') as string)",
"2014-02-01 00:00:00");
"cast(trunc(cast('2014-02-03 00:00:00' as timestamp), 'W') as string)",
"2014-02-01 00:00:00");
"cast(trunc(cast('2014-02-07 00:00:00' as timestamp), 'W') as string)",
"2014-02-01 00:00:00");
"cast(trunc(cast('2014-02-08 00:00:00' as timestamp), 'W') as string)",
"2014-02-08 00:00:00");
"cast(trunc(cast('2014-02-24 00:00:00' as timestamp), 'W') as string)",
"2014-02-22 00:00:00");
"cast(trunc(cast('2014-01-08 01:02:03' as timestamp), 'DDD') as string)",
"2014-01-08 00:00:00");
"cast(trunc(cast('2014-01-08 01:02:03' as timestamp), 'DD') as string)",
"2014-01-08 00:00:00");
"cast(trunc(cast('2014-02-08 01:02:03' as timestamp), 'J') as string)",
"2014-02-08 00:00:00");
"cast(trunc(cast('2014-02-08 00:00:00' as timestamp), 'J') as string)",
"2014-02-08 00:00:00");
"cast(trunc(cast('2014-02-19 00:00:00' as timestamp), 'J') as string)",
"2014-02-19 00:00:00");
"cast(trunc(cast('2012-09-10 01:02:03' as timestamp), 'DAY') as string)",
"2012-09-10 00:00:00");
"cast(trunc(cast('2012-09-10 01:02:03' as timestamp), 'DY') as string)",
"2012-09-10 00:00:00");
"cast(trunc(cast('2012-09-10 01:02:03' as timestamp), 'D') as string)",
"2012-09-10 00:00:00");
"cast(trunc(cast('2012-09-11 01:02:03' as timestamp), 'D') as string)",
"2012-09-10 00:00:00");
"cast(trunc(cast('2012-09-12 01:02:03' as timestamp), 'D') as string)",
"2012-09-10 00:00:00");
"cast(trunc(cast('2012-09-16 01:02:03' as timestamp), 'D') as string)",
"2012-09-10 00:00:00");
"cast(trunc(cast('2012-09-10 07:02:03' as timestamp), 'HH') as string)",
"2012-09-10 07:00:00");
"cast(trunc(cast('2012-09-10 07:02:03' as timestamp), 'HH12') as string)",
"2012-09-10 07:00:00");
"cast(trunc(cast('2012-09-10 07:02:03' as timestamp), 'HH24') as string)",
"2012-09-10 07:00:00");
"cast(trunc(cast('2012-09-10 00:02:03' as timestamp), 'HH') as string)",
"2012-09-10 00:00:00");
"cast(trunc(cast('2012-09-10 23:02:03' as timestamp), 'HH') as string)",
"2012-09-10 23:00:00");
"cast(trunc(cast('2012-09-10 23:59:59' as timestamp), 'HH') as string)",
"2012-09-10 23:00:00");
"cast(trunc(cast('2012-09-10 07:02:03' as timestamp), 'MI') as string)",
"2012-09-10 07:02:00");
"cast(trunc(cast('2012-09-10 07:00:03' as timestamp), 'MI') as string)",
"2012-09-10 07:00:00");
"cast(trunc(cast('2012-09-10 07:00:00' as timestamp), 'MI') as string)",
"2012-09-10 07:00:00");
"cast(trunc(cast('2012-09-10 07:59:03' as timestamp), 'MI') as string)",
"2012-09-10 07:59:00");
"cast(trunc(cast('2012-09-10 07:59:59.123' as timestamp), 'MI') as string)",
"2012-09-10 07:59:00");
"cast(trunc(cast('2012-09-10 07:59:59' as timestamp), 'MIN') as string)");
"cast(trunc(cast('2012-09-10 07:59:59' as timestamp), 'XXYYZZ') as string)");
// Extract as a regular function
TestValue("extract(cast('2006-05-12 18:27:28.123456789' as timestamp), 'YEAR')",
TestValue("extract('2006-05-12 18:27:28.123456789', 'YEAR')", TYPE_BIGINT, 2006);
TestValue("extract(cast('2006-05-12 18:27:28.123456789' as timestamp), 'MoNTH')",
TestValue("extract(cast('2006-05-12 18:27:28.123456789' as timestamp), 'DaY')",
TestValue("extract(cast('2006-05-12 06:27:28.123456789' as timestamp), 'hour')",
TestValue("extract(cast('2006-05-12 18:27:28.123456789' as timestamp), 'MINUTE')",
TestValue("extract(cast('2006-05-12 18:27:28.123456789' as timestamp), 'SECOND')",
TestValue("extract(cast('2006-05-12 18:27:28.123456789' as timestamp), 'MILLISECOND')",
TYPE_BIGINT, 28123);
TestValue("extract(cast('2006-05-13 01:27:28.123456789' as timestamp), 'EPOCH')",
TYPE_BIGINT, 1147483648);
TestNonOkStatus("extract(cast('2006-05-13 01:27:28.123456789' as timestamp), 'foo')");
TestNonOkStatus("extract(cast('2006-05-13 01:27:28.123456789' as timestamp), NULL)");
TestIsNull("extract(NULL, 'EPOCH')", TYPE_BIGINT);
TestNonOkStatus("extract(NULL, NULL)");
// Extract using FROM keyword
TestValue("extract(YEAR from cast('2006-05-12 18:27:28.123456789' as timestamp))",
TestValue("extract(QUARTER from cast('2006-05-12 18:27:28.123456789' as timestamp))",
TestValue("extract(MoNTH from cast('2006-05-12 18:27:28.123456789' as timestamp))",
TestValue("extract(DaY from cast('2006-05-12 18:27:28.123456789' as timestamp))",
TestValue("extract(hour from cast('2006-05-12 06:27:28.123456789' as timestamp))",
TestValue("extract(MINUTE from cast('2006-05-12 18:27:28.123456789' as timestamp))",
TestValue("extract(SECOND from cast('2006-05-12 18:27:28.123456789' as timestamp))",
TestValue("extract(MILLISECOND from cast('2006-05-12 18:27:28.123456789' as timestamp))",
TYPE_BIGINT, 28123);
TestValue("extract(EPOCH from cast('2006-05-13 01:27:28.123456789' as timestamp))",
TYPE_BIGINT, 1147483648);
TestNonOkStatus("extract(foo from cast('2006-05-13 01:27:28.123456789' as timestamp))");
TestNonOkStatus("extract(NULL from cast('2006-05-13 01:27:28.123456789' as timestamp))");
TestIsNull("extract(EPOCH from NULL)", TYPE_BIGINT);
// Date_part, same as extract function but with arguments swapped
TestValue("date_part('YEAR', cast('2006-05-12 18:27:28.123456789' as timestamp))",
TestValue("date_part('QUARTER', cast('2006-05-12 18:27:28.123456789' as timestamp))",
TestValue("date_part('MoNTH', cast('2006-05-12 18:27:28.123456789' as timestamp))",
TestValue("date_part('DaY', cast('2006-05-12 18:27:28.123456789' as timestamp))",
TestValue("date_part('hour', cast('2006-05-12 06:27:28.123456789' as timestamp))",
TestValue("date_part('MINUTE', cast('2006-05-12 18:27:28.123456789' as timestamp))",
TestValue("date_part('SECOND', cast('2006-05-12 18:27:28.123456789' as timestamp))",
TestValue("date_part('MILLISECOND', cast('2006-05-12 18:27:28.123456789' as timestamp))",
TYPE_BIGINT, 28123);
TestValue("date_part('EPOCH', cast('2006-05-13 01:27:28.123456789' as timestamp))",
TYPE_BIGINT, 1147483648);
TestNonOkStatus("date_part('foo', cast('2006-05-13 01:27:28.123456789' as timestamp))");
TestNonOkStatus("date_part(NULL, cast('2006-05-13 01:27:28.123456789' as timestamp))");
TestIsNull("date_part('EPOCH', NULL)", TYPE_BIGINT);
TestNonOkStatus("date_part(NULL, NULL)");
// Test with timezone offset
TestStringValue("cast(cast('2012-01-01T09:10:11Z' as timestamp) as string)",
"2012-01-01 09:10:11");
TestStringValue("cast(cast('2012-01-01T09:10:11+01:30' as timestamp) as string)",
"2012-01-01 09:10:11");
TestStringValue("cast(cast('2012-01-01T09:10:11-01:30' as timestamp) as string)",
"2012-01-01 09:10:11");
TestStringValue("cast(cast('2012-01-01T09:10:11+0130' as timestamp) as string)",
"2012-01-01 09:10:11");
TestStringValue("cast(cast('2012-01-01T09:10:11-0130' as timestamp) as string)",
"2012-01-01 09:10:11");
TestStringValue("cast(cast('2012-01-01T09:10:11+01' as timestamp) as string)",
"2012-01-01 09:10:11");
TestStringValue("cast(cast('2012-01-01T09:10:11-01' as timestamp) as string)",
"2012-01-01 09:10:11");
"cast(cast('2012-01-01T09:10:11.12345+01:30' as timestamp) as string)",
"2012-01-01 09:10:11.123450000");
"cast(cast('2012-01-01T09:10:11.12345-01:30' as timestamp) as string)",
"2012-01-01 09:10:11.123450000");
TestValue("unix_timestamp('2038-01-19T03:14:08-0100')", TYPE_BIGINT, 2147483648);
TestValue("unix_timestamp('2038/01/19T03:14:08+01:00', 'yyyy/MM/ddTHH:mm:ss')",
TYPE_BIGINT, 2147483648);
TestValue("unix_timestamp('2038/01/19T03:14:08+01:00', 'yyyy/MM/ddTHH:mm:ss+hh:mm')",
TYPE_BIGINT, 2147480048);
TestError("unix_timestamp('1990-01-01+01:00', 'yyyy-MM-dd+hh:mm')");
TestError("unix_timestamp('1970-01-01 00:00:00+01:10', 'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss+hh:dd')");
TestStringValue("cast(trunc('2014-07-22T01:34:55+0100', 'year') as STRING)",
"2014-01-01 00:00:00");
// Test timezone offset format
TestStringValue("from_unixtime(unix_timestamp('2012-01-01 19:10:11+02:30', \
'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss+hh:mm'))", "2012-01-01 16:40:11");
TestStringValue("from_unixtime(unix_timestamp('2012-01-01 19:10:11-0630', \
'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss-hhmm'))", "2012-01-02 01:40:11");
TestStringValue("from_unixtime(unix_timestamp('2012-01-01 01:10:11+02', \
'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss+hh'))", "2011-12-31 23:10:11");
TestStringValue("from_unixtime(unix_timestamp('2012-12-31 11:10:11-1430', \
'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss+hhmm'))", "2013-01-01 01:40:11");
TestStringValue("from_unixtime(unix_timestamp('2012-01-01 11:10:11+1430', \
'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss+hhmm'))", "2011-12-31 20:40:11");
TestStringValue("from_unixtime(unix_timestamp('2012-02-28 11:10:11-1430', \
'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss+hhmm'))", "2012-02-29 01:40:11");
TestStringValue("from_unixtime(unix_timestamp('1970-01-01 00:00:00+05:00', \
'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss+hh:mm'))", "1969-12-31 19:00:00");
TestStringValue("from_unixtime(unix_timestamp('1400-01-01 19:00:00+1500', \
'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss+hhmm'))", "1400-01-01 04:00:00");
TestStringValue("from_unixtime(unix_timestamp('1400-01-01 02:00:00+0200', \
'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss+hhmm'))", "1400-01-01 00:00:00");
TestIsNull("from_unixtime(unix_timestamp('1400-01-01 00:00:00+0100', \
'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss+hhmm'))", TYPE_STRING);
TestIsNull("from_unixtime(unix_timestamp('1399-12-31 23:00:00+0500', \
'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss+hhmm'))", TYPE_STRING);
TestStringValue("from_unixtime(unix_timestamp('9999-12-31 01:00:00-05:00', \
'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss+hh:mm'))", "9999-12-31 06:00:00");
TestStringValue("from_unixtime(unix_timestamp('9999-12-31 22:59:59-01:00', \
'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss+hh:mm'))", "9999-12-31 23:59:59");
TestIsNull("from_unixtime(unix_timestamp('9999-12-31 22:59:00-01:01', \
'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss+hh:mm'))", TYPE_STRING);
TestIsNull("from_unixtime(unix_timestamp('9999-12-31 23:00:00-05:00', \
'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss+hh:mm'))", TYPE_STRING);
TestIsNull("from_unixtime(unix_timestamp('10000-01-01 02:00:00+02:00', \
'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss+hh:mm'))", TYPE_STRING);
TestIsNull("from_unixtime(unix_timestamp('2012-02-28 11:10:11', \
'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss+hhmm'))", TYPE_STRING);
TestIsNull("from_unixtime(unix_timestamp('2012-02-28 11:10:11-14', \
'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss+hhmm'))", TYPE_STRING);
TestIsNull("from_unixtime(unix_timestamp('2012-02-28 11:10:11*1430', \
'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss+hhmm'))", TYPE_STRING);
TestIsNull("from_unixtime(unix_timestamp('2012-02-28 11:10:11+1587', \
'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss+hhmm'))", TYPE_STRING);
TestIsNull("from_unixtime(unix_timestamp('2012-02-28 11:10:11+2530', \
'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss+hhmm'))", TYPE_STRING);
TestIsNull("from_unixtime(unix_timestamp('2012-02-28 11:10:11+1530', \
'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss+hh:mm'))", TYPE_STRING);
TestIsNull("from_unixtime(unix_timestamp('2012-02-28 11:10:11+2430', \
'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss+hhmm'))", TYPE_STRING);
TestIsNull("from_unixtime(unix_timestamp('2012-02-28 11:10:11+1560', \
'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss+hhmm'))", TYPE_STRING);
TestIsNull("from_unixtime(unix_timestamp('1400-01-01 00:00:00+1500', \
'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss+hhmm'))", TYPE_STRING);
TestStringValue("cast(to_timestamp('2012-01-01 19:10:11+02:30', \
'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss+hh:mm') as string)", "2012-01-01 16:40:11");
TestStringValue("cast(to_timestamp('2012-01-01 19:10:11-0630', \
'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss-hhmm') as string)", "2012-01-02 01:40:11");
TestStringValue("cast(to_timestamp('2012-01-01 01:10:11+02', \
'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss+hh') as string)", "2011-12-31 23:10:11");
TestStringValue("cast(to_timestamp('2012-12-31 11:10:11-1430', \
'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss+hhmm') as string)", "2013-01-01 01:40:11");
TestStringValue("cast(to_timestamp('2012-01-01 11:10:11+1430', \
'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss+hhmm') as string)", "2011-12-31 20:40:11");
TestStringValue("cast(to_timestamp('2012-02-28 11:10:11-1430', \
'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss+hhmm') as string)", "2012-02-29 01:40:11");
TestStringValue("cast(to_timestamp('1970-01-01 00:00:00+05:00', \
'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss+hh:mm') as string)", "1969-12-31 19:00:00");
TestStringValue("cast(to_timestamp('1400-01-01 19:00:00+1500', \
'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss+hhmm') as string)", "1400-01-01 04:00:00");
TestStringValue("cast(to_timestamp('1400-01-01 02:00:00+0200', \
'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss+hhmm') as string)", "1400-01-01 00:00:00");
TestError("from_unixtime(unix_timestamp('2012-02-28 11:10:11+0530', \
'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss+hhdd'))");
TestError("from_unixtime(unix_timestamp('2012-02-28+0530', 'yyyy-MM-dd+hhmm'))");
TestError("from_unixtime(unix_timestamp('10:00:00+0530 2010-01-01', \
'HH:mm:ss+hhmm yyyy-MM-dd'))");
TestError("to_timestamp('01:01:01', 'HH:mm:ss')");
TestError("to_timestamp('2012-02-28 11:10:11+0530', 'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss+hhdd')");
TestError("to_timestamp('2012-02-28+0530', 'yyyy-MM-dd+hhmm')");
TestError("to_timestamp('10:00:00+0530 2010-01-01', 'HH:mm:ss+hhmm yyyy-MM-dd')");
TestError("from_timestamp(cast('2012-02-28 11:10:11+0530' as timestamp), 'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss+hhdd')");
TestError("from_timestamp(cast('2012-02-28+0530' as timestamp), 'yyyy-MM-dd+hhmm')");
TestError("from_timestamp(cast('10:00:00+0530 2010-01-01' as timestamp), 'HH:mm:ss+hhmm yyyy-MM-dd')");
// Regression test for IMPALA-2732, can't parse custom date formats with non-zero-padded
// values
TestValue("unix_timestamp('12/2/2015', 'MM/d/yyyy')", TYPE_BIGINT, 1449014400);
TestIsNull("unix_timestamp('12/2/2015', 'MM/dd/yyyy')", TYPE_BIGINT);
TestValue("unix_timestamp('12/31/2015', 'MM/d/yyyy')", TYPE_BIGINT, 1451520000);
TestValue("unix_timestamp('12/31/2015', 'MM/dd/yyyy')", TYPE_BIGINT, 1451520000);
// next_day udf test for IMPALA-2459
// last_day udf test for IMPALA-5316
// Test microsecond unix time conversion functions.
TestValue("utc_to_unix_micros(\"1400-01-01 00:00:00\")", TYPE_BIGINT,
TestValue("utc_to_unix_micros(\"1970-01-01 00:00:00\")", TYPE_BIGINT,
TestValue("utc_to_unix_micros(\"9999-01-01 23:59:59.9999999\")", TYPE_BIGINT,
TestStringValue("cast(unix_micros_to_utc_timestamp(-17987443200000000) as string)",
"1400-01-01 00:00:00");
TestIsNull("unix_micros_to_utc_timestamp(-17987443200000001)", TYPE_TIMESTAMP);
TestStringValue("cast(unix_micros_to_utc_timestamp(253402300799999999) as string)",
"9999-12-31 23:59:59.999999000");
TestIsNull("unix_micros_to_utc_timestamp(253402300800000000)", TYPE_TIMESTAMP);
TEST_P(ExprTest, TruncForDateTest) {
// trunc(date, string unit)
// Truncate date to year
for (const string& unit: { "SYYYY", "YYYY", "YEAR", "SYEAR", "YYY", "YY", "Y" }) {
const string expr = "trunc(date'2014-04-01', '" + unit + "')";
TestDateValue(expr, DateValue(2014, 1, 1));
TestDateValue("trunc(date'2000-01-01', 'Y')", DateValue(2000, 1, 1));
// Truncate date to quarter
TestDateValue("trunc(date'2000-01-01', 'Q')", DateValue(2000, 1, 1));
TestDateValue("trunc(date'2000-02-01', 'Q')", DateValue(2000, 1, 1));
TestDateValue("trunc(date'2000-03-01', 'Q')", DateValue(2000, 1, 1));
TestDateValue("trunc(date'2000-04-01', 'Q')", DateValue(2000, 4, 1));
TestDateValue("trunc(date'2000-05-01', 'Q')", DateValue(2000, 4, 1));
TestDateValue("trunc(date'2000-06-01', 'Q')", DateValue(2000, 4, 1));
TestDateValue("trunc(date'2000-07-01', 'Q')", DateValue(2000, 7, 1));
TestDateValue("trunc(date'2000-08-01', 'Q')", DateValue(2000, 7, 1));
TestDateValue("trunc(date'2000-09-01', 'Q')", DateValue(2000, 7, 1));
TestDateValue("trunc(date'2000-10-01', 'Q')", DateValue(2000, 10, 1));
TestDateValue("trunc(date'2000-11-01', 'Q')", DateValue(2000, 10, 1));
TestDateValue("trunc(date'2000-12-01', 'Q')", DateValue(2000, 10, 1));
// Truncate date to month
for (const string& unit: { "MONTH", "MON", "MM", "RM" }) {
const string expr = "trunc(date'2001-02-05', '" + unit + "')";
TestDateValue(expr, DateValue(2001, 2, 1));
TestDateValue("trunc(date'2001-01-01', 'MM')", DateValue(2001, 1, 1));
TestDateValue("trunc(date'2001-12-29', 'MM')", DateValue(2001, 12, 1));
// Same day of the week as the first day of the year
TestDateValue("trunc(date'2014-01-07', 'WW')", DateValue(2014, 1, 1));
TestDateValue("trunc(date'2014-01-08', 'WW')", DateValue(2014, 1, 8));
TestDateValue("trunc(date'2014-01-09', 'WW')", DateValue(2014, 1, 8));
TestDateValue("trunc(date'2014-01-14', 'WW')", DateValue(2014, 1, 8));
// Same day of the week as the first day of the month
TestDateValue("trunc(date'2014-01-07', 'W')", DateValue(2014, 1, 1));
TestDateValue("trunc(date'2014-01-08', 'W')", DateValue(2014, 1, 8));
TestDateValue("trunc(date'2014-01-09', 'W')", DateValue(2014, 1, 8));
TestDateValue("trunc(date'2014-01-14', 'W')", DateValue(2014, 1, 8));
TestDateValue("trunc(date'2014-02-01', 'W')", DateValue(2014, 2, 1));
TestDateValue("trunc(date'2014-02-02', 'W')", DateValue(2014, 2, 1));
TestDateValue("trunc(date'2014-02-03', 'W')", DateValue(2014, 2, 1));
TestDateValue("trunc(date'2014-02-07', 'W')", DateValue(2014, 2, 1));
TestDateValue("trunc(date'2014-02-08', 'W')", DateValue(2014, 2, 8));
TestDateValue("trunc(date'2014-02-24', 'W')", DateValue(2014, 2, 22));
// Truncate to day, i.e. leave the date intact
for (const string& unit: { "DDD", "DD", "J" }) {
const string expr = "trunc(date'2014-01-08', '" + unit + "')";
TestDateValue(expr, DateValue(2014, 1, 8));
// Truncate date to starting day of the week
for (const string& unit: { "DAY", "DY", "D" }) {
const string expr = "trunc(date'2012-09-10', '" + unit + "')";
TestDateValue(expr, DateValue(2012, 9, 10));
TestDateValue("trunc(date'2012-09-11', 'D')", DateValue(2012, 9, 10));
TestDateValue("trunc(date'2012-09-12', 'D')", DateValue(2012, 9, 10));
TestDateValue("trunc(date'2012-09-16', 'D')", DateValue(2012, 9, 10));
// Test upper limit
TestDateValue("trunc(date'9999-12-31', 'YYYY')", DateValue(9999, 1, 1));
TestDateValue("trunc(date'9999-12-31', 'Q')", DateValue(9999, 10, 1));
TestDateValue("trunc(date'9999-12-31', 'MONTH')", DateValue(9999, 12, 1));
TestDateValue("trunc(date'9999-12-31', 'W')", DateValue(9999, 12, 29));
TestDateValue("trunc(date'9999-12-31', 'WW')", DateValue(9999, 12, 31));
TestDateValue("trunc(date'9999-12-31', 'DDD')", DateValue(9999, 12, 31));
TestDateValue("trunc(date'9999-12-31', 'DAY')", DateValue(9999, 12, 27));
// Test lower limit
TestDateValue("trunc(date'0001-01-01', 'YYYY')", DateValue(1, 1, 1));
TestDateValue("trunc(date'0001-01-01', 'Q')", DateValue(1, 1, 1));
TestDateValue("trunc(date'0001-03-31', 'Q')", DateValue(1, 1, 1));
TestDateValue("trunc(date'0001-01-01', 'MONTH')", DateValue(1, 1, 1));
// 0001-01-01 is Monday
TestDateValue("trunc(date'0001-01-01', 'W')", DateValue(1, 1, 1));
TestDateValue("trunc(date'0001-01-07', 'W')", DateValue(1, 1, 1));
TestDateValue("trunc(date'0001-01-08', 'W')", DateValue(1, 1, 8));
TestDateValue("trunc(date'0001-01-01', 'WW')", DateValue(1, 1, 1));
TestDateValue("trunc(date'0001-01-07', 'WW')", DateValue(1, 1, 1));
TestDateValue("trunc(date'0001-01-08', 'WW')", DateValue(1, 1, 8));
TestDateValue("trunc(date'0001-01-01', 'DAY')", DateValue(1, 1, 1));
TestDateValue("trunc(date'0001-01-07', 'DAY')", DateValue(1, 1, 1));
TestDateValue("trunc(date'0001-01-08', 'DAY')", DateValue(1, 1, 8));
// Truncating date to hour or minute returns an error
for (const string& unit: { "HH", "HH12", "HH24", "MI" }) {
const string expr = "trunc(date'2012-09-10', '" + unit + "')";
TestNonOkStatus(expr); // Unsupported Truncate Unit
// Invalid trunc unit
for (const string& unit: { "MIN", "XXYYZZ", "" }) {
const string expr = "trunc(date'2012-09-10', '" + unit + "')";
TestNonOkStatus(expr); // Invalid Truncate Unit
TestNonOkStatus("trunc(date'2012-09-10', NULL)"); // Invalid Truncate Unit
TestNonOkStatus("trunc(cast(NULL as date), NULL)"); // Invalid Truncate Unit
// Truncating NULL date returns NULL.
TestIsNull("trunc(cast(NULL as date), 'DDD')", TYPE_DATE);
TEST_P(ExprTest, DateTruncForDateTest) {
TestDateValue("date_trunc('MILLENNIUM', date '2016-05-08')", DateValue(2001, 1, 1));
TestDateValue("date_trunc('MILLENNIUM', date '3000-12-31')", DateValue(2001, 1, 1));
TestDateValue("date_trunc('MILLENNIUM', date '3001-01-01')", DateValue(3001, 1, 1));
TestDateValue("date_trunc('CENTURY', date '2016-05-08')", DateValue(2001, 1, 1));
TestDateValue("date_trunc('CENTURY', date '2116-05-08')", DateValue(2101, 1, 1));
TestDateValue("date_trunc('DECADE', date '2116-05-08')", DateValue(2110, 1, 1));
TestDateValue("date_trunc('YEAR', date '2016-05-08')", DateValue(2016, 1, 1));
TestDateValue("date_trunc('MONTH', date '2016-05-08')", DateValue(2016, 5, 1));
TestDateValue("date_trunc('WEEK', date '2116-05-08')", DateValue(2116, 5, 4));
TestDateValue("date_trunc('WEEK', date '2017-01-01')", DateValue(2016,12,26));
TestDateValue("date_trunc('WEEK', date '2017-01-02')", DateValue(2017, 1, 2));
TestDateValue("date_trunc('WEEK', date '2017-01-07')", DateValue(2017, 1, 2));
TestDateValue("date_trunc('WEEK', date '2017-01-08')", DateValue(2017, 1, 2));
TestDateValue("date_trunc('WEEK', date '2017-01-09')", DateValue(2017, 1, 9));
TestDateValue("date_trunc('DAY', date '1416-05-08')", DateValue(1416, 5, 8));
// Test upper limit
TestDateValue("date_trunc('MILLENNIUM', date '9999-12-31')", DateValue(9001, 1, 1));
TestDateValue("date_trunc('CENTURY', date '9999-12-31')", DateValue(9901, 1, 1));
TestDateValue("date_trunc('DECADE', date '9999-12-31')", DateValue(9990, 1, 1));
TestDateValue("date_trunc('YEAR', date '9999-12-31')", DateValue(9999, 1, 1));
TestDateValue("date_trunc('MONTH', date '9999-12-31')", DateValue(9999, 12, 1));
TestDateValue("date_trunc('WEEK', date '9999-12-31')", DateValue(9999, 12, 27));
TestDateValue("date_trunc('DAY', date '9999-12-31')", DateValue(9999, 12, 31));
// Test lower limit for millennium
TestDateValue("date_trunc('MILLENNIUM', date '1001-01-01')", DateValue(1001, 1, 1));
TestDateValue("date_trunc('MILLENNIUM', date '1000-01-01')", DateValue(1, 1, 1));
TestDateValue("date_trunc('MILLENNIUM', date '0001-01-01')", DateValue(1, 1, 1));
// Test lower limit for century
TestDateValue("date_trunc('CENTURY', date '0101-01-01')", DateValue(101, 1, 1));
TestDateValue("date_trunc('CENTURY', date '0100-01-01')", DateValue(1, 1, 1));
TestDateValue("date_trunc('CENTURY', date '0001-01-01')", DateValue(1, 1, 1));
// Test lower limit for decade
TestDateValue("date_trunc('DECADE', date '0011-01-01')", DateValue(10, 1, 1));
TestDateValue("date_trunc('DECADE', date '0010-01-01')", DateValue(10, 1, 1));
TestIsNull("date_trunc('DECADE', date '0001-01-01')", TYPE_DATE);
// Test lower limit for year, month, day
TestDateValue("date_trunc('YEAR', date '0001-01-01')", DateValue(1, 1, 1));
TestDateValue("date_trunc('MONTH', date '0001-01-01')", DateValue(1, 1, 1));
TestDateValue("date_trunc('DAY', date '0001-01-01')", DateValue(1, 1, 1));
// Test lower limit for week
TestDateValue("date_trunc('WEEK', date '0001-01-08')", DateValue(1, 1, 8));
TestDateValue("date_trunc('WEEK', date '0001-01-07')", DateValue(1, 1, 1));
TestDateValue("date_trunc('WEEK', date '0001-01-01')", DateValue(1, 1, 1));
// Test invalid input.
// Truncating date to hour or minute returns an error
for (const string& unit: { "HOUR", "MINUTE", "SECOND", "MILLISECONDS",
const string expr = "date_trunc('" + unit + "', date '2012-09-10')";
TestNonOkStatus(expr); // Unsupported Date Truncate Unit
// Invalid trunc unit
for (const string& unit: { "YEARR", "XXYYZZ", "" }) {
const string expr = "date_trunc('" + unit + "', date '2012-09-10')";
TestNonOkStatus(expr); // Invalid Date Truncate Unit
TestNonOkStatus("date_trunc(NULL, date '2012-09-10'"); // Invalid Date Truncate Unit
TestNonOkStatus("date_trunc(NULL, cast(NULL as date))"); // Invalid Date Truncate Unit
// Truncating NULL date returns NULL.
TestIsNull("date_trunc('DAY', cast(NULL as date))", TYPE_DATE);
TEST_P(ExprTest, ExtractAndDatePartForDateTest) {
// extract as a regular function
TestValue("extract(date '2006-05-12', 'YEAR')", TYPE_BIGINT, 2006);
TestValue("extract(date '2006-05-12', 'quarter')", TYPE_BIGINT, 2);
TestValue("extract(date '2006-05-12', 'MoNTH')", TYPE_BIGINT, 5);
TestValue("extract(date '2006-05-12', 'DaY')", TYPE_BIGINT, 12);
// extract using FROM keyword
TestValue("extract(year from date '2006-05-12')", TYPE_BIGINT, 2006);
TestValue("extract(QUARTER from date '2006-05-12')", TYPE_BIGINT, 2);
TestValue("extract(mOnTh from date '2006-05-12')", TYPE_BIGINT, 5);
TestValue("extract(dAy from date '2006-05-12')", TYPE_BIGINT, 12);
// Test upper limit
TestValue("extract(date '9999-12-31', 'YEAR')", TYPE_BIGINT, 9999);
TestValue("extract(quarter from date '9999-12-31')", TYPE_BIGINT, 4);
TestValue("extract(date '9999-12-31', 'month')", TYPE_BIGINT, 12);
TestValue("extract(DAY from date '9999-12-31')", TYPE_BIGINT, 31);
// Test lower limit
TestValue("extract(date '0001-01-01', 'YEAR')", TYPE_BIGINT, 1);
TestValue("extract(quarter from date '0001-01-01')", TYPE_BIGINT, 1);
TestValue("extract(date '0001-01-01', 'month')", TYPE_BIGINT, 1);
TestValue("extract(DAY from date '0001-01-01')", TYPE_BIGINT, 1);
// Time of day extract fields are not supported
for (const string& field: { "MINUTE", "SECOND", "MILLISECOND", "EPOCH" }) {
const string expr = "extract(date '2012-09-10', '" + field + "')";
TestNonOkStatus(expr); // Unsupported Extract Field
// Invalid extract fields
for (const string& field: { "foo", "SSECOND", "" }) {
const string expr = "extract(date '2012-09-10', '" + field + "')";
TestNonOkStatus(expr); // Invalid Extract Field
TestNonOkStatus("extract(date '2012-09-10', NULL)"); // Invalid Extract Field
TestNonOkStatus("extract(cast(NULL as date), NULL)"); // Invalid Extract Field
TestIsNull("extract(cast(NULL as date), 'YEAR')", TYPE_BIGINT);
TestIsNull("extract(YEAR from cast(NULL as date))", TYPE_BIGINT);
// date_part, same as extract function but with arguments swapped
TestValue("date_part('YEAR', date '2006-05-12')", TYPE_BIGINT, 2006);
TestValue("date_part('QuarTer', date '2006-05-12')", TYPE_BIGINT, 2);
TestValue("date_part('Month', date '2006-05-12')", TYPE_BIGINT, 5);
TestValue("date_part('Day', date '2006-05-12')", TYPE_BIGINT, 12);
// Test upper limit
TestValue("date_part('YEAR', date '9999-12-31')", TYPE_BIGINT, 9999);
TestValue("date_part('QUARTER', '9999-12-31')", TYPE_BIGINT, 4);
TestValue("date_part('month', date '9999-12-31')", TYPE_BIGINT, 12);
TestValue("date_part('DAY', date '9999-12-31')", TYPE_BIGINT, 31);
// Test lower limit
TestValue("date_part('year', date '0001-01-01')", TYPE_BIGINT, 1);
TestValue("date_part('quarter', date '0001-01-01')", TYPE_BIGINT, 1);
TestValue("date_part('MONTH', date '0001-01-01')", TYPE_BIGINT, 1);
TestValue("date_part('DAY', date '0001-01-01')", TYPE_BIGINT, 1);
// Time of day extract fields are not supported
for (const string& field: { "MINUTE", "SECOND", "MILLISECOND", "EPOCH" }) {
const string expr = "date_part('" + field + "', date '2012-09-10')";
// Unsupported Date Part Field
// Invalid extract fields
for (const string& field: { "foo", "SSECOND", "" }) {
const string expr = "date_part('" + field + "', date '2012-09-10')";
TestNonOkStatus(expr); // Invalid Date Part Field
TestNonOkStatus("date_part(MULL, date '2012-09-10')"); // Invalid Date Part Field
TestNonOkStatus("date_part(MULL, cast(NULL as date))"); // Invalid Date Part Field
TestIsNull("date_part('YEAR', cast(NULL as date))", TYPE_BIGINT);
TEST_P(ExprTest, DateFunctions) {
// year:
TestValue("year(date '2019-06-05')", TYPE_INT, 2019);
TestValue("year(date '9999-12-31')", TYPE_INT, 9999);
TestValue("year(date '0001-01-01')", TYPE_INT, 1);
TestIsNull("year(cast(NULL as date))", TYPE_INT);
// Test that the name-resolution algorithm picks up the TIMESTAMP-version of year() if
// year() is called with a STRING.
TestValue("year('2019-06-05')", TYPE_INT, 2019);
// 1399-12-31 is out of the valid TIMESTAMP range, year(TIMESTAMP) returns NULL.
TestIsNull("year('1399-12-31')", TYPE_INT);
// year(DATE) returns the correct result.
TestValue("year(DATE '1399-12-31')", TYPE_INT, 1399);
// Test that calling year(TIMESTAMP) with an invalid argument returns NULL.
TestIsNull("year('2019-02-29')", TYPE_INT);
// Test that calling year(DATE) with an invalid argument returns an error.
TestError("year(DATE '2019-02-29')");
// month:
TestValue("month(date '2019-06-05')", TYPE_INT, 6);
TestValue("month(date '9999-12-31')", TYPE_INT, 12);
TestValue("month(date '0001-01-01')", TYPE_INT, 1);
TestIsNull("month(cast(NULL as date))", TYPE_INT);
// monthname:
TestStringValue("monthname(date '2019-06-05')", "June");
TestStringValue("monthname(date '9999-12-31')", "December");
TestStringValue("monthname(date '0001-01-01')", "January");
TestIsNull("monthname(cast(NULL as date))", TYPE_STRING);
// day, dayofmonth:
TestValue("day(date '2019-06-05')", TYPE_INT, 5);
TestValue("day(date '9999-12-31')", TYPE_INT, 31);
TestValue("day(date '0001-01-01')", TYPE_INT, 1);
TestIsNull("day(cast(NULL as date))", TYPE_INT);
TestValue("dayofmonth(date '2019-06-07')", TYPE_INT, 7);
TestValue("dayofmonth(date '9999-12-31')", TYPE_INT, 31);
TestValue("dayofmonth(date '0001-01-01')", TYPE_INT, 1);
TestIsNull("dayofmonth(cast(NULL as date))", TYPE_INT);
// quarter:
TestValue("quarter(date '2019-01-01')", TYPE_INT, 1);
TestValue("quarter(date '2019-03-31')", TYPE_INT, 1);
TestValue("quarter(date '2019-04-01')", TYPE_INT, 2);
TestValue("quarter(date '2019-06-30')", TYPE_INT, 2);
TestValue("quarter(date '2019-07-01')", TYPE_INT, 3);
TestValue("quarter(date '2019-09-30')", TYPE_INT, 3);
TestValue("quarter(date '2019-10-01')", TYPE_INT, 4);
TestValue("quarter(date '2019-12-31')", TYPE_INT, 4);
TestValue("quarter(date '9999-12-31')", TYPE_INT, 4);
TestValue("quarter(date '0001-01-01')", TYPE_INT, 1);
TestIsNull("quarter(cast(NULL as date))", TYPE_INT);
// dayofweek:
TestValue("dayofweek(date '2019-06-05')", TYPE_INT, 4);
// 9999-12-31 is Friday.
TestValue("dayofweek(date '9999-12-31')", TYPE_INT, 6);
// 0001-01-01 is Monday.
TestValue("dayofweek(date '0001-01-01')", TYPE_INT, 2);
TestIsNull("dayofweek(cast(NULL as date))", TYPE_INT);
// dayname:
TestStringValue("dayname(date '2019-06-03')", "Monday");
TestStringValue("dayname(date '2019-06-04')", "Tuesday");
TestStringValue("dayname(date '2019-06-05')", "Wednesday");
TestStringValue("dayname(date '2019-06-06')", "Thursday");
TestStringValue("dayname(date '2019-06-07')", "Friday");
TestStringValue("dayname(date '2019-06-08')", "Saturday");
TestStringValue("dayname(date '2019-06-09')", "Sunday");
TestStringValue("dayname(date '9999-12-31')", "Friday");
TestStringValue("dayname(date '0001-01-01')", "Monday");
TestIsNull("dayname(cast(NULL as date))", TYPE_STRING);
// dayofyear:
TestValue("dayofyear(date '2019-01-01')", TYPE_INT, 1);
TestValue("dayofyear(date '2019-12-31')", TYPE_INT, 365);
TestValue("dayofyear(date '2019-06-05')", TYPE_INT, 31 + 28 + 31 + 30 + 31 + 5);
TestValue("dayofyear(date '2016-12-31')", TYPE_INT, 366);
TestValue("dayofyear(date '2016-06-05')", TYPE_INT, 31 + 29 + 31 + 30 + 31 + 5);
TestValue("dayofyear(date '9999-12-31')", TYPE_INT, 365);
TestValue("dayofyear(date '0001-01-01')", TYPE_INT, 1);
TestIsNull("dayofyear(cast(NULL as date))", TYPE_INT);
// week, weekofyear
// 2019-01-01 is Tuesday, it belongs to the first week of the year.
TestValue("weekofyear(date '2018-12-31')", TYPE_INT, 1);
TestValue("weekofyear(date '2019-01-01')", TYPE_INT, 1);
TestValue("weekofyear(date '2019-01-06')", TYPE_INT, 1);
TestValue("weekofyear(date '2019-01-07')", TYPE_INT, 2);
TestValue("weekofyear(date '2019-06-05')", TYPE_INT, 23);
TestValue("weekofyear(date '2019-12-23')", TYPE_INT, 52);
TestValue("weekofyear(date '2019-12-29')", TYPE_INT, 52);
TestValue("weekofyear(date '2019-12-30')", TYPE_INT, 1);
// Year 2015 has 53 weeks. 2015-12-31 is Thursday.
TestValue("weekofyear(date '2015-12-31')", TYPE_INT, 53);
TestValue("week(date '2018-12-31')", TYPE_INT, 1);
TestValue("week(date '2019-01-01')", TYPE_INT, 1);
TestValue("week(date '2019-01-06')", TYPE_INT, 1);
TestValue("week(date '2019-01-07')", TYPE_INT, 2);
TestValue("week(date '2019-06-05')", TYPE_INT, 23);
TestValue("week(date '2019-12-23')", TYPE_INT, 52);
TestValue("week(date '2019-12-29')", TYPE_INT, 52);
TestValue("week(date '2019-12-30')", TYPE_INT, 1);
TestValue("week(date '2015-12-31')", TYPE_INT, 53);
// 0001-01-01 is Monday. It belongs to the first week of the year.
TestValue("weekofyear(date '0001-01-01')", TYPE_INT, 1);
TestValue("week(date '0001-01-01')", TYPE_INT, 1);
// 9999-12-31 is Friday. It belongs to the last week of the year.
TestValue("weekofyear(date '9999-12-31')", TYPE_INT, 52);
TestValue("week(date '9999-12-31')", TYPE_INT, 52);
TestIsNull("weekofyear(cast(NULL as date))", TYPE_INT);
TestIsNull("week(cast(NULL as date))", TYPE_INT);
// next_day:
// 2019-06-05 is Wednesday.
TestDateValue("next_day(date '2019-06-05', 'monday')", DateValue(2019, 6, 10));
TestDateValue("next_day(date '2019-06-05', 'TUE')", DateValue(2019, 6, 11));
TestDateValue("next_day(date '2019-06-05', 'Wed')", DateValue(2019, 6, 12));
TestDateValue("next_day(date '2019-06-05', 'THursdaY')", DateValue(2019, 6, 6));
TestDateValue("next_day(date '2019-06-05', 'fRI')", DateValue(2019, 6, 7));
TestDateValue("next_day(date '2019-06-05', 'saturDAY')", DateValue(2019, 6, 8));
TestDateValue("next_day(date '2019-06-05', 'suN')", DateValue(2019, 6, 9));
// 0001-01-01 is Monday
TestDateValue("next_day(date '0001-01-01', 'MON')", DateValue(1, 1, 8));
TestDateValue("next_day(date '0001-01-01', 'sunday')", DateValue(1, 1, 7));
// 9999-12-31 is Friday
TestDateValue("next_day(date'9999-12-30', 'FRI')", DateValue(9999, 12, 31));
TestIsNull("next_day(date'9999-12-30', 'THU')", TYPE_DATE);
// Date is null
TestIsNull("next_day(cast(NULL as date), 'THU')", TYPE_DATE);
// Invalid day
for (const string day: { "", "S", "sa", "satu", "saturdayy" }) {
const string expr = "next_day(date '2019-06-05', '" + day + "')";
TestError("next_day(date '2019-06-05', NULL)");
TestError("next_day(cast(NULL as date), NULL)");
// last_day:
TestDateValue("last_day(date'2019-01-11')", DateValue(2019, 1, 31));
TestDateValue("last_day(date'2019-02-05')", DateValue(2019, 2, 28));
TestDateValue("last_day(date'2019-04-25')", DateValue(2019, 4, 30));
TestDateValue("last_day(date'2019-05-31')", DateValue(2019, 5, 31));
// 2016 is leap year
TestDateValue("last_day(date'2016-02-05')", DateValue(2016, 2, 29));
TestDateValue("last_day(date'0001-01-01')", DateValue(1, 1, 31));
TestDateValue("last_day(date'9999-12-31')", DateValue(9999, 12, 31));
TestIsNull("last_day(cast(NULL as date))", TYPE_DATE);
// years_add, years_sub:
TestDateValue("years_add(date '0125-05-24', 0)", DateValue(125, 5, 24));
TestDateValue("years_sub(date '0125-05-24', 0)", DateValue(125, 5, 24));
TestDateValue("years_add(date '0125-05-24', 125)", DateValue(250, 5, 24));
TestDateValue("years_add(date '0125-05-24', -124)", DateValue(1, 5, 24));
TestDateValue("years_sub(date '0125-05-24', 124)", DateValue(1, 5, 24));
// Test leap years.
TestDateValue("years_add(date '2000-02-29', 1)", DateValue(2001, 2, 28));
TestDateValue("years_add(date '2000-02-29', 4)", DateValue(2004, 2, 29));
TestDateValue("years_sub(date '2000-02-29', 1)", DateValue(1999, 2, 28));
TestDateValue("years_sub(date '2000-02-29', 4)", DateValue(1996, 2, 29));
// Test upper and lower limit
TestDateValue("years_add(date'0001-12-31', 9998)", DateValue(9999, 12, 31));
TestIsNull("years_add(date'0001-12-31', 9999)", TYPE_DATE);
TestDateValue("years_sub(date'9999-01-01', 9998)", DateValue(1, 1, 1));
TestIsNull("years_sub(date'9999-01-01', 9999)", TYPE_DATE);
// Test max int64
TestIsNull("years_add(date'0001-01-01', 2147483647)", TYPE_DATE);
TestIsNull("years_sub(date'9999-12-31', 2147483647)", TYPE_DATE);
// Test NULL values
TestIsNull("years_add(cast(NULL as date), 1)", TYPE_DATE);
TestIsNull("years_add(date '2019-01-01', NULL)", TYPE_DATE);
TestIsNull("years_add(cast(NULL as date), NULL)", TYPE_DATE);
// months_add, add_months, months_sub:
TestDateValue("months_add(date '0005-01-29', 0)", DateValue(5, 1, 29));
TestDateValue("months_sub(date '0005-01-29', 0)", DateValue(5, 1, 29));
TestDateValue("add_months(date '0005-01-29', -48)", DateValue(1, 1, 29));
TestDateValue("months_add(date '0005-01-29', -48)", DateValue(1, 1, 29));
TestDateValue("months_sub(date '0005-01-29', 48)", DateValue(1, 1, 29));
TestDateValue("add_months(date '9995-01-29', 59)", DateValue(9999, 12, 29));
TestDateValue("months_add(date '9995-01-29', 59)", DateValue(9999, 12, 29));
TestDateValue("months_sub(date '9995-01-29', -59)", DateValue(9999, 12, 29));
// If the input date falls on the last day of the month, the result will also always be
// the last day of the month.
TestDateValue("add_months(date '2000-02-29', 1)", DateValue(2000, 3, 31));
TestDateValue("add_months(date '1999-02-28', 12)", DateValue(2000, 2, 29));
TestDateValue("months_sub(date '2000-03-31', 1)", DateValue(2000, 2, 29));
TestDateValue("months_add(date '2000-03-31', -2)", DateValue(2000, 1, 31));
// Test upper and lower limit.
// 12 * 9998 == 119976
TestDateValue("months_add(date '0001-12-31', 119976)", DateValue(9999, 12, 31));
TestIsNull("months_add(date'0001-12-31', 119977)", TYPE_DATE);
TestDateValue("months_sub(date '9999-01-01', 119976)", DateValue(1, 1, 1));
TestIsNull("months_sub(date'9999-01-01', 119977)", TYPE_DATE);
// Test max int64
TestIsNull("months_add(date'0001-01-01', 2147483647)", TYPE_DATE);
TestIsNull("months_sub(date'9999-12-31', 2147483647)", TYPE_DATE);
// Test NULL values
TestIsNull("months_add(cast(NULL as date), 1)", TYPE_DATE);
TestIsNull("months_add(date '2019-01-01', NULL)", TYPE_DATE);
TestIsNull("months_add(cast(NULL as date), NULL)", TYPE_DATE);
// weeks_add, weeks_sub:
TestDateValue("weeks_add(date'2019-06-12', 0)", DateValue(2019, 6, 12));
TestDateValue("weeks_sub(date'2019-06-12', 0)", DateValue(2019, 6, 12));
TestDateValue("weeks_add(date'2019-06-12', 29)", DateValue(2020, 1, 1));
TestDateValue("weeks_add(date'2019-06-12', -24)", DateValue(2018, 12, 26));
TestDateValue("weeks_sub(date'2019-06-12', 24)", DateValue(2018, 12, 26));
// Test leap year
TestDateValue("weeks_add(date '2016-01-04', 8)", DateValue(2016, 2, 29));
// Test upper and ower limit. There are 3652058 days between 0001-01-01 and 9999-12-31.
// 3652058 days is 521722 weeks + 4 days.
TestDateValue("weeks_add(date'0001-01-01', 521722)", DateValue(9999, 12, 27));
TestIsNull("weeks_add(date'0001-01-01', 521723)", TYPE_DATE);
TestDateValue("weeks_sub(date'9999-12-31', 521722)", DateValue(1, 1, 5));
TestIsNull("weeks_sub(date'9999-12-31', 521723)", TYPE_DATE);
// Test max int64
TestIsNull("weeks_add(date'0001-01-01', 2147483647)", TYPE_DATE);
TestIsNull("weeks_sub(date'9999-12-31', 2147483647)", TYPE_DATE);
// Test NULL values
TestIsNull("weeks_sub(cast(NULL as date), 1)", TYPE_DATE);
TestIsNull("weeks_sub(date '2019-01-01', NULL)", TYPE_DATE);
TestIsNull("weeks_sub(cast(NULL as date), NULL)", TYPE_DATE);
// days_add, date_add, days_sub, date_sub, subdate:
TestDateValue("days_add(date'2019-06-12', 0)", DateValue(2019, 6, 12));
TestDateValue("days_sub(date'2019-06-12', 0)", DateValue(2019, 6, 12));
TestDateValue("date_add(date'2019-01-01', 365)", DateValue(2020, 1, 1));
TestDateValue("date_sub(date'2019-12-31', 365)", DateValue(2018, 12, 31));
// Test leap year
TestDateValue("date_add(date'2016-01-01', 366)", DateValue(2017, 1, 1));
TestDateValue("subdate(date'2016-12-31', 366)", DateValue(2015, 12, 31));
// Test upper and lower limit. There are 3652058 days between 0001-01-01 and 9999-12-31.
TestDateValue("days_add(date '0001-01-01', 3652058)", DateValue(9999, 12, 31));
TestIsNull("date_add(date '0001-01-01', 3652059)", TYPE_DATE);
TestDateValue("days_sub(date '9999-12-31', 3652058)", DateValue(1, 1, 1));
TestIsNull("date_sub(date '9999-12-31', 3652059)", TYPE_DATE);
// Test max int64
TestIsNull("days_add(date'0001-01-01', 2147483647)", TYPE_DATE);
TestIsNull("days_sub(date'9999-12-31', 2147483647)", TYPE_DATE);
// Test NULL values
TestIsNull("days_add(cast(NULL as date), 1)", TYPE_DATE);
TestIsNull("days_add(date '2019-01-01', NULL)", TYPE_DATE);
TestIsNull("days_add(cast(NULL as date), NULL)", TYPE_DATE);
// Interval expressions:
// Test year interval expressions.
TestDateValue("date_add(date '2000-02-29', interval 1 year)", DateValue(2001, 2, 28));
TestDateValue("date_add(date '2000-02-29', interval 4 year)", DateValue(2004, 2, 29));
TestDateValue("date_sub(date '2000-02-29', interval 1 year)", DateValue(1999, 2, 28));
TestDateValue("date_sub(date '2000-02-29', interval 4 year)", DateValue(1996, 2, 29));
TestDateValue("date '2000-02-29' + interval 1 year", DateValue(2001, 2, 28));
TestDateValue("date '2000-02-29' + interval 4 years", DateValue(2004, 2, 29));
TestDateValue("date '0001-12-31' + interval 9998 years", DateValue(9999, 12, 31));
TestIsNull("date '0001-12-31' + interval 9999 years", TYPE_DATE);
TestIsNull("date '0001-01-01' + interval 2147483647 years", TYPE_DATE);
// Test month interval expressions. Keep-last-day-of-month behavior is not enforced.
TestDateValue("date_add(date '2000-02-29', interval 1 month)", DateValue(2000, 3, 29));
TestDateValue("date_add(date '1999-02-28', interval 12 months)",
DateValue(2000, 2, 28));
TestDateValue("date_sub(date '2000-03-31', interval 1 month)", DateValue(2000, 2, 29));
TestDateValue("date_add(date '2000-03-31', interval -2 months)",
DateValue(2000, 1, 31));
TestDateValue("date '2000-02-29' + interval 1 month", DateValue(2000, 3, 29));
TestDateValue("date '2000-03-31' - interval 2 months", DateValue(2000, 1, 31));
TestDateValue("date '9999-01-01' - interval 119976 months", DateValue(1, 1, 1));
TestIsNull("date'9999-01-01' - interval 119977 months", TYPE_DATE);
TestIsNull("date'9999-12-31' - interval 2147483647 months", TYPE_DATE);
// Test week interval expressions.
TestDateValue("date_add(date'2019-06-12', interval -24 weeks)",
DateValue(2018, 12, 26));
TestDateValue("date_sub(date'2019-06-12', interval 24 weeks)", DateValue(2018, 12, 26));
TestDateValue("date_add(date '2016-01-04', interval 8 weeks)", DateValue(2016, 2, 29));
TestDateValue("date '2019-06-12' - interval 24 weeks", DateValue(2018, 12, 26));
TestDateValue("date '2018-12-26' + interval 24 weeks", DateValue(2019, 6, 12));
TestDateValue("date '9999-12-31' - interval 521722 weeks", DateValue(1, 1, 5));
TestIsNull("date '9999-12-31' - interval 521723 weeks", TYPE_DATE);
TestIsNull("date'9999-12-31' - interval 2147483647 weeks", TYPE_DATE);
// Test day interval expressions.
TestDateValue("date_add(date '2019-01-01', interval 365 days)", DateValue(2020, 1, 1));
TestDateValue("date_sub(date '2016-12-31', interval 366 days)",
DateValue(2015, 12, 31));
TestDateValue("date '0001-01-01' + interval 3652058 days", DateValue(9999, 12, 31));
TestIsNull("date '0001-01-01' + interval 3652059 days", TYPE_DATE);
TestIsNull("date '9999-12-31' - interval 2147483647 days", TYPE_DATE);
// Test NULL values.
TestIsNull("date_add(date '2019-01-01', interval cast(NULL as BIGINT) days)",
TestIsNull("date_add(cast(NULL as date), interval 1 days)", TYPE_DATE);
TestIsNull("date_add(cast(NULL as date), interval cast(NULL as BIGINT) days)",
TestIsNull("date '2019-01-01' - interval cast(NULL as BIGINT) days", TYPE_DATE);
TestIsNull("cast(NULL as date) - interval 1 days", TYPE_DATE);
TestIsNull("cast(NULL as date) - interval cast(NULL as BIGINT) days", TYPE_DATE);
// datediff:
TestValue("datediff(date'2019-05-12', date '2019-05-12')", TYPE_INT, 0);
TestValue("datediff(date'2020-01-01', '2019-01-01')", TYPE_INT, 365);
TestValue("datediff('2019-01-01', date '2020-01-01')", TYPE_INT, -365);
// Test leap year
TestValue("datediff(date'2021-01-01', date '2020-01-01')", TYPE_INT, 366);
TestValue("datediff('2020-01-01', date '2021-01-01')", TYPE_INT, -366);
// Test difference between min and max date
TestValue("datediff(date'9999-12-31', date '0001-01-01')", TYPE_INT, 3652058);
TestValue("datediff(date'0001-01-01', '9999-12-31')", TYPE_INT, -3652058);
// Test NULL values
TestIsNull("datediff(cast(NULL as DATE), date '0001-01-01')", TYPE_INT);
TestIsNull("datediff(date'9999-12-31', cast(NULL as date))", TYPE_INT);
TestIsNull("datediff(cast(NULL as DATE), cast(NULL as date))", TYPE_INT);
// date_cmp:
TestValue("date_cmp(date '2019-06-11', date '2019-06-11')", TYPE_INT, 0);
TestValue("date_cmp(date '2019-06-11', '2019-06-12')", TYPE_INT, -1);
TestValue("date_cmp('2019-06-12', date '2019-06-11')", TYPE_INT, 1);
// Test NULL values
TestIsNull("date_cmp(date '2019-06-12', cast(NULL as date))", TYPE_INT);
TestIsNull("date_cmp(cast(NULL as date), date '2019-06-11')", TYPE_INT);
TestIsNull("date_cmp(cast(NULL as DATE), cast(NULL as date))", TYPE_INT);
// Test upper and lower limit
TestValue("date_cmp(date '9999-12-31', '0001-01-01')", TYPE_INT, 1);
// int_months_between:
TestValue("int_months_between(date '1967-07-19','1966-06-04')", TYPE_INT, 13);
TestValue("int_months_between('1966-06-04', date'1967-07-19')", TYPE_INT, -13);
TestValue("int_months_between(date '1967-07-19','1967-07-19')", TYPE_INT, 0);
TestValue("int_months_between('2015-07-19', date '2015-08-18')", TYPE_INT, 0);
// Test lower and upper limit
TestValue("int_months_between(date '9999-12-31','0001-01-01')", TYPE_INT,
9998 * 12 + 11);
// Test NULL values
TestIsNull("int_months_between(date '1999-11-25', cast(NULL as date))", TYPE_INT);
TestIsNull("int_months_between(cast(NULL as DATE), date '1999-11-25')", TYPE_INT);
TestIsNull("int_months_between(cast(NULL as DATE), cast(NULL as date))", TYPE_INT);
// months_between:
TestValue("months_between(DATE '1967-07-19','1966-06-04')", TYPE_DOUBLE,
TestValue("months_between('1966-06-04', date'1967-07-19')",
TYPE_DOUBLE, -13.48387096774194);
TestValue("months_between(date'1967-07-19','1967-07-19')", TYPE_DOUBLE, 0);
TestValue("months_between(date'2015-02-28','2015-05-31')", TYPE_DOUBLE, -3);
TestValue("months_between(date'2012-02-29','2012-01-31')", TYPE_DOUBLE, 1);
// Test NULL values
TestIsNull("months_between(date '1999-11-25', cast(NULL as date))", TYPE_DOUBLE);
TestIsNull("months_between(cast(NULL as DATE), date '1999-11-25')", TYPE_DOUBLE);
TestIsNull("months_between(cast(NULL as DATE), cast(NULL as date))", TYPE_DOUBLE);
// current_date:
// Test that current_date() is reasonable.
ScopedTimeZoneOverride time_zone(TEST_TZ_WITHOUT_DST);
ScopedExecOption use_local(executor_.get(),
const Timezone& local_tz = time_zone.GetTimezone();
const boost::gregorian::date start_date =
TimestampValue::FromUnixTimeMicros(UnixMicros(), &local_tz).date();
DateValue current_dv =
ConvertValue<DateValue>(GetValue("current_date()", ColumnType(TYPE_DATE)));
const boost::gregorian::date end_date =
TimestampValue::FromUnixTimeMicros(UnixMicros(), &local_tz).date();
int year, month, day;
EXPECT_TRUE(current_dv.ToYearMonthDay(&year, &month, &day));
const boost::gregorian::date current_date(year, month, day);
EXPECT_BETWEEN(start_date, current_date, end_date);
TEST_P(ExprTest, ConditionalFunctions) {
// If first param evaluates to true, should return second parameter,
// false or NULL should return the third.
TestValue("if(TRUE, FALSE, TRUE)", TYPE_BOOLEAN, false);
TestValue("if(FALSE, FALSE, TRUE)", TYPE_BOOLEAN, true);
TestValue("if(TRUE, 10, 20)", TYPE_TINYINT, 10);
TestValue("if(FALSE, 10, 20)", TYPE_TINYINT, 20);
TestValue("if(TRUE, cast(5.5 as double), cast(8.8 as double))", TYPE_DOUBLE, 5.5);
TestValue("if(FALSE, cast(5.5 as double), cast(8.8 as double))", TYPE_DOUBLE, 8.8);
TestStringValue("if(TRUE, 'abc', 'defgh')", "abc");
TestStringValue("if(FALSE, 'abc', 'defgh')", "defgh");
TestStringValue("if(TRUE, cast('a' as binary), cast('b' as binary))", "a");
TestStringValue("if(FALSE, cast('a' as binary), cast('b' as binary))", "b");
TimestampValue then_val = TimestampValue::FromUnixTime(1293872461, UTCPTR);
TimestampValue else_val = TimestampValue::FromUnixTime(929387245, UTCPTR);
TestTimestampValue("if(TRUE, cast('2011-01-01 09:01:01' as timestamp), "
"cast('1999-06-14 19:07:25' as timestamp))", then_val);
TestTimestampValue("if(FALSE, cast('2011-01-01 09:01:01' as timestamp), "
"cast('1999-06-14 19:07:25' as timestamp))", else_val);
TestDateValue("if(TRUE, cast('2011-01-01' as date), cast('1999-06-14' as date))",
DateValue(2011, 1, 1));
TestDateValue("if(FALSE, cast('2011-01-01' as date), cast('1999-06-14' as date))",
DateValue(1999, 6, 14));
// Test nvl2(), which is rewritten to if() before analysis.
// Returns 2nd arg if 1st arg is not NULL, otherwise it returns 3rd arg.
// Output of nvl2(x,y,z) should be identical to one of if(x is not null,y,z).
TestValue("nvl2(now(), FALSE, TRUE)", TYPE_BOOLEAN, false);
TestValue("nvl2(NULL, FALSE, TRUE)", TYPE_BOOLEAN, true);
TestValue("nvl2(now(), 10, 20)", TYPE_TINYINT, 10);
TestValue("nvl2(NULL, 10, 20)", TYPE_TINYINT, 20);
TestValue("nvl2(TRUE, cast(5.5 as double), cast(8.8 as double))", TYPE_DOUBLE, 5.5);
TestValue("nvl2(NULL, cast(5.5 as double), cast(8.8 as double))", TYPE_DOUBLE, 8.8);
TestStringValue("nvl2('some string', 'abc', 'defgh')", "abc");
TestStringValue("nvl2(NULL, 'abc', 'defgh')", "defgh");
"nvl2(cast('' as binary), cast('a' as binary), cast('b' as binary))", "a");
TestStringValue("nvl2(NULL, cast('a' as binary), cast('b' as binary))", "b");
TimestampValue first_val = TimestampValue::FromUnixTime(1293872461, UTCPTR);
TimestampValue second_val = TimestampValue::FromUnixTime(929387245, UTCPTR);
TestTimestampValue("nvl2(FALSE, cast('2011-01-01 09:01:01' as timestamp), "
"cast('1999-06-14 19:07:25' as timestamp))", first_val);
TestTimestampValue("nvl2(NULL, cast('2011-01-01 09:01:01' as timestamp), "
"cast('1999-06-14 19:07:25' as timestamp))", second_val);
TestDateValue("nvl2(FALSE, cast('2011-01-01' as date), cast('1999-06-14' as date))",
DateValue(2011, 1, 1));
TestDateValue("nvl2(NULL, cast('2011-01-01' as date), cast('1999-06-14' as date))",
DateValue(1999, 6, 14));
// Test nullif(). Return NULL if lhs equals rhs, lhs otherwise.
TestIsNull("nullif(NULL, NULL)", TYPE_BOOLEAN);
TestIsNull("nullif(TRUE, TRUE)", TYPE_BOOLEAN);
TestValue("nullif(TRUE, FALSE)", TYPE_BOOLEAN, true);
TestIsNull("nullif(NULL, TRUE)", TYPE_BOOLEAN);
TestValue("nullif(TRUE, NULL)", TYPE_BOOLEAN, true);
TestIsNull("nullif(NULL, 10)", TYPE_TINYINT);
TestValue("nullif(10, NULL)", TYPE_TINYINT, 10);
TestIsNull("nullif(10, 10)", TYPE_TINYINT);
TestValue("nullif(10, 20)", TYPE_TINYINT, 10);
TestIsNull("nullif(cast(10.10 as double), cast(10.10 as double))", TYPE_DOUBLE);
TestValue("nullif(cast(10.10 as double), cast(20.20 as double))", TYPE_DOUBLE, 10.10);
TestIsNull("nullif(cast(NULL as double), 10.10)", TYPE_DOUBLE);
TestValue("nullif(cast(10.10 as double), NULL)", TYPE_DOUBLE, 10.10);
TestIsNull("nullif('abc', 'abc')", TYPE_STRING);
TestStringValue("nullif('abc', 'def')", "abc");
TestIsNull("nullif(NULL, 'abc')", TYPE_STRING);
TestStringValue("nullif('abc', NULL)", "abc");
TestIsNull("nullif(cast('a' as binary), cast('a' as binary))", TYPE_STRING);
TestStringValue("nullif(cast('a' as binary), cast('b' as binary))", "a");
TestIsNull("nullif(NULL, cast('a' as binary))", TYPE_STRING);
TestStringValue("nullif(cast('a' as binary), NULL)", "a");
TestIsNull("nullif(cast('2011-01-01 09:01:01' as timestamp), "
"cast('2011-01-01 09:01:01' as timestamp))", TYPE_TIMESTAMP);
TimestampValue testlhs = TimestampValue::FromUnixTime(1293872461, UTCPTR);
TestTimestampValue("nullif(cast('2011-01-01 09:01:01' as timestamp), "
"cast('1999-06-14 19:07:25' as timestamp))", testlhs);
TestIsNull("nullif(NULL, "
"cast('2011-01-01 09:01:01' as timestamp))", TYPE_TIMESTAMP);
TestTimestampValue("nullif(cast('2011-01-01 09:01:01' as timestamp), "
"NULL)", testlhs);
TestIsNull("nullif(NULL, cast('2011-01-01' as date))", TYPE_DATE);
TestDateValue("nullif(cast('2011-01-01' as date), NULL)", DateValue(2011, 1, 1));
// Test IsNull() function and its aliases on all applicable types and NULL.
string isnull_aliases[] = {"IsNull", "IfNull", "Nvl"};
for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
string& f = isnull_aliases[i];
TestValue(f + "(true, NULL)", TYPE_BOOLEAN, true);
TestValue(f + "(1, NULL)", TYPE_TINYINT, 1);
TestValue(f + "(cast(1 as smallint), NULL)", TYPE_SMALLINT, 1);
TestValue(f + "(cast(1 as int), NULL)", TYPE_INT, 1);
TestValue(f + "(cast(1 as bigint), NULL)", TYPE_BIGINT, 1);
TestValue(f + "(cast(10.0 as float), NULL)", TYPE_FLOAT, 10.0f);
TestValue(f + "(cast(10.0 as double), NULL)", TYPE_DOUBLE, 10.0);
TestStringValue(f + "('abc', NULL)", "abc");
TestTimestampValue(f + "(" + default_timestamp_str_ + ", NULL)",
TestDateValue(f + "(" + default_date_str_ + ", NULL)", default_date_val_);
// Test first argument is NULL.
TestValue(f + "(NULL, true)", TYPE_BOOLEAN, true);
TestValue(f + "(NULL, 1)", TYPE_TINYINT, 1);
TestValue(f + "(NULL, cast(1 as smallint))", TYPE_SMALLINT, 1);
TestValue(f + "(NULL, cast(1 as int))", TYPE_INT, 1);
TestValue(f + "(NULL, cast(1 as bigint))", TYPE_BIGINT, 1);
TestValue(f + "(NULL, cast(10.0 as float))", TYPE_FLOAT, 10.0f);
TestValue(f + "(NULL, cast(10.0 as double))", TYPE_DOUBLE, 10.0);
TestStringValue(f + "(NULL, 'abc')", "abc");
TestStringValue(f + "(NULL, cast('abc' as binary))", "abc");
TestTimestampValue(f + "(NULL, " + default_timestamp_str_ + ")",
TestDateValue(f + "(NULL, " + default_date_str_ + ")", default_date_val_);
// Test NULL. The return type is boolean to avoid a special NULL function signature.
TestIsNull(f + "(NULL, NULL)", TYPE_BOOLEAN);
TestIsNull("coalesce(NULL)", TYPE_BOOLEAN);
TestIsNull("coalesce(NULL, NULL)", TYPE_BOOLEAN);
TestValue("coalesce(TRUE)", TYPE_BOOLEAN, true);
TestValue("coalesce(NULL, TRUE, NULL)", TYPE_BOOLEAN, true);
TestValue("coalesce(FALSE, NULL, TRUE, NULL)", TYPE_BOOLEAN, false);
TestValue("coalesce(NULL, NULL, NULL, TRUE, NULL, NULL)", TYPE_BOOLEAN, true);
TestValue("coalesce(10)", TYPE_TINYINT, 10);
TestValue("coalesce(NULL, 10)", TYPE_TINYINT, 10);
TestValue("coalesce(10, NULL)", TYPE_TINYINT, 10);
TestValue("coalesce(NULL, 10, NULL)", TYPE_TINYINT, 10);
TestValue("coalesce(20, NULL, 10, NULL)", TYPE_TINYINT, 20);
TestValue("coalesce(20, NULL, cast(10 as smallint), NULL)", TYPE_SMALLINT, 20);
TestValue("coalesce(20, NULL, cast(10 as int), NULL)", TYPE_INT, 20);
TestValue("coalesce(20, NULL, cast(10 as bigint), NULL)", TYPE_BIGINT, 20);
TestValue("coalesce(cast(5.5 as float))", TYPE_FLOAT, 5.5f);
TestValue("coalesce(NULL, cast(5.5 as float))", TYPE_FLOAT, 5.5f);
TestValue("coalesce(cast(5.5 as float), NULL)", TYPE_FLOAT, 5.5f);
TestValue("coalesce(NULL, cast(5.5 as float), NULL)", TYPE_FLOAT, 5.5f);
TestValue("coalesce(cast(9.8 as float), NULL, cast(5.5 as float), NULL)",
TYPE_FLOAT, 9.8f);
TestValue("coalesce(cast(9.8 as double), NULL, cast(5.5 as double), NULL)",
TestStringValue("coalesce('abc')", "abc");
TestStringValue("coalesce(NULL, 'abc', NULL)", "abc");
TestStringValue("coalesce('defgh', NULL, 'abc', NULL)", "defgh");
TestStringValue("coalesce(NULL, NULL, NULL, 'abc', NULL, NULL)", "abc");
TestStringValue("coalesce(cast('a' as binary))", "a");
TestStringValue("coalesce(NULL, cast('a' as binary), NULL)", "a");
TestStringValue("coalesce(cast('a' as binary), NULL, cast('b' as binary), NULL)", "a");
TestStringValue("coalesce(NULL, NULL, NULL, cast('a' as binary), NULL, NULL)", "a");
TimestampValue ats = TimestampValue::FromUnixTime(1293872461, UTCPTR);
TimestampValue bts = TimestampValue::FromUnixTime(929387245, UTCPTR);
TestTimestampValue("coalesce(cast('2011-01-01 09:01:01' as timestamp))", ats);
TestTimestampValue("coalesce(NULL, cast('2011-01-01 09:01:01' as timestamp),"
"NULL)", ats);
TestTimestampValue("coalesce(cast('1999-06-14 19:07:25' as timestamp), NULL,"
"cast('2011-01-01 09:01:01' as timestamp), NULL)", bts);
TestTimestampValue("coalesce(NULL, NULL, NULL,"
"cast('2011-01-01 09:01:01' as timestamp), NULL, NULL)", ats);
TestDateValue("coalesce(cast('2011-01-01' as date))", DateValue(2011, 1, 1));
TestDateValue("coalesce(NULL, cast('2011-01-01' as date))", DateValue(2011, 1, 1));
TestDateValue("coalesce(cast('1999-06-14' as date), NULL)", DateValue(1999, 6, 14));
TestDateValue("coalesce(NULL, NULL, NULL, cast('2011-01-01' as date))",
DateValue(2011, 1, 1));
// Test logic of case expr using int types.
// The different types and casting are tested below.
TestValue("case when true then 1 end", TYPE_TINYINT, 1);
TestValue("case when false then 1 when true then 2 end", TYPE_TINYINT, 2);
TestValue("case when false then 1 when false then 2 when true then 3 end",
// Test else expr.
TestValue("case when false then 1 else 10 end", TYPE_TINYINT, 10);
TestValue("case when false then 1 when false then 2 else 10 end", TYPE_TINYINT, 10);
TestValue("case when false then 1 when false then 2 when false then 3 else 10 end",
TestIsNull("case when false then 1 end", TYPE_TINYINT);
// Test with case expr.
TestValue("case 21 when 21 then 1 end", TYPE_TINYINT, 1);
TestValue("case 21 when 20 then 1 when 21 then 2 end", TYPE_TINYINT, 2);
TestValue("case 21 when 20 then 1 when 19 then 2 when 21 then 3 end", TYPE_TINYINT, 3);
// Should skip when-exprs that are NULL
TestIsNull("case when NULL then 1 end", TYPE_TINYINT);
TestIsNull("case when NULL then 1 else NULL end", TYPE_TINYINT);
TestValue("case when NULL then 1 else 2 end", TYPE_TINYINT, 2);
TestValue("case when NULL then 1 when true then 2 else 3 end", TYPE_TINYINT, 2);
// Should return else expr, if case-expr is NULL.
TestIsNull("case NULL when 1 then 1 end", TYPE_TINYINT);
TestIsNull("case NULL when 1 then 1 else NULL end", TYPE_TINYINT);
TestValue("case NULL when 1 then 1 else 2 end", TYPE_TINYINT, 2);
TestValue("case 10 when NULL then 1 else 2 end", TYPE_TINYINT, 2);
TestValue("case 10 when NULL then 1 when 10 then 2 else 3 end", TYPE_TINYINT, 2);
TestValue("case 'abc' when NULL then 1 when NULL then 2 else 3 end", TYPE_TINYINT, 3);
// Not statically known that it will return NULL.
TestIsNull("case NULL when NULL then true end", TYPE_BOOLEAN);
TestIsNull("case NULL when NULL then true else NULL end", TYPE_BOOLEAN);
// Statically known that it will return NULL.
TestIsNull("case NULL when NULL then NULL end", TYPE_BOOLEAN);
TestIsNull("case NULL when NULL then NULL else NULL end", TYPE_BOOLEAN);
// Test all types in case/when exprs, without casts.
unordered_map<int, string>::iterator def_iter;
for(def_iter = default_type_strs_.begin(); def_iter != default_type_strs_.end();
++def_iter) {
TestValue("case " + def_iter->second + " when " + def_iter->second +
" then true else true end", TYPE_BOOLEAN, true);
// Test all int types in then and else exprs.
// Also tests implicit casting in all exprs.
IntValMap::iterator int_iter;
for (int_iter = min_int_values_.begin(); int_iter != min_int_values_.end();
++int_iter) {
PrimitiveType t = static_cast<PrimitiveType>(int_iter->first);
string& s = default_type_strs_[t];
TestValue("case when true then " + s + " end", t, int_iter->second);
TestValue("case when false then 1 else " + s + " end", t, int_iter->second);
TestValue("case when true then 1 else " + s + " end", t, 1);
TestValue("case 0 when " + s + " then true else false end", TYPE_BOOLEAN, false);
// Test for zeroifnull
// zeroifnull(NULL) returns 0, zeroifnull(non-null) returns the argument
TestValue("zeroifnull(NULL)", TYPE_TINYINT, 0);
TestValue("zeroifnull(cast (NULL as TINYINT))", TYPE_TINYINT, 0);
TestValue("zeroifnull(cast (5 as TINYINT))", TYPE_TINYINT, 5);
TestValue("zeroifnull(cast (NULL as SMALLINT))", TYPE_SMALLINT, 0);
TestValue("zeroifnull(cast (5 as SMALLINT))", TYPE_SMALLINT, 5);
TestValue("zeroifnull(cast (NULL as INT))", TYPE_INT, 0);
TestValue("zeroifnull(cast (5 as INT))", TYPE_INT, 5);
TestValue("zeroifnull(cast (NULL as BIGINT))", TYPE_BIGINT, 0);
TestValue("zeroifnull(cast (5 as BIGINT))", TYPE_BIGINT, 5);
TestValue<float>("zeroifnull(cast (NULL as FLOAT))", TYPE_FLOAT, 0.0f);
TestValue<float>("zeroifnull(cast (5 as FLOAT))", TYPE_FLOAT, 5.0f);
TestValue<double>("zeroifnull(cast (NULL as DOUBLE))", TYPE_DOUBLE, 0.0);
TestValue<double>("zeroifnull(cast (5 as DOUBLE))", TYPE_DOUBLE, 5.0);
// Test for NullIfZero
// Test that 0 converts to NULL and NULL remains NULL
TestIsNull("nullifzero(cast (0 as TINYINT))", TYPE_TINYINT);
TestIsNull("nullifzero(cast (NULL as TINYINT))", TYPE_TINYINT);
TestIsNull("nullifzero(cast (0 as SMALLINT))", TYPE_SMALLINT);
TestIsNull("nullifzero(cast (NULL as SMALLINT))", TYPE_SMALLINT);
TestIsNull("nullifzero(cast (0 as INT))", TYPE_INT);
TestIsNull("nullifzero(cast (NULL as INT))", TYPE_INT);
TestIsNull("nullifzero(cast (0 as BIGINT))", TYPE_BIGINT);
TestIsNull("nullifzero(cast (NULL as BIGINT))", TYPE_BIGINT);
TestIsNull("nullifzero(cast (0 as FLOAT))", TYPE_FLOAT);
TestIsNull("nullifzero(cast (NULL as FLOAT))", TYPE_FLOAT);
TestIsNull("nullifzero(cast (0 as DOUBLE))", TYPE_DOUBLE);
TestIsNull("nullifzero(cast (NULL as DOUBLE))", TYPE_DOUBLE);
// test that non-zero args are returned unchanged.
TestValue("nullifzero(cast (5 as TINYINT))", TYPE_TINYINT, 5);
TestValue("nullifzero(cast (5 as SMALLINT))", TYPE_SMALLINT, 5);
TestValue("nullifzero(cast (5 as INT))", TYPE_INT, 5);
TestValue("nullifzero(cast (5 as BIGINT))", TYPE_BIGINT, 5);
TestValue<float>("nullifzero(cast (5 as FLOAT))", TYPE_FLOAT, 5.0f);
TestValue<double>("nullifzero(cast (5 as DOUBLE))", TYPE_DOUBLE, 5.0);
// Test all float types in then and else exprs.
// Also tests implicit casting in all exprs.
// TODO: Something with our float literals is broken:
// 1.1 gets recognized as a DOUBLE, but numeric_limits<float>::max()) + 1.1 as a FLOAT.
#if 0
unordered_map<int, double>::iterator float_iter;
for (float_iter = min_float_values_.begin(); float_iter != min_float_values_.end();
++float_iter) {
PrimitiveType t = static_cast<PrimitiveType>(float_iter->first);
string& s = default_type_strs_[t];
TestValue("case when true then " + s + " end", t, float_iter->second);
TestValue("case when false then 1 else " + s + " end", t, float_iter->second);
TestValue("case when true then 1 else " + s + " end", t, 1.0);
TestValue("case 0 when " + s + " then true else false end", TYPE_BOOLEAN, false);
// Test all other types.
// We don't tests casts because these types don't allow casting up to them.
TestValue("case when true then " + default_bool_str_ + " end", TYPE_BOOLEAN,
TestValue("case when false then true else " + default_bool_str_ + " end", TYPE_BOOLEAN,
// String type.
TestStringValue("case when true then " + default_string_str_ + " end",
TestStringValue("case when false then '1' else " + default_string_str_ + " end",
// Timestamp type.
TestTimestampValue("case when true then " + default_timestamp_str_ + " end",
TestTimestampValue("case when false then cast('1999-06-14 19:07:25' as timestamp) "
"else " + default_timestamp_str_ + " end", default_timestamp_val_);
// Date type.
TestDateValue("case when true then " + default_date_str_ + " end", default_date_val_);
TestDateValue("case when false then cast('1999-06-14' as date) else " +
default_date_str_ + " end", default_date_val_);
// Test Decode. This function is internalized as a CaseExpr so no
// extra testing should be needed. To be safe, a sanity test will be done.
TestValue("decode(1, 2, 3, 4)", TYPE_TINYINT, 4);
// In Decode NULLs are equal
TestValue("decode(NULL + 1, NULL + 2, 3)", TYPE_TINYINT, 3);
TestValue("decode(NULL, NULL, 2)", TYPE_TINYINT, 2);
TestIsNull("decode(1, NULL, 2)", TYPE_TINYINT);
TestIsNull("decode(NULL, 1, 2)", TYPE_TINYINT);
TEST_P(ExprTest, ConditionalFunctionIsTrue) {
TestValue("istrue(cast(false as boolean))", TYPE_BOOLEAN, false);
TestValue("istrue(cast(true as boolean))", TYPE_BOOLEAN, true);
TestValue("istrue(cast(NULL as boolean))", TYPE_BOOLEAN, false);
TestValue("istrue(cast(0 as boolean))", TYPE_BOOLEAN, false);
TestValue("istrue(cast(5 as boolean))", TYPE_BOOLEAN, true);
TestValue("istrue(cast(-5 as boolean))", TYPE_BOOLEAN, true);
TestValue("istrue(cast(0.0 as boolean))", TYPE_BOOLEAN, false);
TestValue("istrue(cast(5.0 as boolean))", TYPE_BOOLEAN, true);
TestValue("istrue(cast(-5.0 as boolean))", TYPE_BOOLEAN, true);
TestError("istrue(cast('2012-01-01 09:10:11.123456789' as timestamp))");
TEST_P(ExprTest, ConditionalFunctionIsFalse) {
TestValue("isfalse(cast(false as boolean))", TYPE_BOOLEAN, true);
TestValue("isfalse(cast(true as boolean))", TYPE_BOOLEAN, false);
TestValue("isfalse(cast(NULL as boolean))", TYPE_BOOLEAN, false);
// The output of cast(0 as boolean) is false.
TestValue("isfalse(cast(0 as boolean))", TYPE_BOOLEAN, true);
TestValue("isfalse(cast(5 as boolean))", TYPE_BOOLEAN, false);
TestValue("isfalse(cast(-5 as boolean))", TYPE_BOOLEAN, false);
// The output of cast(0.0 as boolean) is false.
TestValue("isfalse(cast(0.0 as boolean))", TYPE_BOOLEAN, true);
TestValue("isfalse(cast(5.0 as boolean))", TYPE_BOOLEAN, false);
TestValue("isfalse(cast(-5.0 as boolean))", TYPE_BOOLEAN, false);
TestError("isfalse(cast('2012-01-01 09:10:11.123456789' as timestamp))");
TEST_P(ExprTest, ConditionalFunctionIsNotTrue) {
TestValue("isnottrue(cast(false as boolean))", TYPE_BOOLEAN, true);
TestValue("isnottrue(cast(true as boolean))", TYPE_BOOLEAN, false);
TestValue("isnottrue(cast(NULL as boolean))", TYPE_BOOLEAN, true);
// The output of cast(0 as boolean) is false.
TestValue("isnottrue(cast(0 as boolean))", TYPE_BOOLEAN, true);
TestValue("isnottrue(cast(5 as boolean))", TYPE_BOOLEAN, false);
TestValue("isnottrue(cast(-5 as boolean))", TYPE_BOOLEAN, false);
// The output of cast(0.0 as boolean) is false.
TestValue("isnottrue(cast(0.0 as boolean))", TYPE_BOOLEAN, true);
TestValue("isnottrue(cast(5.0 as boolean))", TYPE_BOOLEAN, false);
TestValue("isnottrue(cast(-5.0 as boolean))", TYPE_BOOLEAN, false);
TestError("isnottrue(cast('2012-01-01 09:10:11.123456789' as timestamp))");
TEST_P(ExprTest, ConditionalFunctionIsNotFalse) {
TestValue("isnotfalse(cast(false as boolean))", TYPE_BOOLEAN, false);
TestValue("isnotfalse(cast(true as boolean))", TYPE_BOOLEAN, true);
TestValue("isnotfalse(cast(NULL as boolean))", TYPE_BOOLEAN, true);
TestValue("isnotfalse(cast(0 as boolean))", TYPE_BOOLEAN, false);
TestValue("isnotfalse(cast(5 as boolean))", TYPE_BOOLEAN, true);
TestValue("isnotfalse(cast(-5 as boolean))", TYPE_BOOLEAN, true);
TestValue("isnotfalse(cast(0.0 as boolean))", TYPE_BOOLEAN, false);
TestValue("isnotfalse(cast(5.0 as boolean))", TYPE_BOOLEAN, true);
TestValue("isnotfalse(cast(-5.0 as boolean))", TYPE_BOOLEAN, true);
TestError("isnotfalse(cast('2012-01-01 09:10:11.123456789' as timestamp))");
// Validates that the constructor ScalarExprsResultsRowLayout() for 'exprs' is correct.
// - expected_byte_size: total byte size to store all results for exprs
// - expected_var_begin: byte offset where variable length types begin
// - expected_offsets: mapping of byte sizes to a set valid offsets
// exprs that have the same byte size can end up in a number of locations
void ValidateLayout(const vector<ScalarExpr*>& exprs, int expected_byte_size,
int expected_var_begin, const map<int, set<int>>& expected_offsets) {
set<int> offsets_found;
ScalarExprsResultsRowLayout row_layout(exprs);
EXPECT_EQ(expected_byte_size, row_layout.expr_values_bytes_per_row);
EXPECT_EQ(expected_var_begin, row_layout.var_results_begin_offset);
// Walk the computed offsets and make sure the resulting sets match expected_offsets
for (int i = 0; i < exprs.size(); ++i) {
int expr_byte_size = exprs[i]->type().GetByteSize();
map<int, set<int>>::const_iterator iter = expected_offsets.find(expr_byte_size);
EXPECT_TRUE(iter != expected_offsets.end());
const set<int>& possible_offsets = iter->second;
int computed_offset = row_layout.expr_values_offsets[i];
// The computed offset has to be one of the possible. Exprs types with the
// same size are not ordered wrt each other.
EXPECT_TRUE(possible_offsets.find(computed_offset) != possible_offsets.end());
// The offset should not have been found before
EXPECT_TRUE(offsets_found.find(computed_offset) == offsets_found.end());
TEST_P(ExprTest, ResultsLayoutTest) {
vector<ScalarExpr*> exprs;
map<int, set<int>> expected_offsets;
// Test empty exprs
ValidateLayout(exprs, 0, -1, expected_offsets);
// Test single Expr case
vector<ColumnType> types;
for (const ColumnType& t: types) {
// With one expr, all offsets should be 0.
expected_offsets[t.GetByteSize()] = set<int>({0});
if (t.type != TYPE_TIMESTAMP && t.type != TYPE_DATE) {
exprs.push_back(CreateLiteral(t, "0"));
} else {
exprs.push_back(CreateLiteral(t, "2016-11-09"));
if (t.IsVarLenStringType()) {
ValidateLayout(exprs, 12, 0, expected_offsets);
} else {
ValidateLayout(exprs, t.GetByteSize(), -1, expected_offsets);
int expected_byte_size = 0;
int expected_var_begin = 0;
// Test layout adding a bunch of exprs. Previously, this triggered padding.
// IMPALA-7367 removed the alignment requirement, hence the values are not padded.
// The expected result is computed along the way
exprs.push_back(CreateLiteral(TYPE_BOOLEAN, "0"));
exprs.push_back(CreateLiteral(TYPE_TINYINT, "0"));
exprs.push_back(CreateLiteral(ColumnType::CreateCharType(1), "0"));
expected_offsets[1].insert(expected_byte_size + 1);
expected_offsets[1].insert(expected_byte_size + 2);
expected_byte_size += 3 * 1;
exprs.push_back(CreateLiteral(TYPE_SMALLINT, "0"));
expected_byte_size += 2; // No padding before CHAR
exprs.push_back(CreateLiteral(ColumnType::CreateCharType(3), "0"));
expected_byte_size += 3;
exprs.push_back(CreateLiteral(TYPE_INT, "0"));
exprs.push_back(CreateLiteral(TYPE_FLOAT, "0"));
exprs.push_back(CreateLiteral(TYPE_FLOAT, "0"));
exprs.push_back(CreateLiteral(TYPE_DATE, "2018-11-10"));
exprs.push_back(CreateLiteral(TYPE_DATE, "2018-11-10"));
exprs.push_back(CreateLiteral(ColumnType::CreateDecimalType(9, 0), "0"));
expected_offsets[4].insert(expected_byte_size + 4);
expected_offsets[4].insert(expected_byte_size + 8);
expected_offsets[4].insert(expected_byte_size + 12);
expected_offsets[4].insert(expected_byte_size + 16);
expected_offsets[4].insert(expected_byte_size + 20);
expected_byte_size += 6 * 4;
exprs.push_back(CreateLiteral(TYPE_BIGINT, "0"));
exprs.push_back(CreateLiteral(TYPE_BIGINT, "0"));
exprs.push_back(CreateLiteral(TYPE_BIGINT, "0"));
exprs.push_back(CreateLiteral(TYPE_DOUBLE, "0"));
exprs.push_back(CreateLiteral(ColumnType::CreateDecimalType(18, 0), "0"));
expected_offsets[8].insert(expected_byte_size + 8);
expected_offsets[8].insert(expected_byte_size + 16);
expected_offsets[8].insert(expected_byte_size + 24);
expected_offsets[8].insert(expected_byte_size + 32);
expected_byte_size += 5 * 8;
exprs.push_back(CreateLiteral(TYPE_TIMESTAMP, "2016-11-09"));
exprs.push_back(CreateLiteral(TYPE_TIMESTAMP, "2016-11-09"));
exprs.push_back(CreateLiteral(ColumnType::CreateDecimalType(20, 0), "0"));
expected_offsets[16].insert(expected_byte_size + 16);
expected_offsets[16].insert(expected_byte_size + 32);
expected_byte_size += 3 * 16;
exprs.push_back(CreateLiteral(TYPE_STRING, "0"));
exprs.push_back(CreateLiteral(TYPE_STRING, "0"));
exprs.push_back(CreateLiteral(ColumnType::CreateVarcharType(1), "0"));
expected_offsets[0].insert(expected_byte_size + 12);
expected_offsets[0].insert(expected_byte_size + 24);
expected_var_begin = expected_byte_size;
expected_byte_size += 3 * 12;
// Validate computed layout
ValidateLayout(exprs, expected_byte_size, expected_var_begin, expected_offsets);
// Randomize the expr order and validate again. This is implemented by a
// sort when the layout is computed so it shouldn't be very sensitive to
// a particular order.
srand(0); // Seed rand to get repeatable results
for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i) {
std::random_shuffle(exprs.begin(), exprs.end());
ValidateLayout(exprs, expected_byte_size, expected_var_begin, expected_offsets);
// TODO: is there an easy way to templatize/parametrize these tests?
TEST_P(ExprTest, DecimalFunctions) {
TestValue("precision(cast (1 as decimal(10,2)))", TYPE_INT, 10);
TestValue("scale(cast(1 as decimal(10,2)))", TYPE_INT, 2);
TestValue("precision(1)", TYPE_INT, 3);
TestValue("precision(cast(1 as smallint))", TYPE_INT, 5);
TestValue("precision(cast(123 as bigint))", TYPE_INT, 19);
TestValue("precision(123.45)", TYPE_INT, 5);
TestValue("scale(123.45)", TYPE_INT, 2);
TestValue("precision(1 + 1)", TYPE_INT, 5);
TestValue("scale(1 + 1)", TYPE_INT, 0);
TestValue("precision(1 + 1)", TYPE_INT, 5);
TestValue("scale(cast(NULL as decimal(10, 2)))", TYPE_INT, 2);
// Test result scale/precision from round()/truncate()
TestValue("scale(round(123.456, 3))", TYPE_INT, 3);
TestValue("precision(round(cast(\"123.456\" as decimal(6, 3)), 3))", TYPE_INT, 6);
TestValue("scale(truncate(123.456, 1))", TYPE_INT, 1);
TestValue("precision(truncate(123.456, 1))", TYPE_INT, 4);
TestValue("scale(round(cast(\"123.456\" as decimal(6, 3)), -2))", TYPE_INT, 0);
TestValue("precision(round(123.456, -2))", TYPE_INT, 4);
TestValue("scale(truncate(123.456, 10))", TYPE_INT, 3);
TestValue("precision(truncate(cast(\"123.456\" as decimal(6, 3)), 10))", TYPE_INT, 6);
TestValue("scale(round(123.456, -10))", TYPE_INT, 0);
TestValue("precision(round(cast(\"123.456\" as decimal(6, 3)), -10))", TYPE_INT, 4);
// Abs()
TestDecimalValue("abs(cast('0' as decimal(2,0)))", Decimal4Value(0),
ColumnType::CreateDecimalType(2, 0));
TestDecimalValue("abs(cast('1.1' as decimal(2,1)))", Decimal4Value(11),
TestDecimalValue("abs(cast('-1.23' as decimal(5,2)))", Decimal4Value(123),
TestDecimalValue("abs(cast('0' as decimal(12,0)))", Decimal8Value(0),
ColumnType::CreateDecimalType(12, 0));
TestDecimalValue("abs(cast('1.1' as decimal(12,1)))", Decimal8Value(11),
TestDecimalValue("abs(cast('-1.23' as decimal(12,2)))", Decimal8Value(123),
TestDecimalValue("abs(cast('0' as decimal(32,0)))", Decimal16Value(0),
ColumnType::CreateDecimalType(32, 0));
TestDecimalValue("abs(cast('1.1' as decimal(32,1)))", Decimal8Value(11),
TestDecimalValue("abs(cast('-1.23' as decimal(32,2)))", Decimal8Value(123),
TestIsNull("abs(cast(NULL as decimal(2,0)))", ColumnType::CreateDecimalType(2,0));
// Tests take a while and at this point we've cycled through each type. No reason
// to keep testing the codegen path.
if (!disable_codegen_) return;
// IsNull()
TestDecimalValue("isnull(cast('0' as decimal(2,0)), NULL)", Decimal4Value(0),
ColumnType::CreateDecimalType(2, 0));
TestDecimalValue("isnull(cast('1.1' as decimal(18,1)), NULL)", Decimal8Value(11),
TestDecimalValue("isnull(cast('-1.23' as decimal(32,2)), NULL)", Decimal8Value(-123),
TestDecimalValue("isnull(NULL, cast('0' as decimal(2,0)))", Decimal4Value(0),
ColumnType::CreateDecimalType(2, 0));
TestDecimalValue("isnull(NULL, cast('1.1' as decimal(18,1)))", Decimal8Value(11),
TestDecimalValue("isnull(NULL, cast('-1.23' as decimal(32,2)))", Decimal8Value(-123),
TestIsNull("isnull(cast(NULL as decimal(2,0)), NULL)",
// NullIf()
TestDecimalValue("isnull(cast('0' as decimal(2,0)), NULL)", Decimal4Value(0),
ColumnType::CreateDecimalType(2, 0));
TestDecimalValue("isnull(cast('1.1' as decimal(18,1)), NULL)", Decimal8Value(11),
TestDecimalValue("isnull(cast('-1.23' as decimal(32,2)), NULL)", Decimal8Value(-123),
TestDecimalValue("isnull(NULL, cast('0' as decimal(2,0)))", Decimal4Value(0),
ColumnType::CreateDecimalType(2, 0));
TestDecimalValue("isnull(NULL, cast('1.1' as decimal(18,1)))", Decimal8Value(11),
TestDecimalValue("isnull(NULL, cast('-1.23' as decimal(32,2)))", Decimal8Value(-123),
TestIsNull("isnull(cast(NULL as decimal(2,0)), NULL)",
// NullIfZero()
TestDecimalValue("nullifzero(cast('10' as decimal(2,0)))", Decimal4Value(10),
ColumnType::CreateDecimalType(2, 0));
TestDecimalValue("nullifzero(cast('1.1' as decimal(18,1)))", Decimal8Value(11),
TestDecimalValue("nullifzero(cast('-1.23' as decimal(32,2)))", Decimal8Value(-123),
TestIsNull("nullifzero(cast('0' as decimal(2,0)))",
ColumnType::CreateDecimalType(2, 0));
TestIsNull("nullifzero(cast('0' as decimal(18,1)))",
TestIsNull("nullifzero(cast('0' as decimal(32,2)))",
// IfFn()
TestDecimalValue("if(TRUE, cast('0' as decimal(2,0)), NULL)", Decimal4Value(0),
ColumnType::CreateDecimalType(2, 0));
TestDecimalValue("if(TRUE, cast('1.1' as decimal(18,1)), NULL)", Decimal8Value(11),
TestDecimalValue("if(TRUE, cast('-1.23' as decimal(32,2)), NULL)", Decimal8Value(-123),
TestDecimalValue("if(FALSE, NULL, cast('0' as decimal(2,0)))", Decimal4Value(0),
ColumnType::CreateDecimalType(2, 0));
TestDecimalValue("if(FALSE, NULL, cast('1.1' as decimal(18,1)))", Decimal8Value(11),
TestDecimalValue("if(FALSE, NULL, cast('-1.23' as decimal(32,2)))", Decimal8Value(-123),
TestIsNull("if(TRUE, cast(NULL as decimal(32,2)), NULL)",
TestIsNull("if(FALSE, cast('-1.23' as decimal(32,2)), NULL)",
// ZeroIfNull()
TestDecimalValue("zeroifnull(cast('10' as decimal(2,0)))", Decimal4Value(10),
ColumnType::CreateDecimalType(2, 0));
TestDecimalValue("zeroifnull(cast('1.1' as decimal(18,1)))", Decimal8Value(11),
TestDecimalValue("zeroifnull(cast('-1.23' as decimal(32,2)))", Decimal8Value(-123),
TestDecimalValue("zeroifnull(cast(NULL as decimal(2,0)))", Decimal4Value(0),
ColumnType::CreateDecimalType(2, 0));
TestDecimalValue("zeroifnull(cast(NULL as decimal(18,1)))", Decimal8Value(0),
TestDecimalValue("zeroifnull(cast(NULL as decimal(32,2)))", Decimal16Value(0),
// Coalesce()
TestDecimalValue("coalesce(NULL, cast('0' as decimal(2,0)))", Decimal4Value(0),
ColumnType::CreateDecimalType(2, 0));
TestDecimalValue("coalesce(NULL, cast('0' as decimal(18,0)))", Decimal8Value(0),
ColumnType::CreateDecimalType(18, 0));
TestDecimalValue("coalesce(NULL, cast('1.1' as decimal(18,1)))", Decimal8Value(11),
TestDecimalValue("coalesce(NULL, cast('-1.23' as decimal(18,2)))", Decimal8Value(-123),
TestDecimalValue("coalesce(NULL, cast('0' as decimal(32,0)))", Decimal16Value(0),
ColumnType::CreateDecimalType(32, 0));
TestDecimalValue("coalesce(NULL, cast('1.1' as decimal(32,1)))", Decimal8Value(11),
TestDecimalValue("coalesce(NULL, cast('-1.23' as decimal(32,2)))", Decimal8Value(-123),
TestIsNull("coalesce(cast(NULL as decimal(2,0)), NULL)",
// Case
TestDecimalValue("CASE when true then cast('10' as decimal(2,0)) end",
Decimal4Value(10), ColumnType::CreateDecimalType(2, 0));
TestDecimalValue("CASE when true then cast('1.1' as decimal(18,1)) end",
Decimal8Value(11), ColumnType::CreateDecimalType(18,1));
TestDecimalValue("CASE when true then cast('-1.23' as decimal(32,2)) end",
Decimal8Value(-123), ColumnType::CreateDecimalType(32,2));
TestDecimalValue("CASE when false then NULL else cast('10' as decimal(2,0)) end",
Decimal4Value(10), ColumnType::CreateDecimalType(2, 0));
TestDecimalValue("CASE when false then NULL else cast('1.1' as decimal(18,1)) end",
Decimal8Value(11), ColumnType::CreateDecimalType(18,1));
TestDecimalValue("CASE when false then NULL else cast('-1.23' as decimal(32,2)) end",
Decimal8Value(-123), ColumnType::CreateDecimalType(32,2));
TestValue("CASE 1.1 when 1.1 then 1 when 2.22 then 2 else 3 end", TYPE_TINYINT, 1);
TestValue("CASE 2.22 when 1.1 then 1 when 2.22 then 2 else 3 end", TYPE_TINYINT, 2);
TestValue("CASE 2.21 when 1.1 then 1 when 2.22 then 2 else 3 end", TYPE_TINYINT, 3);
TestValue("CASE NULL when 1.1 then 1 when 2.22 then 2 else 3 end", TYPE_TINYINT, 3);
TestDecimalValue("CASE 2.21 when 1.1 then 1.1 when 2.21 then 2.2 else 3.3 end",
Decimal4Value(22), ColumnType::CreateDecimalType(2, 1));
// Positive()
TestDecimalValue("positive(cast('10' as decimal(2,0)))",
Decimal4Value(10), ColumnType::CreateDecimalType(2, 0));
TestDecimalValue("positive(cast('1.1' as decimal(18,1)))",
Decimal8Value(11), ColumnType::CreateDecimalType(18,1));
TestDecimalValue("positive(cast('-1.23' as decimal(32,2)))",
Decimal8Value(-123), ColumnType::CreateDecimalType(32,2));
TestIsNull("positive(cast(NULL as decimal(32,2)))",
// Negative()
TestDecimalValue("negative(cast('10' as decimal(2,0)))",
Decimal4Value(-10), ColumnType::CreateDecimalType(2, 0));
TestDecimalValue("negative(cast('1.1' as decimal(18,1)))",
Decimal8Value(-11), ColumnType::CreateDecimalType(18,1));
TestDecimalValue("negative(cast('-1.23' as decimal(32,2)))",
Decimal8Value(123), ColumnType::CreateDecimalType(32,2));
TestIsNull("negative(cast(NULL as decimal(32,2)))",
// TODO: Disabled due to IMPALA-1111.
// Least()
TestDecimalValue("least(cast('10' as decimal(2,0)), cast('-10' as decimal(2,0)))",
Decimal4Value(-10), ColumnType::CreateDecimalType(2, 0));
TestDecimalValue("least(cast('1.1' as decimal(18,1)), cast('-1.1' as decimal(18,1)))",
Decimal8Value(-11), ColumnType::CreateDecimalType(18,1));
TestDecimalValue("least(cast('-1.23' as decimal(32,2)), cast('1.23' as decimal(32,2)))",
Decimal8Value(-123), ColumnType::CreateDecimalType(32,2));
TestIsNull("least(cast(NULL as decimal(32,2)), cast('1.23' as decimal(32,2)))",
TestIsNull("least(cast('1.23' as decimal(32,2)), NULL)",
TestIsNull("least(cast(NULl as decimal(32,2)), NULL)",
// Greatest()
TestDecimalValue("greatest(cast('10' as decimal(2,0)), cast('-10' as decimal(2,0)))",
Decimal4Value(10), ColumnType::CreateDecimalType(2, 0));
"greatest(cast('1.1' as decimal(18,1)), cast('-1.1' as decimal(18,1)))",
Decimal8Value(11), ColumnType::CreateDecimalType(18,1));
"greatest(cast('-1.23' as decimal(32,2)), cast('1.23' as decimal(32,2)))",
Decimal8Value(123), ColumnType::CreateDecimalType(32,2));
TestIsNull("greatest(cast(NULL as decimal(32,2)), cast('1.23' as decimal(32,2)))",
TestIsNull("greatest(cast('1.23' as decimal(32,2)), NULL)",
TestIsNull("greatest(cast(NULl as decimal(32,2)), NULL)",
Decimal4Value dec4(10);
// DecimalFunctions::FnvHash hashes both the unscaled value and scale
uint64_t expected = HashUtil::FnvHash64(&dec4, 4, HashUtil::FNV_SEED);
TestValue("fnv_hash(cast('10' as decimal(2,0)))", TYPE_BIGINT, expected);
Decimal8Value dec8 = Decimal8Value(11);
expected = HashUtil::FnvHash64(&dec8, 8, HashUtil::FNV_SEED);
TestValue("fnv_hash(cast('1.1' as decimal(18,1)))", TYPE_BIGINT, expected);
Decimal16Value dec16 = Decimal16Value(-123);
expected = HashUtil::FnvHash64(&dec16, 16, HashUtil::FNV_SEED);
TestValue("fnv_hash(cast('-1.23' as decimal(32,2)))", TYPE_BIGINT, expected);
// In these tests we iterate through the underlying decimal types and alternate
// between positive and negative values.
// Ceil()
TestDecimalValue("ceil(cast('0' as decimal(6,5)))", Decimal4Value(0),
ColumnType::CreateDecimalType(2, 0));
TestDecimalValue("ceil(cast('3.14159' as decimal(6,5)))", Decimal4Value(4),
ColumnType::CreateDecimalType(2, 0));
TestDecimalValue("ceil(cast('-3.14159' as decimal(6,5)))", Decimal4Value(-3),
ColumnType::CreateDecimalType(2, 0));
TestDecimalValue("ceil(cast('3' as decimal(6,5)))", Decimal4Value(3),
ColumnType::CreateDecimalType(2, 0));
TestDecimalValue("ceil(cast('3.14159' as decimal(13,5)))", Decimal8Value(4),
ColumnType::CreateDecimalType(9, 0));
TestDecimalValue("ceil(cast('-3.14159' as decimal(13,5)))", Decimal8Value(-3),
ColumnType::CreateDecimalType(9, 0));
TestDecimalValue("ceil(cast('3' as decimal(13,5)))", Decimal8Value(3),
ColumnType::CreateDecimalType(9, 0));
TestDecimalValue("ceil(cast('3.14159' as decimal(33,5)))", Decimal16Value(4),
ColumnType::CreateDecimalType(29, 0));
TestDecimalValue("ceil(cast('-3.14159' as decimal(33,5)))", Decimal16Value(-3),
ColumnType::CreateDecimalType(29, 0));
TestDecimalValue("ceil(cast('3' as decimal(33,5)))", Decimal16Value(3),
ColumnType::CreateDecimalType(29, 0));
TestDecimalValue("ceil(cast('9.14159' as decimal(6,5)))", Decimal4Value(10),
ColumnType::CreateDecimalType(2, 0));
TestIsNull("ceil(cast(NULL as decimal(2,0)))", ColumnType::CreateDecimalType(2,0));
// Floor()
TestDecimalValue("floor(cast('3.14159' as decimal(6,5)))", Decimal4Value(3),
ColumnType::CreateDecimalType(2, 0));
TestDecimalValue("floor(cast('-3.14159' as decimal(6,5)))", Decimal4Value(-4),
ColumnType::CreateDecimalType(2, 0));
TestDecimalValue("floor(cast('3' as decimal(6,5)))", Decimal4Value(3),
ColumnType::CreateDecimalType(2, 0));
TestDecimalValue("floor(cast('3.14159' as decimal(13,5)))", Decimal8Value(3),
ColumnType::CreateDecimalType(9, 0));
TestDecimalValue("floor(cast('-3.14159' as decimal(13,5)))", Decimal8Value(-4),
ColumnType::CreateDecimalType(9, 0));
TestDecimalValue("floor(cast('3' as decimal(13,5)))", Decimal8Value(3),
ColumnType::CreateDecimalType(9, 0));
TestDecimalValue("floor(cast('3.14159' as decimal(33,5)))", Decimal16Value(3),
ColumnType::CreateDecimalType(29, 0));
TestDecimalValue("floor(cast('-3.14159' as decimal(33,5)))", Decimal16Value(-4),
ColumnType::CreateDecimalType(29, 0));
TestDecimalValue("floor(cast('3' as decimal(33,5)))", Decimal16Value(3),
ColumnType::CreateDecimalType(29, 0));
TestDecimalValue("floor(cast('-9.14159' as decimal(6,5)))", Decimal4Value(-10),
ColumnType::CreateDecimalType(2, 0));
TestIsNull("floor(cast(NULL as decimal(2,0)))", ColumnType::CreateDecimalType(2,0));
// Dfloor() alias
TestDecimalValue("dfloor(cast('3.14159' as decimal(6,5)))", Decimal4Value(3),
ColumnType::CreateDecimalType(2, 0));
// Round()
TestDecimalValue("round(cast('3.14159' as decimal(6,5)))", Decimal4Value(3),
ColumnType::CreateDecimalType(2, 0));
TestDecimalValue("round(cast('-3.14159' as decimal(6,5)))", Decimal4Value(-3),
ColumnType::CreateDecimalType(2, 0));
TestDecimalValue("round(cast('3' as decimal(6,5)))", Decimal4Value(3),
ColumnType::CreateDecimalType(2, 0));
TestDecimalValue("round(cast('3.14159' as decimal(13,5)))", Decimal8Value(3),
ColumnType::CreateDecimalType(9, 0));
TestDecimalValue("round(cast('-3.14159' as decimal(13,5)))", Decimal8Value(-3),
ColumnType::CreateDecimalType(9, 0));
TestDecimalValue("round(cast('3' as decimal(13,5)))", Decimal8Value(3),
ColumnType::CreateDecimalType(9, 0));
TestDecimalValue("round(cast('3.14159' as decimal(33,5)))", Decimal16Value(3),
ColumnType::CreateDecimalType(29, 0));
TestDecimalValue("round(cast('-3.14159' as decimal(33,5)))", Decimal16Value(-3),
ColumnType::CreateDecimalType(29, 0));
TestDecimalValue("round(cast('3' as decimal(33,5)))", Decimal16Value(3),
ColumnType::CreateDecimalType(29, 0));
TestDecimalValue("round(cast('9.54159' as decimal(6,5)))", Decimal4Value(10),
ColumnType::CreateDecimalType(2, 0));
TestDecimalValue("round(cast('-9.54159' as decimal(6,5)))", Decimal4Value(-10),
ColumnType::CreateDecimalType(2, 0));
TestIsNull("round(cast(NULL as decimal(2,0)))", ColumnType::CreateDecimalType(2,0));
// Truncate()
TestDecimalValue("truncate(cast('3.54159' as decimal(6,5)))", Decimal4Value(3),
ColumnType::CreateDecimalType(1, 0));
TestDecimalValue("truncate(cast('-3.54159' as decimal(6,5)))", Decimal4Value(-3),
ColumnType::CreateDecimalType(1, 0));
TestDecimalValue("truncate(cast('3' as decimal(6,5)))", Decimal4Value(3),
ColumnType::CreateDecimalType(1, 0));
TestDecimalValue("truncate(cast('3.54159' as decimal(13,5)))", Decimal8Value(3),
ColumnType::CreateDecimalType(8, 0));
TestDecimalValue("truncate(cast('-3.54159' as decimal(13,5)))", Decimal8Value(-3),
ColumnType::CreateDecimalType(8, 0));
TestDecimalValue("truncate(cast('3' as decimal(13,5)))", Decimal8Value(3),
ColumnType::CreateDecimalType(8, 0));
TestDecimalValue("truncate(cast('3.54159' as decimal(33,5)))", Decimal16Value(3),
ColumnType::CreateDecimalType(28, 0));
TestDecimalValue("truncate(cast('-3.54159' as decimal(33,5)))", Decimal16Value(-3),
ColumnType::CreateDecimalType(28, 0));
TestDecimalValue("truncate(cast('3' as decimal(33,5)))", Decimal16Value(3),
ColumnType::CreateDecimalType(28, 0));
TestDecimalValue("truncate(cast('9.54159' as decimal(6,5)))", Decimal4Value(9),
ColumnType::CreateDecimalType(1, 0));
TestIsNull("truncate(cast(NULL as decimal(2,0)))", ColumnType::CreateDecimalType(2,0));
// RoundTo()
TestIsNull("round(cast(NULL as decimal(2,0)), 1)", ColumnType::CreateDecimalType(2,0));
TestDecimalValue("round(cast('3.1615' as decimal(6,4)), 0)", Decimal4Value(3),
ColumnType::CreateDecimalType(3, 0));
TestDecimalValue("round(cast('-3.1615' as decimal(6,4)), 1)", Decimal4Value(-32),
ColumnType::CreateDecimalType(4, 1));
TestDecimalValue("round(cast('3.1615' as decimal(6,4)), 2)", Decimal4Value(316),
ColumnType::CreateDecimalType(5, 2));
TestDecimalValue("round(cast('3.1615' as decimal(6,4)), 3)", Decimal4Value(3162),
ColumnType::CreateDecimalType(6, 3));
TestDecimalValue("round(cast('-3.1615' as decimal(6,4)), 3)", Decimal4Value(-3162),
ColumnType::CreateDecimalType(6, 3));
TestDecimalValue("round(cast('3.1615' as decimal(6,4)), 4)", Decimal4Value(31615),
ColumnType::CreateDecimalType(6, 4));
TestDecimalValue("round(cast('-3.1615' as decimal(6,4)), 5)", Decimal4Value(-31615),
ColumnType::CreateDecimalType(6, 4));
TestDecimalValue("round(cast('175.0' as decimal(6,1)), 0)", Decimal4Value(175),
ColumnType::CreateDecimalType(6, 0));
TestDecimalValue("round(cast('-175.0' as decimal(6,1)), -1)", Decimal4Value(-180),
ColumnType::CreateDecimalType(6, 0));
TestDecimalValue("round(cast('175.0' as decimal(6,1)), -2)", Decimal4Value(200),
ColumnType::CreateDecimalType(6, 0));
TestDecimalValue("round(cast('-175.0' as decimal(6,1)), -3)", Decimal4Value(0),
ColumnType::CreateDecimalType(6, 0));
TestDecimalValue("round(cast('175.0' as decimal(6,1)), -4)", Decimal4Value(0),
ColumnType::CreateDecimalType(6, 0));
TestDecimalValue("round(cast('999.951' as decimal(6,3)), 1)", Decimal4Value(10000),
ColumnType::CreateDecimalType(5, 1));
TestDecimalValue("round(cast('-3.1615' as decimal(16,4)), 0)", Decimal8Value(-3),
ColumnType::CreateDecimalType(13, 0));
TestDecimalValue("round(cast('3.1615' as decimal(16,4)), 1)", Decimal8Value(32),
ColumnType::CreateDecimalType(14, 1));
TestDecimalValue("round(cast('-3.1615' as decimal(16,4)), 2)", Decimal8Value(-316),
ColumnType::CreateDecimalType(15, 2));
TestDecimalValue("round(cast('3.1615' as decimal(16,4)), 3)", Decimal8Value(3162),
ColumnType::CreateDecimalType(16, 3));
TestDecimalValue("round(cast('-3.1615' as decimal(16,4)), 3)", Decimal8Value(-3162),
ColumnType::CreateDecimalType(16, 3));
TestDecimalValue("round(cast('-3.1615' as decimal(16,4)), 4)", Decimal8Value(-31615),
ColumnType::CreateDecimalType(16, 4));
TestDecimalValue("round(cast('3.1615' as decimal(16,4)), 5)", Decimal8Value(31615),
ColumnType::CreateDecimalType(16, 4));
TestDecimalValue("round(cast('-999.951' as decimal(16,3)), 1)", Decimal8Value(-10000),
ColumnType::CreateDecimalType(15, 1));
TestDecimalValue("round(cast('-175.0' as decimal(15,1)), 0)", Decimal8Value(-175),
ColumnType::CreateDecimalType(15, 0));
TestDecimalValue("round(cast('175.0' as decimal(15,1)), -1)", Decimal8Value(180),
ColumnType::CreateDecimalType(15, 0));
TestDecimalValue("round(cast('-175.0' as decimal(15,1)), -2)", Decimal8Value(-200),
ColumnType::CreateDecimalType(15, 0));
TestDecimalValue("round(cast('175.0' as decimal(15,1)), -3)", Decimal8Value(0),
ColumnType::CreateDecimalType(15, 0));
TestDecimalValue("round(cast('-175.0' as decimal(15,1)), -4)", Decimal8Value(0),
ColumnType::CreateDecimalType(15, 0));
TestDecimalValue("round(cast('3.1615' as decimal(32,4)), 0)", Decimal16Value(3),
ColumnType::CreateDecimalType(29, 0));
TestDecimalValue("round(cast('-3.1615' as decimal(32,4)), 1)", Decimal16Value(-32),
ColumnType::CreateDecimalType(30, 1));
TestDecimalValue("round(cast('3.1615' as decimal(32,4)), 2)", Decimal16Value(316),
ColumnType::CreateDecimalType(31, 2));
TestDecimalValue("round(cast('3.1615' as decimal(32,4)), 3)", Decimal16Value(3162),
ColumnType::CreateDecimalType(32, 3));
TestDecimalValue("round(cast('-3.1615' as decimal(32,4)), 3)", Decimal16Value(-3162),
ColumnType::CreateDecimalType(32, 3));
TestDecimalValue("round(cast('3.1615' as decimal(32,4)), 4)", Decimal16Value(31615),
ColumnType::CreateDecimalType(32, 4));
TestDecimalValue("round(cast('-3.1615' as decimal(32,5)), 5)", Decimal16Value(-316150),
ColumnType::CreateDecimalType(32, 5));
TestDecimalValue("round(cast('-175.0' as decimal(35,1)), 0)", Decimal16Value(-175),
ColumnType::CreateDecimalType(35, 0));
TestDecimalValue("round(cast('175.0' as decimal(35,1)), -1)", Decimal16Value(180),
ColumnType::CreateDecimalType(35, 0));
TestDecimalValue("round(cast('-175.0' as decimal(35,1)), -2)", Decimal16Value(-200),
ColumnType::CreateDecimalType(35, 0));
TestDecimalValue("round(cast('175.0' as decimal(35,1)), -3)", Decimal16Value(0),
ColumnType::CreateDecimalType(35, 0));
TestDecimalValue("round(cast('-175.0' as decimal(35,1)), -4)", Decimal16Value(0),
ColumnType::CreateDecimalType(35, 0));
TestDecimalValue("round(cast('99999.9951' as decimal(35,4)), 2)",
Decimal16Value(10000000), ColumnType::CreateDecimalType(34, 2));
// Dround() alias
TestDecimalValue("dround(cast('3.14159' as decimal(6,5)))", Decimal4Value(3),
ColumnType::CreateDecimalType(2, 0));
TestDecimalValue("dround(cast('99999.9951' as decimal(35,4)), 2)",
Decimal16Value(10000000), ColumnType::CreateDecimalType(34, 2));
// TruncateTo()
TestIsNull("truncate(cast(NULL as decimal(2,0)), 1)",
TestDecimalValue("truncate(cast('-3.1615' as decimal(6,4)), 0)", Decimal4Value(-3),
ColumnType::CreateDecimalType(2, 0));
TestDecimalValue("truncate(cast('3.1615' as decimal(6,4)), 1)", Decimal4Value(31),
ColumnType::CreateDecimalType(3, 1));
TestDecimalValue("truncate(cast('-3.1615' as decimal(6,4)), 2)", Decimal4Value(-316),
ColumnType::CreateDecimalType(4, 2));
TestDecimalValue("truncate(cast('3.1615' as decimal(6,4)), 3)", Decimal4Value(3161),
ColumnType::CreateDecimalType(5, 3));
TestDecimalValue("truncate(cast('-3.1615' as decimal(6,4)), 4)", Decimal4Value(-31615),
ColumnType::CreateDecimalType(6, 4));
TestDecimalValue("truncate(cast('3.1615' as decimal(6,4)), 5)", Decimal4Value(31615),
ColumnType::CreateDecimalType(6, 4));
TestDecimalValue("truncate(cast('175.0' as decimal(6,1)), 0)", Decimal4Value(175),
ColumnType::CreateDecimalType(5, 0));
TestDecimalValue("truncate(cast('-175.0' as decimal(6,1)), -1)", Decimal4Value(-170),
ColumnType::CreateDecimalType(5, 0));
TestDecimalValue("truncate(cast('175.0' as decimal(6,1)), -2)", Decimal4Value(100),
ColumnType::CreateDecimalType(5, 0));
TestDecimalValue("truncate(cast('-175.0' as decimal(6,1)), -3)", Decimal4Value(0),
ColumnType::CreateDecimalType(5, 0));
TestDecimalValue("truncate(cast('175.0' as decimal(6,1)), -4)", Decimal4Value(0),
ColumnType::CreateDecimalType(5, 0));
TestDecimalValue("truncate(cast('-3.1615' as decimal(16,4)), 0)", Decimal8Value(-3),
ColumnType::CreateDecimalType(12, 0));
TestDecimalValue("truncate(cast('3.1615' as decimal(16,4)), 1)", Decimal8Value(31),
ColumnType::CreateDecimalType(13, 1));
TestDecimalValue("truncate(cast('-3.1615' as decimal(16,4)), 2)", Decimal8Value(-316),
ColumnType::CreateDecimalType(14, 2));
TestDecimalValue("truncate(cast('3.1615' as decimal(16,4)), 3)", Decimal8Value(3161),
ColumnType::CreateDecimalType(15, 3));
TestDecimalValue("truncate(cast('3.1615' as decimal(16,4)), 4)",
Decimal8Value(31615), ColumnType::CreateDecimalType(16, 4));
TestDecimalValue("truncate(cast('-3.1615' as decimal(16,4)), 5)",
Decimal8Value(-31615), ColumnType::CreateDecimalType(16, 4));
TestDecimalValue("truncate(cast('-175.0' as decimal(15,1)), 0)", Decimal8Value(-175),
ColumnType::CreateDecimalType(14, 0));
TestDecimalValue("truncate(cast('175.0' as decimal(15,1)), -1)", Decimal8Value(170),
ColumnType::CreateDecimalType(14, 0));
TestDecimalValue("truncate(cast('-175.0' as decimal(15,1)), -2)", Decimal8Value(-100),
ColumnType::CreateDecimalType(14, 0));
TestDecimalValue("truncate(cast('175.0' as decimal(15,1)), -3)", Decimal8Value(0),
ColumnType::CreateDecimalType(14, 0));
TestDecimalValue("truncate(cast('-175.0' as decimal(15,1)), -4)", Decimal8Value(0),
ColumnType::CreateDecimalType(14, 0));
TestDecimalValue("truncate(cast('-3.1615' as decimal(32,4)), 0)",
Decimal16Value(-3), ColumnType::CreateDecimalType(28, 0));
TestDecimalValue("truncate(cast('3.1615' as decimal(32,4)), 1)",
Decimal16Value(31), ColumnType::CreateDecimalType(29, 1));
TestDecimalValue("truncate(cast('-3.1615' as decimal(32,4)), 2)",
Decimal16Value(-316), ColumnType::CreateDecimalType(30, 2));
TestDecimalValue("truncate(cast('3.1615' as decimal(32,4)), 3)",
Decimal16Value(3161), ColumnType::CreateDecimalType(31, 3));
TestDecimalValue("truncate(cast('-3.1615' as decimal(32,4)), 4)",
Decimal16Value(-31615), ColumnType::CreateDecimalType(32, 4));
TestDecimalValue("truncate(cast('3.1615' as decimal(32,4)), 5)",
Decimal16Value(31615), ColumnType::CreateDecimalType(32, 4));
TestDecimalValue("truncate(cast('-175.0' as decimal(35,1)), 0)",
Decimal16Value(-175), ColumnType::CreateDecimalType(34, 0));
TestDecimalValue("truncate(cast('175.0' as decimal(35,1)), -1)",
Decimal16Value(170), ColumnType::CreateDecimalType(34, 0));
TestDecimalValue("truncate(cast('-175.0' as decimal(35,1)), -2)",
Decimal16Value(-100), ColumnType::CreateDecimalType(34, 0));
TestDecimalValue("truncate(cast('175.0' as decimal(35,1)), -3)",
Decimal16Value(0), ColumnType::CreateDecimalType(34, 0));
TestDecimalValue("truncate(cast('-175.0' as decimal(35,1)), -4)",
Decimal16Value(0), ColumnType::CreateDecimalType(34, 0));
// Dtrunc() alias
TestDecimalValue("dtrunc(cast('3.54159' as decimal(6,5)))", Decimal4Value(3),
ColumnType::CreateDecimalType(1, 0));
TestDecimalValue("dtrunc(cast('-3.1615' as decimal(6,4)), 0)", Decimal4Value(-3),
ColumnType::CreateDecimalType(2, 0));
// Overflow on Round()/etc. This can only happen when the input is has enough
// leading 9's.
// Rounding this value requires a precision of 39 so it overflows.
TestIsNull("round(99999999999999999999999999999999999999., -1)",
ColumnType::CreateDecimalType(38, 0));
TestIsNull("round(-99999999999999999999999999999999000000., -7)",
ColumnType::CreateDecimalType(38, 0));
// Sanity check some overflow casting. We have a random test framework that covers
// this more thoroughly.
TEST_P(ExprTest, DecimalOverflowCastsDecimalV1) {
TestDecimalValue("cast(123.456 as decimal(6,3))",
Decimal4Value(123456), ColumnType::CreateDecimalType(6, 3));
TestDecimalValue("cast(-123.456 as decimal(6,1))",
Decimal4Value(-1234), ColumnType::CreateDecimalType(6, 1));
TestDecimalValue("cast(123.456 as decimal(6,0))",
Decimal4Value(123), ColumnType::CreateDecimalType(6, 0));
TestDecimalValue("cast(-123.456 as decimal(3,0))",
Decimal4Value(-123), ColumnType::CreateDecimalType(3, 0));
TestDecimalValue("cast(123.4567890 as decimal(10,7))",
Decimal8Value(1234567890L), ColumnType::CreateDecimalType(10, 7));
TestDecimalValue("cast(cast(\"123.01234567890123456789\" as decimal(23,20))\
as decimal(12,9))", Decimal8Value(123012345678L),
ColumnType::CreateDecimalType(12, 9));
TestDecimalValue("cast(cast(\"123.01234567890123456789\" as decimal(23,20))\
as decimal(4,1))", Decimal4Value(1230), ColumnType::CreateDecimalType(4, 1));
TestDecimalValue("cast(cast(\"123.0123456789\" as decimal(13,10))\
as decimal(5,2))", Decimal4Value(12301), ColumnType::CreateDecimalType(5, 2));
// Overflow
TestIsNull("cast(123.456 as decimal(2,0))", ColumnType::CreateDecimalType(2, 0));
TestIsNull("cast(123.456 as decimal(2,1))", ColumnType::CreateDecimalType(2, 2));
TestIsNull("cast(123.456 as decimal(2,2))", ColumnType::CreateDecimalType(2, 2));
TestIsNull("cast(99.99 as decimal(2,2))", ColumnType::CreateDecimalType(2, 2));
TestDecimalValue("cast(99.99 as decimal(2,0))",
Decimal4Value(99), ColumnType::CreateDecimalType(2, 0));
TestIsNull("cast(-99.99 as decimal(2,2))", ColumnType::CreateDecimalType(2, 2));
TestDecimalValue("cast(-99.99 as decimal(3,1))",
Decimal4Value(-999), ColumnType::CreateDecimalType(3, 1));
TestDecimalValue("cast(999.99 as decimal(6,3))",
Decimal4Value(999990), ColumnType::CreateDecimalType(6, 3));
TestDecimalValue("cast(-999.99 as decimal(7,4))",
Decimal4Value(-9999900), ColumnType::CreateDecimalType(7, 4));
TestIsNull("cast(9990.99 as decimal(6,3))", ColumnType::CreateDecimalType(6, 3));
TestIsNull("cast(-9990.99 as decimal(7,4))", ColumnType::CreateDecimalType(7, 4));
TestDecimalValue("cast(123.4567890 as decimal(4, 1))",
Decimal4Value(1234), ColumnType::CreateDecimalType(4, 1));
TestDecimalValue("cast(-123.4567890 as decimal(5, 2))",
Decimal4Value(-12345), ColumnType::CreateDecimalType(5, 2));
TestIsNull("cast(123.4567890 as decimal(2, 1))", ColumnType::CreateDecimalType(2, 1));
TestIsNull("cast(123.4567890 as decimal(6, 5))", ColumnType::CreateDecimalType(6, 5));
TestDecimalValue("cast(pi() as decimal(1, 0))",
Decimal4Value(3), ColumnType::CreateDecimalType(1,0));
TestDecimalValue("cast(pi() as decimal(4, 1))",
Decimal4Value(31), ColumnType::CreateDecimalType(4,1));
TestDecimalValue("cast(pi() as decimal(30, 1))",
Decimal8Value(31), ColumnType::CreateDecimalType(30,1));
TestIsNull("cast(pi() as decimal(4, 4))", ColumnType::CreateDecimalType(4, 4));
TestIsNull("cast(pi() as decimal(11, 11))", ColumnType::CreateDecimalType(11, 11));
TestIsNull("cast(pi() as decimal(31, 31))", ColumnType::CreateDecimalType(31, 31));
TestIsNull("cast(140573315541874605.4665184383287 as decimal(17, 13))",
ColumnType::CreateDecimalType(17, 13));
TestIsNull("cast(140573315541874605.4665184383287 as decimal(9, 3))",
ColumnType::CreateDecimalType(17, 13));
// value has 30 digits before the decimal, casting to 29 is an overflow.
TestIsNull("cast(99999999999999999999999999999.9 as decimal(29, 1))",
ColumnType::CreateDecimalType(29, 1));
// Tests converting a non-trivial empty string to a decimal (IMPALA-1566).
TestIsNull("cast(regexp_replace('','a','b') as decimal(15,2))",
TEST_P(ExprTest, DecimalOverflowCastsDecimalV2) {
TestDecimalValue("cast(123.456 as decimal(6,3))",
Decimal4Value(123456), ColumnType::CreateDecimalType(6, 3));
TestDecimalValue("cast(-123.456 as decimal(6,1))",
Decimal4Value(-1235), ColumnType::CreateDecimalType(6, 1));
TestDecimalValue("cast(123.456 as decimal(6,0))",
Decimal4Value(123), ColumnType::CreateDecimalType(6, 0));
TestDecimalValue("cast(-123.456 as decimal(3,0))",
Decimal4Value(-123), ColumnType::CreateDecimalType(3, 0));
TestDecimalValue("cast(123.4567890 as decimal(10,7))",
Decimal8Value(1234567890L), ColumnType::CreateDecimalType(10, 7));
TestDecimalValue("cast(cast(\"123.01234567890123456789\" as decimal(23,20))\
as decimal(12,9))", Decimal8Value(123012345679L),
ColumnType::CreateDecimalType(12, 9));
TestDecimalValue("cast(cast(\"123.01234567890123456789\" as decimal(23,20))\
as decimal(4,1))", Decimal4Value(1230), ColumnType::CreateDecimalType(4, 1));
TestDecimalValue("cast(cast(\"123.0123456789\" as decimal(13,10))\
as decimal(5,2))", Decimal4Value(12301), ColumnType::CreateDecimalType(5, 2));
// Overflow
TestError("cast(123.456 as decimal(2,0))");
TestError("cast(123.456 as decimal(2,1))");
TestError("cast(123.456 as decimal(2,2))");
TestError("cast(99.99 as decimal(2,2))");
TestError("cast(99.99 as decimal(2,0))");
TestError("cast(-99.99 as decimal(2,2))");
TestError("cast(-99.99 as decimal(3,1))");
TestDecimalValue("cast(999.99 as decimal(6,3))",
Decimal4Value(999990), ColumnType::CreateDecimalType(6, 3));
TestDecimalValue("cast(-999.99 as decimal(7,4))",
Decimal4Value(-9999900), ColumnType::CreateDecimalType(7, 4));
TestError("cast(9990.99 as decimal(6,3))");
TestError("cast(-9990.99 as decimal(7,4))");
TestDecimalValue("cast(123.4567890 as decimal(4, 1))",
Decimal4Value(1235), ColumnType::CreateDecimalType(4, 1));
TestDecimalValue("cast(-123.4567890 as decimal(5, 2))",
Decimal4Value(-12346), ColumnType::CreateDecimalType(5, 2));
TestError("cast(123.4567890 as decimal(2, 1))");
TestError("cast(123.4567890 as decimal(6, 5))");
TestDecimalValue("cast(pi() as decimal(1, 0))",
Decimal4Value(3), ColumnType::CreateDecimalType(1,0));
TestDecimalValue("cast(pi() as decimal(4, 1))",
Decimal4Value(31), ColumnType::CreateDecimalType(4,1));
TestDecimalValue("cast(pi() as decimal(30, 1))",
Decimal8Value(31), ColumnType::CreateDecimalType(30,1));
TestError("cast(pi() as decimal(4, 4))");
TestError("cast(pi() as decimal(11, 11))");
TestError("cast(pi() as decimal(31, 31))");
TestError("cast(140573315541874605.4665184383287 as decimal(17, 13))");
TestError("cast(140573315541874605.4665184383287 as decimal(9, 3))");
// value has 30 digits before the decimal, casting to 29 is an overflow.
TestError("cast(99999999999999999999999999999.9 as decimal(29, 1))");
// Tests converting a non-trivial empty string to a decimal (IMPALA-1566).
TestError("cast(regexp_replace('','a','b') as decimal(15,2))");
TEST_P(ExprTest, NullValueFunction) {
TestValue("nullvalue(cast(NULL as boolean))", TYPE_BOOLEAN, true);
TestValue("nullvalue(cast(0 as boolean))", TYPE_BOOLEAN, false);
TestValue("nullvalue(cast(5 as boolean))", TYPE_BOOLEAN, false);
TestValue("nullvalue(cast(-5 as boolean))", TYPE_BOOLEAN, false);
TestValue("nullvalue(cast(NULL as int))", TYPE_BOOLEAN, true);
TestValue("nullvalue(cast(0 as int))", TYPE_BOOLEAN, false);
TestValue("nullvalue(cast(5 as int))", TYPE_BOOLEAN, false);
TestValue("nullvalue(cast(-5 as int))", TYPE_BOOLEAN, false);
TestValue("nullvalue(cast(NULL as tinyint))", TYPE_BOOLEAN, true);
TestValue("nullvalue(cast(0 as tinyint))", TYPE_BOOLEAN, false);
TestValue("nullvalue(cast(5 as tinyint))", TYPE_BOOLEAN, false);
TestValue("nullvalue(cast(-5 as tinyint))", TYPE_BOOLEAN, false);
TestValue("nullvalue(cast(NULL as smallint))", TYPE_BOOLEAN, true);
TestValue("nullvalue(cast(0 as smallint))", TYPE_BOOLEAN, false);
TestValue("nullvalue(cast(5 as smallint))", TYPE_BOOLEAN, false);
TestValue("nullvalue(cast(-5 as smallint))", TYPE_BOOLEAN, false);
TestValue("nullvalue(cast(NULL as bigint))", TYPE_BOOLEAN, true);
TestValue("nullvalue(cast(0 as bigint))", TYPE_BOOLEAN, false);
TestValue("nullvalue(cast(5 as bigint))", TYPE_BOOLEAN, false);
TestValue("nullvalue(cast(-5 as bigint))", TYPE_BOOLEAN, false);
TestValue("nullvalue(cast(NULL as float))", TYPE_BOOLEAN, true);
TestValue("nullvalue(cast(0 as float))", TYPE_BOOLEAN, false);
TestValue("nullvalue(cast(5.0 as float))", TYPE_BOOLEAN, false);
TestValue("nullvalue(cast(-5.0 as float))", TYPE_BOOLEAN, false);
TestValue("nullvalue(cast(NULL as double))", TYPE_BOOLEAN, true);
TestValue("nullvalue(cast(0.0 as double))", TYPE_BOOLEAN, false);
TestValue("nullvalue(cast(5.0 as double))", TYPE_BOOLEAN, false);
TestValue("nullvalue(cast(-5.0 as double))", TYPE_BOOLEAN, false);
TestValue("nullvalue(cast(NULL as decimal(38,0)))", TYPE_BOOLEAN, true);
TestValue("nullvalue(cast(0 as decimal(38,0)))", TYPE_BOOLEAN, false);
TestValue("nullvalue(cast(5 as decimal(38,0)))", TYPE_BOOLEAN, false);
TestValue("nullvalue(cast(-5 as decimal(38,0)))", TYPE_BOOLEAN, false);
TestValue("nullvalue(cast(0.0 as decimal(38,38)))", TYPE_BOOLEAN, false);
TestValue("nullvalue(cast(0.1 as decimal(38,38)))", TYPE_BOOLEAN, false);
TestValue("nullvalue(cast(-0.1 as decimal(38,38)))", TYPE_BOOLEAN, false);
TestValue("nullvalue(cast(NULL as string))", TYPE_BOOLEAN, true);
TestValue("nullvalue(cast('0' as string))", TYPE_BOOLEAN, false);
TestValue("nullvalue(cast('5' as string))", TYPE_BOOLEAN, false);
TestValue("nullvalue(cast('-5' as string))", TYPE_BOOLEAN, false);
TestValue("nullvalue(cast(\"abc\" as string))", TYPE_BOOLEAN, false);
TestValue("nullvalue(cast(\"\" as string))", TYPE_BOOLEAN, false);
TestValue("nullvalue(cast(NULL as timestamp))", TYPE_BOOLEAN, true);
TestValue("nullvalue(cast('2012-01-01 09:10:11.123456789' as timestamp))",
TestValue("nullvalue(0)", TYPE_BOOLEAN, false);
TestValue("nullvalue(-5)", TYPE_BOOLEAN, false);
TestValue("nullvalue(5)", TYPE_BOOLEAN, false);
TestValue("nullvalue(0.0)", TYPE_BOOLEAN, false);
TestValue("nullvalue(-1.2345)", TYPE_BOOLEAN, false);
TestValue("nullvalue(1.2345)", TYPE_BOOLEAN, false);
TestValue("nullvalue(\"\")", TYPE_BOOLEAN, false);
TestValue("nullvalue(\"abc\")", TYPE_BOOLEAN, false);
TestValue("nullvalue(99999999999999999999999999999999999)", TYPE_BOOLEAN, false);
TestValue("nullvalue(-99999999999999999999999999999999999)", TYPE_BOOLEAN, false);
TestValue("nullvalue(99999999999999999999999999999999999.9)", TYPE_BOOLEAN, false);
TestValue("nullvalue(-99999999999999999999999999999999999.9)", TYPE_BOOLEAN, false);
TEST_P(ExprTest, NonNullValueFunction) {
TestValue("nonnullvalue(cast(NULL as boolean))", TYPE_BOOLEAN, false);
TestValue("nonnullvalue(cast(0 as boolean))", TYPE_BOOLEAN, true);
TestValue("nonnullvalue(cast(5 as boolean))", TYPE_BOOLEAN, true);
TestValue("nonnullvalue(cast(-5 as boolean))", TYPE_BOOLEAN, true);
TestValue("nonnullvalue(cast(NULL as int))", TYPE_BOOLEAN, false);
TestValue("nonnullvalue(cast(0 as int))", TYPE_BOOLEAN, true);
TestValue("nonnullvalue(cast(5 as int))", TYPE_BOOLEAN, true);
TestValue("nonnullvalue(cast(-5 as int))", TYPE_BOOLEAN, true);
TestValue("nonnullvalue(cast(NULL as tinyint))", TYPE_BOOLEAN, false);
TestValue("nonnullvalue(cast(0 as tinyint))", TYPE_BOOLEAN, true);
TestValue("nonnullvalue(cast(5 as tinyint))", TYPE_BOOLEAN, true);
TestValue("nonnullvalue(cast(-5 as tinyint))", TYPE_BOOLEAN, true);
TestValue("nonnullvalue(cast(NULL as smallint))", TYPE_BOOLEAN, false);
TestValue("nonnullvalue(cast(0 as smallint))", TYPE_BOOLEAN, true);
TestValue("nonnullvalue(cast(5 as smallint))", TYPE_BOOLEAN, true);
TestValue("nonnullvalue(cast(-5 as smallint))", TYPE_BOOLEAN, true);
TestValue("nonnullvalue(cast(NULL as bigint))", TYPE_BOOLEAN, false);
TestValue("nonnullvalue(cast(0 as bigint))", TYPE_BOOLEAN, true);
TestValue("nonnullvalue(cast(5 as bigint))", TYPE_BOOLEAN, true);
TestValue("nonnullvalue(cast(-5 as bigint))", TYPE_BOOLEAN, true);
TestValue("nonnullvalue(cast(NULL as float))", TYPE_BOOLEAN, false);
TestValue("nonnullvalue(cast(0 as float))", TYPE_BOOLEAN, true);
TestValue("nonnullvalue(cast(5.0 as float))", TYPE_BOOLEAN, true);
TestValue("nonnullvalue(cast(-5.0 as float))", TYPE_BOOLEAN, true);
TestValue("nonnullvalue(cast(NULL as double))", TYPE_BOOLEAN, false);
TestValue("nonnullvalue(cast(0.0 as double))", TYPE_BOOLEAN, true);
TestValue("nonnullvalue(cast(5.0 as double))", TYPE_BOOLEAN, true);
TestValue("nonnullvalue(cast(-5.0 as double))", TYPE_BOOLEAN, true);
TestValue("nonnullvalue(cast(NULL as decimal(38,0)))", TYPE_BOOLEAN, false);
TestValue("nonnullvalue(cast(0 as decimal(38,0)))", TYPE_BOOLEAN, true);
TestValue("nonnullvalue(cast(5 as decimal(38,0)))", TYPE_BOOLEAN, true);
TestValue("nonnullvalue(cast(-5 as decimal(38,0)))", TYPE_BOOLEAN, true);
TestValue("nonnullvalue(cast(0.0 as decimal(38,38)))", TYPE_BOOLEAN, true);
TestValue("nonnullvalue(cast(0.1 as decimal(38,38)))", TYPE_BOOLEAN, true);
TestValue("nonnullvalue(cast(-0.1 as decimal(38,38)))", TYPE_BOOLEAN, true);
TestValue("nonnullvalue(cast(NULL as string))", TYPE_BOOLEAN, false);
TestValue("nonnullvalue(cast('0' as string))", TYPE_BOOLEAN, true);
TestValue("nonnullvalue(cast('5' as string))", TYPE_BOOLEAN, true);
TestValue("nonnullvalue(cast('-5' as string))", TYPE_BOOLEAN, true);
TestValue("nonnullvalue(cast(\"abc\" as string))", TYPE_BOOLEAN, true);
TestValue("nonnullvalue(cast(\"\" as string))", TYPE_BOOLEAN, true);
TestValue("nonnullvalue(cast(NULL as timestamp))", TYPE_BOOLEAN, false);
TestValue("nonnullvalue(cast('2012-01-01 09:10:11.123456789' as timestamp))",
TestValue("nonnullvalue(0)", TYPE_BOOLEAN, true);
TestValue("nonnullvalue(-5)", TYPE_BOOLEAN, true);
TestValue("nonnullvalue(5)", TYPE_BOOLEAN, true);
TestValue("nonnullvalue(0.0)", TYPE_BOOLEAN, true);
TestValue("nonnullvalue(-1.2345)", TYPE_BOOLEAN, true);
TestValue("nonnullvalue(1.2345)", TYPE_BOOLEAN, true);
TestValue("nonnullvalue(\"\")", TYPE_BOOLEAN, true);
TestValue("nonnullvalue(\"abc\")", TYPE_BOOLEAN, true);
TestValue("nonnullvalue(99999999999999999999999999999999999)", TYPE_BOOLEAN, true);
TestValue("nonnullvalue(-99999999999999999999999999999999999)", TYPE_BOOLEAN, true);
TestValue("nonnullvalue(99999999999999999999999999999999999.9)", TYPE_BOOLEAN, true);
TestValue("nonnullvalue(-99999999999999999999999999999999999.9)", TYPE_BOOLEAN, true);
TEST_P(ExprTest, UdfInterfaceBuiltins) {
TestValue("udf_pi()", TYPE_DOUBLE, M_PI);
TestValue("udf_abs(-1)", TYPE_DOUBLE, 1.0);
TestStringValue("udf_lower('Hello_WORLD')", "hello_world");
TestValue("max_tinyint()", TYPE_TINYINT, numeric_limits<int8_t>::max());
TestValue("max_smallint()", TYPE_SMALLINT, numeric_limits<int16_t>::max());
TestValue("max_int()", TYPE_INT, numeric_limits<int32_t>::max());
TestValue("max_bigint()", TYPE_BIGINT, numeric_limits<int64_t>::max());
TestValue("min_tinyint()", TYPE_TINYINT, numeric_limits<int8_t>::min());
TestValue("min_smallint()", TYPE_SMALLINT, numeric_limits<int16_t>::min());
TestValue("min_int()", TYPE_INT, numeric_limits<int32_t>::min());
TestValue("min_bigint()", TYPE_BIGINT, numeric_limits<int64_t>::min());
TEST_P(ExprTest, MADlib) {
TestStringValue("madlib_encode_vector(madlib_vector(1.0, 2.0, 3.0))",
TestStringValue("madlib_print_vector(madlib_vector(1, 2, 3))", "<1, 2, 3>");
"madlib_vector(1.0, 2.0, 3.0))))",
TestValue("madlib_vector_get(0, madlib_vector(1.0, 2.0, 3.0))", TYPE_DOUBLE, 1.0);
TestValue("madlib_vector_get(1, madlib_vector(1.0, 2.0, 3.0))", TYPE_DOUBLE, 2.0);
TestValue("madlib_vector_get(2, madlib_vector(1.0, 2.0, 3.0))", TYPE_DOUBLE, 3.0);
TestIsNull("madlib_vector_get(3, madlib_vector(1.0, 2.0, 3.0))", TYPE_DOUBLE);
TestIsNull("madlib_vector_get(-1, madlib_vector(1.0, 2.0, 3.0))", TYPE_DOUBLE);
"madlib_vector_get(2, madlib_decode_vector(madlib_encode_vector("
"madlib_vector(1.0, 2.0, 3.0))))",
TEST_P(ExprTest, BitByteBuiltins) {
TestIsNull("bitand(1,NULL)", TYPE_TINYINT);
TestIsNull("bitand(NULL,3)", TYPE_TINYINT);
// And of numbers differing in 2nd bit position gives min of two numbers
TestValue("bitand(1,3)", TYPE_TINYINT, 1);
TestValue("bitand(129,131)", TYPE_SMALLINT, 129);
TestValue("bitand(32769,32771)", TYPE_INT, 32769);
TestValue("bitand(2147483649,2147483651)", TYPE_BIGINT, 2147483649);
TestIsNull("bitor(1,NULL)", TYPE_TINYINT);
TestIsNull("bitor(NULL,3)", TYPE_TINYINT);
// Or of numbers differing in 2nd bit position gives max of two numbers
TestValue("bitor(1,3)", TYPE_TINYINT, 3);
TestValue("bitor(129,131)", TYPE_SMALLINT, 131);
TestValue("bitor(32769,32771)", TYPE_INT, 32771);
TestValue("bitor(2147483649,2147483651)", TYPE_BIGINT, 2147483651);
TestIsNull("bitxor(1,NULL)", TYPE_TINYINT);
TestIsNull("bitxor(NULL,3)", TYPE_TINYINT);
// Xor of numbers differing in 2nd bit position gives 2
TestValue("bitxor(1,3)", TYPE_TINYINT, 2);
TestValue("bitxor(129,131)", TYPE_SMALLINT, 2);
TestValue("bitxor(32769,32771)", TYPE_INT, 2);
TestValue("bitxor(2147483649,2147483651)", TYPE_BIGINT, 2);
TestIsNull("bitnot(NULL)", TYPE_TINYINT);
TestValue("bitnot(1)", TYPE_TINYINT, -2);
TestValue("bitnot(129)", TYPE_SMALLINT, -130);
TestValue("bitnot(32769)", TYPE_INT, -32770);
TestValue("bitnot(2147483649)", TYPE_BIGINT, -2147483650);
// basic bit patterns
TestValue("countset(0)", TYPE_INT, 0);
TestValue("countset(1)", TYPE_INT, 1);
TestValue("countset(2)", TYPE_INT, 1);
TestValue("countset(3)", TYPE_INT, 2);
// 0101... bit pattern
TestValue("countset(" + lexical_cast<string>(0x55) + ")", TYPE_INT, 4);
TestValue("countset(" + lexical_cast<string>(0x5555) + ")", TYPE_INT, 8);
TestValue("countset(" + lexical_cast<string>(0x55555555) + ")", TYPE_INT, 16);
TestValue("countset(" + lexical_cast<string>(0x5555555555555555) + ")", TYPE_INT, 32);
// 1111... bit pattern to test signed/unsigned conversion
TestValue("countset(cast(-1 as TINYINT))", TYPE_INT, 8);
TestValue("countset(cast(-1 as SMALLINT))", TYPE_INT, 16);
TestValue("countset(cast(-1 as INT))", TYPE_INT, 32);
TestValue("countset(cast(-1 as BIGINT))", TYPE_INT, 64);
// NULL arguments
TestIsNull("countset(cast(NULL as TINYINT))", TYPE_INT);
TestIsNull("countset(cast(NULL as SMALLINT))", TYPE_INT);
TestIsNull("countset(cast(NULL as INT))", TYPE_INT);
TestIsNull("countset(cast(NULL as BIGINT))", TYPE_INT);
// Check with optional argument
TestIsNull("countset(0, NULL)", TYPE_INT);
TestValue("countset(0, 0)", TYPE_INT, 8);
TestValue("countset(0, 1)", TYPE_INT, 0);
TestError("countset(0, 2)");
// getbit for all integer types
TestIsNull("getbit(NULL, 1)", TYPE_TINYINT);
TestIsNull("getbit(1, NULL)", TYPE_TINYINT);
TestValue("getbit(1, 0)", TYPE_TINYINT, 1);
TestValue("getbit(1, 1)", TYPE_TINYINT, 0);
string int8_min = lexical_cast<string>((int16_t)numeric_limits<int8_t>::min());
TestValue("getbit(" + int8_min + ", 7)", TYPE_TINYINT, 1);
TestValue("getbit(" + int8_min + ", 6)", TYPE_TINYINT, 0);
string int16_min = lexical_cast<string>(numeric_limits<int16_t>::min());
TestValue("getbit(" + int16_min + ", 15)", TYPE_TINYINT, 1);
TestValue("getbit(" + int16_min + ", 14)", TYPE_TINYINT, 0);
string int32_min = lexical_cast<string>(numeric_limits<int32_t>::min());
TestValue("getbit(" + int32_min + ", 31)", TYPE_TINYINT, 1);
TestValue("getbit(" + int32_min + ", 30)", TYPE_TINYINT, 0);
string int64_min = lexical_cast<string>(numeric_limits<int64_t>::min());
TestValue("getbit(" + int64_min + ", 63)", TYPE_TINYINT, 1);
TestValue("getbit(" + int64_min + ", 62)", TYPE_TINYINT, 0);
// Out of range bitpos causes errors
// The following TestError() calls also test IMPALA-2141 and IMPALA-2188
TestError("getbit(0, -1)");
TestError("getbit(0, 8)");
TestError("getbit(" + int16_min + ", 16)");
TestError("getbit(" + int32_min + ", 32)");
TestError("getbit(" + int64_min + ", 64)");
// Set bits for all integer types
TestIsNull("setbit(cast(NULL as INT), 1)", TYPE_INT);
TestIsNull("setbit(1, NULL)", TYPE_TINYINT);
TestIsNull("setbit(cast(NULL as INT), 1, 1)", TYPE_INT);
TestIsNull("setbit(1, NULL, 1)", TYPE_TINYINT);
TestIsNull("setbit(1, 1, NULL)", TYPE_TINYINT);
// The following TestError() calls also test IMPALA-2141 and IMPALA-2188
TestError("setbit(1, 1, -1)");
TestError("setbit(1, 1, 2)");
TestValue("setbit(0, 0)", TYPE_TINYINT, 1);
TestValue("setbit(0, 0, 1)", TYPE_TINYINT, 1);
TestValue("setbit(1, 0, 0)", TYPE_TINYINT, 0);
TestValue("setbit(cast(1 as INT), 8)", TYPE_INT, 257);
TestValue("setbit(cast(1 as INT), 8, 1)", TYPE_INT, 257);
TestValue("setbit(cast(257 as INT), 8, 0)", TYPE_INT, 1);
TestValue("setbit(cast(-1 as BIGINT), 63, 0)", TYPE_BIGINT,
// Out of range bitpos causes errors
// The following TestError() calls also test IMPALA-2141 and IMPALA-2188
TestError("setbit(0, -1)");
TestError("setbit(0, 8)");
TestError("setbit(0, -1, 1)");
TestError("setbit(0, 8, 1)");
// Shift and rotate null checks
TestIsNull("shiftleft(1, NULL)", TYPE_TINYINT);
TestIsNull("shiftleft(cast(NULL as INT), 2)", TYPE_INT);
TestIsNull("rotateleft(cast(NULL as INT), 2)", TYPE_INT);
TestIsNull("shiftright(1, NULL)", TYPE_TINYINT);
TestIsNull("shiftright(cast(NULL as INT), 2)", TYPE_INT);
TestIsNull("rotateright(cast(NULL as INT), 2)", TYPE_INT);
// Basic left shift/rotate tests for all integer types
TestValue("shiftleft(1, 2)", TYPE_TINYINT, 4);
TestValue("rotateleft(1, 2)", TYPE_TINYINT, 4);
string pow2_6 = lexical_cast<string>(1 << 6);
TestValue("shiftleft(" + pow2_6 + ", 2)", TYPE_TINYINT, 0);
TestValue("rotateleft(" + pow2_6 + ", 2)", TYPE_TINYINT, 1);
TestValue("shiftleft(" + pow2_6 + ", 1)", TYPE_TINYINT, -(1 << 7));
TestValue("rotateleft(" + pow2_6 + ", 1)", TYPE_TINYINT, -(1 << 7));
TestValue("shiftleft(cast(1 as SMALLINT), 2)", TYPE_SMALLINT, 4);
string pow2_14 = lexical_cast<string>(1 << 14);
TestValue("shiftleft(" + pow2_14 + ", 2)", TYPE_SMALLINT, 0);
TestValue("rotateleft(" + pow2_14 + ", 2)", TYPE_SMALLINT, 1);
TestValue("rotateleft(" + pow2_14 + ", 34)", TYPE_SMALLINT, 1); // Wraparound
TestValue("shiftleft(" + pow2_14 + ", 1)", TYPE_SMALLINT, -(1 << 15));
TestValue("shiftleft(cast(1 as INT), 2)", TYPE_INT, 4);
string pow2_30 = lexical_cast<string>(1 << 30);
TestValue("shiftleft(" + pow2_30 + ", 2)", TYPE_INT, 0);
TestValue("shiftleft(" + pow2_30 + ", 1)", TYPE_INT, numeric_limits<int32_t>::min());
TestValue("shiftleft(cast(1 as BIGINT), 2)", TYPE_BIGINT, 4);
string pow2_62 = lexical_cast<string>(((int64_t)1) << 62);
TestValue("shiftleft(" + pow2_62 + ", 2)", TYPE_BIGINT, 0);
TestValue("rotateleft(" + pow2_62 + ", 2)", TYPE_BIGINT, 1);
TestValue("shiftleft(" + pow2_62 + ", 1)", TYPE_BIGINT, numeric_limits<int64_t>::min());
// Basic right shift/rotate tests for all integer types
TestValue("shiftright(4, 2)", TYPE_TINYINT, 1);
TestValue("shiftright(4, 3)", TYPE_TINYINT, 0);
TestValue("rotateright(4, 3)", TYPE_TINYINT, -128);
TestValue("shiftright(4, 4)", TYPE_TINYINT, 0);
TestValue("rotateright(4, 132)", TYPE_TINYINT, 64);
string pow2_8 = lexical_cast<string>(1 << 8);
TestValue("shiftright(" + pow2_8 + ", 1)", TYPE_SMALLINT, 1 << 7);
TestValue("shiftright(" + pow2_8 + ", 9)", TYPE_SMALLINT, 0);
string pow2_16 = lexical_cast<string>(1 << 16);
TestValue("shiftright(" + pow2_16 + ", 1)", TYPE_INT, 1 << 15);
TestValue("rotateright(" + pow2_16 + ", 1)", TYPE_INT, 1 << 15);
TestValue("shiftright(" + pow2_16 + ", 17)", TYPE_INT, 0);
string pow2_32 = lexical_cast<string>(((int64_t)1) << 32);
TestValue("shiftright(" + pow2_32 + ", 1)", TYPE_BIGINT, ((int64_t)1) << 31);
TestValue("rotateright(" + pow2_32 + ", 1)", TYPE_BIGINT, ((int64_t)1) << 31);
TestValue("shiftright(" + pow2_32 + ", 33)", TYPE_BIGINT, 0);
TestValue("rotateright(" + pow2_32 + ", 33)", TYPE_BIGINT,
// Check that no sign extension happens for negative numbers
TestValue("shiftright(cast(-1 as INT), 1)", TYPE_INT, 0x7FFFFFFF);
TestValue("rotateright(-128, 1)", TYPE_TINYINT, 1 << 6);
// Test shifting/rotating negative amount - should reverse direction
TestValue("shiftleft(4, -2)", TYPE_TINYINT, 1);
TestValue("shiftright(cast(1 as BIGINT), -2)", TYPE_BIGINT, 4);
TestValue("rotateleft(4, -3)", TYPE_TINYINT, -128);
TestValue("rotateright(256, -2)", TYPE_SMALLINT, 1024);
TEST_P(ExprTest, UuidTest) {
boost::unordered_set<string> string_set;
const unsigned int NUM_UUIDS = 10;
const string regex(
for (int i = 0; i < NUM_UUIDS; ++i) {
const string uuid_str = TestStringValueRegex("uuid()", regex);
EXPECT_TRUE(string_set.size() == NUM_UUIDS);
TEST_P(ExprTest, DateTruncTest) {
TestTimestampValue("date_trunc('MILLENNIUM', '2016-05-08 10:30:00')",
TimestampValue::ParseSimpleDateFormat("2001-01-01 00:00:00"));
TestTimestampValue("date_trunc('MILLENNIUM', '3000-12-31 23:59:59.999999999')",
TimestampValue::ParseSimpleDateFormat("2001-01-01 00:00:00"));
TestTimestampValue("date_trunc('MILLENNIUM', '3001-01-01 00:00:00')",
TimestampValue::ParseSimpleDateFormat("3001-01-01 00:00:00"));
TestTimestampValue("date_trunc('CENTURY', '2016-05-08 10:30:00')",
TimestampValue::ParseSimpleDateFormat("2001-01-01 00:00:00 "));
TestTimestampValue("date_trunc('CENTURY', '2116-05-08 10:30:00')",
TimestampValue::ParseSimpleDateFormat("2101-01-01 00:00:00"));
TestTimestampValue("date_trunc('DECADE', '2116-05-08 10:30:00')",
TimestampValue::ParseSimpleDateFormat("2110-01-01 00:00:00"));
TestTimestampValue("date_trunc('YEAR', '2016-05-08 10:30:00')",
TimestampValue::ParseSimpleDateFormat("2016-01-01 00:00:00"));
TestTimestampValue("date_trunc('MONTH', '2016-05-08 00:00:00')",
TimestampValue::ParseSimpleDateFormat("2016-05-01 00:00:00"));
TestTimestampValue("date_trunc('WEEK', '2116-05-08 10:30:00')",
TimestampValue::ParseSimpleDateFormat("2116-05-04 00:00:00"));
TestTimestampValue("date_trunc('WEEK', '2017-01-01 10:37:03.455722111')",
TimestampValue::ParseSimpleDateFormat("2016-12-26 00:00:00"));
TestTimestampValue("date_trunc('WEEK', '2017-01-02 10:37:03.455722111')",
TimestampValue::ParseSimpleDateFormat("2017-01-02 00:00:00"));
TestTimestampValue("date_trunc('WEEK', '2017-01-07 10:37:03.455722111')",
TimestampValue::ParseSimpleDateFormat("2017-01-02 00:00:00"));
TestTimestampValue("date_trunc('WEEK', '2017-01-08 10:37:03.455722111')",
TimestampValue::ParseSimpleDateFormat("2017-01-02 00:00:00"));
TestTimestampValue("date_trunc('WEEK', '2017-01-09 10:37:03.455722111')",
TimestampValue::ParseSimpleDateFormat("2017-01-09 00:00:00"));
TestTimestampValue("date_trunc('DAY', '1416-05-08 10:37:03.455722111')",
TimestampValue::ParseSimpleDateFormat("1416-05-08 00:00:00"));
TestTimestampValue("date_trunc('HOUR', '1416-05-08 10:30:03.455722111')",
TimestampValue::ParseSimpleDateFormat("1416-05-08 10:00:00"));
TestTimestampValue("date_trunc('HOUR', '1416-05-08 23:30:03.455722111')",
TimestampValue::ParseSimpleDateFormat("1416-05-08 23:00:00"));
TestTimestampValue("date_trunc('MINUTE', '1416-05-08 10:37:03.455722111')",
TimestampValue::ParseSimpleDateFormat("1416-05-08 10:37:00"));
TestTimestampValue("date_trunc('SECOND', '1416-05-08 10:37:03.455722111')",
TimestampValue::ParseSimpleDateFormat("1416-05-08 10:37:03"));
TestTimestampValue("date_trunc('MILLISECONDS', '1416-05-08 10:37:03.455722111')",
TimestampValue::ParseSimpleDateFormat("1416-05-08 10:37:03.455000000"));
TestTimestampValue("date_trunc('MICROSECONDS', '1416-05-08 10:37:03.455722111')",
TimestampValue::ParseSimpleDateFormat("1416-05-08 10:37:03.455722000"));
// Test corner cases.
TestTimestampValue("date_trunc('MILLENNIUM', '9999-12-31 23:59:59.999999999')",
TimestampValue::ParseSimpleDateFormat("9001-01-01 00:00:00"));
TestTimestampValue("date_trunc('CENTURY', '9999-12-31 23:59:59.999999999')",
TimestampValue::ParseSimpleDateFormat("9901-01-01 00:00:00"));
TestTimestampValue("date_trunc('DECADE', '9999-12-31 23:59:59.999999999')",
TimestampValue::ParseSimpleDateFormat("9990-01-01 00:00:00"));
TestTimestampValue("date_trunc('YEAR', '9999-12-31 23:59:59.999999999')",
TimestampValue::ParseSimpleDateFormat("9999-01-01 00:00:00"));
TestTimestampValue("date_trunc('MONTH', '9999-12-31 23:59:59.999999999')",
TimestampValue::ParseSimpleDateFormat("9999-12-01 00:00:00"));
TestTimestampValue("date_trunc('WEEK', '9999-12-31 23:59:59.999999999')",
TimestampValue::ParseSimpleDateFormat("9999-12-27 00:00:00"));
TestTimestampValue("date_trunc('DAY', '9999-12-31 23:59:59.999999999')",
TimestampValue::ParseSimpleDateFormat("9999-12-31 00:00:00"));
TestTimestampValue("date_trunc('HOUR', '9999-12-31 23:59:59.999999999')",
TimestampValue::ParseSimpleDateFormat("9999-12-31 23:00:00"));
TestTimestampValue("date_trunc('MINUTE', '9999-12-31 23:59:59.999999999')",
TimestampValue::ParseSimpleDateFormat("9999-12-31 23:59:00"));
TestTimestampValue("date_trunc('SECOND', '9999-12-31 23:59:59.999999999')",
TimestampValue::ParseSimpleDateFormat("9999-12-31 23:59:59"));
TestTimestampValue("date_trunc('MILLISECONDS', '9999-12-31 23:59:59.999999999')",
TimestampValue::ParseSimpleDateFormat("9999-12-31 23:59:59.999"));
TestTimestampValue("date_trunc('MICROSECONDS', '9999-12-31 23:59:59.999999999')",
TimestampValue::ParseSimpleDateFormat("9999-12-31 23:59:59.999999"));
TestTimestampValue("date_trunc('DECADE', '1400-01-01 00:00:00')",
TimestampValue::ParseSimpleDateFormat("1400-01-01 00:00:00"));
TestTimestampValue("date_trunc('YEAR', '1400-01-01 00:00:00')",
TimestampValue::ParseSimpleDateFormat("1400-01-01 00:00:00"));
TestTimestampValue("date_trunc('MONTH', '1400-01-01 00:00:00')",
TimestampValue::ParseSimpleDateFormat("1400-01-01 00:00:00"));
TestTimestampValue("date_trunc('DAY', '1400-01-01 00:00:00')",
TimestampValue::ParseSimpleDateFormat("1400-01-01 00:00:00"));
TestTimestampValue("date_trunc('HOUR', '1400-01-01 00:00:00')",
TimestampValue::ParseSimpleDateFormat("1400-01-01 00:00:00"));
TestTimestampValue("date_trunc('MINUTE', '1400-01-01 00:00:00')",
TimestampValue::ParseSimpleDateFormat("1400-01-01 00:00:00"));
TestTimestampValue("date_trunc('SECOND', '1400-01-01 00:00:00')",
TimestampValue::ParseSimpleDateFormat("1400-01-01 00:00:00"));
TestTimestampValue("date_trunc('MILLISECONDS', '1400-01-01 00:00:00')",
TimestampValue::ParseSimpleDateFormat("1400-01-01 00:00:00"));
TestTimestampValue("date_trunc('MICROSECONDS', '1400-01-01 00:00:00')",
TimestampValue::ParseSimpleDateFormat("1400-01-01 00:00:00"));
// Test lower limit for century
TestIsNull("date_trunc('CENTURY', '1400-01-01 00:00:00')", TYPE_TIMESTAMP);
TestIsNull("date_trunc('CENTURY', '1400-12-31 23:59:59.999999999')", TYPE_TIMESTAMP);
TestTimestampValue("date_trunc('CENTURY', '1401-01-01 00:00:00')",
TimestampValue::ParseSimpleDateFormat("1401-01-01 00:00:00"));
// Test lower limit for millennium
TestIsNull("date_trunc('MILLENNIUM', '1400-01-01 00:00:00')", TYPE_TIMESTAMP);
TestIsNull("date_trunc('MILLENNIUM', '2000-12-31 23:59:59.999999999')", TYPE_TIMESTAMP);
TestTimestampValue("date_trunc('MILLENNIUM', '2001-01-01 00:00:00')",
TimestampValue::ParseSimpleDateFormat("2001-01-01 00:00:00"));
// Test lower limit for week
TestIsNull("date_trunc('WEEK', '1400-01-01 00:00:00')", TYPE_TIMESTAMP);
TestIsNull("date_trunc('WEEK', '1400-01-05 23:59:59.999999999')", TYPE_TIMESTAMP);
TestTimestampValue("date_trunc('WEEK', '1400-01-06 00:00:00')",
TimestampValue::ParseSimpleDateFormat("1400-01-06 00:00:00"));
TestTimestampValue("date_trunc('WEEK', '1400-01-07 23:59:59.999999999')",
TimestampValue::ParseSimpleDateFormat("1400-01-06 00:00:00"));
// Test invalid input.
TestIsNull("date_trunc('HOUR', '12202010')", TYPE_TIMESTAMP);
TestIsNull("date_trunc('HOUR', '')", TYPE_TIMESTAMP);
TestIsNull("date_trunc('HOUR', NULL)", TYPE_TIMESTAMP);
TestIsNull("date_trunc('HOUR', '02-13-2014')", TYPE_TIMESTAMP);
TestIsNull("date_trunc('CENTURY', '16-05-08 10:30:00')", TYPE_TIMESTAMP);
TestIsNull("date_trunc('CENTURY', '1116-05-08 10:30:00')", TYPE_TIMESTAMP);
TestIsNull("date_trunc('DAY', '00:00:00')", TYPE_TIMESTAMP);
TestError("date_trunc('YsEAR', '2016-05-08 10:30:00')");
TestError("date_trunc('D', '2116-05-08 10:30:00')");
TestError("date_trunc('2017-01-09', '2017-01-09 10:37:03.455722111' )");
TestError("date_trunc('2017-01-09 10:00:00', 'HOUR')");
TEST_P(ExprTest, JsonTest) {
TestStringValue("get_json_object('{\"a\":1, \"b\":2, \"c\":3}', '$.b')", "2");
"get_json_object('{\"a\":true, \"b\":false, \"c\":true}', '$.b')", "false");
"get_json_object('{\"a\":-1, \"b\":-2, \"c\":-3}', '$.b')", "-2");
"get_json_object('{\"a\":\"A\", \"b\":\"B\", \"c\":\"C\"}', '$.b')", "B");
"get_json_object('{\"a\":[], \"b\":[2,3,4], \"c\":[3]}', '$.b')", "[2,3,4]");
TestStringValue("get_json_object('[\"abc\", \"ddd\", \"fff\"]', '$[1]')", "ddd");
TestStringValue("get_json_object('[1, 2, 3]', '$[*]')", "[1,2,3]");
"get_json_object('{\"key\": {\"a\": {\"b\": true}}}', '$.key.a.b')", "true");
"get_json_object('[{\"key\": \"v1\"}, {\"key\": \"v2\"}]', '$[*].key')",
"get_json_object('[{\"key\": [1,2,3]}, {\"key\": [4,5]}]', '$[*].key')",
"get_json_object('[{\"key\": [1,2,3]}, {\"key\": [4,5]}]', '$[*].key[*]')",
TestStringValue("get_json_object('[[0,1,2], [3,4,5], [6,7]]', '$[1][0]')", "3");
TestStringValue("get_json_object('[[0,1,2], [3,4,5], [6,7]]', '$[*][0]')", "[0,3,6]");
TestStringValue("get_json_object('[[0,1,2], [3,4,5], [6,7]]', '$[*][2]')", "[2,5]");
TestStringValue("get_json_object('[[0,1,2], [3,4,5], [6,7]]', '$[1][*]')", "[3,4,5]");
TestStringValue("get_json_object('{\"a\":1, \"b\":2, \"c\":3}', '$.*')", "[1,2,3]");
"get_json_object('{\"a\":true, \"b\":false, \"c\":true}', '$.*')",
"get_json_object('{\"a\":[], \"b\":[2,3,4], \"c\":[3]}', '$.*')",
"get_json_object('[{\"key\": [1,2,3]}, {\"key\": [4,5]}]', '$[*].*')",
"get_json_object('[{\"key\": [1,2,3]}, {\"key\": [4,5]}]', '$[*].*[*]')",
TestStringValue("get_json_object('[{\"key\": 1}, 123]', '$[*].*')", "1");
"get_json_object('{\"a\": {\"aa\": 1}, \"b\": {\"bb\": 2}}', '$.*')",
"get_json_object('{\"a\": {\"aa\": 1}, \"b\": {\"bb\": 2}}', '$.*.*')",
TestStringValue("get_json_object('{\"a\":1, \"1\":2, \"c\":3}', '$.1')", "2");
// Tests about NULL
TestIsNull("get_json_object('{\"a\": 1}', '$.b')", TYPE_STRING);
TestIsNull("get_json_object('{\"a\": 1}', '$[0]')", TYPE_STRING);
TestIsNull("get_json_object('[1,2]', '$[2]')", TYPE_STRING);
TestIsNull("get_json_object('[1,2,3]', '$.*')", TYPE_STRING);
TestIsNull("get_json_object('{illegal_json}', '$.a')", TYPE_STRING);
TestIsNull("get_json_object('\"abc\"', '$.a')", TYPE_STRING);
TestIsNull("get_json_object('\"abc\"', '$[0]')", TYPE_STRING);
TestIsNull("get_json_object('123', '$.a')", TYPE_STRING);
TestIsNull("get_json_object('123', '$[0]')", TYPE_STRING);
TestIsNull("get_json_object('{}', '$.a')", TYPE_STRING);
TestIsNull("get_json_object('[]', '$[0]')", TYPE_STRING);
TestStringValue("get_json_object('[0, 1, null, 2, 3]', '$[*]')", "[0,1,null,2,3]");
TestStringValue("get_json_object('[{\"a\": null}, {\"a\": \"NULL\"}]', '$[*].a')",
"get_json_object('[{\"key\": \"v1\"}, {\"key\": \"v2\"}]', '$[*]')",
TestValue("get_json_object('{\"a\":\"NULL\", \"b\":null}', '$.a') IS NULL",
TestValue("get_json_object('{\"a\":\"NULL\", \"b\":null}', '$.b') IS NULL",
// Test whitespaces
TestStringValue("get_json_object('[1,2,3]', ' $[1]')", "2");
TestStringValue("get_json_object('[1,2,3]', '$[1] ')", "2");
TestStringValue("get_json_object('[1,2,3]', ' $[ 1]')", "2");
TestStringValue("get_json_object('[1,2,3]', '$[ 1 ]')", "2");
TestStringValue("get_json_object('[1,2,3]', ' $ [ 1 ] ')", "2");
TestStringValue("get_json_object('[1,2,3]', ' $ [ * ] ')", "[1,2,3]");
TestStringValue("get_json_object('{\"abc\":1}', ' $.abc')", "1");
TestStringValue("get_json_object('{\"abc\":1}', '$ .abc')", "1");
TestStringValue("get_json_object('{\"abc\":1}', '$. abc')", "1");
TestStringValue("get_json_object('{\"abc\":1}', '$.abc ')", "1");
TestStringValue("get_json_object('{\"abc\":1}', ' $ .abc')", "1");
TestStringValue("get_json_object('{\"abc\":1}', ' $ . abc ')", "1");
"get_json_object('{\"key\": 1, \" key\": 2, \" key \": 3}', ' $. key ')", "1");
TestStringValue("get_json_object('{\"abc\":[1,2,3]}', ' $ . abc [ 2 ] ')", "3");
TestStringValue("get_json_object('{\"a\":1}', '$.* ')", "1");
TestStringValue("get_json_object('{\"a\":1}', '$. *')", "1");
TestStringValue("get_json_object('{\"a\":1}', '$ .*')", "1");
TestStringValue("get_json_object('{\"a\":1}', ' $.*')", "1");
TestStringValue("get_json_object('{\"a\":1}', ' $ . * ')", "1");
// Test errors
TestErrorString("get_json_object('[1,2]', '$[-2]')",
"Failed to parse json path '$[-2]': Negative index at position 2\n");
TestErrorString("get_json_object('[1,2]', '$[999999999999999]')",
"Failed to parse json path '$[999999999999999]': Index too large at position 2\n");
TestErrorString("get_json_object('[1,2]', '$[0.1]')",
"Failed to parse json path '$[0.1]': Expected number at position 2\n");
TestErrorString("get_json_object('[1,2]', '$[]')",
"Failed to parse json path '$[]': Expected number at position 2\n");
TestErrorString("get_json_object('[1,2]', '$[ ]')",
"Failed to parse json path '$[ ]': Expected number at position 4\n");
TestErrorString("get_json_object('[1,2]', '$[a]')",
"Failed to parse json path '$[a]': Expected number at position 2\n");
TestErrorString("get_json_object('[1,2]', '$[1a]')",
"Failed to parse json path '$[1a]': Expected number at position 2\n");
TestErrorString("get_json_object('[1,2]', '$[0][a]')",
"Failed to parse json path '$[0][a]': Expected number at position 5\n");
TestErrorString("get_json_object('[1,2]', '$[*')",
"Unclosed brackets in json path '$[*'\n");
TestErrorString("get_json_object('{\"key\": 1}', '$.')",
"Failed to parse json path '$.': Found a trailing '.'\n");
TestErrorString("get_json_object('{\"key\": 1}', '$*')",
"Failed to parse json path '$*': Unexpected char '*' at position 1\n");
TestErrorString("get_json_object('{\"key\": 1}', '$.*a')",
"Failed to parse json path '$.*a': Encountered 'a' in position 3, "
"expects ' ', '[' or '.'\n");
TestErrorString("get_json_object('{\"key\": 1}', '$.a*')",
"Failed to parse json path '$.a*': Unexpected char '*' at position 3\n");
TestErrorString("get_json_object('[1,2]', '$[0')",
"Unclosed brackets in json path '$[0'\n");
TestErrorString("get_json_object('{\"key\": {\"a\": 1}}', '$..a')",
"Failed to parse json path '$..a': Expected key at position 2\n");
TestErrorString("get_json_object('{\"key\": \"value\"}', '$$')",
"Failed to parse json path '$$': $ should only be placed at start\n");
TestErrorString("get_json_object('{\"a\": 1}', '$a')",
"Failed to parse json path '$a': Unexpected char 'a' at position 1\n");
TestErrorString("get_json_object('[{\"a\": 1}]', '$[0]a')",
"Failed to parse json path '$[0]a': Unexpected char 'a' at position 4\n");
TestErrorString("get_json_object('{\"a\": 1}', 'a')",
"Failed to parse json path 'a': Should start with '$'\n");
TestErrorString("get_json_object('[1,2,3]', '$[**]')",
"Failed to parse json path '$[**]': "
"Encountered '*' in position 3, expects ' ' or ']'\n");
TestErrorString("get_json_object('[1,2,3]', '')", "Empty json path\n");
TestErrorString("get_json_object('[1,2,3]', ' ')",
"Failed to parse json path ' ': Should start with '$'\n");
TEST_P(ExprTest, MaskShowFirstNTest) {
// Test overrides for string value.
// Replace upper case with 'X', lower case with 'x', digit chars with '0', other chars
// with ':'.
TestStringValue("mask_show_first_n('TestString-123', 4, 'X', 'x', '0', ':')",
"mask_show_first_n(cast('TestString-123' as varchar(24)), 4, 'X', 'x', '0', ':')",
"mask_show_first_n(cast('TestString-123' as char(24)), 4, 'X', 'x', '0', ':')",
TestStringValue("mask_show_first_n('')", "");
TestStringValue("mask_show_first_n('abcdeABCDE12345-#')", "abcdxXXXXXnnnnn-#");
TestStringValue("mask_show_first_n('abcdeABCDE12345-#', 0)", "xxxxxXXXXXnnnnn-#");
TestStringValue("mask_show_first_n('abcdeABCDE12345-#', -1)", "xxxxxXXXXXnnnnn-#");
TestStringValue("mask_show_first_n('abcdeABCDE12345-#', 2)", "abxxxXXXXXnnnnn-#");
TestStringValue("mask_show_first_n('abcdeABCDE12345-#', 100)", "abcdeABCDE12345-#");
TestStringValue("mask_show_first_n('abcdeABCDE12345-#', 3, '*', '*', '*', '*', 1)",
"abc**************"); // The last argument 1 is unused since the value is string.
// Most importantly, test the override used by Ranger transformer.
TestStringValue("mask_show_first_n('abcdeABCDE12345-#', 4, 'x', 'x', 'x', -1, '1')",
TestStringValue("mask_show_first_n('abcdeABCDE12345-#', 0, '*', '*', '*', -1, '9')",
// Test all int arguments. 65 = 'A', 97 = 'a', 48 = '0'.
TestStringValue("mask_show_first_n('abcdeABCDE12345-#', 0, 65, 97, 48, -1, 9)",
TestStringValue("mask_show_first_n('abcdeABCDE12345-#', 4, -1, -1, -1, -1, 9)",
// Test overrides for numeric value.
TestValue("mask_show_first_n(0)", TYPE_BIGINT, 0);
TestValue("mask_show_first_n(0, 0)", TYPE_BIGINT, 1);
TestValue("mask_show_first_n(0, 0, -1, -1, -1, -1, 5)", TYPE_BIGINT, 5);
TestValue("mask_show_first_n(cast(123 as tinyint), 2, 'x', 'x', 'x', -1, '5')",
TestValue("mask_show_first_n(cast(12345 as smallint), 3, 'x', 'x', 'x', -1, '5')",
TYPE_BIGINT, 12355);
TestValue("mask_show_first_n(cast(12345 as int), 0, 'x', 'x', 'x', 'x', 5)",
TYPE_BIGINT, 55555);
TestValue("mask_show_first_n(cast(12345 as bigint), 4, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1)",
TYPE_BIGINT, 12341);
TestValue("mask_show_first_n(123456789)", TYPE_BIGINT, 123411111);
TestValue("mask_show_first_n(123456789, 0)", TYPE_BIGINT, 111111111);
TestValue("mask_show_first_n(123456789, -1)", TYPE_BIGINT, 111111111);
TestValue("mask_show_first_n(123456789, 2)", TYPE_BIGINT, 121111111);
TestValue("mask_show_first_n(123456789, 100)", TYPE_BIGINT, 123456789);
TestValue("mask_show_first_n(123456789, 3, '*', '*', '*', '*', 2)", TYPE_BIGINT,
123222222); // Only the last mask argument 2 is unused since the value is numeric.
// Most importantly, test the override used by Ranger transformer.
TestValue("mask_show_first_n(12345678900, 4, 'x', 'x', 'x', -1, '1')", TYPE_BIGINT,
TestValue("mask_show_first_n(12345678900, 0, '*', '*', '*', -1, '9')", TYPE_BIGINT,
TestValue("mask_show_first_n(-12345678900, 0, '*', '*', '*', -1, '9')", TYPE_BIGINT,
// Test all int arguments. 65 = 'A', 97 = 'a', 48 = '0'.
TestValue("mask_show_first_n(12345678, 0, 65, 97, 48, -1, 9)", TYPE_BIGINT, 99999999);
// Illegal masked_number (not in [0, 9]) is converted to default value 1.
TestValue("mask_show_first_n(12345678, 4, -1, -1, -1, -1, 10)", TYPE_BIGINT, 12341111);
TestValue("mask_show_first_n(12345678, 4, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1)", TYPE_BIGINT, 12341111);
// Error handling
// Empty chars are converted to default values. Pick the first char for long strings.
TestStringValue("mask_show_first_n('TestString-123', 4, '', 'bBBBB', '', 'dDDD')",
TestIsNull("mask_show_first_n(cast(NULL as STRING))", TYPE_STRING);
TestIsNull("mask_show_first_n(cast(NULL as BIGINT))", TYPE_BIGINT);
TestErrorString("mask_show_first_n(123456789, 4, 'aa', 'bb', 'cc', -1, 'a')",
"Can't convert 'a' to a valid masked_number. Valid values: 0-9.\n");
TestErrorString("mask_show_first_n(123456789, 4, 'aa', 'bb', 'cc', -1, '10')",
"Can't convert '10' to a valid masked_number. Valid values: 0-9.\n");
TEST_P(ExprTest, MaskShowLastNTest) {
// Test overrides for string value.
// Replace upper case with 'X', lower case with 'x', digit chars with '0', other chars
// with ':'.
TestStringValue("mask_show_last_n('TestString-123', 4, 'X', 'x', '0', ':')",
"mask_show_last_n(cast('TestString-123' as varchar(24)), 4, 'X', 'x', '0', ':')",
"mask_show_last_n(cast('TestString-123' as char(24)), 4, 'X', 'x', '0', ':')",
"XxxxXxxxxx:000:::::: "); // Remain the last 4 whitespaces
TestStringValue("mask_show_last_n('')", "");
TestStringValue("mask_show_last_n('abcdeABCDE12345-#')", "xxxxxXXXXXnnn45-#");
TestStringValue("mask_show_last_n('abcdeABCDE12345-#', 0)", "xxxxxXXXXXnnnnn-#");
TestStringValue("mask_show_last_n('abcdeABCDE12345-#', -1)", "xxxxxXXXXXnnnnn-#");
TestStringValue("mask_show_last_n('abcdeABCDE12345-#', 2)", "xxxxxXXXXXnnnnn-#");
TestStringValue("mask_show_last_n('abcdeABCDE12345-#', 100)", "abcdeABCDE12345-#");
TestStringValue("mask_show_last_n('abcdeABCDE12345-#', 3, '*', '*', '*', '*', 1)",
"**************5-#"); // The last argument 1 is unused since the value is string.
// Most importantly, test the override used by Ranger transformer.
TestStringValue("mask_show_last_n('abcdeABCDE12345-#', 4, 'x', 'x', 'x', -1, '1')",
TestStringValue("mask_show_last_n('abcdeABCDE12345-#', 0, '*', '*', '*', -1, '9')",
// Test all int arguments. 65 = 'A', 97 = 'a', 48 = '0'.
TestStringValue("mask_show_last_n('abcdeABCDE12345-#', 0, 65, 97, 48, -1, 9)",
TestStringValue("mask_show_last_n('abcdeABCDE12345-#', 4, -1, -1, -1, -1, 9)",
// Test overrides for numeric value.
TestValue("mask_show_last_n(0)", TYPE_BIGINT, 0);
TestValue("mask_show_last_n(0, 0)", TYPE_BIGINT, 1);
TestValue("mask_show_last_n(0, 0, -1, -1, -1, -1, 5)", TYPE_BIGINT, 5);
TestValue("mask_show_last_n(cast(123 as tinyint), 2, 'x', 'x', 'x', -1, '5')",
TestValue("mask_show_last_n(cast(12345 as smallint), 3, 'x', 'x', 'x', -1, '5')",
TYPE_BIGINT, 55345);
TestValue("mask_show_last_n(cast(12345 as int), 0, 'x', 'x', 'x', 'x', 5)",
TYPE_BIGINT, 55555);
TestValue("mask_show_last_n(cast(12345 as bigint), 4, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1)",
TYPE_BIGINT, 12345);
TestValue("mask_show_last_n(123456789)", TYPE_BIGINT, 111116789);
TestValue("mask_show_last_n(123456789, 0)", TYPE_BIGINT, 111111111);
TestValue("mask_show_last_n(123456789, -1)", TYPE_BIGINT, 111111111);
TestValue("mask_show_last_n(123456789, 2)", TYPE_BIGINT, 111111189);
TestValue("mask_show_last_n(123456789, 100)", TYPE_BIGINT, 123456789);
TestValue("mask_show_last_n(123456789, 3, '*', '*', '*', '*', 2)", TYPE_BIGINT,
222222789); // Only the last mask argument 2 is unused since the value is numeric.
// Most importantly, test the override used by Ranger transformer.
TestValue("mask_show_last_n(12345678900, 4, 'x', 'x', 'x', -1, '1')", TYPE_BIGINT,
TestValue("mask_show_last_n(12345678900, 0, '*', '*', '*', -1, '9')", TYPE_BIGINT,
TestValue("mask_show_last_n(-12345678900, 0, '*', '*', '*', -1, '9')", TYPE_BIGINT,
// Test all int arguments. 65 = 'A', 97 = 'a', 48 = '0'.
TestValue("mask_show_last_n(12345678, 0, 65, 97, 48, -1, 9)", TYPE_BIGINT, 99999999);
// Illegal masked_number (not in [0, 9]) is converted to default value 1.
TestValue("mask_show_last_n(12345678, 4, -1, -1, -1, -1, 10)", TYPE_BIGINT, 11115678);
TestValue("mask_show_last_n(12345678, 4, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1)", TYPE_BIGINT, 11115678);
// Error handling
// Empty chars are converted to default values. Pick the first char for long strings.
TestStringValue("mask_show_last_n('TestString-123', 4, '', 'bBBBB', '', 'dDDD')",
TestIsNull("mask_show_last_n(cast(NULL as STRING))", TYPE_STRING);
TestIsNull("mask_show_last_n(cast(NULL as BIGINT))", TYPE_BIGINT);
TestErrorString("mask_show_last_n(123456789, 4, 'aa', 'bb', 'cc', -1, 'a')",
"Can't convert 'a' to a valid masked_number. Valid values: 0-9.\n");
TestErrorString("mask_show_last_n(123456789, 4, 'aa', 'bb', 'cc', -1, '10')",
"Can't convert '10' to a valid masked_number. Valid values: 0-9.\n");
TEST_P(ExprTest, MaskFirstNTest) {
// Test overrides for string value.
// Replace upper case with 'X', lower case with 'x', digit chars with '0', other chars
// with ':'.
TestStringValue("mask_first_n('TestString-123', 4, 'X', 'x', '0', ':')",
"mask_first_n(cast('TestString-123' as varchar(24)), 4, 'X', 'x', '0', ':')",
"mask_first_n(cast('TestString-123' as char(24)), 4, 'X', 'x', '0', ':')",
"XxxxString-123 ");
TestStringValue("mask_first_n('')", "");
TestStringValue("mask_first_n('abcdeABCDE12345-#')", "xxxxeABCDE12345-#");
TestStringValue("mask_first_n('abcdeABCDE12345-#', 0)", "abcdeABCDE12345-#");
TestStringValue("mask_first_n('abcdeABCDE12345-#', -1)", "abcdeABCDE12345-#");
TestStringValue("mask_first_n('abcdeABCDE12345-#', 2)", "xxcdeABCDE12345-#");
TestStringValue("mask_first_n('abcdeABCDE12345-#', 100)", "xxxxxXXXXXnnnnn-#");
TestStringValue("mask_first_n('abcdeABCDE12345-#', 3, '*', '*', '*', '*', 1)",
"***deABCDE12345-#"); // The last argument 1 is unused since the value is string.
// Most importantly, test the override used by Ranger transformer.
TestStringValue("mask_first_n('abcdeABCDE12345-#', 4, 'x', 'x', 'x', -1, '1')",
TestStringValue("mask_first_n('abcdeABCDE12345-#', 0, '*', '*', '*', -1, '9')",
// Test all int arguments. 65 = 'A', 97 = 'a', 48 = '0'.
TestStringValue("mask_first_n('abcdeABCDE12345-#', 100, 65, 97, 48, -1, 9)",
TestStringValue("mask_first_n('abcdeABCDE12345-#', 100, -1, -1, -1, -1, 9)",
// Test overrides for numeric value.
TestValue("mask_first_n(0)", TYPE_BIGINT, 1);
TestValue("mask_first_n(0, 0)", TYPE_BIGINT, 0);
TestValue("mask_first_n(0, 4, -1, -1, -1, -1, 5)", TYPE_BIGINT, 5);
TestValue("mask_first_n(cast(123 as tinyint), 2, 'x', 'x', 'x', -1, '5')",
TestValue("mask_first_n(cast(12345 as smallint), 3, 'x', 'x', 'x', -1, '5')",
TYPE_BIGINT, 55545);
TestValue("mask_first_n(cast(12345 as int), 0, 'x', 'x', 'x', 'x', 5)",
TYPE_BIGINT, 12345);
TestValue("mask_first_n(cast(12345 as bigint), 4, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1)",
TYPE_BIGINT, 11115);
TestValue("mask_first_n(123456789)", TYPE_BIGINT, 111156789);
TestValue("mask_first_n(123456789, 0)", TYPE_BIGINT, 123456789);
TestValue("mask_first_n(123456789, -1)", TYPE_BIGINT, 123456789);
TestValue("mask_first_n(123456789, 2)", TYPE_BIGINT, 113456789);
TestValue("mask_first_n(123456789, 100)", TYPE_BIGINT, 111111111);
TestValue("mask_first_n(123456789, 3, '*', '*', '*', '*', 2)", TYPE_BIGINT,
222456789); // Only the last mask argument 2 is unused since the value is numeric.
// Most importantly, test the override used by Ranger transformer.
TestValue("mask_first_n(12345678900, 4, 'x', 'x', 'x', -1, '1')", TYPE_BIGINT,
TestValue("mask_first_n(12345678900, 20, '*', '*', '*', -1, '9')", TYPE_BIGINT,
TestValue("mask_first_n(-12345678900, 20, '*', '*', '*', -1, '9')", TYPE_BIGINT,
// Test all int arguments. 65 = 'A', 97 = 'a', 48 = '0'.
TestValue("mask_first_n(12345678, 10, 65, 97, 48, -1, 9)", TYPE_BIGINT, 99999999);
// Illegal masked_number (not in [0, 9]) is converted to default value 1.
TestValue("mask_first_n(12345678, 4, -1, -1, -1, -1, 10)", TYPE_BIGINT, 11115678);
TestValue("mask_first_n(12345678, 4, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1)", TYPE_BIGINT, 11115678);
// Error handling
// Empty chars are converted to default values. Pick the first char for long strings.
TestStringValue("mask_first_n('TestString-123', 4, '', 'bBBBB', '', 'dDDD')",
TestIsNull("mask_first_n(cast(NULL as STRING))", TYPE_STRING);
TestIsNull("mask_first_n(cast(NULL as BIGINT))", TYPE_BIGINT);
TestErrorString("mask_first_n(123456789, 4, 'aa', 'bb', 'cc', -1, 'a')",
"Can't convert 'a' to a valid masked_number. Valid values: 0-9.\n");
TestErrorString("mask_first_n(123456789, 4, 'aa', 'bb', 'cc', -1, '10')",
"Can't convert '10' to a valid masked_number. Valid values: 0-9.\n");
TEST_P(ExprTest, MaskLastNTest) {
// Test overrides for string value.
// Replace upper case with 'X', lower case with 'x', digit chars with '0', other chars
// with ':'.
TestStringValue("mask_last_n('TestString-123', 4, 'X', 'x', '0', ':')",
"mask_last_n(cast('TestString-123' as varchar(24)), 4, 'X', 'x', '0', ':')",
"mask_last_n(cast('TestString-123' as char(24)), 4, 'X', 'x', '0', ':')",
"TestString-123 ::::");
TestStringValue("mask_last_n('')", "");
TestStringValue("mask_last_n('abcdeABCDE12345-#')", "abcdeABCDE123nn-#");
TestStringValue("mask_last_n('abcdeABCDE12345-#', 0)", "abcdeABCDE12345-#");
TestStringValue("mask_last_n('abcdeABCDE12345-#', -1)", "abcdeABCDE12345-#");
TestStringValue("mask_last_n('abcdeABCDE12345-#', 2)", "abcdeABCDE12345-#");
TestStringValue("mask_last_n('abcdeABCDE12345-#', 100)", "xxxxxXXXXXnnnnn-#");
TestStringValue("mask_last_n('abcdeABCDE12345-#', 3, '*', '*', '*', '*', 1)",
"abcdeABCDE1234***"); // The last argument 1 is unused since the value is string.
// Most importantly, test the override used by Ranger transformer.
TestStringValue("mask_last_n('abcdeABCDE12345-#', 4, 'x', 'x', 'x', -1, '1')",
TestStringValue("mask_last_n('abcdeABCDE12345-#', 100, '*', '*', '*', -1, '9')",
// Test all int arguments. 65 = 'A', 97 = 'a', 48 = '0'.
TestStringValue("mask_last_n('abcdeABCDE12345-#', 100, 65, 97, 48, -1, 9)",
TestStringValue("mask_last_n('abcdeABCDE12345-#', 100, -1, -1, -1, -1, 9)",
// Test overrides for numeric value.
TestValue("mask_last_n(0)", TYPE_BIGINT, 1);
TestValue("mask_last_n(0, 0)", TYPE_BIGINT, 0);
TestValue("mask_last_n(0, 4, -1, -1, -1, -1, 5)", TYPE_BIGINT, 5);
TestValue("mask_last_n(cast(123 as tinyint), 2, 'x', 'x', 'x', -1, '5')",
TestValue("mask_last_n(cast(12345 as smallint), 3, 'x', 'x', 'x', -1, '5')",
TYPE_BIGINT, 12555);
TestValue("mask_last_n(cast(12345 as int), 10, 'x', 'x', 'x', 'x', 5)",
TYPE_BIGINT, 55555);
TestValue("mask_last_n(cast(12345 as bigint), 4, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1)",
TYPE_BIGINT, 11111);
TestValue("mask_last_n(123456789)", TYPE_BIGINT, 123451111);
TestValue("mask_last_n(123456789, 0)", TYPE_BIGINT, 123456789);
TestValue("mask_last_n(123456789, -1)", TYPE_BIGINT, 123456789);
TestValue("mask_last_n(123456789, 2)", TYPE_BIGINT, 123456711);
TestValue("mask_last_n(123456789, 100)", TYPE_BIGINT, 111111111);
TestValue("mask_last_n(123456789, 3, '*', '*', '*', '*', 2)", TYPE_BIGINT,
123456222); // Only the last mask argument 2 is unused since the value is numeric.
// Most importantly, test the override used by Ranger transformer.
TestValue("mask_last_n(12345678900, 4, 'x', 'x', 'x', -1, '1')", TYPE_BIGINT,
TestValue("mask_last_n(12345678900, 20, '*', '*', '*', -1, '9')", TYPE_BIGINT,
TestValue("mask_last_n(-12345678900, 20, '*', '*', '*', -1, '9')", TYPE_BIGINT,
// Test all int arguments. 65 = 'A', 97 = 'a', 48 = '0'.
TestValue("mask_last_n(12345678, 10, 65, 97, 48, -1, 9)", TYPE_BIGINT, 99999999);
// Illegal masked_number (not in [0, 9]) is converted to default value 1.
TestValue("mask_last_n(12345678, 4, -1, -1, -1, -1, 10)", TYPE_BIGINT, 12341111);
TestValue("mask_last_n(12345678, 4, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1)", TYPE_BIGINT, 12341111);
// Error handling
// Empty chars are converted to default values. Pick the first char for long strings.
TestStringValue("mask_last_n('TestString-123', 4, '', 'bBBBB', '', 'dDDD')",
TestIsNull("mask_last_n(cast(NULL as STRING))", TYPE_STRING);
TestIsNull("mask_last_n(cast(NULL as BIGINT))", TYPE_BIGINT);
TestErrorString("mask_last_n(123456789, 4, 'aa', 'bb', 'cc', -1, 'a')",
"Can't convert 'a' to a valid masked_number. Valid values: 0-9.\n");
TestErrorString("mask_last_n(123456789, 4, 'aa', 'bb', 'cc', -1, '10')",
"Can't convert '10' to a valid masked_number. Valid values: 0-9.\n");
TEST_P(ExprTest, MaskTest) {
// Test overrides for string value.
// Replace upper case with 'X', lower case with 'x', digit chars with '0', other chars
// with ':'.
TestStringValue("mask('TestString-123', 'X', 'x', '0', ':')", "XxxxXxxxxx:000");
TestStringValue("mask(cast('TestString-123' as varchar(24)), 'X', 'x', '0', ':')",
TestStringValue("mask(cast('TestString-123' as char(24)), 'X', 'x', '0', ':')",
TestStringValue("mask('')", "");
TestStringValue("mask('abcdeABCDE12345-#')", "xxxxxXXXXXnnnnn-#");
TestStringValue("mask('abcdeABCDE12345-#', '*', '*', '*', '*', 1)",
"*****************"); // The last argument 1 is unused since the value is string.
// Most importantly, test the override used by Ranger transformer.
TestStringValue("mask('abcdeABCDE12345-#', 'x', 'x', 'x', -1, '1')",
TestStringValue("mask('abcdeABCDE12345-#', '*', '*', '*', -1, '9')",
// Test all int arguments. 65 = 'A', 97 = 'a', 48 = '0'.
TestStringValue("mask('abcdeABCDE12345-#', 65, 97, 48, -1, 9)", "aaaaaAAAAA00000-#");
TestStringValue("mask('abcdeABCDE12345-#', -1, -1, -1, -1, 9)", "abcdeABCDE12345-#");
// Test overrides for numeric value.
TestValue("mask(0)", TYPE_BIGINT, 1);
TestValue("mask(0, -1, -1, -1, -1, 5)", TYPE_BIGINT, 5);
TestValue("mask(cast(123 as tinyint), 'x', 'x', 'x', -1, '5')", TYPE_BIGINT, 555);
TestValue("mask(cast(12345 as smallint), 'x', 'x', 'x', -1, '5')", TYPE_BIGINT, 55555);
TestValue("mask(cast(12345 as int), 'x', 'x', 'x', 'x', 5)", TYPE_BIGINT, 55555);
TestValue("mask(cast(12345 as bigint), -1, -1, -1, -1, -1)", TYPE_BIGINT, 11111);
TestValue("mask(12345678900)", TYPE_BIGINT, 11111111111);
TestValue("mask(12345678900, '*', '*', '*', '*', 2)", TYPE_BIGINT, 22222222222);
// Most importantly, test the override used by Ranger transformer.
TestValue("mask(12345678900, 'x', 'x', 'x', -1, '1')", TYPE_BIGINT, 11111111111);
TestValue("mask(12345678900, '*', '*', '*', -1, '9')", TYPE_BIGINT, 99999999999);
TestValue("mask(-12345678900, '*', '*', '*', -1, '9')", TYPE_BIGINT, -99999999999);
// Test all int arguments. 65 = 'A', 97 = 'a', 48 = '0'.
TestValue("mask(12345678, 65, 97, 48, -1, 9)", TYPE_BIGINT, 99999999);
// Illegal masked_number (not in [0, 9]) is converted to default value 1.
TestValue("mask(12345678, -1, -1, -1, -1, 10)", TYPE_BIGINT, 11111111);
TestValue("mask(12345678, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1)", TYPE_BIGINT, 11111111);
// Test overrides for Date value.
TestDateValue("mask(cast('2019-12-31' as date), -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 11, 2, 2020)",
DateValue(2020, 3, 11));
TestDateValue("mask(cast('2019-12-31' as date), -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 32, 12, 2020)",
DateValue(2020, 1, 1));
TestDateValue("mask(cast('2019-12-31' as date), -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1)",
DateValue(2019, 12, 31));
TestDateValue("mask(cast('2019-12-31' as date), -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 10, -1, -1)",
DateValue(2019, 12, 10));
TestDateValue("mask(cast('2019-12-31' as date), -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 0, -1)",
DateValue(2019, 1, 31));
TestDateValue("mask(cast('2019-12-31' as date), -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 10)",
DateValue(10, 12, 31));
TestDateValue("mask(cast('2019-12-31' as date), -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 10, 0, -1)",
DateValue(2019, 1, 10));
TestDateValue("mask(cast('2019-12-31' as date), -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 10, -1, 10)",
DateValue(10, 12, 10));
TestDateValue("mask(cast('2019-12-31' as date), -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 0, 10)",
DateValue(10, 1, 31));
TestDateValue("mask(cast('2019-12-31' as date), -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 10, 0, 10)",
DateValue(10, 1, 10));
// Error handling
// Empty chars are converted to default values. Pick the first char for long strings.
TestStringValue("mask('TestString-123', '', 'bBBBB', '', 'dDDD')", "XbbbXbbbbbdnnn");
TestIsNull("mask(cast(NULL as STRING))", TYPE_STRING);
TestIsNull("mask(cast(NULL as BIGINT))", TYPE_BIGINT);
TestIsNull("mask(cast(NULL as DATE))", TYPE_DATE);
TestErrorString("mask(123456789, 'aa', 'bb', 'cc', -1, 'a')",
"Can't convert 'a' to a valid masked_number. Valid values: 0-9.\n");
TestErrorString("mask(123456789, 'aa', 'bb', 'cc', -1, '10')",
"Can't convert '10' to a valid masked_number. Valid values: 0-9.\n");
TestDateValue("mask(cast('2019-12-31' as date), -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 10, 0, 0)",
DateValue(1, 1, 10));
TestDateValue("mask(cast('2019-12-31' as date), -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 10, 0, 10000)",
DateValue(1, 1, 10));
// This is a different behavior than Hive's. Hive will convert '2019-02-30' to
// '2019-03-02', while Impala converts it to NULL.
TestIsNull("mask(cast('2019-02-03' as date), -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 30, -1, -1)",
TEST_P(ExprTest, MaskHashTest) {
if (IsFIPSMode()) {
TestStringValue("mask_hash(cast('TestString-123' as varchar(24)))",
TestStringValue("mask_hash(cast('TestString-123' as char(24)))",
} else {
TestStringValue("mask_hash(cast('TestString-123' as varchar(24)))",
TestStringValue("mask_hash(cast('TestString-123' as char(24)))",
TestIsNull("mask_hash(cast(123 as tinyint))", TYPE_BIGINT);
TestIsNull("mask_hash(cast(12345 as smallint))", TYPE_BIGINT);
TestIsNull("mask_hash(cast(12345 as int))", TYPE_BIGINT);
TestIsNull("mask_hash(cast(12345 as bigint))", TYPE_BIGINT);
TestIsNull("mask_hash(cast(1 as boolean))", TYPE_BOOLEAN);
TestIsNull("mask_hash(cast(12345 as double))", TYPE_DOUBLE);
TestIsNull("mask_hash(cast('2016-04-20' as date))", TYPE_DATE);
TestIsNull("mask_hash(cast('2016-04-20' as timestamp))", TYPE_TIMESTAMP);
TEST_P(ExprTest, Utf8MaskTest) {
// Default is no masking for other chars so Chinese charactors are unmasked.
TestStringValue("mask('hello李小龙')", "xxxxx李小龙");
// Keeps upper, lower, digit chars and masks other chars as 'x'.
TestStringValue("mask('hello李小龙', -1, -1, -1, 'X')", "helloXXX");
TestStringValue("mask_last_n('hello李小龙', 4, -1, -1, -1, 'x')", "helloxxx");
TestStringValue("mask_last_n('hello李小龙', 2, -1, -1, -1, 'x')", "hello李xx");
TestStringValue("mask_last_n('hello李小龙', 4, 'x', 'x', 'x', 'X')", "hellxXXX");
TestStringValue("mask_show_first_n('hello李小龙', 6, 'x', 'x', 'x', 'X')",
TestStringValue("mask_show_first_n('hello李小龙', 4, -1, -1, -1, 'X')", "helloXXX");
TestStringValue("mask_show_first_n('hello李小龙', 4, 'x', 'x', 'x', 'X')",
TestStringValue("mask_first_n('hello李小龙', 5)", "xxxxx李小龙");
// Default is no masking for other chars so Chinese charactors are unmasked.
TestStringValue("mask_first_n('hello李小龙', 6)", "xxxxx李小龙");
TestStringValue("mask_first_n('hello李小龙', 6, 'x', 'x', 'x', 'X')",
TestStringValue("mask_show_last_n('hello李小龙', 2, 'x', 'x', 'x', 'X')",
TestStringValue("mask_show_last_n('hello李小龙', 4, 'x', 'x', 'x', 'X')",
// Test masking unicode upper/lower cases.
TestStringValue("mask('abcd áäèü ABCD ÁÄÈÜ')", "xxxx xxxx XXXX XXXX");
TestStringValue("mask('Ich möchte ein Bier. Tschüss')",
"Xxx xxxxxx xxx Xxxx. Xxxxxxx");
TestStringValue("mask('Hungarian áéíöóőüúű ÁÉÍÖÓŐÜÚŰ')",
"Xxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxx XXXXXXXXX");
TestStringValue("mask('German äöüß ÄÖÜẞ')", "Xxxxxx xxxx XXXX");
"mask('French àâæçéèêëïîôœùûüÿ ÀÂÆÇÉÈÊËÏÎÔŒÙÛÜŸ')",
"Xxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX");
TestStringValue("mask('Greek αβξδ άέήώ ΑΒΞΔ ΆΈΉΏ 1234')",
"Xxxxx xxxx xxxx XXXX XXXX nnnn");
TestStringValue("mask_first_n('áéíöóőüúű')", "xxxxóőüúű");
TestStringValue("mask_show_first_n('áéíöóőüúű')", "áéíöxxxxx");
TestStringValue("mask_last_n('áéíöóőüúű')", "áéíöóxxxx");
TestStringValue("mask_show_last_n('áéíöóőüúű')", "xxxxxőüúű");
// Test masking to unicode code points. Specify -1(unmask) for masking upper/lower/digit
// chars.
TestStringValue("mask('hello李小龙', -1, -1, -1, '某')", "hello某某某");
TestStringValue("mask_last_n('hello李小龙', 4, -1, -1, -1, '某')",
TestStringValue("mask_last_n('hello李小龙', 2, -1, -1, -1, '某')",
TestStringValue("mask_show_first_n('hello李小龙', 4, -1, -1, -1, '某')",
TestStringValue("mask_show_first_n('hello李小龙', 6, -1, -1, -1, '某')",
TestStringValue("mask_first_n('李小龙hello', 4, -1, -1, -1, '某')",
TestStringValue("mask_show_last_n('李小龙hello', 5, -1, -1, -1, '某')",
void ExprTest::TestBytes() {
// Verifies Bytes(exp) counts number of bytes.
TestIsNull("Bytes(NULL)", TYPE_INT);
TestValue("Bytes('你好')", TYPE_INT, 6);
TestValue("Bytes('你好hello')", TYPE_INT, 11);
TestValue("Bytes('你好 hello 你好')", TYPE_INT, 19);
TestValue("Bytes('hello')", TYPE_INT, 5);
// BINARY uses "bytes" behind "length"
TestValue("Length(CAST('你好' AS BINARY))", TYPE_INT, 6);
TestValue("Length(CAST('你好hello' AS BINARY))", TYPE_INT, 11);
TestValue("Length(CAST('你好 hello 你好' AS BINARY))", TYPE_INT, 19);
TestValue("Length(CAST('hello' AS BINARY))", TYPE_INT, 5);
TEST_P(ExprTest, BytesTest) {
// Bytes should behave the same regardless of utf8_mode.
TEST_P(ExprTest, Utf8Test) {
// Verifies utf8_length() counts length by UTF-8 characters instead of bytes.
// '你' and '好' are both encoded into 3 bytes.
TestIsNull("utf8_length(NULL)", TYPE_INT);
TestValue("utf8_length('你好')", TYPE_INT, 2);
TestValue("utf8_length('你好hello')", TYPE_INT, 7);
TestValue("utf8_length('你好 hello 你好')", TYPE_INT, 11);
TestValue("utf8_length('hello')", TYPE_INT, 5);
// Verifies position and length of utf8_substring() are UTF-8 aware.
// '你' and '好' are both encoded into 3 bytes.
TestStringValue("utf8_substring('Hello', 1)", "Hello");
TestStringValue("utf8_substring('Hello', -2)", "lo");
TestStringValue("utf8_substring('Hello', cast(0 as bigint))", "");
TestStringValue("utf8_substring('Hello', -5)", "Hello");
TestStringValue("utf8_substring('Hello', cast(-6 as bigint))", "");
TestStringValue("utf8_substring('Hello', 100)", "");
TestStringValue("utf8_substring('Hello', -100)", "");
TestIsNull("utf8_substring(NULL, 100)", TYPE_STRING);
TestIsNull("utf8_substring('Hello', NULL)", TYPE_STRING);
TestIsNull("utf8_substring(NULL, NULL)", TYPE_STRING);
TestStringValue("utf8_substring('Hello', 1, 1)", "H");
TestStringValue("utf8_substring('Hello', cast(2 as bigint), 100)", "ello");
TestStringValue("utf8_substring('Hello', -3, cast(2 as bigint))", "ll");
TestStringValue("utf8_substring('Hello', 1, 0)", "");
TestStringValue("utf8_substring('Hello', cast(1 as bigint), cast(-1 as bigint))", "");
TestIsNull("utf8_substring(NULL, 1, 100)", TYPE_STRING);
TestIsNull("utf8_substring('Hello', NULL, 100)", TYPE_STRING);
TestIsNull("utf8_substring('Hello', 1, NULL)", TYPE_STRING);
TestIsNull("utf8_substring(NULL, NULL, NULL)", TYPE_STRING);
TestStringValue("utf8_substring('你好', 0)", "");
TestStringValue("utf8_substring('你好', 1)", "你好");
TestStringValue("utf8_substring('你好', 2)", "好");
TestStringValue("utf8_substring('你好', 3)", "");
TestStringValue("utf8_substring('你好', 0, 1)", "");
TestStringValue("utf8_substring('你好', 1, 0)", "");
TestStringValue("utf8_substring('你好', 1, 1)", "你");
TestStringValue("utf8_substring('你好', 1, -1)", "");
TestStringValue("utf8_substring('你好hello', 1, 4)", "你好he");
TestStringValue("utf8_substring('hello你好', 2, 5)", "ello你");
TestStringValue("utf8_substring('你好hello你好', -1)", "好");
TestStringValue("utf8_substring('你好hello你好', -2)", "你好");
TestStringValue("utf8_substring('你好hello你好', -3)", "o你好");
TestStringValue("utf8_substring('你好hello你好', -7)", "hello你好");
TestStringValue("utf8_substring('你好hello你好', -8)", "好hello你好");
TestStringValue("utf8_substring('你好hello你好', -9)", "你好hello你好");
TestStringValue("utf8_substring('你好hello你好', -10)", "");
TestStringValue("utf8_substring('你好hello你好', -3, cast(2 as bigint))", "o你");
TestStringValue("utf8_substring('你好hello你好', -1, -1)", "");
// Verifies utf8_reverse() reverses the UTF-8 characters (code points).
// '你' and '好' are both encoded into 3 bytes.
TestIsNull("utf8_reverse(NULL)", TYPE_STRING);
TestStringValue("utf8_reverse('hello')", "olleh");
TestStringValue("utf8_reverse('')", "");
TestStringValue("utf8_reverse('你好')", "好你");
TestStringValue("utf8_reverse('你好hello')", "olleh好你");
TestStringValue("utf8_reverse('hello你好')", "好你olleh");
TestStringValue("utf8_reverse('你好hello你好')", "好你olleh好你");
TestStringValue("utf8_reverse('hello你好hello')", "olleh好你olleh");
// '🙂' is encoded into 1 code points (U+1F642) and finally encoded into 4 bytes.
TestStringValue("utf8_reverse('hello🙂')", "🙂olleh");
// Verifies utf8_reverse() reverse code points instead of grapheme clusters.
// 'ñ' can be encoded into 1-2 code points depending on the normalization.
// In NFC, it's U+00F1 which is encoded into 2 bytes (0xc3 0xb1).
// In NFD, it's 'n' and U+0303 which are finally encoded into 3 bytes (0x6e for 'n' and
// 0xcc 0x83 for the '~'). Here "n\u0303" is a grapheme cluster.
TestStringValue("utf8_reverse('ma\u00f1ana')", "ana\u00f1am");
TestStringValue("utf8_reverse('man\u0303ana')", "ana\u0303nam");
// NFC(default in Linux) is used in this file so the following test can pass.
TestStringValue("utf8_reverse('mañana')", "anañam");
// "\u0928\u0940" is a grapheme clusters, same as "\u0ba8\u0bbf" and
// "\U0001f468\u200d\U0001f468\u200d\U0001f467\u200d\U0001f467".
// The string is reversed in code points.
// Tests utf8_*trim() with UTF-8 characters.
TestStringValue("utf8_trim(' hello你好👋 ')", "hello你好👋");
TestStringValue("utf8_rtrim(' hello你好👋 ')", " hello你好👋");
TestStringValue("utf8_ltrim(' hello你好👋 ')", "hello你好👋 ");
TestStringValue("utf8_btrim(' hello你好👋 ')", "hello你好👋");
TestStringValue("utf8_rtrim('hello你好👋', '👋hello')", "hello你好");
TestStringValue("utf8_ltrim('hello你好👋', '👋hello')", "你好👋");
TestStringValue("utf8_btrim('hello你好👋', '👋hello')", "你好");
// Each Chinese character is encoded into 3 bytes. But in UTF-8 mode, the positions
// are counted by UTF-8 characters.
TestValue("instr('最快的SQL引擎', 'SQL')", TYPE_INT, 4);
TestValue("instr('最快的SQL引擎', '引擎')", TYPE_INT, 7);
TestValue("instr('最快的SQL引擎', 'SQL', 1)", TYPE_INT, 4);
TestValue("instr('最快的SQL引擎', 'SQL', 4)", TYPE_INT, 4);
TestValue("instr('最快的SQL引擎', 'SQL', 5)", TYPE_INT, 0);
TestValue("instr('最快的SQL引擎', 'SQL', 500)", TYPE_INT, 0);
TestValue("instr('最快的SQL引擎', 'SQL', -1)", TYPE_INT, 4);
TestValue("instr('最快的SQL引擎', 'SQL', -2)", TYPE_INT, 4);
TestValue("instr('最快的SQL引擎', 'SQL', -3)", TYPE_INT, 4);
TestValue("instr('最快的SQL引擎', 'SQL', -5)", TYPE_INT, 4);
TestValue("instr('最快的SQL引擎', 'SQL', -6)", TYPE_INT, 0);
TestValue("instr('最快的SQL引擎', 'SQL', -600)", TYPE_INT, 0);
TestValue("instr('最快的SQL引擎跑SQL', '引擎', 1)", TYPE_INT, 7);
TestValue("instr('最快的SQL引擎跑SQL', '引擎', 7)", TYPE_INT, 7);
TestValue("instr('最快的SQL引擎跑SQL', '引擎', 8)", TYPE_INT, 0);
TestValue("instr('最快的SQL引擎跑SQL', '引擎', -1)", TYPE_INT, 7);
TestValue("instr('最快的SQL引擎跑SQL', '引擎', -6)", TYPE_INT, 7);
TestValue("instr('最快的SQL引擎跑SQL', '引擎', -7)", TYPE_INT, 0);
TestValue("instr('最快的SQL引擎跑SQL', '引擎', -700)", TYPE_INT, 0);
TestValue("instr('最快的SQL引擎跑SQL', 'SQL', 1, 1)", TYPE_INT, 4);
TestValue("instr('最快的SQL引擎跑SQL', 'SQL', 1, 2)", TYPE_INT, 10);
TestValue("instr('最快的SQL引擎跑SQL', 'SQL', 1, 3)", TYPE_INT, 0);
TestValue("instr('最快的SQL引擎跑SQL', 'SQL', 100, 3)", TYPE_INT, 0);
TestValue("instr('最快的SQL引擎跑SQL', 'SQL', -1, 1)", TYPE_INT, 10);
TestValue("instr('最快的SQL引擎跑SQL', 'SQL', -1, 2)", TYPE_INT, 4);
TestValue("instr('最快的SQL引擎跑SQL', 'SQL', -1, 3)", TYPE_INT, 0);
TestValue("instr('最快的SQL引擎跑SQL', 'SQL', -100, 3)", TYPE_INT, 0);
TestValue("instr('最快的SQL引擎跑SQL', 'SQL引擎')", TYPE_INT, 4);
TestValue("instr('最快的SQL引擎跑SQL', 'SQL引擎', -1)", TYPE_INT, 4);
TestValue("instr('最快的SQL引擎跑SQL', 'SQL引擎, 1, 2')", TYPE_INT, 0);
TestValue("instr('最快的SQL引擎跑SQL', '跑SQL')", TYPE_INT, 9);
TestValue("instr('最快的SQL引擎跑SQL', '跑SQL', -1)", TYPE_INT, 9);
TestValue("instr('最快的SQL引擎跑SQL', '跑SQL', 1, 2)", TYPE_INT, 0);
TestValue("instr('你好你好你好你好', '好', 1, 1)", TYPE_INT, 2);
TestValue("instr('你好你好你好你好', '好', 1, 2)", TYPE_INT, 4);
TestValue("instr('你好你好你好你好', '好', 1, 3)", TYPE_INT, 6);
TestValue("instr('你好你好你好你好', '好', 1, 4)", TYPE_INT, 8);
TestValue("instr('你好你好你好你好', '好', 1, 5)", TYPE_INT, 0);
TestValue("instr('你好你好你好你好', '好', 4, 2)", TYPE_INT, 6);
TestValue("instr('你好你好你好你好', '好', -1, 1)", TYPE_INT, 8);
TestValue("instr('你好你好你好你好', '好', -1, 2)", TYPE_INT, 6);
TestValue("instr('你好你好你好你好', '好', -1, 3)", TYPE_INT, 4);
TestValue("instr('你好你好你好你好', '好', -1, 4)", TYPE_INT, 2);
TestValue("instr('你好你好你好你好', '好', -1, 5)", TYPE_INT, 0);
TestValue("instr('你好你好你好你好', '好', -4, 2)", TYPE_INT, 2);
TestIsNull("instr('最快的SQL引擎跑SQL', 'SQL', 1, NULL)", TYPE_INT);
TestIsNull("instr('最快的SQL引擎跑SQL', 'SQL', NULL, 1)", TYPE_INT);
TestIsNull("instr('最快的SQL引擎跑SQL', NULL, 1, 1)", TYPE_INT);
TestIsNull("instr(NULL, 'SQL', 1, 1)", TYPE_INT);
TestValue("locate('SQL', '最快的SQL引擎跑SQL')", TYPE_INT, 4);
TestValue("locate('SQL', '最快的SQL引擎跑SQL', 4)", TYPE_INT, 4);
TestValue("locate('SQL', '最快的SQL引擎跑SQL', 5)", TYPE_INT, 10);
TestValue("locate('SQL', '最快的SQL引擎跑SQL', 10)", TYPE_INT, 10);
TestValue("locate('SQL', '最快的SQL引擎跑SQL', 11)", TYPE_INT, 0);
// locate() only allow positive position.
TestValue("locate('SQL', '最快的SQL引擎跑SQL', 0)", TYPE_INT, 0);
TestValue("locate('SQL', '最快的SQL引擎跑SQL', -1)", TYPE_INT, 0);
TestIsNull("locate('SQL', '最快的SQL引擎跑SQL', NULL)", TYPE_INT);
TestStringValue("upper('abcd áäèü')", "ABCD ÁÄÈÜ");
TestStringValue("lower('ABCD ÁÄÈÜ')", "abcd áäèü");
TestStringValue("initcap('abcd áäèü ABCD ÁÄÈÜ')",
"Abcd Áäèü Abcd Áäèü");
TestStringValue("upper('aáàâãäăāåąæ')", "AÁÀÂÃÄĂĀÅĄÆ");
TestStringValue("lower('AÁÀÂÃÄĂĀÅĄÆ')", "aáàâãäăāåąæ");
TestStringValue("initcap('AÁÀÂÃÄĂĀÅĄÆ')", "Aáàâãäăāåąæ");
TestStringValue("upper('eéèêëěēėę')", "EÉÈÊËĚĒĖĘ");
TestStringValue("lower('EÉÈÊËĚĒĖĘ')", "eéèêëěēėę");
TestStringValue("initcap('EÉÈÊËĚĒĖĘ')", "Eéèêëěēėę");
// The uppercase of "i" and "ı" are both "I". However, the lowercase of "I" is "i"
// because we don't support Turkish locale yet (IMPALA-11080).
// Due to the same reason, the lowercase of "İ" and "I" are both "i", but the uppercase
// of "i" is "I".
TestStringValue("upper('iíìîïīįı')", "IÍÌÎÏĪĮI");
TestStringValue("lower('IÍÌÎÏĪĮIİ')", "iíìîïīįii");
TestStringValue("initcap('IÍÌÎÏĪĮIİ')", "Iíìîïīįii");
TestStringValue("upper('oóòôõöőøœ')", "OÓÒÔÕÖŐØŒ");
TestStringValue("lower('OÓÒÔÕÖŐØŒ')", "oóòôõöőøœ");
TestStringValue("initcap('OÓÒÔÕÖŐØŒ')", "Oóòôõöőøœ");
TestStringValue("upper('uúùûüűū')", "UÚÙÛÜŰŪ");
TestStringValue("lower('UÚÙÛÜŰŪ')", "uúùûüűū");
TestStringValue("initcap('UÚÙÛÜŰŪ')", "Uúùûüűū");
// The uppercase of "đ" and "ð" are both "Đ", but the lowercase of "Đ" is "đ"
// due to the hard-coded locale, i.e. "en_US.UTF-8".
TestStringValue("upper('ýćčďđðģğķłļ')", "ÝĆČĎĐÐĢĞĶŁĻ");
TestStringValue("lower('ÝĆČĎĐĢĞĶŁĻ')", "ýćčďđģğķłļ");
TestStringValue("initcap('ÝĆČĎĐĢĞĶŁĻ')", "Ýćčďđģğķłļ");
TestStringValue("upper('ńñňņŋ')", "ŃÑŇŅŊ");
TestStringValue("lower('ŃÑŇŅŊ')", "ńñňņŋ");
TestStringValue("initcap('ŃÑŇŅŊ')", "Ńñňņŋ");
TestStringValue("upper('řśšşťŧþţżźž')", "ŘŚŠŞŤŦÞŢŻŹŽ");
TestStringValue("lower('ŘŚŠŞŤŦÞŢŻŹŽ')", "řśšşťŧþţżźž");
TestStringValue("initcap('ŘŚŠŞŤŦÞŢŻŹŽ')", "Řśšşťŧþţżźž");
// Tests with the null byte ('\0') in the middle. Explicitly create the expected
// results as std::string in case they are truncated at '\0'.
TestStringValue("upper('ábć\\0èfğ')", string("ÁBĆ\0ÈFĞ", 11));
TestStringValue("lower('ÁBĆ\\0ÈFĞ')", string("ábć\0èfğ", 11));
TestStringValue("initcap('ábć\\0ÈFĞ')", string("Ábć\0èfğ", 11));
// Tests *trim() with UTF-8 characters in UTF8_MODE.
TestStringValue("trim(' hello 你好 👋 ')", "hello 你好 👋");
TestStringValue("ltrim(' hello 你好 👋 ')", "hello 你好 👋 ");
TestStringValue("rtrim(' hello 你好 👋 ')", " hello 你好 👋");
TestStringValue("btrim(' hello 你好 👋 ')", "hello 你好 👋");
TestStringValue("ltrim('ÁáBbĆć', 'ÁBĆábć')", "");
TestStringValue("rtrim('price价格,', ',')", "price价格");
TestStringValue("rtrim('hello你好👋', '👋hello')", "hello你好");
TestStringValue("ltrim('hello你好👋', '👋hello')", "你好👋");
TestStringValue("btrim('hello你好👋', '👋hello')", "你好");
TestStringValue("rtrim('🍎🍐🍊🍋🍌', '🍌🍋🍐🍎')", "🍎🍐🍊");
TestStringValue("ltrim('🍎🍐🍊🍋🍌', '🍌🍋🍐🍎')", "🍊🍋🍌");
TestStringValue("btrim('🍎🍐🍊🍋🍌', '🍌🍋🍐🍎')", "🍊");
TestStringValue("btrim('water💧水вода', 'вода水💧water')", "");
TestStringValue("btrim('fire🔥火огонь', 'огонь火🔥fire')", "");
// There are 'Zero Width Joiner' between emojis.
TestStringValue("btrim('👨‍👩‍👧‍👦', '👧‍👦')", "👨‍👩");
TEST_P(ExprTest, AiFunctionsTest) {
// Hack up a function context.
RuntimeState state(TQueryCtx(), ExecEnv::GetInstance());
MemTracker m;
MemPool pool(&m);
FunctionContext::TypeDesc str_desc;
str_desc.type = FunctionContext::Type::TYPE_STRING;
std::vector<FunctionContext::TypeDesc> v(3, str_desc);
FunctionContext* ctx = CreateUdfTestContext(str_desc, v, &state, &pool);
// dummy api key.
string secret_key("do_not_share");
// valid endpoint
StringVal openai_endpoint("");
// empty jceks secret key
StringVal jceks_secret("");
// dummy model.
StringVal model("bot");
// prompt message.
StringVal prompt("hello!");
// additional params
StringVal json_params;
// dry_run to receive HTTP request header and body
bool dry_run = true;
// Test fastpath
StringVal result = AiFunctions::AiGenerateTextInternal<true>(ctx, StringVal::null(),
prompt, StringVal::null(), StringVal::null(), StringVal::null(), dry_run);
EXPECT_EQ(string(reinterpret_cast<char*>(result.ptr), result.len),
"\nContent-Type: application/json"
"\nAuthorization: Bearer do_not_share"
// Test endpoints.
// endpoints must begin with https.
result = AiFunctions::AiGenerateTextInternal<false>(
ctx, StringVal(""), prompt, model, jceks_secret, json_params, dry_run);
EXPECT_EQ(string(reinterpret_cast<char*>(result.ptr), result.len),
// only OpenAI endpoints are supported.
result = AiFunctions::AiGenerateTextInternal<false>(ctx, StringVal(""),
prompt, model, jceks_secret, json_params, dry_run);
EXPECT_EQ(string(reinterpret_cast<char*>(result.ptr), result.len),
// valid request using OpenAI endpoint.
result = AiFunctions::AiGenerateTextInternal<false>(
ctx, openai_endpoint, prompt, model, jceks_secret, json_params, dry_run);
EXPECT_EQ(string(reinterpret_cast<char*>(result.ptr), result.len),
"\nContent-Type: application/json"
"\nAuthorization: Bearer do_not_share"
// Test prompt.
// prompt cannot be empty.
StringVal invalid_prompt("");
result = AiFunctions::AiGenerateTextInternal<false>(
ctx, openai_endpoint, invalid_prompt, model, jceks_secret, json_params, dry_run);
EXPECT_EQ(string(reinterpret_cast<char*>(result.ptr), result.len),
// prompt cannot be null.
invalid_prompt = StringVal::null();
result = AiFunctions::AiGenerateTextInternal<false>(
ctx, openai_endpoint, invalid_prompt, model, jceks_secret, json_params, dry_run);
EXPECT_EQ(string(reinterpret_cast<char*>(result.ptr), result.len),
// Test override/additional params
// invalid json results in error.
StringVal invalid_json_params("{\"temperature\": 0.49, \"stop\": [\"*\",::,]}");
result = AiFunctions::AiGenerateTextInternal<false>(
ctx, openai_endpoint, prompt, model, jceks_secret, invalid_json_params, dry_run);
EXPECT_EQ(string(reinterpret_cast<char*>(result.ptr), result.len),
// valid json results in overriding existing params ('model'), and adding new parms
// like 'temperature' and 'stop'.
StringVal valid_json_params(
"{\"model\": \"gpt\", \"temperature\": 0.49, \"stop\": [\"*\", \"%\"]}");
result = AiFunctions::AiGenerateTextInternal<false>(
ctx, openai_endpoint, prompt, model, jceks_secret, valid_json_params, dry_run);
EXPECT_EQ(string(reinterpret_cast<char*>(result.ptr), result.len),
"\nContent-Type: application/json"
"\nAuthorization: Bearer do_not_share"
// messages cannot be overriden, as they we constructed from the prompt.
StringVal forbidden_msg_override(
"{\"messages\": [{\"role\":\"system\",\"content\":\"howdy!\"}]}");
result = AiFunctions::AiGenerateTextInternal<false>(
ctx, openai_endpoint, prompt, model, jceks_secret, forbidden_msg_override, dry_run);
EXPECT_EQ(string(reinterpret_cast<char*>(result.ptr), result.len),
// 'n != 1' cannot be overriden as additional params
StringVal forbidden_n_value("{\"n\": 2}");
result = AiFunctions::AiGenerateTextInternal<false>(
ctx, openai_endpoint, prompt, model, jceks_secret, forbidden_n_value, dry_run);
EXPECT_EQ(string(reinterpret_cast<char*>(result.ptr), result.len),
// non integer value of 'n' cannot be overriden as additional params
StringVal forbidden_n_type("{\"n\": \"1\"}");
result = AiFunctions::AiGenerateTextInternal<false>(
ctx, openai_endpoint, prompt, model, jceks_secret, forbidden_n_type, dry_run);
EXPECT_EQ(string(reinterpret_cast<char*>(result.ptr), result.len),
// accept 'n=1' override as additional params
StringVal allowed_n_override("{\"n\": 1}");
result = AiFunctions::AiGenerateTextInternal<false>(
ctx, openai_endpoint, prompt, model, jceks_secret, allowed_n_override, dry_run);
EXPECT_EQ(string(reinterpret_cast<char*>(result.ptr), result.len),
"\nContent-Type: application/json"
"\nAuthorization: Bearer do_not_share"
// Test flag file options are used when input is empty/null
result = AiFunctions::AiGenerateTextInternal<false>(ctx, StringVal::null(), prompt,
StringVal::null(), jceks_secret, json_params, dry_run);
EXPECT_EQ(string(reinterpret_cast<char*>(result.ptr), result.len),
"\nContent-Type: application/json"
"\nAuthorization: Bearer do_not_share"
result = AiFunctions::AiGenerateTextInternal<false>(
ctx, StringVal(""), prompt, StringVal(""), jceks_secret, json_params, dry_run);
EXPECT_EQ(string(reinterpret_cast<char*>(result.ptr), result.len),
"\nContent-Type: application/json"
"\nAuthorization: Bearer do_not_share"
// Test OPEN AI's API response parsing
string content(
"A null-terminated string is a character string in a programming "
"language like C and C++ that ends with a null character (\'\\\\0\') . This "
"character represents the end of the string and is used to determine the "
"conclusion of the text. Essentially, it is a sequence of characters "
"followed by a null byte.");
std::ostringstream response;
response << "{\"id\": \"chatcmpl-9CGu8eeg1WKbKXGaNrCyHE38mQX90\","
<< "\"object\": \"chat.completion\","
<< "\"created\": 1712711944,"
<< "\"model\": \"gpt-4-0613\","
<< "\"choices\": ["
<< "{"
<< "\"index\": 0,"
<< "\"message\": {"
<< "\"role\": \"assistant\","
<< "\"content\": " << "\"" << content << "\""
<< "},"
<< "\"logprobs\": null,"
<< "\"finish_reason\": \"stop\""
<< "}"
<< "],"
<< "\"usage\": {"
<< "\"prompt_tokens\": 13,"
<< "\"completion_tokens\": 60,"
<< "\"total_tokens\": 73"
<< "},"
<< "\"system_fingerprint\": null}";
std::string_view res = AiFunctions::AiGenerateTextParseOpenAiResponse(response.str());
string from_null("(\'\\\\0\')");
string to_null("(\'\\0\')");
size_t pos = content.find(from_null);
content.replace(pos, from_null.length(), to_null);
EXPECT_EQ(string(res), content);
// resource cleanup
} // namespace impala
INSTANTIATE_TEST_CASE_P(Instantiations, ExprTest, ::testing::Values(
// disable_codegen enable_expr_rewrites
std::make_tuple(true, false),
std::make_tuple(false, false),
std::make_tuple(true, true)));
// Note: the false/true case is not tested because it provides very little
// incremental coverage but adds a lot to test runtime (this test is quite
// slow when codegen is enabled).
// Mostly we get the best backend codegened/interpreted coverage from running
// the unmodified (i.e. more complex) expr trees enabled. Running the trees
// in interpreted mode should be enough to validate correctness of the
// rewrites. So enabling the remaining combination might provide some
// additional incidental coverage from codegening some additional expr tree
// shapes but mostly it isn't that interesting since the majority of
// expressions get folded to a constant anyway.